John & Natalie #15 August 15 - October 27, 2006: 8 hour original edit

Dvd #15A

8/15 Rex went to Natalie with his suspicions that Dorian had set him up and made him look like the stalker in front of Adriana, which had caused her to clock him over the head with a lamp and take off. Natalie didn't buy it, but Rex was convinced that Mommie Dearest was capable of everything he was accusing her of, and Adriana could be in real trouble because of it. Natalie didn't believe that Adriana could think Rex capable of stalking her and asked Rex what proof she'd had that had convinced her that the man who had done everything possible was not worthy of her trust.

Rex told Natalie about the emails that Adriana had discovered and how she'd caught him talking to the hooded guy. Natalie felt that Adriana apparently hadn't needed much to turn on Rex, but Rex tried to convince Natalie that fear had pushed Adriana to do what she had, and Natalie would have thought the same thing if she were in that situation. Natalie told Rex that there was no way she would ever believe that John would stalk her, no matter what the evidence said, and that Adriana's lack of faith in Rex should give him cause to be concerned. An exasperated Rex left the station to find Adriana on his own. Once alone, he thought about the time Adriana had told him that she trusted him and was convinced that Natalie was wrong.

Right outside of Starr's room, John asked Blair to help him find the key to the safe deposit box that Spencer had in his father's name. Blair refused to help him, since Starr was in the hospital and still having tests run. She wondered why John even believed that Spencer still had the incriminating gun. John felt that since his father had given him the gun, it would have sentimental value to Spencer. Blair agreed to help John after Starr got the all clear from her doctors.

8/17 John gave Blair a photo of the safe deposit box key and wished her luck finding it in Spencer's suite. He told her, however, that because it was an illegal search, even if they did uncover the gun, it wouldn't be admissible in court.

John asked Natalie to join him at the gala so they could get Spencer's key from Blair. Natalie went to talk to Renee about the seating arrangements for the event and asked about the exits. John dropped in, and Natalie set up a plan for Blair to get her the key and for them to sneak away with it without anyone noticing.

8/18 John and Natalie wondered how Blair was doing with Spencer. Natalie worried that Spencer was onto John. Blair calls John to update him. She tells him she had the key but had to put it back as Spencer decided to stop and get something out of the safe deposit box. John is worried that Spencer is onto her and their plot. After her gets off the phone, he tells Natalie that he is afraid that Blair is in way over her head.

8/21 Spencer throws Blair for a loop when he proposes to her in front of everyone at the hospital gala. Blair manages to slip away from Spencer and gives the key to John who is desperate to find out the remaining contents of the safety deposit box.

After leaving the ball, John and Natalie head straight to the bank to get evidence against Spencer. They get near the deposit boxes under the ruse that they are there to get their own safety deposit box. With one key in hand, Natalie distracts the bank teller while John searches for the second key to open Spencer's safety deposit box. With no one in sight, Natalie turns her key and John turns his key which opens the box displaying the contents inside.

8/22 Natalie and John get caught with their hands in Spencer's safety deposit box by the maintenance man. The bank teller apologizes to Natalie and John saying that the maintenance man didn't know that anyone was there. After the teller leaves them alone, they go back to investigating the contents of Spencer's box. John doesn't find the gun but he finds a picture of Paige with Margaret taken by Spencer shortly after Margaret's delivery. They conclude that the picture proves what Paige, Todd, and David have been saying all along; that Spencer knew Margaret was alive.

John and Natalie end up back at the hospital ball looking for Paige. They stop David as he is passing by and send him to look for Paige. David escorts Paige to John and Natalie who show her a photo of the photo that they found in Spencer's safety deposit box which proves that Spencer knew about Margaret. Paige is relieved that now people will believe her accusations against Spencer. John tells them that without the picture it was always Paige's word against Spencer's and giving Paige's history she wasn't credible. David reminds John that all he has is a photo of a photo but John feels it gives him probable cause to get a search warrant which he hopes will lead them to the gun that Spencer used to shoot his father.

8/23 At the police station, John asks David for something on Spencer that would allow a judge to issue a search warrant. David tells John that he has tried but he cannot come up with anything. Hugh comes in and they discuss the evidence. Nora comes in to basically get out of the house and escape watching cooking shows. She mentions that she went to law school with the same judge that John and Hugh are trying to have issue the warrant and she and Hugh leave to talk.

8/24 Evangeline paid her old beau John a visit. "I'm trying to talk less and feel more," she admitted, and added that she was falling in love with Cristian. "He's a lucky guy," John said. "You made me a better person." John admitted responsibility for their past problems; it was a nice moment of closure. Evangeline was happy that John was close to finding his father's killer and hoped it would give him peace.

