John & Natalie #9 May 5 - July 18, 2005: 8 hour original edit

Dvd #9A Natalie meets with John at his office at his request. She seductively strokes his neck and asks how it is? He seems disturbed and says it is fine. He tells her he wants to question her about the attempt on her life the previous night (at the end of the #8B). She asks if there is anything else? He says no, what would there be? She observes that last night when he thought she had been attacked that she saw something in his eyes. He insists that it was just concern. She calls him on that and says it was more than just concern and they both know it!

He reminds her that she was almost murdered last night and that is his first priority. He begs her to help him and begins to question her about the details, time of arrival, who she saw there, ect. She suddenly remembers seeing a delivery man and he orders up a list of all deliveries to the diner. He promises her that he will catch the guy. She believes him and promises when he does that THEN they will talk!

5/6 When Michael arrives at the PD, Natalie tells him that when John thought she had been murdered that John lost it and that proved his feelings to her. Natalie tells Michael that Marcie is trying to push him away so that she won't get hurt later.

When John comes in, she flirst some more that it was so hard for him to dig the info out of her. He apologizes for getting rough with the questioning, the connection between them is palpable! She enticingly says, “I don’t mind being questioned, not by you.” This is one of those conversations that so seems its about something else!

Promo: Their kiss from the previous dvd is Soapnet’s scene of the week and replayed, hot stuff!

John interviews Marcie about the real-life killing club, but they are interrupted by the Tanaka's. Julie's mother screams at Marcie, asking her how it feels to be responsible for her friend's death in order "to make a buck."

Outside John's office, Rex shows back up at the station and tells Natalie he wants to file a missing person's report on Jen. He says that he has a bad feeling.

Back at the parking garage, Jen discovers the bloody rag that Daniel planted in her car. Everything comes together for her, and she accuses Daniel of murdering Paul. She tries to run away, but he chases her and drags her down into a pile of trash bags. She begs for her life, telling Daniel that Riley and Nora will never forgive him if he kills her. Daniel smothers Jen, her lifeless body falling amidst the garbage bags.

5/9 Rex and Natalie make Roxy smile on Mother's Day with a “Foxy Roxy” shirt. After examining Viki, Paige tells Jessica, Kevin and Natalie that their mother has developed an infection and must avoid stress at all costs. They share Mother’s Day with Vicki. On Jessica’s way out, she stops in front of a mirror and her alter “Tess” emerges.

5/10 Rex calls Bo and shakily tells him that he has found Jen dead in the parking garage. Natalie has arrived to comfort Rex. Daniel heads back to the scene of Jen's death, where. Daniel overhears Rex tell Nat that he and Bo were getting close to discovering Paul Cramer's real killer.

Daniel wants to know why Rex and Bo hadn't shared their progress with him, but Rex won't give up an ounce of information. He is disgusted that Daniel is even showing himself at the scene of Jen's death. After Daniel leaves to comfort Riley, Rex tells Natalie that he overheard the officers talking about a rag covered in blood. He determines that Jen did not commit suicide, but that she was murdered.

5/11 John arrives at the parking garage and Natalie shares her grief over Jen’s sudden death which is determined a suicide. Natalie sadly admits to John how guilty she feels for giving Jen so much grief during her short lifetime. Natalie once again winds up in John’s arms! John asks her if she blames herself? If she feels like she drove Jen to kill herself?

5/12 Evangeline offers to help John with the next phase of his investigation into the Killing Club murders. She feels his withdrawal and thinks it is only about the investigation, not realizing the depth of the feelings he has for Natalie.

Ron calls and asks Natalie out but she says no and turns him down. When Jessica calls she convinces Natalie to join her. John arrives at the club and Natalie asks him if he wants to join her for a drink. He says that he is working and there with Evangeline. Ron comes in and he draws Natalie into his arms for a dance as John watches.

5/13 Bo suspects that Jen was murdered and swears that he if she was that he will nail the bastard! Riley asks John and Bo whether Jen received the message he left on her cell phone before she died. John tells him that it doesn't look like she got it. Riley wishes that she had heard his words of belief, and John tries to comfort him. Riley takes off for the service. Bo and John discover that no one's fingerprints were on the hose and exhaust pipe of Jen's car. "Suicides don't usually try to cover their tracks," John says. "Yes, but murderers do," Bo replies.

5/16 Bo tells Rex that he and John are now certain that Jen didn't commit suicide after all. Bo cautions Rex to keep mum about their new evidence. Natalie coaxes Rex to accompany her to Jen's memorial service. Marcie sings in memorium. John proposes a risky scenario to ferret out the truth about a murder. John asks a startled Michael to secretly perform a second autopsy on Jen.

