Kickoff & GH Fan Club Luncheon 2012 Events Dvd: 1 hr 36 minutes
Kickoff Event: :22 mins Steve Burton arrives, Sean welcomes fans and congratulates the show on their best show Emmy! Haley arrives, Rececca M., Nathan, Kodi Kitchen (Maggie), Jen Lilley, then Becky and Scott stop by for a moment before Becky’s event, he says hello up at the mic and introduces himself as Becky’s bodyguard for the night, Brandon, Bradford, Ronnie, Eric, Lindsey. Nathan Butler’s band plays a couple of songs.
Press Room/Actor Arrivals Photographers take arrival shots of Olivia, Haley, cute footage as adorable little Brooklyn (Emma) & her little sister greet Jt, big hugs! Adorable group of Emma & her little sister, Josselyn, and then of JT & Brooklyn, Drew, Kirsten A., Rebecca, Nathan, Brandon, Jen Lilley. Inside Press Room, brief shots of Michael Fairon interviewing Steve, Dominic
Brief interviews with Haley, Kirsten A., Bradford, Rebecca M., Eric, Brandon
GH Luncheon Cast Introductions and Q&A: :40 minutes
Braeden Walkes (Cameron Spencer), Brooklyn Rae Silzer (Emma Scorpio Drake, Haley Poluso (Molly), Nathan Butler (Ewen), Lindsey Morgan (Kristina), Eric Valdez (Trey), Richard Steinmets (Joe Scully Jr.), Sean Blakemore (Sean), Jen Lilley (Maxie), Drew Cheetwood (Milo), Chad Duell (Michael), Kristen Alderson (Starr), Brandon Barash (Johnny), Rebecca Montoya (Delores), Robin Matteson (Heather) enters to standing ovation!, Laura Wright (Carly), Kelly Sullivan (Kate), Steve Burton (Jason), Jason Thompson (Patrick), Michael Easton (John McBain) receives a rousing welcome by thrilled fans, Rebecca Herbst (Liz), Scott Reeves (Steve), Lisa LoCicero (Olivia), Dominic Zamprogna (Dante), Julie Berman (Lulu), Bradford Anderson (Spinelli), Frank Valentini! Maurice arrives during the autograph session, he is not present during the Q&A.
Bradford goes out to the audience and takes the mic to fans who then ask the actors questions. One of the first questions is about their work schedule, and they are working hard to get the show done in a specific time frame to save money to hopefully save the show. They not only air a show a day, but more tape more than one show a day in order for the studio to go dark and save production costs! Another fan asks if the upcoming time change is going to hurt GH (funny moment as Steve runs over to give Frank the mic on that question!). Frank shares that they are having a “really great storyline” they are “gearing up for the fall” and ABC is going to heavily promote the time change (which is great news for us GHers!).
Kelly is complimented and asked about the Connie/Kate storyline. Michael E. talks about how nice it has been to work with the GH cast and crew. Chad talks about the emotional work he has done in the past year, the confession of the rape scenes. Rebecca shares her enjoyment of the character of Johnny, his bad boy ways and his charm. Bradford talks about the Jackal storyline and being back to his “geeky self” (Spinelli). Eric is asking about playing a sleeze (Trey). Kristen talks about moving to LA and how much she loves California.
Robin talks about working with Tony Geary, Scott Reeves, and Roger Howarth. Sean is asked if we will see more of him on GH. Frank steps in and shares that Sean was given time off to shoot a movie and is now back and has storyline coming up! (Note: this is just before he airs the scene with his shirt off playing strip pool at Floating Rib). Lindsey talks about her guilty pleasure.
A touching moment when a fan shares that her husband returned from Afghanistan with PTSD and he watched the show every day when he was home on leave for a month and was able to recover by emersing himself in the show and he is now addicted to GH! Nathan is asked if he is going to be a Cassidine. When Dom is asked about his favorite wine, of course he answers “Standing Sun” (her husband runs this vineyard). Laura is asked about her “cougar” storyline with Johnny. She laughs it off, and suggests Carly should be with everyone... several fans cry out for “Todd”! Lisa is funny about being raised in the midwest and family childhood dinners.
Frank is asked if he will bring a steamroom to GH (refering to the many shirtless scenes on OLTL). Frank shares that they are bringing a boxing ring to GH (which will involve many shirtless scenes I’m sure!).
Little emma is asked about working with JT, and she says he is really funny. Bradford jokes that looks aren’t everything. Scott is asked how his wife, Melissa feels about him (Jennifer Horton, Days) working on GH. He says they are very happy to be back in California, and gave her the chance to return to Days. Jen thanks the fans for giving her a chance to play the role of Maxie under awkward circumstance (off camera many fans standup and applaud her, with the news released online that Kirsten Storms was returning to the role). Steve is asked about future storyline with Sam, he reports that Frank doesn’t allow them to answer any storyline questions. He jokes that fans can tweet Frank with their feedback. Kirsten is asked about possibly singing with Kassie DePaiva (Blair) on GH. She would love to!
Frank is asked if he will bring back the Nurse’s Ball. He reports that he loves music and he loves Nurse’s! (best news of the luncheon IMHO). Jason talks about his addiction storyline. The actors break for the autograph session.
Autograph & Picture Session: I have shots of various actors taking pictures and signing autographs with fans: Michael E., Chad, Kirsten, Maurice, Kelly S., Robin, Scott, Nathan, Becky H., Sean, Drew, Eric, Julie & Dom, Laura & Brandon, Jason T., Rebecca M., Richard, Lindsey. One of the things I was most impressed with was watching Frank go around the autograph rooms, greeting each actor personally and thanking them for coming! Class act!