John & Natalie #6 October 28 - December 27, 2004: 8 hour original edit

Dvd #6A Evangleine encourages John to go after Natalie. She points out that after everything that has happened with Paul, Nat could be in real trouble. Vicki encounters a shaken and bruised Natalie. Vicki begs to help her and wants to take her to the doctor, she senses something terrible has happened to her daughter. Nat tells her that she is so sorry, she has killed someone she loved. She brings up Christian’s death and goes on about how it is her fault. She walks out, leaving Vicki begging her to come back.

Rex cryptically tells Roxy that Paul can never hurt Jen or Natalie again. He then heads outside and finds the gun Natalie dropped. John calls and Vicki tells him about Natalie’s state, this gives him the idea to search the graveyard. He finds her there, and asks where she has been and about the blood. He observes the only time he has ever seen her like this was after Christian died. He takes her home and lets her know if she needs to talk about what happened to her tonight, to call him. She insists that nothing happened, that she feel at the graveyard and hit her head. John's preoccupation with Natalie starts to wear thin on Evangeline, who tries to not let it get to her.

10/29 John takes an obviously shaken Natalie back to Llanfair. Jessica and Natalie reach out to each other for support and understanding.

11/1 John asks to talk to Bo alone about Natalie. Evangeline gets a little annoyed. Nora reminds Evangeline that she was the one who told John to go after Natalie. John tells Bo that he believes they should investigate more on Paul.

11/2 Rex tries to get Natalie to talk about how she hurt herself but she remained defensive. John gets Bo to open an investigation on Paul's disappearance. While going through Paul's hotel room, John notices blood on the telephone. John sends the sample to be tested. Natalie shows up at Paul's hotel room to look for her watch but John was there. She talks to John cryptically about taking things back or making different decisions. She looks at the bed where Paul attacked and breaks down crying as John draws her into his arms. Natalie goes to the church to light a candle for Cristian and talk to him about all that has happened. Crime Scene Unit finds a woman's watch in Paul's room.

11/4 Antonio tells Natalie that he'd do anything to help her, whether it was legal or not. Later, she burns the bloody clothes she wore the night she fought with Paul. John arrives in time to put out the fire and examine the damages clothes.

11/5 Natalie daydreams that Cristian walks into Rodi's. Natalie tells Cristian she got involved with Paul Cramer and she needs to tell him what she did to him. Cristian tells her everything will be okay, that they are all that matters. As they are about to kiss, she is brought out of her dream by Rex calling her name. Rex wants to talk about Paul's disappearance, he wants to help her.

John tells an officer to follow up on the Santi's threat to kill Paul. The office informs John they are still waiting on the lab results on Natalie's clothes. David approaches John and asks him if he thinks the Santis got rid of Paul. John asks him why he cares. David tells John he is worried about Paul's disappearance because Dorian is worried. John informs David to get his alibi correct for Halloween night. David states that he, Dorian, Kelly, and Adriana were home all night passing out candy to kids. John doubts this.

Natalie is upset because Rex keeps asking about Paul. She accuses him of being concerned with Jen's involvement with Paul's disappearance. Rex believes Jen is a "pussy cat" that would be incapable of doing anything to Paul. Natalie yells that she is tired of everyone asking her about Paul.

Bo tells John that Dorian believes Paul has something to do with Ace's disappearance. They both claim that everything leads back to Natalie. An officer comes into Bo's office with the lab results. Natalie and Paul's blood were on the coat. Shannon overhears Natalie tell Rex that all he cares about is Jen. Natalie later tells Shannon that she'll always be standing behind Jen when it comes to Rex.

Natalie remember Cristian telling her she can make any shot and she'll win the tournament. She is interrupted by Roxy, who is concerned about Natalie's bandage. Natalie says she fell, Roxy does not buy that Natalie got hurt by falling. Roxy talks about how much Cristian loved Natalie, John walks in. As Rex buries the gun, he says "know one will ever know." Shannon asks him "know what?"

In the last scene we see a guard walking into a jail call and placing food on the floor. The prisoner is revealed to be Cristian!

