I have 8 hours edited for Frank and Julie. It is all of Frank's, and all of Julie's scenes from June - Oct, 1997 so this tape covers all of their scenes from the premiere through the first few months. Frank & Julie Edit - 1st 8hrs goes from June 1 - October 23, 1997The Premiere of PC. At General Hospital, the security cameras are out. Chris reads the invite sent to the interns. Joe & Frank joke around while Joe getting ready for the intern party. Lucy gets stuck in the elevator (she's just found out she's pregnant). The interns arrive for the party, Cooper pulls a gun on them, the phone is cut, the doors automatically lock. Audrey gets pistol whipped and is unconscious and the interns desperately try to save her. Frank climbs up the elevator shaft to reach Lucy while Kevin works the control box. Meanwhile Joe drills a hole in Audrey's head with a power drill. Karen sees Frank thru a crack in the elevator door and to stall for time she strips for Cooper to distract him. The interns jump Cooper, Eve grabs the gun, and the elevator door is released and Frank joins the rescue.Later, Frank picks Joe up at the Police Dept after he has given his statement. The Scanlon boys come home to find mom cleaning. Frank gets paged for an EMS response, it's Scott - he's been hit by a car. While at GH, Frank goes into the intern room to post a note about a room for rent, Julie walks in from the shower wrapped in a towel. A distracted Frank sticks a tack in his hand and Julie gives him some TLC. He winds up offering her his basement apartment. Mary, (Frank's mom) comes over unexpectedly. Frank tries to get rid of her as Julie is on her way over to check out the apartment. Cute scene as Mary & Julie meet, and Frank teases Mary. Julie decides to rent the apartment. Joe & Frank tell Mary about Joe going up before the review board - she's furious. Julie invites the interns and Frank to get together the night before their first day. The interns gather on their first morning, and all enter the floor together. Frank helps Julie with one of her first patients, then he invites her to a baseball game - he coaches a boys team. Frank & Joe argue in the linen closet and Dr. Burgess catches them. Frank & Julie get together for Chinese food, and talk. Julie is telling him the truth about her identity when the doorbell rings and the food arrives. She is about to tell him again when Eve arrives to declare that Joe has rented HER the apartment. They grudgingly agree to share it. Later, Eve notices the labels on Julie's clothes and realizes she comes from money. Joe's hearing, the interns stick together, except for Chris & Eve. Everyone testifies and the charges are dismissed. Frank catches Eve going thru Julie's wallet and tells her off. Julie & Eve getting ready for the Nurse's Ball. Julie & Frank at the Ball (from General Hospital episode). Scanlon Brothers promo. Alan Quartermaine sings at the ball, Mary Scanlon is one of the dancers - Frank & Julie applaud. Afterwards, Frank & Julie return home, play a little basketball, to music. He twists his ankle, they are a moment away from kissing when his beeper goes off. The gang gets together at "The Recovery Room" (Mike's bar), Frank & Julie slow dance. Later, Julie hears that Chris lost a patient so she goes over to see him at his place. They both fall asleep on the couch. Next am, Eve lays out her rent $ and then has second thoughts (as it came from Serena's kidnapping money that conveniently fell into her purse). Frank comes in and sees it, takes it. She tries to stop him but he insists her rent is due. She makes sure he knows that Julie didn't come home the night before. A mother brings in a sick child to the emergency, Frank comforts her. Later, Mrs. Scanlon invites Julie to join the Scanlon's in a poker game. After the game, Frank kisses Julie goodnight. The next day, the fourth of July, Mary & Mike are arrested for passing stolen money and spend the night in jail. Frank & Joe show up the next am, followed by Scott. They figure out Eva was the source of the stolen money, she gave it to Frank for rent, he gave it to his mom. Julie has a nightmare about Greg Cooper, Chris wakes her up and uses the opportunity to get closer to her. Frank walks in and Chris takes his head off. Cooper is brought into ER and Julie is assigned to work on him. She flips when she realizes her patient is Cooper. After she treats him, Joe sees him and freaks. Frank has to hold him back. Chris apologizes to Julie, she was upset with him for being rude to Frank earlier. Frank takes Joe outside and reads him for risking everything by being a hothead. Julie confides in Chris about the suicide of her older brother, she has a flashback about him. Frank is disturbed to find Chris with his arm around Julie. Kevin talks to the interns about Greg Cooper, later they all get together at The Recovery Room. Julie & Frank dance and kiss, he asks her out on their first "real date". Meanwhile, Chris