5/17 Natalie and Viki have a heart to heart conversation. Nat tells Viki that she shouldn't have gone to Jen's service because of her illness. Viki says she wouldn't have missed it, because Jen was once her daughter-in-law; but more importantly, Lindsay asked her to speak, and Viki knows exactly how Lindsay is feeling. "Because of Megan," Natalie states. "Yes, Megan was very much on my mind today," Viki replies and expresses her wish that Natalie could have known her older sister. Natalie says that Jessica has told her a lot about Megan. Viki and Natalie touch briefly on Natalie's attempts to snare John. Viki tells Natalie that she understands why Natalie sometimes shuts her out: it's because Viki didn't find her until she was an adult, and then proceeded to do horrible things to her as Niki Smith. Natalie tells Viki that she knows Niki was the one responsible for hurting her, and that Viki would never do anything to harm her children. She also says that what she's really afraid of is disappointing her mother; Viki says this could never happen. Michael has forged ahead with the illegal second autopsy, but it turns out to be worthwhile when he offers John conclusive proof that Jen was indeed murdered.

5/18 Bo, John and an uninvited Rex huddle in Bo's office where they share information. John divulges the results of the new autopsy while he learns that Daniel's real first name is Theodore or Ted and their new prime suspect is right there in front of them. They definitely have enough evidence though they try to figure out the reason for the blackmail of Paul. An affair might be a possibility. Bo recalls that Daniel was with the M.E. when the autopsy was being done and they learn that the man is on an unexpected vacation. They decide to check out Daniel's printer, the one that may have printed the original note to Rex about hiding the gun. Rex is chomping at the bit and frantic as the other men discuss their strategy. Bo orders Rex to sit still and be quiet; John consoles Rex when he laments that his moves to help Jen might have been what got her killed. They try to figure out who Daniel could be having an affair with if he was so desperate to hide it since it was before his engagement to Nora. Nat tries to get Rex to share his feelings with her. Stopping at home to check on her mom, Nat runs into Evangeline who was looking for both Jess and Nat. She wants to talk about John with Nat but the women end up having words.

Evangeline doesn't want John disturbed by pettiness, which Nat immediately takes exception to. She guarantees that John isn't being distracted by her and suggests that Evangeline doesn't know John as well as she thinks.

5/19 Rex recognizes a familiar printer after reading Matthew's poem. John prevents a seething Rex from going after Jen's killer to exact his own revenge.

5/20 Natalie and Nora have a heated confrontation at the police station when Nat refuses to let Matthew go home with his mother. Natalie holds her own, insisting that Bo gave explicit orders for Matthew to remain with her. Bo calls John to see if there is a warrant for Daniel's arrest, but it won't be ready until the following morning.

Natalie takes Matthew back to Llanfair, where he sadly tells her he is missing Jen. Natalie tells him that she knows how many people loved his sister. Viki comes in and manages to take Matthew's mind off things by showing him an old video tape of Asa, Clint, and Bo racing horses.

5/23 Pennsylvania's Attorney General accuses Bo and John of waging a vendetta against Daniel. John collars the runaway coroner, who sheepishly admits how he falsified his autopsy report on orders from the district attorney.

5/24 A large crowd gathers for Daniel's induction to the position of new Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania. As the judge is about to begin the swearing in process, Bo and John race against time to get a warrant for Daniel's arrest. Thanks to John's last minute words, the Assistant Attorney General agrees to issue a warrant.

Bo and John arrive on the scene and tell the judge to stop the proceedings. Bo offers Daniel a chance to "do this" in private, but Daniel tells Bo he isn't going to put a stop to the ceremony. Nora steps in to defend her husband. She is livid that Bo would go to such lengths to tarnish Daniel's career simply because he has a personal vendetta against Colson.

Bo can't believe that Nora is still so blind to Daniel's actions, and he finds himself forced to make the arrest in public. "Daniel Colson, I have a warrant for your arrest in the murder of Jen Rappaport," Bo states, as the crowd goes wild. Lindsay looks livid as she finally learns who is responsible for her daughter's death. Nora is rendered speechless.

5/25 DANIEL IS ARRESTED! As the disbelieving crowd looks on, Bo and John arrest Colson for the murders of Jen and Paul. Both Nora and Daniel are at first annoyed and blame the police commissioner for being out to get him. When John cuffs the former DA, Nora demands reasons and answers for Daniel's alleged killings, and especially of Paul's blackmailing.

Bo tries to take it inside in order to keep it private but Nora keeps pushing for more information. She's snotty and threatens litigation, forcing Bo to talk. An affair is the reason behind the blackmail, he states. The governor is finished; he's had enough scandal to deal with. Again Bo tries to take it inside and again Nora keeps pushing. Daniel challenges him. The affair isn't with a woman, Bo quickly says. Nora is totally confused as Rex explodes and loudly spells it out for all to hear; he's having an affair with a man. Confusion ensues as Riley jumps Rex. Mark comes to the front and announces the affair they've been having for six months.

