John & Natalie #4 May 18 - August 3, 2004: 8 hour original edit

Dvd #4A Paul invites Natalie back to his hotel room and they set the wheels in motion to make love.

5/20 In Atlantic City, Natalie and Paul get close to making love but are interrupted by the telephone. When she answers it, Natalie is surprised to hear John asking her for another chance. She agrees, once again putting of Paul's advances.

5/21 Finding the room information Paul had written down, Natalie shows up at Kelly's hotel room. With the room empty, she leaves a note for Paul. As she turns to leave, she trips and lands in a pool of blood. The police kick the door in, pointing their guns at her.

5/24 Natalie is interrogated by the police. The police suspect foul play. They believe Natalie killed Paul. Natalie calls John for help. John comes to Natalie's aid. He asks her about Paul. She tells him she didn't sleep with Paul and she didn't kill him either. The Buchanan’s arrive at the hospital as Vicki is in heart failure and needs a transplant. Natalie has flashbacks of her and her mom. A heart becomes available, sadly it is Ben’s. John and Antonio rescues Marcie and Michael from Dr. Long. Dr. Long is arrested.

5/27 Kathryn tells John that Paul was connected to the Santi family and insists that Natalie be brought in for further questioning. Natalie accuses Kathryn of attacking her for personal reasons. Antonio calls the station to inform them that Viki is going to have surgery. John takes Natalie back to the hospital where Antonio tells him that his mother is the woman in the photograph from the funeral. Antonio begins to get suspicious of his mother's connection to the crime family. The Buchanan's wait as Viki is taken into surgery for heart transplant surgery.

5/28 John traces Kelly's car to the one spotted at the landfill. Searching the area, they find more evidence pointing to Kelly's involvement in her brother's suspected death. Paul later calls Natalie asking her to meet with him. Larry tells Viki's family that she pulled through the surgery.

5/31 Natalie meets Paul at The Hook Up. Paul tells Natalie about Kelly and Todd burying him alive when they thought he was dead. Natalie wants to bring him to John but Paul reminds her of what happened to Cristian when he went to John. He also goes on to tell her that he thinks the Santi family has a hit out on him. A staff of The Hook Up tells Paul that some people are looking for him, and are coming in the back entrance. He and Natalie hide and Paul tell Natalie she has to help him.

6/1 Natalie and Paul escape being shot. Paul asks Natalie for one last favor. He wants twenty thousand dollars to leave town. Natalie tells him she will go get it but he suggests she call Kelly and Todd and let them bring him the money. She agrees to call Kelly but only if Paul calls the police and tells them he is alive. Natalie calls Kelly and disguises her voice. She tells Kelly that she knows that Kelly dumped Paul's body at the landfill and she wants twenty thousand dollars to keep her secret. John and Kathryn implore Antonio to question Carlotta some more about Manny Santi.

6/2 A hesitant Natalie tells Paul that she'll pick up the blackmail money in his place. As they wait for the right time to make their move, John shows up at their hotel room.

6/3 Natalie tries to convince Paul to turn himself in to John. Paul refuses to let her open the door and John slips a note under the door before leaving. Paul tells Natalie that it is Kelly's fault that he is in so much trouble. When she questions him, he quickly backpedals. He kisses her, but Natalie refuses his advances. Heading to the casino to collect the money, she warns Paul not to leave until he gets her name cleared. Kelly and Todd are shocked to see Natalie walk to the slot machines and take the money. Before she can leave, John grabs her.

6/4 John is convinced that someone is forcing Natalie's hand. A knock at the door reveals the Atlantic City police, who are prepared to arrest Natalie. John convinces the detective to give him more time to prove Natalie's innocence. When Natalie questions John's feelings for her, he tells her that the only way they can start over is if she tells him the truth. Before she can answer him, Paul calls her room and asks if John is with her. Natalie tries to cover by telling John that it was Jessica on the phone. Knowing she is lying, he leaves. Natalie takes the money to the casino for Paul, but before he can leave with the payoff, John catches him.

6/8 Kathryn is adamant about keeping Natalie as a prime suspect until she sees Paul with her own eyes. John confronts Kathryn about her regimented behavior toward Natalie. Kathryn feels that if they were more by the book in the past Caitlin would not have been murdered. John promises to get her proof that Paul is alive.

Kelly calls to tell John that Paul is hiding out at Dorian's house. John arrests Paul. Paul feels betrayed by Kelly. Paul wants a deal for giving information about Dr. Long. Kathryn is not interested. Kathryn wants him to give up all he knows about the Santi family. (When John leaves the room Kathryn discloses to Paul her plans for both of them to travel to Puerto Rico and search for the money themselves.)

