The quality is best on the Kevin & Cassie tapes #1-4. Somewhere around K&C tape #5 or #6 I had split my cable signal and the next few months after that the quality of my OLTL tapes went downhill - then I discovered an amplifier - great device. But these first four are good! I love Kevin’s early stuff, especially. Just to clarify these tapes are with Kevin Stapleton as Kevin and cover all of the Kevin and Cassie early storyline from the time they meet. I have recently copied the Kevin & Cassie tapes #5-8 and the fan was happy with them being warned about the reduced quality before hand.

I decided to edit to Kevin and include all of his first scenes. Every scene with Kevin & Cassie together is included. Many of their scenes separately are also included as I edit to a storyline and want to be able to follow what happens. Around K&C#2, I decided not to include every Kevin scene unless it advanced his storyline. If he was just standing around listening to someone's problems, or was in the scene to propel another character's storyline but wasn't about him then I skipped it unless it was important to understand his actions later on. Around #8, I became impatient with the lack of storyline between K&C and skipped several scenes between Kevin & Tea.

Kevin & Cassie #1, Kevin & Cassie #2, Kevin & Cassie #3, Kevin & Cassie #4, Kevin & Cassie #5, Kevin & Cassie #6, Kevin & Cassie #7, and Kevin & Cassie #8

Kevin & Cassie #1  March 1- April 22, 1996 - SP 2:41 mins

Kevin's first scene (with Kevin Stapleton), he calls Uncle Bo from jail in Ireland. Bo travels back to Ireland to see Kevin and get him out of jail. Kevin calls Vicki and tells her he is coming home. Bo & Kevin figure out someone was after the film in his camera, he has a shot of Poseidon’s ring. Blair arrives with questions about Todd's death. Her and Kev have lunch. Bo & Kevin on plane home, catch up. Kevin surprises an ecstatic Vicki. Kev shows up at the house he shared with Joey and walks in on an intimate moment between Joey and Kelly. Then Joey and Kev argue over bedrooms. Kevin takes flowers to Andy, he wants her back (they were an item till he wrote her a Dear Jane letter from London). She tells him she is in love with someone else. While they are having dinner, Antonio walks in and sees them holding hands. Later, Kevin overhears that Antonio is in debt to loan sharks and decides to investigate him. Kevin & Bo discuss his picture of Poseidon’s ring.

Cassie & Andrew arrive at Blair’s "Friend of Llanview" party. Cassie realizes that now Kevin is back at the Banner, he will get all the big stories so she accepts Blair's offer to come work for The Sun. March 15, Kevin & Cassie's first scene together. Blair presents the mysterious guest, everyone is shocked to see Carlo is alive! Carlo tells how Vicki killed his son (complete with flashback). Cassie is doing the reporting for the Sun, Kevin for the Banner. Kevin at Police department, trying to get info on Carlo. Kevin & Andy talk about Antonio, Kevin still cares about Andy. Andy runs into Kevin at Logan's Dept store, he is picking out a tie for an undercover assignment. Antonio walks in just as Kevin puts his arm around Andy. Kevin lures Andy to a restaurant, he has info on a witness who can clear Antonio of the murder he was sent to prison for. Cassie & Andy argue over her working for The Sun. Kevin walks in on Joey & Kelly again. Cassie goes to the Banner to clean out her desk. Clint is upset with Cassie for leaving The Banner with no notice. Kevin comes in and so the rivalry begins between the two (he is the only one who understands and supports her decision to go to the Sun).

Cassie & Andrew argue over her working for The Sun. Kev walks in on Joey & Kelly again. Cassie goes to The Banner to clean out her desk. Clint is upset with her for leaving with no notice. Kevin comes in as Cassie is packing up, and so the rivalry begins! At the Waterside Inn, Cassie sees Kevin reading her piece in The Sun on Carlo, he calls it a "puff piece" and accuses her of giving Carlo free PR - several scenes between them. Kevin at Asa's wedding to Alex, he pressures Clint to let him run exposes on Carlo. A call comes in that there was an explosion at the Buchanan's oil refinery in Texas. Kevin pumps Blair for info on Cassie's whereabouts, she says she doesn't know, Patrick tells him Cass is in Texas covering the story.

At the airport (returning from Texas), K&C run into each other, Cass drops her files, Kevin picked them up and Cassie ran ahead of him to the airport's fax machine. Kevin gave her back her folders and accidentally kept one. She follows him to Roadies to find out how he knew she was in Texas, they have a beer. Andrew walked in on that and kinda railed into Cassie for going for a drink with Kevin instead of coming home first.