11/8 John questions Natalie about the clothes she tried to burn that has her blood as well as Paul's. John suggests to Natalie that she gets a lawyer. Natalie runs into Evangeline at the station and told Evangeline that John thinks she should get a lawyer. Evangeline was about to recommend a few lawyers but Natalie tells her that if she is going to get a lawyer, she wants Evangeline. Gunpowder residue is found on Natalie's clothes. Cristian draws portraits of Natalie on the prison wall with a spoon. Cristian's prisoner tells Cristian that they are about to dock and when they leave they will be gone to sea for another six months.

11/9 Natalie pays Evangeline one dollar to retain her legal services. Evangeline asks Natalie to tell her what happened. Natalie tells Evangeline about John finding her in the cemetery with blood on her clothes and also how he discovered her burning the clothes. Natalie reveals to Evangeline that the blood on her clothes belonged to her and Paul. Natalie refuses to tell Evangeline the last time she saw Paul. Cristian has a dream that Natalie is in danger. Cristian plans to go and save Natalie.

Shannon runs to John and informs him that she witnessed a woman burying a gun in the wet cement at the Love Center. John and Shannon go to check it out. Rex follows them. John hammers through the concrete and finds the gun. Rex is upset with Shannon. John gets prints back on the gun. There was blood on the gun belonging to Paul and prints on the gun belonging to Rex, Paul and Natalie. John arrests Natalie.

11/10 John appears amused that Evangeline will represent Natalie. She tells the girl that the police only have circumstantial evidence but enough to charge Nat with murder. Nat begins to tell her the truth about the last evening she saw Paul but stops mid-way, too upset. She confesses that she's asked Cristian for help. She has no alibi for the night that Paul disappeared.

Dorian and Blair, who have been caught digging at the cemetery, are brought in but are eventually released when church officials decide not to press charges due to lack of damage. Dorian fabricates a story, delighted that John seems to buy it but as soon as the women leave, he attempts to get a search warrant for Hernandez' grave. Van demands that Nat be released and reminds John that she can't give him any information with Natalie being her client. She only hopes the case doesn't come between them and John assures her that it won't, but he feels indebted to Nat.

Cris continues to try to make himself a tunnel and learns from one of the guards that they are docking in Baltimore. He engages the man in a fight and comes out the winner, though he is injured in the process. He dons the man's uniform and escapes.

Unable to get a warrant because of lack of any crime, John decides to dig up the grave himself. He finds Paul's body but gets whacked on the head from behind.

11/11 After being knocked out in the graveyard, John regains consciousness to find Paul's body gone and the Badhra diamond necklace lying by the empty grave. John confronts David and Dorian with the necklace and accuses them of stealing Paul's body.

A hitchhiking Cristian stands on the side of the road bleeding from a stab wound. A young woman picks him up agrees to take him to Llanview. He tries to call Natalie, but hangs up when he gets her voicemail. He then calls Carlotta, but only says "Mami" before he passes out. The woman heads to Llanview Hospital to get Cris help.

11/12 An unconscious Cristian is left off at the hospital's emergency room, where he survives his critical wounds. Still weak from his injury, Cristian stumbles his way to Llanfair and he watches Natalie in the library. After Viki encourages Natalie to figure out exactly how she feels about John, Natalie asks John to go to Llanfair so she can tell him everything that happened with Paul. Aware that John's lingering feelings for Natalie are coming between them, Evangeline breaks up with him.

11/15 John and Natalie have a talk about the night of Paul's disappearance. Natalie tells John about the attempted rape. John reassures Natalie that he never stopped caring about her. Cristian watches them talk and decides to leave a note under Natalie's door. Natalie finds the note and recognizes Cristian's handwritting. She at first does not want to acknowledge the note, but soon decide to follow the directions. Natalie finds Cristian.

11/16 Cristian and Natalie reunite. Cristian tells Natalie of his kidnapping and how Flynn sold him to a Romanian ship so he can translate Spanish to English during drug trades from South America. Natalie updates Cristian on what has happened since he was gone. She tells him that she made some bad decisions and got involved with the wrong person. Cristian asks Natalie if she killed Paul. Cristian tells Natalie that his death was ordered by a man called Tico Santi. Natalie tells Cristian that Tico and Jessica are married and suggests that he talk to Antonio. Natalie calls Antonio to come to the cabin.

Evangeline tries to get John to see he may have feelings for Natalie but he refuses. Evangeline and Michael talk about relationships. Michael lets Evangeline know that the McBain men may take a long time to commit but when they do they fall hard.

