John & Natalie #1 October 1-December 26, 2003: 8 hour original edit

DVD #1ACris and Nat get busy making phone calls notifying everyone of their marriage postponement. Walker shows up at Crossroads and begins to drink heavily. A stranger walks in looking for Natalie, about some pool business, he announces. He identifies himself as John McBain. When he spots Walker, he sits down with him, demanding to know why Mr. Flynn is there. Realizing it's the "other guy," he divulges that he's not with Flynn in Vegas because he has business there.

John shows up at the bar looking for Natalie, and flirts with her as a suspicious Cris looks on. Nat plays a round of pool but is quick to become indignant when John puts his hands on her to "change her angle." Cris tells them he's unable to go to Philadelphia with them for the tournament; he's got to stay behind for Antonio. McBain thinks she should go alone then as she needs the experience before she heads for Las Vegas. Cris agrees and Nat is off. John calls Flynn and tells him how good Natalie is, and that he saw that guy with Flynn's face (Walker).

Cris places a call to the number on the card that McBain left behind. Is this Recreation Unlimited, he inquires. He wants to verify one of their employees. The man on the other end does so, saying that John has been working there for years. Once hanging up, a pleased Mr. Flynn on the other end utters, "Reel her in, Johnny."

10/3 After informing Flynn that Natalie won the pool tournament, John tells him that he saw Todd. Later, he invites Natalie to another tournament and convinces her to let him manage her.

10/7 Natalie meets John at the Palace for dinner, without Cris. She tells John she'll go along with the plans his company has for her, but he needs to be straight with her. She is not romantically interested in him. He agrees. When she's gone, he speaks to Flynn, who asks whether John has Natalie "in his pocket." He replies that soon he will have her under control, and she'll do whatever they tell her to. 

10/9 After winning another tournament, Natalie discusses her future with Cristian. Realizing how much her relationship with John bothers him, Natalie tries to back out of her contract, but John threatens her. 

10/14 Jessica tells Natalie and Viki that the charges against Antonio have been dropped. Natalie decides to have a simple wedding with Cristian, but Jessica and Viki have other ideas and plan to give Natalie her dream wedding. Natalie is unnerved by John's veiled threat when she tells him she will be arriving a day late for the pool tournament in Las Vegas.

10/15 At the Palace, several people begin to congregate as they get ready to attend the benefit. Natalie insists that she wants to do the tournament and is okay with the fact that she's not having her dream wedding. Viki promises Nat and Cris that their wedding will go on just fine but feels badly that Clint is unable to be there.

John McBain pays a visit to Flynn in Las Vegas, assuring him that all is set for the tournament. He put the fear of God into Natalie, he reports. When Walker calls Flynn, he's cut off before he can warn him that Blair is on her way to see him. It's too late, as she comes bursting through the door, demanding to know why Walker has lied to her. Flynn tries to calm her down as she recognizes McBain also. She goes off on Flynn as John manages to leave. She calls her engagement off as a sarcastic Flynn seems happy, acting as if they were strangers almost. Finally, as he admits that he really doesn't know her, Blair becomes more confused when Walker shows up.

At last he has to introduce her to his twin brother, he announces. The story that he told her previously about his secret life was really about him. He has dangerous enemies and didn't want to jeopardize Blair's life, he continues. They only wanted to protect her. Going on, he says that he just wants her to come home with him and get married. She apologizes to Flynn for barging in. As they turn to leave, Flynn holds out his arms for a hug from Walker. He whispers in Walker's ear, "This is going to cost you..." He later complains to John and suggests that he never sell his face, even if he needs money. When asked about the redhead, McBain states that he doesn't want her hurt.

10/16 Natalie asks John what he wants now? He seductively says, “You!”. She warns John not to threaten her again, to make peace he offers the couple first class tickets and a honeymoon suite in Las Vegas. Nat and Cris‘ rehearsal dinner, followed by Nat’s shower.