6/10 Antonio confronts Kathryn when she implies that his mother isn't telling them the whole truth. John interrupts, keeping the peace, and suggests they look elsewhere. Antonio recommends starting with Dorian. John informs Antonio that he needs him to work undercover at the station. Paul asks John how much he knows about Kathryn. John insists she is one of the best, but before Paul can confide in him, Kathryn opens the door and quickly gets rid of Paul.

Paul shows up at Foxy Roxy's, startling the owner. He tells Natalie that he is going into FBI protection and will come back for her after he testifies. She wonders if he will live long enough to return, after kissing her, he promises to come back for her. Natalie and Jessica are concerned when they find several gallons of gasoline in the corner of Foxy Roxy's.

6/11 Spotting Jessica in the crowd, Antonio jumps off stage in an attempt to explain to her why he is stripping at the club. When he yells at her for interrupting his work, Jessica leaves with Natalie at his side.

6/14 Natalie walks in just in time to hear Roxy’s arson confession but wants no part of it. Evangeline and John have drink and a little flirting. John suggests to Evangeline that she takes Antonio off the case and let the police handle it. John goads Evangeline into another drink. After a few drinks Evangeline begins to feel the effects. John taunts her about her lack of spontaneity. To prove John wrong Evangeline kisses him. John warns Kathryn to be careful and to tell him if she is over her head. Evangeline calls John when she finds Kathryn dead in her office.

Kathryn threatens Natalie with jail if she knows where Paul is hiding. Jessica figures out that Natalie likes Paul because he's bad. Paul sneaks into Natalie's house and waits for her to get home. He asks her to come to Puerto Rico with him.

6/15 John identifies Kathryn's body in Evangeline's office. John wants Evangeline to give him all the information she has gathered on the Santi family. Evangeline tells John maybe Kathryn was on the take. John doesn't believe it. The bookkeeper who might have witnessed Kathryn's death turns up dead in the river.

Viki stops by Natalie's. Natalie hides Paul in the back. Natalie wants to make a change in her life. John questions Sara the bar manager at the hook up about Paul and Kathryn. She denies knowing or even seeing them. The phone rings at the hook up. It was Paul asking Sara for a bonus. John grabs the phone from Sara. He hears Paul's voice on the other line. John threatens Paul to turn himself in. John asks Natalie if she has seen Paul. Natalie lies about seeing Paul. Rex asks Natalie to forget about knowing anything about the arson plan.

6/16 Natalie and Paul plan to drive to Florida, then make their way to Puerto Rico. Natalie is unsettled when she sees Paul pack his gun, but he explains why he has to bring it with him. They later watch the news on TV, where Paul learns that he's the prime suspect in Kathryn's murder.

6/18 At the police station, Bo and John realize that Paul is using Kelly's credit cards. John questions Kelly, but she denies that Paul is blackmailing her. While John is still talking to her, Paul calls. Natalie calls her mother as Vicki is preparing for Ben’s service. Natalie denies being with Paul.

6/21 Kelly lies to John about Paul's whereabouts in Puerto Rico. Natalie pulls a gun on Paul after overhearing his conversation with Kelly when he denies having any involvement with Kathryn's death. He tells her he found out about Kathryn after they hit the road. Natalie decides to stay because she feels she has nothing to go home to. Kelly tells John she doesn't believe Paul killed Kathryn. Kelly gives up Paul's real hideout in Puerto Rico. She hopes she hasn't made a mistake. Natalie and Paul's passionate moment is interrupted by the police.

6/22 Natalie hides Paul from the police. Paul and Natalie agree to meet each other in a week. Paul gives Natalie the coordinates to the treasure just in case he doesn't come back. The police take Natalie back to Llanview. Natalie is brought to John. John doesn't recognize the new Natalie who lies to him. He has her arrested for acssesary after the fact. As Natalie is about to go to booking, Paul surrenders himself.

6/23 John grills Paul on his activities during the night that Kathryn was murdered. Natalie shows up and provides his alibi; they were together at her place that night. She tells John to get over himself when he begins to lecture her. The results come in and Paul's gun was not used in the murders so he's released. Nat agrees to meet him at Rodi's. Paul stops to write a note to Kevin.

Nat leaves to pack and Paul hands the bartender money so that someone can deliver a note for him. Nat meets up with Viki and admits that she lied previously, that she was really with Paul. Viki is disappointed to learn that they are planning a trip and thinks that Natalie is being impulsive. They begin to argue and it ends with Natalie running off.

6/24 John walks into the bar and demands to have Antonio's badge.

Dvd #4B Sonia is a witness, but isn't convinced that Antonio is for real (he is trying to work undercover).

6/25 Although the idea of keeping a secret from Jessica doesn't thrill Antonio, John makes him realize that he can't tell her that he's working undercover.

