These tapes are edited to all of T&B's scenes from their first meeting and include all of their scenes. T&B #1-3 are each 8 hr edits, T&B #4 is a little under 6 hrs. These aren't my original edits but the person I got them from is no longer able to copy them. Normally I don't copy tapes that aren't my original edits but several people have reported they can't find these earlier scenes anywhere else.

Since they aren't my original edits there will be some quality lost in copying them again. I have noticed that the sound is reduced on a couple of the tapes. But the storyline is great - they are watchable but not as good as if I had original edits. If you know of someone who has good quality original edits that is always the way to go. I don't have anything edited past this Todd's "death".

Section #1 -  Todd & Blair Edits "The Begining" 1994-1995

Todd Accident Tape - 1 1/2 hrs SP - Todd on the run, the accident, he rescues CJ, Marty.

Todd & Blair #1 - 7/94-3/95 edited tapes - SLP T-160’s- 8 hrs - from first meeting - They meet for the first time in Roadies, they are both sad as have been dumped. Todd set up for rape, then stabbed and Blair finds him. His dad dies, Blair goes to comfort him, they dance (good music clip). T&B make love around Christmas. Then Blair blows Todd off as she wants a future with Cord. Todd tells Blair he found out he was adopted. Blair thinks Cord dumped her to return to Tina. Blair sings at Roadies. Blair feeling lonely tries to seduce Todd, he says no as doesn’t want it to ruin their friendship like the last time when she regretted it and then avoided him. He realizes she is still hung up on Cord. Todd leaves town.

Blair begins to think he is the missing Lord heir (she puts the pieces together of what Todd tells her and what Cord tells her about David Vickers, the pretend heir). Blair follows Todd to Florida and lies and tells him she is pregnant. Then she finds out Tina lied and she hadn’t reconciled with Cord. (sm music clip of Blair & Todd making out). Blair manipulates Todd into marrying her. Tina & Vicki know that Todd is their brother but don’t tell him, till Tina lets it slip. First he rejects the Lords, but begins to accept the idea of the inheritance. Tina & Asa put doubts in Todd’s mind about Blair faking another pregnancy so he insists she take a home test. She is shocked to find out that she actually is pregnant.

Todd and Blair #2 - 3/95-6/95 - 8 hour tape, 3rd gen. - Todd takes Blair to see new penthouse. Later, Blair has flashbacks to Cord. Todd runs into Vicki at airport (one of the alters). Blair offers to buy Serenity Springs and pregnant Luna goes ballistic, high blood pressure causes her to collapse - Max blames Blair, Cord defends her. Todd realizes Blair still has feelings for Cord. Todd steals away best Banner employee to work at the Sun. Clint tells Todd that he just made an enemy. Todd gets a deep throat phone call asking to meet with info that could hurt the Banner. Todd doesn't yet know that it is from one of Vicky's altars. She wants to meet. She gives him tips that help the Sun and hurt the Banner.

Todd spoils Blair. Blair meets Kelly, her cousin. There is a big party, the charity event of the year - the Gold Star Ball. Blair begs Todd to take her. He agrees, she looks great. Todd feels the baby kick. He buys lots of toys, the two of them play together. Blair seems drawn to Todd and happy with him, they make love. Todd tells Tina's kids that they are going to have a new cousin. The Sun is doing good business, thanks to Viki’s alters giving Todd story tips. Todd still thinks Blair is in love with Cord. Blair throws a birthday party for Addie. Addie doesn’t like Todd as he scares her. Todd overhears Addie say that Blair really loves Cord. He & Blair have a big fight, he says they would have been better off if she had gotten rid of the baby. He goes to a bar while she drives home alone. Her car breaks down, she’s mugged and hurt. Christian Vega finds her unconscious. He is trying to help her when Andy comes along, arrests him thinking he is responsible. Marty goes to Roadies and tells Todd that there has been accident and Blair is hurt. Todd is devastated when he learns she has lost the baby. Blair is so heartbroken, she just sobs.