10/17 As Natalie prepares for her wedding, she drops a mirror and is shaken by the implications. As the wedding begins, Natalie is surprised when Clint shows up to walk her down the aisle. While waiting for Natalie in Las Vegas, Flynn informs John that Natalie has to throw the competition by losing the final round of the tournament. When John warns that she won't go along with that, Flynn reminds John that her life is on the line.

10/20 Natalie wins several matches in the pool tournament and makes it to the finals and is touched when Max arrives to coach her. John threatens Natalie and makes it clear that she has to deliberately lose the final match. Cristian places a bet on Natalie to win the tournament. Antonio and John have a cryptic meeting.

10/21 In Las Vegas, Natalie is set to face off against Katie Calhoun in the finals of the tournament. Jessica asks Antonio how he knows Johnny McBain and he replies that he doesn't. Johnny assures Flynn that Natalie will throw the final match. Roxy calls to wish Natalie luck and tells her that she has bet on her to win. Cris also admits to Natalie that he placed all of their money on her to win. Natalie is about to tell Cris about being pressured to throw the match when McBain interrupts. 

At the Palace, Roxy, Viki, Kevin, and Rex watch as Natalie falters in the finals. She gets another chance, however, and wins the tournament. A furious Flynn tells McBain to bring Natalie to his suite. In the elevator on the way, McBain talks into a microphone in his jacket, saying that it's time to make the move, but the two men in a van who are listening can't quite hear his message. Jessica, who has secretly followed McBain and Natalie to Flynn's suite, tries to talk her way in past security.

10/22 In the casino, Cris and Antonio are unable to locate the girls but Cris figures that John McBain must be involved since he seemed to have disappeared also. Appearing to be hiding something, Cris demands answers from his brother. Antonio divulges that Nat was supposed to throw the game, that she knew about it and that McBain is actually working undercover. An angered Cris is furious at Antonio for not telling him sooner and is concerned that the girls are in danger. Though he agrees to wait while his brother finds out what's going on, he takes off on his own.

Antonio knocks out a security guard and takes his gun. 

Jess tries to get into Flynn's suite but is stopped and manhandled by Arthur while her sister is inside being pushed around by McBain. Flynn is furious that he's out half a million dollars, while John wonders why Nat didn't listen to his warning. She tells them she wanted to do the best for herself and her family but before she can go further, Flynn slaps her and shows her his gun. She tries to make a run for it as Arthur pushes Jess through the door.

The wide-eyed girls think they're looking at Walker who identifies himself as he trains his gun on the both of them. John will kill them instead, he growls at them. The girls plead for their lives as McBain secretly tries to call for backup. As an impatient Flynn waits for him to shoot the girls, a confused Arthur (who excused himself from the room), encounters Walker outside.

They give each other a difficult time until Walker is rescued by Cris, who manages to sneak up and hit Arthur over the head, knocking him out. Walker decides it's a good time to leave and heads back to his room. Cris listens at the door as McBain makes excuses and suggests he take Natalie and Jess elsewhere to be shot. As he speaks, he spies Antonio outside at the window as Flynn reminds him of the top hitman that he's supposed to be.

Antonio bursts in, gun drawn. John has his gun trained on Flynn (who has been pushed to the floor) and tells him how all of his words and actions have been recorded, that he's taking him down, that he's under arrest, that he's FBI. Grabbing him and beating on him, Natalie berates John for endangering her and her loved ones.

In the midst of this, Cris bolts through the door and causes a distraction which enables Flynn to jump up and grab Nat with a knife to her throat. He orders Cris over by Jess as Antonio and John point their guns at him. An awakened Arthur has his own gun drawn as he enters the room and gets Flynn's gun back. The two cops drop their own weapons as Flynn backs up through the door with his arm around Nat. Suddenly, he shoots. 

10/23 As Flynn takes Natalie hostage, he fires a shot that nicks John. When Walker shows up, Antonio assumes he is Flynn and attacks him. Jessica vouches for Walker's identity but Antonio refuses to let him go until he tells them where Flynn took Natalie. When Walker returns to his room, he fills Blair in on what happened.

