Caleb & Livvie #3 September 26, 2001- January 31, 2002: 12 hour original edit

Dvd #3AWhile they are waiting for help to arrive, they watch the baby through the patio door window. Although he has stopped crying, Eve is anxious to get inside. She pleads with Livvie to help her. Livvie covers her hand with her coat, and then breaks the glass. She reaches inside and unlocks the door..

Jack assures Allison that Rafe is "off duty" from vampire slaying (she is worried his presence means there are still vampires in PC). They convince Rafe to visit what is left of the monastery. He is concerned at the news that Caleb was actually living in a house of God. Rafe tells them they should concentrate on the good in their lives, not look for trouble. Still, he agrees to go to the monastery and check it out..

Eve comforts the baby as the firemen arrive. As Eve is explaining the situation to them, Livvie hears Caleb's voice saying Daniel should be their baby. Livvie shakes off the feeling, then tells Eve about the nightmares she has been having. She understands Eve's obsession with the thought that something is not right. Eve offers to let Livvie hold the baby. As Livvie cradles him in her arms, she swears she would protect him with her life. Later, as Livvie is leaving the apartment, she once again hears Caleb's music. .

Jack, Rafe, and Alison walk through the darkened ruins of the church. Rafe stands very still then pronounces all evil gone from the place. He can only sense sadness. Jack flashes back to a memory of a fight he had with Caleb in the church basement. He disagrees with Rafe saying he can still feel Caleb's presence. They are about to leave when something falls from the rafters as Alison screams. .

9/27 A shaken Livvie hears Caleb whispering how he plans to continue wreaking horror on the good people of Port Charles. Livvie tries to convince Caleb that she feels nothing for him anymore..

In the ruins of the monastery, Jack and Rafe struggle to extricate an unconscious Alison. Jack employs some superhuman strength to lift the fallen tree off of Alison. After sending Jack for help, Rafe uses his own supernatural powers to instantaneously heal Alison's injuries. .

9/28 Jack is worried his superhuman powers have returned after freeing Alison. .

Livvie asks Caleb why she can see him now and not before. He tells her that her desire for him is bringing him back. When he is strong enough he will have everything he wants. Livvie tries to convince herself she is dreaming. She goes to touch Caleb but can't. Caleb tells her he is not physically there yet, but that she 'can' feel him in her mind and heart. .

As everyone else's love fades he will become stronger and more present. He explains to her that her love for Jack is a fading love. His love will last forever. He tells her the next time they meet she will see more of him. Livvie becomes sleepy and goes to lie down. Caleb whispering that she will have no memory of their conversation. .

Jack runs in to find a half naked Livvie asleep on the rocks. Jack wakes Livvie who falls into his arms begging him not to leave her. He asks her where her clothes are but she has no answer. Then he questions her on why she is there in the catacombs but she can't remember why she went there. Looking into his eyes she begs him to love her always. He promises but she still has her doubts. .

Livvie tells Jack she has no clue how she got into the catacombs. He asks her if she is sure. All she remembers is leaving Eve's place to go home and the next thing she knew, she was waking up in the cave. She can't figure out what it is, but that she feels as if she is in some sort of dream state but that nothing makes sense to her. Jack tells her that everything is beginning to make sense and he doesn't like it. Caleb is in the corner, making the strike mark in the air. One for him. .

10/2 In their bedroom, Jack is trying to get Livvie to remember how she wound up in the catacombs half-naked. Livvie is very evasive but Jack persists. He thinks that their vampire qualities are returning. Livvie says that can't be because they saw Caleb die. Jack keeps asking Livvie questions about how she got into the catacombs and why she went there. She tells him she is trying desperately to forget everything about Caleb. .

Does Jack think she is still in love with Caleb? Jack's face drops. He didn't know she was ever in love with Caleb. Livvie says that Caleb tricked her into thinking she was in love with him. She wants for them to enjoy their time together and stop looking over their shoulders. Later, as they lay asleep, that old evil wind blows through their room. We hear Caleb's voice talking to Livvie. He is saying that he has planted seeds of doubt with happy couples. He thinks he will triumph and then laughs that evil laugh..

10/3 Livvie tries to convince Jack that she needs some time alone. She wants to go visit her mother and clear her head. Jack is afraid if he lets her out of his sight, she will be back under the spell of Caleb. Livvie lashes out at him for not giving her some space to reconnect. They kiss and make up, and Livvie leaves. As Jack is sitting on his bed, the ceiling fan above him starts to turn, and when Jack walks across the room, the fan falls onto the bed (obviously intended for him) and we see the eerie figure of Caleb laughing in the background..

In bed, Lucy feels a very strange and bad presence and is unable to identify what that is. Lucy runs into Rafe and he says he is there to help her, which further validates the weird feelings Lucy is having. .

10/4 In a parklike setting, Lucy asks Rafe why he came to Port Charles. Did he know something was wrong? Lucy feels that people are not acting normally. It's like they are possessed or being stalked, even her Doc. Livvie has also been acting strangely, thinking she sees Caleb's ring everywhere. Lucy wants Rafe to team up with her to fight this force. Rafe thinks she has a death wish. He tells her not to do anything on her own. Lucy says she has to help her friends. .

Rafe tells her that she must listen to him or he'll go back to where he came from. Lucy promises to do what Rafe wants. She trusts him. She just wishes that he would trust her too. After she leaves, Rafe picks up a piece of her clothing that she left behind. He has visions of Lucy running desperately through a wooded area. She is holding a wooden stake. Caleb grabs her from behind. She slumps to the ground. Rafe says that he's sorry but he can't tell Lucy about this.

The mysterious woman, named Anna Marie, tells Kevin how she, her husband and Ian were in Africa at the same time. Ian was in love with her and arranged for them to be kidnapped. In an apparent escape Ian killed her husband and as Anna Marie ran from Ian, he pushed her in front of a moving car and left her for dead. She's afraid that Eve will be in danger if she "disobeys" Ian..

Kevin has doubts to the woman's story and asks her why she is coming forth now after so long. She tells Kevin that she has been watching Ian for years and she couldn't stay silent when she found out now he had a child as she fears for the baby's life. Kevin has heard enough. Ian is not a monster. He would never hurt a child. Anne Marie says that she was pregnant when she was hit by the car. She holds Ian responsible for the loss of her child. When Kevin turns around to look at her, she runs out of the car. Anne Marie enters the catacombs. The hologram of Caleb is there. He tells her that she did a good job. She removes her scarf, revealing a blond woman then she morphs into Livvie..

10/5 As Livvie sleeps in the catacombs, Caleb marvels at how Livvie tricked her father into thinking she was Ann Marie. He tells her that no one will ever suspect her. When Livvie wakes up, she calls for Caleb and tells him that she had a nightmare, but she can't remember what it was about. He tells her to go back asleep and dream about something wonderful. She dreams about the first time they made love, as he says that it is only the beginning. .

As Livvie wakes up, Caleb asks if her dreams were better. She says they were, but she has to go because Jack will worry. Caleb says that Jack doesn't trust her because a temporary being's love is just that temporary. She says that it's because of what he's doing to everyone. He says that as everyone gets weaker, he gets stronger, and they'll never find out it's him because everyone is so busy mistrusting each other. .

Jack calls the hospital that Rachel is at. He asks the nurse at the desk if her daughter Livvie is there. She tells him that Rachel hasn't had any visitors all day. Alison then shows up and asks him what's wrong, and he tells her that Livvie lied to him. Jack tells Alison about the day that Livvie was naked in the catacombs, but didn't know how she got there. Alison says that it sounds that something is wrong with her. Jack say that it fells like Caleb all over again, and he goes out to find her. .

Caleb tells Livvie that what they are doing is the only way that he could get his powers back. She says that it feels wrong hurting everyone, and Caleb says that guilt is the most annoying of human emotions. He says that she shouldn't feel guilty since when she leaves, she doesn't remember anything. Livvie asks Caleb when she can remember. He says that soon she will have him and the baby that they deserve. She leaves. Livvie comes home to find Jack waiting for her. As he asks her where she was, Caleb laughs at how his plan is working..

October 8 Jack asked Livvie why she didn't go to see Rachel. Jack knew that Livvie couldn't remember where she has been. Livvie said that she knew she wasn't there but was walking. .

