Desire Arc April 2 - July 4, 2003

Desire Dvd #1-3, Desire Dvd#4, Desire Dvd #5, and Desire Dvd #6

Episode Descriptions:

Desire DVD #4  May 21 - June 6, 2003
5/20, 5/21, 5/22, 5/23, 5/26, 5/27, 5/28, 5/29, 5/30, 6/2, 6/3 mins 

  • Tuesday, May 20- Caleb throws acid in Joshua's face to prove that he is still a formidable foe. Joshua orders his henchmen to kill Caleb. Caleb's life is spared when reporters arrive wanting to interview Stephen Clay. Before leaving, Caleb warns Joshua that he will destroy him in the end. Alison stands up to Livvie and insists they need to find a way to trust each other and work together against Joshua. Alison and Livvie leave the catacombs in search of blood and nearly walk in on Jack and Jamal's memorial service for Alison. Rafe hates the fact that he has to lie to Alison's friends and family about her being dead. Ricky can't bring himself to follow Joshua's orders and cause Casey's fall from grace. Karen questions Kevin about the drugs she found in his pocket. Karen is shocked when Kevin leaves the hospital with Elizabeth.
  • Wednesday, May 21- Alison is moved after hearing her friends speak lovingly about her at her memorial service. Caleb stops a guilt ridden Alison from revealing herself at the memorial service. Caleb drags Alison back to the catacombs as Livvie finds herself facing Alison's mourners. Rafe protects Livvie from Jamal. Lucy and Ian tell Elizabeth that Alison isn't dead. Joshua is in a rage after his encounter with Caleb. Joshua tells Frank that it is time to assert their control over Port Charles. Jamal later wakes up in the morgue after having been turned into a vampire.

  • Thursday, May 22- Rafe fears Alison is getting pulled in by Caleb. Rafe and Alison argue about Caleb but later attempt to reach out to each other. Caleb tries to ease Livvie's insecurities about Alison. Casey realizes that Jamal has been turned into a vampire. Jamal curses the universe for what he has become. Ricky is determined to make the band a success without Stephen Clay. 
  • Thursday, May 22- Rafe fears Alison is getting pulled in by Caleb. Rafe and Alison argue about Caleb but later attempt to reach out to each other. Caleb tries to ease Livvie's insecurities about Alison. Casey realizes that Jamal has been turned into a vampire. Jamal curses the universe for what he has become. Ricky is determined to make the band a success without Stephen Clay.

  • Friday, May 23- Ian vows to stay strong for Lucy's sake. Ian fantasizes about biting Lucy and wonders how long he will be able to resist his vampire urges. Livvie has a nightmare in which Caleb leaves her because he is disgusted over the fact that she is a vampire. Caleb assures Livvie he wants nothing more than to become a vampire again. Caleb tells Livvie it is her nature to want to feed. Joshua tells Ricky he will replace him as lead singer unless Ricky causes Casey's downfall. Ricky agrees to try and get Casey to fall from grace. Casey is frustrated over not being able to help Jamal. Jamal begins to feels the symptoms of being a vampire. Kevin and Elizabeth make love.

  • Monday, May 26- Fed up with the tension among the group, Alison reaches her breaking point and threatens to leave the catacombs. Alison insists that she, Livvie, Rafe and Caleb find a way to work together against Joshua. Rafe and Caleb engage in a fistfight, which Alison refuses to let Livvie stop. Afterward, Rafe and Caleb declare a truce and decide to work together. Livvie is shocked when Caleb extends his hand in friendship to Rafe. Lucy assures Ian that she feels better and begins to seduce him. After making love with Lucy, Ian has a nightmare in which he bites her. Ian is unsettled by his nightmare. Per Joshua's orders, Ricky begins his plan to make Casey fall from grace. To that end, Ricky convinces Casey to try and forget about saving the world for just one day.

