John & Natalie #7 December 27, 2004 - February 15, 2005: 8 hour original edit

Dvd #7A Cris blows up at Natalie for even suggesting that he goes to the hospital for evaluation for post traumatic stress disorder. Cris tells Natalie that all he needs is her to get better. Natalie runs to John for advice. He winds up holding her in his arms, comforting her.

12/28 Evangeline walks in and finds Natalie resting her head on John’s shoulder., finding comfort in his arms. Evangeline doesn't like being on opposite sides with John between him and Antonio. John tells Evangeline what happened with him and Natalie on Christmas Eve when he thought Natalie was her in the coat closet and he kissed her. Cristian forgives Jen for all the past. Cristian tells Antonio that Natalie wants him to see a psychologist. Antonio thinks it's a good idea. John tells Cris that Natalie came to see him and she was on the verge of a breakdown. Cris tells Natalie that he will get help.

12/30 Evangeline and Natalie both wind up at Roxy’s spa at the same time, sitting back to back. Evangeline confronts her about kissing John on Christmas and observes she is sure Natalie enjoyed it. John is at the center of a verbal catfight between Natalie and Evangeline. John tries to make amends with Antonio by saying he wants to be friends again. John later turns his attention back to business and starts investigating another suspect in Tico's murder.

12/31 John was happy when Evangeline arrived at the PD. Evangeline realized the holiday was not that important to John and was delighted he wanted to spend it with her. John told Evangeline how proud and happy he was to be with her. They decided not to discuss business tonight and left to celebrate.

At Llanfair, Viki tells Natalie how beautiful she looked. Natalie told Viki that she and Cristian were staying in for the holiday and she wanted to look nice for him. She remembered how Cristian does not enjoy parties. Cristian arrived and was ready to take Natalie out on the town. Natalie was surprised by his behavior.

At the Palace Hotel, everyone is gathered to celebrate New Year's Eve. As John and Evangeline were discussing John's childhood in Atlantic City, Natalie and Cristian entered. John and Natalie noticed each other. Evangeline told John her worst date story. Evangeline excused herself from their table. Cristian did the same.

Natalie asked John if he was crazy for telling Evangeline they kissed. John wanted to be honest with Evangeline. He said he mistook Natalie for Evangeline., Natalie thought he was Cristian and it didn't mean anything. John commented she already said that. Natalie went to locate Cristian. Cristian attacked the waiter when he asked for payment. Natalie was horrified by his reaction.

1/3 Natalie spies on John and Evangeline kissing and is hit with pangs of jealousy. Cristian beats two muggers to a pulp when they try to rob Natalie. His violent temper prompts Natalie to admit that, since he's been back, sometimes he's like a stranger to her.

1/4 Cristian continues to get flashbacks of his time in captivity on the ship. John tries to question him, but Cristian again becomes violent. John backs off then shares his concerns about Cristian with Evangeline.

1/5 At the diner, Nat tries to learn more from Cris about his experiences on the ship, citing his rage, especially after the park incident. Antonio arrives in time to hear that and questions the couple about it. Cris has more flashbacks but declares that he has a headache. He agrees to go to counseling.

At the park, John and Van talk about Cris. When she pushes a little too far, by questioning his feelings for Natalie. She reminds him that Natalie is married and while he might be happy Cris is alive, she doesn’t think John is happy that he is back in town. John retorts that he loves Natalie and it's killing him to see her with Cris. He asks her if that is what she wanted to hear? Is she happy now? He stalks off but returns and apologizes, that it's her he really wants to be with.

When Antonio walks by and learns via Van that they've been talking about his brother, it strikes the wrong chord with him and it results in a broken truce with John. Now John is angry at Van again. He asks if this is how its going to be? Everything he said is going to be shared with “her clients”? He goes off again only and she leaves. He later apologizes yet again. She apologizes too for talking out of place with Antonio and they make up.

Back at Llanfair, Cris has more flashbacks, this time about an order to do something and tells Natalie that he just can't do the counseling at the present time. He tells her he was thinking about how much he loves her.

1/7 At the gallery, where Cristian's art was on display, David told Cristian how he wanted to interview him for his magazine. David liked his paintings and asked where he had studied. Cristian had a flashback of being held in captivity, where he was being brainwashed about how he studied art. He mechanically repeated what he was told to David.