Hugh happily calls John and tells him that he found the photo of Spencer, Paige and Margaret. John called Natalie, who happened to be standing next to Spencer giving him a hard time. John couldn't get a hold of Blair, which concerned Natalie, who immediately wondered if Spencer had hurt Blair.

8/25 Spencer wouldn't let Natalie leave. "Why would you think I would hurt Blair?" he barked. Natalie tried to cover and said she was concerned about Blair. Spencer sincerely doubted that and wouldn't stop pressing Natalie for details. Spencer wondered what people were saying about him. Spencer asked Natalie what Blair and John were talking about the times he saw them together. Natalie left and ran to the police department. "I think I screwed things up," she blurted to John. "I think I may have tipped off Spencer." When Blair wouldn't answer Spencer's calls he went to find her.

John was surprised to hear that Dr. Snyder (the same drunken doctor who was in the operating room when his father died) was also under investigation for child pornography. Antonio found this out in his new/old job as cop. John realized that this must be what Spencer was holding over Snyder. Hugh came in with the actual safe deposit box. John read a letter that Spencer had written to Todd and Margaret's child. Among many things, Spencer suggested he not try to find his father because he was a bad man. A handwriting expert confirmed that Spencer had written that letter.

8/28 John is impatiently awaiting the arrest warrant for Spencer in Bo's office. Before going to the shooting range to work off some frustration, John makes an offhand remark about Natalie possibly blowing things which leads to Bo questioning Natalie when she comes to his office. Natalie confesses that Spencer made her so angry that she said some things that might have put Blair in trouble. She tells him that she tried to cover but she doesn't feel she did a very good job and is not worried about Blair's safety.

Bo confirms that Spencer is still at the hospital and assures Natalie that Blair is safe. Bo asks Natalie if she has heard from Rex because he is concerned about him and the situation with Adriana. Natalie reveals to a shocked Bo Rex's suspicions that Dorian played a part in her daughter's stalking and subsequent kidnapping. Natalie tells Bo that Rex doesn't have any proof but he is not going to stop until he finds Adriana and proof against Dorian. She then leaves Bo to go find Rex.

John has a chat with his father while at the shooting range. Tom lets John know that while being a cop was just a job to him it is a calling for John and he is proud of him for finding out who really shot him even though the evidence pointed to Spencer's brother. Tom wonders why John is using his old revolver and if he has a bullet with Spencer's name on it. John tells his father that although he believes in the law there are some bad guys who need to be taken out. John reminds his father that he has been waiting for this day for a long time. Tom hopes that John will find peace even if they cannot convict Spencer for his murder which he believes won't happen. Bo finds John at the range and regretfully informs him that the judge denied their request to arrest Spencer.

8/29 John goes to the Judge Baylor's chambers and interrupts his "work" (mini golf) session. John feels that it is imperative that Baylor signs the arrest warrant before someone ends up dead but the judge feels that there is not enough probable cause to arrest Spencer. John offers to go over the evidence point by point with the judge so that he can see the evidence a little clearer. When that gets John nowhere, resorts to subtle blackmail telling the judge that it would be a shame if it got out how chummy he and Truman are. John alludes that by refusing to sign the warrant it could possibly be misconstrued as the judge showing favoritism to a murderer which wouldn't look too good to the public especially around election time. Baylor begrudgingly signs the arrest warrant but warns John that the evidence he has doesn't prove Spencer's guilt.

8/30 John arrested Spencer. "You've got nothing," Spencer said as they put cuffs on him. Spencer taunted each and every person at the station there to see him go down. He reminded Todd that he'd be dead and buried if it weren't for him. John read the lengthy list of charges to Spencer and then had him taken away. He shot a desperate look at Blair as they dragged him off. John told the cops to search everywhere for the gun that shot his father.

8/31 Spencer dreamt that he was standing in front of a target at the shooting range as John fired off a few rounds at him. John brought Dr. Snyder — the kiddy porn guy Antonio busted — to Spencer's cell. He told them to "yuk it up" over their old days when they worked together at a hospital in Atlantic City. John told Snyder he could get some payback against Spencer by telling him what they did together 25 years ago to cover his father's murder. "With pleasure," Snyder seethed. He then admitted that he covered up for Spencer by claiming he was responsible for Thomas McBain dying that night at the hospital because Spencer held over his head his sick obsession with little girls.

9/7 John, Bo and the boys in blue got to work poking around Spencer's office and found a mysterious lockbox. Meanwhile, Natalie found Clint pining for Dorian at Capricorn. Paige popped over to watch Bo and John rifling through Spencer's things and cheered their efforts, telling Bo how to find a key to Spencer's box. Paige and Bo decided to meet up at Capricorn later (of course). Clint talked to Natalie about Dorian's unpredictability and how much he liked it. "Whatever floats your boat," Natalie said. She urged him to spill and he did, about failing his kids.

