Livvie #4 February 1 - March 29, 2002: 8 hour original edit

Dvd #4ALucy finds Kevin trapped in the snow under live electrical wires. As she tries to free him, Paige comes on the scene and freezes to the spot when Lucy demands that she call for an ambulance. Paige finally regains her senses and Lucy calls 911.

2/4 Livvie yells at Paige for not finding Kevin in the snow electrocuted sooner. She says Paige knew Kevin was walking her to her car and that she never knew he was gone a long time. She tells Paige that she needs to go back to where she came from, as life was great before she got there.

In the ER, Ian purposely puts Kevin in a coma to save his life, as he has cranial bleeding. He wants to prevent him from having a seizure. Eve, however, strongly opposed his actions and berates him for it. Ian explains to the family about his choice, and Lucy says that she trusts Ian and that all will be okay. Lucy tries to reassure Victor, Mary, Livvie and Jack that Kevin will be fine. She then talks to Kevin and tells him how much she loves him and all about her and Serena and Christina's weekend in New York. She tells him how much she needs him and that he needs to stay with his family.

2/5 It is such a great thing that after a truly awful day that PC can give me the gift of a truly awesome episode, maybe days like this are why I keep holding on to my soap habit.

Victor and Mary, Livvie and Jack all worry about Kevin and are soon joined by Rafe and Allison. Livvie informs them that Kevin is in a coma and things just don’t look good if he doesn’t wake up soon. It’s gonna take a miracle to bring Kevin back to them. Hey miracles, right up Rafe’s ally, right Rafe? Allison asks and Livvie looks at him hopefully as we wander over to the emergency room where Kevin’s seizures have thankfully stopped. Eve and Ian have definitely not kissed and made up, they are still arguing over the best treatment for Kevin and whether or not Ian did the right thing by inducing the coma.

Lucy is right there, right at Kevin’s side, and rightly determined not to let him go. She tells him that he is not going anywhere, that she needs him to stay. Paige needs something from Kevin also, in the whiteness where they are standing; she needs Kevin to take her hand. She is ready to take him to the other side and informs him it is time to leave and calls him “my love.”

Paige goes on to say that she is here to be his guide into Heaven. A guide into Heaven, so it turns out is someone close to your (or rather Kevin’s) heart. Kevin, no dummy he even when surrounded by whiteness, asks isn’t that person supposed to be dead?

Rafe reminds Allison and Livvie that he is here on a pass and without powers to boot. He can help though; he can help Livvie pray for her father. Rafe takes a few steps away from the group so he can have a memory flash of his and Ed’s last conversation about the fifth chair.

Victor tells the group that his Monk is very stubborn thank you very much and will come out of this just fine. Rafe pops back over to remind Livvie that the life here isn’t the end, that it is merely a stop along the road. Rafe after dropping those pearls of wisdom wanders away again as a very confused Jack asks for a translation.

Ally accuses Rafe of preparing Livvie, because she thinks Rafe thinks Kevin is going to die. Back in the emergency room the dueling doctors are happy to discover there is no bleeding in Kevin’s brain. Lucy informs Kevin that it is okay if he doesn’t wake up right away, that if he needed the rest okay but she was going to stay right there until he does wake up. She reminds him she loves him and loves being his wife. She’s never been happier and it’s all because of Kevin. She wants them to follow the path they were meant to follow and promises their journey will be amazing.

Paige still wants Kevin to take a different journey and informs Kevin they can cross over together. Kevin doesn’t know, it doesn’t feel right. Paige informs Kevin that it is right, that all he has to do is trust her. Paige thinks Kevin is just scared and is all ready to take care of Kevin. She tells him he will feel just like he did in the old days, young, carefree and very happy. Paige loves Kevin, she knows now she never stopped and gee her husband won’t mind a bit if she spends eternity with Kevin (okay I made that last bit up.) Paige again asks Kevin to take her hand, this time he does.

Allison realizes that Rafe knows someone is going to die, and although Rafe tries like crazy to deny it, she remembers how flipped out he was about the possibility of Jamal being the one. She asks him if angels aren’t supposed to help people and when he has no answer for her she concludes that everything was just a lie and walks away from him.

Lucy wonders why Kevin is not waking up. Just keep talking to him, Ian urges. Again Eve and Ian sparkily argue about Ian’s “unnecessary” risk. Ian again reminds an unconvinced Eve that Kevin would be dead if he hadn’t induced the coma. And then he reminds her that there was a time she supported him. You think I killed Kevin, Ian says in his Ian-like way of getting to the heart of the matter.

Lucy is telling Kevin about her dream of their 40th wedding anniversary. They are surrounded by the people they love and know they are truly blessed. And the most awesome part of the dream was Kevin kissing Lucy’s hand and Lucy feeling it right to her toes. Just like the first time he kissed her, just like every time he kisses her now. She pleads with Kevin to come back to her, to make all her dreams come true.

