Sonny looked for Carly in the penthouse, but Johnny told him that she had already gone to the office. Alexis arrived with several boxes of Sonny's files stating that his new attorney might need them. He says, "okay fine." She is bothered by his nonchalance and says "That’s it? Your going to let me go? Just like that?" He queries, "Isn't that what you want?" She clarifies that she is resigning because he lied to her but she might reconsider if he admits that he was wrong. He tells her that she knows who he is and he is tired of people trying to change him. She stomps out, "Okay we are over, we're through!" Ned is waiting in the hallway tells her how glad he is to finally hear that!
Emily called Alexis and briefly described what had happened. Emily asked Alexis to go and find Zander since he was so upset and she was worried what he might do. (Em had broken up with Zander so Edward would drop the charges against him). Before Alexis could find Zander, he tried to steal a boat from the docks. Sonny arrived to find Zander trying to hotwire his boat. Sonny wanted to know what Zander planned on doing to the boat once he stole it and Zander told him that he was going to get revenge because Q's had convinced Emily that he had attacked her grandfather. Sonny explained that he knew how Zander felt, but that self-destructing wouldn't help anyone, including himself. Sonny told Zander he would help him move on with his life by getting him set-up in school or to find a job, but Alexis arrived to explain "Over her dead body".
Alexis' penthouse: Alexis and Sonny argued about what was best for Zander. Alexis found him a job out of town, Sonny offered him a legitimate job and wanted him to stay in Port Charles. Alexis said he wasn't going to work for Sonny. Zander said he wasn't taking either job; he just wanted to get out of there. He is hurt and angry. Sonny tried to give him some money but Zander said he had taken enough from them both and was going to make it on his own. He went upstairs to pack and Alexis and Sonny continued to argue over who is giving him the better job. Alexis complains that Sonny's offer is a life of crime. He states that he has legitimate businesses and will set Zander up at the coffee warehouse. He complains her idea is to send Zander out of town with no safety net. Their argument escalates till Zander breaks it up saying he is leaving town. When he walks out, Alexis is disturbed that Sonny isn't stopping him. He says he is respecting his wishes. Sonny offers her job back as he likes having the best. She needs him (she says like the plague). He says he needs her and asks her to admit that she has missed him (like a migraine she snarks). He asks her to stand by him as a lawyer and a friend. She admits that there were times she actually enjoyed working for him but she doesn't want to anymore then seems disappointed that he doesn't try to talk her out of it. She would run on without taking a breath and Sonny would remind her to breathe. Finally he accepted she didn't want to be his lawyer anymore and left.
Sonny sat solemnly on his sofa and contemplated his status. He must have been in disbelief about the last few days. Alexis came over to offer her help. She asked if he was all right. She said she was concerned about him. Sonny replied I betrayed you, and there's no coming back from that. Alexis told him that betrayal is a question of beliefs. Sometimes there is being less than candid with your attorney and then there is snitching. Sonny was surprised. Then she asked where was Carly, she should at least be around supporting you. Sonny could not answer and only looked at the ceiling. Alexis figured out that it was Carly who turned him in. She apologized. He asked her politely to go. Please just go. Alexis left. A short while later, Carly appeared at the door and tried to open it. Sonny had the locks changed. Carly knocked and banged at the door pleading with Sonny to let her in the house. I love you and I never meant to hurt you. I did this for us and for our family. I could never hurt you. Sonny just sat on the couch. Johnny asked if he wanted him to open the door but he shook his head no. Carly stopped for a moment and Alexis came outside. She asked Carly to leave Sonny alone. Carly told Alexis she had no business in her business. Sonny was her husband. Alexis told Carly that Sonny was her friend and that if Sonny went to prison it would be on Carly's conscious. Carly started to cry and went back to banging on the door. She slouched down and repeated that she will always love Sonny forever and had no intention of letting him go.
While gazing into a mirror, Sonny had visions of Carly standing in his apartment telling him that he will forgive her, that she didn't betray him, and that she will always love him. Sonny fired his gun into the mirror. As Alexis prepares to enter the elevator, she looks over and notices that there is no guard at Sonny's door, Sonny's wide open door. Inside she notices the broken mirror. She comments that she heard Carly pounding at the door the night before, and asks if he let her in. Sonny asks her if she has changed her mind and wants to be his attorney again. Mike arrives and also asks about the mirror. Before he gets an answer, Agent Ford and Taggart walk in (through the still open door) and demand to know what Sonny has done to their witness. Seems the witness (bomber), is stating that Sonny had nothing to do with his kidnapping. Obviously this means they have no case against Sonny. Sonny asks them to leave or he will have HIS attorney file harassment charges against them. Before he leaves, Taggart asks where Mrs. Corinthos is. He obviously knows Carly is missing. After they leave Mike also asks where Carly is, but Sonny just asks him to leave. As Mike and Alexis leave, Sonny asks them to leave the door open. Outside Alexis fills Mike in on what she knows - Carly set Sonny up, he found out and threw her out, Michael too! Inside Sonny sits alone on the couch, suddenly he spots something wedged between the cushions, it is an earring.
Its Liz and Lucky's engagement party at the Grille so many are gathered there for that. Sonny entered with his entourage of body guards and bimbettes, drawing Alexis' attention. Skye wanted Sonny to help her bring down the Quartermaines. He said he would like nothing better, but didn't agree with her betraying her own family. He knew what it was like to have family betray you. Ned overheard Sonny and Skye talking and old Skye he had declared all out war on her. Alexis had come out and Sonny asked her later why she had come outside after Ned, was she jealous of Skye? She said she had come out for him, Sonny. Nobody told her that Skye was Ned's cousin, she wouldn't have reason to be jealous, if she was. Sonny and Alexis sat at the bar and had a talk. She admitted no matter what he did, he was her friend and she was his.
At the jail, Sonny taunts Sorrel with the package. When Sonny starts to open it, Sorrel calls for a guard. Alexis is there and convinces Sonny to leave. Before he goes Sonny tells Sorrel, next time it might be real. Alexis asks Sonny why does he put himself in danger? This leads them to discuss their life choices, mainly his. He tells her when he joined the mob (at age 16) he knew there was no going back, you have to live with your choices. He understands that Carly didn't want his life anymore, but she choose the wrong way to go about getting out, now they all have to live with that choice. When Alexis expresses sympathy, Sonny flirts with her by saying, "Don't worry so much, I'm going to think you like me." Alexis is getting ready to head out the door, but changes her mind when Zander arrives. Zander apologizes for running out on them, and explains about what happened in Canada, then tells them that he wants a real life and school. Sonny tells him to show up at the warehouse for a job, enroll in night classes and send him a bill for tuition. After they leave Sonny, Alexis tells Zander maybe not good idea to work for Sonny. When Zander assures her he will stay clean, Alexis comments that that is not what she is worried about.
