The very first arc, "Fate" contained 63 episodes. These are complete episodes, no commercials. These are original good quality episodes.

Fate Dec 4, 2000 - March 2, 2001: 63 episodes
Kevin & former flame Lucy got back together, while Ian and Eve fell in love. Frank and Karen sparked more than a friendship, while Livvie and Jack, and Joe and Gabriela became couples as well. This arc begins as the Recovery Room explodes!

Fate DVD #1  December 4-18, 2000:  12/4, 12/5, 12/6, 12/7, 12/8, 12/11, 12/12, 12/13, 12/14, 12/15, 12/18

Fate DVD #2  December 19, 2000 - January 4, 2001:  12/19, 12/20, 12/21, 12/22, (no show aired on 12/25), 12/26, 12/27, 12/28, 12/29, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4

Fate DVD #3  January 5 - 19, 2001:  1/5, 1/8, 1/9, 1/10, 1/11, 1/12, 1/15, 1/16, 1/17, 1/18, 1/19

Fate DVD #4  January 22 - February 5, 2001:  1/22, 1/23, 1/24, 1/25, 1/26, 1/29 (Eve leaves Kevin at the altar), 1/30, 1/31, 2/1, 2/2, 2/5

Fate DVD #5  February 6 - 20, 2001:  2/6, 2/7, 2/8, 2/9, 2/12, 2/13, 2/14, 2/15, 2/16, 2/19, 2/20

Fate DVD #6  February 21 - March 2 , 2001: 2/21, 2/22, 2/23, 2/26, 2/27, 2/28, 3/1, 3/2

Episode Descriptions:

  • Monday, Dec 4th, 2000- The Recovery Room explodes. As everyone tried to recover from the shock of the explosion, Jamal was frantically looking for Alison. When they found her under a pile of debris, they noticed a substantial cut on her head. Joe and Gabriela managed her wound and Jamal was relieved to see that she was ok when she asked if her cut would leave a scar because she didn't want to have to wear bangs. At first, Lucy's main concern was Livvie because she didn't know that she had left the party much earlier. Lucy was relieved when Kevin gave her the news. Joe had recognized Ian's car as the source of the explosion. Lucy struggled with the knowledge that Eve and Ian were outside the Recovery Room when the explosion went off. She didn't want to worry Kevin if there was nothing to be concerned about, but he overheard her telling someone else. He didn't believe that that could be a possibility because he knew that Eve had been on the way to the hospital. He wouldn't even accept that it was Ian's car outside because he knew that Ian was supposed to have left town earlier. Livvie remembered that Estelle had no idea what had happened to Rachel, so Jack took her over to see her. Estelle seemed to be feeling better after the cure that Ian gave her, but not completely. She kept asking when Rachel was coming to pick them up to leave Port Charles. Livvie couldn't bear to tell her how serious Rachel's condition was so she just told her that Rachel had had to leave for awhile. Estelle immediately jumped to the conclusion that Rachel was dead. Livvie tried to clear it up by saying that Rachel was just resting for awhile. At the hospital, Jamal argued with the nurse who was taking her time getting Alison admitted for treatment. In the process they discovered that Alison's health insurance had been cancelled. Gabriela came over and took care of the situation, but it didn't calm Jamal down that much. Kevin and Lucy went to the hospital to look for Eve. They only found disappointment though when one of the nurses told them that they had called Eve to come in but she had never made it. When they arrived back at the scene of the explosion, Mac was trying to investigate. Kevin was beginning to realize that Eve could have been in the car when Mac admitted that they had found Eve's wedding ring in the car. Back at the hotel, Livvie started to ask Jack questions about why he had come to Port Charles. He started to tell her that there is only one thing that she needs to know about him, but quieted the conversation with a kiss instead.

  • Tuesday, December 5th- Livvie finally pulls back from Jack's kisses and asks him to tell her more about himself. As stunned colleagues and friends gather in the on-call room, Chris is shocked to hear the news about Ian and Eve. Outside the Recovery Room, Kevin howls in anguished grief after positively identifying his wife's wedding ring in the charred remains of the burned car. As Victor and Mac begin their investigation, a weeping Lucy manages to coax Kevin away from the scene of the bombing. Jack avoids giving Livvie any direct answers when she wonders why he always seems to show up just when she needs him most. Revealing only that he lost his mother after years of separation, Jack tells Livvie he wishes they had found a better doctor who might have saved his mom's life. Later, Jack has a strong reaction after hearing Chris' voice on the answering machine. Frank comforts Karen as she grieves for her lost friend. Upon learning that the car bombing was a professional job, Kevin bitterly curses Ian for destroying his life. Meanwhile, several men lock an unconscious Ian and Eve into a cell in an undisclosed location.

  • Wednesday, December 6th- Lucy filled Scott on the outcome of the explosion. Lucy started to blame Eve for her own death and Scott had to calm her down. Then, Lucy broke down saying that she just couldn't believe that Ian and Eve were dead. Just as the words "Eve is dead" came out, Serena walked in the door. Livvie went to see Kevin. Once she got there, all she could say was how sorry she was. Kevin started to tell Livvie how much she would've liked Eve if she had gotten to know her better. Eventually, Livvie was ready to leave because she couldn't come up with any words to soothe Kevin's pain. When she prepared to go, Kevin stopped her and asked her to stay. Eve and Ian woke up in their dungeon-like surroundings and managed to untie their hands. Before they had a chance to try for an escape, their captor showed up with his goons to say hello. When Ian tried to attack them, he was knocked out almost instantly and they left. Scott and Lucy did their best to break the news to Serena gently. After a bit of sadness, Serena's first concern was for Kevin. She asked if they could stop at the firehouse on their way to go see him and Lucy and Scott agreed. Joe and Gabriela tried to comprehend the loss of two friends. Gabriela expressed how the event made her feel that she hadn't really grown up yet. She was remembering how in love Eve had been with Kevin and was grateful that Eve had had that opportunity. Gabriela said how she wished that Ian had had the same chance...Joe admitted that he thinks that Ian had found someone, but he wouldn't tell Gabriela who it was. When Ian awoke, Eve drilled him with questions about the man in charge of their abduction. Ian said that his name was Harris and that he thought that he had killed him years ago. Apparently, Harris was a businessman who got in the way of a shipment of cures for a virus that was on its way to a village that Ian was working in. Ian was devastated that he had promised a bunch of children that they would get better, but couldn't make it happen, because of Harris. Kevin was happy to see Serena, Lucy and Scott. Scott made an attempt to express his sympathy to Kevin and told Livvie that he was glad she was with Kevin. Serena gave Kevin the stuffed elephant that Eve had given her back when she was blind. She said that all Kevin needs to do is hug the elephant and Eve would appear in his dreams. Gabriela told Joe that the accident had made her realize something else..that she didn't want to waste anymore time. Again, she told him how much she wanted to make love and Joe still said that there was too much of a risk. With pleading, Joe admitted that he had thought about it though and eventually he gave in and they started to make plans. Harris returned and Ian asked him to get right down to what he wanted. Harris said that since Ian had tried to take his life, he was going to pay for it with human life. Ian assumed that Harris was referring to Eve and tried to jump Harris, but the guards put a quick stop to that and took Ian from the room. Eve begged Harris not to hurt Ian. Harris seemed to to enjoy her pleading and said that he would be back for more.

  • Thursday, December 7th- Everyone pitched in and helped clean up after the explosion, as they were all cleaning Joe said that Ian and Eve would want them to celebrate life, so the made a toast to Ian and Eve. Jamal was upset after the explosion, because he said that he was not able to take care of Alison, after the incident about the insurance, but Alison told him that it didn't matter, that she just wanted to be with him. Kevin went to where he and Eve got married to say his own special goodbye. Eve escaped from Harris's security and went to look for Ian. Harris began to tell Ian why he brought them there, he was dying from assassin's disease and he wanted Ian to save him. When Eve found Ian, Harris told them that back in Port Charles everyone thinks that they're dead. Harris also told them if he dies that they would die to.

  • Friday, December 8th- Lucy icily advises Chris to leave Livvie alone. Joe finds Kevin tearing apart the Scanlons' basement apartment in a wild frenzy. Ian and Eve are locked together in a bedroom to discuss how they're going to find a cure for Harris. As they share a pizza, Livvie confides to Jack how much she wishes she could help her grieving father. Chris arrives and shoves Jack to the ground, then furiously orders the boy to stay away from Livvie. Lucy tries to reassure Serena that even broken hearts can be mended with the passage of time. As he trashes Ian's apartment, Kevin tells Joe he won't rest until he's found evidence leading to his wife's killers. Later, Kevin is shocked to discover an unfinished note detailing a brief moment of intimacy between Eve and Ian. Ian promises his fellow captive he won't let anyone hurt her. Joe reluctantly reveals to Kevin how Ian had developed feelings for Eve before he decided to leave town. Chris is stunned when Jack bitterly reveals himself to his brother. Feeling betrayed and confused, Kevin returns home and begins drinking heavily. After knocking over a lit candle, Kevin hits his head on the bureau and falls senseless to the floor.

  • Monday, December 11th- Jack stuns Livvie and Chris with the revelation that he is Chris' brother. When a shocked Chris attempts to deny his claim, Jack pulls out proof that he is in fact the doctor's younger brother. Eve presses Ian to explain why he was trying to leave Port Charles. Eve is outraged after learning that Ian called her away to deliver research papers for him since he was leaving town. Upset by her accusations, Ian responds with a violent outburst himself. Unable to reach Kevin, a worried Lucy decides to head to the lighthouse. She finds him in the burning lighthouse and tries to rescue him. Frank invites Karen to spend Christmas Eve with him and Neil but she graciously declines the invitation. Jack tells Chris how their mother died shortly after taking him out of foster care.