The next day, the Buchanan's are worried about Carlo's vendetta against the family. Kevin is determined to expose Carlo. Kevin realizes he still has one of Cassie's folders which contains Carlo's unedited interview with Cass! Kevin needles Carlo and tells him he is going to publish the interview which has damaging statements against Carlo. Kevin & Joey talk about Cassie. Blair and Cassie have words over Kevin's printing Cassie's interview. Kevin sends Cassie roses thanking her for the story. Cassie shows up at The Banner and gives him the sneakers in retaliation, "Sneakers, for the sneakiest guy I know". He sets them on top of his computer monitor. Kevin gets a note that Carlo wants to see him. When they meet Kevin continues to push Carlo and tells him he saw him in Ireland with Bass (he didn't really). Vicki calls Bo & Kevin and tells them she just had a visit from Carlo and he has made subtle threats against Kevin.

Later, Kevin is stabbed in the parking lot. Cassie finds him, calls the ambulance, everyone is at the hospital worried about Kevin. Larry tells them Kevin will be okay. Cass visits Kevin in the ER. Meanwhile, Andy finds the knife and recognizes that it is Antonio's, she hides it. Back to the ER, when Cass turns to go, Kevin begs her to stay that he doesn't want to be alone. Then Clint & Vickie show up. Back home an upset Cass tells Andrew about Kevin being stabbed. Kevin & Patrick talk to Bo. Carlo shows up in the ER and Vicki tells him off, she thinks he is responsible for Kevin's stabbing. Cass visits Kevin before he goes off to surgery. She tells him how brave he is, how courageous - cute scene.

Kevin & Cassie #2 - SP, T-160 - 2hrs 41 mins

Joey visits Kevin in the hospital and teases him. Then Andy questions Kevin about the stabbing. Kevin later flirting with a nurse, Cass comes in. He thanks her for saving his life. Javier shows Carlo the knife and Carlo realizes that Javier was behind the stabbing (he set it up to make Antonio look guilty). Kevin wants Patrick to sneak him out of the hospital, he refuses. Kevin is bugging his nurse to get him released. Cass visits and tells Kevin how much she admires him and wants to do a story on him. He agrees to tell her anything as long as she will help him sneak out (he really wants to go to an auction to cover it for a story). She laughs at him but later comes back, in disguise as a buxom nurse. As she helps him dress, does his buttons, he is dying to kiss her. She takes him to the auction, then they go to the diner. While she is in the bathroom he changes the article she has written about him to a glowing report (as a joke). Later, Andrew distracts Cassie and she turns her article in without proof reading it.

The next day, Cassie reads the article in The Sun. Kevin goes to Patrick to find out what he knows about Carlo. Cassie later confronts Kevin about the changes that he made and tells him off. He was just goofing around, never figured that she wouldn't proof it. She storms out mad, later calls and swears revenge.

Cassie walks in as Carlo is suggesting to Blair that she keep Cassie in line. Cassie & Carlo have words. Cassie runs into Carlo at the Waterside Inn (he is waiting for Patrick who plans on stowing away aboard Carlo's yacht). Cassie suspects that Kevin is onto something. When Patrick doesn't show up, Kev goes to the stables and finds that Patrick has left for the marina without him. Blair & Cass talk about their coverage of Carlo. Kevin runs into Asa acting crazy, Kevin takes him to the hospital. Cass shows up at the hospital trying to get info on Asa, Kevin bites her head off and accuses her of intending on writing a sleazy article about Asa. She tells him she came as a friend as she knew he was upset about Asa.

Kevin tells Bo about Patrick going out on Carlo's yacht (P&M are missing stranded on the island). Kevin, Bo, and gang at the dock when Carlo returns. Cord, Joey, Kevin talk about Kevin doing an article on Asa's dementia - Cord is against it. Cass joins Kevin at the diner, apologizes for The Sun printing part of Dorian's book, which uses fictional characters to tell the story of Joey/Dorian/Vicki - Vicki of course appears in a most unfavorable light. Cute scene as they both get calls on their cell phones with info that P&M coming in on boat. They both make lame excuses to leave and get to the waterfront. K&C, Bo & gang on the dock when P&M return from their island adventure. K&C both want to get the story but Bo keeps them away to give the castaways time to rest and recuperate. Then K&C both get the idea to go to the island to write the story (great minds think alike).

Cassie is in the cabin on the island later that night, Kevin comes in and scares her. They compete over the story till they figure out that neither has been able to interview P or M. Then they try to put together what they think happened and what P&M might have done. Kev tempts Cass, and they come VERY close to kissing - she gets angry. Back at The Banner, Vicki gives Kevin's island survival article a glowing review. Dylan, in the hospital, Cass walks in to find Marty in Andrew's arms. When he leaves, Cass & Marty talk about her still being angry at Marty for almost sleeping with Andrew. Kevin finds an upset Cassie, at the park, alone in the dark. She is upset at herself for some of the things she said to Marty, Kevin defends Cassie speaking the truth.