Lucy was in the recovery room trying to get Rafe to come to her but she couldn't seem to summon him. Rafe came to the Recovery Room looking for Lucy but he knew she went to the woods. He sensed that she was in danger there. Rafe envisioned Caleb attacking Lucy. Rafe went to the woods in search of Lucy. Lucy knew that the evil wanted her in the woods alone. Lucy feared danger while in the woods and was startled by someone she knew..

Livvie told Jack that she couldn't bare to see Rachel in that condition with her not knowing anyone or anything and that she needed to get that vision of Rachel out of her head that Caleb put there. Jack told Livvie that they could have that family together that neither of them had while growing up. Livvie told Jack that she was tired and wanted a hot bath and to go to sleep. .

October 9 Lucy found Rafe in the woods and he was annoyed with her for repeating her error. Lucy and Rafe argued and Rafe told her to look in his eyes where she saw her own death. Lucy finally understood what Rafe was telling her and went home. Rafe promised Caleb he would be finishing what was started. .

Jack told Alison to catch up with Livvie later because Livvie was tired. Jamal met them and Jack told them he was going to propose to Livvie. Jamal had reservations about Jack proposing but Jack is determined. Alison offered Jack her grandma's yacht to propose..

Livvie heard Caleb's music while showering and demanded he show himself which he did and thanked her for inviting him in. Livvie asked how he got in and he said she made it possible. She insisted she wouldn't let Caleb succeed but he said it was too late to stop him. Livvie told Caleb she'd never stop loving Jack but Caleb said Jack would never get over them being lovers. Caleb said he needed her to give him life. Livvie kissed Caleb and who became solid and then she fainted. Caleb told her it wouldn't be long and that she had a lot to do the next day. .

October 10 Lucy remembers the vision Rafe had shown her. She wonders why she can't see the face of her attacker when a vase falls from the mantel and crashes on the floor. .

Alison and Jack are sitting together in a restaurant. She tells him everything is set for his date with Livvie on the Barrington yacht. Livvie appears and Jack tells her she looks tired. She says she is sleeping, but her nights are filled with dreams. Jack says he has something for her that will put an end to the dreams, a surprise. .

Livvie is delighted to hear about a surprise. Jack won't give any details, so Livvie grills Alison for information. All Alison will say is that Livvie should wear a really great dress. Alison leaves, and a guy walks up to Livvie. He introduces himself as Kyle saying he was a classmate of hers. He asks Livvie if she would like to have dinner sometime. She tells him she is involved with someone and Kyle leaves. .

Jack overhears the conversation. Livvie tells him Kyle is not her type. When asked what her type is, Livvie describes Jack. When Livvie leaves, Jack shows Alison the ring he plans to give Livvie. It belonged to his mother and is the only thing he has left of her. .

Outside the restaurant, Livvie hears Caleb's music. She is standing quietly, listening, when Kyle approaches. She says hello to him then takes his arm while asking seductively, "Remember me?" .

October 11 As Jack spruces up for his big night, Alison encourages him to practice his proposal on her. Following an awkward start, Jack finally finds the words to make an eloquent declaration of love and brings a dazzled Alison to tears. Rafe confronts Caleb, who gets caught off guard by a small taste of the vampire slayer's accelerated powers. .

Jack heads to Livvie's place with high hopes and a dozen red roses but is shocked to find her in bed with another man. Caleb dares Rafe to kill him, then chortles with glee to realize that the slayer is himself dead. .

October 12 Caleb laughed when he realized that Rafe was an angel because Caleb had killed him in a struggle they'd had long ago. He knew all the rules that Rafe labored under as an angel including the one that didn't allow Rafe to tell anyone that Caleb was alive. He wondered exactly how Rafe planned to defeat him when Rafe's time on earth was as limited as his powers. .

Rafe pointed out that until Caleb's powers were fully restored, there was still a chance to defeat him. To that end, Rafe offered Caleb a chance at redemption. He said that if Caleb would come over to the good side, he would have everlasting peace. Caleb pretended to choose between peace and power, and then scoffed at Rafe's offer. He triumphantly declared that he was growing stronger by the minute, and that there was nothing Rafe could do to stop him. Alone, Rafe called out to his "boss," confessing that he didn't know how to defeat Caleb. He felt powerless and helpless, and he worried that Caleb was going to win. .

Jack was stunned to find Livvie in bed with Kyle at the PC Hotel. He asked her what was going on, and she said she didn't remember. Kyle asserted that she had told him that she was finished with Jack, and had invited him to the hotel. Jack believed that Kyle had taken advantage of Livvie's confusion and seduced her. He punched Kyle and threw him into the wall, knocking him out. The hotel manager called the police, and Jack told Livvie to leave before they arrived, so she wouldn't get into any trouble. She left, and the police arrested Jack for causing a disturbance. .

Livvie fled to the woods and tried to remember what had happened. Caleb materialized and told her that her lack of memory was a blessing. He caressed her cheek and assured her that everything was going just as he had planned. .

October 15 Jamal told Jack that Livvie went willingly with Kyle into that motel room to have sex with him. Jack couldn't believe what he was hearing as Jamal told him that nurses saw Livvie invite him up to that motel room. Jack was in denial. .

Livvie told Alison that she couldn't remember inviting Kyle up to that motel room and that she is loosing huge amounts of time and doesn't know why this is happening. Alison told Livvie that Jack was going to propose to her and Livvie was visibly shaken. Jack and Livvie talked and Livvie asked Jack if he would propose to her. Jack said no, he can't do that because he is going back to being violent and he doesn't want that kind of life anymore and that she needs to figure out what is going on and get a handle on it. Jack said that he still loves her and Livvie said she was sorry. .

October 16 Livvie told Caleb that Jack had left her and why. She asked if he'd done it and Caleb said no. He told her that if Jack left her after one mistake he couldn't have loved her truly. The same with the others; only his love is forever. Ian demanded to know why Eve was leaving him. She didn't want to discuss it then but Ian persisted and accused Eve and Kevin of wanting to be back together. Rafe was frustrated by no response from his boss when he suddenly was with him. Rafe angrily insisted he was done following the rules and would do what he needed. Livvie began to believe that Caleb's love was eternal. She said she couldn't be alone and he said she wouldn't have to. .

Rafe outlined his plans for his boss who told him he'd blown it by rushing and letting revenge be part of it. Rafe must let people make their own decisions and have faith in the good in people's hearts. Rafe needed only to remind them of that. Rafe's boss decided to fire him from the job but Rafe strenuously objected and was told his friends were on their own for now. .

October 17 Lucy goes into the bar at the Port Charles hotel and sees Jack there. She sits at the bar next to him and orders a drink. The bartender recognizes her and Jack from six months ago when they were in the bar together. He makes a remark about the two of them "fogging up the mirrors together" and asks if they are still together. Jack and Lucy emphatically deny it. .

Jack reveals that he and Livvie have broken up. He feels he doesn't "know" her anymore. Lucy shares with him that she has left Doc. Lucy begins to see a connection between the couples: Eve and Ian, Jack and Livvie, and herself and Kevin. Each couple is having problems and seem to be heading towards a break. She wonders if Caleb has put a curse on them..

Anne Marie visits Eve at the apartment. She wants to warn Eve saying that Eve will wind up dead if she doesn't listen. Anne Marie goes on to explain that everything she told Kevin was true. Eve doesn't want to hear it. Anne Marie says to Eve, "Ian said he wanted me not for one night, but for always." It was also something Ian had once said to Eve. Anne Marie also tells Eve that there have been other women fooled by Ian. .

October 18 Jack bumps into Ann Marie, which causes her scarf to fall. As Jack goes to pick it up, he looks up to see Livvie. He asks her if he saw the woman but Livvie tells him no. They go into the restaurant only to see that it is being robbed. The robber becomes upset when there is hardly any cash to take. Karen offers to get the robber drugs, the robber tells her to back off pointing the gun at her swearing he'll kill her. She tells him to go ahead and try, Frank knocks the gun down and takes down the robber..

Livvie attempts to plant some doubt in Alison's mind about the relationship between Jamal and Val. And questions the true paternity of the baby. Alison doesn't believe that Jamal is the father but Livvie keeps baiting her. Jack tells Livvie to stop. He tries to tell Alison not to listen to what Livvie said but Alison still wonders. Outside the restaurant Livvie wonders what she has done. .

As Lucy leaves to go after Kevin, she hears a child's laughter. She follows the sound to find Christina! .

October 19 As she came out of a Ian's room, Lucy spotted Christina and tried to chase her but a bellhop got in her way and Christina was gone..

