Robin & Stone #5 August 28 - November 22, 1995:  8 hour original edit

DVD #5A  Robin phones Stone, whose vision seems to have stabilized under the influence of the new AIDS drugs.  He wants to see her and she explains about having a sore throat, etc.  Stone is upset, he's scared that this is the begining of AIDS for her. He insists that Robin tell Mac about being sick. She says she'll tell him tomorrow. Mac returns home later on to find Robin in bed.  He asks her why she's not working at the Charles Street Foundation.  She lamely replies that she's taking a day off.  Mac spies the antibiotics and Robin explains that she's got a sore throat.  "It's not what you're thinking" she tells worried Mac.  "Probably not" he agrees.

Stone goes to Alan's office to ask him directly, he finds Mac there with the same questions. Mac fills Stone in on what he learned but that they all have to wait until the HIV test results come back before they can breathe easy. In a touching conversation with Mac, Stone lays his emotions bare to Mac about how he feels about Robin. Stone admits to Mac that he feels like Robin's executioner and is consumed with guilt about what he might have done. In his grief, he pours out his fear to Mac who for the first time is touched by Stone who starts to cry. Wordlessly, Mac embraces him and Stone cries into his shoulder.

8/29 Sonny visits Stone. Stone wants to know how much the whole thing is costing. Sonny is quiet but Stone insists, so far it his medical bills are up to $30,000. Stone wants it to stop. Sonny insists on providing the finances. Lucy walks in and Sonny leaves. Lucy and Stone talk about friendship. Back at the club, Harry walks in and we learn that Sonny has a clean money flow problem. Harry has a couple of ways of getting the money to pay Stone’s bill, but it can't really be done prudently. They need some way of showing where the money came from. Sonny says just do it. Jason visits Robin and comforts her as she waits for her test results. He tells her he was foolish for not taking her when he had the chance four years ago. They exchange a peck.

8/30 Mac is concerned as Robin starts to cry and drops the phone as she gets the test results from Alan (which we don't hear). When Mac picks up the phone and talks to Alan he learns Robin is still HIV negative. He breathes a sigh of relief as tears start to well up in his eyes. Robin agrees to let Alan tell Kevin but she wants to tell Stone herself. Robin sobs in Mac's arms.  Robin is still fearful of what might happen when she is tested again in two months but Mac encourages her not to live in fear. Robin realizes she needs to take a dose of the positive thinking medicine she's been pushing on Stone.  

Back at GH, Stone vents to Amy about the wait to hear of Robin's test results. Robin calls Stone and gives him the good news. He is relieved that so far it looks like he hasn't given her the virus. Stone wants to see her but only 18 1/2 of the required 24 hours has passed by. Later with just 10 minutes left, Robin arrives to see Stone and Robin holds him as the scene fades.

9/4 Tony is telling Robin and Stone a story about a snake in the basement of the Brownstone. Tony leaves and Robin walks out with him to stretch his legs. Robin asks Tony to contribute something to Stone's memory book. Mac surprises Robin by bringing Stone a rib dinner from the Outback. Mac then leaves and Stone hugs Robin.

9/6 Alan arrives with the good news for Stone and Robin that Stone can be released from the hospital. But first Stone has to decide between outpatient infusion treatments and a dozen more large pills a day. To save time traveling and waiting Stone opts for the pills. Once home, Robin helps him settle and they are visited by Mike who welcomes Stone home. Mike is holding a model airplane he's putting together. Stone remembers seeing radio-controlled model in the hobby shop when he was on the street. Mike gets the brilliant idea to put one together with Stone. When Stone airs some reservations about time, Mike vows they'll do it as fast a possible. Stone wants to set a record. Sonny returns with jangling keys. Turns out he's been by his real estate agent's office and has picked up the keys to their new digs, Commissioner Donely's previous penthouse.

9/8 Sonny shows Luke, Robin, and Stone the new penthouse. Robin points out none too subtly that it has a WSB installed security system should that be needed. Robin and Stone moose around and reminisce about his old room at the club.

Kevin and Lucy throw a party for Stone. Lucy gives a toast to Stone. Stone thanks everyone for their love and support especially Robin and Sonny, and with a touch of dark humor adds that his wish is that by the time they throw his wake, everyone could stand to be in the same room together. Mac watches as Stone emotionally embraces Sonny.

9/13 At Sonny's apartment, AJ and Jason are moving Stone's stuff under the direction of Robin.  With Robin's comment that all that will be left behind are memories, Sonny thinks he sees Brenda popping up all over the apartment.  Downstairs, when Robin passes by Luke and Mike, Luke learns about the memory book for Stone and agrees to come up with something for it. 

In Stone's new room, it's time for his pill regimen however AJ is disturbed and slinks off to a couch as Robin and Jason give Stone encouragement. AJ expresses the idea he would commit suicide but Stone points out he's been there and just wants to continue living for as long as he can.

9/14-9/15 At Kelly's, Stone gives Jason "Interview with a Vampire", the first book he's read on his own. Stone is at Kelly’s to give Brenda a message from Sonny. Stone tells Brenda there's some boxes of hers to be picked up since they moved. Stone goes with Brenda to pick up some things at Sonny's old place, he comforts her. 

Stone tries to talk Sonny into making up with Brenda because both of them are miserable and Stone knows Sonny would be happier if everything was back to "normal". Stone suggests that Sonny knows he's wrong about Brenda but doesn't want to be the one to back down. Sonny reacts strongly and tells Stone to tell Brenda to get over it. Sonny says he's gotten on with his own life and Brenda should get on with hers. Stone persists and says that before he dies, he wants to "give Brenda back to you the way it was". Sonny advises him that he's wasting his time.

