Robin & Stone #6 November 22, 1995 -  Dec 27, 1995:  6 hours 

DVD #6A   Maxie with a child's innocence who asks if Stone is still sick and later asks if Stone can get better like she did. Robin just hugs Maxie. Lucky arrives with Foster wearing reindeer ears.Next  Lois and Ned arrive. Sonny comes out with roasted pig to oohs and ahs. Before they dig in Mac proposes a toast to Robin and Stone.  Robert watches over the group from the stairs.

11/27 Brenda and Robin hover over Stone. Stone asks Brenda to read out loud the letter from Sonny. Halfway through the letter, Sonny comes in. He starts sobbing as Brenda finishes. Brenda consoles a sobbing Sonny. He tells her how the letter is just words, not at all what he really wants to give Stone. Brenda reassures him that the letter is very important to Stone, he's taken how he feels about Stone and given it to him as a gift, and Stone enjoys sharing that with his friends. 

11/29 Stone's Death - Lily and Sonny spent time with Stone, as did Brenda.  Stone urged Brenda and Sonny to patch things up between them. In Stone's room, Robin awakes and checks Stone's breathing. He catches her. She's busted. Stone is feeling spacey. He wants to see her smile and to see it he traces it with his finger. He wants to be together for every moment of the day. Stone has been moved to the chair and Robin describes the day, the sun, the sky, the lake, for Stone who wishes he could see it. They decide to "visit" their old "hangs" one more time. Robin describes and they talk of visits to Kelly's, the docks, the park, Lukes and they cry and laugh as they remember the good times. Stone wonders if Sonny and Mike will ever get it together, Sonny will need somebody.

Robin predicts that there will be a reconciliation someday and Robin will be there for Sonny. Through tears Stone declares his love for Robin, a love that is from a place in his soul that he didn't even know he had. Robin responds with similar sentiments and the tears flow. Robin has helped Stone back into bed. He asks her to stand in the light by the window. She does as asked and as he looks in her direction she gradually comes into focus. He beams as he says he can see her and then, as she moves towards the bed the look on her face changes, the tears start flowing. Robin knows Stone has died. She stretches out beside him putting his arm on her shoulder. 

Sonny comes in and when he asks if Stone is sleeping just the look on Robin's face tells him Stone is gone. Sonny paces almost starts hyperventilating. He repeats. "He's okay, he's okay." Downstairs Robin tells Mac how simple and quiet is was at the end. She knew immediately that something was different. The axis had shifted and Stone wasn't there. But she also felt a tremendous love enveloping her. Mac reminds Robin that's because she is loved. 

The doorbell rings. Robin answers it and it's Felicia. Robin wonders if Felicia had hear Stone's gone. Felicia pulls Robin into her arms. When Felicia asks if there is anything she can do, all Robin wants is for Stone never to be forgotten. Felicia tries to help Robin by telling Robin that she loved well but Robin doesn't know what she's going to do without Stone. As they hug Brenda bounds in the open door but her mood shifts as soon has she sees Robin's face. Robin and Brenda hug and as they do Robin reaches out her hand to Felicia. Upstairs Sonny kneels at the side of Stone's bed, holding Stone's hand, then puts his head on Stone's chest. 

Mac picks up the phone and calls Luke. Before Mac can tell him the news, Robin asks to talk to Luke herself. Luke's reminds her of his promise and calls her "Luv" just like her parents used to. At the Spencer's, Luke wanders from the kitchen to the dining room and Lucky comes downstairs. Luke gives Lucky the news that Stone is gone. At Lucy's, Lucy gets off the phone with tears in her eyes. She shares the news with Kevin who also gets tears in his eyes and his lips quiver. Lucy puts her hand on Kevin's. 