  • Tuesday, December 12th- Chris was not going to buy into the idea of Jack being his brother, but Jack presented lots of evidence in his defense. Enough evidence to convince Chris of his identity. However, Chris was not as happy as a long lost brother should have been. In an effort to impress Livvie, he invited Jack over to his place to catch up. Lucy found Kevin in the burning lighthouse and used all her power to wake him up. When he did wake up, he was in such a rotten state of mind that he just sat around with the fire in front of him and didn't want to leave. Lucy tried to persuade him that life was still worth living, but it wasn't until Lucy said that if he wouldn't leave, neither would she, that Kevin came to his sense and got both of them out. When Eve asked Ian what had been so important before the explosion, he lied and said that he had only wanted to give her a disk with Rachel's formula's on it. Eve bought the story and was furious that Ian had thought that that was a big deal. She wanted to blame him for putting her in the wrong place at the time they were kidnapped, but Ian wasn't having it. Ian pointed the finger in Eve's direction by saying that he was trying to leave her alone, but she was the one who came out of the Recovery Room and stopped him. Ian explained how he wished that she wouldn't have come out and how it's drives him crazy that it's his fault that she is stuck with him wherever they are. Alison and Livvie bonded over their encounters with Jack. Livvie told Alison all about the first time she met Jack and how he makes her feel. She also let Alison in on how Jack and Chris are brothers and she is torn because they aren't getting along. Alison was intrigued by the stories of her mysterious Chandler and advised Livvie to take a break from the dynamic duo to clear her head and decide what she wants to do next. Chris and Jack started to discuss their situation. Still, Chris thought that Jack only wanted to get something from him. Jack told Chris that their mother's dying wish was that he find his older brother. Chris was upset that they hadn't tried to find him when his mother was alive, but Jack explained that they didn't have enough money to handle that sort of search. Chris offered Jack money to leave Port Charles. Jack refused the money and left Chris' apartment, but said that he had no intentions of leaving PC. Later, Chris made a phone call to someone and explained that he had a problem from his past that he needed to remove as soon as possible. Kevin was at Johnny La La's remembering he and Eve's good times there. He was drinking again and seeing visions of Eve singing to him on stage when Lucy came in. Lucy did her best to control the drunken, mourning Kevin, but he wasn't having it. He insisted that she dance with him so she complied. Then, Kevin started to remember what he and Lucy had together years ago. Lucy managed to pry herself away and decided to take Kevin home for some food and rest. Harris came in to pay Ian and Eve a visit. Eve took it upon herself to tell Harris that if he expected them to get any work done, he should improve the conditions they are working under by possibly getting them two beds. Then, Harris startled Ian and Eve by expressing his surprise that a whore was requesting separate beds. Ian blew up at the accusation and took Harris by the neck. Eve tried to calm him by telling him that Harris was telling the truth, but Ian didn't back off that easy. Ian threatened Harris by letting him know that if he didn't stop speaking to Eve that way, he would make sure he was dead. When Harris left, Eve told Ian that she could tell from the look in his eyes that Harris is going to find a way to get what he wants... her. Back at Lucy's suite, Kevin again insisted that they dance. Lucy went along with him again, but Kevin was even worse. He asked Lucy to remember how good they were together. When Kevin stumbled and fell back on the bed with Lucy on top of him, Lucy used all her will power to stop Kevin from kissing her, but did not succeed.

  • Wednesday, December 13th- Jamal surprised Alison with a bag of goodies and the news that he landed a job. She was so excited that she took a quick break to go celebrate with him in the bedroom. Afterwards, Jamal received a phone call where he told the caller that he didn't want them calling because he didn't want Alison to know what he was doing. Livvie was furious at Kevin when she caught him trying to kiss Lucy. After making sure that Lucy was alright, Livvie waited for an explanation from Kevin. Livvie was disgusted to learn that Kevin was drunk, but Lucy defended the situation to the best of her ability. Then, Kevin decided to speak for himself. He told Livvie that it was about time she realize that he's just a man and that he doesn't have the answers anymore. Livvie was not swayed so she left Lucy and Kevin alone together. Joe told Gabriela that he wouldn't be able to make a weekend getaway. Gabriela was disappointed, but came up with another solution - a night at her apartment - Joe agreed. Livvie ran into Victor who was very happy to see his granddaughter. Livvie wasn't so thrilled thought. She told Victor that she wasn't sure that she wanted to be a part of the Collins family anymore. Livvie explained that she didn't think that she could handle having two crazy relatives. She told Victor about the state Kevin was in when she saw him. Victor defended Kevin by saying that he is flawed just like everyone else, but Livvie was still wishing that she had one person in her life that wasn't. Eve and Ian were hard at work on a cure for Harris' disease. They did seem to come up with something that was making progress, but decided that they would have to do some more tests before they could be sure. At this point, they decided to take a break and Ian gave Eve the massage of a lifetime. Eve started to ask Ian to tell her more about himself so he started to share the things he enjoys most in life. When things started to get a little too close, Ian stopped and told Eve to take a nap while he went back to work. Lucy tried to give Kevin advice that he had once given her - get a grip. Kevin said that he was torn because he wanted to mourn his wife, but he was too angry because of the note that he found at Ian's. Lucy tried to tell Kevin that Eve loved him and only him, but he wouldn't agree. Then, Lucy started to agree with him and told Kevin how she thought that Eve was a horrible person. That was all it took to turn Kevin around. He immediately started to defend Eve and tell Lucy what a wonderful woman she was. Lucy was glad to see that Kevin had changed his tone and told him that he needed to fight for Eve's memory. Someone had a dream about Eve and Ian making love, but this time it wasn't Ian, it was Eve. She awoke yelling for Ian who came running in to comfort her after her "bad dream".

  • Thursday, December 14th- Lucy confides to Scott her fear that she may have made matters even worse for Kevin by not coming clean about his wife's relationship with another man. Determined to stop fantasizing about Ian, Eve begins writing a letter to her husband. Meanwhile, Ian comes up with a radical plan to "cure" Harris' terminal illness. Jack finds Livvie moping around her mother's apartment. Chris hires a private detective to help rid himself of his kid brother. Scott guesses that Lucy has fallen back in love in with Kevin. Suddenly wary of her new friend, Livvie asks Jack why he took money from Alison to portray "Chandler". Ian and Eve explain to a suspicious Harris how ingesting poison will only kill the parasite within him without destroying its host. Chris instructs Danny to dig up as much dirt as possible on Jack. Across town, Jack convinces Livvie that his motives are pure. Lucy stumbles upon proof that Eve and Ian are still alive. Ian takes desperate measures to save Eve as Harris holds a knife to her throat.

  • Friday, December 15th- Determined to prove to Harris that the poison in the vial will not be a lethal dose, Ian swallows it himself as a horrified Eve looks on. Frank reassures his nervous brother that a few days alone with Gabriela will be just the tonic they both need. Shocked to read a DNA report which concludes that the bodies in the burned car could not have been Ian and Eve, Lucy assumes that the couple faked their deaths so they could run away together. Though Frank does his best to cover, Mary guesses that Joe has gone off to be with Gabriela. Meanwhile, a minor disaster strikes at Gaby's place when she burns the romantic dinner she was fixing for Joe. After taking steps to ensure that the DNA results won't be seen by anyone else for a while, Lucy finds Kevin sitting alone in the hospital chapel and coming to terms with his grief. Eve hovers over Ian as the poison begins to take effect. After Kevin tells her that he knows now his beloved wife could never betray him, Lucy decides that she must protect her friend from the truth at all costs. Joe convinces Gaby he doesn't care about the superficial things as long as they're together. In his delirium, Ian declares his love for Eve just before losing consciousness.

  • Monday, December 18th- Things begin to get hot and heavy for Joe and Gabriela during their evening at her place. Kevin asks Lucy to keep him company as he waits for the DNA report on the remains found in the charred car following the explosion. Harris drags Eve away from the ailing Ian and suggests that they strike a deal which will make them both happy. Jamal turns a deaf ear when Frank advises him not to keep secret from Alison the facts about his new job. As Gaby takes out a condom, Joe suddenly pulls back and puts a halt to the proceedings. Desperate to get back to her feverish friend, Eve promises Harris she'll give herself to him as soon as Ian gets well. Taking advantage of a timely interruption by Victor and his crew of carolers, Lucy alters the DNA results to make it appear that Ian and Eve died in the car bombing. Alison decides to take a second job to help pay for a Christmas make-over of Jamal's apartment. Though Gaby insists she's ready to take the risk, Joe declares that he couldn't live with himself if he ever infected the woman he loves. After reading the report, Kevin resigns himself to the "fact" that his wife is gone forever. Harris informs Eve that the time has come for her to keep up her end of their bargain.

  • Tuesday, December 19th- Stalling for time, Eve promises Harris she'll let him have his way with her as long as she's allowed to nurse her friend back to health first--and as long as Ian never learns of the unholy bargain they've struck. Trying to discern a message about her future, Lucy reads the Tarot cards and comes to the conclusion that her treachery surrounding the DNA report was necessary for her to have another chance with the man she loves. Meanwhile, at the lighthouse, Livvie attempts to cheer up her disconsolate father with a Christmas gift. Later, Livvie is cut by a shard of flying glass when she returns to find Kevin in another rage and trashing the place once again. Sitting by Ian's bedside, a weeping Eve begs him to recover and is thrilled when he finally opens his eyes. Kevin warns Livvie and Lucy to keep their distance from him because he'll only wind up hurting them again if they stay. Eve sadly prepares for her "appointment" with Harris. Livvie tells Jack she doesn't want to spend the night alone. Though Lucy offers to help him fight his demons, Kevin insists he must leave Port Charles forever.

  • Wednesday, December 20th- Chris is pleased to learn that his private eye has already dug up some juicy dirt on his kid brother. Meanwhile, Livvie makes it clear to Jack how much she wants him to make love to her. A flustered Lucy asks Kevin how he can possibly think of leaving Port Charles now that he knows he has a daughter. Eve steps out of her bath to find Ian staring at her. When Harris returns to claim his "prize", Eve covers by assuring a worried Ian that she's only going out to explain the next medical procedure to their captor. Kevin is forced to bodily remove Lucy from the lighthouse but she stubbornly refuses to let go of his arm. Chris interrupts a moment of passion between Jack and Livvie. Kevin admits to Lucy how tempted he is to lose himself in her but must resist before he ruins her life as well. Chris informs a surprised Livvie that there is a warrant out for Jack's arrest because he broke probation following a conviction for grand larceny. As Harris begins pawing Eve, Ian barges in and claims he needs his lab partner back at once because he's close to locating a cure. Lucy manages to talk Kevin into sticking around long enough to celebrate the holidays with family and friends. Chris warns Jack he won't let him exploit Livvie for his own twisted devices. Eve lets it slip to Ian how she made a deal with the devil.

  • Thursday, December 21st- Kevin began to pack all his stuff when Victor came into his office, Kevin told him that he would not be able to talk him out of leaving Port Charles, Victor told him that he understood and that he just came to give him a photo album that he put together so he could carry his friends and family with him when he leaves. Victor asked why Kevin wanted to leave Port Charles and he replied that he hurts to many people. They got into a heated argument, and after Victor left, Kevin left the Photo Album on a shelf in the office. Lucy wanted to have a party for Kevin, but all the people she invited had plans, but in the end everyone showed up even Serena. Jamal wanted to take the day off of his mystery job, to spend some time with Alison but his boss said no, while Jamal was talking to his boss Alison was in her room talking to her boss. After Jamal left Alison took off her robe and she had on an elf costume, and headed for work.

  • Friday, December 22nd- Ian and Eve continued their passionate kiss, but as things got to far, Ian told Eve that they couldn't make love. After things calmed down, Harris had sent Ian and Eve a special dinner for Christmas, then they began to make their own Christmas by using socks as stockings, and Ian gave Eve a special gift. Alison went to work, and when she got there she found out that Jamal had the same job. After work they both ended up locked in the building. At Kevin's party, the partygoers tried to convince Kevin to stay. Neil told him that he would be lost without him, even Scott came and said a few words. The one who convinced him to stay was Livvie, she said she wanted a father all her life, and now that she found him she didn't want to let him go.