9/18 Stone tries to talk Sonny into making up with Brenda because both of them are miserable and Stone knows Sonny would be happier if everything was back to "normal". Stone suggests that Sonny knows he's wrong about Brenda but doesn't want to be the one to back down. Sonny reacts strongly and tells Stone to tell Brenda to get over it.  Sonny says he's gotten on with his own life and Brenda should get on with hers. Stone persists and says that before he dies, he wants to "give Brenda back to you the way it was". Sonny advises him that he's wasting his time.  

Stone talks to Luke about his peace-making plans for Brenda and Sonny. Luke is skeptical about getting them together again. Luke changes the subject and asks Stone what he really wants to do (inferred "before you die"). Stone decides he always wanted to bungy jump off a building at night. Luke says "cool" and let's do it! Luke borrows some bungy jumping equipment and they depart for they adventure.  After Stone jumps, he is really pumped up afterwards and Luke is pleased that he could do something for the kid. Then Robin and Stone and Brenda and Miguel make a huge sundae at Ruby's. 

9/20 Stone is still flying as he works his way down his wish list. However for one item he needs Sonny's help. Stone wants to give Robin a ring, not an engagement ring, but something tangible she'll have after Stone's gone. Off to the jewelers they go. Before Stone looks at rings Sonny tells a sad story of going with his mother to window shop and how his mother was unable to afford a cameo ring she really liked and how once Sonny started working for Scully and had money the ring was gone. Stone wants to limit how much he spends so he can give some of his money to Sonny for medical bills but Sonny wants no part of Stone's money. Paying for Stone's treatment is the only thing Sonny can do. With that Stone looks for a ring. He finds nothing until the jeweler shows him a tray of antique rings. There's a cameo ring that's just perfect. but it is too expensive. Sonny nods to the jeweler who informs Stone that whole tray is half off. Sonny is touched that Stone picked out the cameo ring. Stone heads off to meet Robin at the Outback. Stone talks about time and timeless things, and then gives Robin the ring and slips it on her finger. Stone tells Robin a happy ending version of Sonny's story when Robin wishes she had some information about the history of the ring. 

9/21 Stone wants to help Alan with his AIDS education program.   The gang go on a night picnic and Stone walks on stilts. 

9/22 Stone brings some publicity photos over to Mary Mae at the Ward House for her approval. While there, he chats with John Hanley. John Hanley tells Stone about losing his lover to AIDS and how he came to be working at the Ward House which he says helps him as much as them. Alan presents Stone to speak to a class of kids (which includes Emily) about how he got AIDS. When one of the girls says her boyfriend won't wear a condom, Stone suggests she take control of her own life. The boyfriend takes umbrage with this advice and confronts Stone. Alan has to intervene before they come to blows and escorts the teenager out of the room, leaving Stone to openly question the class, "Doesn't anyone get it?"

9/25 Alan tells Stone that his T-cell count is in the 50s, even lower than when the he was first diagnosed. There are some other medicines they could try on him, but it would mean intravenous drips and that means Stone would have to come to the hospital every day. Stone seeks out Robin, who agrees that life isn't fair. Then Stone says he's decided to tell Jagger. Robin hands him a phone. Stone calls Jagger and asks him to come visit, he tells him that he needs to see him right away. 

9/28 Robin asks Mac about his plans for the evening? Is he going to the concert with Norma? Mac says no, uh, Norma is really Kevin. Robin asks, incredulously, "Uncle Mac, what have you gotten yourself into?" Mac finishes explaining about Norma and Eve to Robin. She's amused.But when she finds out Mac's going to the concert with Katherine, she disapproves. Now he's amused, look how the tables have turned! He good-naturedly quotes her back to herself, "Live with it!"  She rolls her eyes and laughs.

During a concert in the park, Stone sees a guy with advanced AIDS who is very frail and he freaks at the thought of that happening to him. Stone sits on a park bench, crying. Robin finds him. He tells her to go back to the concert, she won't. "Did you see him?" he cries, referring to the ill man in the park. "He has it!  He's so weak and frail! I don't want that!"  Robin tries to comfort him. She says she loves him and all anybody has is love, that's all it's about.  They snuggle on the bench. Robin says he'll feel better when Jagger comes.

9/29 Stone tells Brenda that Jagger and Karen are coming to PC and will be staying at Kelly's. Stone tells Lois he's afraid of Jagger's reaction to the news that he has AIDS. At Kelly's, Stone and Robin wait anxiously for the arrival of Jagger and Karen. Eventually, the couple arrive to hugs and kisses all around.

10/2 Karen and Jagger catch up with Robin and Stone at Kelly’s. Stone asks Jagger to talk to him alone. In a very emotional scene, Stone breaks down when he tells Jagger that he has AIDS. Jagger is loving, supportive, and non-judgmental much to Stone's relief. Jagger offers to move back to PC to be with him, but Stone turns him down. He says he doesn't want to screw up everybody's life. Downstairs, Robin quizzes Karen about married life. Stone and Jagger tell Karen together. Jagger thinks Stone should tell Gina. Stone does not want them to uproot their lives to stay in PC and he does not want to go to Chicago. 

10/3 Stone gets back from his meeting with Jagger and Karen and fills Sonny in. He says that Jagger was very nice and wanted Stone to move to Chicago. Sonny gets a worried look on his face but Stone tells him he is staying put. Stone is exhausted by the ordeal and goes to bed. 