  • Tuesday, May 27- Livvie is stunned when Caleb agrees to join forces with Alison and Rafe and work together to stop Joshua. Livvie is furious when Caleb reveals her greatest fear to Rafe and Alison. Alison is attacked by an unseen creature as she steps outside for fire wood. Caleb rescues Alison and realizes Livvie was responsible for the attack. Livvie is angry over Caleb's protectiveness towards Alison. Livvie later calls Joshua and tells him she has information about Alison. Jack realizes that Jamal has been turned into a vampire. Jack urges Jamal to accept what he has become because there is nothing he can do to change the situation. Jamal later tells Frank that he wants to work with him and Joshua. Ricky begins to seduce Casey in order to get her sent back to Heaven. Ricky is moved by Casey's supportive words and their memories of happier times. Ricky pulls back from kissing Casey, unable to bring himself to cause her fall from grace.

  • Wednesday, May 28- Alison realizes that Livvie attacked her. Caleb assures Alison she will be safe as long as he is by her side. Livvie goes to see Joshua at the villa and offers to tell him where Alison is hiding in exchange for the antidote for her poison. Joshua tricks Livvie into revealing that Rafe stole the antidote. Joshua tells Livvie he doesn't need her help to get what he wants. Livvie fears she made a mistake in going to Joshua. Caleb is alarmed when Alison disappears. Frank takes Alison to Joshua at the villa. Alison is shocked to learn Jamal has become a vampire. Lucy and Ian are speechless when Rafe asks for the antidote back in order to allow Livvie to turn Caleb back into a vampire. Ian warns Rafe that no vampire can be trusted, including himself. Lucy gives Rafe the antidote for Livvie's poison. Rafe returns to the catacombs with the antidote. Caleb questions Livvie about Alison's disappearance. Ian's fangs come out as he begins to make love with Lucy.

  • Thursday, May 29- Alison is horrified to realize that Jamal has become a vampire and further shaken to learn that Jamal enjoys his new life. Jamal unleashes his anger at Alison for allowing him to think she had died. Frank stops Jamal from attacking Alison. Joshua warns Alison that she will soon be one of them. Joshua later takes Alison to a Victorian mansion and proclaims it to be their new home as he anticipates turning her into a vampire. Rafe realizes that Livvie is responsible for Alison's disappearance. Rafe destroys the antidote as a furious Livvie looks on. Caleb unleashes his anger at Livvie and blames her for making their situation worse. Rafe is desperate to find Alison. Ian stops himself from biting Lucy. Ian confesses to Lucy that he wanted to bite her and doesn't know how long he will be able to control his urges. With Lucy no longer immune to vampire bites, Ian realizes he has to move out and Lucy reluctantly agrees. Ian and Lucy share an emotional goodbye.

  • Friday, May 30- Alison appears to be delusional when she insists that Joshua is Rafe. Joshua can't bring himself to bite Alison when she continues to lovingly treat him as though he is Rafe. Jamal later goes to Alison and apologizes for his previous outburst. Jamal offers to help Alison escape from Joshua but she is uncertain if Jamal is telling the truth. Livvie defends her actions to Caleb, claiming she only acted out of love for him. Caleb agrees that he and Livvie only have themselves to rely on. After making love, Caleb becomes determined to find a way to duplicate the antidote for Livvie's poison. A menacing Caleb and Livvie later approach Chris at the hospital. Desperate to find Alison, Rafe begins attacking vampires at Elixir. Casey and Jack stop Frank from killing Rafe. After getting Rafe out of the club, Casey and Jack realize that Rafe has been wounded while fighting Frank. Elizabeth is alarmed to learn that Joshua has Alison. Kevin realizes that Elizabeth already knew about Alison being alive.

  • Monday, June 2- Alison takes a chance and drops her façade of suffering from a mental breakdown in front of Jamal. Alison is hurt and shocked when Jamal betrays her and tells Joshua that she has been faking her breakdown. Alison swears to Joshua that she will never love him. Joshua asks Jamal for advice on how to win Alison over. Casey and Ricky bring an injured Rafe to Ian for help. Rafe is stunned when Ian reveals that he switched the antidote for Livvie's poison with sugar water. An anguished Ian tells Rafe to no longer place his trust in him. Caleb and Livvie demand that Chris duplicate the formula for the antidote. Livvie realizes that making love as a human doesn't satisfy Caleb. Caleb looks forward to being able to kill Joshua. Livvie and Caleb are shocked when Chris reveals that the sample of the antidote they gave him turned out to be nothing more than sugar water. Casey is disappointed when Ricky insists he wants nothing more to do with the battle between good and evil and simply wants to be a rich and famous rock star.

