John & Natalie #3 March 4 - May 18, 2004: 8 hour original edit

Dvd #3A While preparing to set their trap for Stephen, Bo expresses his concerns, but John insists that he is in control of himself. When John sees Michael at the diner, he voices his concerns that neither have heard from Eve.

3/5 Jessica calls Stephen to the docks and into a set up. While Natalie worries about Jessica, she receives a call from Eve telling her that Cristian is alive. When a man approaches Jessica, the police move in to arrest him but quickly realize that it isn't Stephen. Opening the package the man brought for Jess, they find a jack-in-the-box with a note from the killer. Natalie cons the police officer out of the room and sneaks out of the safe house. Eve is distraught that Natalie fell for the lies that Stephen made her tell about Cristian.

3/8 John and Bo talk to Stephen's mother. She is uncooperative at first. She talks about how she did not raise Stephen but her mother did and turned him into a puritanical creep, who thought he was better than everyone. She then tells them about the husband that she had who collected artifacts from crime. She tells them that before she left him she gave him a music box. John asks her if it ever occurred to her that her son was the killer. She admits yes and that he is evil. They implore her to help them catch Stephen. Stephen taunts Eve. He tells her Natalie will die the same way Caitlin did.

Natalie collects her pay from Rodi's and runs to Cristian. Natalie catches her flight. She calls the hospital to talk to Cristian but they don't have a Cristian Vega as a patient. As her flight begins to board, Stephen, disguised as an officer, stops her with a gun.

3/9 John calls Michael to see if he heard from Eve. He finds out that she lied to the Manager at Rodi's and got her last check. John gets to the airport. He gets a call form Stephen that Natalie is at the house they are waiting for him. John gets to Stephen and pulls a gun on him. Stephen tells him if he shoots Natalie dies. He tells him that the remote he has is connected to a explosive vest attached to Natalie. Natalie shakes in fear as she is strapped to a bed with the bomb attached to her.

Bo and a team go in search of Eve. He gets to the pier and realizes that is where Haver was to meet Jessica. He makes arrangements for divers then spots something in the water. They pull her from the water. Bo gives her CPR and revives her. She comes to and asks for John.

3/10 John trains his gun on Stephen who sneers that Natalie is in his bed strapped to a bomb, same place that Caitlin was. Leading the way up to John's room, Stephen happily points to Nat on the bed, on the verge of hysterics. Téasing them, Stephen almost drops the control, but he admits that he's tired and it's time to move on. He brags about his never making any mistakes during all of these years and how he hasn't been caught yet.

As Bo, Antonio and others quietly make their way to the room, John informs Stephen that he has indeed made a mistake, that one of his victims is alive and can identify him! Stephen knows very well that Flash is alive, but in no way can she identify him, he retorts. He's not talking about Flash, John replies.

Suddenly, Rae walks into the room! John jumps up as though he's seen a ghost. She crawled out when the door blew off in the fire but before the explosion, Rae informs her captor. John proceeds to taunt the doctor for being a gimp as Rae inquires about his college girlfriend, the one who dumped him. Stephen blows up and yells that he's the one who broke it off, because she was a whore. They heard otherwise, they say.

When Rae begins to speak to Stephen as his mother would, the man loses it. She understands how terrifying it was when women left him, as his mother did, she continues. Stephen bellows for her to stop. Informed that he's finished, Stephen is finally captured when John finds the right time to jump on him. The others rush into the room and Antonio is able to make a catch of the control that has flown out of Stephen's hand.

The day is saved and Stephen is taken out in cuffs, with almost everyone following, save Natalie and John. Without warning, a beeper begins to sound. There's a second device that shows only four minutes to go before the bomb is set off! With no time to spare, John calmly speaks to Natalie as they decide which wire he should cut. Down to virtually the last second, success is achieved when John chooses the white one. Nat falls into his arms.

Nat and John arrive at the PCPD, a relieved Vicki hugs her daughter. Natalie declares that she is okay, John saved her life.

3/11 John is furious when Asa sneaks a gun into the police department and asks him to kill Stephen.

3/12 John refuses to shoot Stephen and threatens to arrest Asa if he tries to plan another attack on the criminal. When Bo walks into the office, seeing the gun, he too criticizes his father. When the DA comes in, he refuses to arrest Asa for fear that he will do something to ruin their case against Stephen. Later, as Stephen is escorted to his cell, a gun is pointed at him.