11/17 Cris and Antonio have an emotional reunion after Natalie fills Cris in on the recent discoveries involving the Santi family, including the fact that Antonio is Manuel's son and Tico's brother. He's angered to learn that Tico is in Llanview and vows to go after him. Antonio figures that Tico is out to get everyone who might have any ties to the Santi family which is why he wanted Cris killed. They decide to take Tico down together after Cris persuades an enraged Antonio not to go it alone.

When Cris leaves the room for a moment, Antonio asks if Nat has mentioned John. She insists that John never was, that she was just trying to mask her pain. Antonio contends he's no longer the same person as before, though Cris is quick to point out that they are still brothers. Cris doesn't want Antonio to tell anyone that he's alive; let Tico think he's dead. Antonio wants to tell Jessica who is really on their side. Nat proposes that she and Cris have the honeymoon they never got to take. Antonio departs, obviously on cloud nine with his brother returning from the dead. Nat clarifies that it was Antonio who left Jess; she married Tico on the rebound. Cris is just happy that Nat waited for him.

John runs into Evangeline at the police station where she gives him a cold shoulder when he asks her to go out. Pulling her into his office and kissing her changes her mind as they end up in bed back at her place. Later, Van announces that the problem is still there but John continues to insist that there's nothing between he and Natalie; they're just friends. Van feels hurt that she was left out of her client's confidence as well as John's.

He agrees that it's personal since he caused Cris' death and in turn wonders why Van even took the case. He accuses her of always trying to be perfect; she accuses him of always trying to save the world because of his fiancee. He convincingly tells her that he's with her and she's worth it, even if he gets torn apart again. When the phone call comes in that the gun used to kill Paul has been located, John has to leave. Van leaves him a message about how happy the evening made her. John arrives and he places Dorian under arrest for Paul Cramer's murder!

11/18 Jessica is thrilled when Natalie and Antonio call her to the diner and she sees for herself that Cristian is alive. After she agrees to help them expose Tico, she gets her hubby out of Lion's Heart so Antonio and Cristian can break in and search the place. Tico returns home sooner than expected, however, and comes face to face with Cristian.

11/19 R.J. taunts John about his lists of suspects, prompting John to wonder why he cares. After John receives a phone call, he calls Bo saying that they have a witness that saw the woman Cramer met with the night he died. Jessica and Natalie are worried because Tico is on his way back to Lion's Heart, and they have not been able to get a hold of Antonio or Cristian. As they are talking John shows up, as a friend, to see if Natalie is okay. He assures her he is not there about Paul's murder.

John tells Natalie he is making sure she is okay after their talk about Paul the previous night. Natalie tells him it helped talking to him, made her feel a lot better. John observing how tense and uncomfortable Natalie asks her what is going on? John thought they had gotten to a point where they trusted each other. Natalie tells John she is starting her life over, forgetting about her previous mistakes. John tells Natalie he does not think they were a mistake. Natalie tells John she does not want Cristian to be a part of her past, he will always be apart of her heart. She tells him she knows what she is doing. After John leaves, Jessica asks how her conversation with John went, before Natalie can answer, Antonio calls saying there is a problem with Cristian.

Natalie worries about Cristian. Jessica reassures her that Antonio will take care of Cristian. Jessica asks Natalie about her conversation with John. Natalie says John was really sweet and carrying. She felt like for the first time he was truly opening himself up and able to give her what she needed. Natalie explains she will never love anyone the way she loves Cristian. Natalie is confused. Jessica tells her it will take time for Natalie to adjust to Cristian being back. Natalie asks Jessica if she's adjusting to Antonio. Jessica wishes her and Antonio could pick up where they left off however there are too many scars from what happened with Sonia and Tico. Natalie asks her what are they suppose to do, Jessica tells her they should asks their mom. Natalie hugs Jessica and says they both know where they belong.

Antonio comes in and tells Natalie that Cristian is in the attic. Jessica says she was worried about them. Antonio tells her Cristian is not through with Tico. Jessica tells Antonio she needs to get back to Lion's heart before Tico becomes suspicious. She assures Antonio it will be okay as long as Tico does not know who Cristian is. She tells Antonio that she and Cristian will protect each other. Antonio hugs her before she leaves.

Natalie is upset that Cristian has to stay at Tico's. Cristian says that Jessica will be there and will pulverize anyone who tries to hurt him. Natalie tells him she won't live without him again. Cristian tells Natalie that they will synchronize their dreams tonight. They remember when Cristian proposed and decided they will both dream about that moment.