Rafe visits his "boss" and tells him that the situation in Port Charles has gotten worse. Rafe tells him that if he can go back, he'll play by the rules. Rafe says that Lucy, Kevin, Eve, Ian, Jamal, Alison, Livvie, and Jack aren't just names to him anymore- they're his friends. His "boss" gives him a second chance, and warns him that the people that he is guiding have to find the power in themselves to win this battle, because good is much stronger than evil. .

Livvie visits Caleb in the catacombs. He asks her why she's upset? She tells him that if he leaves everyone alone, she'll go away with him. He says he can't go until everyone who challenged him is ruined. She explains that when she isn't with him, it feels as if she is sleepwalking and she is lost to the world. He tells her that she shouldn't feel lost because he is always with her. He says that everyone is against them. He summons a hot bubble bath for her, and tells her that he's impatient to be with her. Caleb tells her that he has to stop the forces that know he is coming back. .

At the Recovery Room, Alison asks Jack if he thinks Livvie was right about Valerie's baby belonging to Jamal. Jack says that it can't be true since Jamal wouldn't keep something that big from her. Jack talks to Valerie, and she shows him the note that brought her back to PC. It was signed "A Friend". .

October 22 Lucy spotted Christina and tried to chase her but a bellhop got in her way and Christina was gone..

Rafe tried to tell Kevin that Caleb was still causing trouble in Port Charles but Kevin wouldn't listen to him. Kevin threatened to throw Rafe off the bridge and accused him of causing all the trouble in Port Charles. Rafe tried to tell Kevin that Caleb was still in control but Kevin was angry and shoved Rafe just as Lucy came running up to them on the bridge and told Kevin that she saw Christina. Kevin didn't believe her..

Livvie went to see Eve on the pretense of looking for a sweater and Eve asked her to look after Daniel while she had a quick shower. Livvie started to hear that music in her head and noticed that there was a message on the machine and changed it. Livvie told Eve that Jack and her split and Eve told Livvie that she and Ian have split as well. .

Rafe tried to get Lucy to go after Kevin and tell him exactly what she saw but she was angry at Rafe too and didn't listen. Rafe then asked for help from his boss above as he got an idea to use his imagination to set the people on the right track in Port Charles. .

October 23 Rafe had an idea and explained it to his boss. The broken couples were very sad, their faith smashed. Rafe was granted permission to try. One by one he visited his friends reminding them of the love they missed. Jack dreamed of proposing to a graduating Livvie and the possibility of joy and love their future could hold. The rest will be up to each of them. .

October 24 Thanks to a little angelic help from Rafe, lonely souls all over Port Charles take a few tentative steps towards healing their broken hearts. As they compare notes, Caleb taunts Rafe about his pathetic attempt to aid the humans through their dreams. .

Jack explains to Livvie why they can't be together until she gets well once more. Rafe suggests to Caleb that they both back off and let the mere mortals thresh out their problems for themselves. Rejecting Rafe's challenge, Caleb sets himself upon a new course of action guaranteed to bring the most pain to the parents of Port Charles. .

October 25 Kevin tells Lucy that he has come over to her side and sees that someone or something is trying to hurt certain people in Port Charles. Lucy shows him the bulletin board with the names of the people that help destroy Caleb and that seem to be the ones being hurt. Kevin see where she is going with this and says that they need to get everyone together and find out what is going on. While he is out of the room, Lucy receives a phone call from Christina..

Jack tells Alison that Livvie spent the night in the apartment and has asked Jack for his help. Alison tells Jack that he does still love Livvie and that he wants things to work out. Jack wants to help but doesn't know where to begin. He did tell Livvie to talk to her father, maybe he could help her in some way. He feels that everyone that helped in Calebs demise might benefit from talking with Kevin. .

Alison goes with Jack to see Livvie. As they go into the room they discover that Livvie is gone. Jack finds a note on the bed which tells him that she, Livvie, has changed her mind and doesn't want his help. They discover the back door open and at this point a "bat" flies out of the room. Livvie awakens to find Caleb by her side. She tells him that she doesn't want him there any more that she is staying with Jack. .

Caleb tells her she is better off with him but if that is who she chooses than he is gone. But not before he tells her how everyone treated her, by locking her up, her mother lying to her and Jack telling her she's too psycho. As he turns to leave, she begs him to stay. He asks her why and she answers that he is the only one that was ever there for her. He kisses her and tells her that he will stay. Livvie is walking away with Danny in her arms. .

October 26 Kevin is the voice of reason as Lucy tells him that Christina called. He tells her that she has been targeted by the evil like everyone else, but she doesn't accept it and runs out of the lighthouse to find Christina. She goes to the park, and relives the night that Julie took Christina from Frank. As she talks to Kevin, she sees a little girl run past and calls out to "Christina". Unfortunately, it isn't her. When Kevin leaves to get Lucy something to drink, Christina appears to her..

Alison assures Jack that it wasn't a bat that flew out of his room. She says that it must be easier to blame Caleb than to accept that Livvie left him of her own free will. Jack says that he won't make the mistake of loving Livvie again, since it is clear that she doesn't want him. They go to the Recovery Room, where Valerie just gave Jamal a picture of her daughter, Hope. Alison tells Jack that she wishes Valerie would leave Port Charles. Jack tells her to forget what Livvie said about Jamal possibly being Hope's father. Alison imagines a future where Jamal is married to Valerie and is a real father to Hope. .

Later, Jamal gives Alison his wallet to buy supplies for their dinner with Jack. When she opens it, she discovers Hope's photo. She wonders why Jamal has a picture of Valerie's baby. Jack agrees to help Alison find out whether or not Jamal is Hope's father. Both are unaware that Livvie is hiding him it the bushes, Eve calls the police as Ian looks for Daniel. When it's clear, Livvie takes Daniel out of the park and puts him in a hotel room, telling him that he'll "be happy here with his daddy". Ian tells Eve that he believes Ann-Marie is responsible for the kidnapping. .

Eve goes home in case there is a ransom call. She receives a call telling her where Daniel is. When she goes, she discovers Ian already there with the baby. As he tells her that he also received a call, a bellhop enters and hands a dumbfounded Ian the airline tickets he "requested" for him and his baby. Eve sees a packed baby bag, and accuses Ian of trying to kidnap 'her' child. . Dvd #3B October 29 Lucy has another sighting of Christina and races after the child with a baffled Kevin in hot pursuit. When Lucy is once again unable to locate Christina, Kevin suggests that she's fallen prey to another hallucination. Hurt and angry, Lucy orders the shrink to leave her alone..

Eve accuses Ian of hiring someone to kidnap Danny and then distracting her in the park to give his goon a golden opportunity to steal their son. .

October 30 Rafe is frustrated to realize that the humans in his midst are even further apart from one another than they were two weeks ago. Livvie encounters Rafe in the park and shakily confides how she's been losing track of time in recent days. Hope's dad explains to Jack and a relieved Alison why Jamal could not have fathered Valerie's premature baby. Caleb informs Rafe that Livvie's soul is already spoken for now that she's completely under his control. Rafe's "boss" abruptly pulls his errant angel out of commission after the heavenly messenger breaks one of the rules..  

October 31 Rafe is furious with his boss for being pulled away before he could help Livvie. His boss reminds him that he is not allowed to interfere in that way. Rafe goes on to vent his frustration that the night of dreams didn't seem to help. The boss tries to assure Rafe that at least he gave them hope. He was able to remind them of their love for each other. He goes on to say that neither Rafe nor the others have failed yet. .

He shows Rafe a vision of what would have happened if Rafe had been allowed to tell Livvie the truth. After hearing the terrible things she had done, Livvie would have thrown herself off of the bridge in the park. Rafe finally understands the hands-off policy his boss has been trying to get across to him and decides to play by the rules. .

Caleb sits alone in his cave imagining Livvie in his arms professing her love for him while thanking him for giving her another chance. He sees Eve arriving with Daniel, telling Caleb she is bringing him what is rightfully his. She hands Daniel over while apologizing for choosing Michael over Caleb. Eve disappears and Caleb is left alone with Livvie and the baby. He fantasizes what it will be like once he has everything he wants. .

Livvie is babysitting Daniel at the Lighthouse while Eve is at the courthouse. She flashes to a memory of holding Daniel in the park. It doesn't make sense to her since she never, consciously anyway, took Danny to the park. She grabs the baby and his things and rushes out the door..