Back at the penthouse Felicia, Mac, Brenda and Robin join Lily and Sonny in Stone's room. Robin is the one to tell Sonny it will be okay because that's what Stone would want though she doesn't know how. Felicia says goodbye. Then Brenda tries to say goodbye but breaks down and it's Sonny who pulls her back and puts her in the chair and then sits on the arm while Brenda holds onto his arm for dear life. Robin sits by Stone and tells all she wants is a memorial service that will celebrate Stone's life and wants it as quickly as possible. The tears flow as we fade out on Robin. Sniff, sniff, sniff.

12/4 Stone's Memorial "When Angels Cry". Ned starts singing "Amazing Grace". Robin decides to speak. Later, Robin stays at the Penthouse to say her private goodbye to Stone, his ghost returns to comfort her. Later after everyone has left,Sonny is with Robin at the penthouse. She thanks him for letting her stay the night. Robin says she keeps thinking Stone needs something, then remembers that he's not upstairs anymore. Sonny says Stone is still with them, he taps his chest over his heart, and says, "right here." 

Later, Robin is standing alone in the penthouse living room, looking out the window. An arm goes around her, it's Stone! "Don't be lonely. I'm here. I'm with you." He says.
"I know." Robin responds.
"Brave Robin! Wonderful, beautiful Robin! I love you so much!"
"I love you too" Robin replies. Sonny and Lilly come downstairs and see her standing alone, almost transfixed in the window. Sonny asks if she's okay. She smiles with tears streaming down her face, and says she's okay, she was just standing feeling close to Stone. Sonny assures her that everything will be okay.

12/13 Brenda shows up unexpectedly yet again, she immediately starts tearing into him about the sale of L&B. She tells him that he intentionally set the sale up to hurt her, rather than taking the easy way out. Brenda says she was stupid to have trusted him. He managed to unload L&B and settle a few scores at the same time. She's furious at him and Edward. She woke up at 4AM, and realized that since now he betrayed her trust, they're even! She says now he can let her in, let her help him. She will do anything she can to help him, to keep him out of prison. He is suspicious, and thinks she is trying to set him up. He then accuses her of wearing another wire! She angrily shoves him away, telling him that she isn't wired. She tells him that she will always be there for him as a friend, and offers him money if he needs it for his problems, and whatever else he might need. He tells her now way, keep the money and everything else. She leaves, but tells him that she was being truthful, and challenges him to do the same. 

Stone's ghost appears, and tells Sonny, "That was so lame". Sonny tells Stone that everything is under control, he's handling it. Stone says he's worried about him, and says he is looking bad. Sonny claims he's just working hard. Stone counters, saying yeah, working hard at hiding your feelings. Stone tells him that he really wanted Brenda to stay. Sonny argues that he has no time for feelings, they'd lead to him making mistakes and taking a fall. Stone tells him to let Brenda get close to him. Robin wanders in at this point. Robin is going to give some of Stone's things to his friends. Sonny hands her Stone's glasse, she thinks she knows who to give them too. She gives Stone's rings to Sonny. Sonny tells her that he will keep one, and he wants to give the other to Mac. He appreciates Mac not giving Stone any static towards the end and he thinks giving him one of the rings will be a good thing for Mac. Robin hugs Sonny and thanks him for everything, for being there for her.

12/14 Robin gives Brenda a wallet that Sonny had given to Stone.  Stone's ghost visits her and urges her to keep reaching out to Sonny.  Kevin is in his office with Robin. She reassures him about Luke.  She gives him the "magic glasses" Stone had for reading, Kevin breaks down. He will keep them on his desk as a reminder.  He asks how she's doing, and she's written Yale asking them to reinstate her application, for the class of 2000. That seems so scary.  "I know," Kevin agrees, "There's only 5 years and 2 weeks to the millenium."  Lucy bubbles in and Robin leaves.  Lucy admires Robin, "She could teach us all to stay calm in the face of emergencies." Kevin agrees. Kevin tells Lucy how much he misses Stone. 

