Monte Carlo Edit: Jax, V, Ned and Alexis October 9, 1998 - July 16, 1999 - 6 hrs 58 minsJax is thinking about entering a Backarat tournament in Monte Carlo, and asks V to go with him. She resists the idea till he asks her if she has lost faith in his judgement, she assures him no and grudginly agrees to go along with his plan but its obvious she doesn't believe she can pull off being a Contessa. He gives her first Baccarat lesson, tells her she has won and is a natural. After she leaves, he shows his cards - he had actually won the hand! Jax teaches V cards and to have a poker face, Ned visits to play cards. Jax mentions the tournament that himself and V will be attending and Ned recognizes it. He mentions that it's a $50k bid, Jax returns by mentioning that he's being financed by "the most wealthiest, most elegant mysterious woman in the world." Ned looks confused and looks at V. "That's me" and she knocks over her glass of ice. Jax then makes V feel more confidence in herself by making her repeat phrases like "I bewitch", "I charm", "If I want it, I'll buy it". They start to play a game, but Ned sneaks a peek at her cards (that are being held out to far infront of her), Jax warns her that people tend to peek. She looks at Ned and he winks back at her. She holds them closer, but Ned can still see them. Jax gets up and moves her arms closer so that she's almost inches from the cards to her face. V gets flustered after Jax pats her sides and drops a card. They call it a night and V leaves. Ned then offers Jax a loan for the game if he were to want it. Jax is skeptic and refuses to accept the loan from Ned. Ned leaves and Jax reminises about Brenda. V shows up on Felicia's doorstep. V beats around the bush, obviously needing to talk with Felicia. She needs a "reality check". She feels that she's going to destroy Jax, and doesn't know howto prevent it. V is convinced that she won't win and will end up losing all the money that Brenda left Jax. V. comes bopping into the guest house all ready to work on L&B business, but Ned has something else in mind. He's going to give her another free lesson on how to conduct herself in Monte Carlo. He thinks that "a woman who wears a man like Jax on her arm requires a very specific sense of style, which is not easy to acquire, and practice can only help." She says that other than the red dress she bought on sale for the Nurses' Ball, she doesn't have anything to practice in. He says "You do now" and points to a heap of clothes over the chair. He admits they are a little gauche for Monte Carlo, but thinks she'll get the general idea. He got them, he says, from an anonymous donor. Katherine comes running down the stairs, dangerous in her high heels, and sees Reginald. "It was YOU, I know it, and I want them back!" It turns out her evening dresses are missing. An entire section of her wardrobe has been wiped out. Reginald suggests she check with the fashion police. She threatens to have him fired immediately. Monica comes down the steps and asks Reginald what is going on. Monica suggests that Katherine should calm down, but KatyBell is in a rage. She has a very important reception to go to and she has nothing to wear. Reginald wants her to ask Cook. Reginald leaves and Katherine turns on Monica. Monica doesn't believe it. She adds acute paranoia to the list of Katherine's many failings. Katherine foams at the mouth as Monica prepares to leave, coming up with the ultimate insult: "Perhaps you wanted them for yourself." Monica greets that with the contempt it deserves: "I wouldn't be caught DEAD in one of your dresses."Katherine looks in the living room, and when she turns, Monica is gone. Katherine comes charging in and tells Edward, "something horrible has happened, and I need your help." She tells them about her stolen dresses. AJ and Edward start giggling. AJ leaves, chuckling. Edward says dress stealing will not be tolerated under his roof. He leaves while Katherine pours herself some tea. Katherine turns and he's gone. V. comes down the stairs in a blue and sequin number. Ned asks how she feels. She says the person who owns this dress has a little more "personality" (looking at her, uh, chestline) than she does and she feels terrible. "THIS is not me, Ned. Donning a dress does not a new identity make. I'm still in here. Me. V. The tomboy. The klutz." Ned tells her to get out of her own way and remember the rules of the game, which is to blend in. But first she has to get comfortable in the skin of her character. Go pick our another dress. She paws through the dresses and chooses one, runs off. Ned looks worried. V comes back in a slinky black number and drapes herself across the back of a chair, till she falls in and she says "It's not working." Ned is surprised. "You were almost there." He suggests she think of it as