Here is the list of the OLTL episode dvds from the 1980's. I am currently collecting on this show and looking for classic episodes from1986 and earlier. I am happy to transfer vhs tapes of OLTL episodes and/or edits to dvd from vhs tapes and have a good friend who has been doing all of the Beta tape transfers. You receive your classic tapes back with the footage on dvd. You can email me at or for a current list.

OLTL 1994-2006, OLTL 2007-2009, OLTL 2010, and OLTL 2011

OLTL Episodes 1983

OLTL April 22 - May 31, 1983
4/22/83 Bo gets truth from Asa
5/83 Bo & Delilah's Wedding
5/83 Echo's plot thickens
5/83 David Rinaldi arrives
5/83 David & Viki
5/31/83 The Dorian Interlude

OLTL November 9 - December 9, 1983
11/9/83 Bo catches The Cougars :44 mins
11/15/83 Delilah Dances 43 mins
11/16/83 Vernon Inn Reception :41 mins
11/1783 The Next Morning :17 mins partial
12/9/83 Vernon Inn Opening :43 mins

OLTL 12/2/83 & 1/9/84 on separate dvd

OLTL Episodes 1984 Descriptions available via email

January 10 - January 26, 1984 1/10 Christofori is a piano
1/11 Rafe & Sam's 1st date
1/12 David & Jenny ski trip
1/18 Asa figures Simon out

OLTL 1984 1/27 David & The piano

OLTL 1984
Sam is worried
9/12 Brad fires Gary
9/24 Bo & Didi get closer
9/25 Dorian WVLE host again
9/26 Alex Crown & Trent :43 mins complete, good quality
10/1 Delilah lies to Didi

OLTL 1984 9/25 separate dvd

OLTL 1984-1985 Need Description
10/1/84 Dorian, Vicki/Nikki, Clint, Larry, Brad, jenny, Cassie, Rob, Wanda, Didi, Harry. Good quality
10/31/84 Cassie hides out Rob

OLTL 1984: 11/19 & 11/22
11/19/84 :43 mins good quality. Bo tells Didi that he hopes Clint & Vicki aren’t planning on chaperoning them the whole night long. Tina walks in interrupting them kissing, and she flashes back to a conversation with Asa about Didi’s history. Delilah & Becky Lee talk to Asa. He says he has a surprise. After he leaves, Becky Lee tells Delilah that she gets worried when Asa starts talking about a surprise.

11/22/84 A bad Thanksgiving :6 mins only First scene Vicki is talking to Tina about a search party, sheriff is looking for a missing plane. Vicki, David, Jenny, Rafe all decide to wait longer before sitting down to dinner, hoping for better news. Jenny is hoping for a miracle. Clint calls home to say goodnight to his family.

OLTL 12/17/84 on separate dvd. Description available separately.

OLTL Episodes 1985

Jan 25 & March 16, 1985 Dvd
1/25/85 :20 mins with commercials Very Good quality. Tina, Asa, Delilah, Bo
3/16/85 Very good quality, complete with cm. Vicki, Clint. Asa, Wanda, Larry. Delilah, Rafe. Bo & Marco on location in Venice to make a pay off (for kidnappers?), boat sequence, Bo running through Venice, fight sequence. Asa knocked out by goons (is he kidnapped?).

March 29 & April 3, 1985 Dvd
3/29/85 Very good quality, complete with cm. Clint & Vicki, Clint & Bo, Larry, Tina, Jenny, Rob. Troy. By middle of episode everyone is gathering for Larry’s wedding to Rob’s mom. Jenny is the matron of honor and is late, her and David haven’t shown up yet. They are on a private plane. Dee Dee approaches Bo at the wedding and they agree to a truce.

4/3/85 Very good quality, completed with cm. Marco, Rafe, Tina, Bo, Delilah, Bo & CLint, Clint & Vicki. Vicki with long red hair (Nikki?) goes to see Harry, he hasn’t seen her in a long time. Rob and Cassie (?) go to see Jenny. Cassie has a lot of questions about why her dad left so suddenly, and where is David? Jenny has a flashback of David going on the plane at gunpoint as she screams and cries for him. She then flashes back to Herb telling her that she can’t tell Cassie what happened nor that her father is a spy. Dorian on TV. Clint gives Bo advice for making up with Dee Dee. When blonde Vicki gets home, she is exhausted and makes excuses to go up to bed.

July 10, 1985 episode good quality :42 mins no cm. Nikki, Bo, Tina

OLTL Sept 1985: Five Episodes So-so quality
Episode #1 EARLY SEPT, 1985: Dorian deceives Cassie. Cassie and Rob make wedding plans. Herb visits David at Llanview Hospital. Didi decides to run for President of Lord/Manning Corp. Jenny is followed by NSB spy to hospital. Larry Wolek visits Dorian in anger. Jenny discovers David hiding out at the hospital.

Episode #2 EARLY SEPT, 1985 Jenny finds David, he is shocked to see her. Brad tries to convince Tina not to give up on the Lord fortune. Bo, Woody and Mimi are at the backstreet bar. Jenny calls David a traitor. Mimi and Ddi discuss Bo. Jenny begs Larry for her job back. A stranger in town seeking Tina, he has shocking news. He tells her that he married Victor Lord and Irene Manning back in 1962 when Irene was pregnant with Tina. Tina goes on dorians talk show.

Episode #3 EARLY SEPT, 1985 Tina appears on Dorian's talk show and reveals her news, that she is Victor Lord’s legitimate daughter! Dorian of course is not happy with this news. Jenny gets her job back. NSB spies are in Llanview seeking David. Brad and Marco Dane talk about Tina at the Vernon Inn. Ivan Kipling stalks Cassie and Rob. Dorian and Herb talk about Tina and her shocking news. Jenny visits David. Tina gets a call from Dorian.