The next day, Cord demands that Joey and Kev go to Dorian's party and tells them they need to be there for Vicki. Dorian gloating in anticipation of the triumph of her book and the party. Cassie & Andrew arrive at the party, then Vicki (dressed in red), then Kevin comes in just in time to give Vic some support. Dorian unveils her tableau of Dorian/Joey/Vicki characters. Just as Vicki is ready to leave humiliated, Cord arrives with good news. Andrew leaves completely annoyed with Dorian. As Cassie puts it, she's "stuck at the party from hell". Kevin distracts her with champagne. Dorian announces the publishing of her book, Cord announces her publishing company was just purchased by Buchanan Enterprises and they won't print the book. Vicki departs in victory. Later Cassie is sloshed, Kevin dunks her head in the pool. Andrew walks in to find Kevin with his arm around Cassie.

At Antonio's hearing, Cass arrives late with River in tow - her babysitter cancelled. Kev entertains him, even takes him out of the courtroom while Cass gets the story. Then Cass holds out her notes on the outcome of the hearing. He later catches up with her at The Waterside Inn, then Andrew once again interrupts them - this time at lunch. Their next meeting at the Waterside Inn, Kev suggests to Cass that they declare a truce and end their childish rivalry that they share their tips on stories. Cass, who knows Kev well enough, is suspicious but he seems so sincere. Kev then joins Vicki & Jessica, waits while Cass gets a mysterious phone call (which sends her out to the woods for a report on a dead body).

Cassie breaks the deal she just made with Kevin. He asks her where she is off to and she lies. She goes to woods alone, is freaked to find the dead body and is even more freaked when it moves - its Kevin playing a trick on her. They wrestle a bit, and come even closer to kissing this time. She's furious with him once again. Kevin regrets his actions, talks to Renee at Roadies. Cass comes in with Andrew, who realizes that Kevin has a thing for his wife. Renee tells Kev in that Alex wants to lock Asa up. Kev & Cass talk about Andrew, she is still real ticked at Kevin. The Buchanan guys talk about Alex, Asa, and the tie in to Carlo. Alex gets a judge to sign commitment papers on Asa.

Kevin & Joey run into Tad (Michael E. Knight, AMC). Then Cass comes across them. She shocks Kev by telling Tad what a great journalist Kev is. Fourth of July, Kelly & Joey dressed as George Washington and Betsy Ross. Kevin, Andy, Marty at the picnic/party. Fireworks with shots of the entire cast. Kevin calls Cass (split screen) and tells her he is only sharing info with her because he knows she can't go to the hospital and cover the story (Andrew is out of town, sitters night off). He then shows up at her door with a toy for River.

Kevin & Cassie #3  July 5 - Aug 14, 1996 - SP 2 hrs 41 mins

Kevin brings Cassie the disk with the story on Carlo. She couldn't get to the hospital, no sitter. He is sincere, but Cassie is suspicious. Later, Kevin still at Cass's, realizes he has feelings for her and decides to leave - he tells himself he can't get involved with her. Next day, Kevin visits Carlo in the hospital to show him the obituary he has written on Carlo. Kevin gets a hold of Poisidon's ring, he calls Bo. Bo gives the ring back to Carlo, Kevin is not happy. Bo tells Kev to be patient that they need to gather more evidence.

Cass & Andrew at Roadies, he leaves to rescue Marty. Cassie is steaming. Kevin is there to distract her. Rita comes in, Cassie is suspicious when she hears Rita is a nurse at the hospital. Kevin, Vicki, and Dr. D. Carlo tells Dr. D he wants him to turn Vicki against Kevin while she is under hypnosis. Kevin & Bo at the courthouse. Then Kevin with the Gannons and Buchanans about Rachel's addiction. Kevin wants to do an article on them. Cassie interviews Rita, Rita gets ticked at Cassie. Kevin comes in and Rita is ticked at him too - she realizes they are both just after info on Carlo. K&C wind up arguing. Cassie wants to know what evidence he found among Carlo's things at the hospital. He leaves without telling, she follows him.

Kevin listens in on Carlo & RJ talking about taking a steam bath. Cassie comes along, Kevin grabs her in a tight embrace to keep her from blowing his presence. Kevin enters the steam room where Carlo & RJ are talking about recruiting Antonio, he's covered up so they don't recognize him. Well, then comes in Cassie all swaddled up with her painted toenails in the men's steam room. Carlo gets wise, goes out and locks them in. As K&C try to get out of the locked steam room, her robe slips. Kev is mesmerized as he tells her how beautiful she is, he draws her close and bends to kiss her, and of course some idiot interrupts!