Hallowe'en. There's a knock on the door. It's Jax. He says "This is all wrong." V. turns, says "I knew it. Fraud, fraud, fraud." Jax says her only mistake was listening to Ned. "The dress she has on reeks of social climbing. Anyone with real class could spot that in a minute." Ned told her the same thing. The men spar. Jax doesn't want Ned's help, but V appreciates it and wants them to help her together. V appears in the red number. Both men are impressed. Then she gets excited. Jax goes into refinements. The people will like to hear about things they never heard about before. He suggests the underwater Greek temples only known to the locals of Kronos. Ned suggests that V do some library research. Katherine has gathered the whole family in her room. She's going to pull the Great Detective trick and expose the thief. She doesn't suspect Lila, but thinks she should know there's a thief in the house. Lila asks if she's sure they're missing. Monica thinks Katherine made the whole thing up. Katherine stalks to the closet to show them. The dresses are back. Emily asks if she can go, she has homework. AJ leaves to "help" Emily. Lila says "Try to get some rest, dear. It's possible you're not quite as recovered as you think you are." She wheels off. Monica glares at Edward. "Have you had enough or do you want to wait till she locks us in the basement?" She stalks out. Edward tells Katherine he knows this was her way of reaching out, "next time, consult me first." He storms out. Katherine asks Reginald who put the dresses back. Reginald says it could be just the beginning, and perhaps Katherine shouldn't even leave the room. Ned and Jax toast V and successful education. And Katherine. Jax wants another hand, V says "have a little more confidence" and immediately spills her drink. V tries on the killer dress that Jax bought her and is ready for a dry run as the Contessa. Jax has ordered a sumptuous dinner from room service, served by one of the most famous butlers at the hotel. If you can fool him, you can fool anyone, Jax tells V. V is flawless at first, but almost blows it when she gives the butler a flower for his great service and walks him to the door. Jax is amused He finds out that the one area that V draws the line is is dancing!! Anything but that!!! she tells him. Jax calms her down and the romance level is rising nicely in the room when a song thatJax and Brenda danced to is suddenly played. All of a sudden, V realizes that they're not alone. She lets Jax grieve with great class and shows herself out the door.Jerry runs into Alex at the Grill and tries to get her to help him clear his name. When pigs fly!! she tells the older Jax brother. Stefan comes over and tells him to take a hike. Jerry ends his stint on today's show in the park with Bobbie, comparing lousy childhoods. Bobbie is moved when he tells her about stealing toys for Jax when they lived in the back of a car and they kiss. Ned and ALexis meet at the bar. She tells him she can't stay long, as she's due at Nik's birthday party. "Cassadine-party, it's an oxymoron," she jokes, inviting him to come along as a witness. They are waiting for Jax and V, and Alexis says she's never been invited out before "to make some other woman more attractive." Attractive isn't the problem, Ned says, it's more that V lacks...."hauture," Alexis supplies, and he agrees. They review the Jax/V plan for the audience's benefit. Then V appears, looking elegant and sexy. The Monte Carlo gang gather at the bar, and V practices her contessa persona by chatting about Antibe. Reese is there waiter, and is still enchanted by the Contessa. Alexis says that V's command of languages is acceptable (she has convinced Reese she speaks Spanish) except for body language-- she needs to be more physical around Jax to convince people they are lovers. V is aghast at the notion. They move to their table, still discussing the issue. Everyone else is amused (Ned makes a crack about her trying to overcome her disgust by putting a bag over Jax's head), but V is deadly serious. Jax is in mourning, she exclaims. "this isnt' funny, it's borderline offensive." Jax has a solution-- he will be the pursuer and she will be the "coveted one." He tells poor V to try not to laugh when he "makes gestures like this," as he rubs the back of her neck. She jumps out of her skin at his touch. A woman named Joyce Hastings appears-- an older woman who has a business meeting scheduled the next morning with Ned, to discuss buying a company called Guthrie Technologies from him. Alexis excuses herself to head to the party. Jax pretends to be interested in buying Guthrie Techs himself and to be trying to outbid her. He's really, of course, attempting to raise the price Ned gets out of Ms. Hastings. Jax continues to make noises about the potential of this company and