The Gift July 7 - October 3, 2003   
These are original complete episodes, with no commercials. The Gift arc is contained on 6 dvds.

The Gift #1, The Gift #2, The Gift #3, The Gift #4, The Gift #5, and The Gift #6

Episode Descriptions:

The Gift #1  July 7-18, 2003
7/7, 7/8, 7/9, 7/10, 7/11, 7/14, 7/15, 7/16, 7/17, 7/18

  • Tuesday, July 8, 2003 - Ian is excited over the fact that Chris is on the verge of developing a formula to make synthetic blood. Lucy is upset to learn that Kevin filed a complaint with the child social services agency and later tells Ian that Kevin's actions could cost him custody of Danny. Jamal encounters Imani in the bank as armed bandits enter to commit a bank robbery. Jamal unwittingly uses Caleb's ring to disarm the bank robbers. Jamal fantasizes about telling Imani that he is a vampire. Elizabeth joins Chris for a drink when she finds him celebrating in the on-call room.
  • Wednesday, July 9, 2003 - Alison feels guilty for wounding Rafe and almost sleeping with Joshua. Alison fears Rafe is upset with her despite his claims to the contrary. Rafe, however, isn't pleased that Alison confided in Livvie and Caleb about the personal lives. Livvie is frustrated when she can't take Caleb's mind off of getting his ring back. Livvie later plans on seducing Caleb but is surprised when Rafe arrives at the loft instead. Ian vows to Lucy that he will fight to keep Danny despite the fact that Kevin filed a complaint against him with the child social services agency. An argument ensues when Ian confronts Kevin at the hospital. Lucy gives Jamal advice about dating Imani. Jamal and Lucy discuss the less than flattering ways that Kevin has changed. Jamal agrees with Lucy when she wishes that Kevin would return to the kind of man he once was. Later, Kevin has a sudden change of heart and promises to undo the damage he caused for Ian. Casey pays a quick visit to Ricky and leaves her earring behind.

  • Thursday, July 10, 2003 - Partial first 7 minutes, episode continued on next dvd - Lucy is shocked when she witnesses Kevin telling the social worker that he filed the complaint against Ian purely out of spite.  Ian is suspicious of Kevin's change of heart but Lucy is convinced Kevin is being genuine. Caleb and Allison talk on the docks, when she stands up to go she feels faint and Caleb catches her before she falls.

  • Thursday, July 10, 2003 Episode continued - Lucy believes Kevin is acting like his old self because of the wish she made. Alison confides to Caleb her fears that she believes Rafe is upset with her because she tried to kill him while she was drugged. Livvie tells Rafe that Alison found her dark side when she stabbed him. Rafe berates Livvie for her jealousy of Alison. Livvie and Rafe arrive as Caleb is comforting Alison. At Elixir, Jamal is suddenly able to hear Imani's thoughts after wishing he could know what she is thinking and realizes that his ring could be responsible.

  • Friday, July 11, 2003 - Alison insists to Rafe and Livvie that there is nothing going on between her and Caleb other than friendship. Rafe admits to Alison he is angry that she told Caleb about their personal problems. Alison berates herself for having stabbed Rafe, but Rafe tells Alison that seeing her with Caleb was what really hurt him. Livvie demands that Caleb stay away from Alison. Tired of Livvie's jealousy, Caleb walks out on her. Jamal wishes that it would snow, which it does, in order to prove to himself that his ring makes wishes come true. Jamal listens to Imani's thoughts and hears her thinking that they will never get together. Jamal gets the idea to wish that he were no longer a vampire. Kevin admits to Lucy that he has to make things right with the people he has hurt, starting with himself.

  • Monday, July 14, 2003 - Rafe and Alison are shocked to discover that their new gym has been vandalized. Rafe is convinced that Caleb is responsible and unsettled by his anger, admits to Alison that he has been too obsessed with Caleb. Caleb goes to Elixir and dances with several sexy female vampires. When the situation gets out of control, Jack calls Livvie for help. Livvie feigns indifference when she sees Caleb with the other women. Later, Livvie and Caleb give into their passion for each other. Jack is reluctant to give Reese a key to his house. Jamal's wish that he no longer be a vampire isn't granted. Jamal then wishes for a bagful of cash and receives it. Jamal hides the cash in the refrigerator, where Imani finds it. Imani tells Jamal she has to leave because "they" are expecting her. Ricky questions Casey's existence when he sees her at Elixir.

  • Tuesday, July 15, 2003 - Alison becomes angry when Elizabeth suggests that she end her relationship with Rafe. Alison accuses Elizabeth of being clueless about true love and relationships. Chris invites Elizabeth to have a drink with him. Kevin tells Livvie that he has changed and wants them to be a family again. Livvie complains to Kevin that Alison is trying to steal Caleb from her. Kevin urges Livvie to let go of her anger towards Alison and accuses her of adding to her own problems. Livvie later goes to see Alison at the warehouse gym. Kevin gives Lucy divorce papers. Caleb agrees to Rafe's request that he stay away from Alison.

  • Wednesday, July 16, 2003 - Rafe thanks Jamal for helping Alison and tells Jamal about the new truce with Caleb. Rafe wishes he could find Caleb's ring so that he could destroy it. Alison is suspicious of Livvie's apology. Livvie offers to help Alison paint the warehouse and they are soon trading insults and fighting. Caleb wants to put his band back together. Frank puts the moves on Stacey and tangles with Caleb. Frank later attacks Rafe. Ian asks Kevin to stay away from Lucy and Christina. Kevin accuses Ian of wanting to have everything and refuses to stay out of Lucy and Christina's lives.