Natalie approached excited about his art show and surprised him with a teaching job at Llanview University. Cristian reacted badly. Natalie apologized to Cristian regarding the job. She was only trying to help him. Cristian apologized as well. Natalie said he needed to get a job. When he heard the word job, Cristian had another flashback to his time in captivity. He was brainwashed that there is a job he must do. Cristian said he might ask Kevin for his old job back.

Natalie pointed out he hated working for Kevin, but Cristian said the money was great and that was a long time ago. He reassured Natalie and they embraced. Antonio arrived at the gallery. Cristian said he would feel better once this art show was over. Natalie went upstairs to assist Lindsay.

Antonio told Cristian he was glad Natalie and Cristian were working things out. Cristian said Antonio would work it out with Jessica. Antonio was not convinced. Cristian stressed Antonio to remember no matter what had happened, Antonio was still the same person deep down. Antonio said he would try to remember that, but it was hard. Antonio hoped he could work it out with Jessica. Cristian found the whole Tico mess hard to understand. Antonio blamed himself.

Cristian asked if Jessica remembered anymore about the killer. Antonio said she still couldn't remember the killers face, but at least John had backed off for now. Antonio wanted to know the truth, but not at Jessica's expense. Cristian said he would do anything to protect Natalie, even if that meant lying to her. Natalie overheard and asked Cristian what he was lying about. Cristian covered. Antonio asked Natalie if he had talked to Jessica.

John and Evangeline were arguing about Evangeline giving Antonio private information (she overheard John on the telephone obtaining information on Tico's murder case). Evangeline refused to apologize for assisting her client (Antonio). John was angry and stated he could not believe he got himself into this. Evangeline asked him if he was sorry they were together. John and Evangeline discussed how to keep their personal and professional lives separate. He felt she crossed the line, but was not sorry they are together.

Evangeline stated she was not sure where that line was. John did not want this case to come between them, but could not let their relationship jeopardize his job. John had to go, so they agreed to discuss it later. Antonio asked Evangeline if representing him was a problem. Evangeline said it was not a problem and John was testing a piece of latex found at the scene of Tico's murder. Antonio appreciated her telling him this news, but advised that no job was worth her happiness.

As Evangeline entered the gallery, she asked Natalie how she was doing. Evangeline stated how she has encountered many people with post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and how trying to adjust to every day life can make them act like totally different people for a time. Evangeline said there was help out there.

Natalie said Cristian kept promising her he would seek help, but when she pushed the issue, he refused to go. Evangeline offered how she knew a specialist in the PTSD field whenever Cristian was ready. Evangeline congratulated Cristian and stated how good it must feel to be home in Llanview. As Evangeline walked away, Cristian again flashbacked to being brainwashed and how he was to go to Llanview and knew what he needed to do.

John entered the police station and discovered the latex glove came from a police issued glove and not from the hospital staff. Evangeline overheard this conversation as well. John angrily remarked that this is becoming a habit for her. Evangeline apologized for her earlier actions. She said this is the first time she has had a person in her life more important than saving a client. John asked if she was going to run off and tell Antonio about this piece of evidence. Evangeline said no, because Antonio didn't kill Tico. She asked John if they were okay and he said yes. They agreed to meet later.

Evangeline left and John called to get all the information on Cristian's death. John was reviewing the file when a picture of Natalie surfaced. He remembered Natalie saying how Cristian was her best friend and she never believed anyone could love her the way Cristian did. John thought to himself how her dream came true, but was turning into a nightmare.

When John ran into Natalie, he asked about Cristian and said he was worried about him and Natalie. Natalie was surprised since John and Cristian were almost throwing punches at each other earlier. Natalie asked why he was worried. John thought Cristian was a little out of control. Natalie felt she knew Cristian better than John. John asked her if she really does. John asked Natalie if Cristian was acting like the same man she married. John thought Natalie was in danger by being with Cristian. Natalie wanted to know if he was asking her to leave her husband. John responded for her safety he was asking her to think about it.

1/10 Evangeline thinks John has ulterior motives for wanting to tell Natalie his suspicions about Cristian. When he gives Evangeline the entire story, however, she comes to realize that Cristian could be dangerous. At the same time, Cristian remembers being ordered to kill someone near and dear to him in Llanview.

1/11 While trapped together in the gallery elevator, Cristian confesses to Antonio that he's scared he'll end up hurting someone he loves. As they try to escape, Antonio trips and could fall to his death if Cristian decides not to save him. An angry Natalie gets defensive when Jessica says she thinks Cristian ransacked her room.