5/26 Mark's announcement sends shock waves through the crowd at City Hall and the wider audience watching on TV. John reads Daniel his rights and leads the prisoner away.

5/27 Natalie tries to comfort Nora, telling her that she knows what it's like to be married to someone you don't know. Bo and John come to take Daniel away, and Nora goes back inside Bo's office alone; she collapses in tears. Evangeline rips into John about the manner in which Colson was arrested. She feels that things could have been handled differently in order to protect Nora. John explains to her that Bo offered Daniel a chance to do things in private, but the D.A. refused. Evangeline says that she doesn't want to blame John, but she is frustrated at not being allowed to comfort her best friend. Glumly, she returns to her office. Natalie has been instrumental in helping John keep the reporters away from the station, and in the wake of Van's departure, she comes in and gives John a hug. The song "Broken" by Seether is heard while Riley continues to drink at City Hall; Lindsay, Marcie, Rex, and Michael pack away Jen's photos; Evangeline holds the key to John's room in her hands; and John and Natalie reflect somberly at the police station.

5/30 John won't hear of it when Natalie offers to act as a decoy in order to bring the "Killing Club" murderer out into the public. She points out that she was the target at the diner. Though he tries to talk her out of it, she's not completely convinced and decides that she might act anyway. He insists that she drop this idea.

5/31 Natalie fills Rex in on her plan to use herself as a decoy to trap the Killing Club Killer. Rex thinks the scheme is foolish and accuses Natalie of only wanting to get John's attention. When John praises her for her office work, Rex points out that Nat doesn't have to do anything to get the Chief of Detective's attention; she already has it. Natalie flashes a devilish grin. John has been hard at work grilling Marcie and Hayes about the murders. He is suspicious when Hayes opts out of assisting him any further. John is more successful when it comes to Marcie: she agrees to write him detailed descriptions of everyone who was ever involved with the real-life killing club, past and present. After Marcie leaves, John convenes with Bo. He tells his boss that Lindsay has been waiting to see Daniel, but that he was waiting for Bo to make the call. "I already made it," Bo says.

6/1 John is pretty sure that Natalie will listen to him and not go off pursuing the Killing Club murderer. Rex tries to talk her out of it too but finally gives in and agrees to help her; he'd rather know what she was up to than not. Nat does deny planning anything to both John and Viki when she stops by but Viki is more certain that she's up to something. Nat wants Rex to accompany her to a place she spotted on a map that resembles a place in Marcie's book.

6/2 Natalie and Rex venture to the nature preserve to scout out the next possible location for the Killing Club murderer to next strike. After finding the most plausible, Rex is knocked unconscious and the killer has Natalie in his sights. John realizes where Natalie and Rex have gone after Evangeline finds the book with the clues marked.

6/3 John revives Rex and they frantically search for Natalie. They come across her, and John pushes her to the forest floor just as an arrow flies loose from the cross bow. He takes chase after the killer, but returns empty handed. Assuring himself that Natalie is okay, he lets her have a piece of his mind about her foolish scheme.

Rex leaves for the hospital to be treated for his knock to the head. John yells at Natalie, "The last thing I need is for someone I love to get killed again!" She is shocked to hear this declaration, which he tries to downplay by saying he is simply concerned about all of the people close to him. They return to the station, where Michael is waiting for John. He also calls Natalie on her preposterous shenanigans, but John maintains that some good may actually have come out of this: the arrow has a serial number that could allow them to trace the person who purchased it! Back at the station, a determined John punches the serial number from the arrow into his database.

6/6 After tracing the serial numbers on the arrow shot at Natalie, John learns the crossbow was purchased by Hayes Barber, who is at the Palace having dinner with Marci. Natalie relishes in the fact that John said that he couldn't lose another person he loves. Michael however brings her down from cloud nine by pointing out his avid support for John and Evangeline's coupling and that John would have said the same thing to Evangeline had it been her in Natalie's place.

John acquires a search warrant for Hayes' home and makes his way to the Palace to arrest him. After searching his car, the police fine some very incriminating evidence including a gas can, a saw, and bullets the same caliber as those used to shoot Julie's tire, and arrows. Hayes explains it all as items he uses to help promote the book. Before John gets the chance to further question him, Hayes' lawyer shows up and he's released into his lawyer's custody. John scolds Natalie for her reckless behavior and nearly getting herself killed. Natalia is about to ask him about him saying he loved her, but Evangeline knocks interrupting what Natalie was about to say.

6/8 Evangeline wants details on Nat's almost murder from John; he thanks her for finding the marked pages in the book that led to Nat's whereabouts. John requests a warrant on Hayes. Evangeline heads to the hospital for a deposition. Hayes shows up and creeps Marcie out. He can't believe that he made her into something and she thinks he's the murderer. He insists that he only had props in his car, not the real weapons. John arrives to question Hayes but he refuses to talk without his lawyer present.