his desire to buy it, raising Joyce's price ever higher, ultimately reaching 42.5 million. She says that is her final offer, and Ned turns her down, saying he prefers to sell to Jax. AFter she leaves in a huff, Jax wants to know why Ned didn't jump on the opportunity to sell after he, Jax, went to the trouble to get a much better price for him. Jax is packing his case for Monte Carlo. He picks up the "lucky bracelet" that Brenda won and we have a Brenda-flashback. Ned comes to the door to see if Jax is ready. He has a folder with V's fake ID. It turns out there is a real Contesa with the name, but she's having a facelift in Gstaad. V comes in, all ready, scarf wrapped around her neck and all. Ned doesn't approve, but V is planning to change at the apartment. Ned gives her the ID and leaves. She's really nervous. He has a leather bag for her. She's aghast, as he can't afford this, but he regards it as a good investment. V. has a gift for Jax, as well. It's her life savings, nearly $5000, so he can look more like a big spender. V., in a classy brown pantsuit, comes down the stairs and out the door. Contesas don't catch cold. Jax picks up the bracelet, and they're off. Jax and V enter their hotel room in Monte Carlo, followed by the bellboy. Jax introduces "Isabella Castillo" to the bellboy, but he replies: "From Buenos Aires? I don't think so..." He says that 'Isabella' is at a spa in Gestad. V recovers quickly and says that the spa story was for the benefit of her husband "who thinks I am wallowing in a mud bath at this precise moment," she says, with an eye to Jax. Meanwhile, Jax fishes out a wad of bills and tips the bellboy for his discretion. The bellboy apologizes and leaves. When the door shuts, V panics: she thinks the bellboy was an omen, and she wonders if their luck has run out. Later, when V is finished preparing to meet the rich and famous, Jax approves of her transformation, assuring her that she looks ready to assume the role she's playing. He gives V Brenda's bracelet to wear, telling her that it always brought Brenda luck at the gaming table and "so we'll know she's with us in spirit". Jax and V enter Teo's party, and Jax introduces 'Isabella' to Teo. After some rich-people-speak, Teo introduces them to his date: Julia Barrett... Monte Carlo, Jax and V are discussing leaving after their little tete a tete with Julia (who was handled superbly by V, by the way!!). Jax tells V that Julia's problem is that she never stood up for Brenda when she was alive, but now does it at the drop of a hat. They decide to stick to their original plans. Jax and the Contessa Isabella Castillo AKA V finally began to gamble. They made their grand entrance into the room with giggling and holding hands as planned. Julia's escort told them that he had saved them spots at the high stakes table. Ned and Alexis showed up and Jax was clearly displeased. Later he voiced his displeasure to Ned and Ned explained that he was there to get Julia out of the way. Jax was still not amused. Jax explained that he was afraid that Julia would figure out the scheme since last she saw them, Jax and Ned hated each other. Ned expressed his confidence that he could convincingly act like he still hated Jax. While Ned was explaining to Jax how b**chy Julia can be, the woman herself walked in and immediately kissed Ned on the mouth (Alexis was not pleased). Julia began to attack Jax again and asked how he and Isabella met anyway. The two of them walked off in a huff. Ned proceeded to compliment Julia on her eyes and to explain that Jax was always faithful to Brenda and that maybe this is his way of dealing with his grief. At the gambling table, Jax and Isabella did very well. Isabella wished Jax had let her bring a calculator to figure out how much money it was in dollars. Julia's escort who lost a lot of money to Jax said that he hoped he would have the chance to win it back. Jax said that he would gamble everything including his watch and his clothing, but not his socks because the marble floor is cold. Isabella asked Jax whether he was going to quit while he was ahead and he said the money that he won was nothing yet. In the mean time, Alexis made herself scarce while Ned wooed Julia. Julia finally left and Alexis came out. Julia came back and did not look happy to see Alexis, but she was gracious and seemed to know who Alexis was. Ned started making suggestive comments to Alexis and she seemed mollified. Jax, V and Simon in their high-stakes card game at Monte Carlo. Julia comes up and asks to speak with Jax privately, but V, totally into her role as Countess Isabella, says "Not until we get something straight". Julia rolls her eyes and walks out to a balcony with V; who tells her everything about the scheme. Julia blows V away when she says she knew it all along!! The 2 women bury the