Sonny sees more visions of Carly and then decides he needs to get out of the house and knocks on Alexis' door and tells her to be ready for dinner in five minutes. Of course, Alexis objects to the demand and insists on an invitation. Once he invites her, she turns him down, but then, he asks her again very sweetly and she realizes he needs a friend, so she goes with him. At the restaurant, some floozy comes over to flirt with Sonny and, when he flirts back, Alexis tells him that denial is not healthy. She wants him to talk about what's bothering him, how much he still loves Carly and how upset he is. He plays down his loneliness and hurt, even trying to remind Alexis that his marriage was just to prevent Carly from testifying against him. Alexis knows it was more than that. Taggert joins them at their table to tell Sonny that Sorel escaped from jail. Alexis is upset. When they get back to the penthouses, Alexis expresses her worry about Sonny and his lack of bodyguards, particularly with Sorel on the loose. Sonny tells her not to worry, he'll deal with Sorel in his own way. She is reminded that he is a dangerous mobster, but admits to him that if Sorel did turn up dead and Sonny was arrested, she would defend him. They compliment each other some more and then part ways. Alexis, once inside her apartment, calls Benny and tells him to provide some protection for Sonny.
Sonny has gone to Lily's grave. Suddenly, Sonny is grabbed from behind by the man with the knife and stabbed. It is Sorrel. Sonny tries to stand but passes out and falls to the ground! A dazed Sonny woke up in a hospital setting and met "Angel," who explained to him that she knew who he is and that he had been stabbed. She said she's going to take care of him, but that doesn't seem to include notifying his family and friends of his location.
Alexis found Carly in Sonny's apartment and gave her a few choice words about betraying Sonny. Carly insisted she did it for love and safety. Their argument was interrupted by the police, who were there to question Carly, telling her she could make things easier for Sonny if she told them what she knew. She refused to help.
Carly returns to Sonny's penthouse and she is worried about Sonny's safety as she found blood at Lily's grave and she is convinced something has happened to Sonny and Sorel is behind it. She accuses Alexis of abandoning Sonny when he needed her most. Alexis assures her that if Sonny was careless, the blames rests solely at Carly's feet. Alexis does however call the police to report the Sorrel sighting.
Carly demands Alexis be her attorney so that she can sue Laura and Scott but Alexis points out they had everything right when it came to buying the company and Mike shows up to tell Carly that Sonny is okay and is having Benny take care of everything.
Alexis is probing Mike for any information on Sonny’s whereabouts. She seems convinced he knows something, but he isn’t giving anything up. In the midst of her begging, he starts to think she has more than friendly feelings for Sonny and says so to her. She admits that Ned implied the same thing to her, but denies any such feelings. Her protestations, however, only make Mike think he’s right. Alexis meets up with Sonny on the docks and asks him where he’s been (he has been holed up in Angel's cabin for weeks with no word). She forces him to apologize to her for making her worry and then updates him on what’s been going on, with Zander, with Carly, with the custody hearing and with Sorel. A very relieved Alexis told Sonny how miserable Carly had been without him and that she was falling apart. Sonny thought that Carly had been physically hurt, and started to freak out, but Alexis assured him that Carly was physically well, but emotionally unstable. Sonny then went to the warehouse to confront A.J., who had been brought there against his will. Sonny warned him against pursuing custody of Michael, but A.J.
Alexis knocks on Sonny's penthouse - unaware that Sorel is inside holding Carly hostage. Sorel answered the door, and when he found Alexis there, he forced her inside at gunpoint. He threatened to kill her unless she told him where Sonny was. Much to Alexis's surprise, Carly threw herself in front of Alexis and told Sorel to leave her alone. Sorel said, "Sonny has one hour to respond and if he doesn't, one of you ladies will die". The phone rang and Sorel told Carly to answer it while he pressed the gun to Alexis's temple. Carly picked up the phone and Sonny was on the other end. Carly hid the fact that Sonny was on the phone. When he asked her if Sorel was in the Penthouse and told her to say yes or no, Carly pretended that it was Bobbie trying to come over. Carly said, "No! Don't come around here anymore," and hung up. Sorel figured out that she was lying. He realized that Sonny had been on the phone and she admitted that she had told Sonny to stay away. Meanwhile, outside of the Penthouse, Zander crept around to the side doors and did sneak in. However, when the door made a sound closing, Sorel spotted Zander there. They struggled for control and Sorel ended up shooting the teen in the chest. Carly tried to protect Zander by throwing herself on top of him. She begged Sorel to take her and leave Zander and Alexis behind. Sorel had reached his boiling point. He pointed the gun at Carly and told her that he was going to make her pay for protecting Sonny. Just as he was about to pull the trigger, Sonny called out to him from the doorway. Sonny nonchalantly asked Sorel what he was there for.
Sorrel orders Sonny to step inside and give up his gun. Sorrel's disbelief that Sonny is unarmed turns to shock when Sonny informs him that even though he doesn't have a gun he is wearing a BOMB! Amid their arguing Sonny manages to convince Sorrel to let the others go. They rush to Alexis' apartment, where Alexis call for an ambulance. After settling Zander on the sofa, Carly rushes back to Sonny's side. Sonny orders her leave, when she refuses he tells her that if she wants to gain his trust back she will do as he says. Alexis pops in and escorts Carly back to the other penthouse. Sonny manages to convince Sorrel that he doesn't care if he dies. Sonny is tired of causing others pain and wants to be at peace. He tells Sorrel to choose his own fate. He can put the gun down, go back to prison, waste tax dollars on several years of appeals, then he'll have nice painless death or Sonny can detonate the bomb and Sorrel can go straight to hell! While Sorrel ponders which death he prefers; Taggart (who called him) arrives at Alexis' penthouse and asks what is going on. No sooner does Alexis inform him that Sonny and Sorrel are across the hall with a gun and a bomb than there is a loud explosion and the screen goes blank.
The radio narration sets the stage for the bomb explosion. We see Zander, Alexis, Carly, and Taggert lying, possibly dead, amidst the rubble of the explosion. Taggert stirred, staggered to his feet, and stumbled around Alexis's apartment. Felt the pulse of Zander, Alexis and Carly, then got up, drew his gun and approached the Corinthos'. He got as far as the hallway, peered in, and succumbed to his exhaustion. News reports were being read over the radio. Nicholas and Gia were at the cottage, and Nicholas, after hearing the news, rushed to check on Alexis. Alexis emerges okay but they insist she go to the hospital to be checked out. She wants to go with Zander who has been shot. Alexis kept watch at his bedside through everything and was angry when she heard Sorrel was on the same floor as Zander but there was nothing she could do about it except stay by his side. Sonny came and visited and he and Alexis complemented on how brave and how much of a hero Zander was going through all that. Sonny told him he needs to start thinking before acting though and apologized for staying in hiding for so long.
