John & Natalie #8 February 15- May 5, 2005: 8 hour original edit

Dvd #8A Evangeline and John go back at his place and in bed. The phone rings several times and though John sees that it's Nat, he silences the bell without answering it. Nat goes out and runs into Rex who awkwardly tries to cheer her up. He asks if she's thinking about John. She decides to leave John a message when she just gets his voice mail again and thanks him for all that he did, admitting that he was right as usual, about everything. Evangeline urges John to check his messages as the phone keeps flashing; she's ok with it since she knows he really doesn't want to. He gets Nat's message and feels bad.

2/21 At the gym, John reads about Cristian Vega in the newspaper and remembers his promise to keep Cris' identity secret. Antonio arrives and wants to know what John is hiding from him as Evangeline watches on. Antonio tells John he's worried because he can't find Jessica, but declines any help and leaves to look for her. Evangeline approaches John and wants to know why he's not helping Antonio, and he makes excuses.

While Natalie is at Llanfair with Starr and Jack, Natalie has a heart-to-heart talk to Starr, who is taking her fear out on her brother Jack. Evangeline realizes she left some important work places at John's place and is amazed when he gives her his keys. Van realizes she has misinterpreted the gesture when he tells her to return them next time they hook up.

2/23 After Michael wonders how long it'll take John to screw up his relationship with Evangeline since all of their family members do the same, the talk becomes more serious. He's positive that he knows what Marcie wants and he's just not it. He can't be and do all of the things that she wants.

As a cynical Natalie tries to drown her sorrows at Rodi's, Evangeline attempts to comfort her, even offering John as someone that Nat can lean on. If she were to lean on John, she'd want more than friendship, Natalie admits. She hastens to add that she said IF, and she certainly would never do that. Evangeline insists that she's no longer feeling threatened and really wants Nat and John to be friends. They have a lot in common and they've helped each other in the past.

Rex gives Natalie all of the possible phone numbers and email addresses that she can reach him at and apologizes for not hanging out with her. Something has come up that he needs to take care of. Evangeline returns John's key. Bo promises Nat that he'll have Cris' memorial plaque put back in place. She laments that she'll never fall in love again and hopes that Cris' love was enough to last a lifetime. He assures her that she'll meet the right person, just as Evangeline told her earlier.

2/25 At the police station, Bo told John the bank account that Daniel investigated did belong to Paul Cramer. Bo was amazed at how easily he obtained the information. Bo and John wonder why Daniel lied and wanted to question him. Natalie arrived and Bo offered her Marcie's old job. Natalie declined. Bo told Natalie he was proud of her and she would be happy again. Natalie told Bo Rex's plan regarding Paul's murder. As two policemen teased John about Evangeline entering his apartment, Natalie, realizing he took his key back from Evangeline, told John he was clueless. Natalie told John he should have let Evangeline keep the key.

Evangeline arrived at Nora's house to discuss John. Nora asked what Natalie had done this time. Evangeline wanted to know why Nora assumed it was about Natalie. Evangeline told Nora John gave her a key to his apartment and then took it back. Evangeline was disappointed. Nora told Evangeline to stop over analyzing her relationship with John. Nora advised her to stop thinking about John replacing her, when he had already chosen her. Evangeline left.

Taking Natalie's advice, John gave Evangeline his key back. Evangeline responded she did not need it anymore. John received a call from the station and had to leave. They agreed to meet later.

Natalie, Rex and Roxy met at Rodi's. Since Rex summoned Natalie, she asked if he was in trouble. After he antagonized Riley, Rex explained that he wanted to help Jen and prove she was innocent. Nat told Rex that Jen was not worth going to prison for. Rex decided to assist the police to find Paul's killer. Natalie told Rex to form another plan and left.

3/4 Evangeline ran into Natalie, who was filling in for Roxy at the hotel. Evangeline wanted to leave something for John. Natalie told her to take it up to his room since she had a key. When Evangeline remarked she did not have a key, Natalie blurted out John did not listen to her advice. Evangeline angrily asked Natalie about the advice.