hatchet and strike an alliance. Afer V goes back to the game, we see Julia making a cell-phone call to Jerry. She asks if she can send 2 million dollars to him, so he can give it to Jax---to cover up the fact that it came from her. Jerry clues Julia in on the fact that obviously, she hasn't heard the latest and the brothers aren't exactly speaking to each other right now. Besides, he's got his own money and is planning to take his own trip. Jerry pulls plane tickets out of his pocket as Julia wonders how he was able to cough up the money. Meanwhile, back in the game Jax is going mano a mano with Simon. He won't be talked into folding; even by Ned, who was brought to Monte Carlo with Alexis to ride shotgun on Julia. It all boils down to a winner take all one card draw: with V; aka Isabella, as the prize! You guessed it, Jax is on the losing end, and V prepares to go have a nightcap with Simon. Simon tells V that there must have been a huge misunderstanding, he COULDN'T have given her all those gifts and the money... Simon and Jax then decide to take on a high-stakes game in which no wager is under a million. Ned refrains from playing in Jax's game, telling Alexis that it is Jax's night and as soon Jax regains his fortune, Ned will go after it himself. Simon wins the hand, of course, and Jax exposes him as a cheat, pulling out the card from Simon's sleeve. Jax exposes Simon and he is asked to leave. Jax allows him to stay for one more hand: "Let's conduct an experiment- new game, my luck against Simon's." V is shocked, she asks Jax if he's insane, after all, he just won a mill! Jax answers that he won only by default, he wants to see if his luck holds out, he wants to feel alive. Jax is on the losing end of things: in the end, he agrees to put up Brenda's bracelet that she won from the Sultan of Something, and the scene ends without us seeing if he won the hand or not. Next, the foursome are returning home on the plane. The final scenes at the table are shown by way of a flashback. Jax tries to convince V to come work for him again, and V tries to get Jax to forgive Jerry. The Outback was the place to be today if you happen to be a resident of Port Charles. V got quite lucky and found herself introducing Chicago to the crowd of locals and music industry big-wigs. Ned, who had just told V and Alexis that he would step in to save her booty had quite a bit of shock on his face. AJ must not have been too happy to see it either. He had come just to watch V and Ned fall flat on their faces. Christmas Eve in Port Charles!!! Jax is trying to get through his first Christmas without Brenda and drops by the party. Dave Koz has arrived at the party, his sax leads the kids to the party, and as Alan reads the Christmas Story. Music montage of cast members opening gifts, etc. Jax is upset to learn he has been labeled an eligible bachelor, and Kat wants to auction him off. He tries to convince Ned to take his place, but Alexis informs Ned that he too is up for auction. They both say they won't do it, but Alexis and V decide to buy a bachelor, so they decide they may as well participate. New Year's Eve, Ned drops by Jax's and tells him that everyone will understand if he doesn't want to go on the auction block, based on the type of year he's had. Jax has a stiff upper lip and tells Ned that Brenda would love to see him make a fool out of himself, so he's doing it. It's the big Bachelor Auction at General Hospital and some rather strange dinner partners are picked by Master of Ceremonies Stefan. Bobbie and Jax are the first couple and Stefan reads this with a nice dirty look from Jerry. Everybody else is paired up as follows): Jerry & Helena; Edward & Lizzy; Reggie & Carly; Ned & V; Robin & Justus; Emily & Nikolas; Lucky & Tammy, Kat & Tony. Lila makes a surprise appearance; bidding $50,000 to spend the evening with her favorite bachelor. We don't see who he is until the end of the show and it's NOT Edward!! We now catch glimpses of Ned & V, then Jax & Bobbie dinning. Jax tells Bobbie that she's been good for Jerry and she tries to play peacemaker between the brothers. Ned opened up to V about his deep love for Lila and tried to explain the twisted dynamics of his family. Felicia almost destroyed her manuscript but was stopped by V, who offered to read it with an objective eye. Alexis crashes her car during a storm. As the storm rages on around her, Alexis is unconscious. Suddenly the battery dies. Jax drives up and see the car. He is shocked when he sees that it is Alexis. He removes her from the car and puts in his. Jax brings an unconscious Alexis into Jerry's cabin. He lays her on the couch, lights a candle and covers her with a quilt. He is lighting a fire when she awakens and tells him that she didn't know that he was that good at this damsel in distress stuff than