10/5 At Kelly's, Robin and Karen are discussing Stone and AIDS, and Brenda comes in.  She lies, "it's good to see you!".  Karen finds out that Sonny and Brenda broke up but Brenda does not want to get into why. She points out that there are a lot more important things to think about. Ruby rushes to defuse any feuding, but Karen and Brenda agree that old stuff isn't important.  Robin looks pensively out the window while Karen and Brenda catch up.

Jagger and Stone are at the docks, talking. Jagger questions why Stone waited so long to tell him that he had AIDS. Jagger had plans to come back to Port Charles when he made detective and get the family together. Stone points out they're all grown and have families of their own now. Stone says, "Looks like we'll have to find a Plan B in a hurry." Jagger is still blaming himself for not keeping them together when he was 12. He didn't do his job right. Stone stops Jagger from blaming himself. Stone suggests that they pretend to have worked it all out and go from there, and Jagger says, "That's your problem, you've always had a lousy work ethic."  

They head into Kelly's, where Brenda sees Jagger and they hug. Karen makes an excuse to leave them alone. Jagger thanks Brenda for being a good friend to Stone, and she tells him about the dyslexia and how he's learned to read. Brenda feels really humiliated but she defends Sonny's love for Stone. Karen and Jagger leave, he had to pull lots of strings to get this much leave. Stone watches through the glass as Jagger is torn about leaving.

10/6 Stone and Sonny discuss Sonny's growing relationship with Lily then talk briefly about Jagger's visit. Stone puts in a call to his sister Gina. Things start off badly when she asks if he's still with the mob guy; however, eventually she agrees to come over to the new penthouse for a visit. Gina arrives at Stone's penthouse. She says she's glad he called her.  He tells her Jagger visited, but only for one night. He wasn't planning to call her; however, Jagger convinced him he should and was right.  When he finally breaks the news about his having AIDS, she takes it very badly and basically says she wants no part of it or him. She asserts she wasn't involved with his life when he was healthy so why now? As she leaves, Robin who overheard much of the conversation confronts her. Robin tears into Gina about her attitude towards Stone and tells her someday maybe she'll need compassion but not get it.  Gina just rushes off.

10/13 Both Robin and Stone are surprised by the party. Stone is given a memory book of letters, everyone reads theirs. Mac writes Stone a great letter. 

10/16 Stone bounds through the penthouse door and questions Sonny about his bruised face. Sonny explains what happened between him and Ned. He asks if Stone had a good time at the party. Stone had a great time, and the memory book blew him away. People said things in the book that he had no idea about. Sonny can't believe he would be surprised. Stone relates how it's different, expressing on paper something you couldn't say face to face, the power of the written word can say really heavy things quietly, with impact. 

Stone's getting too intellectual for Sonny. They laugh, the party was great, but Stone felt bad for AJ, he got a raw deal, Sonny doesn't agree. When did Stone and AJ become such good friends Sonny wonders."AJ not so bad, his jerk potential aside, he got a bum rap."  He's a Q, Sonny tells him, he'll survive. Stone inquires if Sonny going to the NY concert. Of course, Sonny tells him.  Stone's surprised, he isn't going to cause trouble is he? Miguel is his product. Artist Stone corrects him.  onny has every right to enjoy the perks, women love that. 

Knock at the door, it's Lily. She's come bearing muffins for Stone (Ruby baked them). Stone comments on how  women love to mother him. Sonny wonders is she brought any for him. The last one's for Stone Lily tells him (and Stone's not sharing). Stone heads to his room.

10/17 Stone and Robin are discussing the memory book.  Stone asks how she managed to get all of the letters and poems, and Robin teases that she had to threaten and bribe people. He can't thank her enough. She tells him that the look on his face while he reads it is thanks enough; he looks "loved." He finds it all hard to believe. He's read them all, except for one, the one from Mac. Robin encourages Stone to read the letter from Mac. If he had anything negative to say, he wouldn't have put it in, and she assures him there's nothing between the lines.  

The letter goes something like this, "When you first came into Robin's life, I was so upset that I'd stay up late at night gnashing my teeth, but as long as I was up, I started to think about the kind of man I'd like to see with Robin, if I had a choice. He would think of her before himself, commit himself to loving and understanding her, respect her intellectual gifts, bring valuable things from his own life to the relationship, be unconventional but understand the social contract, have a wide diversity of friends, be loyal to them, have humor, courage and then I realized that the guy sounded a lot like you. Oh, I forgot one thing, he would think I was really smart and indescribably cool. "  Stone laughs and is so pleased.  He wants to go speak to Mac and thank him by himself.

Stone, at the Outback, tells Mac how much the letter meant to him. He was so surprised. Mac says he was surprised at what came out, too. He's sorry he didn't say it all sooner. The two imagine what it would be like if they'd always gotten along. Stone says that he can picture what Mac's vision of the future would have been a few months back, and PRESTO, a fantasy of a grey-haired Mac receiving a visit from Stone, a pregant Robin, two gun-wielding bodyguards, and six or so small children, all dressed in black, with the Godfather theme song as accompaniment. Stone kisses, "Uncle Mac" on both cheeks, so does one of the young boys, who whispers, "Be nice to my daddy, or I'll break your legs!"

Coming out of the fantasy, the two laugh. Mac assures him that his fantasy was entirely different: A fresh-faced Robin and Stone come in, and Mac congratulates Stone for being the first Tony award winner from Port Charles and for Shakespeare, too (You always made a great Romeo, he says) And Robin's a Shakespeare professor at Yale. They're going off to work for the Royal Shakespeare Company, Mac as actor, Robin as consultant. They have other news, too. She's pregnant.  