When Jessica shows up, he swears he doesn't know where Natalie is and agrees to pay the ransom that Flynn is demanding. When Blair and Jessica return to Llanview, they both start trying to find the money for the ransom for Natalie and Blair quickly realizes that Dorian is the one who gave Walker the money to pay off Flynn the first time.

10/24 Cristian and John start setting up a trap for Flynn. Flynn orders Rack 'Em to kill John, Walker, and Cristian then tells Natalie of his plans and becomes angry when she compares him to Mitch. When Rack 'Em confronts John, Cristian, and Walker, shots are fired. When Flynn receives a call, he holds the phone to Natalie's ear so she can hear for herself that Cristian is dead.

10/27 Natalie refuses to believe Flynn's claim that Cristian is dead. Flynn recaptures Natalie after she tries to escape and drags her back to the cabin. Cristian, John and FBI agents surround the cabin as they send Arthur inside to tell Flynn his money is out in the car but Flynn grows suspicious.

10/28 Viki, Carlotta, Roxanne, and Joe wait at Llanfair for news about Natalie. Despite John's warnings, Cris barges in with the money to rescue Natalie. Cris gives Flynn the money then attacks him, but Flynn regains control and takes Cris hostage. He leaves with Cris in tow, trailed by FBI agents. As Jessica and Antonio comfort Natalie, John tells them that the van Flynn was driving went into a lake, and it is unlikely that anyone survived. 

Jessica calls Viki with the news that Natalie is safe but Cris is missing. Viki calls Kevin, and he heads to Llanfair to wait with the family. Hearing that Natalie is in trouble, Rex goes with Jen to Llanfair.

Natalie gets hysterical when Jessica suggests they return to Llanview to wait for news. Natalie argues with John, and he has someone give her a sedative, after which she and Jessica leave to fly home on Asa's plane. 

Just after Jessica and Natalie arrive home, Antonio calls to tell them that the van has been found and the windows are broken from the inside, meaning that it's possible that Cris escaped and swam to safety and that searchers are combing the area around the lake. A package is found in the driveway where the FBI agents are working. Antonio opens the package and is visibly upset, saying "Oh, my God." 

10/29 As everyone gathers at Llanfair to pray for Cris' safe return, Antonio and Bo finally bring the news that his body has been recovered and identified. Everyone is devastated; Carlotta screams in agony as her oldest son comforts her. Gabby arrives to console her as well. Nat breaks down when she is handed Cris' wedding ring. She can only blame herself at first and keeps her distance from Carlotta. Joey convinces her to see her mother-in-law, who tells her that she won't hear of Natalie blaming herself, especially since Cris wouldn't want it. They both wish all of the people would just go away and leave them alone. No one else there feels like them, Carlotta whispers.

Marcie has happy pictures of Cris that she picked up at the yearbook office and shows them to Carlotta after Antonio suggests that it's a good idea. Governor Brooks shows up to pay his respects and is almost immediately cornered by Dorian who manages to get into his good graces by telling him (and anyone else who will listen) that she was the one who put up the ransom money. She offers to print articles in The Sun on Harrison's pending legislation against racketeering and he in turn invites her to a conference. Viki finds a crying Natalie and holds her.

10/30 Natalie attacks John and accuses him of being responsible for Cristian's death. Natalie makes a call to what I assume was the FBI and told them it was John's fault that Cristian was dead and they need to fire John. 

10/31 Natalie runs into John, who gives her a letter that Cristian left behind for her. John tells Bo that he's preparing to leave town to work on a serial killer case in which the murderer leaves a ballerina music box next to each victim.

11/5 "How to Die a Tragic Death," proclaims the headline in The Sun, over a wedding photo of Cris and Natalie. Viki had hoped to prevent her from seeing it but catches Natalie reading it sadly. Roxy arrives to pamper the young widow as the rest of the Buchanan women get ready to go through Cris' papers. Nat has decided that she no longer wants the cottage as she can't live there without Cris.

