GH Fan Weekend 2008

GH Luncheon & Kick Off Event 2008 Dvd - 2 hrs 53 mins

Kick Off Event - 1 hr 30 mins - Rick Hearst sings, Ignacio's band played, Ignacio & Megan danced

GH Luncheon - 1 hr 23 mins

Kickoff  Event - this is a cocktail party as actors come in and hang out and meet and great with fans. This is not a traditional fan event, no Q&A. Steve Burton arrived and talked for a few minutes and he was joined on stage by Sebastian. Rick Hearst and Dylan Cash arrived and joined them on stage. Dylan was quite bright as he observed he was on stage with his three uncles, funny as Rick and Sebastian worked out the relationships as Dylan explained that Jerry is Michael's uncle by marriage, and Rick is his uncle from Sonny, and Jason is his biological uncle due to his relationship with AJ. Very witty.  This section is about 13 minutes, they leave to greet fans throughout the ballroom. Greg arrives with his son and goes up on stage and says hello. Carolyn Hennesy arives and greats fans as well and comments on the great friendships that fans make due to GH, and how we often travel to visit our friends to various parts of the country. John York arrived next and spent a lot of time meeting with fans. Rayne and Jason Cook arrive next and stop on stage for a moment, then Megan arrives and the above footage covers the first half hour or so. Ignacia's band began playing and he continued to announce additional actors as they arrived (note I didn't get all of the actors with fans as I was taping the band through most of the rest of the event). Rick did sing one song and wowed the crowd, I thought he was pretty good. Ignacio admits to having a crush on Megan jgoes down on the floor to sing to her, he pulls her out onto the dance floor and they dance together as he continues to sing to her. After about a half hour of the concert, I did go back out onto the floor and have some additional shots of Dirk Cheetwood, Jay Pickett. There were additional actors who came and went during the concert who aren't on the edit (such as Tyler).

GH Luncheon - Press room interviews with John Ingle (Edward), Bruce Weitz (Anthony Zaccara), Claire Coffee (Nadine), Rayne Morton (Cassius), Sonya Eddy (Epiphany), Jason Thompson (Patrick), Brandon Barash (Johnny). The luncheon begins with the arrival of John Ingle and he introduces the attending cast:  Bradford Anderson (Spinelli), Brandon, Julie Berman (Julie), Nazanin Boniandi (Leyla), Derk Cheetwood (Max Giambetti), Drew Cheetwood (Milo Giambetti), Tyler Christoper (Nikolas), Claire, Shamas Deaver (Ian), Sonya, Blake Gibbons, Ron Hale (Mike), Rick Hearst (Rick), Carolyn Hennesy (Diane), Kent King (Lainey), Stephen Macht (Trevor Lansing), Kimberly McCullough (Robin Scorpio), Minae Noji (Kelly Lee), Jay Pickett  (David Harper), Graham Shields, Kin Shriner (Scott Baldwin), Kirsten Storms (Maxie Jones), Jason Thompson (Patrick Drake), Greg Vaughan (Lucky Spencer), Megan Ward (Kate Howard), Bruce, Laura Wright  (Carly Corinthos Jacks)

Fan Club Awards Presented:
Outstanding Younger Actress - Julie Berman
Outstanding Younger Actor - Dylan Cash
Outstanding Supporting Actress - Rebecca Herbst
Outstanding Supporting Actor - Greg Vaughn
Favorite Character - Spinelli
Favorite Couple - Robin & Patrick
Outstanding Actor - Tyler Christopher
Outstanding Actress - Laura Wright
Oustanding Official Fan Club & Web Site - Tyler Christopher & Sheri Evans

Q&A with Actors - :17 mins -  Carolyn takes the mic out to the audience, questions for Laura, Megan, Kirsten, Sonya, Bruce, Blake, Bradford, Julie. Afterwards, interview with Seamus, Nazanin, and in a suprise I recognized Carly Schroeder (PC's Serena) standing next to Kin and interviewed her. Various shots of the actors interacting with fans, signing autographs, taing pictures.

Highlights of this event was how touched Dylan was to win Younger Actor, I think it meant a lot to him and it was obvious he misses being on the show. The actors are so kind and gracious, and are so funny when they are together during the Q&A, always one of my favorite parts of the weekend.

Past Cast 2008 Dvd - 1 hr 14 minutes
Jon Lindstrom (Kevin) arrives and greats the fans first. He is doing a play in Los Angeles and surprised fans by stopping in to say hi for a few minutes. Fans were thrilled to see John O'Reilly (Sean Donelly) and he acted as MC and introduced the remaining actors:

Chad Brannon (Zander), Ian Buchanan (Duke),  Christine Carlo (Leticia Juarez, Carly's nanny), Ryan (Lucas Jones), Dylan Cash (Michael Corinthos Jr.), Eileen Deitz (Sarah, a crazy girl in the institution with Heather back in early 1980's), Scott Eagen (Johnny, Sonny's bodyguard), Kiko Ellsworth (Stan, PC's Jamal), Randall Ingland (Jack Slater, 1984), Jason Gerhardt (Cooper), Amy Gibson (Collette Francois, late 80's), Peter Hansen (Lee Baldwin), Brian Gaskill (PC's Rafe), Lindze Leatherman (Georgie), Robert Lazardo (Manny), Bradley Lockerman (Casey the Alien, 1990), Angel Boris (Angel), Amanda (Colleen), Brian Patrick Clarke (Grant Putnam)

Cute moment as Kiko & Kristin announced their engagement, Lindze and Chad both looked touched by their warm reception, but the best moment was when Peter received a standing ovation and was quite moved by the respect and devotion the fans showed him. Each actor was asked about what they had been doing since leaving GH, they talked about other work, projects, and personal lives. I interviewed Eileen about working during the early L&L years. I also interviewed Randall about joining the show during the Aztec storyline that brought on Sean Donnelly, and his working with June Lockhart (Mariah, Felicia's grandmother), and Genie Francis (Laura). Later in the event, Cynthia Preston (Faith) arrived and I had some shots of her autographing. I had finished taping and packed the camera away when Tristan arrived so didn't get any shots of him autographing, sorry!

Scrubs Event 2008 Dvd  1 hr 49 mins
Q&A with Jason - :20 minutes
Q&A wth Jason & Kimberly - :27 minutes
Q&A with Jason & Kimberly & Finola - :40 mins
Q&A with Jason & Kimberly continues for another :10-15 mins after Fin leaves

This is one of the best Q&As of any event I've been to. They were awesome, sat and talked, just like hanging out with a couple of friends. Jason has gotten very comfortable (check out the first Scrubs Event in 2006 when he was so nervous!). Total this is about 1 hr 40 mins of pure Q&A!

Jason Gerhardt 2008 Event - 2 hrs 10 mins
Jason meets with his fan club - :11 mins (informal picture & autograph session)
Q&A with Brandon Barash - :15 mins
Q&A with Ignacio Serrichio - :22 mins
Variety Show - 1:09 - Jason sings!
Kiko Elsworth Meet & Greet with Fans, Fan Acts a Scene With Jason - :10 mins

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