  • Tuesday, December 26th (No show aired on 12/25)- Lucy takes another stab at reading the Tarot cards in hopes of discerning what her next step should be. Victor comes to the lighthouse and hesitantly informs his son that he knows who killed Eve. Meanwhile, Eve gets wind of Ian's plan to set her free and stubbornly declares that she won't go home without him. Victor tells Kevin why he believes a man named Jordan Harris was responsible for the car bombing. Frank brings a Desert Storm veteran suffering from Gulf War Syndrome into the ER. With help from Livvie and Lucy, Kevin returns to the Recovery Room for the first time since his wife's "death". Overruling Eve's protests, Ian insists she comply with the terms of the agreement he made with Harris. Wielding a grenade, an agitated Ted vows to blow everyone in the emergency room sky high unless the doctors release him. Alison watches disapprovingly as Livvie encourages her dad to get closer to Lucy. Eve bids farewell to Ian. As Kevin attempts to talk Ted into surrendering, an unwitting Lucy wanders into the line of fire.

  • Wednesday, December 27th- As Ted tightens his grip on a terrified Lucy, Kevin tries frantically to talk the confused Gulf War vet into putting down the grenade. Ian reminds Harris that he won't relinquish the formula for the cure until he receives a call from Eve assuring him that she's safely home again. Revealing that he's lost both his job and his wife, Ted tells Kevin he no longer cares if he lives or dies. Promising the disturbed man that he can help him regain some self-respect, Kevin again urges Ted to surrender while they still have a chance to find a peaceful resolution to their problem. Relieved to hear Eve use the cord word they agreed upon during her call, Ian informs an enraged Harris that there is no cure. Ted finally puts the pin back into the grenade and releases Lucy just as the police burst in. Over Garcia's objections, Kevin insists on having his patient taken to the psych ward instead of off to jail. Later, Lucy thanks her Doc for his courage. As Eve suddenly reappears, Ian's duel with Harris ends when the doctor plunges his sword into his longtime nemesis. After fleeing back to the helicopter, Ian and Eve come under fire once more.

  • Thursday, December 28th- Following their close call in the ER, Joe and Gabriela head back to the Scanlon house with Frank and Karen. Kevin and Lucy are surprised to find a romantic candlelight dinner for two waiting for them at the lighthouse, courtesy of a matchmaking Livvie. After Ian manages to land the helicopter safely, he and Eve set off on foot through the snow and begin to make their way through a dense forest. Karen watches with mixed emotions as Gaby admits to Joe how shaken she was by their grenade-wielding patient. Eve and Ian take refuge in an empty cabin and are relieved to realize that they're only about forty miles away from home. Lucy stumbles over an unmarked videotape and pops it into the VCR, then scrambles to shut it off when images of Kevin and Eve's wedding appear on the TV screen. Declaring their love for one another, Ian and Eve tumble to the floor locked together in a passionate embrace. Kevin tells a pleased Lucy that he's going to celebrate being alive. Later, Lucy and Kevin share a lingering kiss.

  • Friday, December 29th- Chris pays the bellboy to open the door to Livvie and Lucy's hotel room. When he gets inside he checks the answering machine, Jack had left a message for Livvie saying where he had been, and to call him at the recovery room, Chris then deleted the message. Livvie walks in right after he deletes the message, she asked Chris what he was doing in her room, he just lied and said that the maid let him in and he was getting ready to write her a note when she walked in. Chris told Livvie to be careful, that Jack might be using Livvie to get to him, and Livvie told Chris to let her make her own mistakes. Jack and Jamal were talking at the recovery room; Jack told Jamal that his parole officer said that he could stay in Port Charles as long as he found a steady job. Ian and Eve continued their passionate kiss, when she told Ian to make love to her, he stopped, and said no. Ian told her he wanted her for a whole lifetime and not just one night. Eve then said she would tell Kevin that she loved Ian so that they could be together. Meanwhile back in Port Charles, Lucy and Kevin decided not to wait and make love, but first Lucy asked Kevin did he feel right about it, he replied yes, and then they made love. When Ian and Eve got back to PC Eve went home to tell Kevin, that she was in love with Ian. She told Ian that he didn't have to go in the house with her. She added that when she was finished, she would run to him. Eve went up to the house and knocked on the door, but she figured Kevin was at work. She started to run back to Ian, but in the process she was plowed down by a passing car. The car's driver didn't stop and continued on his or her way.

  • Tuesday, January 2nd- Ian looks on in horror as an onrushing car sends Eve flying into the middle of the street. Meanwhile, Kevin hears the sudden screeching of brakes and decides to investigate. Chris assures Livvie that she doesn't have to defend her actions to him. After the doctor departs, Livvie eagerly checks her phone machine but is disappointed to find that she has no messages from Jack. At the Recovery Room, Jack confides to Jamal how important Livvie has become to him in recent weeks. Karen thanks Frank for his sensitivity and concern for her feelings as Joe and Gabriela put on another public display of affection in the halls of the hospital. Kevin is shocked to find Ian kneeling next to an unconscious Eve as an ambulance finally arrives on the scene. Later, in the ER, Ian explains to an enraged Kevin how his wife was kidnapped by Harris and held prisoner. Back at the lighthouse, Lucy encourages the shaken driver to stay put but when Garcia arrives the agitated women quickly disappears.

  • Wednesday, January 3rd- Frank and Karen grow closer as everyone awaits the CAT scan results for Eve. The driver of the car that hit Eve came back to the hospital to check on her victim. Ian remembered when he and Eve pledged their love for each other and the last moments before she was hit by the car. Then, we went on to recall how Kevin attacked him when he found out the cause for Eve's kidnapping. Ian got more upset when he realized that there was still no word on Eve's cat scan. Karen tried to calm him down, but he continued to claim that if it wasn't for him that Eve wouldn't be where she was at that moment. Kevin found Lucy lurking outside Eve's room. When he went out to talk to her, Lucy explained that she was worried when she got out of the shower and he wasn't there. Lucy was a little shocked at the recent turn of events. Kevin apologized to Lucy and told her what had happened. Kevin put the blame on himself when he realized that it was his own fault that Eve got hit by a car. Lucy reassured him that it couldn't be his fault because he couldn't have known. Kevin agreed that it was impossible for anyone to even know that Eve was alive because the DNA results had confirmed the opposite. Lucy tried to avoid her guilty feelings by leaving the hospital, but Kevin wouldn't let her. He got a nurse to stay with Eve and went to sit with Lucy. Lucy began to feel the guilt of her actions even more when she heard that Eve and Ian had not run off together and were kidnapped instead. Ian convinced the nurse to leave him alone with Eve. When Kevin returned, he insisted that Ian leave the room, but Ian refused. Ian demanded to know why Kevin didn't answer the door when Eve knocked. Victor and Mary arrived at the hospital just as shocked as everyone else and ran into Lucy first thing. Mary expressed how devastated she was for Kevin all the while causing Lucy more pain. Victor managed to get rid of Mary long enough to sympathize with the distraught Lucy. Eve's test results came back OK. Karen said that she is pretty sure that Eve will recover completely. The hit and run driver eventually found her way to Eve's new ICU room. While she was looking in on Eve, Frank recognized and caught the driver so that Garcia could arrest her for hit and run and attempted murder. Garcia had already found out that the car had been rented and that the driver had used a phony name and ID. Mary cleared visitation for Victor, Lucy and herself, but Victor suggested that Lucy go in first to let Kevin know that they were all coming. Before Lucy could get in the door, Eve awoke with Kevin and Ian on either side of her. First, she glanced at Kevin, then, much to Kevin's surprise, Eve turned to Ian.

  • Thursday, January 4th- Jamal and Alison's electricity went out, and Alison convinced Jamal that they should go to a hotel. As they were getting ready to leave, a drunk man was outside and he asked Jamal how much for the lady; he had mistaken Alison for a hooker. Jamal got very upset and physically removed the man. The man warned Jamal that he would pay him back. The pair decided to stay home and forgo the hotel. All of a sudden they heard a loud metallic clanging. When they went outside, the man was beating up on Jamal's motorcycle. When Kevin told Lucy that he wasn't going to tell Eve about their near-romantic encounter, Lucy assumed that he meant that he was going to wait until Evil was stronger. That was not the case. Lucy was heartbroken when Kevin explained that he would never tell Eve about them and that he was going to go back to Eve- his wife. Eve woke up and tried to tell Kevin about her love for Ian but before she could the medicine kicked in and she went to sleep.

  • Friday, January 5th- Charged with felony hit-and-run, the mystery woman refuses to answer Garcia's questions or even give her real name. Ian declares his love to the sleeping Eve as he sits by her hospital bed. Meanwhile, Lucy is devastated when Kevin insists that there can be nothing more than friendship between them from now on. Scott arrives at the police station to defend the hit-and-run driver and is astonished to discover that the victim in the case was someone he thought was already dead. After finding Ian tenderly kissing Eve's hand, Joe cautions his colleague to remember that the woman is married--and to one of their coworkers to boot. Scott roughly demands some answers from his new client, who clams up once again. Ian confides to Joe how deeply in love he and Eve have fallen despite their best efforts to fight off their hunger for one another. Lucy is elated when Kevin admits that he does still have feelings for her. Later, however, Lucy shivers to hear Victor say that he's closing in on the culprit who doctored the DNA results from the car bombing. Hoping for a happy ending, Ian is thunderstruck when Eve doesn't remember the pledge they made before she was run down.

  • Monday, January 8th- Jack found Chris at the hospital and correctly accused him of being the reason that his calls and visits aren't going through to Livvie. Jack strongly let Chris know that nothing is going to break him and Livvie up. Eve was happy to be back in Port Charles, but confused because the last thing that she could remember was Christmas Eve. Kevin tried to reassure her that her memory would come back in time. Eve was still uneasy because she could feel that she was so close to something, but couldn't remember what. Ian told Joe how Eve doesn't remember their time together. Joe tried to rationalize the situation by saying that those memories may be too difficult for Eve to deal with right now so they aren't coming through. Chris claimed that if Jack really cared about Livvie he would leave town. Jack wondered how much his leaving town would be worth to Chris. After Chris presented Jack with $10,000 cash, he asked Jack to be honest with him about why he came to Port Charles. Jack told Chris what he wanted to hear, that he had come and used Livvie to get to Chris. After Jack left the room, Chris revealed a tape recorder with their conversation on it. Lucy tried to put Scott on retainer so that she could have lawyer/client confidentiality in her favor when she confessed to him that she was the one who tampered with the DNA results. Livvie showed up at the hospital to check on Kevin and Eve. She expressed concern over how Eve's reappearance would affect Lucy since she and Kevin had grown so close. Kevin made it clear to Livvie that, whether he wanted to be with Lucy or not, he was going to stay with Eve. Scott was painfully surprised at Lucy's confession. Scott completely understood Lucy's backwards way of thinking, but accused her of doing this, not only to protect Kevin, but to have Kevin all to herself. Scott's advice was that Lucy come forward now and tell everyone what she did rather than letting them figure out it was her. At first, Lucy liked the idea of running off to Bora Bora better, but she realized that she couldn't leave Serena and Kevin behind. Lucy decided that she would need to tell Kevin first so that he didn't hear it from the police first. Jack surprised Livvie was a roomful of gorgeous flowers. Livvie was overwhelmed and overjoyed that Jack was back. She had been nervous when she hadn't heard from him, but Jack let her know that he isn't going anywhere. As soon as Eve was left alone, Ian rushed in the room. Joe tried to stop him by saying that it may not be the best thing for Eve to force her to remember what happened between them, but Ian wouldn't listen. As Ian was holding her hand, Eve remembered a kiss that they had shared while being held captive. When she awoke, she was happy to see Ian there. Lucy ran into Kevin in the cafeteria and prepared to tell Kevin everything. Chris called the police to report that someone stole $10,000 from him.