6/28 Jessica goes to Natalie for comfort and advice, but finds an angry and defensive Natalie with Paul half dressed. Jessica tells Natalie that Antonio was fired. Paul believes Antonio was on the take. Paul suggests to Natalie that they use Antonio to find the Santi fortune. Natalie wants Paul to help her be free. Paul goads Natalie into hustling a pool player at Rodi's.

Evangeline goes to John and informs him that the bookkeeper's girlfriend, Mary Barnes, contacted her and wants to meet with her. John refuses to let Evangeline go alone. When they get to the house the front door is wide open. Evangeline and John get locked in the basement. They open a bottle of wine. Evangeline talks about her father and how he expected so much from her and that is why she pushes herself so hard and is so obsessed about work. John tells her about his father also. They share a passionate kiss.

6/29 John and Evangeline decide to go all the way. A woman finds John and Evangeline asleep. The woman is Mary Barnes. Mary explains she went to the supermarket but thought she was being followed. Mary doubts their ability to help her. Evangeline and John admit to each other they have no regrets about what happened. Mary packs her things to go to a safe house.

6/30 Paul makes plans on upgrading the plane reservations to first class, counting on his windfall from Kevin. He's evasive when Nat asks how he's going to pay for the tickets. He also wants her to get information from Antonio or Jess regarding the Santi fortune.

Nat finds her sister at Antonio's place and learns about the jewelry with the engraved numbers from Jess after confiding that she and Paul are going after the money. Jess wants Nat and Paul to have it (She sent Nat and Paul in the wrong direction so they won't get hurt). A disappointed Paul returns to Natalie's house and proclaims that his money didn't come through. No worries, she responds, because she's learned of the jewelry. He declares that he's going to pay Kelly a visit as well.

7/1 Natalie asks Jessica to join her and Paul in their search for the Santi money. Jessica gives Natalie a note containing part of the combination to the vault. Natalie encourages Paul to show Jessica the map to the vault. She quickly memorizes it then tells them that the map is reversed to send them in the wrong direction.

7/5 Antonio is going to Puerto Rico with Sonia. Bo feels he is walking into a trap. John and Bo want to give him back up, but they don't have enough time. Evangeline and John talk about their night together. They agree that due to the wine and confined space they got sidetracked. Dorian and David catch Paul and Natalie trying to leave town without them.

7/6 John fills in Evangeline on Carlos' arrest. John realizes they are being followed. He informs Evangeline, who immediately kisses John. Evangeline invites John to dinner. John interferes when R.J. tries to talk to Evangeline. R.J. has plans for John. John asks Carlotta about Adriana. Carlotta reluctantly tells him Adriana should be at work.

7/7 John continues his search for Adriana, stopping at the diner to ask Carlotta if she knows where Adriana is. Carlotta believes that she's staying with Dorian, but Dorian is away on a trip and a check with the day care where Adriana works informs him that she hasn't been seen there in days. In fact, no one has seen her since the night of the 4th of July.

John tracks down Rex, who was the last person to be seen with her. After some pressure by John, he admits that he and Shannon are trying to break Adriana and River because Shannon is interested in River. He is forced to admit in front of Lindsay, who had come looking for him when he didn't show up to work at Ultra Violet, that he was involved because he was interested in Adriana. John calls Bo to give him an update. Bo suggests he check with Jen because he saw her filming the night of the 4th of July. John heads back to the diner and asks Jen if he can check the tape to see if there are any clues about Adriana.

David, Dorian, Natalie and Paul arrive in Puerto Rico and head out in search of the Santi money. But thanks to Jessica's false instructions that everything on the map is reversed, they waste the day wandering around the mountains. John calls Dorian to check if Adriana is with her. Once Dorian finds out that Adriana is missing, she decides to fly home to Llanview immediately.

7/8 David, Paul and Natalie make it to the vault. While the FBI nabs David and Paul, Natalie sneaks off.

7/9 Dorian and Carlotta pay John a visit at the police station and inform him that Adriana is safe and sound at the convent school. They return to the diner and worry about the possible danger that Antonio, Adriana and David are in.

Evangeline visits John and learns that the person who killed Kathryn and the accountant killed himself with a cyanide pill rather than divulge any information about the person who hired him. Unable to get in touch with Antonio, John decides he needs to go to Puerto Rico and see what's going on for himself.

Later, Sonia almost sees John when he arrives at the hotel in Puerto Rico, but Antonio kisses her to distract her. When Sonia leaves, Antonio catches John up on what has been going on, including the death of the Santi second in command. John wants Antonio to end the undercover operation now, but Antonio refuses, Sonia is hiding something and he is determined to find out what it is. Sonia returns and from a distance sees the two of them together. She pulls out her gun, but John spots her and pushes Antonio to the ground, pretending to arrest him.