  • Thursday, July 17, 2003 - Lucy is angry that Ian asked Kevin to stay away from her and Christina and believes that Christina needs Kevin in her life. Lucy and Ian agree to work through their problems with Kevin together. Lucy is touched when she overhears Kevin talking to Christina. The paint starts flying as Alison and Livvie fight. Jamal gets caught in the paint fight and wishes that Livvie and Alison could see what it is like to be in each other's shoes. Later, Alison, acting like Livvie, puts the moves on Rafe. Caleb is about to kill Frank when Livvie, acting like Alison, begs him not to. Imani wonders why Jamal keeps popping up in her life when she goes to the warehouse looking to rent an apartment. Jamal follows Imani to an alley outside of a church and sees her put on a robe.

  • Friday, July 18, 2003 - Rafe is stunned by Alison's strange behavior when she accuses him of wanting Livvie. Rafe believes Alison is still suffering from the effects of Joshua's drug when she becomes aggressive. Caleb is confused by Livvie's uncharacteristically sweet demeanor. Caleb likes the "new" Livvie, who panics when he bares his fangs. Alison confronts Livvie in the alley. Frank tells Victor that he blames himself for Karen's death because she was running from him when she was hit by the car. Imani is upset when Jamal follows her into the church. Jamal inadvertently admits to Imani that he is a vampire.

  • The Gift DVD #2  July 21 - August 4, 2003
    7/21, 7/22, 7/23, 7/24, 7/25, 7/28, 7/29, 7/30, 7/31, 8/1, 8/4

    Monday, July 21, 2003 - Rafe goes to Caleb's loft looking for Alison. Caleb and Rafe both agree that Livvie and Alison are acting strangely and decide to look for them together. Alison accuses Livvie of wanting to take Rafe away from her. Caleb and Rafe arrive and try to end the fight between an aggressive Alison and frightened Livvie. After hearing the ringing church bells, Alison and Livvie revert to their normal selves. Caleb tells Livvie that someone is using his ring. The situation becomes tense when Kevin, Ian and Lucy try to work out a schedule for Kevin to spend time with Christina. Ian and Kevin argue and Ian later apologizes to Lucy for being stubborn where Kevin is concerned. Imani tells Jamal that he is welcome in church despite the fact that he is a vampire. Imani and Jamal decide to go their separate ways.

  • Tuesday, July 22, 2003 Rafe and Alison are surprised when Caleb and Livvie arrive at the opening of their gym. Rafe gets Caleb to admit that his vampire ring caused Alison and Livvie to switch personalities. Rafe, Caleb and Livvie suspect that Imani has Caleb's ring. Meanwhile, Jamal is slightly distant when he sees Imani at the gym opening despite the fact he still likes her. Jamal arranges for Imani to get a free gym membership for one year. Rafe asks Jamal if he thinks Imani could have the ring. Caleb confronts Imani outside of the gym. Ricky finds Frank passed out on Karen's grave. Frank admits he wants to die and Ricky accuses him of disgracing Karen's memory. Later, Casey tells Ricky that he has a knack for doing good things. Elizabeth tries to show Caleb that she is just fine without him and claims she is waiting for a male designer friend of hers. Elizabeth pours a drink on Chris when he voices his belief that she failed to impress.

  • Wednesday, July 23, 2003 - Jamal convinces Rafe that Imani doesn't have Caleb's ring. Imani becomes uncomfortable when Caleb questions her. Jamal comes to Imani's rescue and gives her the opportunity to get away from Caleb. Caleb doesn't believe Rafe and Jamal's claims that Imani doesn't have the ring. As Caleb prepares to go after Imani, Jamal tells him that he has the ring. Lucy is saddened over signing the divorce papers ending her and Kevin's marriage. Livvie encourages Kevin to fight for Lucy. Kevin compliments Lucy when she and Ian arrive at the party. Elizabeth is mortified that no one believes she can get her designer friends George to come to the gym opening. Chris feels for Elizabeth and pretends to be George. Chris manages to fool everyone except Elizabeth. Reese is jealous of Jack and Alison's friendship.

  • Thursday, July 24, 2003 - In an effort to buy time, Jamal tells Caleb he has the ring hidden in his apartment. Rafe starts a fight in an attempt to keep the ring out of Caleb's hands. Jamal agrees to hand over the ring to Caleb but when he goes to do so, he finds that the ring is gone. Jack is pleased to have possession of the ring. Kevin and Lucy have a bittersweet talk about their divorce. Ian is unsettled when Kevin questions him about being a vampire who is living with Lucy and Christina. Chris fools the crowd into thinking he is George, a famous fashion designer. Caught up in the moment, "George" promises Alison that he'll design a line of workout clothes and hold a fashion show at the gym. Later, Chris and Elizabeth realize they are in over their heads.

  • Friday, July 25, 2003 - Rafe, Livvie, Caleb and Alison realize that Jamal really did have the ring but that he lost it. Enraged, Caleb goes to break Jamal's neck as Rafe grabs Livvie to get Caleb to back off. Caleb releases Jamal and later decides he has to revisit his past in order to find the ring. Alison tells Rafe he has to choose between her and his continued fighting with Caleb. Jamal demands that Jack return the ring. Reese sees Jack holding a ring box and assumes he is going to propose. Jack doesn't tell Reese he has Caleb's ring but does tell her she is mistaken about him proposing. When Jack starts to feel smothered by Reese, he makes a wish that she would find someone else. Reese leaves and runs into Ricky. Casey disappears after Ricky states that he wants her completely or not at all. Ricky doesn't respond when Reese tries to comfort.

  • Monday, July 28, 2003 - First Four minutes of episode - Elizabeth is furious at Chris for impersonating George and promising Alison that he'll create a clothing line. Lucy tells Ian that she is relieved that she has signed the divorce papers with Kevin and is relieved to start a new life. Ian is distracted and later hears Kevin's voice reminding him that he is going to outlive Lucy and the chidren. Jamal demands that Jack gives him Caleb's ring.