By the time he storms out, Marcie has decided that he's not the killer after all. He's too obvious and something he said about her past being the road map has convinced her that it's someone else, most likely from the past. Ron brings her yearbook out so that she can begin to get pictures and information for John. He thinks a reunion of the old club is due.

Michael looks at Nat's gash and she refuses to heed his advice. She still plans on going after John, even if Michael thinks his brother will break her heart. Besides, he likes John and Evangeline together because she's good for him. Natalie tries to pry John's secret out of Michael to no avail. She insists that John said he loves her though Michael tries to point out the difference between what she thinks he means and his loving someone like his brother or chocolate ice cream. Evangeline hears Natalie talk about John's loving her.

Back at the station, Nat asks John out to shoot some pool. He rudely tells her no. An angry Evangeline arrives to talk to John. He wants to wait but she's not about to. He can't tell her he loves her but he told Natalie?

6/9 Evangeline confronts John about their relationship, while a curious Natalie tries to figure out why Evangeline had to have a private discussion with John. Evangeline is upset over what he said to Natalie in the woods, and has come to the realization that he is not to the point in the relationship that she wants or needs him to be. John tells her he really does not want the relationship to end but a frustrated Evangeline insists that she can no longer tell herself that John really does love her but just can't bring himself to say it, and that she knows that he can not lover her the way she wants to be loved. John reassures Evangeline that he does not love Natalie, but she still wants to end it. John comes to the realization that no matter how hard he tired he could not bring himself to fall in love again and that he has lost Evangeline. As she leaves, John informs Natalie that he's not taking any more calls for the day giving Natalie some insight into what happened between him and Evangeline.

6/10 Evangeline is in the park, crying over her breakup with John, when Michael stumbles upon her while out for a jog. He comforts her and confirms that John is an idiot. Evangeline insists that Natalie wasn't the cause of the breakup, but merely a symptom. Michael doesn't want to leave Van alone in the park, but she demands that he do so. She reflects on her ex-boyfriend as a musical montage of John and Evangeline appears on the screen.

Back at the station, John is dismissive with Natalie. He sits alone in his office, also reflecting on the breakup with Van, when Michael barges in and demands to know what his brother's problem is. Michael calls John on his ridiculous treatment of Van, and reminds his brother that when a woman you've been sleeping with for a year asks you if you love her, "the answer is always yes." John raises his voice in frustration, sick of Michael's meddling.

Back at Roxanne's hotel, Natalie tells Roxy that John and Van have broken up. Roxy gives Nat a key to John's room and tells her to wait for him beneath the sheets! As John enters the lobby, Roxy scurries off. A somber John asks Natalie if she has a minute. "Of course," she says. When he asks if they can have this discussion in his room, a look of eager anticipation crosses Natalie's face.

Dvd #9B 4 6/13 After her breakup with John, Evangeline turns to Nora for comfort and a shoulder on which she can cry. Nora just feels good to be needed by someone and welcomes the company. Evangeline informs her that she couldn't take the fact that John said he loves Natalie, and in courtroom style banter Nora tries to convince Evangeline to take what she heard with a grain of salt. Nora truly believes that Evangeline and John are meant to be together and that he does love Evangeline and any feelings he has for Natalie are not the same as what he feels for Evangeline, after convincing Evangeline decides to go back to John and try to work things out.

Meanwhile, John is trying to convince Natalie that he does not love her. He tells her that he regrets saying what he said in the woods. Natalie does not want to believe him. She insists that he does in fact love her and could not love Evangeline because they are so different and only Natalie can know where he is coming from because she has had a similar life. John insists still that he does not love Natalie and he needs her to drop this because unless she does Evangeline will never have faith in him again.

Natalie wants to know why and asks him if he wants Evangeline back. Horrified she asks if he loves Evangeline? He gets defensive and won’t answer her. She tells him that love isn’t just a word, its a feeling that he either feels or he doesn’t. He insists that he doesn’t love Natalie. Bitterly she says that she gets it now. He pulls her into his arm and tells her how sorry he is as she cries.

6/14 Evangeline walks in on John and Natalie's innocent hug and struggles to hold back tears. She tells them that the least they could have done would be to shut the door. She rips into Natalie for throwing herself at John. When Natalie tries to defend herself, Van tells her to shut up and calls her "Princess." Van asks John if anything he's ever told her is true. Natalie is irritated and attacks Evangeline. John stops her and tells Nat to leave Van alone. He tells Nat that he is sorry but he can’t be her sole mate. He then apologizes to Evangeline and he futilely tries to explain that he tried but he couldn’t give her what she needs. She tells him that he can be that man. He says he can’t dissect himself, not even for her. She cringes that is her answer. She puts down his key and tells him goodbye. She storms out. Natalie is satisfied with the outcome and says that its for the best, as Van wants him to be something he isn’t while she Natalie can accept him for who he is. He says if that is true then why is she trying to piss him off. She backs off and tells him she will give him his space but she will never forget him admitting his feelings for her.