  • Tuesday, January 9th- Though Alison urges him not to take the incident in the alley to heart, Jamal angrily reminds her that the race issue is one which will never go away. Jack explains to an irate Livvie how Chris prevented him from reaching her by phone. Lucy nervously prepares to confess her indiscretion to Kevin. Meanwhile, Eve tells a hopeful Ian that she now remembers a small part of their Christmas Eve. Lucy chickens out and clams up about her trick with the DNA results. Eve confides to Gail how frightened she is by the memories which are filtering back. Certain Lucy is harboring a secret, Kevin presses her to come clean. At the Recovery Room, Livvie looks on in alarm as Garcia places Jack under arrest. Gail convinces Eve that her "fantasies" about Ian stem from a natural sense of gratitude for his part in her rescue. Later, Gail privately advises Ian to back off and give Eve some time and space in which to heal. Lucy finally summons up enough courage to admit the truth to Kevin.

  • Wednesday, January 10th- Garcia informs a startled Jack that he's under arrest for stealing ten thousand dollars. Lucy admits to Kevin that she knew Ian and Eve were alive because she was the one who changed the DNA results. At the precinct house, the mystery woman humbly apologizes to Ian for running down his "wife". Stunned when Lucy explains how she altered the test results in an effort to protect him from what she believed to be the awful truth about Eve's infidelity, Kevin rages at his lover for putting him through hell. As he's led away in handcuffs, Jack promises a frantic Livvie that everything will be alright. Terrified when some anonymous benefactor posts her bail, the hit-and-run driver suddenly changes her tune and insists she slammed into Eve deliberately. Chris feigns surprise to see his kid brother hauled into the police station. Though an incensed Kevin accuses her of manipulating people's lives for her own benefit, Lucy begs him to believe that she had no personal agenda except to preserve him from unnecessary pain. The mystery woman slips into Ian's bedroom as he sleeps.

  • Thursday, January 11th- Troubled by dreams which seem all too real, Eve confides to Karen how she can't stop thinking about Ian. Meanwhile, Ian finds the mystery woman sleeping on his couch. Karen advises Eve to ask Ian straight out if anything of an intimate nature transpired between them while they were kept captive by Harris. Frank vows to fight Courtney for full custody if she attempts to take Neil off to Paris. Ian's uninvited guest eavesdrops from the next room as Kevin demands that Dr. Thornheart reveal whatever it is that Eve doesn't want to face. When Ian insists that he wasn't having an affair with his colleague's wife, Kevin confronts him with the love letter he found. Frank and Karen commiserate about their stalled love lives. Gabriela describes for Eve the wake her pals held for her at the Recovery Room. Later, Eve is startled when Gaby tells her how Ian seems to have finally found the love of his life. Cornered by Kevin, Ian claims the kiss he gave Eve was strictly one-sided.

  • Friday, January 12th- Kevin rushes back to the lighthouse after learning that his wife checked herself out of the hospital. Stunned to find Ian with his arms around a beautiful woman, Eve slips away from the Scanlon house. Meanwhile, Ariana thanks Ian for trying to comfort her but tearfully declares that no one can help her escape her pursuers. Eve heads to Karen's place, where she confides how she glimpsed Ian in the arms of his "lover". Ariana finally admits to Ian that she's running away from her family because she fears for her life. Lucy apologizes again to Kevin, then rips up her deck of Tarot cards as a symbolic gesture to prove how sincere she is about changing her ways. Thinking about the night of the accident, Ariana asks Ian how he can just walk away from a woman he obviously loves so dearly. Determined to stop fantasizing about Ian, Eve vows to keep her distance from him from now on. Ariana shows her new friend a photo of Ben and cautions him to be on the look-out. Across town, Ariana's brother introduces himself to Karen. Lucy and Kevin begin to succumb once again to their feelings for one another.

  • Monday, January 15th- Ben feels certain he's closing in on his runaway sister. Meanwhile, Frank demands some answers after finding Arianna asleep on the sofa in his basement. At the lighthouse, Lucy pulls away from Kevin's kisses and insists she only came for his forgiveness. Outside, a woozy Eve topples forward into Ian's waiting arms. Claiming she has nowhere else to go, Arianna convinces Frank to let her stay. Alison accuses Jamal of shutting her out, then tearfully asks if he wants to break off their relationship. Ian helps Eve into the lighthouse, where she assures Kevin she no longer feels she needs to recall what happened during her incarceration by Harris. As Ian and Lucy both shudder inwardly, Eve suggests to her husband that they start their lives anew by publicly reaffirming their marriage vows. Frank shyly asks Karen out on a date. Ben tracks Arianna down just as Ian returns home. Eve apologizes to a guilt-ridden Lucy for "misjudging" her. Later, however, Eve is outraged to learn how Lucy altered her DNA results.

  • Tuesday, January 16th- After Jack phones from the police station, Livvie wonders if there's some way to prove that Chris framed his kid brother. Ian orders Ben to back off when he finds the intruder trying to drag Arianna away. Eve snarls at Lucy, then is startled to learn that Kevin already knew about the altered DNA results. After Garcia orders Lucy to accompany him down to the station house, Kevin tries to calm his outraged wife by reminding her how his old friend saved his life during the fire. Later, Kevin explains to Eve why Lucy thought she was protecting him by changing the test results. Fed up with Ben's threats, Ian gets physical to move Arianna's pompous brother out of his apartment. Livvie grows angry when Chris easily sees through her clumsy attempt to seduce him into making a confession. As Lucy and Jack's paths cross at the precinct house, they exchange sob stories about their unfortunate brushes with the law. Later, Lucy's histrionics land her in jail. Arianna begs Ben not to turn her over to their vindictive family. Disturbed by hazy memories of an intimate moment with Ian, Eve urges Kevin to make love to her.

  • Wednesday, January 17th- After Arianna describes her symptoms, Ian purchases a home pregnancy test for his houseguest. Still confused by her feelings for Ian, Eve tries to push the images out of her mind by getting closer to Kevin. When Lucy phones from jail, hoping Kevin will help bail her out, Eve intercepts the call and shows her rival little sympathy. Devastated by a positive result on the pregnancy test stick, Arianna balks at answering Ian's questions about the father of her unborn child. When Ian presses her again, Arianna tearfully confides that she was raped. Lucy is taken aback to discover that Eve paid her bail. Arianna explains to an appalled Ian how her family blames her for the rape and how they've decreed that she must pay with her life for the dishonor she's brought down upon them. Livvie awkwardly introduces her father to her boyfriend after Kevin walks in on a moment of passion. Later, Kevin warns Jack he'll live to regret it if he ever hurts Livvie. Lucy suggests to an irate Eve that she stop living a lie and return to the man she really loves so that Kevin can move on with his life.

  • Thursday, January 18th- Kevin walked in on Lucy talking to the universe. Lucy admitted that she was probably just saying everything that she would like to say to Eve, but promised that she wouldn't put Kevin in that position. While Ian is waiting for Arianna to finish with a doctor's appointment, Joe confronts him about their new roommate. Ian explained that the situation was only temporary and that there was nothing going on between them. Joe didn't seem as concerned about those issues as he was about what Eve would think when she found out that the woman that hit her was living with Ian. Eve goes to tell Karen about the bracelet. She decides that the only way for her to remember is to go back to where they were held by Ian. Karen decided to go with her so when Frank showed up at the door for their date with gardenias she canceled suspiciously. Scott blasted Kevin about the way he is treating Lucy. Scott thinks that it is Kevin's fault that Lucy is in her current condition. He tried to explain that if Kevin doesn't tell Lucy that there is no future for them that she will just keep on hoping. Lucy walked in while Scott was talking about how she just sits and takes it from Kevin. Lucy finished Scott's sentence by claiming what a helpless victim she is. Kevin told Lucy that Scott was probably right and he had been giving her mixed signals. Lucy responded by saying that she was reading his signals perfectly. She said that she knew that he wanted her and she wanted him. Lucy said that while she was out in the hall and they were feeling sorry for her she realized that she really doesn't need either of them. She told Kevin that if he wants to be with Eve to go for it and said the same for Scott and Laura. Then, she confidently said that she would be fine without them and she was going to make a better life by herself and said goodbye. Joe pressured Ian about his feelings for Eve. Ian explained that Eve and Kevin were going to renew their wedding vows and that Eve had made it clear that she didn't want to remember the time she was missing. Still, Joe wondered if that is what Ian really wanted. Ian said that his main concern was that Eve was happy so he was going along with whatever she wanted. Karen and Eve made their way through the entire compound, but the memories weren't flooding back like Eve had hoped. Karen began to wonder if there was anyone in the compound with them when they heard a door move scaring them even more.

  • Friday, January 19th- Ian brought Arianna home from her first checkup and got her started on her pre-natal vitamins right away. Arianna seemed worried and Ian wondered if she was considering an abortion. She told Ian that abortion was not an option especially since she just heard the baby's heartbeat. She was, however, worried about how she was going to support herself and a child. Ian assured her that he would take care of both of them. Karen and Eve discovered that the ghost in the compound was only a cat. Eve started to remember things about the small space that she was held captive in. After she remembered what the sleeping arrangements had been, both women really wondered if Eve and Ian really had made love. They continued to search for answers and found a letter that Eve had written to Kevin soon after she had been abducted. Lucy arrived back to her suite ready for major changes. The first order of business was to get the best designer, stylist and real estate agents she could find as soon as possible. While she was waiting she took a good look at pictures of Kevin and Scott and even took off her wedding ring. While getting fitted for a new wardrobe, Lucy was overjoyed with her new "single" outlook on life, but that changed a bit when the real estate agent, Darryl Gordon, showed up. Lucy immediately got rid of the others and offered to go out for a drink with Darryl to go over their business. Jamal surprised Alison with a ride on his newly refurbished motorcycle. Alison enjoyed herself much more than expected so they celebrated in a barn they found along the way. Here, they both expressed how much they didn't want to be without each other and their previous fight seemed to evaporate. Ian mentioned that he didn't think that Arianna should stay with him any longer. At first, Arianna thought that he didn't want her there because of the rape, but Ian was more concerned with her safety. Arianna explained that she was sure Ben would go back and lie to their family to keep her safe, but Ian wasn't so sure. Then, Arianna accused Ian of wanting her to leave because if he was living with another woman, it left no chance for him and Eve. Ian stood by his reason of protecting her safety, but Arianna explained that with no money or job there was nowhere else to go. Ian seemed to come up with an idea so he locked all of the doors and said he would be back shortly. At the Recovery Room, Lucy and Darryl ordered drinks and started to discuss real estate. Lucy said that anyplace would be suitable as long as it wasn't a lighthouse or firehouse. Darryl chose to show her the paperwork on a house that he hadn't shown anybody else yet. Lucy decided that that was the house for her just be looking at the picture. Shocked, Darryl went along with her and decided that their meeting was over. It was obvious that neither of them wanted it to end so Darryl decided to show Lucy a good time and got her up in the middle of the Recovery Room to dance. After the dance, they were both having such a good time that they decided to continue their date somewhere else. As Darryl was getting the car, Lucy decided that it was ok to have fun even if it had only been a short time since she last had a man on her arm. Ben surprised Arianna at Ian's and told her that she was not going to get away this time. Eve felt confident that she was in love with Kevin and that's who she should be with so reality it was Kevin standing there.