Natalie described how she overheard how John asked for his key back and told him he was a jerk for not letting Evangeline keep it. Evangeline asked Natalie why she was so concerned about her relationship with John. Natalie implied if she knew John was committed to a relationship, she would not interfere. Evangeline was upset about the word if. Natalie left.

Nora ran into John and commented he smelled like smoke. John stated he was investigating the fire that killed Hudson, Marcie's friend. Nora asked if he thought it was foul play. Nora left. Rex asked John if he had seen Natalie lately. John asked what Natalie had to do with him. Rex warned John to stay away from her and not to help her if she came to him. John told Rex he does not want to hurt Natalie. John left.

Natalie arrived to see Rex, while Rex was trying to clear Jen of Paul's murder. Natalie told Rex she would not use her friendship with Bo and John to give him information. Natalie said she needed to stay away from John. Natalie told Rex about the encounter with Evangeline. Rex told Natalie about his earlier conversation with John. Rex said they both fell hard for Jen and John. Rex told Natalie he needed to do something before he ended up in jail for planting evidence.

John was happy to see Evangeline at the hotel. Evangeline was angry about his conversation with Natalie. John believed Natalie was trying to help. Evangeline saw it differently and explained her feelings to John. She did not understand why they couldn't work out their problems together. Evangeline asked why she doesn't give up. John replied, asking why doesn't she?

Evangeline asked John if he wanted out? He told her no, but would not hold her back if that was what she wanted. Evangeline told John she wanted only him. They kissed and Evangeline commented he smelled like smoke. John said he was going to take a shower and carried Evangeline in with him. John told Evangeline she made him feel alive again, when Evangeline was called away by Antonio.

3/7 John and Evangeline are in bed basking in the afterglow, until his beeper goes off. She guesses its Natalie. John hangs up the phone and explains that it was the police department, he has to go to the station. When she tells him she respects his honesty and trusts him, he remembers keeping Cristian's secret. "Later, we need to talk about Cris," he tells her.

"Is there something you're not telling me?" she queries. John vaguely answers that their professions don't always allow for full disclosure.

Rex tries to talk Natalie into taking the job at the Llanview PD. Nat sees through him and accuses her brother of having ulterior motives, wanting help to clear Jen of Paul Cramer's murder. Rex admits it would be handy for her to work there, but insists it's not all about him, he's been worried about her and thinks that keeping busy will help. Nat says it would be hard to see John all day, especially with his girlfriend. Prove to everyone that you're starting a new life, Rex urges, and she admits that he's right. If I get the job, no favors, she warns him.

Nat stops by the PD and tells Bo she'll accept the job. He tells her who to see to finalize the paper work.Rex brings Nat an office plant as she starts her new job and when she steps away for a moment, lifts a set of keys off her desk and sneaks into Bo's office. As soon as he finds the Kramer file on the Commissioner's desk, though, John knocks on the door and he dives under Bo's desk.

Natalie, unaware of what Rex is up to, stops John and tells him about her new job. As the two chat, Nat spies Rex in Bo's office and offers to deliver the file that McBain has brought Bo. After John leaves, she reads Rex the riot act. John returns home to Evangeline, but neglects to tell her that Natalie is working at the station.

3/8 At the station, Bo and Natalie bond on her first day of work. Natalie forbids her uncle to mention John, and Bo likewise prohibits any discussion of Nora.

Michael stops by John's room with a birthday cupcake and a gift. John is reluctant to acknowledge that it's his birthday, but eventually opens Michael's present: a picture of the boys taken by their father just before his death. John confesses that he doesn't understand the point of celebrating another passing year in a messed up life, but as the brothers go their separate ways, he thanks Michael for the kind gesture.

Back in her office, Evangeline calls the station to speak to John. When she realizes it's Natalie on the other end of the line, she hangs up abruptly. She then heads to the station, where she discovers Natalie and John talking. Natalie had discovered it was John's birthday when she logged onto the station's computerized list of staff birthdays, and she exclaims "happy birthday" to John while giving him a big hug as Evangeline watches, unseen.