Robin gives Ned a poster and a vest, and Lois gets a t-shirt from Stone. She tells them that she likes the idea of Stone's favorite things being with his favorite people. Sonny arrives at Mac's and gives one of Stone's rings to him. Sonny tells Mac how Stone admired him.  Mac slips the ring on, in a poignant moment. Sonny tells Mac how much he meant to Stone at the end, that he came through in the clutch and that was a very cool thing for Mac to do for Stone. 

At the Outback, Mac is looking at the ring when Robin comes in.  Mac wonders whose idea it was to give him the ring, and Robin assures him it was Sonny's.  Mac says "it was very generous of him, and decent." Mac and Robin talk about Sonny. Mac jokes that while he and Sonny have had a couple of civil conversations that he didn't think they were at the point of exchanging rings! Robin is happy that Mac is seeing past the rumors to see who Sonny really is.

12/15  Robin stops by Luke's club to give Mike and Luke their gifts from Stone.

12/27  Robin is alone in the Scorpio house until she receives a visit from AJ She talks about her sorrow, and about hiding behind being "brave, stoic, and cheerful".  She finds it hard to function at all, she misses Stone so much that sometimes she thinks she could die herself. AJ wishes he could help, but Robin tells him he can't, because she doesn't know what she needs. AJ suggests that part of it may just be to let time go by. He offers her a comforting hug, she comments that she likes the warmth, as she feels so cold inside. 

Sonny arrives and asks Luke for some help. He's still locked out of the penthouse, and he wants to break in to retrieve Stone's ashes. Luke agrees and Lucky says he is in as well. Lucky stands guard and cleverly draws off the building manager when he approaches. Luke works on picking the lock while Sonny tells him it will never work and just then the door finally opens.

Luke and Sonny arrive to deliver the wooden box containing Stone's ashes.  They explain their search and rescue mission, and Robin is deeply relieved to have the ashes for safekeeping.  Sonny reminds her that when she is ready, she needs to decide what to do with them. Sonny and Luke depart, and the episode's final scene is a series of Stone and Robin flashbacks, accompanied by Janis Ian's "When Angels Cry". This sequence ends in heartbreaking silence as Robin, sitting alone on the floor in front of her uncle's Christmas tree, clasps the box in her arms, rests her head on its lid, and cries.

12/28 Robin and Sonny go to the bridge to scatter the ashes, and they talk about the bungee jump and Stone's wish list. Brenda comes, and Robin asks Sonny to accept her.  Robin scatters the ashes with flashbacks of the bungee jump, very impressive, three-hanky stuff.

1/3/96 Sonny arrives at the foundation where he gives Robin the letter from Stone. He goes to leave so Robin can read the letter in private but Robin wants him to stay while she reads it. He makes her promise she'll tell him to leave if it gets too personal.  Robin reads the moving letter but is unable to finish reading it aloud and gets Sonny to finish it.  Robin realizes how hard it must have been for Stone to write the letter but Sonny calls it a "labor of love." She wonders where Stone is? Sonny thinks someplace better where there is no pain. 

Robin breaks down admitting to Sonny how much she misses Stone. Robin worries about forgetting about Stone when she gets to the point of not thinking about him every minute.  But Sonny reminds her Stone will always be with her. She thinks of Sonny's mother and her own parents.  Robin is grateful for all those around her and suggests that Sonny let Brenda help him. But there is no more Sonny and Brenda despite what Robin saw on the bridge when they scattered Stone's ashes. 

Robin, missing Stone goes to see Sonny, he comforts her. She tells him how busy she is, trying to keep her mind off of Stone. He tells her that no matter how busy she is that she will always miss Stone. She tells him that some days she starts thinking about him and she just can't stop. He tells her that shutting it out isn't going to work, that she has to let her mind go where it wants to go. She is afraid to let the images run free. He asks what she is afraid of? She says that it won't be enough, that she won't be able to handle that he isn't there anymore. 

A choked up Sonny tells her there will be days that she will miss him so much that she will think it won't ever get any easier. Those are the days when she has to remember his laugh, how his eyes lit up when she walked into the room and she will stop fighting it. He says it isn't easy to move on, he pulls her into his arms. Robin, on the bridge, thinks of Stone set to a montage to "Power to Believe".  