Bo interviews her and wants to know if she can identify her attackers, she can't at the moment which means she also doesn't clear Christian. Blair just remembers Todd saying she shouldn't have kept the baby. She wants to know if he is glad she lost it. Larry interrupts at that moment to tell her she can go home. She bitterly asks where she would go? He assures her that he believes she will be able to get pregnant again. That is off little comfort to her.

Todd and Blair #3 - 6/95-10/95 - 8 hour tape, SLP 3rd gen. - Todd tells Blair about Vicki being wacko as they share dinner over Chinese food. Todd kisses Blair then pulls back and apologizes for rushing her. He knows that she is just getting over losing the baby. She says he never "bothers her". He tells Blair that he is going to write the story on Vicki sabotaging the banner. She offers to help him write the article.

At Roadies on fourth of July, Cord blasts Todd for the article he published on Vicki. After he leaves, Blair asks Todd to slow dance. They gaze into each other's eyes. They go back to the penthouse, they kiss as the sound of fireworks is heard in the background. Blair puts on a negligee and has Todd rub lotion on her arms and shoulders. He kisses her and they make love.

Max confronts Blair. She had Todd fire Luna from the radio station. He threatens to retaliate.

Back at the penthouse, Blair tells Todd he really has a heart and she knows he would do anything to make her happy. She leans in and kisses him. He seems surprised as he isn't used to compliments. He tells her that he sticks around because he loves her (for the first time). He struggles and has a difficult time getting the words out. They start to make love but he pulls back and mentions protection. She tells him that things are finally working between them, that all the bad is behind them, and she is happy now. She wants to make a baby with him, they make love. He tells her he loves her for the second time. He mentions that she hasn't said it back to him. She turns and kisses him.

One day, Todd returns home. Blair tells him how great she feels. She is over the pain of losing their baby. She is revealing in her marriage and tells him that they belong with each other that they always have. He agrees.

Max questions Addie and figures out that Blair faked her pregnancy to get Todd to marry her. Max taunts Todd with the info. Todd is hurt. He goes to Blair needling her about how easy it is for her to get pregnant. She asks him if max told him the lie that she hadn't been pregnant when they married. She tells him Max is only trying to hurt her. Todd grabs her face and squeezes, he scares her. Blair tells him that he is hurting her. He pulls away but he becomes so cold, so remote. He sneaks into her doctor's office and reads her file. He realizes she was pregnant but not at Christmas like she said, that she didn't get pregnant till Feb after they had married. He feels used, that everything she said to him was a lie. Blair rushes to the doctor's office, she is devastated when she realizes he has read the file. Todd rants and raves about Blair’s lies to Marty. He tells Marty that Blair married him for his money, for the trust fund he inherited. He says he will make Blair pay. Marty blocks his exit till he gets himself under control.

Blair goes crying to Cord about everything she has lost. He tells her that she doesn't love him, that she loves Todd. Blair realizes he is right. She hugs Cord and tells him how wonderful he is. Of course, Todd walks in and only hears this part of the conversation. He is hurt and furious. Cord is worried for Blair's safety because Todd is so angry. Cord refuses to leave Todd alone with her. Todd storms out. Cord offers to stay the night and offer protection. She turns him down as she knows Todd won't hurt her. Todd returns after Cord is gone. Blair tells him that she loves him for the first time, that she doesn't want to lose him and she isn't after his money. She admits she lied to him. Just then, her financial advisor calls and leaves a message on the answering machine about how she could transfer large amounts of money into a separate account and how she could get sole ownership of Melodor. He feels like she is just playing him again to get money that she doesn't really care about him. He tells her she makes him sick and he hates her. He throws her out.

Todd is sure she has been sleeping with Cord the whole time, plotting behind his back. he figures when she was pregnant that the baby was Cord's. He viciously tells her he is glad that her baby died and he hopes she never has another. She gasps at the cruelty of his words and turns from him. He seems to immediately regret the harshness of his words (said out of anger and jealousy). She tells him that everyone was right about him, that he is a freak and a monster. She continues to push and bait him. He follows her upstairs. He throws her on the bed. As he stands over her, he sees Marty's face. They both think about his past as a rapist. But Blair continues to lash out at him. He doesn't hurt her though, he storms out. Later, he tells her he is applying for an annulment. He says she married him under false pretenses and with an annulment she will get nothing from him.