  • Monday, July 28, 2003 Episode Continued -  Jack denies Jamal's accusation that he has Caleb's ring. Jamal becomes angry and bares his fangs at Jack. Jack gives the ring to Jamal, who is ashamed by his actions and decides that the ring is dangerous and that no one should have it in their possession. Jamal throws the ring into the river. Imani is apparently spooked by something unseen in her room. Jamal later finds Imani preparing to leave town. Ian is troubled by Kevin's questions about whether or not Ian can have a normal life with Lucy given the fact that he is a vampire. Ian feels guilty when he realizes that Lucy is making sacrifices in order to be with him. After making love with Lucy, Ian has a nightmare in which he sees himself alone after having outlived everyone he loves.  Chris convinces Elizabeth that they can design the clothing line themselves.

  • Tuesday, July 29, 2003 - Alison is grateful to Rafe for putting his war with Caleb aside. Livvie is filled with fear when Caleb tells her he is going to visit his father in Hell to find out how to get his ring back. Caleb is encircled in a ring of fire and when the fire subsides, he tells Livvie he knows how to get his ring back. Rafe senses that Caleb is up to something. Rafe keeps his promise to Alison and forces himself not to go looking for Caleb. Alison assumes that Chris and Elizabeth are lovers when she finds a half-naked Chris in Elizabeth's room. Elizabeth is overwhelmed with happiness when Alison admits she likes "George's" designs. Elizabeth is hurt when Alison doesn't believe that she helped George with the designs. Wanting to make Elizabeth feel better, Chris pretends to be George and compliments her work in front of Alison. Jamal wants to know what Imani is running away from and concludes she is running from a dangerous man in her past. Jamal offers to help Imani, who admits he is one of the few people she trusts. Imani decides to stay in Port Charles and she and Jamal grow closer.

  • Wednesday, July 30, 2003 - Lucy wants Rafe to help her get to the bottom of the strange feelings they've been sensing. Rafe refuses to fight Caleb and remains determined to keep his promise to Alison. Alison isn't pleased when Caleb comes to see her. Caleb suggests that The Stephen Clay Experience perform at Alison's fashion show. Alison is surprised when Rafe goes along with Caleb's idea of performing at the fashion show. Kevin learns that Ian wants to develop a formula that will take away his immortality. Lucy and Christina interrupt a tense moment between Ian and Kevin when they arrive to take Ian on a picnic. The situation becomes even more awkward when Christina asks Lucy if Kevin can go on the picnic with them. Jack is puzzled by Reese's sudden lack of attention. Jack tells Jamal he had wished that Reese would find a new boyfriend and Jamal tells him that the ring made his wish come true. Ricky admits to Reese that he has seen Casey, but isn't sure if she is real or a figment of his imagination.

  • Thursday, July 31, 2003 - Lucy is stunned when Ian invites Kevin to join them on their picnic, for Christina's sake. Christina is thrilled to have Lucy, Kevin and Ian together as the three adults struggle to make the best of a very uncomfortable situation. Lucy senses something strange, unaware she is near the spot where Jamal got rid of Caleb's ring. Christina finds Caleb's ring by the river. Livvie and Alison aren't pleased that Caleb will be performing at the fashion show. Rafe convinces Alison that he has to do something to stop Caleb and not just sit back and hope things will return to normal. Caleb explains to Livvie that he is going to use his music to lure the person who has his ring to him. Caleb then reveals that whoever brings him the ring will die. Jamal is thrilled when Imani agrees to have dinner with him.

  • Friday, August 1, 2003 - Christina doesn't tell Lucy, Kevin or Ian about finding the ring. Ian reluctantly leaves Kevin with Lucy when Chris calls him to the hospital. Christina makes a wish that Lucy and Kevin would kiss. Kevin and Lucy kiss, much to both their surprise. Caleb convinces Livvie that his plan will work and they make love. Rafe and Alison are puzzled when a vase full of pink roses appears at their apartment. Rafe denies Alison's accusation that he used his magic to make the roses appear. Alison later discovers that Elizabeth sent the roses and she and Rafe make up and then make love. Chris makes a promising breakthrough in his research. Ian wants to test the serum on himself but Chris convinces him to wait until they test it further.

  • Monday, August 4, 2003 - Alison annoys Reese and the other band members when she makes it clear she's the boss of everything associated with the fashion show, including their performance. Reese is further annoyed when Caleb backs Alison's claim. Alison challenges Caleb to tell her what he really has planned. Caleb assures Alison he would never do anything to hurt her. Jack tells Livvie that he predicts nothing but misery for her and Caleb. A photographer takes a picture of Caleb and Alison in a seemingly compromising position. Livvie covers her inner rage in front of Caleb. Chris regrets hurting Elizabeth's feelings when he suggests she's never done anything with her life. Elizabeth thanks Chris for all he's done for her. Jamal and Imani go on their date. Imani becomes defensive when Jamal suggests she move into his place in order to be safe from whoever is after her. Imani softens and is charmed by Jamal. Imani shows how tough she really is when she fends off a mugger.