3/15 A vigil is held for all the victims. Natalie is on edge. She jumps at every sound and thinks she hears Stephen. Stephen is shot at but John saves him. Elyssa Collins a victim of Stephen tried to kill him. John pays Stephen a visit. Stephen easily riles him up with just the mention of Caitlin's name. John sits in the Church and talks to Caitlin. He tells her Stephen won't hurt anyone and maybe now they both can find peace.

Mr. Nelson tells Bo that John infringed on Stephen's constitutional rights. The FBI comes looking for John. He is from Internal Affairs. He wants to talk to John about his behavior. John is put on suspension and his badge taken.

3/16 Jessica visits Stephen. She tells him she came to write her last article on the Music Box Killer. She asks him why he killed all the women. He blames his mother, grandmother and grandfather. Before he finishes his speech, John arrives and tells Jessica to leave. While he talks to Jessica, Stephen snatches sleeping pills from her bag.

John asks the guard to leave him and Stephen alone. Stephen asks John why he saved him from being shot. John tells him it was instinct because if he had time to think, he probably wouldn't have saved him. When John leaves, Stephen begins to bang his head really hard against the bars. When the guard returns Stephen accuses John of hurting him.

Bo meets with Agent Christopher. Bo asks him to reconsider the suspension of John. Bo defends John by saying it's a ploy by Stephen to ruin John. He implores him to reinstate John. Agent Christopher agrees to take another look at the case. As he is about to leave Bo's office the guard barges in to tell them that Stephen has been brought to the hospital because John attacked him.

John stops by the diner. Natalie pours him a cup of coffee. She invites him to dinner. He suggests they have burgers at Rodi's. The police arrive to take him in for questioning. John defends himself to Agent Christopher. He tells him that Stephen could have hurt himself to get out of his cell. Agent Christopher has doubts and wonders how John has kept his badge all this time. John takes out his badge and throws it on the desk and resigns. He calls Natalie to let her know they are still on for dinner at Rodi's.

3/17 Rodi's is the scene for a St. Patrick's Day celebration as Natalie waits for John to show up. Viki gives her a shamrock for good luck. "Spirit of the Night" plays in the background. Nat divulges that she thinks she might have a chance with John. The evening hours go by as she looks for him to show up at Rodi's.

At the police station, John convinces Bo that it's time he move on, though he did nothing wrong. He went by the book for all of the victims. John thinks he needs to stop his mother from moving to Llanview since he has now decided to leave. Bo not only believes him but also offers him the position of Chief of Detectives. Reluctantly, John agrees to think about it. John runs into his brother. Michael invites him to help Eve move into Roxy's.

The McBains plus Marcie arrive at Foxy Roxy's and John gets to talk to his mom. Even though John is leaving, Eve decides to stay in Llanview for herself. She "saw" John's dad when she was near death and he told her to move on, to stop waiting for him. She'll miss him if he leaves but she's decided to give Llanview a try.

Nat shows up at John's place. Spotting the bottle in his hand, she figures out why he never showed up at Rodi's. They are awkward with each other and she suggests he take the position that Bo offered him. Suddenly, she grabs him and kisses him and he kisses her back!

3/18 Stephen is angry when he finds out that the assault charges against John have been thrown out.

After kissing John, Natalie rushes out of his apartment. Going after her, he apologizes for not being able to move on from Caitlin. Realizing that she forgot to invite John to her opening night, Eve heads to his house. When she arrived, she extended the invitation to Natalie, who accepts at Johns urging. Eve sings at Rodi’s. After the set, John announces that he intends to stay in Llanview and accepts a job with the Llanview police department.

3/19 When Viki goes to check on Natalie, she agrees to get a manicure Natalie notices that her nails are blue and begs her to see a doctor. Viki refuses so Natalie takes her to the emergency room. When Viki's EKG comes back irregular, the doctor orders her to have a full cardiac workup.

Bo gives John a badge. Stephen's trial starts with him confronting John in front of the press, moments before shots ring out and Stephen is shot. A witness comes forward, pointing to John as the person who shot the prisoner. Realizing the gun used to shoot Haver is the same that John uses as backup, Bo tries not to think the worst. When the trace comes back on the gun, it is registered to John. After telling Michael that John is the man who shot him, Stephen dies of his injuries.