He throws her out of the apartment. She will get Melodor but none of his money. Blair visits Luna in the hospital. Then she tells Todd that Luna is dying. She had asked Luna for forgiveness. Luna told her that Blair & Todd belong together. Blair tries to reach out to him. He remains sarcastic and biting. She gives up and tells him that she will move out, she leaves her wedding ring on the table. After Luna's death, Todd finds Marty drinking at Roadies. He knows how dangerous it is for her with having Lupus. He cuts her off at the bar, but later still finds her passed out in the alley. He rescues her and gets her to the hospital.

Blair goes to tell Todd that she is pregnant. She arrives and tells him that they have an important decision to make together. Just then his assistant comes in with the papers to be messengered to her. She says just give them to me now, Todd tries to stop the assistant. The papers state that she owes him $65,000 in back rent for the Melodor space. Also included in the package are the annulment papers. She is furious and signs the papers and leaves without telling him. He seems disappointed that she signed them and wonders what she wanted to tell him. Later, she swears to Dorian that she will never tell him about the baby. He comes to see her and reaches out to her. He wanted to know why she came to see him (looks like he was hoping she wanted to reconcile). This time she brushes him off.

Todd goes to see Vicki. He apologizes to her for dragging her through the mud. He explains that he thought she was trying to set him up as he didn't believe that she would really sabotage the banner. He doesn't realize how fragile Vicki is. He says that she flipped out every time he mentioned Victor. Now he knows it was the IDD. Then he proceeds to question her about his father's death and tells her that he can't believe that Irene (his mother, Vicki's best friend) killed Victor. This brings forth a couple of altars.

Todd finds Marty drinking again. He has a long series of flashbacks of his whole history with Marty. Todd is waiting for Marty outside of her house. He sees her saying no repeatedly to David's advances, she is drunk. He pulls David off of her and threatens him. After David leaves, Marty & Todd have it out about the rape. She is near collapsing. He carries her into her home.

Todd and Blair #4 - 8 hrs, SLP, 3rd gen - 10/1-11/95 - 6 hrs - Todd & Marty have a heart to heart in front of the fire at her place (this is continued from tape #3). Marty tells Todd she is going to Ireland to confront the aunt who tried to bilk her out of her trust fund. Todd seems less angry after the catharsis with Marty. He runs into Blair at the hospital and shocks her by asking her to lunch.

She accepts. He is surprised when she doesn't order wine with lunch, as she always does. She says she needs to keep her wits sharp in case he tries to pull a fast one. He tells her how much he and Marty have in common. Blair looks her and sadly comments that she thinks Todd is in love with Marty. He says no that isn't what he meant. He suggests that he and Blair think about trying to work things out and try to get back together. When Todd leaves to make a phone call, Tina confronts Blair. Tina insists that Blair has found out that Tina's children will inherit from Todd unless Blair has a child. Tina believes that Blair is out to seduce Todd to get pregnant.

Blair goes to the stables and sees a beautiful Arabian horse. The horse is wild but he allows Blair to get close to him. Todd comes in, he snipes at Blair. Tina has shared her suspicions with him and he know suspects Blair's motives again. Todd watches her with the horse, and realizes that maybe Tina is wrong about Blair. He invites her to go back to the Inn for a drink. She says no. She is tired of him not trusting her, that she can only get kicked in the gut so many times. He points out that she has never been one to play it safe, one reason why he bought the horse for her. He ordered it a few months ago for her for her birthday. She sadly asks him to treat the horse good. He tells her he bought the horse for her, that she would take good care of him. He wishes her happy birthday and wants her to keep the horse. She asks him why he bought her the horse. He tells her he envies her, that she does take chances and isn't afraid of life. He says that is what he and Marty have in common, that they are both afraid. She wants to know what he is afraid of. He pulls her close, kisses her. They make love in the stable.