November 1 While working Val is served with court papers telling her that she no longer will have any visitation with her daughter. Devastated by the news, Jamal goes to comfort her. Alison feels it is her fault because of her visit and begs Jack to help her make things right. Jack and Alison talk with the adoptive parents of Val's baby but get nowhere and are told to get out and never to return again. Jack feels they were rushed out of the house and there is more than meets the eye with the couple. .

Ian and Eve plead with the judge to let them keep their son. The judge feeling there is too much violence and hatred in the household orders Ian and Eve to give up their son into protective services, and them to undergo psychiatric evaluation. Ian, Eve, Kevin and Lucy are all blaming one another for the situation. Livvie shows up at the hearing with Daniel in her arms. The social worker takes Daniel away from Eve, beside herself, she turns to Kevin for comfort not Ian. .

Lucy confesses to Livvie that she has seen Christina. Livvie tells her this is great and asks how she feels. Lucy tells her that Kevin tried to make her see that she is not seeing Christina just a figment from stress. Livvie offers to stay with Lucy to help her talk through what it going on. Packing to stay at Lucy's, Livvie finds a red shirt and has a flash back making her realize that she is the one helping Caleb. .

November 2 Livvie remembers all of the things that she did to help Caleb. She remembers how she called Lucy pretending to be Christina, how she locked Eve out of the apartment, how she changed Ian's message, and how she pretended to be Anne-Marie. Livvie goes to the catacombs to confront Caleb, who wonders how she remembered. She swears that she will kill him for messing with her mind. .

Rafe remembers the battle with Caleb in which he died. He almost had Caleb beaten when Rafe was called out to by Caleb's victim. Caleb then took Rafe's stake and plunged it through his back. Rafe now realizes that evil won because he got distracted and he won't make that mistake again. .

November 5 Alison and Jack talked about what Alison did that made it now impossible for Valerie to see Hope. Jack and Alison talked about the same thing outside but Jack thought that the Hartmans were lying and he wanted Alison to run a DNA test to find out if Jamal could possibly be Hope's father. Alison looked at Hope's baby book and took a lock of hair to run the DNA test..

Livvie confronted Caleb with the evidence of what he made her do to her friends and family in Port Charles. Caleb told Livvie that she still loves him and that was why she made him come back to life again. Livvie told Caleb that he didn't know what love really was. Livvie couldn't believe that she helped Caleb and vowed to tell the people of Port Charles the truth. Livvie told Caleb that he shouldn't have put her in that position. Caleb told Livvie that she still loves him but Livvie says no he made her sick. Caleb stopped Livvie from leaving. .

Jack ran into Kyle and he told Jack that he was not going to press charges against him. Kyle said that Livvie played both of them for fools. .

November 6 Caleb let Livvie go even though she swore to tell the truth. He told her to tell them and see what happened. Livvie woke up on the sofa and called for Kevin. Lucy came to the door, dressed strangely for the costume party and asked what was wrong. Livvie told her Caleb was back and they headed for the party. .

Livvie told the entire party about Caleb but only Rafe believed her. Livvie admitted her part in the plot and they all turned on her for betraying them. Rafe tried to help but to no avail. Kevin thought Livvie was crazy and she found herself strapped to a bed with everyone hating her. Rafe came to help her get out of PC but she ran straight into Jack who told her she belonged in the room. Suddenly, Caleb was there and Livvie believed it had all been a dream but Caleb told her no, it was a glimpse into her future. Only he would always love her, it was her choice. .

November 8 Livvie tells Caleb that she has decided that he is the one for her. As she professes her undying love for him and contempt for the others Caleb looks at her and tells her that he does not believe one word of what she is saying. Livvie tries to convince him that she is telling the truth and that she is willing to do anything that he asks. Caleb informs her that she must perform the task that he requested of her before. She must kill Jack. .

November 9 Caleb tells Livvie to kill Jack by poisoning him. He gives her the poison. He says that for her sake, she better not be faking. She promises she isn't. She calls Jack and sets up a meeting at the Recovery Room. Livvie meets with Jack. She distracts him and puts the poison in his drink. Rafe sees and causes Alison to knock the drink out of Jack's hand. As Alison leaves to find Jamal (and Livvie goes to Caleb), Jack and Rafe clean up the mess. Jack notices that the drink is eating through the napkins like acid. .

Livvie returns to Caleb and says that she put the poison in Jack's drink, but Alison knocked the drink out of his hand. Caleb tells her that she did not do what he sent her to do. .

November 13 A frightened Livvie returns to Caleb and finally confesses that she was unable to kill Jack as he ordered. Surprisingly, Caleb remains calm but then announces he's changed her target and orders her to work her wiles to break up Alison and Jamal. .

Though Jack is upset by Rafe's intrusion, he's grateful when he discovers that his spilled drink was laced with a deadly poison. Later, Jack confronts Livvie on the bridge about the death threat. Caleb overhears Chris talking about his experiment with Karen and the vampire blood and considers a solution to Livvie's refusal to kill as ordered..

November 14 Jack finds Livvie at the bridge in the park. He accuses her of trying to kill him. They argue, Jack blaming, Livvie denying. Finally, Livvie decides that they are better off apart. Jack leaves and Rafe appears. He tries to reason with Livvie, telling her that Caleb is using her. He lets Livvie know he saw her poisoning Jack's drink. Livvie doesn't try to find excuses, she claims it was her own choice to kill Jack. She says she'll do anything to prove herself worthy of Caleb's love. Rafe pleads with her to change sides and fight Caleb. When Livvie refuses, Rafe asks what she will do when Caleb asks her to hurt her father. Rafe leaves, and Livvie, talking to herself, admits she already has plans for Kevin..

November 16 Chris is shocked to see that Caleb is alive. He wants Chris to give him the vampire serum and begins to immediately kiss up to the vamp. When Chris says that it and his notes were destroyed, Caleb offers his blood. Chris, seeing that Caleb really wants this, tries negotiating. Caleb makes a deal with Chris, he makes the serum and his life is spared. .

Lucy brings Christina to the couch. She takes a picture of her to prove she is real. When she leaves the room, Christina disappears. Lucy opens the door and finds Livvie goes outside. When Lucy tries to show her Christina, Livvie feigns disbelief. Lucy is upset when the picture she took shows nothing. Livvie leaves, but Lucy follows and is shocked to see her and Caleb! .

November 19 Jack and Rafe talked about Livvie. Jack suspected that Caleb put up Livvie to drugging his drink but Jack was unsure if Caleb could rule from the grave. Jack told Rafe that Livvie was hearing Caleb's music box in her head and seeing his ring everywhere even after Caleb was supposedly dead. Jack also told Rafe that he once found Livvie half dressed asleep in the catacombs. Jack and Rafe decided to go to the catacombs to check things out. Livvie maintained to Lucy that Caleb wasn't there and that he is dead. .

Lucy saw Caleb with Livvie. Livvie said that Caleb wasn't with her as Caleb mysteriously disappeared. Lucy has finally put things together that Caleb is the one turning everyone against each other.Lucy arrived at Kevin's. Lucy tried to tell Kevin the truth about Caleb but Kevin was angry. Livvie meanwhile found the pictures of Lucy and Ian making love. Lucy showed Kevin the picture she tried to take of Christina but that picture only shows a shadow and she was convinced that it was Caleb. Livvie told Kevin that Lucy was over reacting and that she didn't see Caleb at all. Kevin was really mad at Lucy for talking about Caleb in front of Livvie. .

Rafe lets it slip that he is dead but Jack didn't pick up on his words. Jack found the music box and opened it up and the music started playing and then a bolt of light came out and he passed out. Rafe closed the music box really fast. Caleb had a vision of the people in in Port Charles who meant him harm and he then summoned a higher power with all the strength that he had as someone comes back. .

Lucy left knowing that Kevin was angry with her. Kevin decided that no one else needed to see those pictures of Lucy and Ian making love so he threw them in the fire but secretly Livvie had kept one picture to show to someone..

November 20 Alison was delivering muffins to the hospital staff when Rafe brought Jack in. James and Caleb talked, James gave him the music box and told Caleb that Livvie may be the source of his problem. Livvie appeared demanding to know who James was. James said Livvie was humanizing Caleb not the other way around. Rafe found his Boss posing as a janitor and was praised. .

Livvie gave Caleb the picture but James still was worried and pointed out that Livvie didn't want to feed. He told them that the alternative Caleb sought would weaken the bloodline. James gave Caleb the "Morley cape" to help bring him back with just a night's rest. Caleb slept with James watching over him..