Later, John sorrowfully looks at an old newspaper clipping announcing his father's death in the line of duty.

Todd grabs Tess and tells her to stop insulting Viki, Viki goes into coronary arrest. While Todd and Tess continue to argue, Viki suffers a massive heart attack and falls to the floor unnoticed. Todd turns to discover his fallen sister and rushes to her side. He asks Tess to call 911, but she laughs in his face and walks off.

6/15 Viki is sedated and off the ventilator. Paige explains that if she doesn't rally, then a more aggressive approach will be tried. Jess prays and Nat overhears. She tries to convince Jess to marry Antonio and advises her that true love can heal and it will heal Viki as well. Viki recalls the fight with Tess and suddenly an alarm goes off on her monitor. She's given CPR.

6/16 Michael takes Marcie's yearbook to John. John and Michael have an argument about John's past and his baggage. Michael believes that John should come clean with Evangeline about his feelings for her and his history. Michael strongly believes that Evangeline is better for him than Natalie. John is reluctant to call Evangeline and tell him everything about himself. He still does not want to completely open up. Everyone at the hospital is relieved to hear that Viki is going to make it; however she will need to have the surgery in order to ensure that she stays healthy.

6/17 Back at the station, Natalie continues to fend off Michael's comments regarding her behavior towards John. When she goes to deliver a file to Lieutenant McBain, he is very dismissive with her. When Evangeline arrives back at the station, Natalie tells her that John does not want to be bothered. Van claims that bothering John is her last intention, but Natalie doesn't stop. She walks out from behind her desk and stands in front of Evangeline. "Evangeline," she says, "my only problem is you." Meanwhile, John mourns Father's Day by looking at newspaper clippings from the time of his father's death. One of the clippings mentions a cop killer that got away; the cop killer being the man who killed his father.

6/20 Natalie and Evangeline continue to square off over John. Natalie tells Evangeline that what she had with John was meaningless, and that she cannot connect with him like Natalie can. Natalie accuses Evangeline of being stuck up and that her family does not love her for who she is, further enraging Evangeline. Van accuses Natalie of using John's hero complex to her advantage by putting herself in danger and always being in need of him in order to get his attention. After heated words, Natalie raises her hand to slap Evangeline though sheblocks the attempt. Michael finds John at the gym where he has been reminiscing about his father, remembering how he taught him to box and then recalling his death. His father imparts with him some advice that he would rather him not remember his death but to remember the life that they had. He points out that John always made sure everyone else was happy before himself and that he now needs to make sure that he is happy as well. It is shortly after this that Michael shows up.

6/22 At the hospital, Jess fusses over Viki while Nat asks for advice on going after something that she wants. The others know it's all about John. Viki warns her that it could be tricky and not to rush anything because it may not be the right thing for her. As Evangeline gets ready for the Woman of the Year Award banquet, John arrives to wish her luck. After sending her mother out on an errand, Evangeline insists on returning John's mother's pearls, even though he wants her to keep them. He's shaken after hearing she has a date with Kevin but wishes her luck again and puts the pearls into his pocket.

When Nat shows up she informs Rex that she's decided not to participate in any dangerous stunt to try to capture John's attention. She's decided to wait for him instead. Rex confuses her and causes her to question her latest decision. When she asks for a sign of her own, John enters the place to buy a cup of regular, boring coffee. Nat goes up to the counter to say hi and John asks what she and Rex are up to. Nothing yet, she replies. When he goes to pay for the coffee, the pearls spill from his pocket. Smiling to herself, Nat retrieves them.

6/24 Natalie spots Todd leaving Llanfair with Jessica's belongings and demands to know what he's doing. He tells her that Jess has to go away for a while, under doctor's orders. Natalie demands specifics, but Todd tells her she's getting no further information from him. He says that Viki knows Jess is going away, and that she is fine with it. Natalie realizes she is getting nothing more out of her uncle, and watches him leave with her sister's stuff.

Rex shows up just as Todd is leaving, having concocted a plan to get John and Natalie together. He has manufactured a letter from the Killing Club Killer that references a drowning from the book. He plans to have the letter, along with a picture of Natalie, delivered to John. Natalie insists that she wants no part in this scheme, because she wants to win John on her own terms, with no manipulation. Rex believes that Natalie has to step up to the plate and take action.

At the Palace, John shows up for the ceremony in order to keep a close eye on Hayes, and Evangeline has mixed emotions upon seeing him. Evangeline's mother, however, has only one opinion and she tells McBain he's not wanted! In a corner of the room, Rex watches as John receives a special delivery, the letter from "the Killer!"