3/9 Evangeline flips when she overhears Natalie wishing John a happy birthday at the station and immediately wants to know why she didn't know. It really throws her for a loop when she learns that Nat found out via the computer system, since she's now employed there.

Roxy arranges a surprise birthday party for John. Roxy calls Nat to tell her what she had arranged and that Nat is throwing the party. Nat freaks and warns Roxy that she has to cancel it, that John and Evangeline are in the middle of a big fight. Nat assures Roxy she will not be there.

John and Evangeline arrive to carry on their conversation in private but are interrupted by shouts of surprise and singing. Reacting surprisingly gracious, John is quite shocked to learn that it was all Natalie's idea. After the party, John and Evangeline get to talk finally and he explains how he usually ignores birthdays, especially with no one to share with. She makes a card on a napkin and hands it to him. “I Love You”, it says; he kisses it and tucks it in his pocket.

3/14 Natalie interrupts Rex, they argue then she panics when Rex admits that he stole the file on Paul Cramer's murder from the police station. Antonio arrives and insists that he needs to talk to Nat right away. Antonio fills Nat in on Jessica's stalker and asks for help figuring out who he is. Based on the evidence, Nat concludes that the stalker is a woman, not a man.

Antonio is afraid the situation will get worse. Natalie promises to keep a close eye on her sister and let him know if she sees anything strange. Natalie walks in and gives Jen a hard time about leading Rex on, and Jennifer leaves in a huff. Rex and Natalie argue about Jen and he says that Jen may go to jail because of Natalie. Rex agrees to retrieve the file so Natalie can return it.

John and Evangeline go back to his place for a private birthday celebration. When she asks about the family picture on his bedside table, she is touched when he opens up a little and talks about his late brother. He objects when she playfully takes his picture. The conversation turns to Natalie and her job at the PD, and he assures Evangeline that he needs her, not Natalie. They both try to get the other to reveal more about themselves. John starts to tell her he is falling in lover with her, but realized she had fallen asleep. John is notified of a DOA, Julie Tanaka.

3/15 Evangeline meets up with John at the gym and finds him visibly upset. He says they will have to postpone her boxing lesson for the time being. Evangeline gets him to tell her what is wrong: there was a car accident in which a young woman was killed, and John had to notify the parents. The name of the girl is Julie Tanaka, Marcie's friend from the Love Shack project. John leaves, and Evangeline has a brief word with Antonio regarding the custody battle. Evangeline takes out her tensions on the punching bag, unaware that John has not actually left the gym and is watching her intently. He makes his presence known to her, and they head off together.

3/16 Evangeline leaves John a message to tell him how much she enjoyed her boxing lesson.

3/17 John is investigating the car accident that killed Julie Tana.k.a, Marcie's friend from the Love Shack. He asks Michael to meet with him in private and provide some details from the coroner's report. Michael informs John that no drugs were found in Julie's blood system, and her blood alcohol content was normal. John grows suspicious, and his feelings are substantiated when he has tire fragments analyzed. The test results show that a bullet was fired into one of the tires of Julie's vehicle. "She was murdered," John determines.

Nora and Evangeline arrive to shop for wedding gowns, as Roxy and Natalie kick off their shopping spree at the same store. As they enter the shop, Roxy and Natalie spot Evangeline holding up a gorgeous bridal gown. Natalie flees the shop, with Roxy at her heels. They make their way to the police station, where Nat forces Roxy to come clean to John about the surprise party. Roxy confesses that it was all her idea, but then takes two steps back by whispering to John how upset Natalie was when she saw Evangeline with the wedding dress!

3/18 Roxy is back to her old matchmaking ways. This time it's John and Natalie who she's hoping will get struck by cupid's arrow.

3/21 John and Natalie find themselves locked in the evidence room without their cell phones. Nat is upset when she comes across some evidence related to Cristian's case, and John wonders if he should tell her the truth about her husband. Natalie cries on his shoulder (again). John leaves the station after they get out, but they are both affected by the encounter.