1/12 Van mentions to John how surprised she is that Cris isn't happy and excited about his artwork. Nat and Jess get a maintenance man to pry open the elevator door where they have a shocking view of Antonio hanging on for dear life as Cris just sits and stares. John and Van realize that maybe the brothers are stuck in the elevator and get there in time to see Nat snap Cris out of his daze in time to save Antonio. He later states that he was just thinking of the best way to help but it's obvious to everyone that his mind was elsewhere.

Later, Nat and Jess argue over Cris' hesitation as well as the fact that Jess was clearly concerned over Antonio's safety, thus revealing her true feelings towards him. John notes that the cables have been cut. He promises to tell Antonio if he learns anything. Cris assures Natalie that he'll never hurt her. Van turns down John's invite to spend the night together. She suggests that they do that every time they disagree on something, which they have earlier, and it all goes away, temporarily. He's just confused.

Bo and John chat at the firing range where John voices his unhappiness at his cases crossing over into his personal life. He asks Bo about post-traumatic stress after Vietnam and learns about the different scenarios consisting of blacking out, lashing out, violence and blind rage.

Cris admits he froze and couldn't have saved Antonio without Natalie's help. He doesn't ever want to separate from her again. Soon after he has a nightmare, reliving the fact that someone has told him that he will be changing lives by killing people. He watches as he pulls the cord on Tico's machine. Startled, he wakes up, a pain raging in his head.

John replays the conversation with Bo regarding the PTS and the further fact that the person is able to harm his family or wife. He's frightened for Natalie.

1/13 The flashes of his horrid past continue to haunt Cristian. He realizes the kind of man he has become and is tortured by the thought. Natalie sees the emotional struggle Cristian is going through and worries what he might do next. John gets what he thinks is a lead in Tico's murder case.

1/14 John finds evidence that doesn't look good for Michael. Because he's certain of Michael's innocence, however, he decides to keep it to himself. Michael, however, tells Bo about the evidence so John won't get into trouble. Cristian becomes more and more worried that he could hurt Natalie.

1/17 John and Evangeline get into another argument. John does not tell Evangeline or Bo that the gloves may belong to Michael. Michael tells Bo about the evidence pointing to him. John fears that this new information, though improbable, may destroy Michael's career. Paige, Bo and John try to clear Michael's name but instead may have implicated him even more. Cris tells Natalie that he is afraid he is the one stalking Jessica. Cris asks Jessica to see the note that the stalker left. The handwriting was not Cris' but Antonio finds it familiar.

1/19 Cris refuses to divulge his latest painful memory to Natalie but insists he doesn't want to hurt her. He wonders to himself who his next victim is supposed to be and what the "trigger" will be. He promises himself that he will find out and continue to play Cristian in the meantime.

At the Palace, John offers Van a combination birthday present-peace offering. Nat tells John that Cris is not a threat to her and she wants him to leave them alone. Van knows that he won't do that but is only worried because he has too much going on in his life that concerns him.

Cris, who appears to be furious at the world, shows up for a drink at the Palace and is spotted by R.J. Cris orders him to stay out of his business and away from Nat. R.J. is sure he's not Cris. Lindsay has a commission check for the artist. Delivering a care package to Rex, Nat can't understand why he insists on being a martyr for Jen. He mentions that he told the truth but Daniel doesn't believe him. He suggests she talk to John for him, though Nat is not too happy with him these days, she explains.

Van opens her gift from John, a string of pearls, given to his mother by his father. She explains that she can't accept them unless John is willing to make a deeper commitment to her. She notes that she'll understand if he's unable to do that, but he tells her to turn around and fastens the necklace around her neck. Fixing up the bed, Nat discovers Cris' book and she sits down to read it, just as he is about to walk into the bedroom.

1/21 Natalie opens up about Cristian to a sympathetic John. Cristian is at a breaking point. He's finding it so difficult fighting the voices in his head that he decides he must do something about it once and for all.

Dvd #7B 1/24 John sees the scorched remains of Cristian's notebook in the fireplace and retrieves it. As he reads through its charred pages, he comes to the conclusion that Cristian isn't Cristian after all! He immediately calls Natalie to come to the lodge, where he tells her of his theory and asks her to get a sample of Cristian's DNA.