  • Monday, January 22nd- Eve was startled when she realized that the person she heard was Kevin and not Ian. When Kevin asked who she was expecting, Eve covered by saying that she thought it was Karen. Kevin said that Victor had been watching the compound and told Kevin when he found out that Eve was there. Eve assured Kevin that she was alright, but cold so Kevin went out to get a blanket. Meanwhile, Karen came back in and Eve told her how crazy she was feeling. Karen thought it was odd that Eve had hid the letter to Kevin under the mattress, but Eve was convinced that the letter proved that Kevin is the only man she ever loved. Darryl corrected Lucy when she mistakenly called him Kevin, but it didn't stop there. First, Lucy explained that she was trying to get over someone, but that she was going to be fine. Then, everything she saw and heard turned into Kevin. Realizing that Lucy really wasn't going to be fine, Darryl excused himself and promised to call with details of the house. Arianna pleaded with Ben for her life. Ben was focused on placing the blame for the rape on Arianna and trying to get her to realize how she had shamed the family. Arianna tried to get Ben to remember how close they were when they were children so he would let her go, but it wasn't working so she broke free and tried to run up the stairs. When Ben caught up with her there was a struggle and Arianna tumbled down the stairs. Laying at the bottom, Arianna cried for help for her and her child, but Ben left her there. Ian spoke to Gabriela about an abused women's home that she works with sometimes. After arranging a spot for Arianna, Ian called home to check on her. When there was no answer, Ian knew something was wrong and rushed home to find Arianna on the floor. Ian immediately called for an ambulance and got Arianna to the hospital. When Kevin returned, Karen left he and Eve alone. Kevin wanted to know why exactly Eve had come back to this place that had so many bad memories. Eve confessed that when Kevin had been suspicious of her feelings for Ian she had to come and be sure for herself. Kevin felt terrible for putting Eve in that position, but Eve didn't seem to mind. She told Kevin that she found what she was looking for and let him read the letter she had found. They kissed to show how much they still loved each other, but neither seemed convinced.

  • Tuesday, January 23rd- Lucy announces to Livvie how she's about to become a party girl and live life to the fullest from now on. Meanwhile, Eve and Kevin decide to renew their wedding vows the very next day. Out of her husband's earshot, Eve phones the hospital and is relieved to learn that Ian isn't back on staff. A starry-eyed Livvie confides to Lucy that a wonderful new guy has come into her life. At the precinct house, Jack tells Kevin he's going to find a job and walk the straight and narrow for Livvie's sake. Later, Kevin privately asks Mac if he can pull some strings to get the charges against Lucy dropped. From her hospital bed, Arianna explains to Ian how she fell down the stairs during a struggle with her brother. Eve asks Chris to put her back on rotation at GH. Livvie reassures Lucy that she'll take all the necessary precautions if and when she elects to start sleeping with her young man. Ian gently informs a saddened Arianna that she lost her baby when she fell. Lucy senses Kevin's handiwork after Mac reveals that she's off the hook. Chris springs into action upon learning that Livvie has obtained birth control pills.

  • Wednesday, January 24th- Eve ran into Ian outside of Arianna's room. He explained that he was not yet back on staff, but he was watching over a friend. Eve told Ian that she had gone back to the compound and how difficult it was to remember that time, but Ian reminded her that their time wasn't all that bad. Chris found a new partner to try to break up Livvie and Jack. This time, the team decided to use one of Livvie's close friends to get Livvie to listen. Chris was determined to have Livvie all to himself. Alison tried to remind Livvie to be careful where love is concerned. Livvie explained that she really feels that Jack is the right guy. When Alison told Livvie that she just didn't want her to get hurt, Livvie reminded Alison of what everyone said about Jamal when they first got together. Alison seemed to back off, but she was still worried. Ian and Eve discussed what she could remember about being in the compound. Ian asked her if she had found what she was looking for when she went back and Eve confessed that she had discovered just how much she loved Kevin. Eve let Ian read the letter that she found and invited him to come to the wedding, but Ian explained that he had other obligations to take care of. Then, Eve tried to return Ian's bracelet, but he would not accept it back. Chris's partner went to the Recovery Room and pretended that he was upset with Chris Ramsey. When Alison came to serve him, he gave her the envelope with the tape of Jack saying how he had used Livvie and told her to throw the envelope away. Naturally, Alison was curious. Meanwhile, Livvie asked Jack if he would escort her to Kevin and Eve's wedding. Jack was touched to be invited to such a family gathering. Livvie said that she wanted everyone to get to know him better, but wanted him to promise that they would always tell each other the truth first. Then, she asked Jack if they could go somewhere after the wedding to be completely alone. Lucy introduced Serena to her new house. Serena enjoyed the new scenery, but couldn't seem to stop bringing up Kevin's name. Lucy was having a hard enough time not fantasizing about Kevin being in the room. Serena was disappointed to hear that Lucy may not be attending the wedding, but eventually Lucy decided that she needed to be there and she would go.

  • Thursday, January 25th- Ian assures a grateful Arianna that she will be safe upon her release from the hospital. As the day of their renewal ceremony dawns, Eve and Kevin force smiles for one another's benefit. Victor drops by Lucy's new place with a housewarming gift and is dismayed to learn that she's planning to be in attendance when Kevin and Eve renew their wedding vows. Though a worried Victor urges her to reconsider, Lucy remains convinced that her "Doc" will never be able to go through with the ceremony. Mac arrives early at the lighthouse and finds the prospective groom in a melancholy mood. Meanwhile, at the hospital, a morose Ian admits to Joe that Eve's wedding day just might be the worst day of his life. Victor begs Lucy to stay home and resign herself to a life without Kevin. As she gets dressed for her big day, Eve confides to Karen how she cannot seem to get Ian out of her mind. Ben reports his sister to the INS, then gleefully informs a terrified Arianna that she's being deported. Lucy and Ian both arrive at the lighthouse with high hopes.

  • Friday, January 26th- Alison hesitantly breaks some bad news to Livvie, who's stunned to hear the tape of Jack's "confession". Eve confides to Victor how jittery she is even though she's already said her wedding vows once before. Meanwhile, Lucy slips into Kevin's bedroom and tells the groom she's been unable to stop thinking about him. After Livvie confronts him with the tape, Jack sheepishly admits that he did indeed intend only to use her when they first met. Lucy pressures Kevin to confess that he wants her as much as she longs for him. Insisting he's going to marry the woman he loves, Kevin angrily orders a tearful Lucy out of his house. Ian explains to a startled Eve that Arianna is nothing more than a friend who needed some help. Jack attempts to convince a bristling Livvie that Chris set him up but she demands that he leave her and never return. Later, Jack and Lucy commiserate while drowning their sorrows at a local watering hole. Karen apologizes again to Frank for canceling their date at the last minute. Surrounded by a circle of family and friends, Eve and Kevin begin to renew their marriage vows as Ian quietly slips away. After they share a kiss, a tipsy Lucy invites Jack back to her place. During the ceremony, memories of her love for Ian come flooding back to a troubled Eve.

  • Monday, January 29th- Ian hurries over to the hospital after learning about Ben's attempt to have Arianna deported. Jack and a woozy Lucy go back to her place, where they continue to drink heavily. At the lighthouse, Eve brings the wedding ceremony to a crashing halt when it comes time to repeat her vows. Ben orders Ian to stay out of his family's business or else. Jack tells Lucy he's determined to put the past behind him and move forward from now on. Meanwhile, Livvie confides to Alison that she can't stop thinking about Jack and wondering where he's gone. Eve tearfully admits to Kevin that she cannot go through with the renewal service after all. Unable to face her guests, the embarrassed "bride" scurries away, leaving Kevin to explain to everyone that they've decided to postpone the ceremony. Ben warns Ian that he will redeem his family's honor no matter what he has to do to accomplish that task. Mac lends a sympathetic ear to Kevin, who decides he must find Lucy and apologize for his earlier behavior. Later, Kevin walks into Lucy's place and is appalled to find her in bed with Jack.

  • Tuesday, January 30th- Livvie decides to go have a heart to heart with Lucy about her troubled love life. Meanwhile, Kevin furiously demands some answers from Lucy as a mortified Jack pulls on his clothes. At the hospital, Eve tells Karen she's certain now that her "dreams" about Ian were not just fantasies but memories of real events. Realizing that Lucy has no clue who she just bedded, Kevin icily informs her that Jack is Livvie's boyfriend. Eager to find Ian and declare her love, Eve tries to imagine where her friend would have taken Arianna for safekeeping. Alison calls Jamal on the carpet for the major attitude he's been giving her all day. Explaining that it's the anniversary of his mother's death, a dejected Jamal tells Alison how hard his mom worked all her life to give him every opportunity to succeed. Kevin orders Jack never to go near his daughter again. Disclosing that she and the boy didn't actually made love, Lucy makes both Kevin and Jack promise to never reveal what almost happened that day. When Livvie suddenly appears at the door, Jack ducks into hiding while Kevin is forced to admit to an astonished Lucy that he and Eve did not renew their wedding vows after all. Ben appeals to Eve to help him find his missing sister. Clueless about Ben's true motives, Eve offers to show him the way to the cabin.

  • Wednesday, January 31st- Livvie could tell that Jack had been hiding from her and demanded an explanation. He came up with a story about how he came to Lucy's to find Livvie so that he could tell her that she did the right thing by ditching him. Lucy played along and Kevin encouraged Livvie to agree with Jack. Soon after Jack left, Livvie left Kevin and Lucy alone so they could discuss some things. Arianna and Ian started to settle into the cabin in the woods. Ian was disturbed by memories he had from the last time he had been in the cabin. Arianna could tell by his face that he had been there with Eve. Ian dismissed Arianna's concern and tried to focus her interest on being safe. He was sure that no one knew about that cabin, except Eve and that she probably didn't remember being there anyway. On the way to find his sister and Ian, Ben explained to Eve how dangerous his sister could be. Eve said that she had seen Arianna and she didn't think she could hurt anyone. Ben felt compelled to tell Eve that Arianna was the one who hit her with her car. Eve knew that Arianna hadn't hit her on purpose so she was confused about why that made her such a bad person. Ben seemed worried about Ian because Arianna was a "pathological liar". Lucy and Kevin were left to hash out their problems. Kevin was furious with Lucy for playing around with Jack and Lucy was upset with Kevin for not telling her that the wedding had not occurred. Lucy said that Kevin had no right to judge her activities since she is single and unattached. She also said that she was sick and tired of Kevin running to her every time he had problems with Eve. Kevin said that he hadn't been running to her, but had just wanted to apologize for how he had treated to her at the wedding. When Lucy accepted his apology, Kevin said that it was no longer on the table after seeing her with Jack. More harsh words were exchanged before Kevin and Lucy decided that they didn't need or want each other in their lives. Livvie went to find Jack. She wasn't convinced by his and Lucy and Kevin's performance earlier in the evening and wanted to know what was really going on, but Jack wasn't willing to give her answers. Instead he went on and on about how everything had been a con. Livvie didn't believe Jack at first because she knew that he had had feelings for her, but Jack's harsh words hurt Livvie to the point that she had to believe. Livvie left with she and Jack both feeling crushed and full of hate. When they arrived at the cabin, Ben convinced Eve to go to the door by herself because he feared that seeing him might startle Arianna. Eve went up to the door, knocked and waited for a response.