3/14/96 Another sad night, Robin walks onto the bridge where Stone bungee-jumped.  She stands at the rail, obviously absorbed in poignant memories.

DVD #6B - 2 hrs 3 mins (so far, will add his 2010 return)
Robin comes by Luke's Club and stops short upon seeing a guy from the back wearing a Luke's jacket. She stops short with the image of Stone. Jason turns and asks if she is okay? She tells him that he looked like her friend who used to work there. Later that night, Robin and he meet up again. He finds out from Robin that Stone was her friend and the first valet.

Another night, Robin sat alone on the bridge clutching the stuffed toy she and Jason bought for the sick kid. Jason arrived and saw that she was crying.  "What's wrong?" he asked her. She is devastated by the death of little Jenna, the aids baby from Ward house. How much more will she have to take? Jason is amazed that she really seems to be mad.  She tells him that she is always mad, every minute of every day.  Why?  Because she is the kiss of death.  Everyone that she cares about seems to be taking a powder.  “Why don't you and I take a powder too?” she asks Jason. 

She proceeds to grab him by the hand and gets up on the top of the stone border.  She begins to sway from side to side and as her legs seem to go out from under her, Jason pulls her back to the ground.  He tells her its stupid to take your life. Robin states that she really wasn't going to do it (commit suicide), she just wanted to piss God off and show him what he was bringing her to. "Oh, like losing Stone, your boyfriend?" Jason queries. "Yes, like that and like the fact that I'm HIV+." 

As their relationship progresses, Jason lays directly on top of her and kissing her on the floor of the boxcar. She thinks she is ready to make love to him but Stone pops into her head three times as she kisses Jason. She sits up, angry and frustrated with herself, and she explains to Jason what is happening, and he takes it well. She realizes she just isn't ready to take that step.

Nurse's Ball 1996 - Jason and Robin talk. Jason doesn't see why Sonny is going to the Nurses' Ball or why Robin is speaking, and she tries to explain that getting a cure would make them less sad. Lucy welcomes everyone to the ball, she shows the annual nurse's ball t-shirt. During a break, Robin tells Kevin that she hasn't forgotten everything that he did for Stone. Alan announces a $30 million gift from Mr. and Mrs. Sonny Corinthos to endow the Stone Cates Memorial AIDS Wing at GH. 

When Luke arrives late, Robin tells him about Sonny's generous donation. Luke compliments that was very generous, very classy. Lucy announces the death of Jon Hanley (Lee Mathis) and introduces singer Janis Ian who sings a sad lament, "When Angels Cry"  while we see images of Robin, Stone, and other GH people dabbing the tears from their eyes. Mac talks briefly and warmly about Stone, then presents Robin with a section of quilt in Stone's honor, touchingly wrapping it around her. Robin, the keynote speaker, delivers a very emotional and impassioned plea for compassion and understanding for the victims of HIV.  

At the conclusion of her words, Jason, who was watching from the back, comes to the stage, picks her up, and carries her out. Robin and Jason are at the bridge in the dark, and she has Stone's quilt square. She feels embarrassed about "losing it" during her speech, thinks she blew it. Jason tells her it was great, and she responds with how pathetic it was. They discuss Jon Hanley, and Jason talks about how love, saying "I almost wish I remember how it felt." They talk about how she knew he would be there for her (Jason), and then she tells him that she dreams about the two of them being lovers (Jason & Robin) but just can't because of these feelings she still has for Stone. He understands.

August 19, 1996 Stone's Birthday - Gina (Stone's sister) comes into Luke's Club, Mike says sometimes the sadness just sneaks up on Sonny. Sonny comes over and asks Mike to open a bottle of the reserve to celebrate Stone's birthday. Gina says she thought she was the only one who remembered. Sonny says he's sure Robin remembers too but she's out of town with a friend. Gina asks if it is a guy? Sonny says yes, "she's moving on, God bless her." Gina, Mike and Sonny toast to Stone. Gina thanks Sonny again. Sonny says meeting her was like a gift from Stone.  Later alone in the club, Sonny lifts a glass in his own private tribute to honor Stone. 