Michael comforts Evangeline at the bar after John stood her up. John arrives but is called away on a police emergency before he can explain or apologize. Later, John calls her cell and is surprised when his brother answers. Michael informs him that he's taken John's girlfriend home and put her in bed, deal with it! After they hang up, Michael and Van giggle while John curses.

3/23 An embarrassed Natalie confides to Bo that she and John were locked in the evidence room together, thanks to Roxy. Working late to make up for that lost time, she runs into John who wants to chat about their time together but she brushes him off.

Later, Roxy stops by to try to apologize but still thinks she was doing her lovesick daughter a favor. Totally annoyed at her mother, Natalie denies having feelings for John and doubts very much that he has the "hots" for her. Roxy isn't buying.

John finally shows up and finally convinces an insecure and sick Evangeline to accept his apology though she's not at all happy to hear about his lock-in with Natalie. Thinking that maybe it would be nice to have a rest even if it's because he's sick, John kisses her until he's convinced that he's caught the bug. He agrees to read out loud to her while she rests and he starts at the beginning of Marcie's book.

3/24 John continues reading to an ill Evangeline from The Killing Club, and the two of them notice similarities to the deaths of Hudson and Julie. Michael and Marcie arrive at Evangeline's place, and the four of them discuss their growing suspicions. John takes off to double check whether there was foul play in Hudson's death.

3/25 Viki gives Natalie a little something to think about in regards to her relationship with John. John takes to heart Marcie, Michael and Evangeline's concern about Hudson and Julie's death. He confirms that someone is acting out the murders that Marcie wrote about in her novel.

3/28 John and Evangeline hang out at her place while she recuperates, but she urges him to go do what he wants to do, work on Hudson's and Julie's murders. When Nora arrives with chicken soup Van tells John that he's been relieved. "Keep your door locked" he instructs her as he leaves for work.

"Stay out of evidence rooms!" she retorts, and they both grin. Van tells Nora about John being locked in the evidence room with (of course!) Natalie. Nora mentions that Daniel pulls disappearing acts too, and doubts John's claim that nothing happened between him and Natalie. Van explains that John feels responsible for Nat and that if there anything more to it, he'd tell her. The two women talk about marriage; Van speculates that she might reevaluate her long-time opposition to getting married, but that she and John have issues to work out first.

When John arrives at the station Natalie wants to talk about their time together in the evidence room, but he demands the files on Hudson and Julie and brushes her off while to get down to work. When she delivers the files to his office Nat insists on talking, announcing that the incident in the evidence room may have not meant anything to him, but it was a big deal to her. While she expressed her gratitude to him, he doesn't reveal what he knows about Cristian's identity. John goes back to Van's apartment, just in time to hear a little of the "marriage" conversation.

The murderer turns over photos of Hudson and Julie with "X" drawn over their faces. Then he runs his finger over Marcie's book cover photo, tracing an imaginary "X." Then he packs up his souvenirs and walks away.

3/29 At the diner, Natalie tells Carlotta that she went to St. Jude's and lit a candle for Cristian. John intrudes on their conversation. As Carlotta waits on customers, John and Natalie discuss their situation. Natalie tells him that she needs to accept things as they are, which includes the fact that he is not single. Carlotta is uneasy about their interaction.

When Natalie leaves to check up on Blair, Carlotta confronts John about his interest in her daughter-in-law. John says that he feels obligated to Natalie, and Carlotta raises her voice. Natalie overhears their conversation as she is about to leave the diner, and she demands that Carlotta back off from John. Natalie tells Carlotta that she loves her and appreciates her concern, but that she needs to leave John alone.

As music plays, the citizens of Llanview are shown: Viki, alone at Llanfair, reflecting on Ben; Natalie alone in her bed, torn about John; John at the police station, looking at Natalie's name plaque; Bo, at the scene of Blair's rescue, determined not to let Asa go unpunished; Blair and Todd, home together at last, in their bed. Starr and Jack run into the room and jump on their parents' bed: the Manning family is together again.