Episode #4 MID SEPT, 1985 Dorian and Tina talk about Irene and Victor Lord. Dellilah returns and visits Asa. Clint and Jenny talk with Vikki/Nikki at Llanfair. NSB spies continue to seek David. Dorian tries to convince Tina for a settlement regarding her discovery. Cassie receives a call from Ivan Kipling. Rafe and Dellilah at Asa’s. Nikki meets Asa for the first time. Episode #5 MID SEPT, 1985 David is shot. Ivan gives David a deadly injection as NSB spies enter hide out. Vikki/Nikki in a coma at Llanview hospital. Ivan has killed David. Jenny enters and discovers David is dead. Larry breaks the news to Cassie of Davids death. Vikki/Nikki awakens from coma and is missing from the hospital. Brad and Clay at the Vernon Inn. Davids body is taken away. An NSB spy is arrested. Clint finds vikki/nikki hiding in a closet.

OLTL Fall 1985: 7 episodes. Dorian deceives Tina on Dorian’s show, Delilah Returns, David is shot. Haven’t done descriptions of these shows and no dates.

Oct 1, 1985 single episode dvd

Oct 14 - Dec 5, 1985: 10/14, 10/15, 10/16, 10/24, 12/5/85

November 15 & 24, 1985 Two Episode Dvd

OLTL December 20 - 25, 1985: 4 episodes
12/20/85 Clint finds out Nikki/Vikki was involved in her own kidnapping. Nikki heads to Santo Domingo to divorce Clint. Asa and Woody save Pam from Clay in Malaceva. Bo and Didi try to convince Connie to stay in Llanview. Clint arrives in Santo Domingo to confront Nikki.

12/23/85 Clint plays a tape for Nikki regarding the kidnapping. Ivan Kipling meets Pete Oneil at the Vernon Inn. Tracy and Dr. Wolek talk at the hospital. Clint threatens Nikki. Tracy’s first day working at the hospital. Nikki turns to Pete regarding the divorce. Bobby Blue shows up at Llanfair.

12/24/85 Larry saves Laurel from death at the hospital. Clint and Dr. Polk discuses Nikki/Vikki. Tina shows up at Llanfair to give Nikki a Christmas present. Asa, Dorian, Clint, Nikki/Vikki and the boys celebrate Christmas eve. Someone is stalking Laurel Wolek at Llanview Hospital.

12/25/85 Christmas Day Nikki & Bobby Blue, Dellilah convinces Clint to see Tina. Dorian is convinced Vikki is Nikki. Didi and Joy visit Asa. Laurel Wolek gets a strange call. Clint confronts Tina and she tells she is pregnant with his child. Asa gets trapped in a secret room at Llanfair. Someone cuts Laurel’s breakline.

OLTL Episodes 1986

January 10 - 20, 1986 - Good quality original episodes
1/10/86  Last :20 mins Bo & Didi’s wedding (Clint has flashbacks to marrying Vicki), they say their vows and then Bo collapses and is pronounced dead! Pamela has flashbacks to a happier time with Asa, Tina & Pamela (moved up, was out of order)
1/14/86 :54 mins Vicki & Clint, Bo & Didi at the hospital, Delilah, Kool & The Gang perform at Elmo’s, ? slips something into Clints drink and helps him out ot the car as Vicki watches, good quality
1/16/86  :54 mins, Bo & Didi, she is in the hospital. Pamela talks to Asa on the phone leading him to belive she is dying, Vicki brings Clint breakfast in bed, his head is bandaged up, Tina & Dorian, Asa shows up in Malakeva to see her
1/20/86  :59 mins Asa & Pamela in Malakeva, Bo & Sarah at the hospital, Clint visits, Delilah, Vicki & Clint

January 21 - 23, 1986: Reduced quality Dvd
1/21-1/23/86 three episodes, no commercials, no credits, first :14 mins missing , reduced quality but fills a gap between R #1 and R #3. Clint and Nikki argue about Vikki, Asa and Woody on the plane home from Pam’s apparent death in Malecava. Bo's backfire movie premiere starts, he tells Tina to leave so there will be no trouble from Clint and Nikki. Tracy fights intensly with her aunt Romona, Larry, Mimi and Delilah arrive at premiere. Pam is on a plane to Llanview to get even with Asa for years of deceit. Asa, Dorian and Woody arrive at the premiere. Tina is on the phone with Pam, she arrives in town. Chip asks Bo for help. Rafe gives Tracy the news her aunt is dead. Pam and Tina discuss Asa. Chip hides out with Joy at the Oneil house. Asa throws a party following backfire movie premiere. Tracy leans on :arry about her aunt’s death. Bo and Didi leave for there honeymoon (BO'S LAST SCENE BEFORE LEAVING THE SHOW AND RETURNING IN 1988). Nikki sees Vikki in the mirror and covers it with a blanket then leaves town.

  January 24 - Feb 6, 1986 - good quality original episodes
1/24/86 :39 mins Dorian & Pamela & Asa, Bobby & TIna flirt at a premiere, Clint holds a picture of Vicki and thinks of happier times in a great Clint & Vicki montage
1/27/86 :55 mins Asa tells Dorian that Tina put Pamela up to faking her illness, Vicki/Nikki heading to Atlantic City, Clint calls looking for her, Nikki starts having flashes of being with Clint and moans that she can’t let him near her as Vicki comes out when he is near. She does want to be with him but realizes she can never see him again, if she allowed herself to be with him, Vicki would take over and she (Nikki) would be gone! No show aired 1/28 Space Shuttle Explosion
2/5/86 :23 mins Tina & Dorian, Nikki is on the beach running away from Clint, he catches up to her and she cries that he doesn’t want her that he wants Vicki and she will die! He tells her that he knows why she ran away, that Nikki kissed him and she felt it. He asks her why she is so afraid of letting him get close to her. He says she realizes that she is afraid of Vicki returning. He knows that she covered the mirror in the library after she saw Vicki in the reflection and that is what frightened her. Nikki admits that Vicki did warn her she was returning and hates her. Clint tells her that he knows she loves him, she slaps him and tells him that he makes her sick. She tells him that if she stays with him that she will die. She leaves and Clint has more flashbacks.
2/6/86 :57 mins  Starpoint performs at Elmo’s. Tina has a fantasy of being with Clint being glad he is gone and he is now free to be with Tina! Tina comes onto Clint and he returns her advances, they go up to his room. He starts kissing her and undressing her! He picks her up, puts her in bed, and lays over her kissing her. Nikki enters at the appropriate moment and is shocked to see Clint and Tina in bed together. Tina is irate as she realizes it was all a setup on Clint’s part to try to bring Vicki out.
Episode #5 - GH 1986 :37 mins Frisco, Felicia, Sean, Anna