3/22 Before he dies, Stephen tells Michael that John murdered him. John asks Bo if he believes he is not responsible for Stephen's shooting. John continues to defend himself against Stephen's lies. Bo tells John he is on his side. Natalie shows up too and asks about the shooter. John tells her they have a suspect, him.

Bo wants to take John to the office to test his gun. Natalie is outraged. Natalie follows them to the station. She tells John that she called Evangeline. He tells her he doesn't need a lawyer. Bo tells Antonio to stay objective; they must handle the case by the book since they are under a microscope. Daniel tells them the people want an arrest and so does he. Natalie tells John she is there for him.

3/24 The Vega apartment is the setting for dinner as Natalie and John arrive to spend an evening with Jess and Antonio. The article about John being a suspect in Haver's death, on the Intruder's front page, is largely ignored as the couples engage in small talk. Nat finally voices what everyone is thinking about and declares that John will be cleared.

Off to the side, Nat confides to Jess that she hopes she's happy like her sister soon; that she and John are not ready to start a serious relationship though they have lots in common. John on the other hand, confides to Antonio that he and Nat could never be more than friends. As the young couples are in the midst of dinner, Bo arrives with a couple of cops behind him. He's there to arrest John for the murder of Stephen Haver.

3/25 Natalie defends John when Daniel insists he be booked for murder. Bo watches the video tape that was sent to the police station. A taped confession from a police officer states that John approached him about killing Stephen. When Antonio tracks the officer down, he is dead. Natalie tracks down Evangeline to represent John. Jen and Natalie clash when they run into each other at Capricorn.

3/26 Natalie tells Rex that she has had enough of Jen. When Natalie confronts her, the two start a fist fight that is broken by police who have arrived to check ID's for violations. John hires Evangeline. Antonio worries about the evidence that is stacking up against John. When Jessica suggests that the shoot may have been hypnotized by Stephen, Antonio questions her further about what he had done to her. John suggests that Evangeline look into the theory.

3/29 Antonio sets out to prove Stephen set up John. Natalie seeks comfort in Jessica. Jessica suggests that Natalie's reaction to Jen is about John. Natalie admits she is falling in love with John. Natalie tells her she thinks about John all the time. Jessica suggests Natalie tells John how she feels.

Jessica offers Natalie a sleeping pill that she got from the doctor. She can't find them. The cops come to place Natalie under arrest. Jen has filed charges. She ends up in a cell next to John. He helps her let everything out. Antonio updates John as to how Stephen carried out his plan. John and Antonio figure out how Stephen carried out his plan. John tells Antonio he appreciate his faith in him. Antonio watches a tape of John playing cards with the officer that accused John of killing Stephen. Antonio sees that Stephen drugged the cop's coffee.

3/30 Viki comes to get Natalie out of jail, Jen has dropped the charges. Viki tells Natalie about her heart attack. Nora comes into the police squad room with news about John's case, the charges against John were dropped. As Natalie is about to leave, she runs into John. She apologizes about breaking down in her cell.

Jessica, John and Antonio have dinner at the country club. John tells them that he feels Natalie did not show up because of him. He says that he think Natalie feels he wants her to be tough around him, as if it's something he expects from his friends. Jessica makes a remark about how stupid men are and if John doesn't know how Natalie feels about him. John tells them that he and Natalie has talked about her feelings for him and that they decided to be friends.

Paul and Natalie meet again, this time at Rodi's. Natalie and Jen go at it again, but Paul and Riley break it up. Paul and Natalie find out they have Kevin and Kelly in common. Paul shows interest in Natalie when he learns that she is a Buchanan.

Bo gets a bad feeling that the Music Box Killer case is not over. A letter addressed to John McBain is shown among Dr. Haver's papers.

3/31 Rex talks with his sister at Rodi's and defends Jen after he learns about their fight. He tells Natalie that Jen caught him when he was with Lindsay. At a nearby table, John celebrates his release from jail with Eve, Michael and Marcie. He asks Nat to join them but she declines; he wonders if she's avoiding him. Nat denies that she is and they agree that they don't want their friendship ruined over recent events. She has other plans, she tells him, and when Paul happens to come in, she asks him to accompany her to the christening party.

John pops some pills for his lingering pain resulting from nerve damage and continues to look over at Natalie until she leaves with Paul. He doesn't hear Marcie talking to him. Eve attempts to give John advice when he says he only had Caitlin.

Nat and Jess gang up on Viki also and she makes a hasty retreat. When Jess states that one of them should move back home, Nat defiantly figures it must mean her, since she's alone. Her defensive attitude and quick indignation hurt Jess.