Viki asks her to move back to Llanview but when she leaves the room, Roxy tries to convince the girl to room with her. She'll give the girl sunshine 24/7, she promises, and asks that Natalie think about it. She's changed from long ago. Soon after, Natalie expresses regret to Jess for wasting time before expressing her feelings to Cris. She recalls their last kiss and the last time she saw him. Treat every moment with Antonio as the last one, she urges her sister. 

John arrives at the closed diner to extend his apologies to Carlotta and Antonio. He blames himself for Cris' death but learns that Antonio finds fault with himself as well. He asks after Nat and informs Antonio that he would do anything for them if ever needed. 

11/7 Natalie shows up at Antonio's as he and John leave to find Flynn. Jessica and Natalie miss Cris. Flynn starts to tell Blair the truth. After Walker knocks out his look-alike, Blair demands the truth. When Flynn comes to, Walker forces him out of the penthouse and offers him money to disappear. John and Antonio show up, confused about the identity of each man as they step into the elevator. When the elevator falls to the ground floor, John and Antonio try to pry to doors open to get to the men inside.

11/10 Antonio, John and Blair find one body in the crashed elevator as Walker staggers in with a gunshot wound. Walker convinces Blair, John and Antonio that Flynn is the dead man in the elevator. Blair accepts Walker's version of what happened and tells him she wants to get married immediately. Bo and John fear that the Music Box Killer has come to Llanview after finding Elyssa's dead body in Angel Square.

11/11 Antonio suggests to John that they consult with Rae as they start to profile the Music Box killer.

Dvd #1B 11/12 An exhausted Bo looks over the growing file of the Music Box Killer. When Nora stops by they talk about John McBain who appears to be an intense guy who is a good detective and goes on his instincts. It appears that this job is his life and he does things his own way. 

John lugs his belongings into a dismal hotel room and lovingly sets up a framed publicity photo of an Eve McBain, "appearing nightly." He places a dusty LP on the record player. Ripping down the already peeling wallpaper, he starts to staple folders on the wall, creating a massive bulletin board related to his latest case.

Antonio arrives to discuss the latest findings and they learn that there's a pattern, with killings occurring every 15 days. They figure they have a week before another may happen. They also notice the similarities in the cases; besides the appearance of music boxes, each victim has been strangled with a red leotard and each has red tears drawn on her face. Antonio learns that the woman in the photo is John's mother. 

Natalie applies for a job as a bartender at Rodi's and gets the position after mixing a drink for the manager. While Al/Michael gets Marcie a drink, Nat sits down with her. She admits to dropping out of school and that she is afraid to move Cris' belongings because he'll be gone for good.

When interrupted by Al/Michael, Marcie introduces him to Nat; his last name is McBain and yes, John is his brother, he responds to Nat's question. Marcie urges him to leave them be and tells Nat that she has felt Al's presence and that she needed him to be able to move on. He "wrapped his hands around my heart..." she says. Nat replies that she feels cold and empty. She dashes off, upset.

Nat is accosted by Pete, a harmless homeless man, and is rescued by Antonio and John. After Antonio agrees to accompany him to the shelter for the night, she tells John that she has "...a pain in my heart." John tries to comfort her but she wants no part of him. She doesn't want him anywhere near her.

Al/Michael spots his brother and the two end up back at Rodi's for a drink. They make small talk, but obviously have not seen or spoken to each other in quite a long time. Al/Michael refuses to call their mother; that part of his life closed a long time ago, he tells his brother. 

Antonio and John meet with Bo to discuss their latest findings and to show him the evidence. They decide that it could be a plant, with the killer playing a cat and mouse game with them. All of the victims seem to be related via strip clubs except for Elyssa and they decide to check into her whereabouts during the recent year. The men agree that they all need some rest. It is agreed that Daniel will be kept away from John and the investigation.

John returns to his room and plays another old record. Soon, a knock on the door suspends his thoughts and it turns out to be Natalie. She explains that she's been trying to understand it all and get on with her life, but every time she sees him, it forces her to remember it all. She doesn't want him to help her or be there for her. It's too bad if he feels guilty about it. He'll do whatever she wants him to, he replies solemnly. Confused, she replies that she's not really sure why she's there. It was to tell him to go to hell, he prompts her. "Go to hell," she tells him.