(Note: Need 2/7 Viki comes out at the waterside inn)

February 17 - 20, 1986 good quality original episodes
2/17/86 :56 mins Clint & Vicki & boys on road trip, Tina & Steve, Asa & Dorian, Clint & Vicki in hotel room, Tina is playing mistress of Llanfair, her lawyer tells Tina that he thinks she has a secret that Mitch knows about and no one else does. Clint is arrested for the murder of Dr. Polk
2/18/86 :54 mins Tina hires servants, Asa & Pamela argue, she runs out and Dorian hits her with her car, they rush to the hospital, Clint & Vicki at police station, Vicki tells her that Nikki is gone but Tina doesn’t believe her. Vicki doesn’t believe that Nikki ever fooled Tina, Vicki begs Tina for help, Clint & Rafe
2/19/86 :52 mins Clint & Vicki at the police station, Ed doesn’t believe that she is Vicki, Ed still thinks that she is Nikki.
2/20/86 :52 mins Asa visits Vicki at the sanitarium, then Clint visits, Bobbie visits her and brings flowers, Tina at Llanfair

February 21 & March, 1986: 5 original episodes
2/21/86 :58 mins As Clint is frisked, he assures the officers that Bobbie Blue has been framed, Asa visits Vicki in sanitarium, Tina is irate after donating a large sum of money to build a new hospital wing that Asa has prevented her from sitting on the hospital board, so she takes back her donation check and rips it up! Asa tells Vicki that Clint has been arrested again for helping Bobbie Blue escape, an accused drug dealer, Tina visits Pamela in the hospital and confronts Asa, Clint put behind bars and is in the cell next to Hanover, he threatens Clint as Bo is the person who arrested him, Rafe visits Vicki
March, 1986 :57 mins Vicki is held hostage in the sanitarium by Tracy, Asa & Pamela, Clint in jail
March, 1986  :57 mins Vicki is shot, Asa, Tina & Pamela, Clint
March, 1986 :58 mins, Ed & Rafe at sanitarium during hostage situation, Vicki rescued, Tina is told that Vicki only pretended to be Nikki to flush out the murderer. He tells her by now the whole world tried to institutionalize her own sister in order to get access to her money and calls her a greedy little tramp, Tracy listens in

3/27/86 On Separate Dvd. (? on date) First :35 mins with cm, very good quality. Begins with Larry having flashbacks, Vicki & Clint, Tina, Rafe, Herb, Rob.

Late March - April 2, 1986: Clint is released, Vicki & Clint reconcile
Late March, 1986 Episode #1 bit of tracking :39 mins (missed last min), no cm, end cut off. Asa is worried about the threat that Tracy poses as she is still on the loose, Clint is released. Tina is in shock as she knows that Clint & Vicki will come after Llanfair and the Lord estate. Tina vows that no one will take away the Lord fortune from her. Dorian & Cassie. Vicki arrives at Llanfair (she is drapped in fur)
Late March, 1986 Episode #2 :32 mins (missed last :10 mins). Vicki & Clint, Tina encourages Pamela that now that Dorian is out of the way she has a chance with Asa, Tina complains that Domino has been ripping off the Lord estate
3/28/86 Episode #3 complete :42 mins, no cm (Good Friday). Asa & Clint, Tina & Domino, Pamela visits Asa
3/31/86 :36 mins (missed last 6 mins), no cm. Pamela & Vicki, Domino and his goon try to imprison Tina, Richard rushes in and rescues Tina and then introduces himself to Tina, Clint & Rafe arrest Tracy at the airport trying to make a getaway, Clint goes home to tell Vicki the good news, Rafe shows up and tells Tina that Tracy James was arrested wearing Tina’s clothes and jewelry
4/1/86? :41 (missed last :30 seconds of scenes, no end credits), no cm. Asa tells Vicki that Tina is having a welcome home celebration for Richard Abbott, Tina is busy at Llanfair making party arrangement demands, Richard & Tina, Tracy James & Stick escape from the prison hospital, Rafe finds the prison guard tied up, Vicki intends on responding “in kind” to Tina’s attempt to hold court at Llanfair during this party
4/2/86? :40 mins with commercials, last :20 mins missing of epi. Tracy & Stick hideout, Clint & Vicki