6/27 John finds the torn out page with Natalie's picture and rushes off. After leaving the gala, John follows the clues to the docks where he believes Natalie is either being held or is hurt. While searching for a sign of Natalie John hears some cluttering around and finds Rex. Rex tries to play it off as if he was interested in helping but after realizing that there is no use in trying to cover for himself he admits that it was all a set up While Nora delivers her introduction a nervous Evangeline goes over her notes for her acceptance speech when a gloved hand grabs her and it appears renders her unconscious with chloroform or a sedative of some sort.

6/28 At the docks, Rex reveals to John that the letter was a setup to get Natalie and John together. McBain is livid, reminding Rex that he was supposed to be monitoring the Woman of the Year ceremony. He storms off, leaving Rex to wonder where his sister could be.

Back at the Palace, Nora introduces Evangeline, who fails to come on stage for her acceptance speech. Nora makes a couple of jokes, then leaves the stage to look for Van. Soon it becomes clear that she is missing. Mrs. Williamson runs up to John as soon as he arrives back at the Palace, demanding to know what he did to her daughter. John is surprised to learn that Evangeline is missing. Bo calls in more officers and has the place barricaded.

Meanwhile, a drunken Roxy stumbles into the ballroom and accepts the trophy in her own honor! She also makes a crack at John about Evangeline leaving the Palace with another man, and John grills her for more information. It slowly becomes apparent that Roxy witnessed Evangeline being kidnapped. John calls to report a kidnapping and put out an APB. Evangeline's mother overhears him and is distraught to know that "Cookie" has been abducted. Evangeline regains consciousness in a creepy, abandoned basement. She remembers being attacked at the Palace. As she starts to look for a way out of the dark room, she notices a body in the corner. Upon investigating, she realizes that it's an unconscious Natalie!

6/29 Rex wants to know if John has heard from Natalie; he figures she's in the same trouble as Evangeline and it's John's fault. John pretty much wants nothing to do with Rex after learning about the fake letter. He meets with Hayes instead and expresses interest that something happened as soon as surveillance was taken off of him. He also mentions that the car spotted with Evangeline was the same make and model as the one belonging to Hayes. The suspect scoffs, wondering who would believe the word of a drunken Roxy. There's no bad publicity for an agent, John reminds him. Evangeline and Nat are prisoners and when Nat finally comes to, the women bond. It's determined that they're being used to get to John and while

Natalie expresses her relief that her fake letter to John about her kidnapping wasn't mailed, it dawns on Evangeline that he did indeed see the letter. The killer apparently spotted it in her purse when he nabbed Nat first and planted it. Nat tries to apologize; they hope that John doesn't show up and fall into the killer's trap. They agree not to blame anyone for anything, including Evangeline and John's breakup and instead focus on getting themselves out.

6/30 An unlikely team of Natalie and Evangeline try to figure out a way out of the basement in which their abductor has them. Natalie spots the window and after vowing that either both get out or neither do they come up with a plan to concoct a makeshift ladder that reaches it and using Evangeline's shoe they break the window. Just when it looks like they may have reached freedom, the Killing Club Killer grabs Natalie's hand. She only gets free when Evangeline throws her other shoe at him jarring him just enough for Natalie to get free of his grip. John is still working as diligently as ever to find and rescue the girls, but he finds an unwelcome assistant in Rex. After Bo realizes how worn out John is becoming he offers to help him with the case. John accepts the help and they decide that the answer to the abductions lies in the Killing Club. Hearing this gives Rex an idea. He decides to go straight to the source and finds Marcie at the hotel. He tells Marcie that Natalie has been kidnapped and he believes it ties into the book. Marcie adamantly disagrees pointing out that the book never included a double kidnapping. After arguing for a while she is informed that a large envelope was left for her.

To her horror she finds evidence that the kidnappings are related to the Killing Club but not to the book. She immediately takes the evidence to Bo and John at the station. She informs them that it is an excerpt from the original Killing Club journal. The page includes a paragraph stating that two girls thought they were "so hot just because they were captains of the cheerleading squad." She can't remember the rest though, which leaves John and Bo still at somewhat of a loss.

7/1 Marcie continues to be pressured by John and Bo into remembering what happened to the cheerleaders in the original Killing Club journals. She grows distressed as she is unable to remember anything substantial. John deduces that the killer could be using the house where Marcie grew up to hide Evangeline and Natalie, but Bo reminds him that the vehicle was not headed towards New Jersey. John asks Marcie for the address of her old home.

John and Bo realize that there is an identical address in Llanview. They race to the house, along with several officers, only to find that the killer has moved on. John is disturbed when he discovers Evangeline's dress in the abandoned basement, but Bo tries to steady his partner. John then notices a note attached to the window that Natalie tried to escape through; the note reads "Ask Marcie about B and B." John and Bo race back to the station, where they show Marcie the note. She struggles to remember, and when she does, the memory is horrifying.

