Section #2 -  Todd & Blair Edits June, 2000 - 2003

Kati's T&B Edits
Kati has done a series of T&B edits. Due to a new baby, she is no longer able to copy her edits and she has given me permission to make these available. Please note that tape #1 and tape #3 are 9 hour tapes, and tape #2 is a bit less than 4 hours.  I am offering the first three tapes on 8 hour tapes, so the first 8 hours will be on tape #1, tape #2 will be about 6 hours (as I will put the last hour of tape #1 on it, and the first hour of tape #3), and tape #3 will be 8 hours. Contact me for dvd information and availability at

Todd & Blair #1 - June 13 - October 27, 2000 - 9 hrs - Todd returns to the show when he runs into Blair and then Jessica, Cristian and Will in Cincinnati; Todd returns to Llanview and sees Sam & Viki; Todd takes Viki to see Jessica; Todd finds Nora and eventually brings her back "from the dead"; he ships Will to Ireland; Todd visits Starr; Blair catches him but hides him from Max; Starr tells Todd that Blair is plotting revenge on Max; Todd threatens Skye; Blair enlists Todd's help to stop a computer virus she created to hurt Max; Blair helps Todd get back his newspaper; Todd gets his penthouse back and gets Starr to spy on Blair & Max; he & Blair argue then make up in the park; Todd purposely locks them in a storage closet to keep Blair from making a baby with Max; Todd uses Skye to help break up Blair & Max

Todd & Blair #2 - October 30, 2000 - January 26, 2001 - 3 hrs 40 min - Todd sets up Skye to help Blair & himself; Blair kisses Todd on Halloween; Todd decides to break up her marriage to Max and win her back; he releases the computer virus and makes sure Max sees it; Max dumps Blair and goes back to Skye; Blair loses it and shoots Max; Todd covers up her crime and pins it on Skye; he helps her with the cops and has her move in with him at the penthouse; T&B spend the night in bed talking and Todd tells Blair a fairy tale; Todd surprises Blair with fireworks; Todd has Blair arrested over Christmas for taking Starr out of town without telling him; he dreams of a happy life with her & Starr; Todd gets Blair out of jail and she tries to make him jealous by hitting on Cristian; Todd ends up proposing and she accepts; Todd wants to elope, but Blair wants a big wedding; Todd goes to Rae for therapy and finds out that Rae is Skye's mother; he shares this information with an elated Blair and they kiss; Starr gets in trouble at school and T&B argue over how to handle it; Blair calls off the wedding; Skye & John Sykes try to get T&B to turn on each other and confess about Max's shooting; T&B team up and decide to cause lots of trouble for the citizens of Llanview

Todd & Blair  #3 - January 29 - March 29, 2001 - 7 1/2 to 8 hours - Todd & Blair continue to stir up trouble all over town. They return to Blair's room at The Palace and make love for the first time in over five years. The next morning, Blair puts her engagement ring back on and they prepare to get married. Todd gets a judge to sign Blair & Max's divorce papers while Max & Skye scheme to break up T&B. Todd goes ballistic when he catches Max kissing Blair on the night of their rehearsal dinner. The night before the wedding, Max drugs Blair and sets Todd up to see them in bed together. Todd stuns Blair at the altar by turning her into the cops for Max's shooting. He also spills several other Llanview secrets before he's done. T&B end up in adjoining jail cells. Blair tries to figure out why Todd turned on her, but he insists that she knows what she did. They share a kiss between the bars of their cells, but Todd refuses to forgive her. Once released, Blair threatens Max and finds out that he drugged her. She rushes to tell Todd what happened, but she's too late--he's turned her clothes (with gun powder residue on them) into the cops. Todd finally learns that Blair was telling the truth about being drugged. He knocks out Max and threatens to bury him alive. Blair works with Kelly to figure out how to beat the attempted murder charges she faces. She decides to convince everyone that she's crazy. Starr pressures Todd to fix everything and then plots her own revenge against Max. Todd dresses up as a cop to steal her clothes out of the evidence room, but gets sent on a call to arrest Blair for causing a scene in public. They end up at the penthouse handcuffed together. They almost kiss, but Blair pulls away. Bo almost catches them in the handcuffs. Todd comes up with a new plan to steal the evidence back. He puts a bomb in the police station, but gets trapped in the evidence room. Blair comes to his rescue, but they don't get the clothes back. Sam advises Blair to stay away from Todd, but Todd isn't giving up.