Alexis asks Sonny to help her steal back her mother's necklace from Helena. She wants to borrow two of his guys who are experienced in criminal maters. She explains that Helena intends on selling the necklace at an auction. He tells her that she is too emotionally involved and Helena would send the cops straight to Alexis and she is too upset to be able to cover it up. She would be arrested, lose her license to practice law, and she is the BEST attorney he has ever had. She asks him again to please help him but he says he can't. She asks him what would he do if his stepfather had beaten his mother to death, sold everything she owned, would he then pay for his mother's necklace (he cherishes a cross that was once his mother's). She shakily tells him that Helena slit her mother's throat. Sonny draws her into his arms. Ned has appeared in the doorway and grimly looks on at this embrace. He leaves without letting his presence known. Alexis though doesn't listen and instead tries to steal the necklace herself. She is caught by security and looks like she will be arrested at any moment. Lucky for her Ned walked in and made up a story about testing the security.
Sorel is murdered. There is a montage of action as many different PC’ers could be responsible. Tony finds Sorel dead and knows that foul play has occurred. His life support , has been unplugged. Taggert and Mac want to know where Sonny was earlier, the last time he saw Sorel alive. They say that they can drag him down to the precinct. Sonny says he isn't going to answer any questions without his attorney present and she's unavailable. Alexis enters and wants them to stop harassing her client. Alexis wants to know what Mac is doing. He says he is back as police commissioner. She wants to know what the charges are, they tell her there aren't any yet. She says that they are done then. Alexis tells Sonny she has no desire to know if he had anything to do with Sorel's murder, but she wants to know what she is up against. Sonny thought she wasn't his attorney. She says she is ready to resume the job, if he wants. He says no. She is shocked. He comments that she looks disappointed. Alexis says, "You're turning me down?" Alexis says that she has come to understand that sometimes he might not have another choice when you deal with people like Sorel and Helena. Sonny wants to know if it is an apology. Alexis says it is an explanation. Sonny says he respects her but his lifestyle doesn't fit her standards. He would rather get another lawyer so they don't run into walls like they did during the Sorel case rather than lose her as a friend. Alexis says that she knows Sonny values his friends, but she would prefer to be his attorney right now to distract her from her own family. She goes on and on and on about Sonny and his job. Sonny tells her to breath, asks her if she would like water. When she finishes, he says that he might possibly have an attorney if she can ever learn to breathe. Sonny asks if Alexis feels better. She says this is why she needs to represent him, because he offers her water. Sonny says if she really wants to be his lawyer, she can. He leaves, says he has someplace he has to be.
As Carly looks for Mac, Taggart escorts Angel and Sonny into the station (Angel is being brought in for questioning on Carly's charges that Angel was in on Sorel kidnapping her). Alexis arrives and wants to know what the charges are against Sonny. Carly starts to mouth off against Angel despite Sonny's warning to keep quite. Alexis agrees to represent Angel. Sonny asks her to just make it disappear. Alexis asks Angel some questions about her actions, etc. Sonny & Carly talk in the viewing room as Mac and Taggert watch from the other side. Carly engaged Sonny in a game of cat and mouse. First, she made hi believe that she was going to confess to Sorel's murder, then she put a show on for Mac and Taggert When Alexis tired of her she found Taggert and Mac in the viewing room. She then proceeded to read them the riot act.
Sonny shows up at Alexis' and teases her about the smell of burned coffee. He wants to know how she can burn coffee in a cappucino machine. She tells him that she doesn't think she is the right attorney for Angel. She is also still waiting for his apology for taking off without a word. He tells her that he wants a divorce from Carly. She wants explanations about where he was and what was going on with Angel? She tells him she lost weight as even popcorn didn't taste good because she was so worried about him. he tells her he didn't mean to stress her out. She reminds him that they are friends and he said he trusted her. He can't treat her the way he treats his wife. She tells him that he pushes people away from him when they get too close. She understands as she does the same thing. She points out that she expects to be treated differently than Carly as she didn't betray him. He tells her not to worry about Angel that he has had her checked out. Alexis is concerned about his relationship with Sorel's daughter, so she isn't reassured.
Jax has her mother's necklace (he stole it from the auction). Jax stuns Alexis when he says "The necklace isn't for you, it belongs to Kristina. I found her!" Several days later, the doorbell rings at Jax's. Kristina goes to her room as Jax answers the door. It's Alexis and she tells Jax she didn't know where else to go an breaks down in his arms. He takes her into the living room and Alexis starts reciting all the times she never thanked Chloe for the things she's done (Chloe has been murdered by Stavros). Like making her exercise. Then she says that she and Chloe were supposed to go shopping for shoes and that's all she can think about .shoes. She also says that she wanted to call Chloe and ask her advice on how to handle her meeting with Kristina but realized she wasn't there to ask. It's heartbreaking to watch Alexis. Jax tries to comfort her and tells her that she needs to rest, eat or get drunk…something because she can't continue as she is. Alexis snaps to it a little and says that she wants to wait until she's more pulled together before she meets Kristina. Just then, Kristina emerges from her room and says, "Too late, we met at the police station". Alexis just stares at her, shocked. Alexis asks if she was the one in the trench coat and that Kristina must think she was rude and apologizes. Kristina tells her that it's ok and that Jax explained everything. She apologizes and offers condolences on her friends' death. Kristina starts rambling on and on and says that she's sorry but she rambles when she's nervous. Funny, since that's what Alexis does too when she's nervous. The plot thickens. Then Kristina pulls out a picture and hands it to Alexis. Alexis is stunned and says it's a picture of her mother. "It's my mother too" whispers Kristina. Finally! We learn of their connection. Alexis pulls Kristina into her arms and starts crying. "You found my little sister," she says over and over.
A couple of weeks later, Alexis asks Sony to loan her a henchman to protect someone. She won’t explain beyond giving Kristina’s first name. Sonny says no problem; she’s his friend and she needs help. He’ll arrange a safe house for Kristina. Alexis says she likes being his friend. Sonny goes on to tease her, asking if that means she won’t make a big fuss the next time he needs her to defend him. That she won't ask him if he did it? Or lecture him about his morals? Or hyperventilate?
Alexis comes by the gatehouse looking for Jax and is very surprised that he left Kristina in Ned’s care. Ned is trying to find out what the connection is between the two women. Alexis tells him that she’s a material witness in an old case she’s handling. Ned excuses himself and Kristina asks big sis why she didn’t tell Ned the truth. The ultra-professional legal eagle replies, “ I dunno." Later when Alexis still refuses to trust Ned by telling him about Kristina, he tells her that it is over. Alexis goes straight to Sonny. She fill him in that Jax has moved Kristina to the gatehouse. Sonny is surprised but promises to provide some guards as gardners and house staff to protect her. When he calls Jax "Candy Boy" she questions that and defends Jax. After all if it wasn't for Jax she wouldn't even have met Kristina she tells Sonny. Jax is the one who brought her to Port Charles. She waits expectantly for Sonny to question her about Kristina's relationship to her. She comments on it when he doesn't. He points out that if she wanted him to know that she would tell him. She seems touched by his respect for her privacy and his trust in her (contrasted to Ned's demand for information). She blurts out that Kristina is her sister. Note - interesting that she tells Sonny so readily when she held the info from Ned.) She doesn't understand why she told him when she wouldn't tell Ned. He says that sometimes you love someone but they don't belong in your life if they don't understand your code. She snarks at him about his code and what has it ever gotten him? he counts, "money, power, the best attorney in the state!" He observes that perhaps Ned doesn't respect her privacy that is why he is divorcing Carly. She counters that his reasons for the divorce keep shifting.