When Tico sees Cristian, Tico replies he was wondering when he would show up. Tico refers to Cristian as Jose Alvarez and says his assistant said he would be coming to do an assignment for him. Cristian plays along. Tico asks him how he got in. Cristian tells him he saw the door ajar, and came in to check on things. At this moment Antonio shows up. Cristian grabs him and pushes Antonio up against the wall.

Cristian pats Antonio down and informs Tico that Antonio is clean. Tico tells Antonio that he should call the cops and have him arrested. Antonio tells him to go ahead, however Tico does not like having cops around. Tico says he will not call the cops for Carlotta and Adriana's sake. Cristian escorts Antonio out of Lion's Heart. When Cristian tells Antonio he's going back in to finish what was started, Antonio orders Cristian not to go in, however Cristian ignores Antonio and returns to Lion's Heart. Cristian asks Tico about the assignment. Tico is very evasive about the details.

Tico assures Cristian that all major obstacles have been taken care of, and then Cristian will get the needed information later. Tico insists that Cristian stay at Lion's Heart with him and Jessica. When Tico asks Cristian if he is married, Cristian says no that he wears the wedding ring as a cover. Tico is looking at a picture of Natalie and Cristian's wedding in the newspaper. Tico explains that Antonio will have to kill the governor or someone he loves will die. Then both Antonio and Cristian will die. As Tico says this, Jessica, Antonio, Natalie and Cristian embrace.

11/22 Cristian asks Antonio to help him look more like a hit man. Viki almost discovers Natalie and Cristian in the attic. Natalie is worried about losing Cristian again. Natalie is brought to the police station for a line up. John feels there is something different with Natalie.

At the station, Natalie tells John she has to leave because she needs to be somewhere. Antonio defends John to Cristian. Cristian doesn't want to hear about John because he still blames John for dragging Natalie into his investigation in Vegas. Cristian won't forgive John or Tico for the last year. There was an eyewitness to Paul's murder who claims to be able to identify the woman seen arguing with Paul. Tico knows who Cristian is and plans to kill him. Tico pulls a gun on Cristian.

11/23 Dorian is identified as the woman in the cemetery who was talking to Paul before the shot went off. Dorian decides to tell John the whole story about bribing Paul to leave town. John and Bo believe she is guilty. Dorian goes to jail. Natalie is worried that Cristian is not home. Tico tries to shoot Cristian but Cristian fights back. One of Tico's security men hit Cristian on the head and take shim upstairs. Natalie looks for Cristian. Antonio breaks into Lion Heart to find Cristian.

Evangeline is trying to not let Natalie get to her but she is still convinced there is something between them. Natalie has a dream that she is about to make love to Cristian but he turns into John. Jessica asks Natalie what her feelings are toward John now that Cristian is back. Natalie tells Jessica that she loves Cristian and he is her husband.

Dvd #6B 11/24 John and Van head for the Palace where they have the usual discussion when Van spies a file on Nat that John has in his possession. Citing the fact that he has lots of files, he insists once again that he and Nat have never had anything between them, therefore there is nothing to let go of. She just wants to know if she has a chance with him; John tells her "..and more."

Cris is held prisoner at Tico's place while Antonio demands to know where his brother is. Tico clarifies that it's the two of them who are the brothers. He further states that Cris will be killed unless Antonio follows his orders, which consist of his heading to the television station where Kevin is scheduled to make a speech along with the governor. He instructs him to go up to the catwalk, overlooking the studio. A bound Cris inches his way towards possible freedom.

Natalie desperately tries to reach Cristian and as she and Jess talk over the situation, Viki arrives home and wonders what's going on. Tico arrives to take Jess to see her brother's speech. After they leave, Viki guesses that the girls' talk was centered around John, though Nat disputes the guess, telling her mom that there was never anything between the couple and that she loves Cris. Viki questions Nat's wearing her wedding ring again but they are interrupted when Adriana comes by, looking for a ride from Tico. Viki offers to take her instead. Adriana mentions that Tico is a good person and that he was even looking at family albums and asking lots of questions about Cristian. A panic stricken Natalie takes off quickly, realizing that Tico really does know who Cris is.