Allison is in the hospital chapel and as Rafe watches and listens in, she prays out loud. She admits she is having trouble keeping faith, everything she loves and cares about has been taken from her. She is trying so hard to be strong but she feels like she is falling apart.

Lucy? Kevin hears her in the whiteness but Paige is waiting for him, it’s time for them to go. Kevin looks back toward Lucy’s voice. Lucy can feel that Kevin can hear her, but he can’t come back to her just yet something is stopping him. Eve thinks it is time Lucy got some sleep. Lucy isn’t leaving Kevin and when Eve tries to argue, Ian pops in that he thinks Lucy should stay if she wants to. Eve makes a catty comment about Ian knowing best and walks out.

Lucy tells Kevin that he has to come back to her, she needs him. Paige, pulling to Lucy’s pushing (or is that vice versa?) tells Kevin that everything is waiting for them. Back to Lucy begging Kevin not to go, that he promised her forever and it isn’t forever yet. If you love me, come back to me right now. Kevin’s eyes open, Doc???

Kevin tells a thrilled Lucy that she brought him back, he heard her calling for him. Livvie, Victor and Mary rush into the room, Victor informing his son that he gave them a hell of a scare. Eve tells Ian he was lucky, Ian comes back with he was right (and so he was.) Paige watches Kevin and his happy family through the door. Paige loses the Kevin contest and the fifth chair as empty as ever.

2/8/02 Jamal tells Jack and Livvie he's leaving town. Livvie and Jack insist he not leave. Livvie and Jack continue to try to convince Jamal not to leave Alison and/or town. Livvie uses that fact that it could have been Alison who died and he would be putting flowers on her grave. Jack asks him what has made the biggest difference in his life. Jamal replies, "Alison."

Livvie and Jack are still trying to convince Jamal to stay. Livvie suggests he go and talk to Alison. She gives him the address where Alison said she would be waiting. He takes the paper. They've possibly/probably convinced him to talk to Alison before he goes.

2/19 Jack and Livvie are waiting for Jamal at GH and they ask how Gabby is doing. When Jamal replies that she's better, Livvie goes on to ask about Ali. Jamal reiterates to Livvie that it is over between him and Ali and he hasn't seen her. Now Livvie is worried because no one has seen her, and something might be wrong.

Livvie is trying to call Ali, but she can’t find her. Livvie has a feeling that something is wrong. Jamal doesn’t know why, but Livvie angrily spells it out. Ali is alone, in pain, and she’s either missing or hiding. Livvie is angry at Jamal for not going to see her. Ali didn’t deserve what he did. She’s alone and if something happened to her, it’s Jamal’s fault. Jamal agrees that he should have talked to her, and sarcastically agrees that anything that happens is his fault. Livvie agrees, but before the argument gets angrier, Jack reminds them that all that matters is finding her. They’re all going to look for her.

2/25 Alison is distraught over Rafe's disappearance, but Livvie doesn't help. She tells Alison she's glad Rafe is gone. Alison is shocked at Livvie's lack of support. Livvie indirectly compares Rafe to Caleb. Alison objects to this and tells Livvie he's a wonderful person, who she loves deeply. Livvie tells her Rafe is not real. That he deals in magic just like Caleb, albeit good magic. Alison still disagrees about their similar circumstances.

Livvie suggest that maybe Rafe's disappearance was the best gift he could give to her. That he left before the two got any deeper and it's for the best. Alison tells her Rafe wouldn't have left prematurely; he wanted to spend every last moment with her. She says he was worried that someone else would find out what he was and that he would have to go back. She looks at Livvie and asks if she told anyone else; if it is perhaps Livvie's fault that he is gone.

Ed confronts the four angels in the white space with the chairs. He reads them the riot act about their behavior on earth. Ed gives them his observations about their time on earth. He tells them they are making him look very bad and that he has no choice, but to put an end to it. The girls are full of indignant denials about their behavior and the people they are affecting. Ed takes no excuses. He can see through all their smoke and mirrors. He berates Rafe about the baby idea.

The girls back talk Ed and tell him they're tired of his criticism. Amy tells him they are doing the best they can and if he doesn't like it he can just go to hell. Rafe cringes and tries to shut them up, but nothing will stop their lips flapping. Ed has had it; he claps his hands and says. "Goodbye Girls." Rafe asks him where he sent them. Ed says Amy gave him an idea when she told him to go to hell.

Rafe asks Ed if what he just did to the women isn't just a little harsh. Ed tells him it will teach them a lesson. He brings them back. The girls are a little hot and bothered. He reminds them that their time on earth could have them ending up in either Heaven or the fiery pit. They ask if they are called back for good. Ed says unfortunately that is not possible because of all the messes they created. He's going back with them to try and straighten it all up. Rafe asks him about the fifth chair. He wants to be assured that it won't be Alison, but Ed side steps the question and tells him the person for the fifth chair hasn't been determined yet.