Jax caught Stefan and prepared to drag him back to the police. (Stefan has been wrongly arrested for Chloe's murder and is trying to escape from the hospital to aid in capturing Helena). Alexis intervened and told Jax that there was a lot of things going on that he didn’t know about. She finally got him to let Stefan go by saying, “If you’ve ever cared for me, then I need you to trust me on this.” Jax is upset that Alexis and Sonny ganged up on him to make him let Stefan escape, but he gets really concerned when he finds out Sonny knows about Kristina. He tells Alexis he’s worried about her; how can she trust Sonny? “You’ll live to regret this, Alexis,” Jax says, “if you’re lucky.” Then Jax leaves. Alexis laments that she may have just lost her greatest friend. Sonny compliments her for standing up for what she believes in. He wants to know if she’ll take his assistance if he offers it. Alexis tells him other people are involved who don’t trust him. Sonny doesn’t care, he just wants to protect her. After all, it’s in his best interest to keep his lawyer safe. Alexis says he’s not as self-centered as he pretends to be. Sonny points out that she can’t stop him from putting guards on her. They share another moment of their unique camaraderie. Sonny says he doesn’t need to know everything; “as long as you don’t lie to me, we’ll be okay.”“I’m the one with ethics here,” Alexis returns. “You’re the one who’s morally challenged.” “Yeah, but I pay well,” Sonny responds. “True good point,” Alexis says, then adds, “You’re also an excellent friend.” Sonny again urges Alexis to accept his help; he can keep Stefan safe Alexis says that no one can keep Stefan safe, given what he has to do. She can’t tell Sonny what’s going on; she’ll only say that some people who you dislike never go away. Sonny promises that he won’t let “whoever” get to her.
Sonny stops by to check on Alexis, he notices how scared and nervous she is and asks what she is not telling him (that Stavros is alive and she is endanger). He talks to her about adopting Michael. She points out that this will tie him to Carly for the rest of his life and will complicate his divorce (its clear that Alexis doesn't care for the idea). Carly is at the door. She asks Sonny to go to his penthouse with her so they can talk. He turns her down saying that he is staying the night with Alexis. The look on Carly's face is one of utter shock! Carly blows up about Sonny spending the night with Alexis. Sonny says it has nothing to do with their divorce. He’s there to protect Alexis; Carly doesn’t believe him. Carly says she will always be grateful to him for getting A.J. to sign away his parental rights, but she doesn’t want him to adopt her son. Alexis accuses her of using her child. Sonny says he needs it to be legal so Michael can know he can always count on him. We’re both selfish, he tells Carly, but we can’t be selfish about him. Carly instantly goes against that bit of advice by saying, “You can have what you want if I can have what I want.” Sonny says his mind is made up about the divorce. Carly asks Alexis for a new set of papers (she tore up the others). While she’s out of the room, she and Sonny talk more. Sonny explains that it would not be good for Michael to grow up in a house of tension between his parents. He says he’ll put a guard on her and Michael. Carly says, “Alexis gets you, and I’m stuck with Adam or Johnny?” She storms out.
An awkward moment passes when Alexis wonders aloud how Carly could think there’s anything between them. Sonny says there is something between them. If she was just his attorney he would simply send a bodyguard and not be sleeping on her coach. He says he is doing that because they are friends and it makes Carly crazy since Alexis is a woman. She tells Sonny that Carly actually has a point about the divorce; wouldn’t it be easier if they reconcile? Sonny says that Carly can’t accept the secrets in his life, and it wouldn’t be fair of him to ask her to. He’d kill the “Carly-ness” in her. With them apart, his life is under control. Alexis says she understands keeping everything in nice compartments; sometimes you end up alone in one of those compartments. Alexis gives Sonny sheets, a blanket and a pillow for the couch and goes upstairs to bed. Later, a restless Sonny stares out the window and groans Carly’s name. Upstairs, Alexis tosses and turns and dreams of Sonny. In her dream, she goes downstairs to give Sonny an extra pillow. He gets up from the couch and kisses her. Their passion builds, his p.j. shirt is off, things are getting hot and heavy. Alexis sits bolt upright in bed, saying “Oh, my God!” to find Sonny in her doorway staring at her and wondering just what kind of dream she had. Boy, is she embarrassed.
While Alexis and Sonny are talking we keep hearing her thoughts (noted in parenthesis). In Alexis' bedroom Sonny asks if she is okay (OK I just dreamt you kissed me! Why don't you button your shirt?) I'm fine says Alexis. Sonny sits on the bed and puts a hand to Alexis' forehead, saying she looks flushed. (He's sitting on the bed! Don't sit on the bed; go stand in the corner!) I just had a nightmare she replies. They go downstairs and continue a discussion on the symbolic meaning of dreams. Alexis babbles, and says "dreaming you kissed someone, means you forgot to brush your teeth" (Oh god, did I just say that?). Sonny says he knows she's worried about Stephan and Kristina, but assures her he's got his best people on Kristina. Alexis tells him she doesn't know how she'll eve thank him for what he's doing, Sonny replies that he'll think of something, as he reaches into her popcorn bowl and their hands touch. Alexis manages to squeak out "what do you mean". As Sonny tells Alexis to go back to bed, there is a knock on the door. It's the PCPD. The cop tells Sonny that Mac wants his co-operation in the Sorrel investigation. Sonny replies for the Commish to call and make an appointment during regular business hours. The cop informs Sonny that Mac said to tell him, if he refused to come, Carly would be questioned alone.
Sonny and Alexis are the first to arrive at Mac's get together, closely followed by Carly and Bobbie. Carly wants to know what they are doing there. Sonny tells Carly, "Ask her" and points to Angel, who just entered. Sonny asks Angel himself; when Angel denies any knowledge, Carly accuses her of lying. Sonny comments that if Angel doesn't know, then it must be Mac's doing and asks the Commish what they are waiting for. Zander is the next to appear. When he starts reeling of the reasons the police would like to pin the murder on him, Alexis shushes him and points out Zander is not the only one there. Sonny comments to Mike that he appears to be very nervous. He then comments to Angel that this place must bring back bad memories. (I would guess they are at her father' house). She answers that it brings back the good memories, but they still hurt. Carly tells Bobbie that she can leave, but Bobbie says they asked for her to be there also. In the background Mac asks Felicia for her impressions. She replies that everybody is just(understandably) nervous, but comments that she doesn't understand why Bobbie was included in the group. Mac admits Bobbie is a long shot, but thinks she could have been pushed to murder, after all the times Sorrel threaten Carly's and Michael's lives. The Q family arrives and demands to know what is going on. Roy and Melissa enter, feel the bad vibes and promise each other that what ever happens, it won't take away from what they said to each other earlier.