April 3 - 11, 1986: Five Episodes. Good quality.
4/3/86? :43 mins. Vicki tells Clint that it will take ever ounce of self control not to throw Tina out of Llanfair by her golden earlobs, they are planning on attending her party that night. Clint jokes and asks if she found another secret document giving her Asa’s house too! Tina is there to offer them the carriage house to live in as a settlement which of course Vicki turns down. Asa tells Vicki & Clint that Reynoldi is alive and living with Jenny somewhere. Tina is back in a garishly redecorated Llanfair as Tracy & ? hide outside.
4/4/86 :42 mins. At Llanfair Tina is dressed for the party, Cassie arrives and talks to Richard. Vicki & Clint get dressed for the party, they meet Asa & Pamela downstairs, and all arrive at Llanfair together. Asa is shocked with what she has done with the place. Tina serves them champagne and Clint toasts to surprises. Vicki & Clint are horrified by what Tina has done to their home but hide it very well. Ed & Rafe track Tracy to her hideout and find evidence that there may be an impending attack on Llanfair and ask her to cancel the party. She refuses thinking it is a plot by Clint to ruin her party. Tracy sets a bomb. Vicki tells Tina that she has had the Lord assets frozen until the courts decide on their estate claims. Tina is indignant at the idea of being cut off from the Lord funds. She stomps that she hopes the whole thing blows up in her face, and the house explodes and guests to flying!
4/7/86:42 mins. Aftermath of explosion at Llanfair, they find a metal box in the secret room. Tina wants it opened and Vicki wants it immediately destroyed. Vicki is afraid that it contains some terrible secret that will destroy them.
4/9/86 :43 mins Tina argues with Herb that Llanfair belongs to her and she should be able to open the box. Herb argues that Dorian also has a claim to Llanfair. Dorian & Cassie & Richard. Dorian agrees with Vicki that everything in the box should be destroyed unseen.
4/10/86 :57 mins David in Bernewald, Vicki & Dorian each have a fantasy of opening the box, Tina’s fantasy is finding a box of jewels and a love note from her father. Herb says that the box has been awarded to Vicki. She is relieved and takes it home and Clint puts it in the safe. Clint promises that in the morning they will dump it in the river! Clint takes Vicki out to dinner, they dance, and he gives her an engagement ring. She says she already has an engagement and a wedding ring. He says two engagements, two rings. She opens the box and finds a ring for the other hand. She tells him that all of her belongs to him now. When Richard shows up, Vicki tells him that her and Clint are getting married the next week! Dorian arrives at Asa’s and finds Tina also trying to open the safe. Tina tells her that it may contain Victor’s last will and testimont. Tina has the combination and opens the safe. As Dorian and Tina argue over the box, Vicki enters the room and tells them she could have them both arrested! Dorian says that Tina stole the combination when she worked for Asa. They tell Vicki that they both have a right to the contents of the box. They talk her into opening the box and they go at it with screw drivers.

April 11 - 21, 1986 CLint & Vicki Wedding! 5 good quality original episodes
4/11/86 :57 mins Pamela visits Asa in the hospital. Tina opens the box and is disappointed that it isn’t full of jewels. Vicki assures her that whatever is in the box is just more trouble. There is an envelope marked Tina, one for Dorian, and one for Vicki. They all hold their envelopes, spooked by the idea that Victor would somehow know that they would open the box together, a box that was hidden behind a brick wall in a secret room.  Tina opens her envelope and it contains her birth certificate, with her father’s name and her mothers. She tells Vicki if she had any doubts that this should end it, she really is her sister. There is also a letter from Tina’s mother, Irene, informing Victor that he had another daughter. Vicki opens her envelope, has a picture of her high school picture, and her Valedictorian speech. Dorian finally opens her envelope and finds a certificate of divorce from Victor & Irene. Dorian squeals with glee that Victor wasn’t a bigamist and he wasn’t married to Irene so she is entitled to half the estate! There are also a few love letters from her to Victor that he had saved, Dorian is touched to learn that he did love her afterall. She cries that it was mutual and Vicki hugs her. Vicki pulls a misty eyed Tina into a group hug. They drink champagne together, relieved it was over and soon begin bickering again over sharing what they found. 
4/15/86 :49 mins - special report, joined :5 minutes into the show, Clint teases Vicki that he has been having fun living in sin with her. Richard listens to Tina and she decides he is perfect for her. Pamela & Asa at the hospital, Wanda and Vicki visit Asa, Clint offers Tina the west wing all to herself (Libya bombing)
4/16-4/17/86 :48 mins no cm (two episodes together?) Clint & Dorian at the TV studio, Clint tells Dorian that he is marrying Vicki tomorrow and invites her to come, he overhears one of her staff talking to her about doing a show on Victor. Pamela & Asa & Clint watch as Dorian airs a story that Victor & Irene had divorced and he had not committed bigomy when he married her. Clint fumes that he knew he couldn’t trust “that woman”. GH Promo Sean & Monica love affair,  Kevin’s murder trial 
4/18/86 Morning of Vicki & Clint wedding :40 mins no cm, no closing credits, last 3 minutes missing. Clint comes in and tells her that he was tying a big red bow on her new horse, a black mare named “Midnight”. Jenny & David in Bernewald, she is scared when she reads a warning message to them in the newspaper classifieds. Everyone begins gathering for the wedding, Vicki has tears in her eyes as the ceremony begins.
4/21/86 :43 mins, no cm.  Vicki & Clint Wedding continued. Richard isn’t happy to see a cover story on the Intruder “This Lord is Legit!” with her picture. Richard says now he knows why so many people in this town think she is a liar. He reminds her that she had made a pact with Dorian & Vicki not to do this. Dorian never does make it to the wedding. As she is leaving the studio, she fights off an attempted mugger who slaps her. Two goons enter and hold David & Jenny at gunpoint.