Alison decides it had to be Livvie who told about Rafe. She tells Livvie to go. Livvie goes but before she does, she tells Alison the situation can only end badly for her. Alison is crying for Rafe, a hand reaches out and touches her shoulder; Rafe is back. She flies into his arms and asks that he never leave her.

2/27/02 When Ali goes to check on her muffins, someone pounds on the door. Casey enters begging for Rafe's help. Ricky thinks she's a tease because she disappeared. Ricky went off on her and she went off on him. She admits to Rafe that she pushed him away because she's afraid of the 5th chair being him. She doesn't want Ricky to have a death sentence because she slept with him. She knows what Ed said about the 5th chair being someone close to them. Rafe tries to stop her, but it's too late. Ali heard every word.

When Ali demands to know about the 5th chair, Rafe tries to calm her. But the instant Rafe calls her Angel, Casey begins to yell that she knows Ali isn't an angel. Ali figures out that Casey is the other angel. Rafe congratulates Casey on her big mouth. Terrified that Ed will find out that Casey spilled the beans, Casey runs out in a panic. After she's gone, Ali wants answers. She remembers him acting like he expected someone to die. First Jamal, then Kevin. Ali puts it together that someone is going to die and Rafe knows it. He tries to deny it, but she wants the truth.

2/28 Ali insists that Rafe tell her who is going to die, but he tells her that he doesn't know. Ali figures out from Casey's outburst that it's someone close to one of them and Rafe is forced to admit that it's all he knows. Casey's references to a 5th chair tells Ali that there are four angels. It suddenly occurs to her that she might be the person to die and get to go back. Rafe screams at her to not talk like that.

3/7 Livvie comes upon Allison and Rafe kissing and asks confronts Allison and tells her that Jamal is trying to kills himself.

3/20 Jack & Livvie talk in the park. He observes she has been really hard on Allison since she began dating Rafe. Livvie says it makes her crazy to see them together as she believes Allison is setting herself up to get hurt.

3/26 Jamal enters the bike shop as an angry customer walks out. Livvie explains that she's trying, but Alison is sorely missed, and baking sales are sliding fast. Jack is swamped with bike repairs, though. Jack, who is working on a bike, stops in frustration, and Jamal offers to take a look. He sees the problem, then sees Jack and Livvie exchange a conspiratorial look. They may as well forget it; he's not coming back to work there, not even for Jack.

Livvie asks him to do it for her. Jamal points out that they're never going to be a happy little foursome again. It's time to move on. He accepts their invitation to dinner but doesn't agree to come back to work. After he leaves, Jack and Livvie are happy, thinking he might just agree to come back after all.

They close up for the night, and Livvie wonders whether it would help if they went ahead and added Jamal's name above the door. She says that Ali and Rafe won't last forever, but Jack counters that they seem pretty crazy about each other. Livvie points out that Rafe has to leave town because of a prior commitment. Jack knows she wants the whole world to be madly in love, but she shouldn't push it. Jamal needs to get his life back together and try to stay out of trouble. They close up and leave.

3/27/02 Livvie and Jack still haven't heard from Jamal. Livvie is worried, but Jack thinks she might have come on too strong, and she needs to back off. Jack leaves another message for Jamal. Livvie knows something's wrong. Kevin and Lucy arrive, looking for Ali. Livvie is not happy to see Paige with them, and she's afraid that it has something to do with Jamal. Paige tries to explain how important it is that she finds Ali, and Kevin finally just tells Livvie that Paige and Ali are related. Not happy to hear the news, Livvie agrees to tell Kevin where Ali and Rafe are.

Knocking on door, Kevin and Lucy are looking for Ali. Taking the directions, Paige hugs an unwilling Livvie before heading for the door. Kevin tells Livvie that everything would be fine if Lucy would listen to him. Paige needs to leave town, and she wants to see Ali before she does. Lucy turns over the Fool card, which means something unpredictable is going to happen.

Then the Hermit card, which means the seeker of truth. The cards freak Livvie out and she wants Lucy to put them away. Kevin thinks Lucy is making herself crazy wondering what's going to happen. He turns over a few cards, telling Lucy they mean he wants to go home and get into bed with her. That works and he drags Lucy out the door with him, but she leaves her cards on the counter.

At Livvie's insistence, Jack picks them up to put them away. As he does, he drops the death card face up on the floor.

3/29/02 Alison assures Rafe that she will always carry their love with her. Alison cries that she can't let him go, but he has no choice. They embrace; they have their love to hold onto forever. He breaks loose and yells, "I love you Alison Barrington! I will love you forever." Suddenly, he's gone in a flash of light.

Paige is the last to arrive back in Heaven. Rafe thanks her for saving Alison's life and admits he shouldn't have doubted her. He and Casey point out that the fifth chair is still empty, so apparently no one died. Suddenly there's a new arrival. Ed welcomes the newcomer and says they've been waiting for her. It is Eve.

**The End**

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