3/31 Nora’s bridal brunch, Kelly brings Nora to the Palace for her bridal brunch, organized by Renee. Also in attendance are Viki, Natalie, Evangeline. Things get out of hand when Lindsay stops by the table to "congratulate" Nora on her pending nuptials. Lindsay makes several snide comments about Nora's track record with men and also damns Evangeline for hanging out with Nora, who Lindsay believes is trying to ruin Jen's life. Nora accidentally spills juice on Lindsay and reveals to her that Riley and Jen have just broken up. Evangeline and Natalie have trouble making small talk, but end up agreeing to never engage in any brawls a la Lindsay and Nora.

4/1 John and Natalie are at the PD, dressed for the wedding. Natalie leans back seductively as they talk about not wanting to go to the wedding. He asks her if she would like to go with him. They arrive at the wedding and she tells him how much it has helped her to be able to talk to him the last few days. They sit outside and enjoy the sunset together. John and Natalie are easy with each other at Nora and Daniel’s wedding. Evangeline sees John and Natalie together.

4/4 Natalie goes inside when Evangeline joins her and John outside before Nora and Daniel's wedding. Van is surprised and worried when John tells her that Bo has arrived; he urges her not to worry. Natalie greets Viki and confides that she's trying not to feel bad. Viki tells her daughter it's understandable to feel that way at a wedding, but Nat confides that she felt fine while she was talking to John.

Nora and Daniel wed. After the ceremony, Riley accompanies Van on guitar as she sings a love song. Natalie watches her gaze at John as she sings. After the song is over, Nora glows as Daniel expresses his love for his new bride. Van blurts out to John that she wants someone to love her like Daniel loves Nora. Nat rolls her eyes.

4/6 As John and Evangeline return to his place after the wedding, they run into Roxy who wants the rent paid.

Dvd #8B 4/6 Michael suggests that one suspect might be Nick since he caught him sneaking around Marcie's place. John tends to agree because Nick has been difficult to locate. Michael calls and learns that Nick has just shown up at Marcie’s. John grabs the phone from him and asks for Ron; he urges him to stall Nick until he arrives.

Michael gives John a difficult time because he wants to go along but finally agrees to wait behind with Evangeline. Michael becomes quite antsy but is convinced to keep waiting for John as the two discuss their relationships together. Evangeline admits that she and John have problems as well but will continue to work at it.

When John gets there, Nick learns that both Julie and Hudson have been murdered, though he's put through quite a grilling from John at first. He divulges that he and Julie were seeing each other but no one knew as they had planned to keep it secret. He is astonished to learn that the murders are following Marcie's book, establishing that he wouldn't be familiar with that, not having read it yet.

He wants the killer to burn he tells John as he leaves his address. Later, Marcie tries to get her relatives to leave but they won't hear of it. As the killer waits outside and thumbs through the book and watches, the men head off to bed. The killer knows where to go next and begins to fiddle with the gas lines.

Rex accompanies Nat back to Llanfair after they spend the evening together. She thanks him for a great time, though he explains the smile on her face is really due to the fact that she got to spend some time with John. Téasing each other over past relationships and their past with Roxy, the siblings suddenly turn serious when Rex tries to push her a little too hard into going after John. The end result is tiramisu all over Rex but he continues to egg her on.

When a fuming Dorian knocks on the door, the fun ends. Blaming Viki as usual for Kevin and Todd seeing her nieces and vowing that Adriana will never have anything to do with Duke, she demands that Natalie awaken her mother. Nat refuses and threatens her bodily harm, finally managing to toss her out. Not before Dorian manages to get some rude comments in first. Rex is excited as he sees the "old Nat" is back. Denying changing in any way, either before or now, Natalie is still deep in thought when her brother leaves.

John finally returns and lets Michael know that he doesn't consider Nick a suspect. Instead, he accuses Michael of tipping him off. Evangeline ends it before the brothers get into it and John assures Michael that Marcie is safe between the detail he's put on and her family members. Roxy still waits for her rent check, which John begins to write out when he and Evangeline are alone. They get side-tracked.

4/7 While at the diner, Michael receives a strange phone call: a recording of Marcie's voice promoting "The Killing Club," possibly from a press conference. Not knowing who is responsible for the call, he frantically races to her house and finds her unconscious, the house filled with fumes from a gas tank.