  • The Gift DVD #3  August 5-19, 2003
    8/5, 8/6, 8/7, 8/8, 8/11, 8/12, 8/13, 8/14, 8/15, 8/18, 8/19

      Tuesday, August 5, 2003 - Rafe and Alison are shocked to see the photograph of her and Caleb in the newspaper. Rafe believes Caleb arranged the photograph to be taken despite Alison's claim to the contrary. Caleb is happily surprised when Livvie remains calm and rational after seeing the photograph. Livvie volunteers to be in Alison's fashion show. Alone, Livvie rips up the photo of Caleb and Alison. Caleb privately states that whoever has his ring will die. Lucy confesses to Ian that she kissed Kevin but isn't sure why she did so. Lucy assures Ian that he is the man she wants to be with. Ian tells Lucy he is working on a drug which would give him a normal lifespan. After their kiss, Kevin has renewed hope about getting back together with Lucy. Christina makes a wish that she could paint as well as Kevin and begins to do so. Kevin doesn't believe Lucy's claim that their kiss meant nothing to her.

    • Wednesday, August 6, 2003 - As everyone prepares for the fashion show, Chris, as George, learns that the clothes won't be delivered because Elizabeth's check bounced. Chris refuses to help Elizabeth out of her latest mess. Alison is crushed and angry when Elizabeth tells her the fashion show will have to be cancelled. Chris once again comes to Elizabeth's rescue by arriving with the clothes. Caleb plans on using his music to draw out the person with the ring and then kill them. Kevin and Lucy agree that Christina can attend the fashion show. Livvie sets a plan against Alison in motion. Reese becomes furious when a jealous Jack insinuates that she and Ricky are sleeping together. Ricky sees Casey, who disappears again after voicing her belief that he wants to be with Reese. Lucy insists to Kevin that she is in love with Ian and wants to spend her life with him. Kevin, Lucy and Ian agree to get along for Christina's safe. Christina wishes for a pet ladybug in front of Ian and her wish comes true.

    • Thursday, August 7, 2003 - As the fashion show gets underway, Livvie pays off a man to make sure her evil plan against Alison happens at exactly 10:30pm. Ian is amused when he discovers that George is really Chris. Chris realizes that he is one model short for the show and ends up taking the stage himself. An angry Imani grabs the camera when someone takes a photo of her. Jack tries to apologize to Reese for what he said about her and Ricky. Christina is lured to the stage when she hears Caleb's music. Livvie is horrified when she sees Kevin take the stage at 10:30pm to introduce Alison. At exactly that moment, a light fixture comes crashing down on top of Kevin. Christina drops the ring, which rolls out of sight.

    • Friday, August 8, 2003 Livvie is horrified that Kevin, not Alison, fell victim to her plan. Kevin is rushed to the hospital, where Ian and Chris work to save his life. Ian later tells Lucy that Kevin may never walk again. Rafe tells Caleb that his plan failed because his music didn't bring him his ring back. After talking to Christina, Jamal realizes she lost Caleb's ring at the gym and tells Rafe. Caleb searches for and finds the ring and his powers are restored.
      Monday, August 11, 2003 - Caleb taunts Rafe with the fact that he has his ring back. Alison believes that Rafe's war with Caleb can end now that Caleb has his ring. Rafe convinces Alison that he must get the ring away from Caleb. Livvie admits to Caleb that she caused Kevin's accident and that Alison was her intended victim. Livvie is furious when Caleb refuses to use the ring to help Kevin. Kevin is convinced that he'll never walk again. Lucy fails in her attempt to bolster Kevin's spirits. Christina asks Lucy if Kevin can move in with them.

    • Tuesday, August 12, 2003 - Lucy asks Kevin to move in with her, Christina and Ian while he recuperates. Lucy is grateful when Ian supports her decision to help Kevin. Livvie visits Kevin, who berates her for being selfish when she asks for his help with Caleb. Reese is hurt when Jack explains how he had wished for her to back off using Caleb's ring. Reese walks away from Jack. Ricky talks to Casey, who wants to have some fun. Reese sees Ricky talking to an unseen Casey. Off her encounter with Kevin, Livvie seeks comfort from Jack. Elizabeth is elated that "George's" designs received glowing reviews in the paper. Elizabeth impulsively kisses Chris but is instantly embarrassed and accuses him of having kissed her.

    • Wednesday, August 13, 2003 Caleb finds Livvie and takes her home. Caleb passionately professes his love for Livvie but warns her that her obsession with Alison is destroying their relationship. She snarks that everytime Allison comes around batting her baby blues that Caleb doesn't turn away. She demands to know if she is so annoying then why is he still there? He grabs her and kisses her and tells her that she is unlike every other woman and she is in his blood. She asks why they are fighting when they could be making love? He tells her not this time as she has already destroyed him once and that isn't something he wants to experience again. She promises that she will never betray him again, he tells her that she already has. She knows how important that ring is to him but her agenda is always more important. He tells her that her obsession with Allison is like a stake through the heart for both of them.

  • Wednesday, August 13, 2003 Episode Continued - Livvie promises to let go of her hatred of Alison and later heads out on a mission. Alison seduces Rafe in order to stop him from going after Caleb and the ring. As Rafe sleeps, Alison sneaks out and goes to see Caleb. Reese turns to Jack for help with Ricky after hearing Ricky speaking to an unseen Casey. Jack and Reese try to make Ricky realize that he is acting irrational. Jack tells him that Ricky talking to his dead girlfriend is freaking them out. Ricky steals Jamal's motorcycle and takes off with Casey. Imani and Jamal continue to grow closer.

  • Thursday, August 14, 2003 - Rafe refuses to consider Livvie's request that he and Alison leave Port Charles. Meanwhile, Alison goes to Caleb and asks him to leave town with Livvie. Alison realizes that Caleb has come to consider Port Charles his home. Imani tries to cheer up Jamal after Ricky steals his motorcycle. Rafe interrupts Jamal and Imani and tells Jamal his idea of using Livvie to get the ring away from Caleb. Alison is shocked when Caleb gives her his ring. Livvie becomes furious when she sees Caleb giving Alison the ring and later bites Imani. Lucy, Ian and Kevin each fantasize about a happy future but are soon faced with the reality of their situation.

