John & Natalie #5 August 4 - October 28, 2004: 8 hour original edit

Dvd #5A Natalie is furious and hurt over Vicki’s “secret dinner” with Paul. Vicki tells her it was not secret, she assumed Paul would tell her about it. Natalie accuses her that Vicki doesn’t think anyone could love Natalie, of course he must be after her money. Natalie moves out of Llanfair.

Michael stops by the police station to translate the forensics report on the newly found bones at the community center site. The girl died of a broken neck and other broken bones and either jumped, fell or was pushed. John claims to be having fun working the cold case while off duty though he admits to his brother that he's sort of seeing someone. Thinking it's Nat, Michael gives him some advice and is surprised to learn that it's someone else. Deciding to have their date consist of aiding John, Michael and Marcie help to dig up further information: a young girl named Amy Dunham disappeared around 1955, she was engaged to someone from the Lord family and was last seen going into the Angel Square Hotel. When the couple becomes too amorous, John heads out.

Rex is ready to take Natalie to the psych ward after she admits to putting all of her money into a trust fund for her possible future children. She insists that Paul is fine with it though Rex can hardly believe it, contending that Paul is only after her money, as any guy would be. The same as he is with Adriana, queries Nat? Money is only too much trouble, she continues.

She tosses Rex out of Rodi's as John arrives and asks her what's wrong. She inquires after his relationship with Evangeline and John admits that it's complicated. She takes him up on his offer to play pool. John notices that Jess and Nat are not speaking to each other when Antonio stops by the pool table. Nat explains that it's over money; she tells him about her trust fund plan, which he thinks is great. There's nothing but misery over money, he tells an impressed Nat. Later, John and Evangeline sit on a park bench in the dark and talk.

8/6 John and Evangeline talk at the diner. John learns of shots being fired at Capricorn. He hurries to the scene and confronts R.J. and Sonia. John later meets up with Evangeline, and they mutually agree to proceed with their relationship slowly. Natalie shows up to talk to Jessica. Jess tells her that Cristian was a good man. She demands that Jess tell her what she really thinks about Paul, that he isn’t good enough for Nat!

8/9 Natalie reads a letter from Viki in which Viki tells Natalie that no matter what, she will always love her and Natalie will always have a home.

John tells Antonio that Sonia knows more than she is telling and she may have formed a new alliance with R.J. Antonio is not surprised and guesses that R.J may have done business with the Santi family in the past. John learns that some kids may have seen a body in the water at the quarry. Natalie accidentally sees Evangeline and John in the hallway laughing and kissing, followed by a music montage of various couples in Llanview.

8/10 The next morning, John wakes up in bed with Evangeline. Antonio calls to tell him that body has been found at the quarry. Evangeline and John make a date to see Casablanca. John and has Capricorn's alley searched again. John teases R.J. with information on the body that washed up. John also mentions to R.J. that they found fabric fibers in the alley and forensic will find a match.

8/11 Divulging that he had a connection to view the victim's body, Michael informs John that the man had a very current and new type of surgery which will narrow down the search for his identity. John suggests that his brother might want to go into forensics but refuses to disclose any information on the case. Evangeline works overtime on getting any dirt she can on Kevin.

Sonia shows up, denies recognizing the victim's photo and plays elusive overall, especially when John suggests they work together. She also takes offense to his asking about her relationship with R.J., who may possibly be working to avenge Jaime Padilla's death (according to John). In fact, she piques John's curiosity when she quickly comes to R.J.'s defense. John warns Evangeline that R.J. has been called in and will complain about being harassed, along with blaming it on their own new relationship. They also expect a problem due to Sonia's new friendship with R.J.

8/16 John rescues Bo & Nora who are trapped in a freezer. Evangeline suggests to John that she get close to R.J. in order to find out R.J.'s plans with Sonia. John doesn't like the idea. Evangeline calls R.J. to apologize. Evangeline seem to have convinced R.J. that her apology and supposed falling out with John is real. Sonia tells R.J. about her suspicions of Evangeline. R.J tells Sonia that he doesn't believe Evangeline for one second. Evangeline fills John in on her conversation with R.J. Evangeline believes that even if R.J. is suspicious of her at least he will keep her close to know what she is up to.

Natalie confronts Paul about the missing money from their account. Paul fesses up to gambling the money away. Natalie wants nothing to do with Paul if he is leading a life of gambling and underhanded dealings with Rex. Paul promises her that he will change Paul and Rex go over the logistics of the robbery.