she could ever ahve imagined. Alexis asks Jax how he found her. He says that he was on his way back into the city. She tells how the accident happened. Jax is chatting to Alexis after she eats a whole box of chocolates. When Jax holds up three fingers and she can't count them, he suggests that she may have a concussion and that shecan't sleep. Alexis fights off a concussion. They talk of Jerry and brotherhood. She tells him that she called Stefan and how he disowned her. Now that she is no longer wavering, she wants what's rightfully hers and revenge. He forgives her weakness and then warns her about Sonny. She tells him she's Jason's attorney. Jax warns her that if he smells Sonny anywhere near her, he'll bolt. The snow stops and they meet up with Ned and V at the cottage house. Ned goes to meet V clad in Quartermaine garb much to V's chagrin. She had instructed him to dress casually. Jake the proprietor of the establishment was not impressed by his attire. She quickly rebuffed him and offered his services to a more suitable place. Ned erupts in song and wins her over. He is hired as Eddie Maine, but not with a suit. Ned is down on the docks, talking to a worker about the ELQ project on the dock. Ned tells the worker if there are any questions to not go to AJ Quartermaine, but to him instead. V comes running down the stairs to remind Ned that he is performing tonight at Jake's, and is panicking that he is not ready. Ned tells V. that he can see that she is the one who is nervous about tonight. Ned then assured V that he could juggle both his music career and ELQ. V asks him if he is absolutely sure and Ned reassures a nervous V that he's primed and ready to rock 'n' roll at Jake's tonight. They then leave so that Ned can transform himself into a rock ‘n’ roll star. Ned performed at Jakes to an audience full of familiar faces and wowed the crowd. Jax & Alexis fly to north Africa, their helicopter crashes somewhere in Libia, in the Sahara desert. After the crash, Alexis is frantic as she can't find Jax and fears he is dead. She is estactic with relief when she finds him alive and okay. Back in PC, Ned and V are out at Luke's club, Ned is worried about Alexis as she hasn't called him from Cairo as promised. Jax and Alexis stuck in the desert, and are trying to reassure themselves and each other that help is really on the way. Jax assures a worried Alexis that he can fix the sabotaged radio. Ned heads over to the brownstone and Jerry tells him that Jax & Alexis flew out of Cairo the day before and haven't been heard from since. Ned insists on joining Jerry in the rescue effort. V catches up with Ned and also insists on going to Eygpt. As the cold night gets the better of Jax, he snuggles with Alexis under the blanket for warmth. Meanwhile, Ned & V are worrying in Egypt, unable to get any response on the radio. Alexis almost gives up hope when a sandstorm starts, and wonders if she has ruined her life over her obsession with destroying Helena. As Jax is telling her what's what, the radio springs to life. Back in Egypt, V and Ned are worried about the storm (which is to last 48 hours), but Jerry remains cool. Jax and 'Lexis are still trying to send SOS calls at this point. Meanwhile, Ned, Jerry & V are flying overhead. Ned hears Alexis' voice on the radio. The radio that Jax fixed breaks down right before he gives Jerry the exact location of where they are. Jax and Alexis are shown again. They start to play a game of "If you could do anything right now, what would it be ?" Alexis resists playing a stupid game again, but she finally gives in. They start giggling, as they are huddled up trying to stay warm. Ned, Jerry & V run into the cave at this time, Ned looks a bit surprised to see Jax and Alexis laughing it up in each other's arms. They are all overjoyed to see each other and immediately start hugging and joking around with each other. Back in the desert cave the rejoicing continues. Jerry scolds Jax for taking so long to fix the radio saying he could have done it with his eyes closed. Ned steps in to say that Jerry had wanted to leave the area and go to the coast to search right before they found Jax and Alexis. Jax jumps in saying that Jerry must be slipping if he thought Helena would let them just drowned. Alexis interrupts saying that if it wasn't for the way the two brothers work no one would have been saved. Ned laughs and says she must be crazy from dehydration if she is saying that. Ned, V, and Alexix head out of the cave to the helicopter and Jerry ribs Jax saying that his friend the Sheik isn't going to be happy with the condition of his helicopter. They laugh and hug. Jax tells Jerry he loves him. In the jet, Jerry and Jax jokingly fight about which desert is worse to be stranded in. Ned interrupts angrily saying that it is their joking that