Back home, Cassie has flashbacks of Kevin. Next day, Kev goes to see Cass and tells her they need to talk. She doesn't want to admit her feelings for him and she is still desperately trying to deny them. Vicki comes in and interrupts. Kev later calls Cassie and asks her to meet him at the Waterside Inn. Clint delays Kevin from meeting her. Dr. D hypnotizes Vicki to be angry at Kevin. As Kevin leaves to meet Cassie, Andrew arrives at his office - Cassie calls Kevin while Andrew in his office. When Kevin doesn't show up, she leaves. He finally arrives, late, see her gone and has a fantasy that she returns and he kisses her. Later, Vicki blows up about Kevin to Andrew. Cassie returns to the Inn for her keys which she left on the table. Kevin talks to her about his feelings and tells her how much he desires her. She tells him she won't betray her husband. Vicki waits in Kevin's office, he's bummed about Cassie's rejection and walks in and Vicki blasts him.

Kev, Joey, and Drew hanging out at Roadies, Cassie walks in. Joey & Drew joke to each other that Kevin's love life is so sad he's reduced to hanging out with the rector's wife. Patty Maloney from "The Chieftains" meets Cassie there, Kevin tries to steal him away. Max asks them to play, they agree and play several songs. K&C agree to just be friends. Next day, Cord and Kev talk about Chieftains. Kevin tells Cord that all the good ladies are taken. Cassie & Andrew at the Waterside Inn, brings back memories for her about Kevin telling her how much he wants her. Crazy Asa, "little buckaroo" (poor Nigel), Kevin & Drew. Andrew has a major meltdown when he hears about Cassie meeting Kevin at the Inn - they have a big fight. Cassie is very upset. Kevin & Asa hanging out at the homestead.. Dorian, Blair comfort Cassie.

Alex's press conference, Cass doesn't want to talk to Kevin - he tells her he doesn't want to lose her friendship. She tells him about the fight with Andrew, he figures out the fight was about him. Vicki (still undergoing hypnosis with Dr. Demento) attacks Kevin, he is hurt and puzzled over her anger towards. Alex gives Cassie info that the water at Serenity Springs has miracle curative powers. Vicki seems bother by her outburst to Kev, there's a part of her that realizes her anger to Kev is over the top. Kev apologizes to Cass for causing problems between her and Andrew. Kev interviews Rachel & her family about her addiction.

Kev & Drew about Tad doing the interview, Kev calls Vicki and apologizes to her and she to him. Cass meets with the scientist about the water at Serenity (this is all part of Max and Asa's plan to set up Carlo). Andrew tells Cassie he has a job offer in Chicago. Kev calls Tad, sets up for him to interview Rachel and family on the addiction story. Cass & Andrew fight over him taking the job. She feels like he doesn't support her career. Dorian barges in, Cass asks her to leave. Dorian pretends to hide behind the door, but is shocked to hear Andrew's proposal to move. They throw her out for eavesdropping. Cass accuses Andrew of wanting to move out of his jealousy of Kevin. Next day, Kevin reads Cass's article on Serenity. Joey tells Kevin about Cassie's possible move. Andrew goes to see Cass at the Sun offices to get her decision on the move, she hasn't made one yet. She is swamped and tells him she can't talk. Kevin goes to see Cassie and accidentally wipes out the article she has been working feverishly to finish. He helps her rewrite it, great to see them working together. They hug in celebration when they complete it and share one of those special moments. She then leaves to meet Andrew and tells him she will move to Chicago.

Kev, Hank, Bo & Nora talk about the family going on Tad's show. The gang arrives in Pine Valley in limos. At the studio, Tad enters just before airtime.

Kevin & Cassie #4  Aug 15 - Oct 7, 1996 - 2:40 mins SP

The addiction interview bombs as Rachel blasts her family and confronts Nora with her having slept with RJ while married to Hank. At Roadies, Cassie, Andrew & Dorian watch Tad's show. Cass defends Kevin's intentions when Andrew attacks him for this fiasco. Kevin meets Gloria Marsh (AMC). Vicki watching at home, loses it and starts yelling about Kevin's involvement.

At the Inn, Cassie & Andrew talk about the proposed move to Chicago, as Kevin looks on. Andrew is really pushing them going. When he leaves the table, Kev also supports her going. He happens to mention an interesting story and they start brainstorming together, then he reminds her they can't work together if she's in Chicago - she looks crushed at the thought. Cassie and Andrew return from their trip to Chicago, Dorian rails against Andrew wanting to move there. Dorian lets slip to Kevin that Cassie is working on a story about Serenity Springs water being a miracle cure. Cassie gets a call from Blair and heads out to Serenity Springs. Of course, Kevin is out there as well. He tries to help her over some mud, she refuses and falls in. She winds up pulling him in as well and they have a mud fight.