As Antonio looks on from the catwalk, Tico steps aside to call Antonio again, commanding him to open a nearby locker and remove the shotgun there. Natalie arrives at Tico's and searches the quiet house for Cristian, calling his name several times. She finally comes upon the locked room and becomes hysterical when she spies the bloodied ropes used to tie him up, lying on the floor. The room is empty. Antonio gets yet another call from Tico who orders him to kill the governor. He further states that Cris will be killed instead if his orders are not followed. Antonio takes aim and fires.

11/29 Antonio shoots at Tico instead of Gov. Brooks. Antonio tries to finish off the job when he sees Tico reaching for his cell phone. Jessica goes to look for Antonio. The police capture Antonio and arrest him. Antonio tries to get them to believe him when he told them Tico wanted him to kill Brooks. Antonio sees a wounded Tico take Jessica by gunpoint through the back door. Tico is confronted by Cristian. Cris threatens to shoot Tico. Jessica begs Cris to shoot since Tico would never hurt her. Cris couldn't take the chance and puts his gun on the ground. Tico shoots at Cris.

The shot is heard by John, Evangeline and Natalie. John rushes to find Tico with the gun aiming to shoot Cris. John and Tico wrestle for the gun. John shoots Tico. Evangeline and Natalie come rushing to John. Bo arrives to call for an ambulance for Tico. Natalie finds Cristian unconscious. She begs him to wake up. Evangeline and John watch her with Cristian.

11/30 The news that Cristian is alive hits a personal note for Evangeline, who thinks that his 'resurrection' will get Natalie out of the way so she can pursue a relationship with John. In the hands of desperate Tico, Jessica is stabbed and immediately hospitalized. Antonio goes after Tico, who falls into a coma from his injuries and is put on a life support system.

12/1 John continues working on the assassination attempt and offers to question Cristian though Bo thinks it's probably not a good idea. Cris awakens to find Natalie lying next to him. She steps out momentarily to get some coffee when Antonio stops by. He's enraged over all the damage that Tico has done, admitting that he was on to him from the day that he met him. He still wishes to seek vengeance, insisting that jail alone is not enough punishment. Both Cris and Nat try to dissuade him.

Michael runs into John and wants to rant about Marcie and figures that John wants to do the same about two women that he's in love with. John hopes that Nat and Cris are happy and doesn't care to talk about himself or his feelings. He admits that he enjoys being with Van but thinks both women would be better without him. This annoys Michael who berates him for never taking care of himself; Michael will have to train him to be selfish. It dawns on him that he has been selfish with Marcie and will need to do a turn-around. p>

John finds his way to Cris' room where Vega orders him out after blaming him for everything that has happened to him. John acknowledges that he blames himself as well and feels responsible for Nat. When Bo arrives, Cris is yelling and ready to get out of bed. He demands that Bo make John leave for what he did to Nat. He thinks that John's presence in Llanview all of this time has only reminded Nat of the horrible things that happened. While John waits outside, Van comes by and they leave together.

12/2 Natalie thanks John for all he's done for her. Natalie tells John she doesn't want Cristian to find out how close they became during the past year. Although neither one wants to, Natalie and John are forced to say goodbye and walk away from each other.

12/3 Evangeline reminded John of their dinner plans, however, John had already eaten with Natalie. Evangeline is upset and disappointed. Evangeline and John discussed how Cristian might react when he finds out how close John and Natalie became while he was away. John and Natalie agreed to stay away from each other, since Cristian blamed John for his involvement in Cristian's apparent death. Evangeline was not pleased with the situation. Later, John arrived asked Evangeline if the dinner invitation was still available. She responded he already had dinner. John stated he had not had dessert. They left together.

Natalie walked into Cristian's hospital room, while Cristian was dreaming of his imprisonment. Natalie tried to get Cristian to talk about his dream, but he refused. He told Natalie she was his salvation to get home. Cristian did say how he escaped many times, but when he was caught, they beat him. Natalie realized Tico's men tortured him. Natalie wanted to know more about the year Cristian was away, however Cristian replied it is over.

Natalie did not believe it was over for either of them. Natalie blamed herself for everything that happened to him. Cristian does not blame her. He blamed Tico. Tico stole a year of their life together. Natalie promised him they would make up for lost time and rebuild their life together. They declared their love. However, Natalie was torn about her feelings for John and ran into him outside Cristian's hospital room. Natalie told John they agreed not to see each other anymore. John was there on police business regarding Tico. John told Natalie Jessica was not improving. Natalie went to see Jessica. Cristian got out of bed and left his room.