November 21 Outside of the Recovery Room, Valerie runs into Livvie causing Livvie to drop a stack of papers she is holding. As Valerie helps Livvie pick them up, Livvie explains they are papers from the bike shop. Livvie leaves, and Valerie spies an errant paper on the ground. She picks it up and begins to read. It is the DNA results stating that Jamal is Hope's father. Valerie is shocked and surprised. Livvie watches, pleased that the plan is all coming together. .

Lucy goes to the catacombs in search of Caleb. Inside the cave, she calls for him challenging him to appear. Instead, James is there. He applauds Lucy's bravado, then asks her, "What's the matter? You look like you've seen a ghost!" .

Alison finds Jack in the woods. He is shaky and barely coherent, but manages to get out the word Catacombs. After a while, he is able to say more. He tells Alison he found something terrible in the catacombs, a box. Inside was evil darker than anyone could imagine. He tells her it was like looking the devil straight in the eyes. .

November 22 Kevin questions Rafe as to the truth about Caleb being back. Livvie, upset that Kevin is mentioning Caleb's name, begs Kevin not to bring it up anymore. She is trying to forget him and is tired of everyone blaming him for their misery. Kevin out of the room, Raffe congratulates Livvie on her performance and Livvie promises that Caleb and she will triumph over all. .

Jack searches through his books to find the answer to Livvie’s behavior and the possibility of Caleb being back. Just as he is about to give up he remember how much he loves Livvie and vows to help her. Sitting reading he hears the mysterious music of Caleb and knows that he is back. Lucy faces off with Caleb in the catacombs. She pulls out her trusty crossbow and takes aim only to have James take it away from her and throw it away. As she runs through the woods Caleb is hot on her trail. Caleb tells her to prepare to meet her end..

November 26 Lucy was afraid of Caleb but wanted to kill him. Livvie arrived and wouldn't help Lucy. Livvie told Lucy about becoming Christina and changed into Christina right before her very eyes. Lucy wanted to kill Caleb and Lucy asked Livvie to get her the crossbow but Livvie wouldn't give it to Lucy to use on Caleb and announced that Caleb and she are husband and wife. A stunned Lucy couldn't believe what she was seeing and hearing from Livvie. Livvie pushed Lucy down to the ground. .

Livvie asked Caleb for the privilege of killing Lucy. Lucy pleaded with Livvie not to kill her. Caleb granted Livvie's request and then Caleb vanished making it easier for her to kill Lucy. Livvie went to the cave to see Caleb and showed him Lucy's blood on the crossbow. Caleb was happy that Livvie killed for him. Rafe comes into the woods to find Lucy..

November 27 Jack searched for Lucy and told Kevin that Caleb was back. Jack tried to convince Kevin that Caleb was back and that Livvie was helping him. Jack told Kevin Livvie tried to kill him but Kevin still wouldn't listen. Jack overheard Kevin calling to have him taken away as delusional and stormed out..

Rafe buried Lucy while railing at God. Alison saw Rafe bring a bird back to life..

Livvie and Caleb were pleased with their accomplishments. Livvie told Caleb she'd give him everything he wanted. Soon they would have "their" child. Caleb couldn't make love to Livvie until after the final event. .

Kevin told Livvie about Jack's visit and that he was starting to believe him because he couldn't find Lucy. Livvie told him Lucy was at the spa and would want to see him later to settle things. Jack called Caleb out. Caleb told Jack Livvie had acted of her own free will and that Lucy was dead by Livvie's hand. Caleb invited Jack to a party..

November 28 At the park, Alison sees Rafe revive a dead bird. He explains to her that it was just a magic trick, nothing special. Alison isn't fooled. She remembers the night at the monastery when the tree branch fell on her. She realizes she was dead and that Rafe brought her back to life the same way he helped the bird. Alison is intrigued with Rafe. Though he tries to avoid her questions, Alison persists. Finally she figures out that he must be an angel. .

Suddenly, Alison isn't sure how to act around a heavenly being. She nervously remembers how she once kissed Rafe and is afraid she is in big trouble. Rafe assures her everything is fine then produces a pink rose for her. Alison has something for Rafe as well: his journal that she found at the Recovery Room. She asks him why he stopped writing on April 12, 1991 then realizes that must be the day he died. She also realizes that the reason he is helping them with Caleb is because Caleb is the one who killed him. .

At the hospital Livvie approaches Ian with a message from Lucy asking Ian to meet her at a new club called Tempted. Eve is intercepted by Livvie at the hospital. Livvie claims to have a message for Eve from Kevin. He has an idea how to get Danny back and wants Eve to meet him at Tempted.      .

At Chris's apartment, Caleb arrives wanting Chris to invite him in. Chris is hesitant, but Caleb insists, finally gaining entry. Chris assures Caleb he is working on the serum and it is almost ready. Caleb asks to see Karen. He wants to see how she is progressing. Chris swears that Karen is fine, and moving around like the Energizer Bunny. .

Caleb doesn't trust Chris's observations so again he asks to see Karen. Chris comes up with the excuse that Karen is out for a jog. Caleb decides to wait. As he is sitting there, Karen peeks around the corner, sees Caleb, then disappears back into the bedroom. Caleb, aware of her presence but not letting on, changes his mind and prepares to leave. .

At the door, he tells Chris he must bring Karen to a new club called Tempted. After Caleb leaves, Karen comes out distraught at seeing him in the apartment. Chris lies to her telling her it wasn't Caleb, Caleb is dead of course. It was just a lab tech bringing papers from the hospital. He tells Karen to rest because he will be taking her out later that evening..

November 29 Livvie encourages Kevin to meet Lucy at "Tempted", but Kevin continues to have second thoughts and threatens to stay at home with Daniel. Livvie protests, and Kevin points out Livvie's insensitivity toward her loved ones. Livvie finally convinces Kevin to go, leaving Livvie alone with Daniel and thoughts about fulfilling her destiny. .

At "Tempted", Eve and Ian come face to face, and Eve suggests that Livvie set them up to reconcile. Chris and Karen also arrive, and fears grow when Gabriela and Frank appear as well and Karen denied having arranged the meeting. Kevin finally arrives, and panic plants itself in the room when James appears before him. At the same time, captured Jack breaks free from his restraints, and he rushes over to "Tempted" to save his friends and loved ones. Unfortunately, his arrival seems futile when the door locks, trapping everyone inside, and James disappears as the show begins..

Dvd #3C November 30 The final episode of Port Charles: Tempted. James prepares Caleb for his big night. Caleb is nervous. James says that he as never seen such skill, determination, and courage. He also says that it has been an honor to serve him. Caleb thanks James for his service and friendship. James removes Caleb's ring, which has been keeping him on earth. James disappears as Caleb wishes him good rest. .

Livvie is prepared to take Danny to his new daddy. As she opens the door she remembers Kevin telling her he loves her. She closes the door and goes back in the lighthouse..

Alison arrives at Tempted only to encounter Rafe. She asks him why he's there, and tells him not to lie. He tells her that everything must play out on its own. As an angel he must have faith. Alison says that since she isn't an angel, she's going in. Rafe throws her over his shoulder and takes her away. He puts her down in the park where he tells her he shouldn't have interfered with the course of events by taking her away, but he didn't want anything to happen to her. She is touched by this, but says she ha to go back. Rafe allows this but goes with her. When they get back, Tempted's doors are blocked by a metal wall. Rafe says that it has already started. .

Kevin tells everyone to listen to Jack. Jack says that Caleb has lured everyone here to exact his revenge. Gabby says impossible. Ian says that Caleb's dead. Valerie wonders who Caleb is. Kevin verifies the story by saying that James is Caleb's manservant who died in Transylvania. Eve asks Kevin where Daniel is. He says that he is fine with Livvie. Jack says that no one is safe, especially the baby, since Livvie is working with Caleb. Kevin refuses to believe it, saying Lucy would have sensed it. Jack says that Lucy knew, and Livvie murdered her in cold blood. .

At that moment, four metal walls fall to trap them. To make matters worse, the one wall begins to move to crush them. When Kevin and Ian realize they can't stop the walls themselves, they each pick up a table and put them top to top to stop the walls. Chris, "Great, bar tables against the forces of evil. I feel better." It works and the walls stop. Caleb then reveals himself, showing off his fangs. .

