OLTL Prom: Starr's Crossed Lovers 2010 - single dvd

  • 5/14/10  Part 1 of the musical begins

  • 5/17/10 Part 2 of the musical continues

  • 5/18/10 Part 3 of the musical ends

  • OLTL Prom Night The Musical June 13 - 20, 2007 - 6 complete episodes, no commericals, 4 hr dvd

  • 6/13/07 Prom Night Rehearsals - complete episode, no commericals

  • 6/14/07 Prom Night dates are made - complete episode, no commericals

  • 6/15/07 Prom Night The Musical Begins - complete episode, no commericals

  • 6/18/07 Prom Night the Musical continues - complete episode, no commericals

  • 6/19/07 Prom Night The Musical continues - complete episode, no commericals

  • 6/20/07 Prom Night The Musical concludes - complete episode, no commercials

I compiled the six episodes around the Prom onto a single dvd, deleted commericals to fit additional episodes. These are all original high quality dvd episodes.

Expanded Descriptions Prom Night 


OLTL Prom Night The Musical June 13 - 20, 2007: Single Dvd

Beginning Friday, June 15, One Life to Live kicked off a special four-day musical event "Prom Night: The Musical " featuring songs "You're the Freak," "The Cheerleader is Always the Bitch," and the already popular "Together."

The Story  - Prom's supposed to be fun, but the only person excited for it is Britney and she's a bitch. Cole's agreed to go with her, but all he can think about it how he'd rather be going with Starr. Starr's agreed to do the platonic date thing with Markko, and her best friend Langston is a bit too adamant about not caring. Over the course of four episodes, couples will split, others will come together and destiny takes over as the magic of prom night may just touch Starr and Cole. And, of course, Britney will be a bitch.

The Characters - Starr Manning is the daughter of two of Llanview's most masterful manipulators, Todd and Blair, and the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. She's met her match in alpha bitch cheerleader Britney Jennings. Britney wants Cole Thornhart, Starr's ex but Cole wants Starr back. Only problem is, their parents hate each other (dad tried to strangle Cole), so dating isn't exactly easy. Starr's best friend Langston Wilde knows Starr and Cole are the real deal, but remains a cynic about love herself. She thinks Markko Rivera is a egotistical jock wannabe, while he thinks she's trying a little too work the hipster/goth look. Their arguments are a little too passionate. Hey, they say enemies can make the best lovers.

Episode Breakdown

06/13/07 Prom Night Rehearsals -  John recalls something that strengthens his suspicion about Marty's involvement in Spencer's murder. Marty's nerves are frazzled as she's forced to keep her sham marriage alive. Viki is surprised to learn about Miles and Marty's sudden marriage. An upset Cole turns to John, who promises everything will work out. John summons Marty to his office wanting to know what she isn't telling him about why she really married Miles. Langston clashes with Markko during the rehearsals for the musical and neither has a date for the prom. Langston is clearly attracted to Markko but keep her feelings to herself. Markko asks Starr to be his date for the prom. Britney looks forward to going to the prom with Cole. Bo forms a plan to set a trap for the arsonist/bomber using Lindsay's gallery as a possible target. Kirk is left with an uneasy feeling when Bo tries to subtly question him about Tate. Rex remains suspicious of Tate and cautions Adriana to be careful.

06/14/07 Prom Night Date Invitations - Marty reveals her secret when John backs her into a corner. Marty, however, dances around the truth about why she really married Miles. John surprises Marty when he comes to a different conclusion about Spencer's murder. John makes a call to get David released from Statesville. Miles turns the tables on Blair when she attempts to seduce information out of him. Starr accepts Markko's invitation to go to the prom and tries to convince a morose Langston to go as well. Marcie intervenes and makes Langston an offer she can't refuse to get her to go to the prom. Bo puts his plan to flush out the arsonist into motion with the help of the victims of the violence. Tate wants nothing to do with his father.