May 2-8, 1986: 5 hrs 45 mins Episode #1-8 on two dvds.
5/2/86 Partial Episode :18 mins cm. Clint & Vicki arrive home from their honeymoon and are greeted by Pamela. Dorian & Herb, Cassie & Jonathan. Asa insists that he wants Tina out of Llanfair, that Tina tried to turn Vicki into Nikki. He says Little Miss Sunshine here seized Vicki’s home out from under her. Richard defends that Tina was rejected and he isn’t proud of the way Tina was treated, as Victor gave all of his love and attention to Vicki. He says the whole family turned their backs on Tina so its no wonder that she turned her back on them. Richard tells Asa to leave or he swears he will throw him out!
5/586 :44 mins. Tina is shown a modest apartment that she takes. Jenny & David in Austria, he is trying to get her safely away. Richard urges Clint & Vicki to let Tina live in the carriage house. Clint is furious and says he won’t let that snake within striking difference of his family. He asks if Richard is taking her side? He says no, he realizes that she had no right to Llanfair, and the estate is Vicki’s. He still defends that if they act with generosity now that it leaves the door open for the future, to just give her a graceful way out. Perhaps in time once Tina has matured, they will have a chance at a future together. Clint insists that they don’t want a future with her, Vicki backs him up that Tina isn’t worth it. When Tina’s arrival is announced, Asa wants her thrown out into the gutter. Tina says that she is packing up and moving out a month early and she has a modest place of her own. Dorian & Cassie.
5/6/86 :39 mins cm (:20 mins missing) Tina wants Wanda to hire her as a cashier for the diner. Richard takes Vicki to task for not letting her live in the carriage house. Vicki promises him that she didn’t give up on Tina easily. Richard warns Vicki not to make him choose between her and Tina! They head over to the diner and watch as Tina struggles to do the math to make correct change. Vicki asks when the tv cameras are coming in to record this act of martrydom. She gives Vicki the keys to Llanfair and tells her that she is just working as she has to support herself. She asks Vicki to send her things over so Tina won’t have to go to Llanfair and bother her again. 
5/7/86 :54 mins Tina working at the diner. Vicki is feeling guilty but Clint talks sense into her that Tina could make 10 times her diner salary just off the Lord name alone and she is only working at the diner for sympathy. Jenny & David in Austria. Delilah confides in Vicki about Rafe. Tina talks to Lita, she sees Rafe and gets scared so Tina gives her the key to her place.
5/8/86 :53 mins Dorian looks at an invite for Clint & Vicki’s return to Llanfair party.  Jenny in Austria, she escapes from the goons. Wanda stops by and Clint & Vicki invite her to their party. Tina calls Vicki and asks her to come over immediately, crazy girl with the doll is at her apartment but she doesn’t want Tina to say anything over the phone. Vicki is suspicious about Tina’s mysterious phone call. When Richard shows up, Lita hides in the closet. Later, Vicki shows up and Lita tells her that she is running away as she was unhappy at the institution without Vicki. Dorian & Jonathan. Great GH Promo

May 9 -13, 1986 - 3 episodes
5/9/86 :38 mins Jenny is about 10 km outside of Vienna, catching a ride in the back of a truck. Vicki thinks having Lita go to the party will be too much for her as she has been in an institution for years. David in Altenburg, Austria.  Becky & Asa, Dorian & Herb & Cassie argue as Cassie wants to go to Europe to try to help her father, David. Jenny makes a desperate call, while Vicki calls Dr. Spender and tells her that Lita is with them.<>br> 5/12/86 :55 mins Asa & Pamela toast to Vicki’s pregnancy. Tina & Richard make plans to go out to Elmo’s that night, Clint enters and says he might want to rethink that as his exwife will be there, Becky rehearsing at Elmo’s. Richard cancels his plans with Tina and after he leaves she accuses that Clint did that on purpose. Clint realizes that Tina has picked Richard out as her next victim. Tina says he also cut her out of Asa’s party and she tells him that they wouldn’t be having their victory party if she hadn’t agreed to move out of Llanfair a month early.
5/13/86?  :42 mins Becky sings at Elmo’s as Richard and Tina are in the audience. David is at Dirk’s headquarters in Vienna. Jenny calls Vicki and tells her that she is in Vienna and needs help. They are all gathered at Asa’s for a party and he cancels the party. Vicki tells Cassie the news. Delilah & Rafe decide to leave the party at Asa’s and head over to Elmo’s.

OLTL May, 1986 VIENNA LOCATION, TINA MEETS CORD EL PASO. Episodes airing around 16th. Good Quality
5/86 Partial :22 mins Dorian, Cassie, Herb, Clint, Vicki, Tina, Jenny, David in Vienna
5/86 : 43 mins. Rafe, Delilah, David, Clint & Vicki, Jenny on location in Vienna, Dorian, Cassie
5/16/86 Cord’s first appearance! Tina & Cord Meet in El Paso, TX Clint/Vicki on location Vienna, Brad & Jenny, Dorian, Tina, Casssie. :36 mins
5/86 Cord & Tina in El Paso cont. He invites her to a stroll along the Rio Grande. Clint & Vicki, Brad, Jenny, David all on location Natural History Museum in Vienna. Vienna Promo. :40 mins
5/86 Cord takes Tina out in El Paso, Cord defends her to bar patrons, bar fight, Vicki strolls Vienna, Brad & Cassie on location in Vienna, David, Dorian, Vicki & Jenny reunite. :43 mins
5/86 Cord & Tina take refuge in a barn after they get caught in the rain, first kiss, Brad meets with Vicki & Clint as Vienna continued, Jenny, David, Dorian. 35:04

May/June Episodes 1986 Vienna Location scenes continued. Tina & Cord El Paso
First 5 sections skip - non soap
Episode 6) Vienna location continued, Clint & Vicki, Jenny & Cassie & Brad, David, Tina & Cord barn scenes continued, two lowlifes want to have their fun with Tina and Cord defends her, Dorian. :43 mins with full end credits.
Episode #7 Vienna continued. David taken, Brad & Jenny, Clint & Vicki & Cassie, Asa, Dorian/ :41 mins
Episode #8 Vienna continued. Jenny & Brad run around train station, Jenny sees David on a train headed to Prague. She runs screaming after the train. Brad calls and tells Vicki about seeing David, as Clint & Cassie. Vicki tells Brad to get Jenny to the Chek border. David on train. Maria is not happy to see her son, Cord injured and blames Tina. He defends she can’t help it if she is beautiful.. Tina & Cord kiss again. :23 mins
Episode #9 Vicki & Clint race to the border dressed as soldiers, David is rescued from the train and reunited with Jenny, Brad, Doria & AsaTina & Cord El Paso continues with more kissing,. Cord tells Tina that he loves her! :41 mins
Episode #10 Clint & Vicki return home from Vienna, Joey & Kevin play their instruments, Cord & Maria, Dorian is happy to see Cassie return home, Asa welcomes Clint & Vicki. :42 mins
Episode #11 Clint & Vicki, Dorian & Cassie, Tina is home, Cord is a on plane following her, Stops at :27 mins