Meanwhile, Vicki vents to Andrew about Kevin. When K&C waltz into the Inn, having gone there to clean up Vicki publicly screams at him. Kev later runs into Vicki at the park and they have a heart to heart. Todd sets fire to Patrick & Blair’s play in Angel's Square. Cassie is there reporting, as a falling light heads straight for her head Kevin rushes in and saves her! He holds her, terrified that she could have been hurt. Its obvious to Andrew how much Kevin cares about Cassie. Kevin stays to report on the fire, finds out it was arson. Patrick blames Carlo (not knowing Todd is alive). Kevin & Patrick head over to see Bo, he warns them to be careful of Carlo. Carlo shows up at the fire scene with his alibi intact. Durbin hypnotizes Vicki again and puts even more thoughts of anger towards Kevin in her mind. Kevin shows up with flowers for Vicki and she becomes enraged, throws the flowers. She raises her hand to hit him, only stops when she sees Todd out of the corner of her eye. Durbin confronts Carlo, who tells him he wants him to hypnotize Vicki to kill Kevin. Vicki continues raging and throws Kevin out.

Even Todd is worried about how Vicki is acting (he's hiding in her attic). She collapses in tears, shaken by her outburst. Kevin confronts Durbin, tells him he is hurting Vicki. Kevin seeks out Andrew and asks him to talk to Vicki. Cassie questions Bo for info on the arson. Bo gets a call that Star has been kidnapped. Cass goes to see Blair. Later, at the police dept, Cassie is frantic over the baby and Kevin and her talk. Kevin goes to see Blair. Cass follows and is touched to see him share his own story of when his son was kidnapped. Blair in church, pleads to god for Star's safe return. Kevin hears a noise and finds Star sitting in the foyer (Todd, unseen has returned her). Kevin fills Joey (who has just returned from Aruba) in on Vicki's behavior. Joey also questions Kev about his feelings for Cassie. K&C at the same press conference, he avoids Cass - she calls him on it. Andrew and the Bishop show up for tea. Cassie has completely forgotten. Bishop is concerned whether Cassie will be able to be a "strong rector's wife". She tells him she has a career and can't.

Kevin questions Alex about Star's kidnapping, Carlo is again suspected. Afterwards, K&C talk. Patrick finally tells Kevin that Todd is alive. Vicki calls the family together for a "surprise". They all gather and Todd enters the room. They are less than thrilled. Vicki wants them to all be a family, Kevin refuses to forgive and forget (Todd had blamed him for Marty's rape - Kev not involved). Next day, Cassie confronts Todd who has rewritten her article on him coming back from the dead. Kevin goes and apologizes to Vicki and tells her he will try to make peace with Todd for her sake. Blair pleads with Cassie to stay at the Sun and give Todd time to settle in. Todd tells Cassie to dig up dirt on Kevin, she refuses, and he fires her.

Cass goes to the Banner to warn Kevin, he is touched that she got fired for his sake. He goes to Todd, tries to make peace, and get Cassie her job back. Todd gets in his face, and Kevin winds up dumping the trash on Todd's desk. Kevin asks Clint to consider hiring Cassie back at the Banner. When Clint tells Vicki, she blows up. Kevin leads Cassie to believe that Clint wants her back (Clint's still sore she walked out with no notice to work for Blair at the Sun). Cassie meets Alex's secretary, she has done a story on Alex using city $ as her own private slush fund. Kevin overhears and she lets him read her story. He is very impressed and begs her to take it to Clint.

Kevin & Cassie #5  Oct 7 - Nov, 1 1996 - SP 2:43

Vicki & Clint discuss Cassie coming back to the Banner, Vicki is angry over the very idea that Kevin would suggests it. After Kevin encourages her, Cass goes to see Clint. He doesn't offer her a job, and Vicki is downright icy. Cass leaves the story outline she has been working on about Alex (mayor) using city money as her own private slush fund. Vicki runs into Kevin and really lays into him. K&C to Roadies to have a drink. Clint finds Cassie, he is very excited about her story on Alex. She turns Clint down. Kevin accuses her of sabotaging her career because she's afraid to work with him. Cassie reconsiders and tells Clint she would like to return to the Banner.

Dr. D hypnotizes Vicki and removes the anger against Kevin. Cassie and Andrew decide not to move. Cassie joins Vicki, Kev, and Clint at the Inn. They celebrate and Vicki is happy with Kevin once again. Carlo sees this happiness and calls Durbin, he is not happy! Carlo wants Vicki to kill Kevin, he insists he joins Durbin for the next therapy session to make sure its done right. Cassie, now working at the Banner, her desk just across from Kevin's. He loves having her so close, keeps gazing at her. That is till Andrew and River show up, and Kevin is reminded of the reality of her marriage. While she is at lunch with her family, he takes a call on her line. He takes the tip from her source, follows it up and figures out that Alex is using city money to pay for the surrogate to have the baby she's passing off as hers & Carlo's in her fake pregnancy.