Meanwhile, the killer has transported Natalie and Evangeline to a deserted gymnasium, where he has forced them into cheerleaders' costumes and tied them to basketball hoop poles. Around each pole is a significant bunch of kindling, ready to be lit on fire. The killer plans to burn the ladies to death!

7/4 John follows the clues and information given by Marcie and heads to the love center to try to rescue Natalie and Evangeline who are currently tied to poles with a blazing pyre beneath them. John is fighting to get to the girls in time. After finding bolt cutters he gets into the center he is faced with another obstacle though another set of doors are chained off and to the left another that is locked. He pries the door open and finds the girls tied to the stakes and notices Natalie is unconscious while Evangeline is struggling against the ropes binding her. He first cuts Natalie down and after ensuring she is out of harm's way he heads to Evangeline who is nearly unconscious. After saving her, Bo enters and asks where Natalie is?

7/5 Natalie has been kidnapped again! John discovers her bracelet and deduces that the killer stuffed her body down the laundry chute. Viki is near hysterics, but Bo steps in and offers to take her home. John shows up at the hospital and Michael tries to force him to have his hand examined. John explodes with impatience.

7/6 Although hurt, Evangeline tells John she understands why he rescued Natalie first. Evangeline points out some painful truths to John. John and Evangeline sadly part. Marcie tells John her original Killing Club journal has been stolen. The killer is seen with Marcie's journal.

7/7 Viki questions John on how the investigation is going but he informs her that they have not found her yet. After Viki leaves, Marcie asks if he thinks it's Marcie's fault he informs her that he thinks it is his. She offers her help with the case and making phone calls trying to find anything out. He willingly accepts and escorts her back to the police station to make some calls warning her about being out alone. The killer is going through pages of the original Killing Club journals plotting his (or her) next acts.

7/8 Evangeline comes back to the Love Center, where she stumbles upon John. He confesses to being worried sick about Natalie, and Van tells him to admit that he wishes she had been kidnapped instead. John denies this and once again tries to explain why he saved Natalie first: because she was unconscious. He maintains that the decision was not an emotional one, and Evangeline tells him that she does not blame him. They leave together and walk through the park, where John tells her that she is all he ever wanted. When she tells him to prove it, John kisses her. This unsettles Evangeline, who reminds him that his inability to tell her he loves her is what broke them up in the first place. Suddenly, Evangeline remembers that while the killer was preventing Natalie from climbing out the window, Evangeline heard footsteps upstairs in the house. She and John deduce that there is more than one killer, and John races off to the police station. At the station, Roxy is livid that no one informed her that Natalie is missing. Bo and Rex receive the majority of her wrath, and Viki shows up in time to apologize on all of their behalf's. Roxy insists that she wasn't told because they don't think of her as Natalie's mother. She breaks down in tears, explaining that she always did the best she could for Nat and that they had come to depend on one another. Viki comforts Roxy, telling her that she can come by Llanfair any time she needs to talk. The two women remind each other how much Natalie loves both of them. Back at the station, John reveals to Bo and Rex that there is more than one killing club killer. In a dark basement, a group of people are shown from the neck down, gathering around one man, who holds Marcie's original Killing Club journals. The man announces that in high school, no clique would accept them, not even the Killing Club. It appears from this scenario that there are multiple killers on the loose!

7/11 After realizing that it had to be two killers, Bo and John ask Marcie to come in and help them brainstorm. Rex decides he has to join them because he wants to help find Natalie. Reluctantly Bo agrees to allow him to sit in while they talk to Marcie. Marcie is at first unable to recall much about the killings until they mention the possibility of a second killer which reminds her that there were two people working on the "cheerleader" murder. She realizes that she could never recall the murder of two girls because they had only planned to kill the one and allow the "survivor" to live as a warning. She provides them with the names and some background information on the two guys who worked on that particular entry in the Killing Club. Of the two, one seems like a perfect match for the Killing Club killer; however Marcie informs them that he is dead leading to another dead end. A frustrated Rex gets angry with Marcie and Bo kicks him out of the station. After hearing about the note left for Evangeline, John shows up and takes the note back to the station. The note is a cryptic message stating that "she was gone" but "the others did not know that she was still there to hear them cheer." Marcie is unable to decipher the cryptic message but recognizes the symbol on the envelope. She states that the coffin with KC inscribed on it stands for a scenario that they were sure could be pulled off perfectly. Marcie is convinced that this means Natalie is already dead.