  • Friday, August 15, 2003 - Rafe and Jamal enlist Jack to help them with their plan to use Livvie to get the ring away from Caleb. Alison is furious when she realizes Caleb tricked her with a fake and never intended on giving her the real ring. Livvie is shocked when Imani seems to suffer no reaction to being bitten. Livvie becomes physically ill when she thinks back to biting Imani. Caleb warns Alison to accept the fact that he will call all the shots, thanks to the power of the ring. Chris eventually gives in and agrees to help Elizabeth with her clothing line. Elizabeth suggests that she and Chris pretend to be involved so as not to arouse suspicion as to why they are spending time together and he reluctantly agrees.

  • Monday, August 18, 2003 - Jack assures Jamal that he no longer has feelings for Livvie and will be able to carry out his part in their plan against her. Meanwhile, Imani refuses Livvie's demand that she leave town. Livvie is shocked when she realizes that her bite had no affect on Imani. Livvie and Imani agree to keep the bite a secret. Jamal warns Imani to steer clear of Livvie. Imani is touched when Jamal wants to increase the security in her room. Jamal and Imani share their first kiss. Jack begins to make progress with Livvie. Lucy and Ian bring Kevin home from the hospital and get him settled in their house. Lucy tells Kevin that she will always care about him but that she is in love with Ian. Chris thinks Ian is a fool for allowing Kevin to move in with him and Lucy. Ian returns home and sees Kevin, Lucy and Christina looking through Kevin and Lucy's wedding album.

  • Tuesday, August 19, 2003 - Alison encounters Caleb and is shocked when he believes they can still be friends. Alison tells Caleb she'll never trust him again after the way he humiliated her. Caleb is privately pained over losing Alison's friendship. Rafe overhears Jack fueling Livvie's jealousy of Alison. Alone, Rafe angrily warns Jack not to use Alison as bait in their plan. Livvie sees Jack and Rafe's confrontation. Imani assures Jamal that kissing him was wonderful but insists they can't have a relationship. Jamal refuses to give up on Imani, who agrees to have dinner with him. Imani receives a mysterious phone call from an elderly women and it is clear Imani feels as though she is in danger.

  • The Gift DVD #4  August 20- September 4, 2003
    8/20, 8/21, 8/22, 8/25, 8/26, 8/27, 8/28, 8/29, 9/2, 9/3, 9/4

      Wednesday, August 20, 2003 - Alison continues to rail Caleb as Rafe arrives and orders Caleb to stay away from Alison. Alison calls Caleb's bluff and confesses to Rafe that she had gone to see Caleb the previous night to try and get the ring. Alone, Rafe tells Alison about his plan to use Livvie to get the ring away from Caleb and also about how Jack wanted to use Livvie's jealousy of Alison to make their plan succeed. Alison insists that Rafe include her in his scheme. Jack continues to try and gain Livvie's trust. Jack tells Livvie he has a box of her things at his house. Livvie later lets herself into Jack's house and finds him wearing nothing but a towel. Ian warns Lucy that she can't force Kevin to recover overnight. An anguished scream from Kevin interrupts Lucy and Ian's lovemaking.

    • Thursday, August 21, 2003 - Caleb is privately disturbed after his encounter with Rafe and Alison. Alison insists that Rafe allow her to help him fight his war against Caleb and plans on using Livvie's jealousy of her to do just that. To that end, Alison goes to see Caleb and apologizes for belittling the love he and Livvie share. Alison and Caleb agree that they are friends. Kevin becomes angry with Lucy when he realizes she and Ian were making love when he was hit with terrible pain in his shoulder. Ian warns Kevin not to take his anger out on Lucy. Rafe tells Lucy the truth that Caleb's ring makes wishes come true. Lucy realizes Kevin is living with her because Christina wished it to be. Jack and Livvie reminisce about the good times they shared while looking through a photo album. Jack and Livvie come close to sharing a kiss. Jamal goes to pick Imani up for their date and kicks in the door after hearing strange sounds coming from inside. Jamal doesn't find Imani but does see deep scratch marks on her windowsill.

    • Friday, August 22, 2003 - Alison works to convince Caleb she is his friend when she convinces him not to kill a hidden photographer who was going to take their picture. Before leaving, Alison secretly leaves a charm from her bracelet behind for Livvie to find. The photographer goes to Rafe, who had secretly hired him to watch over Alison. Jack pulls back from kissing Livvie. Remembering his true agenda, Jack tells Livvie they need to talk about what almost happened between them. Jack rises to Livvie's challenge and kisses her. Jack then claims that Caleb has all the power in his and Livvie's relationship because he has the ring. Rafe warns Jamal that he has to stay away from Imani, explaining she came into his life because he wished for it but now the wishes are turning dangerous. Jamal refuses to stop looking for Imani and later finds a scrap of her clothing in the woods.

    • Monday, August 25, 2003 - Ian is shocked when Lucy's tells him that Caleb's ring makes wishes come true and explains that is the reason Kevin is living with them. Ian convinces Lucy that Kevin has to move out, citing that nothing good can come from anything Caleb is involved with. Lucy goes to ask Kevin to leave and sees him bonding with Christina. Jack becomes angry when Rafe insists he remove himself from their plan to get the ring from Caleb. Rafe accuses Jack of wanting the ring for himself and ends up punching him. Ricky and Casey return. Reese is nearly injured by a falling lamp after pulling Ricky into a kiss. Jamal is relieved when Imani returns home. Imani admits she ran away because she feared the person who is after her had found her. Imani agrees to move in with Jamal.