8/18 John reaches Antonio and confirms that the alley victim was one of Padilla's men. He learns that Carlotta has not been located yet.

On her apartment rooftop, Natalie reads a letter from Viki that talks about their being able to talk and resolve their differences. When John surprisingly shows up, they have a long chat about it, with John giving her some advice. They agree that they're friends and wish each other luck with their respective partners.

Evangeline is looking for John and finds him on the roof; she's headed for dinner and John decides to go with her. They ask Natalie to go with them but she declines. She sadly leaves a message for Viki. An amused John and Evangeline break up an overly romantic Daniel and Nora. John pulls Daniel aside, advising him that he's been blocked in getting information on Sonia's prints from the FBI.

8/19 Natalie and Paul are on the roof of the Angel Square Hotel as Paul begs Natalie's forgiveness for gambling away their savings. When he mentions a side job, Natalie immediately suspects that he is working with Rex in something shady. When he leaves, Natalie calls Kevin and sells Paul out.

8/23 Rex is fit to be tied when he discovers that Paul has enlisted Natalie's help in the gallery heist. Rex tries to fire them but Natalie wants in. Rex thinks Natalie will rat them out. John is uncomfortable at the country club with Evangeline, Nora and Daniel. Natalie asks John if he can arrest someone unofficially. John guesses that Natalie has problems with Paul. Natalie almost gave in but Evangeline shows up. Later on the roof, John asks Natalie if she wanted to talk some more but she refused.

8/24 Natalie calls Jessica to ask her advice. Jessica guesses that Paul is the person who is going to get in trouble. Natalie won't divulge much more.

8/25 A snitch named Ravi visits John at the police station; for $20 he offers to give him a tip on the upcoming heist involving Paul Cramer. With that being the only information that he has, John gives him $5. He tells him if he wants more money, to bring more info.

At Rodi's, Marcie unintentionally hears Rex filling Nat in on the latest heist details when she sits down at their table. The duo quickly covers up. When Marcie sees John later, she advises him that something is going to happen soon. He tries to get Nat to talk to him but they're promptly interrupted by Rex. The two have a verbal duel, sharing their mutual dislike of each other until John has to take a phone call. It's Antonio who familiarizes him with the situation in Puerto Rico. John returns to his pool game. A crying Jess finds Nat at Rodi's.

8/26 John is trying to make a date with Evangeline, but she blows him off, claiming a neurotic client. Natalie is completely ignoring Duke and Jessica while she is staring at John and Evangeline at the bar. Jessica excuses herself and walks over to John. When Evangeline leaves, she asks about Antonio, but he refuses to tell her anything. Later, she surprises John on the rooftop of the Angel Square Hotel.

8/27 John catches Sonia in the act of breaking into Antonio's loft.

8/30 Sonia worms her way out of being arrested by John for breaking and entering Antonio's apartment. John tells Antonio that he found Sonia in Antonio's apartment. John puts Antonio on desk duty but Antonio has other plans. Angelina seems she was going to tell Antonio the truth, the kidnapper from Puerto Rico tries to shoot Antonio but Angelina pushes him out of the way and gets takes the bullet. Antonio wants to know why she took a bullet for him. John hears the shot from the diner and runs to help. John tells Antonio that he found Sonia in Antonio's apartment. John puts Antonio on desk duty but Antonio has other plans.

8/31 John stops by the gallery to shake up R.J. instead Lindsay is the one who is suspicious. John has Natalie and Paul followed. John's snitch tells him more about the heist. John sees his snitch taking money from R.J. John arrests Natalie, Rex and Paul.

9/1 John expresses his disappointment in Natalie who refuses to come clean on the planned art theft. Finding the allegedly disabled car working just fine, he accuses her of pushing him away but he also intends on not quitting. When he reminds her that she's a really nice person, she demands on knowing where it got her, which momentarily leaves him speechless. She refuses to confess or rat out Paul and Rex even though John is sure that Paul will turn on her in a minute. The guys will remain in jail overnight but John allows Nat to leave. John learns that the suspect has escaped from the jail.

9/3 Rex and Paul fume when Natalie confesses that she leaked their planned heist to the security company.

9/7 Antonio tries to get access of the police file on Octavio Vigil's murder, but John won't let him anywhere near it. In dire need of money to pay off Paul and Rex's debt to R.J., Natalie asks her family for a loan. Certain of Paul's involvement, Jessica refuses to lift a finger to help.