11/14 When John runs into Natalie at Rodi's he offers to leave. When Daniel questions John about the Music Box Killer, he refuses to talk stating that Bo knows everything. Upset, Daniel tries to score points by mentioning Cristian, which enrages Natalie. Later, when she accidentally knocks a stack of papers off of John's table, she helps him answer some questions in his notes.

At Rodi's, Antonio and John get to know each other, causing Natalie to confront him when he says he grew up in Atlantic City. The next morning, Evangeline informs John of the case that Elyssa was investigating for Kevin. 

When Todd attempts to leave for the airport to meet up with Blair, he runs into John who wants to question him about Elyssa.

11/17 Antonio invites John to dinner, unaware that Jessica has also invited Natalie. John is impressed when Natalie jumps to the defense of the murdered women and shares a little bit about his past.

11/18 Natalie and Jen argue when Jen states she wants to attend Cristian's memorial service.

11/19 At Rodi's, Nat insists that Jen is cheating on Joe, who refuses to accept what she has to say. A pool table is delivered and Nat learns that John requested it to be sent over from a now closed Crossroads. It doesn't sit too well with her. Jess admits that she knew about the pool table and that John was just trying to be nice. Nat takes off.

Antonio and John learn that all of the victims in the Music Box Killer case were students in formal dance classes. Al/Michael shows up and calls Antonio by name. John introduces them and the guys briefly try to figure out why Michael knew Antonio's name.

They quickly forget it and move on, with Al/Michael looking at the autopsy reports of the victims. He explains them to John and mentions that he can tell that the last girl really fought her attacker. The brothers also reminisce about the doctor who helped in killing their father by being drunk.

John has further information on Elyssa; he's learned that she was working undercover as a lap dancer for an insurance company. They were investigating a strip club in Atlantic City for fraud. As everyone discusses the cases, Natalie bursts in and orders John to stay out of her life. He takes her outside, trying to soothe her. He wanted to be there when it was delivered, he tells her. He gives her various reasons as to why it's a good idea for the table to be at Rodi's but she hastily retorts that she won't ever play again.

John and Bo continue to discuss their case and make note of the classical music theme; the dance classes versus the tune in the music boxes. All of the boxes play the same tune it is noted. Nat wanders over to the pool table and finds herself caressing it. 

A gloved hand reaches for another music box and winds it up. A copy of The Sun lays nearby, with the music box killer news headlining the front page.

11/20 Although tempted, Natalie can't bring herself to use the pool table that John gave her.

11/21 Roxy burst through the door and blurted out the news at the top of her lungs that Vicki’s plane had gone missing. Natalie was upset that the news had been kept from her. John made some calls and found out that Viki had called Kevin and she had survived the crash. Natalie thanked John for his help. 

Jen and Karen came back to Karen's hotel room after their evening at the exotic dancing club, where they both obviously had a very good time. The Music Box Killer was right behind them, however, and picked the lock to get in when the two girls were in the other room checking out how Jen looked in some of Karen's clothes.

Jen passed out in the bathtub. When she woke up and stumbled into the bedroom, she found Karen's body lying on the floor with a red leotard around her neck and a music box next to her. Jen picked up the phone and dialed Joey, but then changed her mind and hung up. Instead, she called Rex and begged him to help her.

11/24 Rex arrives at Karen's hotel room and tries to convince Jen to call the police. She absolutely refuses, Joey can't find out that she was hanging out with Karen. Rex agrees to help her and wipes down the room to get rid of all evidence that Jen had been there. She heads back to UltraViolet with Rex because she's too shaky to go home and face Joey. 

Ron becomes a suspect in the Music Box murders because he's involved in the dance lessons at the Community Center and because he went to school with the first girl who was killed.

When he comes into the police station at Bo's request, he has bruises on his face. He doesn't have an alibi for the night Elyssa was murdered, he was at home by himself. 