    • Tuesday, August 26, 2003 - Alison admits to Rafe that his need to control everything can sometimes be irritating. Rafe is alarmed when Alison reveals she left the charm from her bracelet at Caleb's for Livvie to find. Meanwhile, Caleb finds Alison's charm and prevents Livvie from seeing it. Caleb wonders what Alison is up to. Kevin offers to move out and admits it hurts him to see Lucy with Ian. Kevin tells Lucy he would fight for her if there was a chance his injuries would fully heal. Christina is very unhappy over that fact Kevin is leaving. Chris continues working on a synthetic blood that would enable Ian to age normally. Chris is shocked to discover that Elizabeth turned his penthouse into a temporary manufacturing site for her clothing line.

    • Wednesday, August 27, 2003 - Alison lures Caleb and Livvie to Elixir in order to give Rafe a chance to sneak into Caleb's loft to retrieve her charm. Alison admits to Caleb that she lost her charm at his loft. Caleb's suspicions seem to subside as he returns the charm to Alison. Livvie misinterprets Alison and Caleb's closeness. Jack has a fantasy where he rejects Livvie and another where she embraces him. While searching Caleb's loft, Rafe finds an ancient book, which may contain answers about the ring. Imani moves in with Jamal, who promises to protect her. Reese bares her soul to Ricky, who invites her to his family's barbeque. Ricky suspects Casey is responsible for Reese nearly being hit by a falling street lamp.

    • Thursday, August 28, 2003 - Livvie forces herself to keep her temper in check when she sees Alison and Caleb in a close moment. Back at home, Livvie finds the copy of Caleb's ring and manages to switch it for the real one while giving Caleb a massage. Rafe explains to Alison that Caleb traveled to hell to find out how to get the ring back. After making love with Alison, Rafe recites an incantation he found in Caleb's book and disappears before Alison's eyes. Lucy is conflicted about her feelings as Kevin prepares to leave. Ian assures Lucy she doesn't have to apologize for caring about Kevin. Christina is heartbroken when Kevin tells her he's moving back home. Kevin is able to move one of the fingers on his left hand.

    • Friday, August 29, 2003 First part of episode - continued on next dvd - Lucy is thrilled when she realizes that Kevin has gained more movement in his hand. Lucy and Ian decide that Kevin should continue living with them for a little while longer. Livvie hides the ring but feels slightly guilty when Caleb professes his love for her. Meanwhile, Alison panics having seen Rafe disappear into hell. Against Jack's advice, Alison turns to Caleb for help. Jamal tries to make Imani feel at home by cooking dinner for her. Jamal is determined to learn what Imani is hiding after she makes a slip that contradicts what she told him earlier. While going through Imani's things, Jamal finds a newspaper clipping about a murdered professor and a woman wanted for questioning.

  • Friday, August 29, 2003 - remainder of episode

  • Tuesday, September 2, 2003 - Livvie isn't pleased when Caleb agrees to speak to Alison. Caleb refuses to help Alison find Rafe. Livvie panics when Alison begs Caleb to use his ring to bring Rafe back from hell. Later, Livvie holds the ring in her hand. Jamal doesn't reveal to Imani that he found the newspaper article about the unsolved murder. Imani senses that something has changed in Jamal, who later begins to secretly dig into Imani's past. Chris is annoyed when he awakens to find Elizabeth and two elderly workers toiling on her designs in his penthouse. Ian wants to test Chris' drug but Chris warns him it is too soon. After listening to Ian's emotional plea, Chris gives Ian the drug.

  • Wednesday, September 3, 2003 - At the barn, Alison tries to reach Rafe and urges him to fight his way back to her, while an invisible Caleb watches her.  Livvie uses the ring to maka a glass of lemonade appear, just as Caleb returns home.  Caleb almost catches her with the ring, and Livvie is thrown off guard when Caleb gives her "his ring" to make one wish.  She hesitates, but wishes that Caleb would make love to her.  Once Livvie is asleep, it is revealed that he knows she switched the ring and says she has one more chance to give it back or she will pay the consequences.  Rafe wakes up in hell and demands answers about the ring. Rafe is attacked by unseen forces when he refuses to abandon his ideals and admit that love is fraudulent. Meanwhile, Alison lights a fire in the barn and says the incantation to join Rafe in hell.

  • Thursday, September 4, 2003 - Alison unleashes her anger at Caleb when he returns to the barn, but once again refuses to help her bring Rafe back from hell. Alison admits she was lying when she claimed to be Caleb's friend. Alison grabs Caleb's hand and wishes on the "ring" for Rafe's return. Meanwhile, Livvie goes to see Kevin, who tells her how important family has become to him. Livvie leaves confident that she knows what to use the ring to wish for. Lucy realizes that Ian has been injected with some of Chris' experimental drug and fears Ian is acting out of jealousy over Kevin. Ian's anger causes his vampire symptoms to return. Lucy offers to make love to Ian, but he refuses to be dependent on her.

  • The Gift DVD #5  September 5-19, 2003
    9/5, 9/8, 9/9, 9/10, 9/11, 9/12, 9/15, 9/16, 9/17, 9/18, 9/19

      Friday, September 5, 2003 - A disembodied voice warns Rafe that he will never escape from hell. Rafe is unsettled when the voice claims that Rafe set the wheels of fate in motion by coming to hell and that Rafe will regret his actions. After Rafe admits he would do things differently and focus his attention on loving Alison instead of fighting Caleb, he is suddenly released from hell. Caleb tells Alison he senses that Rafe has returned from hell. Livvie wishes that Jack would stop hating her. Livvie also makes a wish for Caleb... that he have the most passionate night of his life. Unfortunately, Caleb is with Alison, and they have sex! Imani learns that Jamal has been investigating her but denies having murdered her professor. Imani fears Jamal may have inadvertently placed her in danger. A mysterious man looks at a photo of Imani.