9/8 Daniel learns that the files of the alleged hit man are missing and believes that Antonio is involved. He thinks that Vega is protecting Sonia in some way. Both Nora and John come to Antonio's defense though later, privately, John tells Nora that Antonio is definitely obsessed. They had agreed to prove Antonio's innocence but when his coat, left at the Palace and returned to the station, is turned over to them, John spots papers protruding from a pocket. They are the missing case files (planted earlier by Tico).

9/9 John leaves a message for Antonio, saying that Sonia was setting him up by planting the missing file with him. When John questions Antonio about his tactics, Antonio gets angry and once again quits the Llanview police department.

9/10 Rex sees through Natalie and realizes she isn't returning Paul's love. Good thing because Paul is planning on using Natalie to get his hands on Kevin's money.

9/13 Antonio discovers his real identity. Tico refuses to confirm whether he knew all along. Antonio tries to strangle Tico, but Sonia and John come in time to save him.

9/14 Jessica reveals to John and Bo that Antonio is Manuel Santi's first born son. Jessica pleads with Bo to find Antonio because she fears he will begin to think he is not the good man they all know. Bo suggest to Jessica to give Antonio time to deal with this new information. Natalie breaks up with Paul. She tells Paul that she cannot be the wild woman he wants her to be. Paul thinks it is because Natalie wants to be with John.

Dvd #5B Paul demands that Natalie get him the one hundred thousand dollars they need to pay off R.J. Natalie tells John that she broke up with Paul. She tells him she just needs sometime alone to figure out what she wants. He agrees that sometimes its good just to be alone. She questions if this means he wants to be alone? He doesn’t answer as they watch the sun rise together.

9/17 When Antonio refuses to answer John's pointed question, he is threatened with the possibility of being tossed in jail. However, an FBI agent steps in and takes Antonio into custody, thanks to Sonia's assistance. Natalie and Jessica have a friendly conversation and put aside their differences. Natalie asks Kevin for a loan, which he immediately refuses when he finds out that it's, actually, for Paul.

9/20 John assumes that Sonia was in some way responsible for Antonio being yanked away by the Feds.

9/21 With Sonia's urging, Eduardo clears Antonio's name in Angelina's murder. John knows that Sonia is hiding something and will stop at nothing to find out what it is. Jessica reaches out to her sister for comfort after finding Antonio with Sonia. Paul attempts to guilt Natalie into revealing something about Kevin that he can use to get money from him.

9/22 John becomes convinced that Sonia is working for the Feds when his contact at the FBI is suddenly transferred to London with no warning. He confronts her at the hotel room and warns her that if she puts Antonio in danger, she will have to answer to him and Bo.

9/28 Natalie sees Antonio kissing Sonia. Natalie voices her concern for Antonio and her disapproval of his behavior toward Jessica. John finds Natalie berrating Antonio. John tells Natalie that he doesn't understand what is happening to Antonio also. Natalie gets a feeling that John is annoyed about something. John mentions to Natalie that Evangeline traveling on business. Natalie makes a remark about there being a phone where Evangeline is if he wants to talk about what's bothering him. Paul asks for Natalie's help, but she wants nothing to do with him. John and Paul get into a physical altercation. Natalie realizes that all Paul ever wanted was her money. John invites Natalie to watch a movie with him.

9/30 Natalie admits to John that she never stopped loving him. Evangeline arrives on the scene and is left somewhat disheartened when she witnesses John and Natalie's undeniable closeness.

10/4 Jessica and Tico are getting married. Natalie begs Jessica to think it over. Jessica wants Natalie to be a part of the wedding, but if Natalie wants no involvement, she will marrry without her there. Natalie gives in and decides to go. Duke wants Natalie to talk to Kevin and ask him to ease up on Kelly. He hopes that if Dorian is not as upset with Kevin, she will let Duke have a friendship with Adriana. Natalie tells Antonio that the wedding is happening today.

10/5 Antonio interrupts Jessica and Tico's wedding. Antonio pleads with Jessica not to marry Tico. Jessica asks Antonio if he slept with Sonia. Antonio dodges the question. Jessica walks away from Antonio and completes her vows with Tico. Antonio warns Tico that he will prove that Tico is El Tiberon and that he killed Isabella. Natalie runs after Antonio.