Michael revives Marcie and gets her outside, along with Mr. Walsh and Ron. Ron discovers that the gas tank in the basement has been tampered with. Michael calls John, who rushes to the scene. John vows to catch the person who is mimicking the murders in Marcie's book, as Michael emphatically reminds him that he won't stand by and watch someone treat Marcie's life like a game.

4/11 John orders the detectives to follow the Love Shack crew closely. Natalie brings him a small gift, to Evangeline's annoyance. John explains to Van that the case is getting to him. Roxy arrives at the station, annoying Bo and Natalie. Natalie and Roxy talk about John. Marcie's brother, Ron ,arrives at the station to voice about his concerns for his sister's safety to Bo. He then invites Natalie out for a beer after work. She doesn't want to go, but changes her mind with the hope of making John jealous.

4/12 Natalie and Ron are having a great time playing darts and talking on their date, but things are spoiled when Rex shows up to meet his informant, Jenkins. Natalie gets in Rex's face about his shady friend, and Jenkins accuses Rex of wearing a wire.

Jenkins punches Rex, then pushes Natalie when she comes to her brother's aid. Ron punches Jenkins, who flees the scene, while both Ron and Rex end up escorted to the station in cuffs. Eye witnesses claim Ron was acting in self-defense, and Bo says he's free to go. He has a cracked lip, which Natalie proceeds to kiss passionately, as a jealous John watches.

4/13 The Llanview PD gets an update on the latest in the search for the Killing Club Murderer; they receive a picture of someone who has been spotted at all of the book signings. Flowers are delivered for Natalie and put on her desk. John knocks them over accidentally when he's on the phone there and the vase breaks into pieces.

Michael shows up and teases his brother endlessly, especially when they pick up and read the card. John claims not to be upset that they're from Ron but an amused Michael accuses him of being jealous. When John states that he's "secretly in love with her" and later claims he was only being sarcastic, Michael has a field day, especially when Evangeline calls. John finds another vase and replaces the vase.

Jess is impressed to find out that Nat had a date with Ron Walsh, though Nat assures her it's nothing serious. Planning to get Dorian back, the women remain calm. The girls suggest that Viki return to the Banner.

The man at the book signings checks out. Nat arrives for work as John is fixing the arrangement and looking for the card. Thinking they're from him, she gives him a big hug.

4/14 Natalie accuses John of being jealous over her dating Ron. John angrily admits to Michael that he doesn't like seeing Natalie with another man.

4/18 John regrets telling his brother that it bothers him to see Natalie with Ron Walsh. He asks him not to repeat it (of course, Natalie overhears and is very pleased). Michael tells him that he won't be able to get serious with Evangeline until he faces his feelings for Natalie, but promises not to say anything.

R.J. harangues Evangeline. Lindsay retorts that John is stringing Evangeline along while he deals with his feelings for Natalie just as Nat arrives. Roxy arrives, but Van cancels her appointment and leaves. Once she's alone with her "mother", Nat excitedly tells Roxy that John is jealous of Ron, and asks for advice on what to do next. Roxy tells her she needs to decide who she wants most, John or Ron. What would the old Nat done?" Natalie wonders.

"She'd take this jealousy thing and run with it!" challenges Roxy.

Van stops by the station to say hello to John on the way to court and he tells her there's something they need to talk about, but Natalie interrupts them when she delivers some files. After she leaves, John is distracted and puts off the discussion with Evangeline.

4/20 Nat flirts with John but her plan goes awry when her suggestions of relaxation convince him to get in touch with Evangeline. Nat overhears Vicki and Rex talking about her going after John. Natalie admits it's really true, much to Viki's displeasure. John and Evangeline seem to be happy together and John is just being protective of her when she goes out with other guys, Viki suggests. Natalie doesn't want to wait around to see if the couple works out though.