Meanwhile, Asa shows up at Alex's wedding to Carlo, he rips off her wedding dress exposing the fake pregnancy pad - Carlo is furious. K&C are very excited and want to run with the story. Clint holds the part about paying the surrogate with the city funds and wants further proof of Alex's financial link to Emily. Kev talks Cass into breaking into Alex's hotel room to gather evidence. Alex returns while they are there and they hide under the bed, sneak out when she falls asleep. They share the proof they found, with Clint. K&C work together to get the expose written, they celebrate it going into print! After the paper out, Emily shows up and cries that they've ruined her life. Todd gets a call about K&C's exclusive he's ticked that Cassie scooped him. Cass is upset over Emily's situation, Kev comes off like a hard nose reporter which irritates Cass. Todd gets an injunction to stop Cassie from writing more articles in the Alex expose, he waives it in Vicki's face. She tells him off.

Kevin meets Emily in the park, and offers her a list of resources/contacts that he has already called on her behalf. Cass overhears and is touched to see this kindness and caring. Todd gets Asa to tell the whole story about Alex's fake pregnancy and prints it - Pillow Papa headline. K&C continue to work on the second part in this series.

Andrew looks on as K&C work together, their closeness obvious. Todd shows up to rub their noses in his headline. Todd makes a crack about K&C and Kevin hits him. At the rectory, Andrew and Cass meet with Emily. Later, Cassie suggests to Andrew that they adopt the baby.

Elliott Durbin enlists Dorian's help to get Kevin out of town. Dorian goes to the Banner to get Cassie's help, she's out. Vicki & Kev avoid Dorian, who for once is trying to help them by getting Kevin out of harm's way. Andrew tells Cassie they can't adopt Emily's baby and he's honest about the problems between them. Cassie thinks the baby will solve their problems. Andrew has realized the K&C have feelings for each other, she sees the hurt in Andrew's eyes and sees she's losing her marriage.

Durbin hypnotizes Vicki with the command to kill Kevin. Back at the Banner, Vicki sees K&C working together and gets a psycho look in her eyes. Durbin tells Dorian that Vicki is now programmed to kill Kevin, he points out that Cassie could get hurt. Dorian follows Cassie to the Inn where she is having dinner with Clint, Vicki, and Kevin. Dorian is frantic to get Cassie away from Vicki. Cass ignores her, Dorian can't tell the real reason for her fear. When Vicki reaches in her purse to pull out a pen to sign the check, Dorian grabs her thinking she is reaching for a gun. Then has to cover by saying she wants to pay for their dinner, they all really think Dorian has lost it!

Then Dorian invites Vicki to her house for brunch to make nice, its actually so Durbin can deprogram her without Carlo knowing, he's having Durbin followed. Vicki cancels due to a meeting. Meanwhile, Carlo set his plan in motion. He tells Durbin to have Vicki meet him in a room at the Inn. Durbin tells Dorian who heads over to the Inn. Carlo calls Kevin, disguises his voice and lures him to the same room that its a tip about the mayor scandal. Kevin tells Cass and she arranges to meet him there. Dorian's in the hotel room, hides on the terrace when Carlo comes in. He places a gun in the room. He leaves, Dorian has a fantasy of Vicki being arrested for trying to kill Kevin, with Dorian the hero. Dorian hides again when Kevin comes in and Vicki shortly after. She freaks out, grabs the gun. Cassie shows up at the worst moment, really sends Vicki over the edge. In the end, Vicki can't kill her son, Carlo's plot is discovered, Bo enters and they start to piece the conspiracy together.

Kevin & Cassie #6  Nov 4 -Dec 5, 1996 - T-160 SP

Vicki almost shoots Kevin, but can't do it. Bo enters tells her Dr. Durbin working for Carlo. Cassie grills Dorian about why she was at the Inn and how she knew....Bo takes Vicki home, Larry is there to provide support. Next day, Kevin secretly pulls a gun on Carlo at the Inn. Cassie comes upon them and she's frightened for Kevin. She gets angry when he shows her that it was a toy gun. Vicki gets deprogrammed, mother and son loving reunion. Onto other storylines, Bo & Hank go to Alex's room with a search warrant. They find her shredding incriminating files, and arrest her. K&C & Todd and other members of the press show up to do the story. Hank & Nora come to Llanfair to tell Vicki the judge isn't pressing charges, no hearing. Vicki & Kev go out to the Inn to celebrate. Carlo is there and she tells him off. Hank & Nora show up and tell Vicki & Kev that Durbin has been found dead.

Bo & Hank have a press conference about Alex's arrest and Durbin's death. K&C compete with Todd for the Carlo story. They sneak into the coroner's office and read the report on Durbin, find out he has a contusion on his head which suggests he was murdered not suicide. They decide to try and get more info about Durbin from Dorian by making her believe he has turned up alive. They plot against Dorian, Cassie questions her at the Inn. Dorian slips and admits that she did try to stop Vicki. Kev tells Vicki, she tells Dorian off, Dorian continues lying thru her teeth. Cassie gets tired of it and tells her she never wants to see her again.