6/15/07 "Prom Night: The Musical" begins. Starr and Cole are miserable over the fact they aren't going to the prom together but Starr sticks to her resolve. Dorian comes to Starr's rescue when she produces the perfect gown at the last minute. Blair shares a warm moment with her daughter. John meets with the warden at Statesville to try and secure David's release as part of his plan to smoke out the real killer. John contacts Marty. Blair clings to the belief that Todd is still alive. Todd seems to be a death's door but his savior could be nearby.

6/18/07  "Prom Night: The Musical" continues. It's a stormy night in Llanview both figuratively and literally as Starr's prom gets underway. Starr, Britney and Langston each have bittersweet musical moments about how they envision their perfect worlds. Britney tries to cover the insecurity she feels over Cole as she knows he really wishes Starr was his date. David, just released from jail, appears on Dorian's doorstep demanding the ten million dollars he claims she cheated him out of. Starr finds herself the unintended target of David and Dorian's antics but eventually sets off in Dorian's limo to meet up with Marrko at the dance. After getting a flat tire, Starr heads out in the storm to make her way to the prom and falls face first in the mud. Britney is crushed when Cole takes off when he senses that Starr needs him. In song, Langston and Marrko trade sarcastic jibes to hide the fact that they really do like each other. Marcie knows that Langston and Marrko have chemistry and decides to sing about it. Dorian won't allow David to stay with her and kicks him out in the rain. Meanwhile, Bo and Talia begin their stakeout at the gallery. Lindsay is embarrassed when Rex good-naturedly points out that she had been crushing on Bo.

06/19/07 "Prom Night: The Musical" continues. Starr is certain that her father carried her to the hospital but a sympathetic Viki knows Starr only saw what she wanted to see. Cole is desperate to find Starr as they both sing about wanting the person they long for to appear. Cole is amazed when he finds Starr's phone by the side of the road and realizes how close she had been. Britney can't fight her true nature when she intercepts Starr's call to Marrko and torments Starr by lying and saying that she and Cole are having the time of their lives together. Back to form, Britney does a number driving home the point that the cheerleader is always a bitch. Viki acts as Starr's fairy godmother of sorts when she convinces her to go be with Cole at the prom. After several near misses, Starr and Cole finally find themselves in each other's arms at the magic hour. Marcie tries to play matchmaker when she arranges for Marrko and Langston to be named King and Queen of the Prom. Marty and Blair are none too pleased when they both find themselves at the Palace Bar. Marty starts to sweat when David comes up to the bar but he leaves without coming out and saying he suspects she killed Spencer. Blair and Marty share a rare, and also brief, moment of connection. Clint won't give in to David's attempt at blackmail and sends him packing.

6/20/07 "Prom Night: The Musical" concludes. Cole and Starr are blissfully happy when she admits it's time for her to stop trying to deny the fact that they belong together and fall into a kiss. Langston and Marrko are ready to kill Marcie for the stunt she pulled but turn the situation around by passing their crowns off to Cole and Starr, naming them the newly appointed King and Queen of the Prom. Marrko and Langston each think the other is a freak and they couldn't be happier about it. An angry Britney confronts Cole for ditching her and accuses Starr of being out for revenge. According to Britney, it's war where Starr is concerned. Cole drives Starr home, where they end the night in a magical dance under the stars. Miles isn't pleased when John arrives wanting to talk to Marty. Once alone, John hits the nail on the head when he tells Marty he thinks Miles figured out she believes she killed Spencer and blackmailed her into marrying him. John leaves without getting a straight answer from Marty but makes it clear he's going to keep digging until the truth comes out. Bo and Talia interrogate Kirk, who neither confirms nor denies his guilt. Bo gains more respect for Talia when she lets Kirk know exactly how she feels about people like him. Adriana assures Tate she won't hold his father's crimes against him and agrees to let him spend the night on her couch. Having nowhere else to go, a bedraggled David shows up at John's door.


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