Natalie shows up at the diner and confronts Michael about the conversation she overheard between him and John. Much to Michael's annoyance because it was a private conversation, he relates that he was just giving his brother a difficult time, same as he always has. Just because John was jealous of her being with Ron does not in any way mean that he has feelings for Natalie, Michael tries to tell her. He suggests that she not bother John at all, that he's very happy and that Evangeline is good for him. I'm not? Natalie asks. No, he responds. Furthermore, he wants her to "reconsider" going after John but you just can't reconsider feelings, she retorts.

John shows up at Evangeline's office for a break, expressing how he really needed to see and feel her. They make love in the office but Evangeline receives a disturbing phone call from her mother. Her great aunt has died and she needs to head home for the funeral. John quickly decides to make the trip with her.

4/21 John and Evangeline prepare to leave town for Vangie's great-aunt's funeral. Evangeline is touched when John puts off looking into new murder evidence in order to get ready for their trip.

Natalie and Michael debate Nat's feelings for John. Michael tells her not to interfere with John and Van's happiness, and Nat expresses her annoyance that everyone thinks Van is perfect for John. Deciding not to heed any of Michael's advice, Nat heads across town to confront John.

Van shows up at the diner to pick up dinner, and Michael tries to warn her about Nat's plans to interfere with she and John. Van claims that Natalie is the last thing she needs to worry about.

Natalie tells John they need to talk, but he informs her that he's heading out to a funeral with Evangeline. Natalie helps him pack, indulging in minor flirtatiousness. She agrees to wait until a better time to discuss her feelings and leaves him alone. After she leaves, John is confused and asks himself “What are you doing man?” Natalie calls Michael and tells him that she just made a fool of herself at John’s. He groans and says he should have warned Evangeline about Natalie. She hangs up on him.

4/22 John meets Evangeline's family and the situation grows tense. Michael and Natalie bury the hatchet. Michael is concerned about Marcie. Paul’s killer remembers his murder so we see who it is via a flashback. The Killing Club killer plans to strike again.

4/25 Evangeline admits to her uncle that John isn’t the kind of guy she ever thought she would be with. John questions Clay, Evangeline's uncle, about the comment he overheard Evangeline make. Clay admits the family always thought Evangeline would end up with a great and powerful man. Clay says that Evangeline has high expectations and asks if John can live up to those? After seeing Evangeline's awards and commendations, John privately fears that he is holding Evangeline back.

Natalie admits to Michael that she is going to pursue John.

4/26 Natalie is happy to see that John's in a bad mood after his visit home with Evangeline. Antonio meets with Evangeline at the diner. Van tells him that things with John went very badly when they traveled home for her great aunt's funeral. Van attempts to enjoy breakfast with Nora but shares about her troubles with John.

4/27 As a moody John studies photographs from the Killing Club murders, Marcie stops by to offer her help. She becomes emotional after looking at the pictures and even though John accepts her offer, he's one step ahead of her and has already tried her suggestions. He understands her feelings of guilt but tries to make her understand that it's not her fault. She points out that the killer may be attempting to kill someone with a crossbow next, same as in her book.

John shows up at the diner and tells Evangeline he'll never hurt her. He stays to cuddle for awhile.

Natalie is determined to find out what John's true feelings are towards her, as she orders a surprise meal for him at the diner. Running into Michael, he continues to try to order her to leave his brother alone as he's happy with Evangeline.

When Marcie arrives, she thinks that Michael and Natalie are dating since they appear up in each other's faces. Michael sets her straight, she tells him how upset she was in John's office and the pair decides to become a team again to aid in the search for the killer.

John returns and finds his surprise dinner from Natalie. He cluelessly eats away as Michael drops by and points out that she has ulterior motives for the dinner. She's in love with him, he tells his brother.

The killer highlights the crossbow passage in the book, pulls out the new crossbow and arrow, points and shoots at a display of pictures. It looks like it might be Michael.

4/28 John arrives to see Natalie, he wants to clear the air with her. He encourages her to see where things can go with Ron. She calls him a liar. She suggests that he knows exactly what he wants, that maybe he wants to be there with her! She kisses him and he most definitely kisses her back!