1/25 John's theory that Cristian is an impostor is something beyond Natalie's comprehension and she refuses to help John get what is needed for a DNA test. John takes in Natalie's response but turns to Evangeline for assistance in having the test on Cristian done on their own. As John is learning that Cristian purchased a gun, Jessica gets yet another terrifying letter.

1/26 John calls Evangeline, presumably for help on the Tico Santi case, but he surprises her with a take-out dinner. He pulls her into a passionate kiss, telling her there's to be no talking about the case or work.

1/27 John meets Evangeline at the diner and Evangeline shows him that she has Carlotta's cup and a possible match to Cristian. John questions Cristian to find out why he would purchase a gun. Cris tells John that he bought the gun to protect Jessica and Natalie in case Jessica's stalker poses any problems.

Natalie tells Cristian that she is worried that he bought the gun. As Cris leaves the room, John tells Natalie that the one way she can find out who Cris really is, she will need to provide him with a DNA sample. Natalie finds Cristian's shaver and reluctantly brings it to John. Angrily, she give the shaver to John and tells him that if the DNA is indeed a match to Cristian, he must leave them alone to get on with their lives.

Jessica, Antonio and Marcie walk the halls exactly as Jessica did the night Tico was killed. Jessica remembers walking to his room, and looking at him through the window. Jessica becomes upset as she finally remembers who she saw kill Tico.

1/28 Antonio asked Jessica not to protect anyone and tell who killed Tico. Jessica said she doesn't know who killed Tico, since she saw a stranger pull the plug. Antonio did not believe her.

At the diner, Natalie gave John DNA from Cristian's razor to prove he is Cristian. Evangeline offered to help by keeping the test a secret and by obtaining results quickly. Cristian arrived and was angry Natalie was speaking to John. Natalie, being supportive, asked Cristian to get rid of the gun. Still hearing voices from his brainwashing, Cristian told Natalie he could not.

Evangeline told John, if he isn't Cristian, he loves Natalie very much. Seeing how much the gun bothered Natalie, Cristian told Natalie he would get rid of the gun for her. As Cristian and Evangeline spoke with Carlotta, John and Natalie discussed what happens if Cristian is an imposter. Natalie was convinced it is Cristian.

Natalie pushed John to admit how he feels about her. They agreed they both want each other to be happy. Carlotta wanted to have an anniversary party for Cristian and Natalie. Cristian became anxious. Viki arrived at the diner to announce Jessica remembered a stranger killing Tico. John, Natalie and Cristian left to see Jessica.

1/31 John asks Jessica if she's sure that Antonio was the one who pulled the plug on Tico. She apologizes to Antonio for identifying him and he calls her a liar while Cristian looks on in horror. Cristian calls her a liar too, and demands that she take back her accusation. Antonio takes Jessica aside and frantically insists on his innocence, but she insists she saw him pull the plug while Cristian recalls what really happened.

She cries that she tried to protect him; he gently tells her that they will deal with it together and straighten everything out. He tells John her medication probably confused her memory.Antonio doesn't understand why Jessica is convinced she saw him do something he didn't do. John apologetically informs Antonio he will get a search warrant for his house and car but Antonio tells him that won't be necessary and hands over his keys. Despite Natalie's pleading, a distraught Cristian leaves Llanfair.

John arrives to tell his brother that Jessica has identified Antonio as Tico's killer. Marcie and Michael tell John they don't believe Antonio is guilty; John agrees and leaves to do the search of Antonio's place. Marcie and John worry about Jessica and Antonio and wonder who really killed Tico.

Natalie almost tells Jessica and Antonio about John's suspicions that Cristian is an imposter. Meanwhile, Cristian tells his priest that he killed Tico, but when he is urged to tell the police he responds that confessing would kill Natalie. Cristian momentarily points his gun at his priest before fleeing.

John returns to Llanfair and shows Antonio latex gloves he found hidden under Antonio's bathroom sink.

2/1 The evidence John found against Antonio is enough to arrest him with, which he does. Jessica is a wreck because she named Antonio as the killer and offers to help him, even if it means lying. Cristian gets orders to finish his "mission."

2/2 In his cell, Antonio hears Jess say that she'll tell everyone she made a mistake about his killing Tico but swears that it was really him that she saw. Antonio tries to convince her that her mind is playing tricks on her. She admits that she's never stopped loving him.