  • Tuesday, June 3- Alison wants to know why Joshua is obsessed with making her his bride. Alison doesn't buy Joshua's story sad story. Joshua is impressed by Alison's perception and begins to believe he is reaching her. Meanwhile, Rafe stops Jamal from feeding on Stacey. Rafe pummels Jamal when he refuses to reveal where Joshua took Alison. Rafe is later reunited with Alison, who races into his arms. Jamal refuses help from Imani. Ian demands more blood from Chris. Chris agrees to help Ian when he admits his fear about what he might do to Lucy without the blood. Karen tries to convince Kevin to get help for his drug addiction. Elizabeth pleads with Lucy to help her find Alison. Elizabeth convinces Lucy that she is still powerful even without her slayer powers. Elizabeth is stunned when Lucy collapses and takes her to the hospital.

  • Desire DVD #5  June 6-18, 2003
    6/4, 6/5, 6/6, 6/9, 6/10, 6/11, 6/12, 6/13, 6/16, 6/17, 6/18

      Wednesday, June 4- Frank and several vampire henchmen prevent Rafe from taking Alison away from Joshua's mansion. Rafe is stunned when Alison insists she has to stay with Joshua. Alison explains that she is staying with Joshua in order to save Rafe's life. Alison is devastated when she says goodbye to Rafe. Livvie fears she will never be able to turn Caleb back into a vampire. Ian vows to find a cure for whatever is making Lucy ill. Ian asks the universe for a sign as to how to help Lucy. Feeling threatened, a manipulative Elizabeth gets Kevin to stop feeling sympathetic towards Lucy. Ian is stunned to find Caleb in Lucy's now empty hospital room. Caleb tells Ian to give him the antidote if he ever wants to see Lucy alive again. Livvie threatens to bite Lucy with her poisoned fangs.
    • Thursday, June 5- Ian agrees to give Caleb the antidote in exchange for Lucy's safety. Lucy denies to Livvie that she knew Ian gave Rafe a phony antidote. Caleb takes Ian to Lucy, but they find that she and Livvie have disappeared. Upset over Alison's decision to stay with Joshua, Rafe declares that he is through with being a slayer. Joshua agrees to some of Alison's conditions for their marriage but refuses to abandon his plans to create a vampire nation in Port Charles. Joshua wants Alison to help him understand the meaning of love.

    • Friday, June 6 - Lucy tells Ian she had no choice but to give Livvie the real antidote. Lucy believes Caleb will help them destroy Joshua once he is turned back into a vampire. Ian can't help but be drawn to Lucy. After Ian and Lucy kiss, he runs off when his fangs come out. After taking the antidote, Livvie bites Caleb and hopes she hasn't killed him. Reese cooks a homemade meal for Jack and takes it to him at Elixir.

  • Friday, June 6, Last 4 mins - Jack raves about Reese's cooking. Karen gives Kevin a subsitute and he throws it, annoyed at what she has brought him. She tells him she is an ex-pill popper herself and knows he is addicted. A reluctant Karen agrees to get Kevin more drugs from Frank. Karen hopes to help Kevin slowly wean himself off of the drugs. Elizabeth tries to comfort Kevin as he fights his addiction.

  • Monday, June 9- Alison tells Jamal that she is beginning to see some of Joshua's positive traits. Alison also informs Jamal that although Rafe is her soul mate, she is starting to accept the fact that she has to marry Joshua. Joshua eavesdrops on Alison and Jamal's conversation. Jamal promises to watch out for Alison and believes she is doing the right thing by marrying Joshua. Rafe remembers the love he and Alison share. Livvie bites Caleb, who falls unconscious. Livvie is relieved when Caleb awakens. Caleb is thrilled to be a vampire again and he and Livvie make love.