When Bo stops by Rodi's, the table empties suddenly, leaving him alone with Eve and John. He announces that the Haver case is officially closed and John decides to go and do some work at the station.

On his way out, John receives a letter delivered by Haver's attorney. John, letter in hand, interrupts Antonio and Jessica. "You missed one, John. Maybe dead, maybe alive. Cops always think they're the hunters."

4/1 At Rodi's, the tension between Natalie and Jen continues. John continues to try to decipher Stephen's final cryptic message, oblivious to Natalie's interest in him.

4/2 Jessica voices her concerns about Natalie to Antonio. When she is called away to the hospital, John insists that Antonio goes with her. Natalie gets upset when Roxy reminds her that she is an outcast with the Buchanans. Later, John wonders why she isn't at the hospital with Viki.

When Natalie shows up, Jessica, Kevin an her decide that someone needs to move in with Viki. When Natalie volunteers, Kevin states that it should be Jessica that takes care of their mother.

4/5 A weakened John collapsed outside Rodi's. Jessica found a bottle of prescription medication that John had dropped. Natalie found John's lifeless body in the alley. When she called for help, she and Antonio deduced that Stephen must have poisoned John's pills.

4/6 Bo stops by to check on John. Bo suggests he start trusting some people. Jen asks Marcie to move back in. John asks to see Natalie in his hospital room. John thanks her for saving his life. Michael suggests to John that he stop making himself suffer for Caitlin's death now that Stephen is dead.

Natalie shows up at John's apartment to take care of him. Natalie watches over him as he sleeps. He wakes up and she has breakfast waiting for him. John repeats to her that he can't be involved with anyone right now. Natalie is annoyed and leaves immediately when Eve arrives. Eve finds Natalie and tells her to not give up on John. Paul invites Natalie for a date. After the date Paul tries to kiss Natalie but she runs off. He asks her what her problem is. She returns to answer him. She tells him nothing is her problem kisses him.

4/7 Paul is amazed by Nat's kiss and invites her back to his place. He calls her a tease when she declines, but when she tells him why she's not ready, he understands and agrees to wait. Kevin stops by at Rodi's to make sure that Nat is okay with his suggesting that Jess stay with their mother. He knows that Nat is worried and he believes that she's afraid to show it.

4/8 Natalie checks in with John to see how he's been feeling. He assures her that although their last encounter ended uncomfortably, he still considers her a very good friend. When a mysterious woman who's concerned for her life pays John a visit, Natalie feels as if she's being pushed aside.

DVD #3B 4/9 Kathryn admits to John that she is in trouble and asks him to help her find Paul Cramer. When the people searching for Kathryn show up at the Angel Square Inn, Roxy helps John hide her on the roof where Marcie and Michael are sharing a romantic evening.

Natalie and Paul play truth or dare at Ultra Violet. While sharing a kiss, John walks in the club and sees them. Interrupting the kiss, he drags Paul away despite Natalie's protests. Kathryn confronts Paul about stolen money. When he confesses to the theft and spending the money, she lets him go. When he runs into Natalie, Paul lets her assume that John and Kathryn are a couple.

4/12 John gives Kathryn his room for the night. Roxy taunts John about Kathryn. She tells him that Natalie knows all about Kathryn. Kay and Kyle tell John about their suspicions that Kathryn stole money that doesn't belong to her. Natalie gets drunk with Paul. John walks in to see he and Natalie dancing. He threatens Paul to leave Natalie alone, or he will see to it Paul ends up behind bars. Natalie doesn't want to go home, so John takes her to Llanfair. John and Natalie talk about their friendship. John tells her Kathryn is F.B.I and he is helping her on a case. He tells her Paul is trouble and he is worried Paul will drag her into it. John and Natalie once again affirm their friendship. John asks Antonio for his help.

4/13 Natalie comes to make John a peace offering only to find Kathryn still there. Kathryn explains to Natalie that John did not sleep in the room because they are not together. Paul shows up at John's. John gives Paul an option to call his debtors and tell them he has the money. He and Antonio will take care of them. John promises Kathryn he will take care of her.

4/15 John and Antonio keep an eye on Paul who is happy to hear that Kelly got the money for him. Later Paul confirms with John about dropping off the money at the airport. Natalie tries to talk to John, but he brushes her off, when he realizes she left, he is disturbed.