As Jessica's condition worsened (she had developed a high fever and infection due to her stab wound). Natalie told an unconscious Jessica how much she needs her. Paige advised they all needed to rest. Viki convinced Natalie to go and told Jessica she would be back. Viki took Natalie home. Jessica woke up, got out of bed and left her room.

John arrived at Tico’s hospital room (he is in a coma) and Sonia discussed her new assignment away from Llanview. Sonia believed Antonio and Jessica would live happily ever after until John explained how Jessica is fighting for her life. Jessica was stumbling around the hospital corridors. Her vision was out of focus. While looking through the glass into Tico's room, she saw an arm pull the plug on his life support. Jessica turned to leave, but fell and became unconscious. As she fell, she left her handprint on the window as the eerie sound of Tico's death filled the room.

12/6 Tico goes into respiratory failure. Michael realizes that the plug to his life support machine was unplugged. Michael tries vigilantly to save Tico but Tico dies. Antonio finds Jessica unconscious near Tico's room. They watch Tico die. Viki and Cristian search for Jessica.

Natalie tells John her suspicions that Cris was tortured by the drug dealers. John recommends that Natalie give Cris some time to heal. John gets a phone call from Michael about Tico's death. John questions Antonio about Jessica's whereabouts before Tico died. John wants to see Jessica but Antonio won't allow it. John thinks Antonio is protecting Jessica. John finds the officer who had left Tico's room to respond to a drunken disorder. John fires the officer. Cris is happy that Tico is dead and wants to start his life.

12/7 John argues with Antonio about what Jessica may or may not have seen. Natalie makes John promise to talk to Jessica in the morning. Jessica tells Antonio and Natalie that she saw who killed Tico but she just can't remember. Jessica has a dream that Tico comes back from the dead and torments Jessica with her knowledge about his killer. Cristian seems to be suffering from memory loss. Natalie is worried about him. Cristian manages to recall his favorite artist, with a little help from Natalie. Cristian writes down the name of his favorite artist in a note book with other reminders.

12/8 Cris has another bad dream. Viki who needs to have Nat move her car interrupts him and Nat. Cris thumbs through his notebook, trying to remember his old life. Natalie returns with Cris' favorite breakfast (though he doesn't seem to recollect it exactly) and they both realize that things have changed somewhat. Nat apologizes for her attempts at trying to keep everything the same but Cris blames John for all that has happened. He doesn't even want Nat to talk to John, he snarls. She never stopped loving Cris, Nat reminds her husband.

Van, John and Paige stop by to visit Jessica but the doctor clears everyone from the room so that she can check on her patient. John presses Antonio for answers and they both believe that Jess could be in danger. When John gets to the station the talk centers on the latest in the investigation into Paul’s murder. Daniel decides that he wants Dorian and David to remain in jail without any concrete evidence on any other person. They all admit that it's possible that Antonio may have been responsible for Tico's death.

When Cris and Nat arrive for lunch, they run into Antonio who pulls his brother aside. He insists it's time Carlotta knows that Cris is alive. Cris wants to wait until he's feeling better and in one piece. Nat thanks Van for being nice to her the night of the assassination attempt. She returns John's gloves from their previous encounter in the park.

John peruses a book of photos consisting of possible mob acquaintances of Tico and Daniel berates him for not going after Antonio. He also mentions how John managed to save Natalie when she was accused of a crime.

12/10 At the police station, Evangeline saw John and asked him to go to Todd and Blair’s wedding with her. John declined as he is headed to the hospital on police businees. She assumes it is to question Jessica, they agreed to meet afterwards.

At the hotel, Cristian was uneasy as he was reading the journal he kept while held in captivity. Natalie walked over and asked what he was reading. Cristian did not allow Natalie to read his journal. Natalie commented how much she has changed from a year ago. Cristian replied that they are both different. Natalie greeted Kevin and Cristian was uncomfortable being near him. Todd arrived and asked why Kevin wasn't in jail for the attempted murder of the governor. Todd taunted Kevin about Ace. Kevin started to choke Todd. Cristian tried to stop him and Kevin hurt Cristian by hitting him in the abdomen. Viki witnessed all and stopped Todd and Kevin. Cristian was okay and went to rest.