Mac takes center stage and thanks everyone for coming. He tells them he wants them to know it's a strictly voluntary and informal gathering, but threatens to make it mandatory, when some say they are leaving. He points out some charges against several attendees. Carly for perjury in her claim that Angel had her kidnapped; Zander for packing a bag even though he was told not to leave town (this is a crime?); Alan and Monica for large amounts of parking tickets; Roy and Melissa for all they evidence found fingering them in the Sorrel murder. Sonny points out that all this has nothing to do with him, so he is leaving. Alexis will stay and make sure that Carly's, Mike's and Zander's rights are observed. AJ steps in his way and says it's not fair for "the criminal" in the group to get leave and tells Mac he has some charges against the mobster. Sonny forced him to sign away the rights to his son. AJ tells the whole story right down to the bottles of booze Sonny supplied him with. Alan warns Sonny that if it is true, he'll make Sonny pay. Sonny calmly points out that alcoholics never take responsibility for their actions once the binge is over, they always find someone to place the blame on. AJ says he wasn't drinking and he has proof. He calls on Zander to back up his story, but Zander says he doesn't know what AJ is talking about. AJ threatens Zander with telling Emily if Zander doesn't tell the truth, but Zander still denies knowledge. Mac finally steps in and tells AJ he can file charges at the station later, IF he has proof. But tonight is about the Sorrel case. Mac admits that the pieces of the puzzle didn't fit together, as they pointed in several directions; until NOW! As he uncovers a portrait of Sorrel, he says that new evidence will point to the guilty party!
Mac’s got everybody confessing to something, probably even stuff not related to the Sorrel murder investigation. Basically we find out that; a) someone was not as capable of murder as she thought (Melissa) b) someone would do anything to cover up for their lover if they thought they were the killer (Roy) or c)yes, they could cold-bloodedly kill someone threatening their family or said family’s happiness (Carly and Mike). Throw in Zander for swiping meds, Alan for cutting meds and Angel for not giving a damn about Daddy and the question still remains – who really was responsible for Sorrel’s becoming worm food? Sonny, Bobbie, Monica and AJ better come up with some snappy answers for our intrepid police commish – pronto. The murder suspects bicker amongst themselves with Alexis repeatedly saying that they shouldn’t answer any more questions without benefit of counsel. Mac explains what exactly happened the night Sorel died, amid the typical arguing, bickering, complaining and legalese from Alexis. Among those yelling at each other were: Alan to Zander, Melissa to Sonny, Carly to Melissa, Roy to Carly, AJ to Sonny, Carly to Mac.
Mac lays out the events as he sees them: Zander took his sleeping pills and laced the coffee outside ICU with them, in an attempt to put the guard outside Sorel's room to sleep. Zander, however, was too weak and collapsed on the floor of his room. Alan came in and turned off the meds being fed to Sorel. Melissa came in, removed Sorel's leads and attached them to the EKG simulator. Also, she rigged the alarm with the tongue depressor. The murderer came in and turned off the respirator, officially killing Sorel. Mike came in and smothered the already dead Sorel with a pillow. Roy came in and switched the respirator back on, presumably thinking Melissa had been the one to turn it off. Sorel remained dead. Carly came in and unplugged the respirator. Again, Sorel remained dead. Angel witnesses Carly's act. Mac interrogated, questioned, and named 4 major suspects: AJ, Monica, Bobbie, and Sonny. Naturally, Carly insisted on his innocence all the way. Alexis told her to get another life because Carly told Angel and Alexis that Sonny is hers. Carly is determined to have him back in her arms no matter what. (not shown but Mac finally figures out it was Angel, but she skips town with Jax's help).
Alexis is furious at Sonny for what he did to AJ. He, of course, says all he did was protect Carly & Michael. He does apologize for doing something against her principles and she tells him there had better not be any proof. Then, he gives her the lowdown on what happened with Angel, at Angel's house. He also mentions he is reconsidering getting back together with Carly. He wants her advice, her impartial advice. Alexis spouts various reasons why she is certainly not impartial. In fact, she almost tells Sonny that she is attracted to him!! Basically, though, she suggests three choices to him: go back to Carly, dump Carly or find someone new. Sonny leaves to go find Carly.
Alexis comes downstairs (at the gatehouse) in the clothes her little sister picked out for her (a tight shirt and a mini skirt). Alexis wants her other clothes back but everyone insists that she looks great. Then some of Kristina’s friends show up and the party begins. Stephan, Nik and Gia show up. Stephan has a good laugh at Alexis’ outfit. Alexis tells him that Kristina wants to loosen her up and that he is next. Kristina is introduced to Nik and Gia. Gia tells Nik that Kristina, unlike the rest of the Cassidines, is happy and fun. Alexis then makes a toast to a new era of Cassidines. Ones that live on hope and not evil. As Alexis is making her toast, Helena (in a nice orange jumpsuit) is sitting in her jail ceil, crying. Sonny shows up at the gatehouse to check out how Alexis is doing. Kristina introduces herself to the mobster and asks him what he does for a living. He says one thing (coffee importing), but Ned & Jax have more criminal activities in mind. He asks Alexis if she needs a ride home and she takes him up on it. Kristina decides to stay at Ned’s one last night.
Sonny drops Alexis off and he sticks around, wanting to make sure she is okay. He knows she isn’t, even though she insists she is. Sonny can see that Alexis is still on edge. He suggests that she relax, she says she can't- she hates her surroundings (meaning the penthouse). Clearly she's unnerved by his presence and his unwillingness to leave her alone. "I'm O.K. alone, I do alone very well..." He suggests she get rid of those things that she dislikes and encourages her to break a vase, a crystal bowl and various other knick-knacks. At first she's getting a kick out of it, then suddenly collapses on the couch realizing how emotionally upset she was her whole life because of her fear of Helena. Sonny lets her sob against his shoulder. Alexis goes upstairs to bed, but stops midway to turn to Sonny and blurt out "I dreamed about you, I dreamt that you rescued me." Sonny smiles and says " You did? - Wow" Effectively letting her off the hook for her confession - sweet. Music montage of scenes as kater Alexis comes back downstairs to a cleaned up living room and a sleeping dark angel on her sofa.