John and Bo used an administrative key to unlock Spencer's secret. "Well, well, well," John drawled as they spied the mysterious contents then and gave the box to the CSU guys.

At Capricorn, Natalie buoyed up Clint's doubts about his parenting skills. "You're not God, just a Buchanan," she chuckled, and, "you're a great dad." She reminisced about being difficult when she first hit Llanview and thanked Clint for not failing her. John soon showed up to hang with Natalie and he smiled (yes, he smiled!), finally close to finding peace. The lab called with a break and they jetted.

9/8 At the lab, John and Natalie learned that Spencer's mystery stash held a horrible malaria type virus that could cause sterility. Oh, no! Natalie remembered Kevin getting some "weird warm weather virus." Could Spencer have given it to him? John and Natalie puzzled over Spencer's myriad machinations against the Buchannans.

John dropped by to talk to Hugh about strategy for Spencer's arraignment. They concocted a Super Secret Plan and then John went to go wrangle Todd and Spencer.John shooed Todd away and leveled his own threats at Spencer about his father's murder. "Maybe you'd understand, if you had a son yourself," John growled.

9/11 John escorts a cocky Spencer into the courthouse for his arraignment. Spencer is confident that he will be out in no time since it's not like he's being charged with murder. When John vows to bring him up on charges for murdering his father, Spencer comments on how Thomas moaned at the end. Evangeline, followed by Nora and David, intervenes when she finds John on the verge of an assault charge.

A worried Natalie visits Rex in the hospital. After assuring Natalie that he will be all right, Rex makes her promise not to tell Roxy for fear that she will not handle the news well.

Natalie runs into Roxy who demands to know why she had to hear about Rex's shooting on the news. Natalie tries to calm her down while explaining to Roxy that her over the top reaction is the reason why Rex didn't want her to know. Roxy reminds Natalie that Rex is her flesh and blood and since a boy's best friend is his mother, no one is going to stop her from check on Rex.

9/12 The courtroom is disrupted by Todd's outrage at Hugh's decision to grant Spencer a lenient bail. John also expresses outrage at Hugh's betrayal. Despite protests from David and others, the judge decides to go with Hugh's position and grants Spencer a $1 million dollar bail which he can easily afford. John follows Hugh back to his office to find out why he turned on them and Bo escorts Spencer back to the station so he can post his bail.

Behind closed doors, John and Hugh reveal that they orchestrated the lower bail so that they can follow Spencer to find the gun that killed John's father. Hugh also reveals to John how he found out who his biological parents were five minutes before he entered the hearing. John is thrown for a loop when he finds out that Paige and Spencer are the DA's biological parents. He wonders if Hugh will be able to carry out justice where Spencer is concerned even if it means recommending the death penalty for his own father. Hugh promises John that he is ready to see this thing all the way through no matter what.

9/13 Hugh furiously guarantees Spencer that he will have him convicted and sentenced to death, while Spencer vows to make everyone suffer. John hastily summons Hugh to his office to berate him for almost disclosing the truth about himself in his anger. It's not the right time, he says. Now that David is no longer the suspect in the murder case, Spencer will slip up. Nothing else will stick though, unless the murder weapon is found. Hugh affirms that he can handle the case but is worried that they can be wrong the way they were with Todd. John responds that too many people know the truth this time. He also reassures him that he's not his dad, his biological one.

At the diner, Natalie tries to get Kelly to see that she can't let Spencer get away with what he did to her and Kevin. She begs her not to leave town. Kelly states that she cannot live with Kevin's constant anger on a daily basis but agrees to think it over when Natalie expresses her confidence in her brother's ability to handle it. She also states that the baby needs to have family around.

9/14 Hugh told John that it was true, that he is Paige and Spencer's long-lost kid. He wondered what Spencer would've turned out like had they had a relationship. "He's my father. He's also a sociopath and I have to live with that," Hugh sighed, not being sure what he should do in the case. He assured John that he could keep his emotions in check. "I want to see the right man pay for the crime, even if that man is my father," Hugh said.

9/15 John watched as cops searched Spencer's room. He got a call from someone saying that Spencer stopped at an address. John gave the address to Bo who informed him that it was Blair's place. John grabbed a cop and told him to call Spencer's cell phone from the front desk of the hotel and to tell him that cops were upstairs tossing his room.

John told Hugh that Spencer was on his way over and told him to be sure he's ready. When Spencer got to his suite, Hugh was the only one left there. After Spencer yelled and screamed, Hugh told him, "I'm your son." Spencer didn't believe him. Hugh handed him documented proof of his birth and adoption. He assured Spencer that Paige and everyone else would rather Spencer were not his father, but that it simply is the truth. Hugh told Spencer he put his career on the line by not fighting his bail because he wants to help him. He told Spencer that if there is anything at all linking him to Thomas McBain's murder that he better find it and destroy it.