Natalie saw Evangeline and both complimented each other on their attire. Natalie asked about John. Cristian entered and commented how he has not worn his tux since his wedding to Natalie. Cristian goes to get medication as he was experiencing severe headaches. Natalie saw John enter. Natalie complimented John on how nice he looked. John felt he looked ridiculous. John asked how Cristian was doing. Evangeline walked over and they went to have drinks together. Trying to enjoy the wedding, John and Evangeline escaped to the hotel terrace were they started kissing. Natalie observed this. John saw Natalie and resumed kissing Evangeline. John and Natalie have many unresolved feelings for each other.

Antonio asked John if he found the killer. John told him to look in the mirror. Antonio was appalled John suspected him for Tico's murder.

Marcie visited Jessica and asked her to speak to Michael regarding Tico's death, since Michael blamed himself for losing his patient. John asked Paige if he could visit Jessica, since he had more questions. After Marcie left, John asked Jessica to think about the night of the murder and to think about the killer. Jessica told John she did not remember that night and was agitated. John left. Michael checked on Jessica and she told him Tico's death was not his fault.

Antonio told John he did not kill Tico. Antonio visited Jessica and was glad she was recovering. Jessica told Antonio about John questioning her. Antonio said he was the prime suspect. Jessica asked him if he killed Tico. Michael was angry at Marcie for having Jessica talk to him about Tico's death. Paige advised Antonio and Jessica visiting hours are over. Antonio said he would be back to talk about their future. Jessica asked again if he killed Tico. Antonio left without answering. Jessica remembered an arm/hand pulling the life support plug and Tico telling her she knows who killed him.

12/13 John and Evangeline make love in the elevator. Cristian is still having memory trouble. He did not remember Adriana or his and Natalie’s song. Natalie is suspicious.

12/14 John and Evangeline have a discussion on marriage. Evangeline doesn't want to get married and John thinks it's because she is too committed to her work. Evangeline is offended. Cris cuts his finger and nearly attacks Natalie. Cris burns his hand on the handle of a pot and throws the pot on the floor. Viki witnesses Cris' fit of rage. Viki and Natalie are worried about Cris.

12/15 Cris has an appointment at the hospital; Nat thinks he should mention his headaches and nightmares because it's possibly post-traumatic stress. John overhears the pair arguing and is concerned for Nat. She makes a comment about someone you know being a perfect stranger and he hopes it's not himself she's referring to. They reminisce about last Christmas.

When Paige examines Cris, she inquires about a previous rib injury and the headaches that Nat called about. He thinks that Nat was overreacting and refuses to discuss anything or have further tests. He also refuses to take the doctor's advice to speak with a professional regarding his recent imprisonment and stress.

Cris comes upon Nat and John talking and completely ignoring John, tells her his headaches will go away. John continues to question the staff about Tico's death and listens to an argument between Cris and Natalie over his speaking to a psychologist, which he denies being suggested by the doctor. When he goes off to have his prescription filled, John offers his friendship to Nat if she needs someone.

12/17 At Llanfair, Cristian was experiencing headaches and quickly hid his journal. Antonio arrived and asked Cristian what was bothering him. Cristian responded how he has been lying to everyone. Cristian said he wasn't sure he could go back to the guy he once was, the guy who always did the right thing. Antonio said some things have changed. Cristian responded how they both have changed.

Antonio stated how they could get back to being brothers again, only it would take time. Cristian realized that, but said he was angry and frustrated all the time. Antonio asked him why he hasn't told Carlotta he is alive yet. Since Tico is dead and no longer a threat, Antonio asked what he was afraid of. Cristian said he wanted Carlotta to know, but he was just different now. Antonio reminded him that he was still her son.

Natalie entered and Antonio went to talk to Jessica. Natalie asked Cristian to go out on a first date again. Antonio found Cristian's journal. Cristian realized he was missing his journal and ran out to retrieve it. Antonio did not realize whom the book belonged to and left it in the hallway without reading it. Cristian arrived and retrieved his journal.

John was playing pool at Rodi's when Evangeline arrived. John asked why she came and Evangeline said Nora called and asked to meet her there. Nora sounded very upset. John thought how nice it was to have someone cared. Evangeline said she would do the same for him if he ever needed her. John told her he would as well. Evangeline asked if everything was okay since he doesn't normally discuss friendship and watching out for each other.