4/29 John pulls away from Natalie's kiss and tells her that it was a bad idea. She disagrees and tells him she's wanted to kiss him for a long time. She grabs him and kisses him AGAIN! He reminds her that he's with Evangeline, but she insists that that doesn't matter and that he'll be thinking about her when he kisses Van. John answers a call from Van, but doesn't tell her where he is.

Natalie sees this as further proof that he's not in love with Van, since he can't be honest with her about his whereabouts. John leaves, and Natalie tracks down Michael to deliver a punch to his face. She lambastes him for telling John that she still has feelings for him. Eventually they come to terms and enjoy a good laugh.

John goes to Evangeline's apartment and finds that she has made a long string of black and white paper links, representing their differences. She tells him that the visit to her family may have brought up all the differences between them, but that those differences are part of the reason she loves John. They talk about these major contrasts, and Van tells John that she doesn't want someone who is like her; she thinks that "opposites attract" really holds true in their case.

They make love, and in the aftermath John has a disturbing dream. In the dream he is walking through a dark hallway, while Evangeline keeps calling out, "I need you!" When he finally reaches Van, someone tries to shoot her, but he jumps in and saves her.

He says "I love you," but when he looks down at her, Van has turned into Natalie! John wakes from the dream, and Van seems to have heard him say "I love you" from his dream state. She smiles down at her lover.

5/2 Evangeline is disappointed that John doesn't remember saying "I love you" in his sleep. John and Evangeline admit they didn't envision ending up with each other but Evangeline insists it doesn't make their relationship any less real. Natalie and Michael grow closer as friends. Marcie overreacts when she sees Natalie with Michael. Natalie assures an insecure Marcie that Michael loves her (Marcie).

5/3 The killer is shown planning his next move: he shoots an arrow through a picture of Natalie. After Viki tries to talk some sense into Natalie regarding John, Nat takes off for the diner. Roxy has tipped her off to the fact that John and Van are at the diner, and that Carlotta needs some help planning a Cinco de Mayo celebration.

Natalie arrives and taunts Evangeline, who insults her right back. This is easily the most heated verbal exchange they've shared to date, with Evangeline trying to make Natalie feel inferior, and Natalie baiting Van about John. Nat finally goes into the kitchen to help Carlotta and another young worker, while Van vents her rage to John.

Meanwhile, the killer has arrived in the back room of the diner, posing as a delivery man. Carlotta leaves the back room to thank Van for working on Antonio's custody hearing. Someone with red hair ends up dead in the back room: is it Natalie, or Carlotta's young kitchen assistant? When Carlotta returns to the back room to finish cooking, a scream draws John and Van's attention. "That's Natalie," John says. He rushes to the back, leaving a stunned Van in his wake.

5/4 Michael tries to stop Marcie yet again for blaming herself for the murders of her friends but it's all for nothing when they drop by the diner in time to hear Carlotta screaming. At first it appears that Natalie has been murdered but a distraught John finds her crying and cowering in the corner. It's the new girl that Carlotta just hired, dressed just like Natalie down to her red hair, who is the victim.

John grabs on to Natalie tightly, as Michael and Evangeline burst in. Nat explains that she was in the storeroom so never saw what happened. The girl is bent over the hot oil, same as in Marcie's book.

Marcie is on the verge of a breakdown again, seeing another murder re-enacted from her book. John takes off after the killer and is nearly killed himself when, after bending down to pick up the killer's keys, he is attacked and choked from behind. The two wrestle and the killer gets away.

John manages to page for help and Natalie takes off to find John. John sends his back ups off to search for the killer. He becomes furious when Nat arrives. She has no idea what he felt like when he thought it was her who had been killed, he yells at her. He takes her back to the diner, gives Evangeline a big kiss, sends her home with an escort, and asks Antonio to take Natalie home as well. Antonio decides to stay with Carlotta and Michael insists that Marcie stay with him. John plans on staying at the diner.

The killer is pretty enraged when he learns via radio report that Natalie was not the victim.

5/5 While Evangeline sleeps, John starts his day by calling Natalie and telling her that he needs to see her, in his office right away. Natalie smiles secretly to herself as she thinks about seeing John.

**The End**

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