Caleb says, "Evening boys and girls. Okay, by show of hands, who missed me? [Ian yells] Nice to see you too, Doctor. And you Doctor, Doctor, all you semi-doctors, friends of doctors, lovers of doctors and, well, just all the little people. I want to thank you all for coming. I know how "pressed" you all were for time. But perhaps we could just take one moment to truly appreciate the irony of actual walls closing in on you, just like they've been doing for the last months without any of you knowing. And also for my flashy entrance. Feel free to applaud." .

Caleb continues to say how Livvie helped him by becoming Christina and Anne-Marie. He proves it by showing video. Caleb remarks, "But nothing really compares to her greatest performance of all. A truly drop-dead... [To Kevin] in fact that's exactly what your fiancée did when she saw it. [To Ian] Or is it your fiancée? You people have me so confused." .

Livvie enters with Danny. Caleb says that to prove their eternal devotion, they will make love while everyone is watching. Caleb declares his love to Livvie. With a cry of anger, Livvie reveals Lucy's crossbow arrow and plunges it into Caleb's heart. A tear rolls down Caleb's cheek as Livvie proclaims that everyone is finally free..

Miracles Happen Arc Begins 12/3 Rafe senses Caleb's demise, and he shares the good news with shocked Alison. .

Inside the club, Livvie does her best to explain her actions to her friends and loved ones. Kevin reminds Livvie that Lucy died as a result, but Lucy surprises all when she appears and explains her role in the deception against Caleb. Livvie still feels guilty for creating havoc, and she remains estranged from Jack. .

Later, Ed informs Rafe that he only has until Christmas to reunite the estranged couples of Port Charles, and Rafe ultimately agrees to take on the challenge. .

12/4 Magic appears ready to interfere with the broken up couples when Rafe informs Alison that he has until Christmas to repair all the broken relationships and that he intends to send everyone invitations to Lucy and Kevin's Christmas party (which they just decided to cancel). .

12/5 Kevin offers to take Livvie away for the holidays, and Livvie frets when she realizes that she made Kevin and Lucy call off their surprise wedding. Livvie surprises Kevin when she declares that she can no longer run away from her problems, and Livvie further shocks Kevin when she presents him with an invitation to the party she thought Kevin and Lucy had canceled. .

Livvie convinces Kevin that Lucy must have changed her mind, while Rafe suggests to Lucy that divine intervention must have come into play. Lucy finally gets a hold of Kevin, and Rafe privately cheers when both Lucy and Kevin assume the other changed their mind about the party. .

Jack struggles with his emotions, and Livvie discovers that he has packed his bags and split. .

12/6 Rafe plays middleman between Livvie and Jack. Rafe urges Jack to return to Port Charles and give his love for Livvie another shot, and he presses brokenhearted Livvie to bravely move forward with her life, with or without Jack. Rafe's coaching works, and hopeful Livvie and Jack end up coming face to face in the place they hope to call home. .

12/7 Livvie and Jack share a heart to heart and work on restoring their relationship by making love in their enchanted house..

12/11 The rightful owner of Livvie and Jack's enchanted home arrives and interrupts their magical moment. Livvie and Jack plead with Mr. Murphy to let them purchase the abandoned home, but Mr. Murphy informs them that the house has already been sold to a fast food chain. Mrs. Murphy arrives upon the scene after a heartwarming conversation with Rafe, and she convinces Mr. Murphy to give the house to Livvie and Jack instead..

12/13 Livvie celebrates when she believes Lucy and Kevin are reconciled and will marry each other. However, Kevin disappoints both Livvie and Lucy when he tells Livvie that marriage remains a possibility only in the distant future, if at all. Lucy shares with Livvie her suspicions that Kevin intends to have a surprise wedding on Christmas, but Lucy freaks when she eavesdrops on Kevin's phone call and realizes that Kevin has another woman waiting in the wings..

Rafe also takes pleasure in watching Chris spew numerous truths to Jack (he is not able to lie for the next two weeks!). Ultimately, emotional Chris admits that he gave Jack away because he loved him, leaving Livvie and Jack bewildered..

12/18 Livvie and Jack discuss Rafe's influence in their reconciliation. Livvie approaches Rafe about his involvement, and she inadvertently learns that Rafe has a crush on Alison. Livvie urges Rafe to clear the air with Alison..

12/19 Livvie confronts Alison about her relationship with Rafe. Alison reveals her confusion when recounting magical moments with Rafe, and Alison suggests that Rafe's emotional tie to Alison stems from the fact that he misses life. Consequently, sympathetic Livvie presses Alison to decide whether or not she wants to spend time with Rafe on his last day in Port Charles..

12/20 Guests begin arriving to Kevin and Lucy’s Christmas party, that Rafe has arranged to be a surprise wedding..

12/21 Rafe's plans fall into place. Lucy's cabbie, otherwise known as Ed, delivers Lucy to the party instead of home, and Don provides Lucy with a white dress. The electricity goes out, candlelight fills the room and Kevin finds the rings that he had intended to purchase for his marriage to Lucy. Lucy does her best to avoid Kevin, but Kevin finally corners her. Lucy brings up the mystery woman, and Kevin urges Lucy to have faith, asking her to marry him directly. Alison ends up sharing a magical dance with Rafe. .

Chris keeps the party lively by indiscriminately spouting truths to unsuspecting guests. Jack and Livvie do their best to keep Chris' damage at a minimum, but their efforts cannot prevent Chris from feeling uneasy, and mysterious phone calls further fuel Chris' paranoia. .

12/24 Kevin urges Lucy to trust him, and Lucy ultimately agrees to marry Kevin at the party. Lucy's leap of faith touches the hearts of all attending, and the magical event brings all of the couples closer together. Even Alison swallows her sadness over Rafe's imminent departure from Port Charles and takes pleasure in knowing that Rafe successfully completed his mission, and Alison and Rafe anxiously await the grand finale. .

Serena and Livvie help Lucy prepare for the marriage ceremony, but Kevin surprises Lucy when he stalls the exchange of vows and reunites Lucy with Christina. At the same time, Chris works to uncover the identity of his mystery caller. Chris learns that the call originated from inside the building, and when he investigates further, he comes face to face with Julie. .

12/26 Kevin explains to overjoyed Lucy that Julie came back to Port Charles to return Christina to Lucy, and the happy couple finally ties the knot. Christina further elates Lucy when she shares the contents of her locket, revealing pictures of Lucy and Julie side by side. Alison and Rafe dance victoriously, surrounded by Port Charles' reunited couples, and Rafe shares a private moment with Alison outside on the terrace before disappearing as the clock strikes twelve. .

12/28 Jack and Livvie arrive to take Allison to the bus station. She slips and falls on the ice and they take her to the ER and she is told she will be staying overnight for tests..

12/31 Livvie and Jack try to cheer up a hospital bound Alison who has a slight concussion. They quickly realize that trouble threatens Alison and Jamal's relationship. Alison sends Livvie and Jack away..

Rafe bargains with Ed to let him return to Port Charles, and Rafe surprises Alison when he appears at her side as a brilliant light brightens the night sky. Lucy, Kevin, Eve, Ian, Karen, Frank and Chris all see the light as well, and Rafe informs Alison that something big is coming to Port Charles..

Note Caleb is not in the next three arcs: .

Secrets January 2 - March 29, 2002.

Superstition April 1 - June 28, 2002.

Torn July 1st - Sept 27th , 2002.

Secrets 1/2/02 Livvie and Jack enter to check on Ali. A female biker is brought into GH after an accident. The biker is very glad to see Jack, but she ignores Livvie. Her name is Casey. She was riding along and the light blinded her, then the other victim got in her way. The other victim hears her and yells back that it's her own fault that the accident happened. .

Casey refuses to admit any responsibility for the accident, and the other victim just walked out in front of her without looking. When Casey sarcastically asks the other victim if she's blind, she shocks everyone by replying that she is blind. Jack offers to fix Casey's bike, and Casey is more then thrilled to be staying in Jack's place. Livvie is very adamant about the fact that Casey will be staying in Jack's old apartment. Karen checks Casey's x-rays, as eager to get rid of Casey as Casey is to leave..

Ali is asleep, and Rafe is remembering his last conversation with Ed. Rafe argues with Ed that Ali and Jamal are not okay, and it's his fault. Ed is adamant about the fact that it's time for Rafe to go on to his next assignment, but Rafe has read the rules. .

Ed can approve him going back to PC if he gives up his job as a guardian angel forever. Shocked, Ed wants him to understand that means no powers, no magic, no reading minds. He asks Rafe if Ali is worth giving all of it up. Back in the present, Rafe watches Ali and states that she's worth it..