9/18 Hugh hopes that they will finally be able to get the goods on Spencer now that he has been set up. He and John trail Spencer through the bugged watch to a bus station outside of town. Spencer goes to a locker and retrieves the gun just before Hugh and John make it to the locker area. When they pick up his signal coming from the locker, they realize that Spencer is on to them and he has given them the slip. John is determined to find Spencer and goes off on his own into the basement to track him down. Spencer makes his way to the docks and has a memory about the night John's father died revealing that he was the one who fired the fatal shots. Just as he is about to get rid of the incriminating gun, John steps up and orders him to not move.

9/19 John threatens to shoot Spencer if he makes a move with the gun in his hand. As Bo and the other officers arrive, Spencer tells them that he is concerned about his safety with John threatening to shoot him. Right before he is apprehended, Spencer throws the gun into the river to John's horror. Before Bo has a chance to call in the diving team, John jumps into the river to retrieve Spencer's gun.

As David and Natalie wait at the police station for word on the latest regarding Spencer, David feels grateful to John's determination to get at the truth behind his father's death. If it weren't for John's obsession, David would be in prison for a crime he didn't commit. He begins to wonder if he and John will ever be able to be friends since they were both affected as children by Spencer's treachery. Natalie tells David that he got the short end of the stick by having Spencer as his brother. She also reminds him that even though he wasn't the one who killed John's father, he still shot at the man unaware that he was firing blanks. Their discussion is interrupted by a call to Natalie informing her that Spencer was cornered at the docks, threw the incriminating gun in the river, and that John went diving in after it. Natalie takes off to the docks leaving David behind to hold down the fort.

Natalie arrives at the docks just as John is coming up for air. She yells at him for being so crazy and not waiting for the dive team but John is worried that the current will move the gun further and further down the river. When the dive team arrives, John volunteers to go down there with them to help them search the waters. Natalie wishes that John had killed Spencer but knows that he did the right thing. She tries to convince him to let the divers handle it but John is determined to not the only evidence that they have against Spencer slip through his hands. After putting on his mask and retrieving a flash light, John dives back in to find the gun.

9/20 John dismisses the divers and after leading Natalie on, nonchalantly holds out his hand; he's located the gun involved in his father's death!

At the PD, Spencer continues to deny his guilt until John walks in, gun in hand, and places Spencer under arrest for the murder of Thomas McBain. David looks it over and affirms that the gun is identical to the one that he received. The gun is quickly turned over to the lab. As Paige and Hugh walk in, Spencer accuses them of setting him up. It is swiftly confirmed; the gun was definitely used in McBain's murder and it unquestionably belongs to Spencer Truman. The doc is officially charged and John requests that he be the one to start him through the process.

9/21 John wakes up in bed next to Natalie. She tells him it is afternoon and she let him sleep as he needed it. He can rest now that his father’s killer is behind bars. He tells her that he will now be able to concentrate on more important things and leans into kiss her. John was pleased he could finally take comfort in knowing Spencer was behind bars. "If by some miracle you end up getting off, make no mistake, I will kill you myself," the detective warned before leaving, after visiting Spencer at his jail cell.

After leaving Spencer, John ran into an old family friend, Pete, at the station. John was pleased to inform Pete that his dad's killer was behind bars. Pete then gave John a Christmas present that he had found in his basement. It was from Tom. He had hid it at Pete's house, but didn't survive to give it to his son.

The gift was a special Patrol man's hat for a child. John was touched and thanked Pete, for the gift and the tip. Pete assured John how proud his father must be right now, and John couldn't help but tear up. Later, during a chat with Bo, John sighed and stated that with Spencer now behind bars, it was time he said goodbye to his father.

Later, John arrived and had a poignant moment with his brother before leaving for his father's grave. Meanwhile, at home, Natalie arranged for a surprise for John, to celebrate moving forward with his life. Unfortunately, as John was driving, he took his eyes off the road and was headed right for an accident.

9/22 At home, Natalie looks through her photo album and reminisces about meeting John. Natalie waits to spring her romantic surprise on the man she loves. After the accident, a dreaming/unconscious John walks through the cemetary as he talks to his dead father. As his life flashes before his eyes, John realizes that Spencer was actually at the hospital on the night Tom died.

9/25 A worried Natalie calls inquiring about John. Natalie tells Bo that John went to the cemetery alone to visit his father. Bo thinks that it is about time that John put what happened to his father behind him and hopes that he and Natalie will have a real shot at a relationship now that the killer has been found. Natalie is hopeful that she and John have a shot but she can't shake the bad feeling that she has that John is in trouble. Bo asks Natalie if she tried to contact John by his cell. Natalie informs Bo that John isn't answering his phone which strikes them both as odd.