It’s the next morning and Sonny is still sleeping on the couch. Alexis tiptoes downstairs and past him to get the paper, all the while telling herself not to look at him. Then she goes to pull the blanket up over him. He wakes up suddenly and grabs her and pulls her close. Then he apologizes, explaining that when he wakes up in a strange place, his fighting instinct kicks in. Alexis just stands there, telling herself to move away from him, but not doing so. She jumps when Sonny touches her shoulder. Then Carly walks in. She calls Alexis a “cheap, two-timing tramp after another woman’s husband because she can’t get one of her own,” grabs her by the ear, threatens to claw her eyes out if she ever looks at Sonny again, and shoves Alexis down into a chair. A contrite Alexis apologizes and says she will quit as Sonny’s attorney. Sonny tells Carly he doesn’t know what he ever saw in Alexis. “Forgive me,” he says and draws Carly into a passionate kiss . . . And we see that this little scene was all in Carly’s mind. In reality, Alexis tells her that nothing happened, she shouldn’t overrreact. Carly says it’s none of her business. She informs Alexis that she has signed the divorce papers and is also letting Sonny adopt Michael. She announces she is moving on with her life, and her first order of business is to get Deception back with Lucien Kane’s money. Alexis breaks it to her that Lucien was Stavros, who is now dead. She says Carly is lucky he didn’t kill her. Sonny asks how Carly could have exposed Michael to a killer? Carly tries to cover her feelings; she says she’ll be fine, she knows how to take care of herself, Sonny taught her that. She leaves, almost breaking down in the hall. Sonny calls Johnny and tells him to keep an eye on Carly. Alexis wants to know who was that woman? Sonny confesses he asked Carly to move back in with him so they could work on fixing their marriage. He asks Alexis why he can’t understand his wife. Alexis counters with her own question: why don’t you want to sign the divorce papers? Sonny says maybe he didn’t want to just throw away their marriage. He says he’s going after Carly. Alexis stops him.
Jax and Ned are getting ready to go running together. So now what are we going to do about Alexis? Ned adds. Jax suggests that Ned try to convince Alexis r to stay away from Sonny. Been there, done that, didn’t work, Ned says. Jax tells Ned he should listen to Alexis; she’s responsible for her own life.
Sonny asked Alexis why he should not give Carly another shot. Alexis avoided expressing her true feelings for Sonny and submarines Carly instead. She pointed out that she as merely his friend and attorney knew he would never turn states evidence, how could Carly his wife have asked him to? The point becomes moot as Alexis realizes that Sonny has already decided to try again with his wife. Jax arrives and Alexis feels compelled to try and explain the situation. Sonny encouraged her to keep quiet as he exchanged barbs with Jax. Sonny exited to his newly remodeled and unfamiliar penthouse , where he thought about Carly as he studied his final divorce papers. At the same time, Jax explained his surprise appearance to Alexis by feigning concern over Kristina. He told Alexis that she and her sister should take his yacht and spend time alone together. However, Alexis saw through the story and called Jax on his true intentions. "This isn't about Kristina, your here because of my relationship with Sonny!" Jax asks her if she is in love with Sonny. Alexis denies that she has more than friendly feelings for Sonny. She even brings up Brenda and the past to get Jax off track. Jax however is not completely convinced. Later, Jax persuades Alexis to borrow his yacht and take her sister on a long, leisurely cruise to the Bahamas. She accepts to prove somehow that she doesn't have feelings for Sonny. However, when Kristina returns though she doesn't want to leave town as she is helping Edward with the Janine mess. Alone with Alexis at last, Kristina's first chat involved quizzing Alexis on her feelings for Sonny. Alexis calmly leaves the room without answering but you can feel the frustration in her voice as she screams from the kitchen!
Alexis is at the door of Sonny’s apartment, asking to borrow butter. Carly answers and is less than please to see Alexis. Alexis tells Carly she doesn’t appreciate her running to Jax spreading non-gossip, with stories about Alexis & Sonny. Sonny overhears this exchange and immediately defends Alexis and tells Carly to stay away from Jax. Carly starts to explain herself and then realizes this is exactly the problem, Sonny will always think she did something wrong, that she’s at fault. The trust is gone and they’ve reached the end of the road. They say good-byes. Sonny cries as he gets ready to sign the divorce papers. Sonny comes over to Alexis’ and hands her the signed divorce papers – it’s funny how she gets all tongue-tied and brain-dead when he’s around, but stands there chatting with him in her sexy p.j.s with no problem. She gives it one last shot at changing his mind about the divorce but it’s no dice.
Edward goes to Sonny and asks him to get rid of Janine and tells him about her blackmailing. He tells him that Skye plans to push Sonny out of ELQ. Sonny says he will do it for a price (not so much to help Edward but because he doesn't want to see Lila get hurt). Sonny asks for Edward’s vote at the next board meeting. Sonny instructs Alexis to make generous financial provisions for Carly and Michael following the divorce. Later, he asks Alexis to go with him on a business trip to Puerto Rico. Alexis nervously makes excuses and says she can't go. She has no resort wear. He responds that she looks fine in her normal clothes and that she can wear whatever she wants. She continues that she has other clients, he says she can call them. She has her sister here and just can't go she nervously prattles on. She walks away from him cutting off the conversation as she enters her apartment. he puzzles to himself, "what the heck was that about?" not understanding her reluctance to go to PR with him. He hears her scream from inside her apartment. He runs in to find her standing on her coffee table and she says she saw a rat. Sonny says there are no rats on the penthouse floor. "I know a rat when I see one!", she declares. He wants to know how big it was? Like a small dog she reports. He asks, "like a Chihuahua?" She warns him not to laugh at her. He tells her it sounds like a mouse. He soothes her that he is only laughing as he is glad it is a mouse as he doesn't want anything to happen to her as she is so important to him. He will cal the exterminator. She doesn't want it killed, can't he just order it out of the apartment? She says maybe its time to move. He says no that she can't as he needs her close to him. he asks her again, very sweetly, to come to Puerto Rico with him and flashes those dimples. (how is a girl to resist?). Of course she agrees!
Alexis brings down similar looking suits and asks Kristina which one she should take. Kristina laughs as she picks one (as they are both dark suits). Kristina then asks hers about the spaghetti straps in Alexis' suitcase. Alexis defensively mumbles about it being hot in PR, good for raising sugar cane, that produces the molasses that goes into the rum. Kristina shows up at Sonnys and tells him what an amazing woman Alexis is - beautiful, smart, funny and she doesn't want anyone hurting her. He thinks Kristina is referring to Alexis' physical safety and vows to do everything he can to protect Alexis from harm. "Yes, but who wil protect her from you?" Kristina counters. He tells her that Alexis is his trusted friend and trusted attorney. Alexis (with the temporary recast as Nancy deals with her father's death) barges in, apologizes, and asks Sonny to tell Kristina that he has no romantic interest in her. After a dramatic pause, Sonny claims to have no romantic interest. After Kristina leaves, Sonny comments that she is quite a bodyguard. He teases that he will call her when Johnny takes a vacation. Alexis leaves to finish packing and tells him she is looking forward to the trip as she needs to get away even if its only for business. He gives her a smoldering look as she leaves. Back in her apartment, Kristina warns her that Sonny is still in love with his wife and being in PR in the tropics and his soulful eyes isn't a good combination for Alexis. Kristina continues to worry about Alexis getting hurt and warns her to avoid rum drinks and makes a bid deal about the drinks with the cute little umbrellas as being especially dangerous (implying they are a lot stronger than they look or often taste).