    • Monday, September 8, 2003 - Rafe wonders why Alison hasn't returned home. After wishing for Caleb to have the most passionate night of his life, Livvie becomes nervous when he fails to come home, not knowing that he is with Alison. Jack doesn't understand why he is drawn to Livvie but can't stop himself from trying to comfort her. Alison insists to Caleb she is going to tell Rafe the truth about what happened. Caleb confronts Livvie. Ian tells Lucy he is going to move out in order to focus on finding a cure for his vampire symptoms. Lucy convinces Ian to stay by reminding him that they are a family now.

    • Tuesday, September 9, 2003 - Alison is touched when Rafe declares that he is ready to walk away from his war with Caleb. Alison pulls back from making love with Rafe and says she wants to get married as soon as possible. Caleb asks Livvie to give him his ring back. Livvie confesses about the wish she made but Caleb lies and says he spent the night alone. After getting the ring back and making love, Caleb coldly throws Livvie out while declaring their relationship over. Jamal finds Imani about to leave town. Imani explains to Jamal that a man who was obsessed with her killed her professor and goes on to say that the murderer is a sheriff who tried to frame her for the crime. Imani takes off when Jamal leaves her for a moment. The mystery man is desperate to find Imani.

    • Wednesday, September 10, 2003 - Rafe tells Caleb that he is walking away from their war. Caleb wants to punish Rafe for what he did to him but agrees to end their battles for Alison's sake. Later, Caleb privately vows to continue fighting Rafe. Livvie blames Alison for Caleb throwing her out. Alison takes her anger out on Livvie but ends up comforting her. Lucy takes her frustration out on Kevin, who points out that the real problem is that Ian is a vampire. Ian steals the serum from Chris and injects himself with a double dose. A dangerous Ian sees Kevin embracing Lucy. Chris and Elizabeth continue to fight their mutual attraction to each other.

    • Thursday, September 11, 2003 - After injecting himself with the serum, Ian ends up attacking Kevin. Kevin defends himself by throwing hot coffee on Ian. Meanwhile, Chris and Lucy are desperate to find Ian after realizing he stole the serum. Lucy uses her powers to stop Ian from killing Kevin as Chris injects Ian with a sedative. Jamal asks Jack to help him find Imani but heads out alone when Livvie insists on joining them. Imani misses Jamal but won't allow herself to contact him. Jamal gets an idea of where Imani might be. Livvie asks Jack if she can stay with him.

    • Friday, September 12, 2003 - Alison tries to erase her memories of what happened with Caleb by planning her wedding to Rafe. Wanting to surprise Alison, Rafe blindfolds her and takes her to the barn. Rafe is puzzled by Alison's horrified reaction. Alison runs out and goes to Caleb, begging him to undo what happened between them. Caleb hangs up on Livvie when she calls him. Caleb fires Ricky and everyone else after Ricky questions Caleb's commitment to the band. Jack is unable to resists Livvie's kisses.

    • Monday, September 15, 2003 - Caleb explains to a desolate Alison that he can't use the ring to change the past. Alison slaps Caleb when he suggests that she wanted to sleep with him. Elizabeth helps Rafe realize that the barn might hold bad memories for Alison. Alison returns home and she and Rafe make love. Caleb is pleased by the torture he is inflicting on Alison. Livvie admits to Jack that she used the ring to force Jack to be nice to her. Jack "confesses" to Livvie that he's fallen in love with her and is amused when she hurries out.

    • Tuesday, September 16, 2003 - Livvie fails in her attempt to seduce Caleb but vows he will never be free of her. Ian wants to continue working on the serum that will age him normally but Chris and Lucy are against it. Ian convinces Lucy that he needs to move out for a while. Chris regrets being rude to Elizabeth, who later accepts his apology and dinner invitation. Jamal finds Imani's grandmother, Madea, and tries to question her. Madea drugs Jamal.

    • Wednesday, September 17, 2003 - Alison has a dream wherein she tells Rafe about sleeping with Caleb, which devastates Rafe as he vows revenge. Alison remains privately anguished about her night with Caleb. Madea doesn't trust Jamal. Imani arrives and stops Madea's questioning of Jamal. Imani is happy to see Jamal. Against Madea's wishes, Imani invites Jamal to stay. Reese asks Ricky to go to Europe with her and becomes angry when she finds him talking to an unseen Casey. After Reese leaves town, the real Casey arrives and kisses Ricky.

    Thursday, September 18, 2003 - Jack tries to convince Livvie to move past Caleb. Caleb is haunted by memories of Livvie. Livvie accepts Jack's invitation to go on a date. Caleb arrives to see Livvie as she is preparing to meet Jack. Kevin has renewed hope about a future with Lucy. Lucy watches as Ian says goodbye to Danny. Lucy and Ian share a heartfelt parting. Lucy sees through Kevin's manipulation as he tries to console her and declares that it is time for Kevin to move out. Casey convinces Ricky to let her go and get on with his life and career.

  • Friday, September 19, 2003 - Caleb admits to Livvie that he can't stop thinking about her. Caleb convinces Livvie to come home with him and they make love. Rafe and Alison speak with a minister, who advises them to trust each other's love. Rafe and Alison return home and make love. Caleb vows revenge on Livvie, Rafe and Alison. Madea warns Imani not to get too close to Jamal. Jamal assures Imani that no one followed him. The ominous sheriff arrives at Elixir.