As the second fantasy ends, Mac and Stone smile, but realize it's not the future that counts. It's the present. Stone is sitting with Felicia when she suddenly shouts. Stone has fallen off his chair and is having a seizure! Mac shouts for Felicia to call 911 as he cradles Stone's head. It's bloody because he hit his head on the floor when he fell, and Felicia cautions Mac, who asks someone to get bleach from his office as a precaution. He tells Stone to hang in. He's still in seizure, and Felicia tells 911 to send an ambulance fast! 

At GH, Steve cleans Stone’s blood off from Mac and warns him that he took quite a chance. Mac says that Stone needed help, by the time Mac realized that Stone was bleeding it was too late for him to step away, and Mac didn’t want to anyway. Mac tells Alan that Stone’s seizure came out of the blue. Mac worriedly asks what is wrong with Stone?

DVD #5B  10/18 Stone is frustrated with the numbness of his right arm, right leg and the right side of his face. Alan tries to tell him that it's residual affects of the seizure and that Alan doesn't know the immediate cause of Stone's seizure. It could be one of the medications. They're running a few tests and when they know something they'll let Stone know. As Stone thanks Mac, Robin arrives and is upset to hear about Mac getting Stone's blood all over his hands but Mac tells her to worry about Stone. Mac excuses himself. Stone is frustrated that he can't feel Robin's hand holding his. Stone is ready to give up the fight. 

Lois is half in the room as Sonny gives Stone a moving "Rocky" speech and reminds Stone of all the people in Stone's corner. Once the "Rocky" speech is over Lois comes all the way in and Stone apologizes for making her have to replace him and for the money spent on his plane ticket. Lois lets him know he's not replaceable and once he's up and around again his job will be waiting for him. 

10/19 Alan tells Stone he has a brain infection. Stone faces the reality of impending death. Stone is of the "shoot me now" school, which upsets Robin. Amy tells Robin about a blind date she had where he washed in the finger bowl. Amy's going to places where they have finger bowls? Luke comes in and he and Robin talk. She understands how Mac must feel when Stone bled on him, she was mad at Stone. She's worrying about Mac.

10/23 In Stone's room, Miguel arrives to spread the news about his departure. He promises Stone to sing his song at every stop on the tour. It's not said, but everyone realizes this is the last time Stone and Miguel will see each other. Robin cries. Robin goes back to Stone's room. He bites her head off and snipes at every little comment she makes. It's the steroids affecting his mood, making him mean. She leaves and runs into Tony. She tells him about Stone's mood swings and anger. He tells her it's the drugs. Later, he apologizes profusely for ragging on her earlier. She tells him it was just the drugs. Then they hug and cry some more.

10/24 Robin is hanging around a war weary Stone in his hospital room. Much to his dismay, there is a knock on the door. Mary Mae comes in bearing a gift of food. She can tell this is a bad time. Robin tries to cover but Mary Mae is okay with leaving. Stone feels slightly guilty and engages Mary Mae in a conversation about whether or not to just end it all. Mary Mae says when she was all the way down it was still with her that there was something to living.

10/25 Alan visits Stone's room with test results that show Stone does not have toxo so it isn't a brain infection. Alan is baffled as to what has caused Stone's seizures. Stone rages at Alan for putting him on steroids for no good reason. Alan tries to point out if it had been toxo, an aggressive treatment with steroids couldn't have waited. Robin is frightened as Stone has another seizure. 

Tony's recommendation is a brain biopsy. The good news is the steroids will also be stopped, the bad news is Stone will have to have a haircut. Tony explains the procedure, Stone gives his consent and Tony will schedule surgery for the next morning. Stone is much happier without the steroids, in fact he's nearly punchy. Robin has brought scissors preparing for the surgery tomorrow, which Tony has set up with their "top resident" Dr. Dornan. Sonny finds out why the surgery is necessary. Cute montage as Stone and Robin cut his hair with "Changes" playing in the background. 

Stone is visited by Sonny. He had brain biopsy but we won't know the results until the next day. Brenda pops in to visit him and Sonny starts to leave. Stone begs the two of them to not be so angry with each other, at least in his presence. They agree. Later on at Luke's Club, Sonny admits to Luke that he's been angry for so long, he doesn't quite know how to be "not-angry".

In Stone's room, Robin and Sonny are keeping him company. The three docs come in and Stone tells right away that the news isn’t good. The docs tell him he has malignant Lymphoma. Stone has done some studying and knows that this means. There is no cure and the only treatment has vicious side effects. Stone says that's it, he his out of there. Sonny asks how long will Stone survive without treatment and they are told that he would have about 3-6 weeks to live. Is there a cure out there? The answer is no. Is Stone right to check out of treatment? They agree. The Docs leave. Robin is crushed and tries to Stone into treatment. Sonny is upset and leaves the room. 

Stone argues with Robin and presses home the point that he is better off being lucid and with the people he likes then drugged out and in pain anyway. Robin accepts this and goes to check on Sonny. He is in the hallway, sobbing. He tells Robin that he will go out to make Stone comfy and that Robin has an open invitation. They go back into the room and are surprised to see Stone dressing. He says he is going to Maxie's party. Robin is startled, but Sonny says, "Why not?" Besides, What kind of trouble could Stone get into anyway. They sneak out. 

Maxie was born on Halloween, so everyone arrives in costume for her birthday party. Felicia is a mermaid, Tony is a skeleton, Bobbie is a witch, Mac and Kevin are detectives Holmes & Watson. Bobbie tells Stone to let her know if there is anything she can do to make him more comfortable at home. Maxie is concerned about how Stone lost his hair? She asks her mom if Stone is going to die? Felicia responds honestly, "yes". Maxie with tears in her eyes asks if she can give Stone her guardian pumpkin. Her mom agrees.