On the plane, Alexis goes over the labor contracts. Sonny says Kristina seemed pretty doubtful that this was a purely business trip. Alexis says the idea of her and Sonny are laughable. he offers her some rum and she says no and mumbles something about business remember? They exchange a look. Alexis is feeling nervous and pulls at her seatbelt telling him she is feeling hemmed in (he is sitting right next to her). He leans over her to loosen her seatbelt. She is acting very nervous. He tells her he can tell by the look in her eyes that she is scared and asks what she is afraid of? he says that she doesn't have to tell him but not to lie as he can tell something is bothering her. She chalks it up to the Cassidine drama. He says it helps to talk about it. She says she didn't know if any of them would ever be safe again and that she hasn't been that afraid since she was a kid. She shares with him that she pictured him coming to her and telling to breathe and that it helped. She reconsiders and asks for the drink. He tells her he let her down as he didn't rescue her when he should have after everything she has done for him. She points out that he pays her very well for her legal services. That he didn't let her down and she doubts he ever could. After a drink, she kicks off her shoes and tells him that she never felt so relaxed. She shares that when Helena had her locked up that she promised herself that if she got out alive that she was going to enjoy herself. She isn't sure how but plans on finding out. They clink glasses on that. She tells him that he is SO nice he really knows how to treat a woman and make her feel safe, important, taken care of. She tells him that he is too nice and he needs to toughen up. He is after all an underworld figure. Maybe he should get some really cool sunglasses and a gold chain. She asks if she could buy him one? They both laugh as he offers her another drink. She accepts but says no to any tiny umbrellas (remembering her promise to Kristina so rather than avoiding the alcohol she will avoid the umbrellas). Alexis falls asleep on Sonny's shoulder.
In PR, the contract negotiations are concluded. The union guys compliment Sonny on what an excellent attorney he has. She tells him she has to finish the contracts so she doesn't forget what is in them. He wants her to stop working and enjoy herself and he is going to teach her how to do so. he tells her that since she wants to change his image he is going to change hers. "Tommorrow night we are going to the casino" he informs her. She reminds him that this is a business trip and she doesn't need to be taken care of and doesn't take orders from him. He isn't ordering her, he just wants to take care of her for one night. She says again that this is a business trip (like she is reminding herself, this becomes her mantra) and besides that she wouldn't be any fun. He tells her that he just wants to have fun with his friend, who doesn't know how, and tells her that if she changes her mind to let him know. He says conspiratorially that no one in PC will ever know as he keeps things to himself. She finally agrees and receives a big Sonny grin as her reward. Music montage as Kristina sings, "Since I Fell For You" (?) to scenes of Carly sitting sadly in the bar, Sonny in PR with Alexis looking at the moon, Laura with her Christmas tree, Luke walking on the docks.
As Alexis is shopping for a dress, Sonny calls ahead and tells the casino to let Alexis win a few games to build her confidence. Sonny looks gorgeous in his black tux. he calls out to ask Alexis if she is ready yet. She enters the room in newly bought boutique dress obviously feeling self conscious. She wants to rush out as he stops her saying that he wants to look at her. She babbles about whether the dress is appropriate that it was the only one in her size, she could take it back as she still has the receipt. He stops her again and tells her that she looks beautiful, absolutely beautiful. he says that maybe they shouldn't go as she looks so the guys will be so busy looking at her that they won't gamble and the casino will lose money. He brings her a gardenia for her hair. She informs him that she isn't the flower in your hair wearing type. He dares her to wear it and she takes him up on his challenge. Before their date officially starts, Sonny shows her the beautiful view and shares a tender moment with her.
At the casino, Sonny gives her some chips to gamble with. She bets it all on #4 and she wins. He asks her why she picked that number. She claims she doesn't know. He points out that he lives in penthouse #4. He tells her that she just won $35,000! She sips a cocktail (okay she is sucking it down!). She says, "mmmm tastes like candy." Sonny orders her another drink. As he steps away a man asks her to dance. He is twirling her all over the place. As she breaks away from him she comes face to face with Sonny. He declares that it is his turn to dance with her. He takes her in his arms. Afterwards she says she needs some air so he takes her by the hand to walk with her outside to the patio. She goes to the fountain and splashes water to cool down. He asks her if she has had too much to drink. No, she says and then admits she likes rum, likes PR, likes how it makes her feel. She says she isn't drunk, just enjoying herself and she doesn't salsa with just anyone. She then dances with several men but ends up in Sonny's arms. She tells Sonny that she is having a great time. She takes off her shoes and jumps in the fountain. She walks along the edge of the fountain, unsteady. He comes in closer and as she sways, he catches her in his arms before she falls. He tells her to go ahead that she can say anything to him as the night is hers and she can do anything she wants. She looks into his eyes and we just know she is tempted to kiss him. She tells him that she wants to stay there, she likes the music, the rum, and feels like something might happen that she didn't plan and she wouldn't even mind it. He tells her that he is having a real good time. She thanks him and tells him that she isn't ready for the night to end. She grins when he says the night is young. She tells him she wants to gamble and goes back to play black jack.
Following too many rum punches, a giddy Alexis wished for the evening not to end. On the advice of a waitress, "Unlucky at cards-lucky at love", Alexis recklessly gambles away her winnings (except one chip she keeps to remember the night). Meanwhile, Sonny does his best to create an endless evening, including a romantic candlelight dinner where they toast to their "friendship". She tells him the night was special. She asks if he likes the new her. He says softly that he likes her. She toasts, "Friends to the end". Back at the hotel, they talk about their evening. She tells him how easy he is to confide in. he says it is because they trust each other. She has kept and buried more secrets which is probably why she sensors all of her thoughts and acts. He says, "you could have fooled me tonight". She tells him how much fun she had that she surprised herself. He says seductively that it doesn't have to end. They can play poker. He has a hard time sleeping lately and he either has to drink a lot, or swim hard before he can fall asleep. She says that since he has helped her she will help him. Just then the phone rings and its Zander. Zander is calling to tell him that Carly is mixed up with Mike and Janine and getting herself in some kind of trouble.