  • The Gift DVD #6  September 22 - October 3, 2003 - 4 hours
    9/22, 9/23, 9/24, 9/25, 9/26, 9/29, 9/30, 10/1, 10/2, 10/3

    Monday, September 22, 2003 - Caleb assures Livvie that he's forgiven her. Livvie accepts Caleb's marriage proposal. Alison tries to convince Jack not to get involved with Livvie again. Jack reads the lyrics to Caleb's new song and interprets them as being a threat to Livvie. Jamal and Imani grow closer. Jamal anticipates making love to Imani but is surprised when she wants to take him fishing. The sinister sheriff is determined to find Jamal and Imani.

  • Tuesday, September 23, 2003 - Alison learns that Caleb and Livvie are getting married and hopes this will mean that she and Rafe will be able to move on with their lives without Caleb and Livvie. Caleb implies to Alison that their lives will always be intertwined. Lucy supports Rafe's decision to give up his life as a slayer. Livvie dismisses Jack's notion that Caleb is planning on punishing her. Jack washes his hands of Livvie. Livvie is chilled when she reads Caleb's lyrics. Elizabeth realizes she is starting to fall for Chris and is hurt when he makes a date with a nurse. In an effort to make Chris jealous, Elizabeth claims she is meeting Ian at his cabin.

  • Wednesday, September 24, 2003 - Livvie confronts Caleb about the lyrics he wrote. Although angry, Caleb still loves Livvie and they become passionate. Rafe and Alison are hopeful about the future and they make love. Rafe becomes wary when Alison admits she spoke with Caleb. Imani begins to open up to Jamal but quickly shuts down again. Imani has a frightening memory and accidentally scratches Jamal. Jack realizes that the sheriff is looking for Jamal. The sheriff follows Jack as he goes to warn Jamal.

  • Thursday, September 25, 2003 - Rafe suspects that Caleb is trying to use Alison as part of his evil plan. Alison and Livvie are forced to share a dressing room as they both shop for wedding dresses. After an awkward start, Alison and Livvie end up laughing with each other and talk about the friendship they once shared. Livvie and Alison wish each other well as they go their separate ways. Ian is amused when Elizabeth arrives at his cabin in her attempt to make Chris jealous. Chris, however, is jealous of the thought of Elizabeth being with Ian and slashes the tires on their cars, stranding them at the cabin. Kevin manages to walk a few steps and tries to make another play to get back together with Lucy.

  • Friday, September 26, 2003 - Rafe makes plans to take Alison out of town. Meanwhile, Alison tends to Joel, a new customer at the gym. Joel offers Rafe and Alison the reservation he and his ex-fiancee had at an exclusive retreat. Alison accepts the gift and she and Rafe decide to get married there. Joel is revealed to be Caleb, who is pleased that Rafe and Alison played into his hands. Madea warns Imani that Jamal won't be able to handle the truth about her. Jack realizes that the sheriff is following him. Elizabeth has an allergic reaction to a bee sting and also accidentally destroys Ian's blood supply. Ian treats Elizabeth but later becomes hungry to feed. 

  • Monday, September 29, 2003 - Rafe and Alison are delighted as they settle into their room at the bed and breakfast. Alison suggests they wait until after they're married to make love again, but they soon give in to their passion. Livvie has a newfound sense of security in her relationship with Caleb. Caleb bites Livvie so hard that she momentarily passes out. Jack acts as a decoy and leads the sheriff on a wild goose chase as Ricky goes to warn Jamal and Imani. Jack is later grabbed by the sheriff. Jamal tells Imani that he must go find the sheriff and take care of things once and for all.

  • Tuesday, September 30, 2003 - At the cabin, Ian rages at Elizabeth for turning him into a vampire. Chris confesses to Lucy and Kevin that he stranded Ian and Elizabeth at the cabin. Chris and Lucy head to the cabin and Lucy stops Ian from biting Elizabeth. Lucy is unaware that Christina has stowed away in the car and has run off into the woods. Jamal and Jack face off with the sheriff. Jamal bites the sheriff, who then disappears. Jamal gets sick and Jack remembers that the same thing happened to Livvie after she bit Imani.

  • Wednesday, October 1, 2003 - Caleb tells Livvie that they are getting married at a bed and breakfast, we see that it is the same place that Rafe and Alison are getting married. Livvie is suspicious but her fears are laid to rest after speaking with Annette and learning that the bed and breakfast is legit. Meanwhile, Rafe continues to get an uneasy feeling. Alison assures Rafe that she is okay with them getting married without their family and friends present. As Alison and Rafe are in the shower, Caleb appears in their room. Lucy pleads with Ian to let her make love to him in order to ease his vampire symptoms. As Lucy and Ian are about to make love, Ian senses that Christina is in danger. Lucy and Ian race into the woods and find Christina about to fall off of a cliff.

  • Thursday, October 2, 2003 - Caleb disappears before Rafe catches him in his and Alison's room at the bed and breakfast. Alison tries to assure Rafe that their troubles with Caleb are a thing of the past. Rafe and Alison pray for a future filled with happiness. Caleb secretly spies on Alison. Kevin and Lucy witness Ian saving Christina from falling off of the cliff. Lucy convinces Ian that being a vampire isn't always a curse. Ian makes peace with the fact that he is a vampire and he and Lucy make love. Jamal questions Imani about Livvie biting her. Madea knocks Jamal unconscious before Imani can tell him her secret. At Madea's urging, Imani runs off. Ricky remembers Casey and wishes they could be together. Casey appears and hints that she may be coming back to earth.

  • Friday, October 3, 2003 - As Alison and Rafe prepare for their wedding, Caleb and Livvie arrive at the bed and breakfast. Rafe surprises Alison by arranging for their family and friends to be at their wedding. Rafe and Alison are married, as are Caleb and Livvie. Caleb comes clean with Livvie regarding the wish she made on his ring, which leads to a startling realization. Jamal finds a distraught Imani in the woods as night begins to fall and he discovers her secret as the full moon shines in the sky.

  • **The End**

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