4/16 Paul fills in John, Kathryn and Antonio about his meeting with the racketeers, saying that it will all come down at the airport. Worried for Paul's safety, Kathryn later tells John that the meeting is actually at the train station. Later, at the station, Kyle grabs Kathryn and waves a gun in her face. Antonio admits to John that he plans on marrying Jessica some day.

4/19 As Paul makes a run for it shots are fired. Kyle is shot and Kay is arrested. Kathryn wants John to let Paul go to testify in the California case. Natalie sees John kissing Kathryn at the train station. Natalie lets it slip to R.J. that Jamie is staying at Llanfair.

4/20 Viki and Natalie ask Jessica why she did not accept Antonio's proposal. She tells them she is worried about Viki and must take care of her. Viki is not happy that Jessica would put off her happiness to take care of her. She asks Jessica if that is the real reason. John confronts Michael about how he broke his leg. Michael tells him the truth about snooping in Dr. Long's office. John threatens to throw him in jail if he ever broke in Dr. Long's office again.

4/21 When Natalie leaves to get another box of her possessions as she's moving back to Llanfair, Viki has an attack. Extremely upset, the Buchanan girls listen to their mother as she explains her condition to them. Viki tells them she has to plan for the future and will live each day as if it's her last. She wants no pity or crying from them and only wants to continue to share their lives with them.

Later, in private, Viki gives Natalie a pair of earrings that she received from Clint, along with a manuscript. She jokes that the others have heard her stories so many times, that they run when they hear those stories coming.

4/23 Natalie is rocked to learn that Kathryn is back in Llanview and hides her growing feelings for John by romantically pursuing Paul. While visiting him on his helicopter, she is forced to hide when Dr. Long arrives with a medical freezer and orders Paul to deliver it to Newark pronto. Paul has no choice but to take off immediately, and bring Natalie with him. John shares a pleasant chat with Kathryn, who turns out to be Caitlin's sister.

4/26 John promises Eve to protect Michael. John stops by and asks Michael to give his word and stop spying on Dr. Long. John shows concern for Michael's job.

Natalie and Paul take off in the helicopter. Natalie wants to know what is going on. Natalie asks Paul questions about their trip to Newark. Natalie buys Paul's excuses that he is just transporting things to different hospitals. They kiss and an on looking Shannon takes pictures. Dr. Long catches Natalie and Paul on the rooftop. They make an excuse about seeing the view. Paul is fired. John enters Michael’s room and finds John using the binoculars. He suspects Michael is still spying on his boss. Shannon drops off the camera and John sees the pictuyres of Natalie kissing Paul.

Roxy lets Kathryn in John's room for $20. Roxy calls Natalie who has a chat with Kathryn. Kathryn tells Natalie that Caitlin was her sister. John shows up. Natalie asks him why he didn't tell her about Kathryn and Caitlin. He tells her they don't tell each other everything for instance that he didn't know she like helicopters. John tells her that Paul is not one of the good guys and if she wants to stay out of trouble she should stay away from Paul.

4/27 Natalie asks John why he is so all of a sudden protective when he sees her kissing Paul. Natalie tells John to stay out of her personal life. John tells Kathryn about Michael's suspicions of Paul and Dr. Long. Kathryn asks John why is he working in Llanview and not New Jersey? John asks Kathryn why she asked to be transferred. She tells him she did not travel all the way from California to be near him. Natalie asks Paul to come clean about what he is doing at the hospital. Paul tells Natalie he was fired for taking her on the helicopter. Paul tells Natalie that Kathryn is corrupt and she is trying to pin something on him. Natalie tells Paul she would love to go out with him.

4/29 John and Kathryn show Michael the pictures Shannon took of Paul and Dr. Long. The three wonder what Paul is carrying illegally. Michael tells him about his organ donation suspicions. Paul tells Natalie that he is meeting an old friend, and he doesn't want her to get the wrong idea. Marcie eavesdrops while Paul gets Dr. Long to rehire him. Later John questions Natalie about Paul.

4/30 John reminds Natalie that she agreed to be his partner in a pool tournament. When she gives him attitude, he tells her about some of his past with Kathryn. As Natalie and John celebrate their victory in the pool tournament, Kathryn pulls John aside and tells him they have to go. Seeing John watching Natalie, Paul pulls her into a kiss. Paul tries to convince Natalie that he is better suited to her than John is and asks her to run away with him.