June, 1986 6 episodes Allison Perkins first episode, Mitch Lawrence returns to town
Episode #1 Dorian & Cassie, Clint & Vicki, Tina, Brad, Herb, Delilah, Woody & Mimi. Tina & Richard, Didi. Tina sees Cord has published a photo in the Banner as the new photographer. She flashback to him telling her he loved her just before she left El Paso. She also remembers telling Cord that he can’t give her what she needs, what she wants. Cord calls home and talks to Maria. Cord meets with Clint & Vicki. Everyone dresses up and goes to a formal party, Cord in a tux! :43 mins
Episode #2 Dorian & Connie, Maria & Al, Cord, Herb, Mimi, Delilah, Tina & Richard, Cord, Vicki & Tina. Dorian reads a threatening note from Paul Kendall. She tells Connie that she is scared to death. Maria worries about her son, she wants to go to Lanview and bring him home but Al warns her that Clint & Asa are going to recognize her. Cord approaches a group and asks to take their picture, and Tina stares at him in shock. Tina tells Cord that she doesn’t want him here and asks why he followed her to Lanview! She complains he is going to ruin her life, as she is with Richard. He asks her to remember the afternoon they spent together in the desert and that she will never share that connection with another man. He tells her that she can’t deny that she loves him, and dares her to try. He tells her she will never find what they shared with Richard. :31 mins
Episode #3 Cassie & Dorian, Maria & Al, Clint & Vicki & Cord, Asa & Olympia, Didi & Connie, Brad, Woody, Clint & Vicki and Cord meet about Banner business. Asa is not happy when Olympia’s father arrives. Asa sees Maria at a restaurant and jumps up, and she runs out. Asa shows up at her hotel room and demands she get out of town before Clint runs into him! She coldly informs him that they have already met as Cord is working for him at The Banner!:43 mins.
Episode #4 Clint & Vicki, Rafe, Maria, Al. Cassie and friends. Cassie arrives at a club to see a band “1142”, Cord is there as well and he is invited to join Cassie and her friends, Joy and Lisa. Maria questions Asa how long does he think it will be before Clint realizes that Cord is his son. Maria threatens Asa that she could tell Clint all about Cord just to have the enjoyment of seeing him loose his first born son! Woody, Brad, Rafe. :36 mins (think some of the band performing is cut out).
Episode #5 Tina & Olympia, Clint & Vicki & Cord, Cassie & Brad, Mitch Lawrence Returns, Larry & Mimi. Alison Perkins first episode! Clint & Vicki worry about Mitch using religion to try to get out of Statesville Prison, and tells her about Mitch taking hostage at the prison. Clint reports that Mitch wants to use Dorian’s news crew to sound off. Cord comes rushing in and asks to be able to go to the prison to cover the story of what is going on there. Clint worries as the prisoners have already taken hostages - Dorian is one of them. Mimi wants to know if Larry is coming to LA with her? He is reluctant to commit and she needs an answer. :38 mins
Recap Partial Episode Recap of whether the Governor will let Mitch out of jail. Looks like the first half of this episode was pre-empted. Maria visits Delilah’s shop and introduces herself as Cord’s mother. Clint & Vicki invite her to dinner. Maria panics when she hears Clint will be going to dinner and runs out of the shop, leaving her purse behind. Tina is being interviewed by Dorian, and screams hysterical that Mitch should not be released. NOTE: These scenes are not contained, just an announcers recap of what was missed as most of the episode was pre-empted. Cassie & Herb, Dorian, Clint & Vicki & Delilah :7 mins. Rest pre-empted?
Episode #6 Election Day. Mitch Lawrence is in Lanview! Mitch makes an appeal to Joy O’Neil, and talks to Olympia. Rafe runs into Vicki’s office and warns her that Mitch has been released from Statesville! Vicki turns down his offer of guards, she is sure that he will set his sights on Tina for revenge. Delilah calls Maria to confirm that she got her purse back okay? Maria reports someone is at the door right now. Al opens the door to Clint! He has brought her purse back to her for Delilah. Didi has flashbacks of her and Bo (from 1984) as she cries. Cord comes into Vicki & Clint’s offices and shows him the polaroids of Mitch in action. :41 mins