  • Thursday, February 1st- Jamal presents a touched Alison with his mother's favorite recipe book, then apologizes for his recent moodiness. Shoving Eve aside, Ben kicks in the door of the cabin and is angered to find that his sister and Ian have already flown the coop. As a movie company comes to GH to film a medical murder mystery, Karen tips Jamal off to the fact that one of the motorcycle stunt people broke his leg and needs to be replaced. Excited by the prospect of her boyfriend finding fame and fortune, Alison gives Jamal a pep talk as he heads off to interview with the casting director. Frank and Karen have trouble connecting but finally get together long enough to plan another date. Gazing around the cabin, Eve recalls the first time she was there with Ian. Later, as Ben begins to show his true colors, Eve realizes her mistake and knocks her companion cold before stealing his car keys. Alison prepares a special meal to celebrate Jamal's new job but he returns to the Recovery Room with a long face and some bad news. Ben captures Eve before she can get the car started.

  • Friday, February 2nd- A miserable Livvie admits to Lucy how she's kicking herself for placing any trust in Jack. At the Recovery Room, Kevin asks Karen to tell him where his wife has gone. As Ben drags a terrified Eve back into the cabin, Ian hears the commotion over his cell phone and realizes that Arianna's brother is once again out of control. Lucy nervously suggests to Livvie that Jack's rejection of her may be the best thing which could have happened. Jack tells Chris he's leaving Port Charles but not before he pays his brother back for all he's done. Karen balks at disclosing any information to Kevin, who guesses that his wife has run off to be with Ian. Ian rushes back to the cabin, where he finds Ben holding Eve in a headlock. A guilt-ridden Lucy encourages Livvie to let her treat them both to a few days of pampering at the spa. As Ben tightens his grip on Eve's neck, Ian goes on the attack and pummels the other man senseless. Livvie becomes trapped in the baggage car of the train and is astonished to find Jack playing stowaway. Meanwhile, Kevin and Lucy inadvertently become traveling companions as well. Arianna blurts out to Eve that she and Ian are married.

  • Monday, February 5th- Flustered to find Kevin installed in her private compartment, Lucy orders him to leave the train. Meanwhile, in the baggage car, Livvie icily informs Jack that she has no intention of spending another moment locked in with him. At the cabin, Ian admits to a stunned Eve that he and Arianna have just tied the knot. When Livvie demands to know if anything he told her was true, Jack reveals another piece of his dysfunctional family's history. After the conductor explains that there are no other seats available, Kevin and Lucy grimly settle in for a long trip side by side. When Ben regains consciousness, Arianna informs her outraged brother she has a husband now who will protect her. As an anguished Eve looks on, Ian claims he married because he fell deeply in love with an incredible woman. Lucy hits a nerve when she guesses why Kevin is taking a break from his wife so soon after their reunion. Finally finding her voice, Eve shakily congratulates the newlyweds but elects to keep mum about the finale of her own "wedding" ceremony. Later, Ben is taken into custody by a pair of sheriff's deputies. History repeats itself as bickering turns to passion for Lucy and Kevin.

  • Tuesday, February 6th- Karen eagerly anticipates her date with Frank but receives a jolt when her mother unexpectedly turns up in Port Charles. At the Recovery Room, Alison grouses about Jamal being forced to take a job which is so beneath him. Lucy and Kevin wake up in each other's arms and immediately begin bickering again before falling prey once more to simmering passions. Rhonda and Scott accompany Frank and Karen to the auction. Pulling her father aside for a private chat, Karen confides to Scott how having Rhonda back in town has dredged up a lot of bad memories. Kevin tells Lucy he's going to disembark at the train's next stop and go home to think things over. Jamal is tempted by an unsavory offer from some old running buddies. Karen apologizes to an amused Frank for the way yet another "first date" got screwed up. As he packs to leave the compartment, Kevin reminds Lucy that they must never give in to temptation again.

  • Wednesday, February 7th- Kevin came home and was surprised to find Eve sleeping on the couch. Kevin admitted that they needed to talk some things through and Eve said that they should begin with why he was surprised to see his wife at home. Frank and Karen struggled to move the ugly old computer that he had bought for her into the apartment. When they plugged it in, a swarm of noises came from it so they unplugged it immediately. Frank said that he would do what he could to get it fixed, but Karen wasn't very enthusiastic. She asked sweetly if he would move it again so that she wouldn't have to look at it and Frank hurt his knee in the process. Joe and Gabriela came down to welcome Ian and Arianna home. They were shocked to find out that the couple had been married the night before. Separately, Arianna and Gabriela and Joe and Ian discussed the reasons behind the sudden marriage. Joe was focused on the idea that Ian was still in love with Eve and surprised Ian by revealing that Eve never renewed her vows with Kevin. Arianna told Gabriela that the marriage may have been for convenience, but she did have feelings for Ian. She said that she knew that Ian didn't feel the same, but she was convinced that she could make him happy. Eve was very apologetic while she admitted to Kevin that she had remembered falling in love with Ian while they were kidnapped. Kevin admitted that she wasn't the only one who had broken their wedding vows. Everything made sense to Eve when she heard that Kevin had reconnected with Lucy while he thought that Eve was dead. Tension was high while Karen examined Frank's knee. They began to reminisce about when they were younger and admitted that both thought the other to be cute even back then. They also discussed Karen's mother being back in town and the memories that that was bringing back for her. Frank knew that Karen was still slightly fragile after getting out of rehab and promised that if he was causing any problems for her, he would leave her alone. Karen said that he wasn't a problem, but she was having second thoughts about the computer. Frank agreed to take it back to his house and Karen said that she would come over to visit it as often as possible. When Kevin asked Eve why she wasn't with Ian, she informed him of Ian's new bride. Eve made Kevin promise that he wouldn't tell anyone that she had regained her memory, she especially didn't want Ian to know. Kevin sympathized with Eve and agreed. Eve asked if Kevin's affair with Lucy was still going on and he said that it wasn't, but that there were still a lot of feelings there to deal with.

  • Thursday, February 8th- Livvie surprised Lucy during her massage at the spa. Livvie explained that she could probably use some pampering after being stuck in the baggage car with Jack. Immediately, Lucy became paranoid that Jack had told Livvie what had happened between them. Instead, Livvie told Lucy how she discovered that Jack really did care about her. Reluctantly, Ian and Arianna allowed themselves to be questioned by the immigration agents. Arianna used her new found feelings to answer the questions as sincerely as possible. She even answered questions about the color of his eyes and what he likes to eat. Ian called on his feelings about Eve to answer his questions. However, when it came to more specific questions, Ian got frustrated and said that he didn't know absolutely everything about her, but he intended to find out. After the sessions, the agents conferred about the reality of the marriage. It seemed that they believed Arianna, but the agent that interviewed Ian said that he didn't believe a word out of his mouth. Nonetheless, the agents left the newlyweds alone and said that they would be back for unannounced periodic visits. Kevin told Eve that he thought there was still a chance that they could get over all of the hurt that they have caused each other. Eve was distraught thinking that their problems were all her fault and pleaded with Kevin not to hate her for falling in love with someone else. Kevin explained again that the situation wasn't entirely her fault. Eve wondered if they really could go back to how things were before she met Ian. Lucy jumped to conclusions when Livvie got mushy about Jack. She rose suspicion when she asked if Livvie had slept with Jack too. Livvie wanted to know who else Jack had slept with, but Lucy covered her tracks by saying that guys like Jack have probably been with several women. Livvie didn't believe that Jack was like that and again began to wonder if she was wrong about him. Kevin and Eve agreed that they had no regrets from their relationship. Both of them said that they were really glad that they found each other when they did because it was a time when they didn't think that they would ever find love. After realizing what they really did mean to each other, they declared their devotion by reciting makeshift vows together. Livvie and Lucy discussed what Lucy would do if Kevin came to her and apologized. They ended up concluding that Jack should be able to forgive Livvie if she went to him and apologized. Lucy gave in and agreed that Livvie should go for it so Livvie went to find out where Jack was. In the meantime, Jack walked in and told Lucy that he needed to ask for a favor. Lucy was frantic about him being there, but Jack was in dire need of help. Just as he was telling Lucy that he didn't deserve anything from her since she kept her mouth shut about them almost sleeping together... Livvie walked in.

  • Friday, February 9th- Ian is surprised that Arianna wants to share a bed with him. She explained that for the INS agents to believe them, they would have to sleep in the same bed like a real married couple. Ian was still shocked, but agreed when he realized that it was necessary. Arianna was disappointed at Ian's shock and wondered if maybe they shouldn't just call the whole thing off. Ian was not going to let her fall into the hands of her brother. Ian left Arianna alone and told her that he was going to the hospital to get his job back. Livvie demanded to know what had happened between Lucy and Jack. Lucy tried once again to cover her tracks and told Livvie that Jack was just apologizing for falling asleep at her house that night he showed up uninvited. Jack played along, but Livvie wasn't buying it. She started to go through all of the details of that night and realized that they must have slept together. Chris caught Ben watching Eve from outside the on call room at the hospital and asked him to leave. Eve was sitting inside with tears in her eyes. When Chris asked why she was there instead of with her husband, Eve started to take her anger out on Chris. Eventually, she broke down and told him that she and Kevin had not renewed their vows and would be splitting up. Chris took the opportunity to tell Eve that he had never thought that Kevin was good enough for her. Eve got more angry and said that Kevin's love was the best she ever had. Chris asked if he was the best...why wasn't she with him? Just then, Ian walked in looking for Eve. Livvie told Lucy and Jack that not only did she not believe them, but she thought that Jack had come to be with Lucy just to do it all over again. Jack told them that he was there because he had told the cops that he was working for Lucy so he wouldn't go to jail and wanted to see if Lucy would support him. Eventually, Lucy and Jack cracked and admitted that they had fooled around, but didn't actually sleep together. Livvie wasn't soothed by the technicality. Then, they tried to excuse themselves by telling her that they really didn't know who the other was and they had both been so upset because of Livvie and Kevin. Livvie still didn't feel sorry for them. Ben paid another visit to Arianna and presented her with a baby gift. Arianna was furious because Ben knew that she had lost her child. Ben explained that this gift wasn't for that child, but for a future child. A confused Arianna was shocked when Ben told her that he would only respect her marriage when she was carrying Ian's child. Ian made sure that Chris wasn't bothering Eve and Chris left the room. Then, Ian asked Eve about her and Kevin splitting up. Eve made excuses, none of which included Ian, for why her marriage wasn't working out. Ian pressed her for more details because he could tell that she was hiding something. As Lucy and Jack were trying to apologize to Livvie, it became apparent to her that Kevin must have known about this and kept if from her also. Once again, all the people that Livvie had cared about had lied to - she was furious. Much to Lucy and Jack's disappointment, Livvie stormed out of the spa and told them both that she never wanted to see them again. Afterwards, Jack's reaction made Lucy realize that he really did care about Livvie. That was just enough to get plans hatching in Lucy's head, she promised that she would get Livvie back for Jack. When Ian pushed her for answers, Eve reacted by saying that she didn't have to tell him anything, after all, he was the one who ran off and got married and didn't tell anyone. Eve continued to try to concentrate on Ian's marriage, but he didn't want to discuss it. Eve tried to leave the room instead of responding to Ian, but he grabbed her to prevent it and Eve gave in. She told him that during her vows, she had remembered everything about falling in love with him. Chris was in for a surprise when he arrived home from the hospital. There on his couch was a naked Livvie only covered by a sheet and then not at all.