David has the diary. Dorian gets Blair to help her get it back. They stage a big public fight and make sure David sees it. David is there to console Blair. She begins to put Dorian's plan into action...all to get access to get the diary back (Dorian is afraid that there is incriminating evidence in it implicating her in Victor Lord's death). Tina becomes suspicious of Blair's interest in David and tells Todd who doesn't believe her. Tina tells him about Blair leaving at the hotel. Todd & Blair make love at the penthouse, he wants her to stay. He asks her about staying at the hotel, she makes up some excuse about having a fight with Dorian.

Next, Tina tells Todd that she saw Blair coming out of David's hotel room and that her room adjoins his.

Dorian wants Blair to sleep with David to set him up for infidelity to get out of her marriage to him. Blair refuses. She doesn't mind helping Dorian but she doesn't want to do anything to jeopardize her reunion with Todd. Todd is increasingly suspicious about what Blair is up to with David. He questions her one more time. He tells her he is trying to trust her but she has to tell him where she is off to one night. She finally decides to trust him and tells him about her part in Dorian's plot. He seems relieved not only that she isn't having an affair with David but that she is willing to trust him. He tells her she isn't doing it alone that he will help her. She tells him that the plan is for Blair to sleep with David to get evidence of his infidelity to get Dorian out of the marriage without having to pay David an exorbitant sum of money and to get Dorian free of David's blackmail by getting the diary back. Todd is less than thrilled with the news. Blair assures him that David will just think he is sleeping with Blair, Dorian has a blond wig and will dress up like Blair.

Blair ties up David in the hotel room, blindfolds him. She is able to steal Irene Manning's diary then sets up Dorian to enter the room pretending to be Blair. David is so excited that he doesn't notice anything different. Todd has arranged for a Star photographer to take incriminating pictures of David and the fake Blair. Todd instructs them to run a picture with a clear picture of David's face but not the woman's. Blair has set it up to look like he is with another woman (not Blair or Dorian).

Todd & Blair celebrate their success. It has meant a lot to Todd to read his mother's diary, to know that she loved him and didn't give him up lightly - that it broke her heart. That knowledge seemed to heal some of the hurt and anger inside him. He proposes to Blair. She tells him she is pregnant. She braces herself for him to respond with cruelty and disbelief but he surprises her. They go to Andrew and ask him to marry them. He points out they just had their marriage annulled. Cassie sticks up for them and talks Andrew into performing the ceremony.

Blair tells Dorian that she is marrying Todd the next day. Blair doesn't have a wedding dress. Dorian gives her a dress that belonged to her great grandmother. The Cramer women buzz around with wedding preparations. Todd goes to see Vicki and asks about their father. He has to know to be set free of the past. Vicki goes into one of her altars and orders Todd to leave. He realizes what is going on with her and pleads that she can do this, he reaches her and Vicki comes back. She tells him that her father raped her. He is devastated with this further proof that he can't escape what he sees as a destiny of violence and destruction. He goes to the family crypt to see Victor. He says he won't be getting married today or any day. Vicki follows him and talks him through his panic.

Todd & Blair's second wedding. They have a private dinner celebration, they dance as gold balloons fall around them. Their rejoicing is short lived as Todd decides to go to Ireland the next day to fetch Marty. A little girl with Aids is dying, and she wants to see Marty. So Todd goes to bring her back. Blair is furious that he would leave her to help Marty. He wants her to go with him but she can't due to a meeting. She begs him not to go, she has a terrible feeling about it.

Todd arrives in Ireland. He tells Marty about Paloma. She tells him about Patrick and the trouble he is in. Todd promises to stay and help Patrick if she will go back to Llanview to see Paloma. When the terrorists are after Patrick, Todd puts on his coat and gets shot in the back - mistaken for Patrick. They dump him in the trunk of a car and send it over a cliff. Marty goes to see Blair when she gets back and tells her that Todd went to Ireland to help her new friend, Patrick. The last scene we see is Todd opening his eyes in the trunk of the car after having been presumed dead

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