June/July episodes 1986 good quality.
1) :16 mins with opening credits. Al Roberts is taking to ICU after chest pain, a worried Maria waits for news. Mitch Lawrence arrives bearing flowers for Tina, as Tina demands he leave or she will call the police. He tells her he is there to humbly beg her forgiveness.Cord gets a call while in Vicki’s office telling him about his father’s possible heart event. Richard takes him to the hospital. Pamela defends her father for getting Mitch out of jail to Vicki. Vicki assures her that Lawrence is pure evil.
2) :30 mins. Cord arrives and demands to know if Tina is engaged to Richard. She admits that she did say yes to him this afternoon. He is not surprised, but tells her he can’t be out of her life and continue to cover her secrets. Tina worries that he told Richard about their affair and her telling Cord that she loved him. He tells her he is through lying and playing games. Maria waits for news at the hospital and Vicki soon arrives. Mitch and Alison have lunch as she is eager to go upstairs with him. He makes excuses that he is on his mission for god, and first he needs to get to know her soul. He tells her not yet, Race arrives. Herb election press conference, Dorian & Herb. Vicki talks to Larry about Mimi’s departure. Tina & Richard. Vicki and Joey talk to Maria after his doc appointment.
Episode 3 Complete :40 mins. Vicki questions Dorian about the police guard outside her door. Vicki offers to help as Dorian tells her about the threats she has received. She also mentions Vicki being pregnant, and is touched by Vicki’s offer to help her. Dee & family. Mitch and Allison.  Mitch talks to himself recording his evil plot. He talks to a crowd of young people at the club. He tells the crowd that he hopes Tina turns away from her evil ways. Cord jumps on stage and slugs him. Alison talks to Cord. Promo of Cord, Tina, Lawrence.
Episode 4 :40 mins. Vicki, Cord, and Richard at the Banner. Vicki asks Richard what is the cause of the tension between him and Cord? She questions why would Cord be motivated to violence on Tina’s behalf. Vicki asks if he is jealous. Mitch congratulating himself on gaining more followers. Allison approaches and says she has info on Cord & Tina for him and fills him in on what she learned from Cord. Tina and Maria have a confrontation at the hospital. Maria blames Tina for all of their problems. Tina declares that she is engaged to another man and Cord knew about him back in El Paso. She doesn’t understand why Maria is so hostile towards her. Asa, Palmela, and Clint about Asa encouraging Tina to marry Richard. Vicki & Clint at the Banner. Vicki puts the pieces together that Tina met Cord in El Paso and it is no coincidence that he arrived in town just after she was in El Paso. Clint admits to Vicki that he is praying that Tina will pull another one of her stunts and never make it to the altar. Tina visits Al in ICU, and then Cord visits him.
Episode 5 commercial break no content.
Episode 6 :42 mins. End cuts off. Vicki tells Tina that she has extended an offer for her and Richard to get married at Llanfair. Mitch (wearing his preacher collar) visits Al. and  pumps him for info. He shares that only Asa knows the truth about Cord being Clint’s son. Cord comes in the room and throws Mitch out. He demands to know what he is doing there. Cassie, Allison. Clint asks Tina why is she marrying Richard? She claims to love him and he laughs that the only person Tina has ever loved is herself. Cord rushes in and interrupts and tells him that he is at the edge with Mitch. He found him with his father pretending to give him last rites and something has to be done about him. Clint is working on a story and invites Cord to wait until he returns. When they are alone, Tina tells Cord about getting married at Llanfair. He realizes she is going to get everything she ever wanted. He advises her that she thinks she will have it all but she won’t, it will be emptiness without love. He challenges her to look him in the eyes and tell him that he doesn’t love her. He gets close to her and tells her that what they feel for each other, neither of them are ever going to feel that for anyone else. Clint walks out as Tina leaves, and Cord feels like he is losing everything - Tina, his father. Clint offers to be there for him if Cord needs anything while his daddy is sick. Mitch lets Asa that he knows his secret and Asa holds a gun on him. Asa accuses him of blackmailing him. Mitch declares that he doesn’t want anything from Asa right now but he may later, to benefit his work on god’s behalf of course.
Episode 7, :36 mins. Starts abruptly, missed first  few minutes? A furious Vicki tells Clint about finding Asa holding a pistol on Mitch. She says the only thing that could bring those two together is blackmail. She reports hearing Mitch refer to their “little secret”. An angry Asa pounds on Maria’s door, demanding to know what she is up to and why she would tell Mitch the truth about Clint being Cord’s father. She declares that no one else knows, except for Al. She realizes that it must have been Al.  Maria rushes to go see Al, and when he doesn’t wake up, she urgently calls to him and begs him to wake up. He tells her that he told someone about Cord and thought he could confess everything but the man turned out to be a faked and tricked him. He told him everything about Cord and Clint. Dee and family. Dorian & ? At the studio as he questions her for clues as to who her stalker is. Asa & Pamela. Clint worries to Vicki about all the rules now for parenting and he is feeling overwhelmed. He is stuck on just the naming alone. She says it is easy if it is a boy, it is Clint Jr. He admits that he likes the name Lulu for a girl, Vicki obviously does not.
Episode 8, :37 mins. Cord finds Maria at the hospital and she assures him nothing happened to Al.  Larry comes out and tells Maria and Cor that Al has peacefully passed away. Vicki is drinking her milk but begs for a cup of coffee. They are discussing Mitch, what he is up to and where he gets his funding from? Mitch walks in and declares that he comes in peace. They tell Mitch that they are running a full page editorial calling for an investigation into him. Mitch warns them not to do that. Clint grabs his suit jacket and asks him if this is a threat. Dorian &?. Dee & her father (?). Rafe questioning ? with Herb. Maria says her goodbyes to her husband. Mitch and Asa, Pamela.  Cord arrives back at the Banner and tells Clint and Vicki that his father died this morning. After his meeting with Mitch, Asa arrives to tell Clint & Vicki to kill the editorial on him. As Dorian showers, someone sneaks in and braces her shower door shut and turns off the cold water scalding her with only hot as she screams.

July episodes 1986 two additional dvds need descriptions.

July, 1986 (was labeled #20): 6 episodes
Episode #1
Episode #2 :37 missed last :6 mins. Tina blackmails Asa for $1 million for Cord, Cassie is under Mitch Lawrence and his cult’s influence, he tries to seduce her, she holds her head as though it hurts (this must be just before she snaps & kills him - those scenes not included, and Dorian’s clean up of the murder is also missing).
Episode #3  :40 mins, no end credits (missed last 3 mins) Tina & Cord making love in bed by candlelit, Cord proposes and she says yes. Then Richard proposes to Tina. Clint & Vicki, she admits she thought he had killed Mitch when she heard he had died. Cassie worries to Dorian that she left her earring in Mitch’s room, Dorian assures her she cleaned up the scene, Asa tells Pamela about Tina blackmailing him to keep the info that he broke up Clint & Maria and that Clint is Cord’s father (Clint & Cord don’t know)
Episode #4 partial :20 mins no commercials, missed last :13 mins
Episode #5 no end credits, no cm :43, Vicki tells Delilah she may have to take Joey to a dryer climate for his asthma and she may not be able to be her maid of honor, Clint & Maria, Dorian & Herb & Cassie, Vicki & Clint
Episode #6 Tina & Cord, complete no cm :43 mins