5/3 A drunk Natalie flaunts herself in front of John. Natalie tells John that she and Paul are going away. John reminds Paul that he can't leave the country because he has to testify.

5/4 Natalie considers marrying Paul. Jessica tries to talk her out of it.

5/5 John and Kathryn rehearse Paul for his trip to San Diego to testify and also question him on his relationship with Dr. Long. Paul throws Nat in John's face and accuses him of not wanting Paul to date her.

Saxophonist Paul Taylor performs at Capricorn as R.J. and Natalie commiserate. Nat learns that McBain has reservations for a table for two. Shortly after, John arrives and tries to talk some sense into Natalie regarding Paul, reminding her that he only considers himself to be a good friend, nothing more. She admits that she cannot handle that type of relationship with him, but also wonders why he doesn't want her but doesn't want her to be with Paul.

Kathryn arrives to join John at his table. They reminisce about her sister. Natalie can't take her eyes off of them through the evening; Paul invites her to travel with him. She declines but when Kathryn comes over to get Paul, he makes sure to plant a passionate kiss on Nat for John's benefit.

Strolling through Angel Square, Shannon is spotted by John who tells her that she's really a smart girl who should lose the attitude. Coming by to announce that she got Paul off on the plane, Kathryn says goodbye to John. Before she goes, she mentions that she knows John will never love anyone else but Caitlin, but she noticed that Natalie really seemed to be into the jazz at the club, much like John. She urges him to be happy again. When Natalie walks through the square later, he apologizes for the words between them earlier and the fact that things haven't worked with them. Natalie grabs onto him and kisses him; he kisses back. Pulling away, she tells him she's sorry too and walks off.

5/6 Kevin admits to Natalie that he doesn't trust Paul and warns her to stay away from him.

5/7 Rex's money problems continue. He borrows money from Natalie. When Rex brings up their love lives, Natalie realizes that he is still in love with Jen. She warns her brother again, but he turns the tables and points out that she is the one that is hanging all over Paul while she is in love with John. Roxy realizes she has the million dollar ransom in her bag, Natalie insists she take it to the police. She refuses but Natalie easily distracts her long enough to take the cash to John who tells her that they didn't get Starr.

5/10 John returns Roxy's make-up case. Roxy is not happy with Natalie for returning the money. After Roxy leaves John comforts Natalie. He softly touches her face and strokes her hair. They almost kiss but Rex interrupts them. Nora hears John humming. Nora asks John why he was happy. He denies it but Nora doesn't believe him.

5/11 Paul asks Natalie to fly to Atlantic City with him. She accepts. John is showing a smidgen of jealousy.

5/12 A casino in Atlantic City is the destination of Paul and Natalie while back in Llanview John uses his connections to learn their whereabouts. He takes off as soon as he finds out. Upon his arrival, Nat demands to know why he's there and accuses him of following her. He denies it and insists that he is following Paul who has been involved in suspicious activities. She thinks it's more that he has feelings for her and is unable to express them. She needs to have fun and Paul can provide her with that, she continues. What could he possibly do for her?

She continues to egg him on but when he suddenly grabs her and kisses her, she has her answer, though he's not quite sure himself what it all means. Paul, who has been on the phone, returns and orders the detective to stay away from his date. The men have words, as usual.

John invites Nat to return to Llanview with him and though Paul warns her that John will hurt her, she chooses to leave with McBain. On the quiet train ride home, John awkwardly puts his arm around Natalie as she lays her head on his shoulder. When they get back to his place they manage to get inside while locked in a heated embrace, kissing passionately.

5/13 In John's room, he and Natalie kissed passionately and began taking off each other's clothes. But once they were on the bed, Natalie felt something was wrong and accused John of thinking about Caitlyn, that he wasn't ready to let her go. Natalie pointed out the fact that John still had a drawer full of pictures of Caitlyn, that he can't get over the pain of losing her. Natalie stated she was ready to get on with her life, and proved it by removing her engagement and wedding rings. When will John be ready to move on, she asked. John thought he was ready, but Natalie disagreed and left. When Natalie showed up looking for her, at Nigel's request, Roxanne was reduced to looking for stray quarters near the slot machines.

5/17 John notices a bracelet on the woman standing beside Dorian in a picture taken at El Toro's funeral. John visits Natalie so they can finish what talking. He tells her that he is having feelings and he wish she would stick around while he resolves them. Natalie tells John she can't wait for something that would never happen.

**The End**

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