Nat stops by to see if John will cancel the DNA test on Cris but he tells her no way, believing that she is in denial on what to do about Cris. She admits that she always goes to him for help when things are crazy for her. John's upset too; he's got a good friend in jail and another who may get hurt. He tells her he will always be there for her; she wonders who's there for him. Van and John agree that they're the best things in each other's lives. Van and John await the DNA results and wonder why Jess accused Antonio of the murder.

While at the diner Cris hears the usual voice telling him "it's time" and when Carlotta sees him, she's saddened to see that her son is no longer looking like his old self, that he's disappeared. He's concerned about Antonio, he states, that his "fate is sealed." He asks her to get Natalie for him but when she attempts to make a phone call, he rushes out, ignoring her pleas for him to stop.

Nat stops by the diner, says hello and heads for Jess' booth. Jess accuses Nat of having a victory now that Antonio is in jail but she quickly takes it back when she sees Nat's concern for everyone.Cris shows up at the police station, knocks out the guard with Antonio and pulls out a gun. He points it at Antonio and snarls that he is going to kill him the way he killed Tico!

Natalie and Jessica were at the station when they ran into John. He informed Natalie that visiting hours were over, so Cristian must be gone already. John tried to get in contact with the police officer that brought Antonio out to see Cristian. When the officer didn't answer, John, Natalie and Jessica were worried that something was wrong.

Just then, they heard a gun shot and ran to see what happened. They arrive to see the passed out officer and Antonio holding a gun. Antonio gave the gun to John and demanded to know what happened. Cristian told John that it was his gun and that he was there to kill Antonio. He told John that he was a killer and that he has killed before. Cristian stunned them all by saying that he killed Tico.

2/4 At the police station, Cristian confessed he killed Tico. John added he was about to shoot Antonio as well. Natalie asked Cristian why. She asked him if he was lying to protect Antonio, since Jessica was adamant regarding what she saw. Cristian said Jessica was wrong. John asked why Cristian wanted to kill Antonio. Cristian responded that people told him to. Cristian described killing Tico. Antonio suggested a lawyer be present, but Cristian decided to tell them all what had happened to him.

Cristian explained how he was brainwashed and fed drugs. He was told to kill two people, Tico and Antonio. He doesn't know why they wanted Antonio dead. Cristian further explained how he tried but could not stop himself and how Natalie had helped him. John asked if Cristian knew who trained him. Natalie stated how Cristian stopped himself from killing Antonio because he is his brother. Cristian stated he is not his brother. As Natalie was in tears, John asked Cristian who he was. Cristian said to Natalie that he met and fell in love with her three months ago. He is not Cristian. He is an impostor.

2/7 The man masquerading as Cristian confesses to Natalie that he is an imposter but that he honestly fell in love with her. He tells Natalie, John and Antonio that he doesn't know who he really is. Antonio can't accept it and believes his brother has been brainwashed. "Cristian" points out that he can't paint, he could fake everything except Cristian's talent.

Jessica insists she saw Antonio pull the plug on Tico, but Cris tells John that he can prove he killed Tico, the gloves he used are hidden behind his dresser at Llanfair. Antonio asks him why he was set up to impersonate Cris, but he doesn't know why or who is behind it all. All he remembers from his life, he says, is on that ship, nothing before that. John arrests him for attempting to murder Antonio.

Later, John asks Antonio privately what he thinks of Cristian's story. John admits that he had his suspicions and that there is a DNA test pending, and Antonio is angry he wasn't told sooner. Antonio feels sorry for Natalie. They speculate who is responsible for creating a double for Cris, there would have been easier ways to kill Tico and Antonio, they reason. John promises to help free Antonio. Jessica arrives at Antonio's cell and she apologizes, but insists she saw him pull the plug. Antonio realizes that she can't get past what she thought she saw.

John questions Cris, who urges him to "lock me up before I hurt someone else." Cris tells him he realizes how much he cares for Natalie, and they argue about John's motives. Natalie vents her pain and anger at the imposter. John feels guilty that Natalie is going through the loss of her husband all over again. She cries and winds up in his arms again as Evangeline comes into the room.

2/8 Evangeline wonders who Nat will turn to now while John second guesses himself in letting Nat in to see a restrained "Cris." "Cris" tells her he always loved her which is a joke to her since he was brainwashed to feel that way, she reminds him. She defended him to everyone, she continues. Emotions coming to the surface, she attacks him, screaming.