  • Monday, February 12th- When Chris asked what Livvie was doing in his bed, she said that she wanted him to make love to her. Chris questioned her motives since the last time Livvie tried to seduce him she was trying to get information from him. Livvie said that this time was different. She said that Chris had been right all along about Jack and Lucy and Kevin. It didn't take Chris long to realize that Livvie and Jack had fought and she was using him to get back at Jack. Livvie admitted that that might be the case, but offered herself to Chris anyway. Arianna was angry with Ben for talking about her having another baby so soon after her miscarriage. She said that it really wasn't even safe for her to get pregnant so soon. Ben accused Eve of putting those thoughts into Arianna's head and told her that the only way she could renew her family's faith was to provide them with a legitimate grandchild. Jamal walked into the Recovery Room and heard Alison telling Frank how much she could use some extra cash. That was all he needed to decide that he would take the drivers job that he had been offered $2,000 to perform. Eve told Ian that she remembered everything from Christmas Eve to their time in the cabin. Ian was surprised and relieved to hear this until he remembered that he had a wife standing in his way now. Chris covered Livvie and told her that even though he had wanted her for a long time, he didn't want her while she was acting like a spoiled little girl. Then, an angry Jack knocked on the door. When Chris opened the door, Jack pushed his way in and demanded to see Livvie. He was sure that she would be there because she always ran to Chris when she was upset. Just then, Livvie walked out of the bedroom buttoning one of Chris's shirts to cover herself. Chris played along like they had just slept together to anger Jack even more. Arianna walked in on Eve and Ian. Eve left and promised to return soon when Arianna asked to speak with Ian. She told Ian that Ben had been to visit her and that he blamed Eve for his stay in jail. Specifically, Ben had said that Eve would be sorry that she crossed him. Meanwhile, Eve picked up an umarked package with her name on it from the nurses station. As she was getting ready to open it, Ian ran out and stopped her. Jack knew that Livvie was only with Chris to get back at him. Livvie stood her ground and forced Jack to leave. Chris commented that Livvie was getting pretty good at making people think that they were sleeping together. Chris told her that she needed to start taking responsibility for her actions if she wanted to quit being a victim and told her that she needed to grow up in order to do that. Just as Ian took away Eve's gift, the nurse returned with the card that was intended to go with the present. The box was a gift from a little girl that Eve had been caring for and turned out to be a harmless teddy bear. Eve was startled by Ian's reaction until Arianna explained that Ben had been released from jail and may come after her. Eve and Ian went off alone to finish their conversation. Ian admitted to Eve that he loved her more than life itself, but his marriage to Arianna was a matter of life or death. He explained to Eve that Ben had come to take Arianna out of the country to kill her. Eve was horrified, but devastated that she and Ian could not be together right away. Still, Eve told Ian that she understood and Ian went home to be with his wife.

  • Tuesday, February 13th- Lucy called Kevin over to tell him what had happened with Livvie. Kevin was furious that the secret was out, but didn't realize that Livvie was blaming him too until Lucy told him. Chris spied on Livvie while she was looking in the mirror. Livvie started to cut at her hair with a big smile and put an equally big smile on Chris's face. Eve and Karen hadn't seen each other since Eve said that she was going off to find Ian. Karen was eager to find out what had happened, but disappointed when Eve told her that nothing was going to happen. Eve confirmed the rumor that Ian had married Arianna, which completely confused Karen. She couldn't understand how Ian could have been so in love with Eve and then run off and get married to someone else. Eve kept Ian's secret and only told Karen that he got married because he thought that it was over with Eve. When Karen's confusion persisted, Eve got angry and told Karen to just drop it. Ian told Joe that Eve had remembered what had happened between them. Ian expressed that he was so close to having everything he wanted, but it's not possible now. Joe couldn't believe that Eve accepted Ian's situation and was just going to leave it at that. Lucy told Kevin how Jack was out trying to win back the woman he loved, but Kevin was more concerned with Livvie. Just as Kevin was getting ready to go out and find her, a changed Livvie entered the room. Wearing a low cut shirt, skin tight pants and sporting a new hair do Livvie told Kevin that he didn't need to worry about her. Lucy immediately commented on how Livvie seemed to look different. Livvie said that she was ready for a change and she had been shopping with her friend. When Chris entered the room and Livvie called him "Honey", Lucy and Kevin stood in shock. At the Recovery Room, Mary invited Ian to bring Arianna to the Valentine's Day party that night. Mary was very eager to meet the new bride and had planned a special champagne toast for the new couple. Ian politely declined and offered to show off his new bride some other time. Arianna was outside the Recovery Room looking in when Gabriela came upon her. Before going inside, Arianna surprised Gabriela by asking her when would be too soon to get pregnant after her miscarriage. ,Gabriela knew that their marriage was not real so she was very curious to find out what Arianna was thinking. Arianna played it off like she was just really depressed about losing her child so Gabriela tried to give her hope saying that maybe Ian would really care for her someday and a child might be possible. Eve apologized to Karen for attacking her. Karen understood that it must be really hard for Eve to think about Ian and his new wife. They quickly changed the subject to Karen's life and Frank and her mom. While Livvie went to gather some of her things, Lucy and Kevin blasted Chris for taking advantage of Livvie's vulnerability. Lucy said that Livvie is what Chris had wanted all along. When Livvie returned, Lucy tried to convince her that she belonged with Jack instead of Chris. Lucy and Kevin were quickly surprised to learn that Jack was Chris's little brother. Livvie and Chris took their exit by saying that they had a Valentine's party to attend. Kevin left shortly to go after Livvie and Lucy was left with her thoughts. Lucy decided that if she wanted the right people to be together she would have to take things into her own hands. She called Jack and told him to put on his best clothes so that he could take her to a party. Kevin was so frustrated when he got home that he was talking to Livvie out loud. Eve came out to say hello surprising Kevin because he didn't know she was there. Kevin explained that Livvie was upset with him and Lucy and she was leaning on Chris for comfort and going to the V-day party with him. Kevin wanted to go over there and try to stop her. Eve offered to go and help, but Kevin told her that it wasn't her problem. She decided to go along anyway saying that she may know a few ways to get to Chris. Arianna was trying to fit in among the crowd at the party when Ian came over and told her that they would be leaving soon. Joe took Ian aside and told him that if he wanted this marriage to look real, he would have to play the part. Joe insisted that staying was the right thing to do, but Ian didn't need much convincing when the INS agents arrived at the party. Instantly, Ian took Arianna up to Mary and said that there had been a change of plans. He wanted to celebrate his love for his new wife and show her off to everyone.

  • Wednesday, February 14th- In the middle of the Valentine's Day celebration, Chris and Livvie were admiring each other when Jack and Lucy showed up. Lucy had to stop Jack from taking his anger out on Chris and promised him that she would come up with a plan that would fix everything. Just as Mary introduced the newlyweds, Eve and Kevin walked in to find Mr. and Mrs. Thornhart sharing a passionate kiss. Eve and Kevin tried to go back out the door, but Mary stopped them. Then, she took the liberty of making another toast, this time to Eve and Ian being alive and happy endings. Kevin offered to take Eve home, but Eve insisted that they needed to deal with Livvie and Chris first. Kevin's first stop was to find out what Lucy was doing there with Jack. Lucy informed him that she was determined to make sure that the right people ended up together that night. Jack must not have been convinced because he left the party before even taking his coat off. Alison and Jamal were sharing a Valentine's Day dance when Jamal spotted Travis watching through the window. Jamal made up an excuse and went to find out what he wanted. Just as Travis was leaving from making sure that Jamal was still in, Jack walked up wondering what Jamal was doing with a guy like him. Kevin managed to get a moment alone with Livvie to let her know that Chris could ruin her life and he would be there if and when she needed him. Livvie seemed convinced that Chris was different with her, but allowed Kevin to lecture her anyway. Meanwhile, Eve asked Chris what he was doing with a young girl like Livvie. Chris maintained that he cared about Livvie and wouldn't hurt her, but Eve claimed that Chris wasn't capable of really caring about anyone. Chris dismissed Eve's accusations saying that she was just upset that her marriage was over and her lover was showing off his new wife. Lucy had been so shocked to hear the news about Ian's marriage that she spit out her punch. Later, she got Ian alone to find out what was going on. Ian told her that love works in strange ways, but Lucy wasn't buying it. She said that she could tell he was still in love with Eve because he had been staring at her all night. Jamal came back in and told Alison that he had got a new job that needed him to start right away. Alison was frantic that her big surprise for Jamal would be ruined so she called Frank over to assist. Frank told Jamal that he had a mechanic friend that was going to be needing some help and he had put in a good word for Jamal. Alison told Jamal that they had told the friend that he would stop by and gave him the address, but Jamal wasn't interested. Alison pushed, but Jamal said that he would just have to check it out some other time and went off to earn his $2,000. Lucy convinced Victor to keep Chris occupied while Livvie went outside to watch the fireworks. Under the fireworks, Livvie ran into Jack. First, Livvie tried to return to the party, but Jack stopped her. He told her that if she what she wanted was to be even that she had succeeded and that she didn't need to be with Chris to get her revenge. Jack told her that all he could think about was her and that he really did care. Kevin found Lucy and demanded to know what she was up to after he had seen Jack and Livvie outside. Lucy's only defense was that she was pretty sure that at that exact moment everyone was with the person they were meant to be with. Frank called Karen and asked her to meet him at his place when she got off work. She arrived at his garage to find "Nellie" the big, ugly computer in it's new home. Karen laughed at how Frank had named the machine and she was completely caught off guard when Frank leaned over and pulled out a bouquet of flowers. They sweetly celebrated Valentine's Day with a kiss. Stressed from trying to play the good husband all night, Ian went outside where he found Eve watching the fireworks alone. Neither said a word as they shared their own passionate kiss. Meanwhile, inside the party, Ben showed up and wondered where Arianna's new husband was. Arianna confidently told him that when they found him he would be convinced that their marriage was the real thing.