Sonny tells Luke about Stone's diagnosis. Luke complains about what an ugly disease it is and no one should have to go through this. Sonny feels like there should be something more he could do for Stone. Luke assures him he has done everything, and he remembers the night Stone went bungy jumping off the bridge and the joy they shared that night, that he will never forget it. Sonny thanks him for that. Luke asks what happens now? Sonny says that Stone is refusing treatment and Sonny will take him home. He promises he will do whatever he can to make Stone's last few weeks as good as possible. Mike comes up and tells Sonny how sorry he is. Sonny tells Luke that he has to go back to GH to pick up Stone's things as he bailed to go to the party. Luke offers that if the kid wants a party, how about if they take Luke's Club to the penthouse one night and really rock the place. Sonny likes the idea.

Robin comes down from putting Stone to sleep. Sonny tells her that he and Stone were up all night playing 'remember when' because Stone is worried about losing his memory. He then tells her that he won't be going to Philly for Mary Mae's gig. Robin says that if he doesn't go Stone will feel even worse if he believes that Sonny isn't going because of him. Sonny points out that she passed up on Yale because of Stone. She argues that is for a whole semester, this is for just one night. He teases her that she is turning into one pushy broad. She tells him that it would be good for Stone for him to go, that it would make Stone feel less sick if Sonny goes even for just one night rather than everyone sitting around counting the hours till he dies. Sonny says it just doesn't feel right. Robin asks if it is because Brenda will be there? He insists not though Robin doesn't seem to believe him. 

She surprises him when she admits that she used to be so scared of him, well maybe intimidated by him. She reminisces about the night they had dinner together, and he made pasta, and she snuck drinks of wine and got pulled over on a DUI on the way home. She sadly says that it is getting harder every day. He tells her that he feels like there is something he should have done for Stone. Robin reminds him of everything he has done for Stone. She says that when her parents died it was sudden and at least with Stone she has the chance to say goodbye though she says it will be a horrible day. 

Sonny tells her how much Stone enjoys the memory book and he will ask Sonny to read letters from it, and mentions the letter from Felicia about how Robin has grown up and that is an understatement and gives her a proud kiss on the forehead. He says that when he found out Stone was sick that he knew it would get hard but he wishes that he didn't already feel like he was in mourning. Robin says that he doesn't act like it around Stone, that she is in awe of Sonny, that he knows how to make Stone laugh and he is wonderful to him, and he doesn't let Stone get away with anything. Lily arrives with chicken pot pies. Robin thanks her as Stone hasn't felt much like eating and this might do the trick. Lily says she just wishes she could do more.

Brenda stops by the penthouse to visit Stone. When Robin tries to explain where Sonny is, Brenda figures out he's with Lily. Robin lets Brenda know she understands how Brenda could fall in love with Sonny as Robin has seen Sonny's big heart. Robin also thinks she understands why Sonny pushed Brenda away. Like Stone, who worries about putting/having put Robin at risk, Robin thinks Sonny pushed Brenda away to keep her safe. Upstairs Brenda admits to Stone that she's going to have a hard time without him. Stone gets Brenda to promise to always take care of Robin and as they hug Sonny returns with some Cherry Garcia ice cream. With Brenda there he makes himself scarce downstairs. 

Before Brenda leaves, Stone has something to say to her. He knows she and Sonny still love each other. Stone sees Sonny's friendship with Lily as one that happened because Sonny and Lily are alike and because Lily's been there for Sonny when he needed support. Stone figures neither Sonny or Brenda wants to make the first move towards each other. Once Stone is gone, there will be cracks in the wall that Sonny and Brenda have built between each other. Stone hopes that Brenda will reach through those cracks once he is gone. Stone really wants them together and figures when he's gone the opportunity will be there. When Brenda comes downstairs to leave, she tries to talk to Sonny but he stops her. He can't handle what's going on with Stone, let alone anything else. 

Robin asks Stone, "What are we going to do today?" and he says he's already accomplished a lot, he got up, he got dressed, he kept breakfast down. She suggests a walk or a drive, and he asks her to read to him while he considers his options. She asks which book, Sherlock Holmes, Oliver Twist, or The Old Man in the Sea, and he says "let's go with the kid." She checks where they were, and Stone says "the old guy just pulled him from the street after the other guy sprung him from the tank, kinda like me and Sonny." She reads a few minutes and then explains it's getting sad, but it will get better. He admires her reading and says how much the kids will like it. What kids? Maxie and Lucas? No, Stone explains, "our kids." They head off into "let's pretend" land with daughter Anna and son Michael? Nope, too many Michael's. Jason? How about Sonny? Uncle Mac would hate that, so make it Sonny Malcolm. Anna is five and Sonny Mac is three because Stone wants him to have a girl to clear his path the way she did for him. 

Will they live in the country with a horse? Stone asks "What's a horse?" and they decide to have a country house and a city one. They can afford it because Stone will have taken over Sonny's business and Robin will be a respected professor at Yale. Not to forget the Porsche, the only conspicuous consumption they will have. Sonny comes in as they are discussing having a red bedroom and tells them that he is going to Philly with Lily. Robin and Stone kiss. Is that enough? Robin says "there are never enough kisses, even if we have all the time in the world." Stone tells her to get tested again. He talks about her going on with her life. He'll always be with her. Robin says "We keep the people we love, whole, in our hearts and in our heads."

Stone and Robin await her test results. She claims not to be worried and to mollify Stone she calls Alan for the news; no news yet. Later that day, while Stone is upstairs sleeping, Robin answers the door and finds Alan on the doorstep. He comes in and gives her the bad news: her test is positive for HIV. An angry Robin declares that there must be a mistake. Alan gently tries to counsel her but she's far too upset. She doesn't know if she can be honest with Stone and tell him the test results. Robin is in supreme denial over Alan's diagnosis that she's HIV+. She thanks Alan for stopping by and after offering a hug and his continuing support, he leaves. Then she breaks down and the tears start flowing. 