A maid finds Karen's body in her room and screams in horror. Later, Bo, Nora, John McBain and the Llanview police show up to investigate the crime scene. Nora notices the scent of perfume in the air that does not belong to Karen.

11/25 At Ultraviolet, Marcie defends Jen to Natalie when she calls her a tramp. John searches Karen's room for clues to who the Music Box Killer is. Marcie begs him to search for a suspect other than Ron. Showing up at Ultraviolet, John questions Rex's connection to Karen. Sitting with Antonio, John shows him the ring found at the crime scene and Jessica recognizes it as Jen's.

11/26 Down at the police station, John interviews Ron regarding the music box killings, as Daniel and Bo look on. Marcie is concerned that her brother will be held with Daniel's insistence, even though he reluctantly gives them an alibi for his whereabouts and facial bruises. He got into a fight with some guys hanging around the Palace parking lot, who bad-mouthed Marcie and Al. There were no witnesses that he knows of.

As Jess and Nat talk about their brother and Jen's losing her ring, the coincidence of John's finding a ring in the latest victim's hotel room becomes apparent. When Nat sees her picture in the paper, she realizes that she saw Jen with the woman, Karen, and that they left Rodi's together.

Nat heads for the station where she tells John her suspicions. She also defends Ron, while Marcie begs to have him released. 

Joe remarks about the party to a confused looking Natalie who in turn confides to Jess that she went to see John. Jen receives a call from John requesting to see her at the police station for questioning. When Jen arrives at the police station, the first thing that John comments on is her perfume. He gets her to give him the name of it. He shows her a picture of Karen but Jen denies knowing her.

He also shows her the ring retrieved at the crime scene. She continues to deny everything, even when he mentions that he has a witness. She jumps up to leave, telling him she wants a lawyer. As she heads out, Rex walks in, happily showing her the ring that he "found in the sheets." He whispers to John not to mention it to anyone, since Jen is the rev's wife. John doesn't appear to buy it and tells Jen he'll be questioning her again.

12/4 John tells Antonio he is suspicious of Jen's alibi. Finding Jen at the Student Union, John tells her that he knows Rex lied for her. Tripping her up, John realizes she was at the crime scene. When Jen confesses, he takes her to LPD to write a statement.

12/5 Jen and Rex file their statements with the police. John worries that the Music Box Killer will find out that Jen is the eyewitness that Daniel leaked to the press.

12/8 Marcie discovers that Madison is the latest victim of the Music Box Killer and tells John that Michael/Al had been arguing with Madison. Natalie picks up her pool cue for the first time since Cristian's death.

12/10 The police begin their investigation of the Music Box Killer. Bo and John talk about Ron Walsh and the fact that their tail lost him. They also have a witness who saw the deceased arguing with Michael McBain, who is called into the station. He rehashes his argument with Madison, mentioning that he used to date her and he was admonishing her for the Al/Marcie incident. Al/Michael is drilled by John and Colson.

Ron Walsh is brought into the station and upon questioning, admits that he thought a mugger was following him, which is why he went out of his way to lose him. Colson doesn't believe him but suddenly Ron appears unable to breathe and passes out. Al/Michael suspects an allergic reaction to the shrimp that he finds in the bag that Ron was carrying and gives him an EPI. Ron is brought to the hospital.

John praises his brother who mentions that he really wanted to be a lawyer since he was a boy. John corrects him, reminding him that it was a doctor he had his sights set on. Al/Michael smoothes things over by saying it was only a joke. 

Jess and Antonio head for home as Nat looks at them sadly. John arrives and tells Nat that he's worried about her. She needs to be careful with the killer on the loose, he advises her. 

12/11 When Rex comes into Rodi's, Natalie asks if his good mood is because Jen finally went to bed with him. Natalie looks on as Jen kisses Rex, fed up, she kicks her sister-in-law out of the bar. Roxy begs Nat not to tell Joey about Jen. When Joe asks his sister about his wife, she decides not to tell him that she left with Rex.