7/12 Bo interviews the janitor in Evangeline's office building, who seems suddenly reluctant to admit to seeing anyone suspicious in the vicinity. Once the guard leaves the room, the janitor opens up to Bo, offering a vague description of a twenty something man about six feet tall, wearing a dark cap. Bo releases the janitor and calls the guard back into the room. He tells the guard to get the names of everyone who works in the building, unaware that this very guard seems to be the person the janitor was describing! A profiler named Grant Davis shows up at the station to assist John, per the mayor's orders. John gives the guy a chance, but feels that he's not bringing anything new to the table. Marcie reveals to Evangeline just how upset John was when she disappeared from the Woman of the Year Awards ceremony. John intercepts a call from Natalie’s cell phone. John hangs up and says that the killer played a recording of spectators at a football game, which prompts Marcie to remember how the story in the original Killing Club journal ended, with the cheerleader being buried alive! Bo immediately orders a list of every high school football field in the area. Evangeline tells them to check Kendall Creek first; it's a private school near her apartment building. John and an officer race to Kendall Creek and discover a marked up area that the killer has just abandoned. John starts digging frantically, hoping to rescue Natalie before it's too late.

7/13 Viki runs to Bo, hysterical, to advise him that she's received a call from the killer from Natalie's phone, taunting her. In the meantime, John digs frantically after locating GPS on Nat's phone but only comes across a note from the killer. It's a page from the killing club journal and obviously is meant to scare John, as it suggests that there's nothing wrong with killing cops. Michael comes by and they return to the police station together, where Evangeline and Marcie have been waiting for news. When Viki learns of the circumstances surrounding the locating of the items, she begins to feel faint and collapses. When she collects herself, John reassures her that the killer will need to keep Nat alive so that he can have power over them. Bo suggests that John get some rest as well and Evangeline offers to get him home. Bo agrees with Michael, that the killer will possibly come after John. Arriving at home, John falls asleep rather quickly, even without the brandy that Evangeline pours for him. He's restless though and has a nightmare.

7/14 Rex is taking a run through the quarry when he comes upon John overseeing a search. Upset, he accuses John of wasting his time searching for Natalie in the quarry when he should be searching for her somewhere else. John blames Rex for the whole kidnapping. He thinks that if Rex had not written the bogus note and sent him on the wild goose chase, John would have been at the awards ceremony when the killer abducted Evangeline and he may have caught him and Natalie never even would have been taken. John tells Rex that if Natalie dies, her blood is on his hands.

A clearly angry Rex retaliates physically, punching John in the face. After regaining his composure, John asks Rex if he should, "knock him out or take him in." Rex asks for John to give him a break. He explains that he was not brought up with a father to teach him what to do and he makes mistakes.

Considering that Rex is Natalie's brother, John lets him off the hook and Rex leaves him to continue to his business. After the scuffle with Rex, John makes his way to the hospital to have his hand redressed. He comes upon Kelly who has come there to see Spencer and Kelly asks how he is and wishes him luck on the case.

After leaving the hospital, John visits Viki to see how she is doing. She informs him of the doctor's orders to stay in bed for the next few days and asks how the investigation is going. She can clearly see that the investigation is taking a toll on him. She reassures John that Natalie's disappearance is not his fault. She then shows her sympathy for Evangeline as well, expressing her regret that John was put in the position to choose whom to save first. She leaves John with some encouraging words telling him not to give up and to continue having faith.

The toll of the case is even more visible when John is at the shooting range and he gets shaky when trying to shoot his gun. He forces himself to pull it together and continues practicing.

7/15 John is torn up inside about his inability to locate Natalie. He opens the wound in his hand yet again while taking practice shots at the range. Heading over to the station, he rounds up Hayes loitering outside with a gun. Bo checks into the gun and discovers that it has been properly registered. Hayes warns Bo and John that he's sick of being harassed.

Later, Bo calls John into his office: the Mayor wants John removed from the Killing Club case, because he's sick of getting heat from Hayes Barber and his attorney.

7/18 At the station, the search for the killer is in full swing; however Bo is stuck with having to inform John that the mayor wants him pulled off of the case. John insists that he can handle the case even though it is so close and personal for him. While discussing his abilities to handle the case Evangeline shows up with the letter that she found in her apartment.

After going over the note, John insists that he will go and try to catch the killer. Bo concedes and allows him to go stating his confidence that John can handle himself properly with the case. Before allowing John to leave Evangeline stops him and insists that she go along. John is reluctant to allow it, but after realizing that she will not give in on the subject he concedes with the condition that she stay in the car.

At Capricorn, John and the team he assembled is waiting out back. They think they've cornered the killer; however Evangeline runs up telling them that the person they've got is her little sister. After realizing the error in leaving a cryptic note for her sister she apologizes and the officers disperse leaving Evangeline and Layla to catch up.

While the two are talking about old times, a mysterious figure makes his way through the halls of Evangeline's apartment complex and comes across number 42 which as shown in his or her hand is Evangeline Williamson's apartment.

**The End**

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