While Robin is sitting on the couch, still crying and contemplating the ring Stone gave her, Stone comes downstairs. He tells her about a dream he had, about the two of them going over a waterfall together, and a yellow fish and a blue fish talking to each other. He woke up and realized the fish voices were downstairs; he had heard Robin talking to someone and wants to know who it was. He tells her it was Mary Mae's music. Stone tells her about a gym dream he had. Alan, Sonny, Brenda and Mary Mae are all at the gym pumping iron. Stone is watching Robin on a bike, realizing her inner strength. Stone goes back upstairs and Robin starts tearing up again. 

She cries out for her mom's help. Robin's crying and desperately wants her mom. From behind, we see Anna putting her arms around Robin to comfort her. Anna says that she loves her. Robin tells her she loves her too and she loves Stone, that falling in love with him was the most wonderful thing in her life. She doesn't understand how it turned out like this? Anna assures her that it is not over. Robin cries that it is almost over for Stone and now she is faced with telling him that she has the virus. She admits that it is her own fault that she knew about protection but she was just so in love with him that she didn't think. Anna says she can't blame Robin. She responds that she just doesn't want Anna to blame Stone or be made at him, that he makes her so happy and she is better because of him. Anna assures her that she loves Stone, of course when someone adores your child that she thinks that person is special. Robin wishes she could know Stone, that she would be good for him. 

Anna says that he has found his soul mate and he has good friends and he knows he is loved and he doesn't need Anna but Robin does. Robin admits how scared she is and begs her mother to make it go away. Anna wishes she could keep her daughter safe and fight this for her. Robin admires that no one is as brave as Anna and she always made Robin feel safe. Robin suggests that maybe she wants to die and then she would be with Anna. Her mom assures her that she is with her all the time and underneath the tears she knows that Robin has a blazing will to leave and that will be her secret weapon. 

Anna assures her that she makes good choice and to trust herself. Anna comments that Robin has always behaved with honor and that has made Ann very proud and she rather likes the fact that Robin is such a stunning young woman. She notices Robin's ring. Robin tells her that Stone gave it to her, and it feels like a part of her, that he gave it to her so that she would never forget him. She wonders who will never forget her after he is gone? Anna predicts she will become a teacher and make a difference in the world. Anna promises her that she will live a long long time and that she will always be loved. The vision of Anna is gone and Robin curls up on the couch.

Kevin tries to assure Robin that her reactions which she calls denial are normal. He also tries to assure her she's not on the same road as Stone. She doesn't have full-blown AIDS like Stone did when he found out he was HIV+. He courages her to come to terms with her diagnosis so she can do the right things for herself. Kevin also suggests she tell Mac, not because Mac needs to know but because she needs Mac. He also poses the big question before Robin, whether or not to tell Stone and suggests that she could use Mac's advice. Before he leaves Kevin reminds Robin of all who love her, but especially Mac and encourages her to let Mac be a part of this from the start. 

A little while later Robin says, "Daddy I'm so scared" and Robert appears, replying "Why shouldn't you be." She's not scared of being HIV+ (well she is terrified) but is afraid of telling Mac and hurting him as Mac has felt like he's let Robert down. Robert then gets Robin to consider what it would be like if she withheld the information from Mac now, only for him to find out down the road. Robin realizes Mac will feel even more that he's let Robert down. They agree there is no easy way or right way to do it. Robert sits down beside her as he reminds her he and Anna taught Robin to value truth and honesty. When Robert calls her brave Robin doesn't feel brave so Robert talks about the different kinds of courage, especially the courage to do what is right and the courage to support others. Robert feels Mac hasn't failed him and will do right by Robin. He encourages Robin to trust Mac. Robert kisses Robin and walks off towards the terrace doors and is gone.

Robin calls Mac at the Outback and he hightails it over to the penthouse. She tells Mac that he is there because of her not Stone they. Robin manages to tell Mac why she had Alan give her another HIV test and that she's HIV+. Mac is clearly stunned but it's only a moment before he gathers her in his arms. Robin's sorry but Mac won't blame anyone, not her and not Stone. He loves her. What's happened has happened. He points out that she and Mac are luckier than Stone who didn't have any of the advantages she has. Love and care. She has time, love, strength and courage. 

Robin has doubts but Mac doesn't because she has him and he promises he will never let her down. Robin now wants Mac's help. Should she tell Stone the truth? Robin is concerned about hurting Stone but also can't see herself lying to him and tiptoeing around the truth. When Robin talks of no lies between her and Stone so far, Mac points out that may be her answer. She should think about it but do what her heart tells her is right. Whatever her decision Mac will be there to help her. As Mac and Robin hold each other again Robert is seen watching them.

Sonny and Robin are watching over Stone, all three asleep. Stone wakes up and is a bit ditzy: he's worried about getting "downstairs" to work at Luke's on time. Robin, concerned, goes to call Tony, and is informed that this is a common side effect of lymphoma. They are to talk to him and he'll come back. So she reminds Stone of their dream farmhouse, which confuses him. Sonny sends her off and tells Stone that Luke called and doesn't need him today. And besides, that's labor unworthy of him, he's going to be a big wheel record executive, and what kind of car would be fitting? Mac comes to see Robin, and asks about Stone. He hugs Robin and asks, "Are you holding on okay?" 