John remarked he believed she was the one who said attachments spoiled things. Evangeline remarked marriage spoiled things. John commented that talking about relationships made him edgy. Evangeline said there was something that came between dating and marriage. John asked was that love. Evangeline wanted to remove those words from their vocabulary, as she kissed him.

Natalie and Cristian went on their date to Rodi's. Cristian hoped Natalie didn't mind going back and shooting pool there. Natalie said the table was at Crossroads then. Cristian, clearly not remembering, covers his mistake. Cristian asked who brought the pool table to Rodi's. Natalie told him John did. Natalie apologized for mentioning John. Cristian told her it was not a big deal. Natalie disagreed.

Cristian nastily said he did not think John could buy Natalie off. Natalie defended John and told Cristian that John still feels guilty for everything that happened to him. Cristian was happy with this news. Natalie stated she knew Cristian believed John screwed everything up, but John was not the one who wanted Cristian dead, Tico was. Cristian walked out.

Natalie and Jessica were in the library at Llanfair and discussed how frightened Natalie was for Cristian. Natalie was still concerned about all that he went through and everything he was going through now. Jessica questioned Natalie if they talked about it. Natalie, very frustrated, responded they had, but he kept shutting her out. Natalie told Jessica she had not told Cristian about John. Jessica responded that they never got together, but Natalie said there was something there anyway.

Natalie decided not to tell him since Cristian blames John for everything Tico did. Jessica did not want to discuss Tico. Natalie warned Jessica that John was going to question her about the night of the murder again. Jessica stated she could not remember and maybe she did not want to. Natalie questioned if Jessica knew the killer. Jessica coldly stated she wanted Tico dead more than anyone. Antonio told Jessica he did not kill Tico and wished he could convince her. Jessica said she once believed everything he told her and wondered what had happened to that.

John arrived. Antonio asked John to go easy with questioning Jessica. John thought it was because Antonio was fearful Jessica would remember he killed Tico. Antonio told John, Jessica would eventually remember and then he'd know Antonio didn't kill Tico. John was unhappy thinking Antonio could have killed Tico, but stated he had the means and motive. Antonio said he also had the desire. Jessica was remembering the night Tico died. She saw Tico and the life support equipment. She saw shadows and a surgical gloved hand pull the plug. She saw and heard the machines ringing and it appeared she was looking at her own hand.

John and Antonio enter to talk to her. John showed Jessica pictures of Santi associates and asked if she recognized any of them. Jessica did not and was trying to remember that night. Jessica told John she knew he believed she was covering for the killer, but she assured him this was not the case. Jessica hated Tico, but did not want anyone to kill him. This led John to believe Jessica may be the killer.

Natalie and Cristian arrived. Jessica told John she could see a figure, but not a face. She remembered walking to Tico's room and getting to the door, but nothing after that. Jessica appeared to remember something and said she could not finish with Antonio in the room. Natalie feared Jessica was going to implicate Antonio. Antonio was stunned.

12/20 The investigation into Tico's murder reaches a turning point when John is able to determine the exact time of his death. With that in mind, it blows to smithereens Adriana's attempt to give Antonio an alibi for the time of the murder. John's high-handed attempt to get Jessica to remember who she saw in Tico's room gives Natalie cause to lash out at him.

12/22 Natalie tells Jessica how worried she is about Cristian since he came back. He grows frustrated when he tries to get his creative juices flowing but his confidence level prevents him from getting anywhere. Meanwhile, John finds out the very incriminating information that Antonio will inherit Tico's estate.

12/23 After struggling many days for total recall, Jessica finally remembers what happened the night Tico was killed. John, meanwhile, gets in more evidence. Inundated with work, he has to cancel his Christmas Eve plans with a very disappointed Evangeline. Natalie freaks when she sees a scar on Cristian's forehead and wonders if it is the cause of his odd behavior. Carlotta is overwhelmed to see her son alive!

12/24 The citizens of Llanview begin to gather at the Love Center for the Christmas Eve party. Natalie "accidentally" kisses John.

12/27 Natalie has a dream about he kiss that John planted on her in the coat room. Jessica tells Natalie that she is very concerned for Cris. Viki suggests to Natalie that she talks Cris into seeing a shrink.

**The End**

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