7/12 John pretends to arrest Antonio. He then arrests Sonia, which gives Antonio a chance to escape. Sonia refuses to give John any information about the Santi family. Before John can take Sonia away, the FBI arrives to bring her into custody. John gives her over hesitantly. The FBI agent is in Sonia's pocket. The agent lets her go. John gives Antonio the okay to resume a normal life. Antonio is no longer undercover.

Natalie tries to get Paul money to get out of jail. John interrogates Paul and David. John decides to extradite them to Llanview.

7/13 John releases Natalie, Paul and David once they are all back in Llanview. Paul asks Natalie to move in with him. Natalie accepts Paul's offer to move in.

7/14 John tries to track down Sonia, calling Jess to the station to quiz her on Tico Santi. She recounts how she found Antonio's cousin in chains. She also admits to being nervous, wondering if he really is Antonio's relative. John tries to put her mind at ease, telling her that the organization has been broken up and the danger is gone.

Evangeline arrives to tie up loose ends on her client's shooting, so Jess leaves. She joins John for coffee and agrees to ride with him to Kathryn's memorial service. The pair has some awkward moments, and then begin to flirt and skirt the issues, until they are interrupted by Jess, who senses she's walked in on something.

She's returned with the bandanna that she used to clean Tico up with. It's got his blood on it and she wants John to run a DNA test, to see if he is indeed related to Antonio. Before she leaves, she apologizes for interfering but can't help but notice that something was going on between John and Evangeline. She tells John that she doesn't want anyone else hurt, the way that he hurt Natalie.

7/15 Natalie confronts Antonio about his interest in the Santi family and warns him not to make Jessica a widow. He in turn reminds her that Cristian is watching over her, wondering what she is doing getting involved with Paul Cramer.

At the park, John has a similar conversation with Kelly. When he returns to the police station, John reminds himself that he can't get involved with Van. When Evangeline goes to Rodi's, Natalie confronts her about her relationship with John.

7/19 Natalie throws in John's face the fact that she is moving in with Paul. Paul turns good for Natalie. Shannon seeks console in John. Natalie tells John she know about him and Evangeline.

7/21 Natalie and Paul settle into their new place together and receive their first visitor, Kevin, who wants Nat to turn over the proxy for her votes on the Banner. Though suspicious, Kevin manages to have her believe that it's to "lighten" Viki's load. Before agreeing, she asks that Kevin give Paul a job; when he offers him the position of corporate pilot, she gives her approval.

7/22 In order to find out more about John and Evangeline's relationship, R.J. hires Rex to spy on the couple as they get to know each other better. Rex reports back to R.J. after watching Evangeline join John in his room.

7/23 John and Evangeline make love. While the manager of the Angel Square Inn sleeps, R.J. steals a key to John's room. Overhearing them discuss their relationship, R.J. starts making plans to get even with John. After saying an awkward good-night to Evangeline, John finds a man lying in the hallway of the hotel. When he checks on the man, he is attacked from behind.

7/26 After realizing she left something, Evangeline returns to John's place. John gets beaten up by R.J.'s thugs for hire. The thugs pretend they were after John's wallet. Evangeline wonders if John knew the guys. John vows to find out their identity. John thinks the motive behind his attack was not robbery.

The police find one of John's assailants. Evangeline visits R.J. and asks for the truth about John's attack. R.J. denies any involvement. Evangeline tells him that she did not break up with him to be with John; she broke up with him because of who he is. John tells Antonio his suspicions that R.J. is behind his attack. He also tells Antonio that the only reason why he has not done anything to R.J. before is because of Evangeline but he won't be so nice next time.

7/27 Evangeline confides in John about her suspicions that R.J. is responsible for his attack. John agrees. R.J. visits John at the station. R.J. subtly threatens Evangeline safety to John. John loses his temper and promises to hurt R.J. if anything happens to Evangeline. R.J. looks affected by the threat. John suggest to Evangeline that they not see each other because she might be in danger. Evangeline questions his motive. She thinks it's because he wants their affair to end. John denies it.

8/2 Jessica has an argument with Jessica and Vicki. Later, Jessica tells Viki she believes Paul is only after Natalie's money and he could get her hurt. Viki invites Paul to dinner so they can get to know each other.

8/3 Natalie wants nothing to do with Jessica. Natalie finds out about Paul and Viki's dinner. Natalie is hurt that they don’t believe that Paul cares about her and is only after her money. Natalie confronts Viki, who denies any underhanded tactics to get Paul out of her life. Natalie didn't buy it. Natalie makes a call to Kevin, she wants to give away her entire trust fund.

**The End**

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