Meanwhile at the crash site as the body count goes up, it is revealed that one of Llanview's finest is presumed dead as his badge was found by a body. Bo gets a call from a local police officer informing him that one of his own has been lost.

9/26 Bo enters the badge number in his computer and is grief stricken to learn it belongs to John McBain! Bo escorts Michael to the crash site so that they can ID John's body. The officer in charge shows them the badge he found and the car the badge was found outside of. Michael questions their ID of John's car but the officer tells him that they ran the plates and know that the car belonged to John McBain of Llanview, PA. He reluctantly takes them to the body so that Michael can make an ID.

After looking at the badly burned body, Michael is unable to make a positive ID until he finds the good luck charm that Natalie gave John. He breaks down after realizing that his brother is indeed dead. Bo maintains his composure for Michael's sake but is visibly shaken at losing his friend and best detective. Michael decides to help out with the injured while Bo makes the dreaded call to Natalie.

9/27 The news of John's death begins to make its way through Llanview. Jess and Antonio are interrupted by a phone call about John. Bo arrives at Natalie’s and breaks the news to her. A devastated Michael stumbles home and falls into Marcie's arms. She doesn't notice at first, wrapped up in her own news. The judge has decided to award Tommy to them; they will become his parents. Michael breaks down and shares his own news.

Dvd #15B 9/27 Jess frantically decides that she needs to locate and be with Natalie right away. Nat refuses to believe her uncle at first and demands to see the body. Not accepting that the body had tattoos, or was of the same weight or that his ID was found, she finally cracks when Bo mentions the medallion found, the one that she gave him. She breaks down as Bo tries to comfort her. She wants to stay behind in John's place, wants to be alone. He agrees to honor her request but wants to hear from her; he wants her to call her family.

As he leaves, Jess arrives to be with her sister but Bo convinces her to allow Nat her privacy for the time being. Jess returns to Antonio. She can feel Nat's pain but agrees it best that she be alone. He makes Marcie promise that they'll never leave each other. He in turn promises Tommy that they'll always protect him. He realizes that he has to tell his mother (who was coming to give John her ring for Natalie) of her son's death.

9/28 Michael broke the news to Eve McBain about John's death. She sobbed and asked if Natalie knew John was going to marry her, and when Michael said no, Eve said maybe she should. Michael said telling Natalie might make it harder for her to cope. Marcie said that if it were her she'd want to know everything about him before he died and that Natalie deserves to know how John felt. "We have to tell her or she'll always go on wondering," Eve said.

Jessica visited Natalie. A barrage of media calls came through, but Jessica blew them off and unplugged the phone. Natalie thanked Jessica for coming, but said she wanted to be alone. Jessica Told Natalie she'd run out and get a soothing fruit shake that would make her feel better. When she came back, Natalie wasn't in the apartment. Natalie demanded that Bo let her see John's body, no matter how bad it was. Bo said okay. Natalie heard Spencer talking about how it was too bad John didn't live long enough to find out that he's really innocent. She ran up to Spencer and told him, "You caused this! You killed John!"

A man completely covered in bandages was shown lying in a hospital bed. A cop told the nurse watching over the patient that the person's name was Hugh Hughes. Nora took a call from the cop at the hospital. He said he needed to speak to Hugh Hughes's next of kin, so Nora passed the phone to Paige. The cop said that Hugh's been in an accident and is at the hospital. Nora offered to drive her. Paige visited the mummy that the doctors said was Hugh and said she hoped he knew she was there.

9/29 Spencer denied having anything to do with John's accident, pointing out that he had been locked up in the Llanview police station for the past couple of days. Natalie tried to attack Spencer. Antonio grabbed her and told her there's no way Spencer could possibly have arranged for John to be in that accident. Michael showed up with Marcie and tried to calm Natalie. They took her off to the side and told her that John was going to ask her to marry him. Natalie ran off sobbing.

Paige went into Hugh's room and begged him to live. Layla broke the news about John to Evangeline. She was incredulous, but Cristian helped her accept it. Evangeline wanted to rush off to support Natalie, but Cristian told her to stay put and relax while he went to support Natalie. When alone with Layla, Evangeline talked to her sister about her special moments with John. Layla said it sounds like she's still in love with him. Evangeline said that she now loves Cristian as much as she ever loved John and that she is happier with him because he can talk about his feelings. She asked Layla if she could be alone for a while.

10/2 Cris finds Natalie in Angel Square and when he reveals that he knows about John's death, Natalie breaks down in his arms. She tells Cris that she can't believe that John is dead after all they've been through and how happy he was before he left to visit his father's grave. Natalie shares with Cris how John had a special evening planned for her that was going to end with him asking her to marry him, which she just found out from Michael and Marcie. Cris believes that Natalie should be happy to know that she was loved by the man who she loved so much and knowing how much she touched him should bring some comfort to her. Cris doesn't want Natalie to be alone and asks her if she would like him to take her home but Natalie insists on going to John's place.