almost got Alexis killed. V steps up to Ned saying that he should accept Jax and Jerry's joking for what it is, their coping mechanism. Ned says no that they are just being irresponsible and playing games and that Alexis will never be involved with them again. Alexis says that it is her choice to make. She had an adventure BUT was putting J&J on notice that they may have to finish it on their own. Jax is at the PC Grille and who should show up but Simon Prentiss, the guy from Monte Carlo who V hit over the head. You know, the guy who cheated at cards. He tells Jax he knows "Isabella" was a fake (he tracked down the real Isabella in Argentina) and that he is hopelessly in love with "whatever her name is." He wants Jax to set up a meeting; Jax pretty much refuses, though he's laughing. Simon declares that he's staying in Port Charles till he finds the mystery woman. Ned, V, and Chloe are at the Q's. V is trying to talk to Ned about his rehearsing; finally she gets fed up and hangs up on all thephone calls, including Chloe's assistant. Chloe doesn't care and wants to hear about the music. Ned plays them an impromptu "concert" and of course they love it. Jax walks in, makes fun of Ned, and tells V about Simon. V is horrified. Jax and Ned leave for a business meeting in New York. V tells Chloe she's repulsed by Simon; Chloe says he's her good friend and a very eligible bachelor. Carly seems relieved when V & Chloe interrupt as AJ kisses her. Carly then begs the girls to join them that night at Luke's. V refuses, she is afraid of running into Simon, but they are able to talk her into it. At Luke's, Chloe meets Jason. He advises her to vote with Sonny and not to trust AJ or Jax. Music montage of Luke entering Laura's hospital room, Jerry & Bobbie, Simon entering Luke's club and sees V, AJ/Jason/Carly, then Sonny & Hannah making love. Simon is hanging out at the table (at Luke’s) with Chloe and V. They have a fun scene with V trying to convince Simon she’s nothing like the woman he met in Monte Carlo. She just ends up endearing him more…and she storms off. Ned is at Kelly's, V sits down at his table. She is trying to be in disguise by wearing sunglasses and a baseball cap. Ned finds it amusing. She has booked him into a club in Minnesota. He realizes she just wants to leave town to get away from Simon. Ned tries to convince V that she is a desirable charismatic woman, but she thinks she only attracts lunatics and insists Simon doesn't know the real her. V doesn't want any part of Simon. Ned thinks she should see herself in a different light - that she could be the object of someone's desire. She gets ticked at him and leaves. Chloe arrives at Jax's to arrange a dinner to help V and Simon get to know each other. Jax tells Chloe that Simon has to back off, and they jokingly decide that Jax should demonstrate on Chloe how Simon should treat V. Jax says, "Hopefully at the end of the evening, Simon and V will realize that they're perfect for reach other". Shortly after this, Jax runs into V outside of Kelly's where she is wearing that stupid disguise and attempting to book another gig for Ned. Jax tells V that he needs her to join him & Chloe in his penthouse for dinner - he doesn't want Chloe to think it's a date. V agrees. "Your place is the one apartment I know Simon'll never be at." Later that night, V is at Jax's when there's a knock at the door. V goes into the kitchen as Jax answers the door, ushering a giddy Simon and a glowing Chloe into the room. V reenters and slams down her tray - "You set me up!" V is livid while Jax denies the whole situation is a setup. V walks out, goes onto the elevator. Jax asks her to listen to him. The door closes, but she comes back and gives him a chance to talk. Jax asks her why she won't give Simon a chance. If it's because she thinks Simon is obnoxious, that's one thing. But if it's because she thinks she isn't worthy of a man travelling around the globe to pursue her, he thinks she should reconsider. Jax doesn't approve of Simon's tactics but his motives could be sincere. V can't even think about love. They don't know each other. Inside the penthouse, Chloe tries to convince Simon to go slowly with V, to stop overwhelming her. As Simon declares to Chloe that he loves V, V comes back in with Jax. They have dinner catered. Jax and Chloe try to make small talk. Simon stares at V. Jax and Chloe explain the Nurses' Ball to Simon. When Jax tells Chloe how V helped Felicia with her book, V explains she mostly corrected grammar and punctuation. Simon jumps in and talks about his obsession with correct punctuation. He and V get involved in a discussion about apostrophes and semi-colons. V becomes uneasy when she realizes they share the same enthusiasm on this subject. After dinner, Jax and Chloe are enjoying champagne on one side of