  • Tuesday, June 10- Lucy doesn't accept Rafe's claim that he has given up on Alison and no longer wants to be a slayer. Elizabeth adds to Kevin's anxiety as he waits for Karen to arrive with his drug supply. Karen convinces Frank to give her the drugs for Kevin in an effort to slowly wean Kevin off of them. Frank secretly watches as Karen administers the drug to Kevin. Frank urges Ricky to sleep with Casey in order to get her sent back to heaven. Jamal tells Alison becoming a vampire will give her the family she's always wanted. Alison is shocked to see Jamal feeding on Stacey. Joshua believes Alison is lying about accepting the vampire life. Alison wants to marry Joshua that night. Rafe is attacked outside of Elixir and doesn't fight back.

  • Wednesday, June 11- Alison prepares to marry Joshua and their wedding begins. During the ceremony, Joshua stops Alison from trying to remove Caleb's vampire ring from his finger. Casey takes Lucy to the hospital for another blood transfusion. Ian is worried for Lucy and expresses his fears to Casey. Chris tells Ian that the results of Lucy's blood tests don't look promising. Casey later tells Ian that Lucy is dying. Caleb asks Rafe to team up with him in order to destroy Joshua. After fighting, Rafe agrees to help Caleb fight Joshua but insists he has to get to Alison first.

  • Thursday, June 12- Joshua becomes angry when he realizes Alison was tricking him when she agreed to marry him. Jamal helps Joshua stop Alison from leaving the mansion. Jamal promises Alison he will never allow Joshua to hurt her. Frank threatens Livvie after she tells him that Caleb is a vampire again and that he is going to destroy Joshua. Frank warns Rafe and Caleb that a huge battle will ensue if they try to take control away from Joshua. Caleb throws acid in Frank's face. Ian can't bring himself to tell Lucy that he thinks she is dying. After speaking with Casey, Ian believes Lucy needs a transfusion from the blood of a slayer. Rafe and Caleb plan on going to Joshua's mansion, where Rafe will fight Joshua while Caleb retrieves his vampire ring. Ian asks Rafe to help save Lucy's life. Lucy speaks to an unseen person.

  • Friday, June 13- Ian knocks Rafe out and takes him to the hospital in order to use his blood to try and save Lucy's life. Caleb tells Livvie the secret of his ring and explains that the ring can make wishes come true. Caleb assures Livvie that they will get everything they want. Kevin overpowers Karen and grabs a syringe filled with Joshua's drugs. Karen convinces Kevin not to take the drugs and tries to comfort him. Elizabeth is threatened by Karen's friendship with Kevin. Elizabeth accuses Karen of wanting Kevin for herself. Joshua drugs Alison, who begins to fall under his control.

  • Monday, June 16- Lucy has a vision of a visitor in her hospital room. Ian tells Lucy of his plan to transfuse Rafe's slayer blood into her. During the transfusion, Lucy begins suffering seizures. Jack realizes that Jamal is trying to protect Alison from Joshua. Jamal tells Jack that he's looking for Rafe, who was supposed to come to the mansion. Casey is upset that Ricky's focus is on becoming rich and famous. Ricky explains to Karen why it is important for him to be successful and reveals his deal with Joshua to get Casey sent back to heaven. Alison fights Joshua when he voices his certainty that Rafe won't come to her rescue.

  • Tuesday, June 17- Alison panics in the darkened mansion and hears the sound of a clock. Joshua enters and asks Alison "what time is it?" Joshua eventually succeeds in getting Alison under his spell. Roderick, Caleb's father, gives Caleb a ring to use for strength and protection. Meanwhile, Rafe is angry at Ian for keeping him at the hospital and delaying his getting to Alison. Rafe later arrives at the mansion and rescues Alison. Joshua is stunned when Alison disappears and he finds Caleb in her place. Lucy goes into shock during the blood transfusion after having a negative reaction to Rafe's slayer blood. Lucy wants Ian to take her home when they realize the transfusion failed.

  • Wednesday, June 18- Rafe takes a disoriented Alison to the barn and tries to get through to her, not realizing she is still under Joshua's control. Alison comes out of her fog and she and Rafe share a kiss. Alison, however, once again goes into a trance when Rafe asks her "what time is it?" Alison later leaves the barn and returns to Joshua at the mansion. Caleb taunts Joshua over the fact that Alison and Rafe are together. Caleb is stunned when Alison returns to the mansion. Lucy returns home and she, Ian, Serena and Christina have a slumber party. Lucy is saddened at the thought of not being alive to see her daughters grow up. Lucy is shocked when Ian suggests that he can turn her into a vampire to prevent her from dying. Karen helps Kevin through his withdrawal from Joshua's drugs.