They run into Eve, who takes over where Cris left off by telling Natalie how excited John was about spending the rest of his life with Natalie. Evangeline goes to the station and encounters Antonio working. She presents him with a book of John's that she thinks he might like. When Antonio wonders if she would like to keep it, Evangeline tells him that she has other things of John's. Antonio gives her a shoulder to cry on as she remembers the good times and the bad times with John.

When she begins to wonder if she was too hard on him, Antonio tells her that John knew how much she loved him so Evangeline decides to remember only the good times that they shared. Nash interrupts their talk and Evangeline leaves. Antonio who is irritated that Nash is there becomes even more irritated when Nash reveals that Jessica punched Claudia in the face because she discovered that they slept together and wasn't happy about it.

10/3 Roxy arrives to see Nat and is devastated to learn that John has died. Roxy and Rex try to cheer up Natalie as they share stories about John. They toast John with beers and cheese puffs until Roxy wonders if John would mind. Natalie assures them both that John had a sense of humor and that he wouldn't mind. At the mention of John's name, the wind blows leaving Natalie to believe that John is with them in the room. The thought of John being around concerns Roxy who is eager to rent out the "deceased" cop's room.

Rex scolds Roxy on her lack of tact and compassion but Natalie decides that it is time to gather John's things together since she can't see staying there without him. Roxy helps her pack up John's things and Natalie decides to give them to his mother and brother. When Roxy asks her if she wants to keep anything, Natalie holds up the engagement ring declaring that she has all she needs. Natalie takes one final look at John's apartment before handing over the key and departing.

Paige backs off and Spencer goes in the room to visit with Hugh. He tells him that he hopes that he will be able to tell him one day why he did all the things he did. When Spencer refers to himself as Hugh's father, Hugh becomes very agitated and Spencer is escorted out. Paige yells at Spencer that the last thing Hugh needs is aggravation and that since the mere mention of his name gets Hugh agitated, Spencer needs to leave him alone. Spencer is escorted back to jail while Paige stays behind until Hugh's adoptive parents show up.

Evangeline tries to calm Cris down while they await word on the boxing commission's decision regarding Cris' latest bout. Evangeline talks about pressing criminal charges against whoever is responsible for getting Cris into this mess. Cris starts to become anxious and decides to wait for the decision at the coffee shop instead. Shaun approaches Vincent with his suspicions regarding Ted. He informs Vincent how Ted seems to have come into a lot of money right around the time of Cris' loss due to a death in the family. Vincent swears his right hand man to secrecy but asks him to let him know if he hears anything else. Vincent finds Cris and Evangeline and delivers the bad news that the boxing commission has ruled that Cris took a dive.

10/4 Natalie finally shows up at Llanview much to everyone's relief. She listens to everyone extend their sympathy and understanding and knows that her family has been through lots of pain too. But she can't accept that her pain will ever go away and is sure it will be with her forever. She explains that she spent time with Rex and Roxy and it's also been difficult trying to juggle two families; each has a different way of showing support. She affirms that she will never feel alive again.

Kevin and Kelly show up together, seemingly at peace with each other. They show everyone the baby's ultrasound picture and promise to tell the baby all about Duke. The young children in the family will also hear about John, Natalie promises. She tells everyone of the wedding proposal that almost happened.

10/5 Michael, Eve and Marcie were meeting with the funeral home director when Natalie showed up. "Do I count as family?" she asked. Michael assured Natalie that she was family, but they didn't want to upset her. Eve asked her to please stay. Natalie asked what they were planning for the funeral. Michael said there would be an honor guard from the LPD and bagpipes.

After choosing the casket, which was very difficult, she exited and ran into Cris in Angel Square. She then sat on a park bench and tried not to cry as Vince almost interrupted her reverie. Evangeline loved the story Todd published about John McBain. "John is one of the reasons I'm sitting here," Todd said, but added, "he wasn't an easy guy to like." "Like you," Evangeline smiled.

Antonio and Bo were overwhelmed with the amount of flowers that were being delivered for John. Antonio and Bo talked about John, "one of the best cops I ever met," Antonio said. Bo pointed out that John was gone while Spencer Truman was sitting in a cell trying to get away with murder. Bo and Antonio vowed that wouldn't happen.

Evangeline headed to the police station and asked Bo if he would go through John's office with her. Evangeline had just been retained as the lawyer for the McBain family, and apparently John had not left a will. Evangeline was hoping that they might find something in his office but she felt awkward going through the office alone. Bo and Evangeline decided to start with the file cabinet together. Later, a grief-stricken Bo sat in John's office as Evangeline ran into Cris' arms.