Carly has fallen asleep on the couch of Sonny's penthouse (she was there to look for info). Carly runs into Alexis & Sonny in the hall and Carly explains she was there in response to Alexis’ desire to hurry things up with the divorce. Carly is peeved about finding her ex-husband with his lawyer again, but even more so when a casino chip falls out of Alexis' purse. Carly assumes they slept together and nothing either says changes her mind. She signs the papers, everything is official and she leaves upset, even warning Sonny that she might not ever forget this. Alexis is uncomfortable and leaves Sonny’s apartment, but not before he suggests she “get loose” more often. No sooner is Sonny alone than the mysterious Janine Matthews is brought in for a meeting. He says she is there so they can get better acquainted. Specifically, he wants to know her connection to Mike Corbin.
Alexis is gazing at the casino chip when Kristina arrives. She is surprised to see her big sister back already, and she wastes no time in grilling her about all the details of the trip to Puerto Rico with Sonny. Alexis insists she and Sonny were there on business, and they went to the casino only as two friends blowing off steam. Kristina is not buying it; if there was no romantic interlude, why are you so defensive, she wants to know. Plus it’s hard to believe she’s miss Nikolas’ engagement party just for business. Alexis changes the subject and asks Kristina how the party was. Kristina tells her that Stefan wants her to use Cassidine as her last name, which Alexis isn’t thrilled about. She also tells her that he gave her a copy of her mother’s dress to wear. Life is good, personally and professionally, Kristina declares. She announces that Ned wants to make her a rock star. “Forget it,” Alexis snaps and stalks off.
Sonny wants to know how Janine and Mike know each other. All Janine will admit is that she and Mike are acquaintances. Then Mike arrives. Janine is shocked to find out he’s Sonny’s father. Max takes her back to her room. Sonny and Mike talk. Sonny says he’s glad Mike and Carly are close; he can help her through the divorce. Why don’t you forgive her? Mike asks. Sonny says he loves Carly but can’t forget what she did; betrayal lasts (just what Mike doesn’t need to hear at this moment). Mike admits he met Janine in a casino in Reno and they had a relationship. So the affair is the big secret? a skeptical Sonny asks. Sure there’s nothing else? Mike says he never knows how Sonny will react, and yes, that’s all there is to it. Sonny thanks Mike for telling him himself. Mike leaves. Out in the hall, he looks very upset, and we know that he’s still keeping something from his son.
Sonny & Jax run into each other at the Grille. Jax suspects an inside job when it becomes apparent that Sonny is up to speed on Carly's plan to open a nightclub. He questions Sonny as to why he appears to know so much about Carly's activities and suggests that Sonny has her tailed, among other things. Sonny does not admit to any wrongdoing. After the usual exchange of hostilities and insults, Sonny suggests that Carly has made an error in judgment by affiliating herself with Jax.
Sonny shows up at Carly's with presents for Michael. Sonny acts surprised to see Zander at Carly's, but later explains to him that he had to pretend in order for Carly not to suspect what is really going on. Zander starts to feel torn by conflicting emotions after Sonny reminds him not to let Carly know he's been assigned to keep an eye on her. Alone with her soon-to-be ex hubby, Carly asks Sonny if he remains interested in adopting Michael despite his growing relationship with Alexis; Carly doesn't think Alexis is very maternal. Sonny assures Carly that he and Alexis remain only friends and he has no plan to make Alexis Michael's stepmother. But the damage is done and Sonny leaves upset by Carly's attitude.
Startled to hear her sister's new career move, Alexis urges Kristina to rethink her impulsive decision to become a rock star. Alexis also confronts Kristina about trying to restore Ned and Alexis' romantic relationship, but Kristina assures Alexis that she made a spontaneous decision to sing professionally for Ned. Kristina promises Alexis she has no ulterior motives in agreeing to work with Ned. Ned arrives looking for Kristina. After a little chitchat they (Ned 7 Alexis) share an awkward moment as they realize that it is the anniversary of the wedding which wasn't. Fearful that Carly might change her mind about the adoption; Sonny arrives at this moment and passes on his suspicions to Alexis. After Sonny leaves, Alexis quickly excuses herself and pays Carly a visit. Alexis tries one last time to make Carly see reason. She tells Carly that Sonny is torn, because he really does want to give Michael a home and a father, but that he's afraid Carly's having second thoughts. Carly tears into the attorney saying that she would never use Michael as a bargaining chip with Sonny. To prove it, she quickly signs the adoption papers and throws them back at Alexis. Alexis tells her again that Sonny is just her client, but Carly's not in the mood.
Sonny arrives at the Q's for the ELQ board meeting. Sonny assures a nervous Edward that he as taken care of Janine. Skye’s idea is to stop Edward from using the company against his own family by taking it public. Edward screams that they will lose all their life’s work and the “Aussie Pirate” will get everything! Alan sides with Skye, he knows that she wouldn’t deliberately hurt Lila, he’s already tested her on that. Sonny says that he’s voting Tracy’s proxy, so Skye doesn’t have the votes necessary. A.J. even says that he’ll vote with Edward and Sonny if it means getting the rights back to his son. Not a chance, says the mob boss. You already cost me the life of my child, I don’t care what happens to ELQ, Michael’s not worth risking. Sonny tells him it doesn’t matter anyway as he’s holding Tracy’s proxy… not so fast, says Skye. She’s got Tracy’s proxy and all the needed votes to make the change. Edward fumes that he’ll drag her through the courts for years…. “not a good idea, baby seller” – ouch. Skye tells Sonny that she has Tracey's proxy. A fight begins. Edward tells the family that if ELQ goes public, a corporate raider like Jax, will pick the company to pieces. Edward then begs the family to vote with him in order to spare Lila's feelings. Lila comes into the room and asks what Edward has done now. Skye covers for her grandfather once more. Monica then tells Skye that she didn't do her homework very well and that she (Monica) holds the swing vote. Both AJ and Alan plead with Monica to vote with Skye. Monica considers it and decides that she needs to start siding with her husband and son and votes with Skye. A pleased Jax excuses himself so he may make some phone calls. Edward gets mad and tells them all that they have made a huge mistake. That Skye will get rich and all of them will end up suffering. He then turns on AJ and reminds him of what he did to Jason (the car accident) and how he ruined the Quartermaines' chances of ever getting to really know Michael. Sonny tells Jax that he made a huge mistake, that not only will he have to deal with the Quartermaines but he will also have to deal with Skye and that he used his charm on Skye to get what he wanted.
Alexis comes home to tell Sonny that Carly signed the adoption papers but he isn't home. She goes to her penthouse to find herself alone. Just then Felicia shows up wanting legal advice on a case she is working on. Her and Alexis start to talk about how neither one of them has had a date in a long time. Then they start to talk about how much they miss Chloe while eating fat free yogurt. Felicia admits that she knew that she could never have Luke for herself but her heart took a while to believe it. They then discuss their "relationships" with Ned and Mac. Felicia leaves just as Sonny is showing up. Alexis tells him the good news. Sonny leaves to go see if Carly is really okay with all of it.
**The end**
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