  • Desire DVD #6 June 19 - July 4, 2003
    6/19, 6/20, 6/23, 6/24, 6/25, 6/26, 6/27, 6/30, 7/1, 7/2, 7/3, 7/4

      Thursday, June 19- Joshua vows to Caleb that he will never give Caleb his ring back. Under his spell, Alison agrees to do Joshua's bidding. Joshua tells Alison he will send her back to Rafe and gives her instructions for what to do when her watch alarm goes off. Rafe desperately searches for Alison. Rafe doesn't believe Caleb's claim that Alison went back to Joshua. Caleb and Rafe are surprised when Alison returns home. Caleb realizes that Joshua is up to something with Alison. Lucy can't let Ian bite her, even though she knows it would enable her to watch Serena and Christina grow up.
    • Friday, June 20- At the barn, Caleb tells Rafe that Alison is lying about not having been back to the mansion. Rafe defends Alison and they order Caleb to leave. Caleb informs Livvie he thinks Joshua is using Alison to hurt them. Caleb forbids Livvie from harming Alison. Rafe and Alison enjoy their picnic at the barn. When her watch alarm goes off, Alison asks Rafe to make love with her. Karen continues to help Kevin beat his drug addiction. Elizabeth watches Karen and Kevin sharing a kiss. Ricky convinces Casey to go to New York City with him. Ricky confesses to Casey that he made a deal with Joshua to get her sent back to heaven. Casey is furious with Ricky.

    • Monday, June 23- Ian thinks Lucy is hallucinating when he sees her speaking to an unseen being. Lucy asks Ian to help her prepare for her death and he tapes Lucy's goodbye message to Serena and Christina. Caleb refuses to help Ian when he asks for information about hot springs that might save Lucy's life. Joshua is evasive when Jamal questions his reasons for sending Alison back to Rafe. Jamal warns Rafe that Joshua is up to something where Alison is concerned. Jamal grows suspicious of Alison's behavior. Alison and Rafe put talk of Joshua aside and share a tender moment together. Alison later insists that Rafe follow her off to a "special place." Caleb becomes angry with Livvie over her continued jealousy of Alison.

    • Tuesday, June 24, First :10 mins - Alison takes Rafe to the woods and begins to give him a massage after her watch alarm goes off. Alison sees images of Joshua in Rafe's place. Casey confesses to Ricky that she loves him and wants to be with him. Lucy has trouble breathing as she tapes a goodbye message for Ian. Livvie suspects Caleb of planning Lucy's death as he knew what would happen to her if she went into the hot spring and that he meant for her to die all along. She says she doesn't know whether to kiss him or to bite him. She felt like he was acting like a mortal but he had a plan all along. Caleb admits that Joshua wearing his father's ring bothers him. Livvie is excited over the prospect of Lucy's demise and Caleb getting his ring back. Frank listens in as Karen defends herself when Elizabeth becomes jealous about the kiss she saw between Karen and Kevin.

  • Tuesday, June 24 - Ian feels as though he has failed Lucy as he watches the videotape she made for him. Caleb surprises Ian by informing him that Lucy needs the blood of an angel in order to save her life. Ricky fears Casey will be sent back to heaven if they make love, but she says that might not be true. 
  • Wednesday, June 25- Lucy looks back at her life in her dreams as she sleeps. Ian arrives and finds an upset Christina trying to wake an unconscious Lucy. In the woods, Alison is tormented by images of Joshua. Rafe promises Alison that he will protect her. After making love with Rafe, Alison's watch alarm goes off and she ominously tells Rafe that "it's time." Alison slashes Rafe when she sees an image of Joshua in Rafe's place. Casey disappears after making love with Ricky. Ian arrives looking for Casey and panics when Ricky tells him that Casey was sent back to heaven. Kevin and Karen agree that it is time for him to move out of her apartment and get on with his life. Karen tells Kevin that her relationship with Frank is a thing of the past. A menacing Frank later arrives at Karen's door.