  • Thursday, February 15th- Lucy and Kevin snarl at one another in the middle of the Valentine's Day party. As the couple's voices rise, the other revelers at the Recovery Room stop talking just in time to hear Kevin angrily declare that his marriage is over. Arianna offers to show a suspicious Ben how much in love she and her new husband are. Meanwhile, out in the alley, Ian and Eve are unable to keep their hands off one another. Chris intrudes on a quiet moment between his brother and Livvie, who icily reminds Jack she's no longer interested. Lucy presses Kevin to reveal the real reason he and his wife broke up. Alison confides to Frank that she's getting a bad feeling about the "easy payday" her boyfriend was promised. Ian tries to cover when Ben finds him in the alley with Eve. Livvie is overwhelmed when Chris supplies her with not only a place to live but also a new roommate in the form of her grandmother. Frank receives a call about a shooting in the warehouse district. Ben again threatens to kill Arianna unless she quickly produces a child. Chris quietly instructs Estelle's nurse to spy on Livvie. Having backed out of the robbery at the last minute, Jamal receives a surprise when he goes to the bike shop to apply for the legit job. Kevin roughly confronts Ian in the alley, while Eve faces down Lucy in the ladies' room.

  • Friday, February 16th- Gabriela encourages an obviously troubled Arianna to unburden herself. Kevin angrily informs Ian that he doesn't deserve Eve's love. Meanwhile, in the ladies' room, Lucy accuses Eve of ruining the lives of two good men. At the bike shop, Alison explains to an astonished Jamal how she's arranged for him to be his own boss. Arianna blurts out to Gabriela that she needs to have Ian's baby to prove to her dangerous family that the marriage is real. Kevin icily advises Ian to pack up and leave Port Charles before he does any more damage. As their quarrel winds down, Lucy grudgingly admits to Eve that they've both made bad mistakes which have hurt Kevin terribly. Confiding that Ian was the first man she ever kissed, Arianna tells Gaby she does have warm feelings for her husband despite the peculiar circumstances which brought them together. Eve boards the first flight out of town. After drowning his sorrows in a bottle, a groggy Ian begins to take an interest in Arianna. Lucy learns that she might be pregnant.

  • Monday, February 19th- An inebriated Ian realizes the woman he's kissing is his wife and not the lady he loves. Embarrassed, he apologizes to Arianna, who assures him she understands the loss he's suffered and is grateful for all the tremendous sacrifices he's made on her behalf. Startled to learn that she may be pregnant, Lucy bolts from the cubicle in the emergency room and runs smack into Kevin. Unsure how to proceed now that her life has fallen apart, Eve decides impulsively to take a trip to the island Ian once spoke of during their imprisonment. Rhonda attempts to derail her daughter's enthusiasm for the new man in her life by cautioning Karen that her sobriety could be at stake if she pursues her interest in Frank. Following another argument with her "Doc", Lucy elects not to let Kevin know that she could be carrying his child. Meanwhile, Arianna explains to an irked Ian why Ben will never stop harassing them unless they produce a baby to prove that their union is real. Frank's upset when Karen abruptly cancels their date and hints she won't be available for some time to come.

  • Tuesday, February 20th- Alison and Jamal enjoy working together to get the bike shop ready for its grand opening. After a puzzling phone call from Gabriela, however, Alison questions her boyfriend about the shooting at the warehouse. Eve strolls around the island paradise, daydreaming of Ian, but her blissful existence comes to an abrupt end when she's suddenly taken captive. Arianna fears that her husband is about to do something rash following her revelation about the new threat from her fanatical family. Meanwhile, Ian corners Ben and pulls a gun on his new brother-in-law. Jamal tries to stonewall when Alison quizzes him about his connection to Travis Williams. Forced to admit how he nearly fell for Travis' lies, Jamal assures Alison he backed out of driving the getaway car long before the robbery actually went down. As the stranger apologizes for his guards' overreaction, Eve hears a child crying out for help. A rattled Ben implores Ian to put his weapon down but the doctor only tightens his grip on the trigger. On the island, the stranger explains to Eve that his son is suffering from a deadly disease which is highly contagious. Joe's entrance distracts Ian long enough for Ben to grab the gun away from his captor. Jamal is thrilled when his first customer walks through the door. Joe is shot as he struggles with Ben for control of the weapon.

  • Wednesday, February 21st- Lucy purchases a home pregnancy test. Karen apologetically admits to Frank that she lied about having to work. As Ian leans over the wounded Joe, Ben shrilly insists that the shooting was accidental. On the island, the boy's father again tries to bar Eve from the ailing child's bedside but his wife pleads with the doctor to stay and help. Kevin eavesdrops as Lucy urges an exasperated Livvie to give her father a second chance. Karen explains to Frank how Rhonda has a jaded opinion about men in general. Ben refuses to let Ian call an ambulance for Joe. After examining the feverish Kalo, Eve diagnoses the boy with a form of the hanta virus. When the child suddenly stops breathing, Eve performs mouth to mouth resuscitation to bring him around. Livvie reminds Kevin that she needs more space to live her own life and make her own decisions. Claiming that Joe is already dead, Ian attacks Ben and manages to wrestle the gun away from him. Fearful of facing a murder charge, Ben takes it on the lam while Ian moves to the phone. Later, Joe and Ian congratulate one another on pulling off such a flawless scheme to con Ben into fleeing the country. Kalo steadily improves but his physician begins to show signs of developing the virus. Kevin jumps to the wrong conclusion after catching a glimpse of the home pregnancy test.

  • Thursday, February 22nd- With her young patient well on the mend, Eve is flattered to learn that the island community is planning a huge celebration to honor her good deed. Ian returns home and tells his wife that he's taken care of her family problems once and for all. Though Lucy attempts to deflect his questions, Kevin demands to know if she really is carrying his child. Certain Kevin no longer cares for her, Lucy icily assures him she doesn't expect anything from him in the fatherhood department if it turns out that she is indeed pregnant. Ian describes for Arianna how he and Joe tricked Ben into leaving the country. With her dangerous brother out of the picture, Arianna sadly wonders if Ian means now to end their marriage of convenience. Kalo's father makes a special carving for Eve to thank her for saving his son. Arianna is delighted when Ian presents her with a wedding ring and then slips a matching band onto his own finger. After Eve collapses with a high fever, Kalo's mother decides to administer a home remedy designed to provide her with visions to carry her from this world to the next. Lucy shakily admits to Kevin how afraid she is of getting her hopes up about finally bearing a healthy child of her own.

  • Friday, February 23rd- Jamal and Alison work feverishly to get the bike shop ready for its grand opening. Deep in a fever dream brought on by the "morlo", Eve imagines herself as a nurse welcoming her lover home from the war. Lucy tries not to get her hopes up as she uses the home pregnancy test. After Jack drops by to admire the new shop, Jamal asks his friend to keep an eye on things while he and Alison take a well-deserved break. Kalo's father scolds his wife for giving Eve the morlo despite his specific instructions to wait for the island's healer. Lucy sadly reports to a disappointed Kevin that the pregnancy test was negative. Jamal reassures Alison that Travis can do nothing to jeopardize their bright future. Meanwhile, two of Travis' running buddies come to the bike shop and begin trashing the place. Kevin's efforts to soothe Lucy only make matters worse as she watches her fondest dreams go up in smoke. Ian arrives as Eve calls out his name in her sleep.

  • Monday, February 26th- Jamal gives an excited Alison her first lesson in driving a motorcycle. Back at the bike shop, Travis' buddies jump Jack when he tries to prevent them from wrecking the place. Gabriela offers to keep Arianna company while her husband is away. Meanwhile, on the island, Ian anxiously leans over a feverish Eve. Livvie begs Chris to help his injured brother. Gabriela rails at Joe after Arianna lets it slip how he "played dead" to scare Ben into fleeing the country. Chris snaps Jack's separated shoulder back into place just as Jamal and Alison return from their ride and gaze in dismay at the trashed shop. An agitated Gabriela reminds Joe how important he is to her. While Arianna looks on wistfully, Joe and Gaby share a tender kiss. Eve briefly regains consciousness and smiles at Ian but soon slips back into the "other world". After giving a guarded statement to the police, Jack quietly explains to Jamal how Travis meant to send him a pointed message.

  • Tuesday, February 27th- Amused to find Frank cooing to "Nellie" as he works on the ancient computer, Karen presents her friend with a collection of old 45's and a record player to use for inspiration. Lucy comes to the hospital for an appointment with Dr. Newman but gives Kevin the cold shoulder when he inquires about her health. As her fever finally breaks, Eve tells Ian about the dream which made her feel so close to him. Frank and Karen share a dance to a nostalgic number from Roberta Flack. A gloomy Kevin tells his father why Lucy is so furious with him. Urging Kevin not to give up hope, Victor suggests that his son take some positive steps towards changing his life for the better. Frank feigns enthusiasm when Karen receives a tempting offer from a hospital in Tennessee. Lucy is devastated to learn that the injection Rachel gave her months ago rendered her permanently infertile. Later, Kevin is startled to find Lucy standing on the roof of the hospital, staring down at the sidewalk far below.

  • Wednesday, February 28th- When Livvie appears unexpectedly at Alison's door, Jamal encourages a hesitant Jack to make his pitch. Meanwhile, Estelle's nurse reports to Chris on Livvie's latest movements. Warning Mac and his officers to stay back, Kevin cautiously approaches Lucy as she leans over the edge of the hospital roof. Chris decides to shift his strategy to solidify his position with Livvie. Lucy explains to a startled Kevin that she's been trying to talk down the woman perched precariously on the ledge just below. Grieving for her husband, Sarah tells the shrink she just wants to stop the pain but Kevin employs some of Lucy's personal philosophy to convince the woman not to jump. Chris dazzles Livvie by arranging for her to meet her favorite singer, who claims that he and Dr. Ramsay go way back. Lucy scolds Kevin for thinking she would become suicidal just because she wasn't pregnant with his child. Later, Lucy sadly reveals the heartbreaking news she received from Dr. Newman.

  • Thursday, March 1st- As Ian declares his love, Eve reminds him of the wife who waits for him back in the States. Meanwhile, Arianna is disappointed to receive a telegram informing her that her husband's return will be delayed again. Kevin comes upon Lucy gazing sadly through the viewing window of the hospital nursery. Arianna asks Gabriela to help her learn how to be more like a "typical" American woman. Fighting back tears, Lucy tells Kevin she knows she must adjust to the fact that her fondest dream will never come true. Gabriela guesses that her new friend is hoping to fashion herself into the kind of woman who will appeal to Ian in every way. Ian explains to an elated Eve how he managed to send his vicious brother-in-law packing. Later, Eve asks Ian to make love to her. Gabriela treats Arianna to a complete make over.

  • Friday, March 2nd- As they exchange lingering kisses, Eve removes Ian's wedding ring from his finger and begs him to make love to her. Frank grows frustrated in his efforts to get "Nellie" back in operation. Though Karen advises him to give up, Frank stubbornly insists he won't quit until he fulfills the promise he made her. Lucy sits alone in the park, mournfully trying to relinquish her lifelong dream of having a child of her own. On the island, Ian and Eve finally consummate their long-simmering passion. Afterwards, Maya eavesdrops on the happy couple as they speculate that they have always been together through the long passage of time immemorial. Lucy decides to say goodbye to the longings of her inner child and face an uncertain future alone. When she returns home, however, she's amazed to find that Kevin has filled the entire place with dozens of brightly colored balloons and plenty of cotton candy. Thanking her for keeping him going through the rough times, Kevin declares his love to Lucy.

**End of Fate**

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