Robin and Jason arrive at Montauk, Robin is a little somber but she says everything is perfect.  She and Jason go outside and stare into the night at the ocean. Avoiding what's bothering her, Robin asks if Jason wants to go swimming? Jason calls her on it and says she doesn't have to lie to him, "ever." He asks what's wrong. After a sad pause, Robin says it's Stone's birthday. Jason comes over and holds her. Robin says she remembered about Stone's birthday when she signed the credit card receipt  and realized it was August 19th. She thinks about last year when he was in the hospital getting treatment for CMV to try to prevent his eventual blindness. 

Jason remembers what Robin said at the Nurse's Ball, "It caused him unspeakable pain and stole his eyesight." Robin is amazed and touched that Jason remembered. Jason said he remembers every word of her speech and that she was "the bravest thing I ever saw." Robin says she didn't think she could get through her speech but when she looked up and saw him and he gave her strength.

December 3, 1996  The one year anniversary of Stone's death. At Luke's Jason bursts in looking for Sonny.  Mike says to leave him alone today, on the anniversary of Stone's death. Mike tells Jason about Stone, at Jason's request. Sonny walks in, he is surprised to see Jason there as he sent Jason to be with Robin but she sent Jason back for him to be with Sonny. Sonny talks about Stone and says he must be in heaven. Sonny calls for Mike to bring glasses; they toast to Stone. Gina walks in, says she got a letter from Robin saying to go to Luke's if she didn't want to be alone.  Sonny gives her a hug while Jason watches. Gina sadly comments that she never gave Stone anything and he gave her all of them. They all get ready to toast Stone again.  Sonny flashes back to Stone saying Sonny and Brenda would be together someday.

June 23, 1997  Nurse's Ball. Lucy  introduces "our own miracle, Robin Scorpio." Robin ascends to the stage. She looks really pretty in a pale pink gown and her hair in a curly new do. Robin talks about the helplessness she felt when the boy she loved was dying, and then when she herself was diagnosed HIV+, how  all her dreams for the future died.  "Every hope I had for the future was gone, Robin the wife, Robin the doctor, the mother, the grandmother, gone." But thanks to those assembled and others, she can fell hope again and she can see the future. Jason rubs tears from his cheek. She remembers those who did not make it: Stone, Jon Hanley and she tells everyone they must commit to eradicating this disease. 

Brenda and Karen meet in front of Stone's quilt panel.  Karen wonders what it was like for Stone at the end. Brenda tells her it was terrible, but the way that Stone faced death was inspiring. Karen admits that Jagger still feels guilty, blaming himself for his brother's death, and it's made him single-minded as a cop pursuing drug-dealers.  Brenda remarks that she's sure Karen and Jagger will get back together soon. Alone, Brenda "talks" to Stone. She tells him that she and Sonny are together again and she's sure he's smiling down at them.

June 22, 1998 Nurse's Ball. Lucy She tells the audience that candlelight is more appropriate for the next part of the program for the reading of witness statements. She likens the candlelight to people that one, candle by itself give off a little light, but a whole group of candles can light up a whole room. That collectively, we can find a cure for AIDS/HIV.  Several people read witness statements: Edward, Bobbie, Jax, Ellen, Audrey, Nikolas, Monica and finally Robin. Lucy then thanks Jax, Stefan and Scott for funding the NB this year. 

Lucy introduces the next act in the program, Ned and Emily. She tells the audience that the song was first performed for Stone Cates. Ned and Emily sing  "Power to Believe". Lucy tells everyone that even though Stone is gone, he still touches many people's lives. She announces the new Stone Cates Memorial AIDS Wing, donated by Sonny.

September, 2010: Stone's Return - will be added soon on the #6B


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