"I'm holding on for dear life", she replies. When she's gone back to a sleeping Stone, Mac asks, "Robbie, where are you when I need you?" Robert appears and says, "I'm right here." Robert and Mac discuss that Mac has not failed, that Robin is a lovely young lady, that Mac is still needed. Revitalized, Mac goes in and spells Sonny, telling him to go get some rest. They bond on some level, both with sick people they love. Mac sits vigil over Stone while Robin and Stone get some much needed rest. Stone awakens and tells Mac he knows it will be over soon, but he's not ready. 

A more lucid Stone asks Robin directly about her HIV test results, and she tells him them truth that she's HIV+. He is devastated by the news though she tries to paint a rosier picture saying she's very healthy. Mac visits Sonny and tells him about Robin's being HIV+. Sonny is agonized over the news. The two bond oddly over their common grief. Robin enters and embraces Sonny. Mac tells Stone that he (Mac) was wrong to blame him about Robin, and he wants Stone to give himself and Robin a break and to not let the virus be all that's left. Mac helps talk Stone thru it. As Mac leaves, he grasps a grieving Sonny's shoulder in a sign of compassion. Robin asks Sonny to tell Brenda and Luke about her HIV+ status. Robin asks Sonny to tell Brenda, this results in the first real softening between them since the breakup. 

Sonny shows up and the gatehouse and tells Brenda, "There's no easy way to say this, Robin's HIV postive." Brenda's eyes start to well up, and she shakes her head again and again. "No, she's not! No, she is not!" He puts his hands on her arms then catches her as she starts to faint. "No, she's not!" she protests again, and he hugs her close as she cries. "Oh, my God, not Robin!"

"We'll take care of her" he tries to interject. "No, not Robin," she repeats as her tears flow. Sonny doesn't know what to say to console her. They sit opposite each other quietly, and she says, "I'm sorry if I'm making this difficult for you." "It's not about me, Brenda." She thanks him for coming and telling her himself. "It would have been so much worse coming from somebody else." 

"I guess that's what Robin figured," he says. She shudders, and he says, "No, don't start imagining things. It doesn't have to be like it was for Stone." Brenda leans forward, as if she's nauseous, and he leans over and kisses her on the top of her head. He tells her, "Robin believes she'll live a long time. She said that there are people who've lived with HIV as almost as long as she's been alive. If she can hang on to that thought, so can we." Brenda nods. Brenda and Sonny are standing, and Brenda repeats the news, still in shock. "Robin is HIV positive. This is the worst possible time for this to happen, because she wanted more than anything for Stone to die thinking she was gonna be okay. Does he have to know?" \"She said there's never been a lie between them, and she doesn't want to start now." 

"She just keeps getting stronger and braver." 
"And the children shall lead them," Sonny quotes, with a wry smile. Brenda wonders if Robin asked Sonny to tell her because she doesn't want to see Brenda. 
"No, I don't think that's the reason," he says.
"I've just got to get my head together. Robin is okay today, she'll be okay tomorrow, right? Right? That's as much as anyone can guarantee, right?" 
"She's not gonna look any different, she's beautiful, and she's so strong (Brenda stumbles over the words), a lot stronger than I am." She covers her face with her hands and they moves closer to each other, then hold on for dear life as Ned and Lois walk in, wondering what's going on.

By the next scene, Brenda has filled the couple in. Lois sits beside her on the couch. "Oh, my God," Lois says. "Robin? No, I don't want to accept this. No, I can't. It's not supposed to be this way. It's not fair. She's good and decent and full of love and did everything right except miscalculate the risk of unprotected sex." 

Ned asks, "You said HIV positive, not AIDS, right? She still has lots of time. We can help her make the most of it." Ned hugs Brenda, and Lois hugs Sonny.  Sonny says, "Robin doesn't want Stone to blame himself".  Lois agrees, "This can't be about blame because Stone and Robin they always showed us the very best that we can be, we can't let that get lost." 

Sonny heads out to leave and reminds them, "You guys got each other. Help each other. It's not a good time to be alone."
"You, too," Lois says to Sonny. 
"I'm hanging in there. You do the same." He exits. Brenda and Lois embrace. 

Robin and Stone are sitting out on a porch, and she tucks him cozily into a wicker chair. She wishes that everyone else could learn her bad news by "osmosis." She hates to think about repeating it to everyone. This reminds Stone to ask her why she didn't have Mac tell Brenda. "And miss the chance of bringing Sonny and Brenda together?" she asks, and smiles. Stone understands. "Why is it that sad things can cause happy things to happen?" He tells Robin she's amazing. "Look who's talking. I've been having lessons in amazing lately." He tells her that, even dark and fuzzy, she's still the most beautiful thing he knows. She asks him, "Is it crazy to feel that we're incredibly lucky?" 
Stone says, "No argument here." Robin says that this moment of closeness is what she'll remember. 
"Me, too," she says. She rests on his arm, and closes his eyes; he looks pensive.

Sonny tells Luke about Robin's diagnosis, he is rocked by the news. Stone asks Sonny if Mike can be at the dinner tomorrow night? Sonny gives his blessing and Robin thanks him. Soon after, Laura arrives. She hands Stone her special Christmas angel, telling him that she's giving it to him to keep Stone safe. As Luke puts it on top of the tree, everyone starts to sing "Silent Night." 

Later that night, Robin wakes up and leaves Stone's bed to go look out the window. Anna wraps her arms around Robin and wishes her "Merry Christmas" and love, peace and joy, though it's only the day before Thanksgiving. Anna and Robin talk of the Christmas party Robin is throwing as Robin realizes that Stone won't make it to Christmas. Anna reminds Robin that Stone will always be with Robin. Robin comments, just like her mom and dad. They then recall the first Christmas Robin spent with Anna, knowing Anna was her mom and that the love Robin got was the best present. Anna urges Robin to have no regrets and to accept the gifts Stone has given Robin, love and hope. Anna tries to convince Robin that there is hope for life and good work to do and time and friends and knowledge that the love one gives comes back 1000 fold. Robin has something to celebrate. 