10/6 David went to the funeral and spoke directly to Mrs. McBain. David told her that John had given him a second chance and he thanked her. The McBains were not too responsive, but Bo told David that it took guts for him to show up today.

Rex arrived at John's funeral and wondered where Natalie was. At Viki's, Roxy slapped Natalie when Natalie, still dressed in her robe, said she didn't see the point in going to John's funeral. Viki encouraged Natalie to go, adding that she'd regret it for the rest of her life if she didn't. Natalie went with her family. She was eager "to get this thing over with." She watched as the flag-draped coffin was carried in by the police guard to the music from a bagpipe.

With deep emotion Bo gave the eulogy and spoke movingly about John being a true hero. The priest prayed and Michael thanked everyone for coming. Natalie sat and touched her engagement ring. The graveside service was beautifully directly and scripted. Each mourner had a few words as they left a flower in the grave. Evangeline sang "Oh Danny Boy." A tearful Natalie had been given the flag, and was the last one left sitting.

10/9 While John's friends and family gather at Rodi's, Natalie stays behind at the gravesite to spend a few quiet moments alone with John. Vincent shows up and a furious Natalie accuses him of following her and creeping up on her while she is vulnerable. Vincent tells Natalie that he understands what she is going through more than her friends and family ever could.

Natalie tells Vincent that she doesn't want or need him following her around and making sure that she is ok since they aren't even friends. She asks him to leave her alone and Vincent complies but not before telling her that if she ever needs to talk, he is a good listener. Natalie cries out to John that she no longer has her best friend around to hold and comfort her since he has left her all alone.

Michael decides to change the somber mood at John's memorial to a happy one as he decides that everyone should share the happy memories they had with John. Everyone from Evangeline to Antonio share a fond memory of John. Bo instead decides to go back to the station to deal with the loss of John alone. Bo invites Rex's help when he puts up John's picture on the police memorial wall.

Vincent pays Hugh a visit at the hospital. He introduces himself to Paige and explains to her that he and Hugh played football together, were roommates, and were fraternity brothers. Paige leaves the two of them alone and Vincent tells Hugh that he needs to fight to live. Believing that Hugh is heavily sedated, Vincent confesses to Hugh that he set Cristian up and risked his life just to make a little extra money.

When a nurse comes in to check on Hugh after one of his machines starts beeping, she informs Vincent that although Hugh is sedated, he is a little more conscious and probably knows that Vincent is there. After the nurse leaves, Vincent tells Hugh that he was just kidding and that he can't use anything that he just confessed against him. Viki becomes concerned about Natalie when she fails to show up at Rodi's for John's memorial. Clint tries to calm Viki's nerves but she remembers how distraught and destructive Natalie became when she lost Cristian and how it was John who helped her grow up. Viki relaxes when Natalie finally makes an appearance at Rodi's.

Natalie wonders why everyone is having such a good time and Viki tells her that they are sharing their happy memories the way John would have wanted them to. When Michael thanks everyone for coming and sharing their memories, Natalie reminds them that they haven't heard from her yet. Instead of being able to share a memory Natalie breaks down and tells Vincent that he was right no one understands what she is going through as she runs out in tears.

10/12 Michael, Eve and Marcie asked Natalie if she would be Tommy's godmother. She was taken aback, but honored and agreed to do it. They told Natalie that the same pastor who performed John's funeral would also do the christening, but she said that was okay. Natalie told Eve that she's surprised Marcie would ask Rex to be the godfather given how they push each other's buttons. Eve pointed out that it sounds like they behave like a brother and sister. Natalie noted that it was true and that it isn't much different from her relationship with Rex.

Everyone met at the church and Tommy was christened. Michael said that John was looking out for little Tommy. Everyone left except for Rex and Natalie. Rex observed that John should've been there. Natalie said at first that John was there, in her heart, but then said that no, he isn't there at all.

10/17 Vincent runs into Natalie on the docks and wonders what she is doing there. Natalie tells him that she came there to gather her thoughts. Vincent decides to share with Natalie how he and Layla have parted ways. Natalie wonders what he did which amuses Vincent but at the same time makes him think about his actions. Natalie tells him that she is in no position to judge him because she remembers all the terrible things she did when she blew into town. Cris' love changed Natalie and for that there will always be a special bond between them. When Natalie tells Vince that if anyone messes with Cris they will have to deal with her, Vincent rethinks his decision to confess his misdeeds to Natalie.

Bo visits Paige and Hugh at the hospital. Paige encourages Bo to visit with Hugh and when he does, Hugh asks him where he is. Bo shares with Hugh how he was in an accident and is in the hospital which slight agitates Hugh causing the doctor to sedate him a little more. Paige thinks that it is an encouraging sign that Hugh recognized Bo and hopes that it means that Hugh is getting stronger. When Bo suggests that they grab a bite to eat, Paige insists that she needs to stay with her son. Bo convinces her that she also needs to take care of herself and they leave to go and enjoy a steak together. David sneaks into Hugh's room and has him "sign" papers which will ensure that Spencer will continue paying for his actions.