12/13 At Rodi's, Roxy confronts John and wonders when they are going to catch the Music Box Killer. Helping her decorate for Christmas, Natalie and John compare their childhood holidays. After leaving a present with John for Michael, Marcie leaves to prepare to sing at St. James.

12/15 Jen is attacked by the Music Box Killer and knocked unconscious. The killer escapes when Rex returns unexpectedly. Natalie isn't pleased to learn that Roxy invited John over. Natalie and John grow closer but Natalie warns Roxy not to play matchmaker again.

12/17 Roxy arrives at Rodi's with an armful of Christmas gifts that she found in the garage. It turns out that they are from Cristian who did his shopping early and hid the packages. While Nat is apprehensive about opening her gift, Roxy can't wait to open her own, which turns out to be a tee-shirt inscribed, "I Beat the One-Armed Bandit." 

John, Nora and Bo discuss the case and the many details that are different from previous cases. John shows them a bag that was found near Jen's assault, which looks familiar to Nora. It dawns on her that it strongly resembles a bag that Troy had which provokes John's curiosity.

It can't be his though, she insists, as he's locked up in a maximum-security cell in Statesville. John wonders if Troy could have gotten out but Nora says no way. He is uneasy and insists on checking it out. Later, he discloses that Troy is locked in his cell, his belongings in storage. Nora insists that the bag can't be Troy's. 

Antonio enters looking for John and awkwardly takes his gift from Roxy.

When Carlotta shows up, she eagerly receives hers and opens it to reveal an antique that she once told Cristian she wanted. He receives a frantic call from Evangeline telling him that she was able to place a link to yet another victim; this one was married to an African-American like Nora. Nat puts her gift away under the bar.

12/18 Bo receives a written, coded message from the Music Box Killer. Riley helps Bo and John break the code. Bo and John realize the decoded message is the address of Troy's former loft. Bo fears the killer may target Flash as his next victim and places her under police protection.

12/19 Natalie opens the card from Cristian, running out of Rodi's when she becomes upset. Later John shows up, Roxy tells him that Natalie took off and convinces him to go look for her. 

John and Bo go through the evidence from the Music Box killings. When Flash calls, Bo insists that she let the police protect her. Rae brings Steven Haver to the police station to help Bo and Rae profile the Music Box Killer.

12/22 John tracks Natalie down at the Buchanan lodge. John relates a sad story to Natalie about a Christmas he spent away from Michael and their mother. Roxy and Natalie both remember an unhappy Christmas in Atlantic City. John comforts Natalie when she breaks down over Cristian and convinces her to return to Llanview with him. Al succeeds in getting Michael to commit a good deed by having Michael soften towards John.

12/23 Christmas at Llanfair begins, Natalie, Joe, and Vicki gather. Nat tells Vicki about finding comfort with a stranger, though she says he isn’t that much of a stranger anymore. John shows up and she asks him to stay. He says he is going to take off, and tells her that a miracle has happened as his brother Michael invited him to go for a drive to Atlantic City to see their mother.

12/24 Joe, Jess and Nat celebrate the holiday at Llanfair together. Nat gets called to work at Rodi's but she doesn't mind. Finally opening the gift from Cris, Nat finds a painting of herself, captured while sleeping. Before she can react too strongly, John walks in, looking for a change of scenery. She needed it too, she tells him, so she didn't mind coming to work. When John reaches out to touch Nat's painting, she becomes angry and runs off, just as Jess arrives. "If you really want to help her, lighten up," Jess tells John. Nat needs to take the time to get over Cris. Responding that he only wants to make her feel better, he agrees that both of them are stubborn people.

Taking Jess' suggestion to lighten up, John leaves and returns with a big red bag full of fruitcakes and dumps them all out. All of the cops receive at least three apiece for Christmas, he says. Nice Christmas music montage of various couples, Nat and John share a special moment at the pool table and when things get awkward, he shoves her a plate of fruitcake.

12/26 John and Bo continue to seek answers to the Music Box Killings.

**The End**

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