Later in the day, Robin helps Stone back to bed to rest after a busy afternoon. There were lots of visitors, Jason and AJ as elves, with Tony as Santa. Robin is checking out the tree when Robert asks "What are you looking for little girl?" He tries guessing her wishes but strikes out. What Robin wishes for is complicated. He recalls that when she was little Christmas was simple. Robin's wishes are that her mom and dad could be with her, she could have one more Christmas with Stone, have 100 more Christmases with Stone, and quiet in her head. Robert wish is that he could grant her wishes. He's amazed at her strength and courage and allows that there is plenty of time for sadness. His wish is to put her heart as ease and that's why he's given her his brother and his best friend. The doorbell rings and Robert is gone. Luke is at the door. He's early and came by to talk.

Luke and Robin discuss her test results. He remarks she is a Scorpio and her family manages to take bad situations and turn them around. Robin talks of thinking about her parents and Luke reminds her of his promise to be there for her. He's not going anywhere. Robin heads off to help Stone get ready and as soon as she's gone Robert appears to Luke. Luke will do anything for Robin and wonders if he should break a cardinal rule and try to see a lesson in all this. Luke always thought he could protect his loved ones but Robert tells Luke that all Robin needs is a friend, as he puts his arm on Luke's shoulder.

Guests arrive for Stone’s Christmas. Sonny is singing as he starts to prepare the pig for roasting but is interrupted by the doorbell.  It's Mike to help.  Sonny doesn't feel he needs any help and it doesn't help that Mike has an apron proclaiming he's the chef or that Mike had been roasting pigs with Sonny's mother long before Sonny was born.  There is a truce and Sonny allows him to stay when Mike begs that he needs to do something for Stone.  Sonny lets Mike dice the onions and apples for sage apple dressing, something Mike thinks doesn't go with pig but goes along and mutters under his breath.  

The day continues with sarcastic remarks and looks back and forth between father and son.  Mike claims to be done with the spinach but Sonny wants the spines removed. They almost come to blows when Mike starts to use scissors instead of his hands to remove the spines.  He's standing with the scissors over Sonny when Robin comes in to see how things are going.  They both shout "Fine."  Finally it's time to put the pig on the platter.  After mistarts, each bailing out when the other is counting 1-2-3, they finally get in on the platter as Lily comes and congratulates them for what can be done with teamwork.

Robin, having awakened, leaves Stone's bed to go look out the window.  Anna wraps her arms around Robin and wishes her "Merry Christmas" and love, peace and joy, though it's only the day before Thanksgiving.  Anna and Robin talk of the Christmas party Robin is throwing as Robin realizes that Stone won't make it to Christmas. Anna reminds Robin that Stone will always be with Robin. Robin comments, just like her mom and dad. They then recall the first Christmas Robin spent with Anna, knowing Anna was her mom and that the

love Robin got was the best present.  Anna urges Robin to have no regrets and to accept the gifts Stone has given Robin, love and hope. Anna tries to convince Robin that there is hope for life and good work to do and time and friends and knowledge that the love one gives comes back 1000 fold. Robin has something to celebrate.  

Later in the day, Robin helps Stone back to bed to rest after a busy afternoon. Downstairs, Robin is checking out the tree when Robert asks, "What are you looking for little girl?" He tries guessing her wishes but strikes out. What Robin wishes for is complicated.  He recalls that when she was little Christmas was simple. Robin's wishes are that her mom and dad could be with her, she could have Christmas with Stone, have 100 more Christmases with Stone, and quiet in her head.  Robert wish is that he could grant her wishes.  He's amazed at her strength and courage and allows that there is plenty of time for sadness. His wish is to put her heart as ease and that's why he's given her his brother and his best friend.  

The doorbell rings.  Robert is gone.  Luke is at the door.  He's early.  Lucky will be along later but Laura (who was among the afternoon visitors) is caught up in her term paper.  Luke came early to talk. Luke and Robin discuss her test results.  He remarks she is a Scorpio and her family manages to take bad situations and turn them around.  Robin talks

of thinking about her parents and Luke reminds her of his promise to be there for her.  He's not going anywhere.  Robin heads off to help Stone get ready and as soon as she's gone Robert appears to Luke.  Luke will do anything for Robin and wonders if he should break a cardinal rule and try to see a lesson in all this.  Luke always thought he could protect his loved ones but Robert tells Luke that all Robin needs is a friend, as he puts his arm on Luke's shoulder.

Felicia and Maxie are sharing their Christmas ornaments with Stone. He holds them reverently and says this is exactly what he wanted, all they need is a tree. Luke comes in dragging a tree saying, “Ho ho ho!”. Stone marvels, “Wow, it seems big.” Mike admits there is now a gap in the beautiful row of trees lining the mayors mansion. Then Bobbie, Tony, and Lucas arrive with bags full of Christmas treasures that they are sharing. Robin holds mistletoe over his head and kisses him. Stone tells Sonny that he would like it if Mike comes over for their Christmas dinner tommorrow and Sonny agrees it is okay to extend the invitation. Keesha arrives bearing a large Poinsetta. Katherine and Mac arrive next, Mac bearing a large wreath. Sonny asks Brenda if she is okay? Sonny observes how happy Stone looks, like a five year old little boy. Next, Lucky, Laura, and Lulu arrive.


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