  • Thursday, June 26- Ian takes an unconscious Lucy to the hospital. Ian insists that Chris start a blood transfusion for Lucy despite her request to not be resuscitated. Kevin arrives and demands to know what Chris and Ian are doing to Lucy. Kevin becomes crazed when Ian explains that Lucy needs the blood of an angel and tries to stop the transfusion. Karen is frightened by Frank's behavior when he says he wants to get back together with her. Karen rejects Frank, who then attempts to turn her into a vampire. Karen is hit by a car as she runs away from Frank. In the woods, Alison tells Joshua that she thought she killed him and is then horrified to realize that she slashed Rafe. Joshua takes Alison back to the mansion and claims she intentionally killed Rafe.

  • Friday, June 27- Chris sedates Kevin so that he and Ian can tend to Lucy. Ricky rushes Karen to the hospital after discovering that she has been hit by a car. Ian and Chris work to save Lucy's life. A dying Lucy sees an image of an angelic Karen at her bedside. An upset Alison tells Jamal that she killed Rafe as her watch alarm goes off. Caleb brings an injured Rafe back to the loft. Rafe knows that Caleb is trying to keep him alive because if he dies, then Caleb will die also. Rafe collapses after telling Caleb and Livvie that he is going to find Alison. Joshua stops Jamal from taking Alison away from the mansion.

  • Monday, June 30- Elizabeth frees Kevin from the isolation room so that he can go see Lucy before she dies. Meanwhile, Lucy appears to be talking to Karen. Ian realizes that Karen is now an angel and has come to save Lucy. Ian and Chris transfuse Karen's blood into Lucy, who is cured. Lucy breaks the news of Karen's death to Scott. Per Joshua's orders, Frank takes Jamal into the woods to kill him. Frank stops himself from killing Jamal after getting a message from Karen. Frank is shocked to learn of Karen's death. Ricky is devastated by Karen's death and realizes it was part of Casey's mission for him to help get Karen to the hospital. Casey greets Karen in heaven.

  • Tuesday, July 1- Not knowing the truth, Alison blames herself for Rafe's death and also feels responsible for Jamal being killed. Alison tells Joshua she is ready for him to turn her into a vampire. Rafe wants to know Caleb's plan for dealing with Joshua. An anguished Frank remembers trying to turn Karen into a vampire. Frank remembers back to when he and Karen were young and places a flower on the road in the place where Karen died. Lucy, Ian, Scott and Chris gather at the hospital chapel for an impromptu memorial for Karen. Kevin crashes the service and unleashes his anger at the mourners. Lucy urges Kevin to let go of his anger. Scott takes comfort in the fact that Karen was able to save Lucy's life.

  • Wednesday, July 2- Caleb, Livvie and Rafe watch the "Inside the Music" special on television. Joshua watches the show at the mansion with Alison and is shocked to hear Caleb insulting him.  Mourning Karen, Ricky announces that he isn't going to rejoin the band. Lucy tells Ian she wants to make sure that Karen didn't die in vain.

  • Thursday, July 3- With help from Caleb and Livvie, Rafe kills Joshua. Caleb searches for his ring but it is nowhere to be found. Ian and Lucy make love and it is clear that her powers have returned. Lucy feels a cosmic shift in the universe. Caleb locks Rafe and Alison in the mansion, demanding his ring back. Caleb releases Rafe and Alison when he realizes they don't have his ring. Livvie vows to Caleb that she will find the ring. Alison feels guilty about stabbing Rafe and about how she was prepared to sleep with Joshua before he was killed. Jamal is upset that he is still a vampire even though Joshua is dead. Lucy arranges to Danny to return home to Ian.

  • Friday, July 4- Livvie vows to Caleb that she will find the ring.  Rafe assures Alison she has nothing to feel guilty about and urges her not to distance herself from him. Alison has a nightmare and awakens to find Livvie there.  Jamal finds Caleb's ring. As Jamal wishes there was someone special in his life, Imani comes crashing into his apartment.  Lucy tries to let Kevin down easy when he arrives wanting to get back together with her.

  • **The End**

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