Casey is ready to leave, and Jack tries to calm her down. When Casey calls Jack 'Yummy Boy,' Jack smiles, but Livvie is not amused. She's going to leave a message for Ali. Casey is more then happy to baby sit Jack, but he is eager to go with Livvie. After they're gone, Casey pulls Amy's wallet out of her bag..

1/4 Livvie brings Jack some coffee. While they're kissing, Casey walks into the bike shop in her towel (obviously has just taken a shower) and drinks Jack's coffee. She calls Livvie Lizzie and tells them she's hungry. She starts "jive talking" to the both of them, asks if Livvie is into sharing her man. Jack tells her to get dressed and turns to embrace Livvie..

1/15/02 Jack and Livvie are eating breakfast. As they playfully wrestle over the syrup for the pancakes, and are interrupted by Ali knocking on the door. She asks them if she can stay with them for a while because she left Jamal. Ali apologizes for interrupting Livvie and Jack, but she tells them about Jamal seeing Rafe carry her into the apartment. .

Then in a matter of a few seconds, she finishes with Jamal dropping her to run to help Val. Jack tries to defend Jamal for helping Val, but Ali feels like Jamal refused to take her feelings into consideration when he went running to Val's rescue. Livvie and Jack try to reason with Ali, but she takes that to mean that they are taking Jamal's side and she decides to leave. As they try to convince her that they want her to stay, Jamal knocks on the door. Jack goes outside to talk to Jamal and tries to stall him. Jamal knows that Ali is there and he needs to see her..

Livvie looks out the window to find out Jamal isn't leaving. Ali doesn't want to see him. She confesses to Livvie that she kissed Rafe again. Rafe is back without his powers and one chance to discover what he missed when he was alive. Ali started crying on his shoulder. He tried to make things better, and one thing led to another, which led to Ali coming on to him. But this time the kiss was intense, and she really liked it, which confuses her. The only thing she knows is that she can't see Jamal right now..

Jack tries to stop Jamal from going inside. Jamal is adamant that helping Valerie has nothing to do with Ali, but Jack tries to explain that he promised to help Ali. Pushing Jack out of the way, Jamal pounds on the door, begging Ali to talk to him..

1/16/02 Livvie and Jack leave Ali and Jamal alone. Jamal enters the house and Jack and Livvie think it’s a good sign. Livvie can’t get over the fact that she brought Val back to PC, and she got them into this mess. Jack has an idea to make it better..

Jack and Livvie go to Jamal’s apartment to talk to Val. Val is despondent over Hope, but Jamal’s been taking good care of her. She doesn’t know what she’d do without him. Jack and Livvie try to gently remind her that Jamal and Ali are going through a rough time as well, but they’re getting back together. Val is not happy to hear this, and it’s obvious. .

Jack and Livvie offer Val a place to stay, and she comes up with excuses to refuse them. Telling Val to come stay with them so Ali can come home is the wrong thing to say, and Val nearly throws Livvie out of the apartment. As she shuts the door behind them, Val swears that Jamal will go back to Ali over her dead body. Livvie and Jack realize Val wants to break up Ali and Jamal. The both know it’s important to get her away from Jamal..

1/21 Sitting in the Recovery Room, Rafe gets an odd sensation as the three heavenly bodies approach. Amy gets the same odd sensation and realizes that Casey is telling the truth. Rafe looks all around as Paige peeks in at him. She realizes that he can feel them, too. Rafe wonders what is happening and goes searching for what, or who, he felt. Amy, Paige and Casey (who apparently are not full angels yet), believe that Rafe may be a guardian and perhaps he has come because of their mistakes. Casey and Amy become frantic, they don't want to go back yet!.

1/22 Kevin is looking at the sketch as Livvie enters the lighthouse. When Livvie sees the sketch on the table, she wants to know what’s up with him and the woman in the sketch. Kevin admits to Livvie that it must look strange to her, but he tells her that painting the portrait was Lucy’s idea. Lucy’s not sure about Lucy’s reasoning, but Kevin tries to explain why it’s important to him. He wanted to be an artist when he was young, and the desire is still there. It feels good to paint. Livvie thinks Paige is strange. .

Kevin tries to give Livvie an idea of what the relationship was like. He was alone growing up. He had no contact with Ryan or Melanie, and Victor was very distant. Paige showed him what it was like to not be alone. A long time ago she asked him to paint her portrait, and he owes it to her. Livvie tries to understand, but to her it still sounds like he has feelings for Paige..

Kevin swears that he’s not interested in Paige. He was years ago, but not now. They broke up because he couldn’t give her what she needed. It was years later he met Grace. Hugging Livvie, he admits that he’s grateful to Grace for having Livvie. Livvie wants him to promise that he won’t have feelings for Paige. Smiling, Kevin informs her that Paige moved on and got married. All that’s left between them is a great friendship..

1/23/02 Rafe wants to know what they're doing there. They know he's a guardian, and Paige asks him what's going to happen to them. Casey tries to kiss up in order to make a deal with him, but it doesn't work. They all start confessing the mistakes they've made. After listening for a few seconds, Rafe thinks they're bigger screwups then he ever was..

Casey is angry, but Paige realizes that he's not on official business. This makes them happy, but Rafe wants them to stop celebrating that fact. As soon as anyone in PC figures out who they are they'll be gone. Paige asks Rafe to help them, but Rafe admits that he doesn't have any of his powers. .

Thinking about it, Rafe wonders if going back is the best thing for all of them. All of them. Angry, Paige informs him that no one is going to stop her from making things right. Rafe wants to hear her story, and she begins to tell him. She had a wonderful life with money, traveling, and a husband that loved her a lot more then she loved him. And he knew the reason she couldn't love him was Kevin. .

They were on their way to the airport to face Kevin so they could get on with their lives. For some reason, Paige was driving. Something ran in front of the car and she lost control. Wil died instantly, but Paige hung on for a few more weeks. Wil's last wish was that she carry on and put the past to rest so she could love Wil in death more then she'd ever loved him in life. Paige begs Rafe to try to help her..

Rafe knows what it's like getting involved in lives in PC. Thinking he's about to say it's a bad idea, Casey announces that she refuses to go back. Rafe doesn't know if he can help, but he'll try. First he has to know everything. Casey tells her story. Her life was amazing, tons of friends, until some Burnout slipped something in her drink and put her in coma. Rafe knows she's lying. Cornered, Casey admits that there was a boy she liked. He took her to a crack house. She talked a big game, but it was new to her. She wanted him to like her so when he asked her to get high with him, she did two lines of Cocaine and Heroine. Her first time was her last, all because she wanted people to like her. Rafe moves towards her, but Casey doesn't want his sympathy, she wants him to help her get back what she lost..

Amy tells a story of being determined to prove she could make it on her own. She got involved with a man that she thought cared about her, but only cared about her money. When she figured out he was scamming her, he murdered her. She was foolish and stupid, but not anymore. She wants to prove that she can make it on her own and accomplish anything. The three of them ask Rafe again for his help. He finally agrees to do what he can. They thank him, and Amy realizes she has to call in to the clinic. There is a bright light and they all disappear, leaving Amy's cell phone on the ground..

1/24/02 Ali is packing to go away with Jamal while Livvie is trying to talk to her. Livvie realizes that Ali is in a hurry to be along with Jamal for the first time in a long time. When Ali demands to know what that means, Livvie meant Val. But Ali admits to having read Rafe's journal and finding out that Rafe is in love with her. When Livvie is confused that Ali wants to get out of town because Rafe is in love with her, Ali admits to Livvie that she's beginning to care about Rafe..

Livvie reminds Ali that Rafe is an angel. She knows that, but she can't help how she feels. Jamal doesn't know, but he'll suspect soon. Ali admits that she couldn't make love to Jamal because she felt like she was betraying Rafe. Livvie wants her to realize that she and Jamal are real. But Rafe can't give her what she wants. Ali knows, but she read his feelings for her. Livvie advises her to let it go. Knowing she's right, Ali is determined to reconnect with Jamal. Livvie agrees to help Jack look after the shop so they can get away. Ali thanks Livvie for not judging, but Livvie remembers that she has no room to talk. Ali felt like loving Jamal was forever, and she knows if they spend time alone, it will come back..

Rafe, Casey, Amy, and Paige are all surrounded by white. The three women have been recalled. Rafe has been recalled before, but he's never seen anything like this..