wants Eve to come between Frank & Julie, funny scene as Eve blows Chris off. Back at the hospital, Greg Cooper gets an injection into his IV and seizes. Music montage as Frank & Julie dance. Frank takes Julie on a picnic at the beach, lots more kissing! Later, Frank gets a news clipping about Julie Devlin, he realizes Julie has been lying about her identity and is really Bennett Devlin's daughter. Frank confronts Eve, he thinks she sent the clipping. Mike asks Franks permission to "keep company" with his mom, Frank gives his approval. Frank warns Joe not to get too wrapped up in Karen's marriage. The girls talk about Jagger not showing up. Eventually Frank softens towards Julie, then Chris sends him off again. Frank is visibly disturbed to see Julie and Chris walk into The Recovery Room together. Later at the house, Frank & Julie have it out. He tells her he can't trust her. She kisses him and asks if that feels like a lie, that she never lied to him about how she felt about him. Julie is getting ticked that Frank won't try to understand why she didn't tell him the truth about being a Devlin. At The Recovery, Frank & Julie have words. She then has drinks with Chris while Frank grumps to Joe. Joe tells Frank he is blowing it with Julie. Frank & Julie finally talk though she is pretty toasted. Frank leaves to take his mom home and asks Mike to keep an eye on the drunk Julie who isn't ready to leave. Later, Chris returns and takes Julie home. Frank fumes when he returns for her and hears she left with Chris. Next am, Eve half-heartedly tries to wake a hung over Julie. Its the intern's first day on surgical rounds. Frank finds her still passed out on the couch, he sweeps her up and puts her in a cold shower. She apologizes for lying and he apologizes for judging her. He starts kissing her and pushes them both back into the shower where they make out under the streaming water. Frank helps her prepare for her day, he quizzes her on patients who are on the rounds. Then he takes her to the hospital with the ambulance sirens blaring and gets her there in time. Julie has all the right answers during Dr. Boardman's rounds. Later, Frank is with his team before their baseball game. Julie is leaving the hospital to meet up with him, when her father shows up on her doorstep. She's shocked and none too happy to see him. She leaves and joins Frank's team, they celebrate winning the big game! Dr. Devlin checks out the hospital and Alan invites him to stay and give seminars, Bennett promises to keep her secret (yeah right)! Julie worries over how the rest of the interns will react to the news that Devlin is her father. Frank & Julie try to juggle their schedules so they can spend time together. Julie walks in on Bennett and Eve arguing. Frank tells his mom that Bennett rubs him the wrong way. Then the gang hears that Dr. Devlin is joining them on surgical rounds. He has a worse reputation than Boardman for being hard on interns. When the interns start complaining about him, Julie has a hard time hearing them talk about her father. Then during rounds, Devlin shows obvious favoritism and stops Boardman from quizzing Julie. When everyone leaves, Julie blasts her father and insists he backs off. Dr. Devlin lets it slip to Joe that he is Julie's father. Julie tells Karen that Devlin is her father. Next day, Eve has dinner plans with Bennett, they tease her about her mystery date. Cooper breaks out of the asylum and causes an explosion. Frank gets called to the site. Frank helps Kevin save Victor's life, then Frank collapses with smoke inhalation and is taken to GH. Julie & Joe treat him, he stabilizes, then scares then with a turn for the worse. The he is up and around in no time. Julie shows Eve an article on Frank in the Chicago papers about his heroism in the explosion aftermath. Eve figures out that Bennett knows the editor. Frank tells the gang he has been offered a job as Athletic Director at a Chicago college. Frank decides not to take the job. Joe hates to seem him pass up the opportunity and talks him into meeting with the recruiter. Frank is still debating the offer when Eve tells him that Bennett is behind it. Julie & Karen confront Chris about telling Dr. Burgess about the letter from Jagger - he makes it seem like she isn't capable of performing her duties. Frank confronts Devlin, then he tells Julie he turned the job down and her father's role in trying to get Frank out of town. She blasts her dad for interfering in her life. They talk about her brother's death and she forgives him. Bennett makes nice with Frank who tells him off. Bennett and Frank have lunch with Julie and verbally compete. Later, Devlin gives the interns a nice little pep talk. Cooper is on the loose again in the hospital and is setting up the interns to look bad. Julie sees her dad kissing Eve, and later confronts Eve. Then Julie's off to confront Bennett, he tells her his story. **The End** |