Todd & Blair #4 - April 2- June 25, 2001 - 7 hrs 50 min - Todd goes to Dorian's and gets in bed with a sleeping Blair and Starr. Blair is happy to see him there in the morning, but still tries to resist him when he wants to get back together. She caves though and they are about to make love when Max interrupts. After the interruption, Blair pushes Todd away again because she's worried about going to prison.  She decides to try and seduce Max to stay out of prison.  Todd and Kelly talk about Blair.  Blair later lets Kelly in on her latest scheme.  Todd visits Jessica.  At Blair's preliminary hearing, Todd and Starr create a disturbance by releasing a snake in the court room.  Starr gets caught with Blair's clothes from the night of the shooting.  Blair again rebuffs Todd's attempt to reconcile. He tries to get Lindsay and then Melanie to help him steal the evidence against Blair, and then tries to convince Blair to go away with him and Starr.  He throws her over his shoulder and starts to leave, but Kelly stops them.  Starr puts another revenge scheme in motion against Max.  Blair tells Kelly she still loves Todd.  Todd realizes that he loves Blair and that he should have trusted her before their wedding.  Kelly and Blair decide to lie to Max about Blair being pregnant to keep Blair out of prison.  Todd decides to prove his love to Blair by confessing to Max's shooting and going to jail in Blair's place.  Blair is touched by his gesture, but can't let him go to prison for her so she tells him that she's pregnant with Max's baby.  Todd is hurt by the news and recants his confession.  Max forces Blair to take a pregnancy test at the hospital and she's shocked to discover that she really is pregnant.  Todd is tormented by Blair's news and lashes out and gets arrested.  He makes plans to leave town with Starr.  Blair visits and tells him that she was running a scam on Max.  Todd is relieved, until he learns that she really is pregnant after all.  Starr refuses to leave town without her mother.  Blair is shocked when she overhears Max's plan to send her to prison and raise their baby by himself.  Todd tries to make Blair look crazy and uses The Sun to do it.  He has her evicted from Dorian's house.  Blair learns that the baby is Todd's.  She tries to tell him, but something always happens to stop her.  Starr finds out that Blair is pregnant, but they don't tell her it's Max's.  Todd testifies and helps Blair get off for temporary insanity.  She's sentenced to St. Anne's and Todd dresses up like a nun to check on her.  For Starr's sake, Todd & Blair agree to live together at Dorian's and sleep in the same bed.

Todd & Blair #5 - June 25 - September 24, 2001 - 7 hrs 50 min - Todd & Blair wake up together and almost kiss, but the baby kicks and interrupts them.  Starr buys a love potion to reunite her mom & dad, but the plan backfires.  They try to make things work and Blair tries to tell him the truth again, but they are once again interrupted.  (Also includes the special Fourth of July episode where characters switch places.)  Starr runs away and Todd & Blair frantically search for her.  They find her at Viki's and Todd overhears Blair talking lovingly about her baby's father.  Thinking that she means Max (when she really means Todd), he lashes out again and keeps Starr away from Blair.  Thinking it's her only chance to keep her baby from Todd, Blair agrees to marry Max.  While arguing with Todd, Blair starts to have contractions.  Todd thinks she's faking and leaves her all alone.  Gabrielle comes to her aid and by the time Todd comes back to check on Blair, Max is there by her side.  Todd slips away and has Starr sent away to boarding school.  He then works to set Blair & Max up for the "murder" of Asa.  When Max calls off the wedding, Blair decides to leave town to have the baby.  She says good-bye to Todd and later writes him a letter telling him the baby is his.  Sam urges Todd to follow her and tell her that he loves her.

Todd & Blair  #6 - October 1 - December 13, 2001  - 7 hrs 56 min - Todd brings Starr home from boarding school and has Blair followed as she flies to Mexico.  When he finds out where she is, he follows.  They argue and then make-up.  As Blair is about to tell him the baby is his, she goes into labor.  Todd delivers his own son, but believes it's Max's son.  Blair tries again to tell him the truth, but is too weak and falls asleep.  Todd decides that to have a future with Blair, he needs to give the baby away.  He has the midwife tell Blair that the baby died and he tries to give the baby to nuns.  When that plan fails, he gives him to con man David Vickers.  He takes a devastated Blair home.  Thanks to Blair's letter (which Addie had), Starr figures out that the baby was Todd's.  She tries to tell her dad, but Blair asks her not to because she says Todd will be too sad if he knows the truth.  Todd proposes and Blair accepts.  During the ceremony, Blair knows that she has to tell Todd the truth, so she stops the wedding and tells him all about the baby.  He doesn't believe her at first, but the truth sinks in and he runs off to get their son back.  He tracks down David Vickers and then the baby.  Meanwhile, Blair thinks Todd is going to seek revenge and plans to leave town with Starr before he gets back.  Todd catches them at the airport and convinces Blair to give him one more chance.  He surprises her with a beautiful wedding at the mansion, surrounded by family & loved ones.  Once the guests are gone, Todd takes her upstairs and introduces her to the baby.  He tries to tell her that he is their baby, but then fears that she'll take the baby and leave him, so he tells her they're going to adopt him.  Blair loves the baby, but is still too sad to adopt.  She tells Todd to take the baby back where he got him.

Todd & Blair #7 - December 13, 2001 - March 7, 2002 - 6:55

Todd & Blair #8 - March 8 - May 24, 2002 - 7:44

Todd & Blair #9 May 27-August 23, 2002 - 7:22 - Fantasy epiosde, Blair and Star sing. Star has cartoon animated imaginings. During the last 5 1/2 hours of this edit, Todd and Tea and ? are stranded on an island somewhere in the South Pacific, beautiful location shots.

Todd & Blair #10 August 30, 2002 - Jan 10, 2003 - 7 hrs 29 min - Still stranded for the first hour or so of this edit. Then Todd sets off in man made raft and wakes up in a hospital in Guam.

Todd & Blair #11 January 11 - March 28, 2003 - 7:44

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