10/6 John asks Van to meet him at the country club because he has something for her. He ties a string around her wrist to symbolize that he's ready to go beyond the "no strings attached" that they both spoke of previously. He wants to move forward and thinks they should share things they like with each other. Going in that direction, he has tickets for them for the upcoming Eagles game. Van enthusiastically accepts and they move on to Rodi's for decent drinks.

At Rodi's, Nat attempts to soothe Antonio and demands privacy when Sonia arrives. She tries to remind him that he's like the Vegas and how Cris always looked up to him, but he in turn reminds her that Cris is no longer there. He vows to prove who Tico really is.

Van thinks that John should speak with Antonio who is not looking very well, but John tells her that he's cut himself off from everyone that he knows.

Nat gets back to Llanfair and inadvertently tells Viki of Jess' marriage. When Jess arrives, Nat takes off with a box of her things as a tearful and shocked Viki confronts her daughter. She doesn't understand at all, knowing that Jess loves Antonio and questions her feelings for Tico. Jess can only relate how Tico treats her and makes her feel. She knows all she needs to know about him. Viki tells her it's a mistake. Nat discovers that Paul has stolen her earrings.

Nat dashes into Rodi's as Van and John share a kiss, but she hardly notices as she searches for Paul. Spotting him, she demands the return of her stolen earrings. Of course he denies it, but as she grabs at him, she spots them in his pocket. She begins to beat at him, screaming, until Rex pulls her away.

10/11 John warns Natalie that she could get busted if she attacks Paul again.

10/12 John and Evangeline assure each other that their difference in race won't prevent them from pursuing a relationship.

10/14 Unaware that John is following her, Sonia goes to the warehouse to keep Antonio's appointment with El Tiburon.

10/15 Jessica is all smiles when Natalie brings little Jamie for a visit to Lion's Heart. Tico puts on a fake smile but inwardly doesn't want her anywhere near Jamie. At the warehouse, Tomas is shot by an INL agent as a nearby a shocked John and Sonia watch. John is aghast when he learns the Evangeline was attacked but is grateful that Marcie and Michael were there to help her.

10/18 Natalie finds Dorian's jewelry in the garbage and returns it to John. Natalie hears John invite Evangeline to stay at his house for as long as she needs. Natalie asks Kevin what Paul is holding over him.

10/19 Natalie tells John why she believes she mixed herself up with Paul. Natalie still has strong feelings for John and is jealous of his new relationship with Evangeline.

10/21 John fears that Natalie is out of control when he is forced to break up a fight between her and Jen. Natalie kisses John.

10/22 Natalie is horrified to learn right from the horse's mouth that Paul stole a baby for Kelly.

10/25 Evangeline and John argue about Natalie. Evangeline wants John to admit that there is something between he and Natalie, but John refuses to admit it. John tells Evangeline that when he sees Natalie, he feels guilty and responsible for Cristian's death. He tells her that Natalie is his friend. John tells Evangeline that she is the woman he wants to be with yesterday, today and tomorrow. John and Evangeline kiss and make up.

Natalie goes to visit Paul in his hotel room.

10/26 Natalie holds a gun on Paul while he packs. Paul suggests that he and Natalie have one last roll in the hay. Natalie is disgusted by his proposal. Paul asks for one last phone call. Paul knocks the gun from Natalie's hand and tries to rape her. She scratches his face and tries to get away, but Paul slaps her unconscious and leaves for the airport.

10/27 Antonio meets Evangeline at Rodi's for legal help but when John shows up he refuses to say anything and takes off. The man who assaulted Van has been arrested and John urges her to view a lineup. Nat's boss advises John that Nat seems to have disappeared, having missed a couple of her shifts.

As Van goes off to the lineup, John complains to Bo that he seems unable to get through to Nat and wonders if he should stop caring. Bo asks if he can but does agree to talk with Nat. Van identifies her attacker and thanks John for helping so quickly. He mentions that she was at the top of his list which causes her to ask if Nat would now move to the top of his job list. John admits that Nat has to be kept safe. Van decides that she wants John to come home with her. Before leaving, John peruses the police blotter but Bo verifies that there's nothing on Nat.

Paul waits in the park for his meeting, when the person shows up Paul is shot.

10/28 John gets a call from a bloodied, gun-carrying Natalie, who swiftly hangs up when he answers. Natalie drops the gun outside the cottage.

**The End**

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