John rushes in and pulls her away, ordering her to calm down. "Cris" attempts to explain that he doesn't know who he is and tried to tell her before but Nat doesn't want to hear it, she only wants him dead. Bo tries to get her to go home. When the gloves are located behind his bed and match up to the pieces retrieved previously, "Cris" is charged with Tico's murder and Antonio is freed.

Nat asks for a death sentence or life without parole. John seeks out a sulking Evangeline and once again makes it clear that she's what is most important to him. She admits that she's falling in love with him but John is unable to return the sentiment. He's not sure if he's capable but he thinks that Evangeline could be the one to help him. She walks out instead, suggesting he let her know.

"Cris" is locked up, figuring he must have wanted to get caught if he kept the gloves. He reflects and apologizes to no one in particular while lying in his cell. A sobbing Nat is comforted by Bo and Jess.

2/9 Viki senses Natalie's fragile state and tries to reach out to her. Natalie articulates her feelings, saying it's like experiencing Cristian's death all over again. At the same time, a Vega man is sentenced to life in prison. The tension between John and Evangeline can be cut with a knife. John is thrown for a loop when he gets back the DNA test results on "Cristian."

2/10 John and "Cristian" are surprised by what they uncover. Although Cristian knows he must tell Natalie the truth, he doesn't want to cause her any more pain. When Natalie arrives to see him, Cristian must decide whether to take the high road or the low one.

2/11 At the hospital, John asked Michael how Marcie was doing. Michael wanted to explain to Marcie how sorry he was, as Marcie made it through surgery.

Natalie went to see Cristian in jail. Natalie said John sent her to see him. Cristian was determined to keep his identity a secret from Natalie. Natalie was consumed with anger and told Cristian all she feels for him is hate. Cristian apologized to Natalie. Natalie asked why he did this to her. Cristian told her he couldn't stop and the ship messed up his mind. Natalie became very upset. Cristian trying to comfort her said something to Natalie in Spanish.

Natalie immediately recognized this saying. Natalie told Cristian, how Cristian used to say those exact words to her whenever she was upset. Natalie wanted to know how he would know that. Natalie went on to say that he was most like Cristian when he wasn't remembering how to be Cristian. As she pondered this information, Natalie said she lost Cristian once and she can do it again. Cristian asked her to go on with her life and he loves her. Natalie stormed out. Natalie went to the diner to see Carlotta. Carlotta told Natalie to remember the real Cristian, not the imposter.

John was at the police station target practicing. He thought about Natalie and how she would ruin her life and wait for Cristian. As he pondered his own feelings for Natalie, John decided not to tell Natalie that the DNA proved the imposter was really Cristian. John imagined the future with Natalie and his children. In the dream, Natalie was speaking to Carlotta and they both agreed how they accepted Cristian was gone long ago. Carlotta was happy for Natalie, since she would not have found love with John, if Cristian were still alive.

John went to see Cristian. Cristian was furious that John sent Natalie to see him. Cristian wanted John's assurance that he would not tell Natalie who he really is. Thinking what would be best for Natalie, John decided to keep Cristian's secret. Cristian was grateful and said he made the right decision. John wondered how he would live with this decision.

2/14 Natalie opens a gift that arrives at Llanfair, a music box that plays her and Cristian's song. She can't figure out how his imposter would know what to give her, but then she remembers they once made love to that song.

Cris is visited in jail by a bitter Antonio. Cris returns a necklace to his brother, explaining that someone on the ship must have given it to him. He asks Antonio to take care of Natalie. Alone, Cris consoles himself with the thought that he did the right thing for his wife. The warden has some art supplies delivered to his cell and Cris paints a portrait of Natalie in her wedding gown.

Roxy butchers a rock song in an effort to cheer up Natalie. After arguing once again with John about their relationship, Evangeline takes her karaoke turn. She sings “All is Fair in Love” (Robert & Anna’s song, GH). Her performance brings down the house and moves John. He tells her that he loves her and they kiss passionately. Natalie sees them and leaves the bar. The final scene is of a music montage as Blair sings.

2/15 Nat returns home from being out partying and trying to forget Cris and John and the fact that there's probably no love in her future. Jess urges her to call John when she thinks she hears footsteps and has to leave, so that Nat won't be alone. She thinks her stalker is still out there and that it wasn't Cris' imposter.

Evangeline wants to know that she has 100% of John; he'll only agree to give as much of himself as he can.

**The End**

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