the room. They are discussing going to the Nurses' Ball together. V and Simon are together on the opposite side of the room. Chloe keeps glancing over, happy that V and Simon are getting along. Suddenly, Chloe says "oh no!" Simon is down on one knee, professing his love and proposing to V. V jumps up and screams "Jax!" V. freaks out about Simon proposing. Jax and Chloe try to intervene…and basically trick her into agreeing to go to the Nurse’s ball with him. (It was either that or Café Matis alone) Jax tells Simon he’s coming on too strong, and imagine if he was in V’s shoes. Simon begins to comprehend that he’s being a jerk… Back in the Q mansion, Ned is joking about the flowers Simon sent V. V is depressed because Jax and Chloe set her up to go to the Nurses' Ball (henceforth NB). Ned laughs upon learning of their date. Chloe enters with a specially designed dress for V to wear to the NB, and throws V a "it's your decision. I just want you to consider it." V retorts, "OK, but I'm not making any promises." Simon is at Jax's to bring V to the Ball. She looks very glamorous and is quick to tell him that she'll be back in sweats tomorrow. When Jax and Chloe get there, V and Simon are sipping champagne and chatting comfortably. Ned and Alexis are next to arrive and Ned teases Jax about not performing again this year at the Ball. There's a whole segment done with "Rock this Town" playing throughout. We see all the couples already mentioned plus Mac and Felicia, Emily and Jason, and Nik and Liz. Most of the women spin around to showcase their gowns. Jax & Chloe fill in at the last minute, and do a ballroom dance and the crowd enjoys it. (Small shot of Simon & V enjoying themselves). Tony sings "Jump, Jive, and Wail". Lucy introduces the Q men (AJ, Edward, Alan and Ned) who do "I Feel Good" accompanied by four female dancers. The men all wear sunglasses and blue satin shirts. Emily and Ned sing "Forever Young" while we see quilts of many AIDS victims. Ned encourages the audience to join them and they all sing alon g. It was a sweet, sad number. After the ball, Simon brings V violets as they enter an elevator. The elevator stops between floors and they get stuck in it for awhile. They share some nice conversation, Simon is a gentleman. He sadly comments that he will probably never see her again after this night, she doesn't agree and he is encouraged. He asks her for a kiss and she says maybe later. Then he brushes one of the violets against her lips. Jax and Chloe are waiting for the elevator and as the doors open they look on in amazement at Simon & V in wrapped in a passionate kiss. At the gatehouse, Ned is in a great mood (he has just resigned from ELQ). He is playing his guitar and singing when V and Alexis come in. They start dancing. V and Ned discuss business. She's going to Albany to hear a new band. Ned worries about her travelling that far alone at night. She is evasive, but Ned finally gets her to say she's travelling with Simon. V and Simon stop by Jax's penthouse to bring them (Ned, Alexis, Jax and Chloe) to the 98 Degree concert that V has booked at Jake's. Ned refuses saying he is in the middle of a touchy negotiation. V is disappointed that Ned is not enthusiastic. She can't believe that he won't take time out to attend a concert when she has booked one of the hottest bands in the country. She and Simon leave without knowing anything about the schemes of the quadrangle nor that Jax & Alexis have married. Later, V and Simon are seated at a table discussing how disappointed V is that Ned is not coming to the show tonight. He tells her that if Ned loses her working for him it will truely be his loss. Then V introduces 98 degrees and they sing two songs. Simon and V run into Jax & Alexis at the PC Grille. V is surprised to notice Alexis is wearing a wedding ring and assumes she has married Ned. She is shocked to hear that her husband is Jax rather than Ned. They explain that they fell in love while stranded in the Sahara. This doesn't ring true to V since she witnessed Alexis happiness at being reunited with Ned. V is also hurt that she wasn't told about the wedding nor invited. Alexis and Jax make excuses for the hasty ceremony. But being the good sport that she is, she congratulates them. After V leaves, Jax and Alexis feel very guilty for hurting V and for lying to her. Lastly, Simon & V have asked Jax, Chloe, Ned, and Alexis to meet them at the Grille. V tells them that Simon is taking her on a year long trip around the world. Both Ned and Jax offer her a job and try to talk her out of going. She asks them to understand and be happy for her. Jax & V share a private goodbye, he tells her how much her friendship has meant to him, she tells him that she was a little in love with him. Touching moment as they all kiss and hug and say goodbye to V. |