Kevin follows an upset Cassie outside to the park, she cries on his shoulder, he comforts her. Next day, Dorian approaches Vicki and asks her to intervene with Cassie on her behalf. Vicki refuses. Blair & Todd's party at the yacht, Blair sings a love song to Todd. Carlo ticks everyone off. Several Buchanan's threaten his life, Antonio swears he will kill him after he finds Andy hurt, Todd tries to choke Carlo then throws everyone out (Blair is crushed after learning from Carlo that Todd had kidnapped Star), Bo is shot.....lots of action. K&C head down to Todd's stateroom to snoop. The lights go out, the argue, Cassie tells Kevin he doesn't understand about passion (talk about a challenge!), he kisses her passionately, she responds, they wind up on the bed. Interrupted only when the lights come back on.

Following day, at The Banner, Kevin apologizes to Cassie for kissing her. She admits to her attraction to Kevin, he gets all excited, then she tells him they have no future and he accepts it gracefully. They get a call that Carlo has been found dead. Hank shows up and questions Kevin about where he was when the lights went out, Kevin lies and says he was alone (to protect Cassie). Vicki picks up that Kevin is hiding something and questions him. Kevin calls Cass on the phone, even though their desks are next to each other, they talk intimately as Kev tells her he can't stop thinking about them on the bed together. He tells her he would do anything for her.

Vicki holds Thanksgiving dinner in the hospital waiting room as Bo still hasn't regained consciousness, they all pray. Hank questions Kevin again, he's still lying, trying to protect Cassie. Kevin goes to see Cassie at the church to warn her about Hank's questions and his story. He finds her kissing Andrew, he's hurt. She tells him she has to protect her family. Then Andy comes to the Banner to question Kevin, too many holes in his story. Cass overhears and realize Kevin diggin’ himself deeper by trying to cover for her. She wants to tell the truth to protect him from legal trouble. They say that they went to the stateroom to look for Todd to do an interview (they leave out the part about searching for clues). Todd overhears and realizes they were alone in the room when the lights went out. He's ticked at Cassie for helping Blair move out, and he prints a lurid headline, "Blackout Bliss" about K&C. Cassie tells Andrew all, she's still denying her feelings for Kevin. Andrew isn't buying it, Cass tells Andrew she loves him, he's terribly hurt. Kev shows up at the church to try to protect Cassie (by lying some more), just makes things worse.

Kevin & Cassie #7  Dec 5- Feb 20, 1997 - 2:40 mins

Kevin tells Vicki about how things between him and Cassie got out of hand, he's sorry for hurting Cass. He asks for a couple of weeks off to get out of town, go to Texas and see Duke. Andrew creates a romantic interlude for his wife at Logan's Department Store after hours, he plays a pretty mean sax. Kevin arrives home, surprises Kelly & Joey. They talk about the Cassie situation. K&C go to the park to talk and clear the air. She tells Kev that she has realized the dangerous game they were playing and how much she loves her husband.

Hank & Bo hold a press conference about the suspects in Carlo's murder. At the Banner, K&C are very serious together - no more flirtation. Seeing his son reminded him of what a broken marriage does to a child. Cassie overhears as Kevin asks Rita, the nurse, for a date. Christmas time at the church, Dorian asks Cassie for forgiveness. Kevin brings Rita to Viki's Christmas Eve party. Short clips from New Year's Eve.

Kevin runs into Cassie at the Inn, asks her to join him for tennis - she says no, its not a good idea. Kevin goes to the church, tells Cassie that there is an APB out on Antonio for Carlo's murder. Kevin stays and they write the story together, their old magic is still there. Just as they finish the phone rings, its Andrew saying he will be late. Cassie lies to Kevin and tells him Andrew is on his way home.

Cass testifies for Blair, the "Blackout Bliss" headline is drug out to discredit her. K&C at Carlo's funeral. Kevin & Joey work out, Cassie comes in. K&C argue about Joey & Kelly but they are really talking about their own relationship. He invites her for coffee, she says no. She is still avoiding being alone with him. Another day, K&C snoop around RJ's office. They find an envelope from a bank in Brazil. Fundraiser for Antonio's defense is held at the Community Center. Kevin meets Tea (oh joy!), they dance. When a fight breaks out between Antonio and RJ, K&C take advantage of the distraction and filch the Banko de Rio envelope from RJ's blazer.

K&C at diner planning Kevin's trip to Brazil. Its obvious he is too sick to travel. Cassie takes him back to the gatehouse and insists that Joey keep an eye on him and not let him go to the airport. Kevin sneaks out and goes to the airport. Meanwhile, Cass has lunch with Andrew and tells him about the lead, bemoans how Kev is too sick to follow the lead to Rio, and this may help Antonio get off the murder charge. There's an immediacy because of Antonio's trial. Andrew encourages her to go, after all someone has to. Cass is shocked to find Kevin on the airplane, they sit together, he falls asleep on her shoulder. In Brazil, they go to the bank, the manager blows them off then calls RJ when they leave. Of course, because of Carnival there aren't any more hotel rooms so K&C have to share.