OLTL Late August & September 15, 1986: 4 episodes
(very pregnant Vicki) Clint calls Vicki on vacation, Vicki comes home, faints when she sees T.D. (JR), Dorian prison, Ashford & Simpson perform, GH Promo “Frisco & Felicia on the run for their lives”
LATE AUG, 1986 Episode #1 Marylynn remembers something about Mitch that can help Dorian’s case. Allison talks with Larry about working at Llanview hospital. Clint and Maria have dinner and Asa and Pam show up. Dorian is questioned on the stand about Mitch. Asa and Maria fight about their 25 year old secret. Dorian tells the jury why she killed Mitch. Pam walks out on Asa at dinner. Herb makes his case to the court
LATE AUG, 1986 Episode #2 Pam is drunk at Elmo’s as Ashford & Simpson perform. Clint and Maria talk about Asa at the Vernon Inn. Dellilah asks Tina to come to her wedding. Susan Bates is at the precinct with a mysterious cassette tape. Pete rescues Pam from Elmos. Cord threatens Dean Stella to leave Tina alone. Jamie Sanders, Dan Wolek and Allison Perkins arrive at Elmo’s. Marylynn tells Cassie about Mitchs tapes. Pete brings Pam home to Asa’s. Vince shows up at Elmo’s and threatens Chip into doing him a favor. Cassie questions Allison about Mitch’s tapes
LATE AUG Episode #3 Rafe & Delilah’s wedding. Dorian is convicted for killing Mitch. Tina has a bad daydream at the wedding. Dorian plans to flee the country but john stops her. Rafe and Dellilah become husband and wife. Vince shows up at Elmo’s to make sure Chip completed the drug drop. Herb and Cassie talk about the verdict. Vince threatens Chip again, Tina and Cord find a briefcase of cocaine at a park. A mysterious women picks it up and Cord follows her. Tina tells Rafe about the briffcase. John accuses Judith of being too tough on Dorian. Rafe finds no sign of Cord or the briefcase. Dorian is sentenced to 5 years for killing Mitch.
SEPT 15, 1986 Viki arrives home from Arizona. Dorian is in prison plotting to get her hands on Susans cassette tapes. Tina and Cord talk about their family’s future. Herb and Judith arrive at Statesville to pick up Diane who is being released. Dorian tells Herb about Susan’s tapes and says goodbye to Diane. The warden plots to kill Dorian. Many show up for Vikkis home coming party. Jeanne starts a riot at the fall prison social so Dorian can search Susan’s cell. Dorian hears a tape with Mitch’s voice on it with evidence to clear her, Susan and Dorian fight over the tape. Vikki sees Tom Dennison for the first time at the party and faints.

September 16 - 30, 1986:
SEPT 16, 1986
Dorian gets the tape away from Susan and is knocked out by a male prisoner. Vikki in shock to see Tom, Susan grabs the tape and fears being set up for Dorian’s murder. Matron Spitz takes Susan out of the prison as a male inmate attempts to smother Dorian to death. Clint shows off the babies’ nursery to the party guests. Tom and Vikki talk about Joe Reilly. John saves Dorian from her attacker. Vince and Jamie are surprised when Matron Spitz shows up at the backstreet bar with Susan. Dorian searches frantically for the tape. Rafe, Clint and Cord discuss the recent crack ring that has hit Llanview. Vince offers Susan a way to leave town. Dorian is worried about Susan’s disappearance from prison. Vikki’s party continues. Vince begins to attack Susan Bates as she tries to leave the backstreet bar. Vikki and Clint tell Tom about Joe Reilly. Tthe warden plots against Dorian. VINCE MURDERS SUSAN BATES at the backstreet bar as jamie tries to stop him.
SEPT 23 Vikki is in the hospital in labor. Vince and the warden plot Dorian’s death. Herb and Judith discuss Dorian’s release from prison. Vikki is about to give birth. Vicki and Clint pick the name Jessica for their newborn. Cord and Tina fight. Jeanne tells Dorian immates are being forced to work in a crack factory. Dorian sets a plan to stay in prison. Herb shows the warden Dorian’s release papers. Baby Jessica is born. Judith asks Diane about Statesvile prison. Dorian gets caught with drugs and won’t be released from prison. Dan Wolek asks Judith to take his case. Vince tells the warden he rigged a bomb to Dorians TV set. Diane moves into Dorian’s home.
  SEPT 29 Dorian infiltrates the crack factory. The warden is on to Dorian’s plan. Vicki, Clint and Jessica at the hospital. Allison finds a wig and dress that Mitch gave her and remembers his plan. Tina and Cord visiting the hospital nursery. Tina, Cord and Asa argue at Llanview hospital. John finds out Dorian’s plan for the crack ring. Allison tries on the wig and dress and remembers Mitch’s orders. John saves dorian from death at the crack factory. The matron and warden are arrested. Allison has a flashback about being brainwashed by Mitch. Vicki holds her baby girl.
  SEPT 30 Tina visits Vikki in the hospital. Allison tries to fight Mitch’s brainwashing. Vince and Jamie meet in an alley. Vince tells Jamie about the bomb at Dorian’s. Dorian arrives home from prison and looking for Diane. Cord shows up at Dorian’s to get her story about the crack ring. Jamie is upset with Vince for rigging the bomb. Tina gives baby Jessica a strange gift. Jamie tells Vince he is out of the drug dealing. Allison enters the hospital nursery dressed like Nikki Smith. Tina sees this strange woman in the hospital nursery. Jamie makes a desperate phone call. Dorian turns on her TV and the BOMB EXPLODES.

OLTL Episodes 1987 - June, 1994 COMING SOON. Email or for list of 1987 - 1994 episode dvds.

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