10/18 Nat pays Spencer a visit to blame him for what happened to John. The tables are quickly turned when a vehement Spencer accuses her of being angry with him because John devoted more of his attention to Spencer than to her. If Nat is tortured it's her own fault that John is dead, he continues. John was very aloof, not loving and he only became happy when he thought he had the man responsible for his father's death. Natalie only had leftover crumbs of attention from him because she wasn't woman enough to keep him happy.

John probably would have taken his ring back eventually and gone back to Evangeline who is way more of a woman than Natalie, he snarls. She knows John never loved her, even if she does have a ring. John was incapable of loving anyone but himself and was really an emotional cripple. Natalie is speechless and insulted and voices her sympathy that poor Spencer is so miserable. Did his father make him that way? she wonders. When he mentions that his father will pay, Natalie is confused. Isn't your father dead? Spencer is certain that he will not be found guilty.

10/19 At Spencer’s arraingment, the judge ruled that there was enough evidence for Spencer to stand trial for the murder of Thomas McBain.

10/25 Natalie returns to work and stops short at John's old office, thinking she still sees his name engraved there. Antonio is occupying it now and he doesn't think she should be there; it's too soon to return and John wouldn't want it. Nat is enraged that Antonio would presume to know what John could be thinking. She doesn't need Antonio's help or anyone else's and can see Dr. Jamison if she thought she needed help, she continues. Antonio thinks that's a good idea but Nat is quick to remind him how much he himself enjoyed speaking to the doctor. Her feelings are her own.

Antonio responds that John would want her to be good to herself and take the time for that. Rex walks in just then and agrees with Antonio. He tells her to go home. She begins to cry as she explains that she needs to work, get her certification and be something rather than nothing, in case something were to happen to her tomorrow. She'll feel horrible no matter where she is. Rex is empathetic after going through Jen's death. Nat feels that she shouldn't have let John go to the cemetery alone, but Rex can't listen to that. She'd be dead then too and he's not ready for that. He convinces her to go home. She realizes that the guys are right.

Paige tells "Hugh" the latest on Spencer and overhears Michael tell Marcie that she is the one responsible for his father's death. Marcie believes that it's not the right place and Paige feels that she's already apologized, there's not much else she can do. Marcie talks to "Hugh" and is sure the patient mutters her name. Shrieking for her husband's help, Michael is unable to get any response from the man. When Michael begins to speak of past events and how John won't get to see Spencer put away, the patient again moans. He says, "Michael, it's me," but then is silent once more.

Nat gets home and is gently chided by Viki for attempting to go back to work. She needs to keep John in her heart and find a way to cherish him without living in the past, an experienced Viki explains. She thinks that Nat should remove her engagement ring as a symbol of an ending and beginning. Ben and John would want them both to move on. Nat wonders why Viki still has her own rings on and her answer is that she doesn't know. She offers to remove them first and does. Nat follows suit.

10/26 Jessica, Adriana and Kelly went back to Llanfair after dress shopping. They walked in on Natalie trying on Jessica's veil. She took it off and pretended like everything was okay, but later had a fantasy about marrying John and blurted out "NO!" when he disappeared. The other girls were concerned by this bout of dementia and asked Nat if she was really okay. Natalie completely broke down and took off.

Natalie was walking the streets aimlessly. She ran up to a stranger, who looked like John from behind, grabbed him and said, "John!" He turned around and Natalie snapped back to reality. Vincent saw the whole thing happen. He followed Natalie up to the roof, where the sobbing redhead seemed to start hyperventilating. She turned and without even taking a moment to see who was standing next to her planted a big kiss on Vincent.

10/27 Vincent follows Natalie to the rooftop after witnessing Natalie having a mini breakdown in the park. Natalie shares with Vincent the fact that she has come to the realization that John is truly gone and that she will never see him again. Vincent tries to assure her that she will be all right but Natalie shrugs him off wondering how he could be so sure since he doesn't really know her. Vincent tells her that he misjudged her when he first met her and likened her to a spoiled heiress. He now realizes that she is made of tougher stuff and he knows that she will be okay.

Vincent also tells her that he has been where she is and he made it. While letting his guard down with Natalie, Vincent reveals his part in Cris' untimely and disgraceful exit from the boxing world. When Natalie wonders why he would do such a thing to someone who trusted him like Cris did, Vincent reveals that it all came down to money. A disgusted Natalie goes off on Vincent but he justifies himself by saying that nothing ever came easy for him and he has had to fight for everything he has.

**The End**

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