Cass goes out to find the pharmacy and get Kevin some medicine. He wakes up and she hasn't returned, he rescues her from threatening carnival partiers. Then he rescues her in the hotel from same revelers, find out they are a dance troupe. This of course leads to a Brazilian fantasy dance sequence bet K&C in their dreams. Next am, Cass calls Andrew and tells him about the mix-up and Kevin being there. Kev gets the idea to sneak into the bank dressed in costumes. The succeed in getting the paperwork showing the financial link between RJ and Carlo. As they share their victory back at the hotel, a menacing guy in a feather costume lurks outside their room.

Kevin & Cassie #8  Feb 20- April 29, 1997 - T-160 SP

Back at the hotel, K&C are elated over finding the link between Carlo & RJ. The menacing guy is still outside their hotel room. They dance together, become passionate, they enter their room kissing, find the large feathered guy waiting for them - he pulls a gun on them. Kevin tries to jump the guy, he handcuffs K&C together and takes them out of the hotel. Patrick shows up at the hotel. The gunman, having recovered the evidence, is about to kill K&C when Patrick saves the day by chasing him away. Patrick will stay in Rio to follow up the trail, K&C are heading back to help Antonio at the trial. K&C go back to their room and try to pack while still handcuffed together. On the phone home, Cass admits to her feelings for Kevin. But she tells him there is no future for them. She thinks Kevin wants her because of the challenge, that if she was free he wouldn't be interested. He's hurt that she doesn't trust his feelings for her. She wants to go back to business as usual and he tells her he can't pretend that nothing has happened between them. The next day their article on the Rio adventure is printed in the Banner - Tea calls him, "Indiana Buchanan". Kevin goes to see Patrick and they catch up on all the Rio action. Kevin heads over to the courthouse and catches up with Clint & Cassie.

Bo tells Kevin to back off investigating RJ. Cass looks on as Kevin meets up with Tea. When Cassie offers to share her notes on a story with Kevin, he turns her down and tells her he will find out what he needs on his own. He turns away and asks Tea to dance. Asa shows up to see Kevin at the gatehouse and demands info on where his $30 million is that Carlo stole. K&C interview RJ in jail. Bo brings in Mortimer during Carlo's trial, he says Alex killed Carlo. When Hank disbelieves this testimony Asa finally pipes up and says he too witnessed the murder. Everyone is outraged that he withheld the info for so long. K&C show up to cover Alex holding Andy hostage. Bo & Patrick mediate with Alex while she holds a gun on Alex. Antonio has snuck in behind her. Cassie tries to climb in a back window, the crate slips and she hangs from the ledge. Kevin rescues her. Antonio overpowers Alex and frees Andy. The murder charges against Antonio are dismissed.

Kevin redecorates the gatehouse, then decides to go night skiing with Tea. They show up at the exact same ski lodge where Andrew & Cassie have gone. When Cass sees them she wants to leave. The roads are closed and they all wind up staying the night. Cass can't stand to see Kevin with Tea, she later walks in on them making out in the lodge lobby (where they are sleeping because there are no rooms left).

Back at The Banner, Tea seeks out Kevin's help on Antonio's past conviction. It tortures Cassie to see them flirt. Its even worse when she returns later that night and finds them making love on his desk. Tea excuses herself to the bathroom, Cass tells him off for being unprofessional, he accuses her of being jealous, she slaps him. Then she cries and admits that it tears her up to see him with Tea. She tells him he isn't making this easier on her by flaunting Tea under her nose. He tells her he knows he can't have her and he needs to try and find some happiness.

Asa winds up in jail for withholding evidence. After Asa's hearing, Kevin distractedly agrees to model in the fashion show (though later he doesn't remember). The evening of the fashion show benefit to find a bone marrow donor for Star. Cassie models a very sedate Audrey Hepburn outfit while Tea wears the most revealing of dresses. Afterwards, Tea is attacked outside and Kevin rescues her. Cass aches once again watching Kevin hold Tea in his arms. Clint & Kevin at The Banner about hiring Mel Hayes. Bo's surprise party, Cassie tries to have fun with Andrew while she watches Kevin with Tea. Kevin & Tea at The Banner, Cassie fumes as she watches them. Kevin and Tea run into Todd & Vicki at the Inn, they join them, till Todd & Kevin have words. Then they go to Roadies, and run into Cass and Andrew. Andrew has a fantasy of throwing Kevin down the bar and Tea imagines slamming Cassie's face in her pie. K&C at the bishop's funeral, Kevin tired of them playing games about their feelings and wants to see Cassie to talk it out.

Back home, Cass and Andrew have it out. He tells her he knows she is still in love with Kevin. After they argue, she goes to Kevin...she shows up on his doorstep soaking wet in the rain. They make love. Afterwards, he is shocked to hear she hasn't left Andrew and plans on returning home.

**The End**

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