1/25 The four angels have been taken to a white room. Rafe has never seen it before and they are all worried. Ed appears and asks them to sit at a round white table encircled with five white chairs. Casey tries to talk her way out of trouble; she blames Amy and Paige. Paige and Amy complain about Casey. Ed asks Rafe if he knows what's going on. Rafe tells him he doesn't know, but if it means they're back in heaven he's all for it. The girls start arguing with him. Ed tells them all if they don't shape up, an innocent will be hurt..

Jack and Livvie come into the RR and meet Jamal. He thanks them for looking after the shop and tells them Valerie isn't doing so well. .

Ed tells the four angels that their behavior on earth has been appalling. He tells them that it seems as if they don't care about the consequences of their actions. He tells them they might as well where signs around their necks that say "angels." Paige apologizes. Ed tells them it's not just the girls. Rafe is causing trouble as well. Ed tells them he went out on a "cloud" for them because he believed they were all taken too early and hadn't finished what they were there to do. They thank him and apologize again. He tells them to band together, stop fighting and not lose their watches. .

The watches are their connection to heaven. The watches also tell them how long they have left on earth. The girls promise to do better. He reminds them anything and everything they do has a ripple effect on other people's lives. Rafe asks Ed why he brought them to this particular room. Ed tells him it is where they will all meet at the end of their journeys. It is a portal to heaven. Rafe says that if that is indeed the case then there is something Ed isn't telling them because there are four angels and five chairs. He asks if someone is joining them..

Valerie has her gun trained on Alison. Alison is trying to reason with her. Valerie blames Alison for everything. She tells Alison she wants Jamal to suffer the way he made her suffer. Jamal, Jack, and Livvie come in. "Oh good, you're back," says Valerie, "Now you won't miss watching your girlfriend die.".

Rafe tells Ed he knows he doesn't do anything without any forethought and care. Ed tells him it's none of his affair. Rafe guesses they will be helping someone cross over. Rafe is upset because he figures out someone from PC will die and the chair is for them..

Jamal tries to stop Valerie. He steps between her and Alison. She tells him to get out of the way. He walks up to her and grabs for the gun. "BANG!!!!!".

1/28 Valerie insists that Alison has poisoned Jamal against her. The gun goes off as Jamal struggles to get it away from Valerie. As Jack pins Alison to the floor, Jamal and Valerie face each other, both covered in blood and it takes a minute before we are sure who has been shot. Turns out to be Valerie. She collapses into Jamal's arms. As Livvie tends to Valerie's injuries, the paramedics arrive and transport Valerie to the hospital, where Chris and Karen try to save her..

Rafe demands to know who will occupy the 5th chair. He knows it's for someone close to one of the angels. Ed admits that the angels will be helping a resident of Port Charles to cross over. Amy isn't confident that she's ready for that responsibility but Paige is. Rafe presses Ed for more details - who is it, can they stop the death, etc. Ed reminds them all to complete the journeys they were sent to make and the women go back. Alone with Rafe, Ed shows him what Alison is currently going through. .

Down at the hospital,, detective Andy questions Jamal, Alison, Jack and Livvie about what happened with Valerie. Sounds pretty clear-cut to him. Karen and Chris come out to break the news that as hard as she fought, they were unable to save Valerie. Tears well up in Jamal's and Alison's eyes, but he storms off to be alone. .

Rafe asks Ed if the empty chair is for Valerie. Ed tells him that Valerie will be taking a different path but that the chair will involve Alison in some way. Ed then asks Rafe if he has the courage to go back and finish..

1/29 When Livvie sees Rafe at GH, she tells him that he is not where he belongs. He insists he is exactly where he belongs! LIvvie tells him that he complicates things with his presence. She asks what he wants from Allison? Jack comes up and asks what the problem is. Livvie says that she doesn’t think he should be there right now and Jack agrees. Rafe says she shouldn’t be so sure that he doesn’t know what Allison needs and storms out..

1/30/02 Livvie enters the studio. One look at her and Kevin knows something is wrong. She tells him about Val and he's shocked. Paige listens to her as Kevin hugs her. When Livvie swears to Kevin that he's okay, he goes to check on some calls he needs to make. Livvie asks Paige if he's been there all night. Paige begins to tell her that nothing is going on between her and Kevin, but Livvie interrupts her. She trusts Kevin. It's Paige that Livvie doesn't trust..

Rafe is still trying to comfort Ali. She knows that she can't fix it, and it will never be normal. A few hours ago, Val tried to kill her and Jamal walked in. As she remembers, she looks at the blood on the ground and begins to fall to her knees. Moving to her, Rafe holds her. At first, she pushes him away. Jamal blames himself and always will. She begins to cry and allows Rafe to hug her as Jack enters the apartment..

Paige tries to tell Livvie to get to know her better. Livvie doesn’t need to, she has Paige’s number. Livvie doesn’t believe that Paige dropped back into Kevin’s life after all these years just for Kevin to paint her. Paige tries to explain that she and Kevin have a connection to the past, but Livvie doesn’t need to. Kevin finally got together with the woman he really loves, Lucy and she’s not about to let Paige interfere. .

Paige asks Livvie if Lucy would have invited her in if she had any ideas about Kevin. Livvie has every intention of asking Lucy about it. Paige advises her to ask Kevin he how feels about it. Kevin hears this and wants to know what's going on. Livvie admits that she doesn't like Paige. Too many of her friends have lost the ones they love, and she's not about to allow Paige to come between him and Lucy. Livvie wants Paige to go back to wherever hshe came from..

Kevin finds Livvie's accusation insulting to him and Lucy. There is nothing going on between him and Paige. He knows that Livvie is upset about Val, but so is he. Kevin feels like he let Val down, she was his patient. He also understands that they've all been through too much heartache. Paige offers to go, but Kevin stops her. He wants Livvie to understand that they can't life their lives waiting for something bad to happen. He knows how close he and Livvie came to losing the ones they love, but it's not going to happen. He apologizes to Paige for Livvie, explaining to her that Livvie has been through a lot. Realizing that Kevin is right, Livvie apologizes for herself, and Paige accepts. When Livvie leaves, Kevin walks her to the car. .

Ali tells Jack that Rafe is only being a friend. She's alarmed to hear that Jamal is missing. He sat by Val all night, but he’s gone. Jack thought he came home. Ali has to go find him. She runs in to change, and Jack accuses Rafe of spending the night now that Jamal is grieving over Val..

Kevin is walking on the bridge. Electrical wires fall on him and he screams before he falls to the ground. Kevin is unconscious on the ground. He wakes and tries to get to his feet, but the tree that took down the wires is on his leg. He screams for help. He reaches for the tree to pull it off of himself, but he gets shocked and thrown down on his back in the snow..

Rafe tells Jack that he spent the night there to make sure Ali was okay, and he's not going anywhere while she needs him. Whatever problem Jack has with that, Rafe demands that he live with it until Jamal returns. Livvie enters the apartment and demands to know why Rafe is there. Ali returns to the room, frantic to find Jamal and begging them all to help her look..

1/31/02 Ali, Jack, Livvie and Rafe enter the Recovery Room looking for Jamal. Jack wants Rafe to leave them alone, but Rafe refuses to leave. As the men begin to argue, Ali asks them to stop and let her think for a moment. Rafe insists that they don't have a minute to find Jamal, and he can't be the one who dies. Jack, Livvie, and Ali stare at him in shock..

Ali demands to know what that means. Rafe tries to cover by saying he meant that this weather could be bad. Jack wants him to shut up, but his phone rings and he has to go answer it. Livvie demands to know what this is about. She and Ali know that he's an angel and they both accuse him of knowing more then he's telling..

Kevin is still unconscious under the tree covered in snow..

Ali and Livvie know that Rafe knows something. Rafe finally tells that that yes, he's an angel, but on this trip he has no powers. He's a regular guy and he has no clue what's going on. Jack returns to inform them that Jamal was spotted in a bar. Ali wants to run to him, but he left on foot carrying another bottle. When Ali demands to go look for him, Livvie and Jack talk her out of it. Jack and Livvie go after him. .

Lucy is outside looking for Kevin. She finds him and runs to him. Grabbing him, she holds him and screams for Paige. Paige stares at her while she begs Paige to get help. Not moving, Paige continues to watch Lucy cry. Lucy continues to scream at her that they're going to lose Kevin if she doesn't do something. Paige stands still and stares at Lucy.

**The End**

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