The all male baby shower planned by Mac and Kevin, then Felicia heads for Texas. Lucy brings Luke (who was presumed dead in PR but shows up hurt at her hotel room) back to PC and his Laura and explains how she saved him. Lucy goes to see Kevin and he tells her how much he missed her and she thanks him for being so nice to her, he replies that it is not a chore. Lucy wants to know where the duck is that Kevin brought her for Thanksgiving. Kevin has another dream and Lucy suggests self-hypnosis with her there to help him. Christmas, Kevin gives Lucy a duck head stick pin. Kevin goes under self-hypnosis and discovers he didn't kill Grace. He is so filled with love and gratitude towards Lucy. Lucy and Kevin meet at the Outback during a rainstorm, they can't keep their eyes and hands off of each other. They leave quickly and get in the back of Mac's truck. Before they know they're stuck in the back hiding from Mac who is giving Kat a ride home. Funny scenes, ends with Kevin's face in the rain, doing a little jig. New Year's Eve, Kevin goes to Lucy's with bubblebath, a sponge and a rubber ducky. They declare their love for each other. Lucy gets in the tub, when Kevin steps in, he slips, knocks himself unconscious, once more they are interrupted! Kevin is in the hospital, Bobbie and Lucy hover over him. He is in a mood and demands a gift from Steve Hardy - he makes him a bird from a rubber glove. Lucy takes him home, they decide to be just platonic friends. This last for about five minutes then the actually make love! The morning afer, he tells her there are no more ghosts, he loves and respects her. He goes to visit Ryan one last time. Lucy makes fun of Kat and Damian. A long Ryan/Kevin goodbye scene, Kevin tells Ryan that he loves Lucy and Ryan inquires, "What are you nuts!". Lucy runs into Kevin's office and kisses him to make sure he isn't Ryan. They discuss Ryan nad Kevin promises he is now all hers. They make plans for the evening. Laura invites Lucy & Kevin to dinner. Lucy has to convince him to go. The scenes at L&L's are funny and sad. Lucy tries so hard, then Bobbie shows up and storms out when she sees Lucy. Kevin thinks of their lovemaking and how much he loves Lucy, then Bobbie comes in for therapy and complains about Lucy then warns him against her. He puts Bobbie in her place! Tony and Bobbie in marriage counseling with Kevin. Lucy and Mac bond while discussing Kevin. More Tony and Bobbie counseling, Tony wishes Kevin luck with Lucy (he was married to her in the 80's). Great Kevin and Lucy morning after scene, she wakes up ravinous, he serves her breakfast in bed with a little something extra! he tells her he will teach her how to make sybaritic breakfasts for him. Bobby verbally abuses Lucy in the hospital. Lucy is being attacked by the bunny brigades who think she is using rabbits for cosmetic testing. Eddie Maine performs at the Outback, Lois socks Kat and is arrested. Lucy tells Kevin to make Bobbie and Tony get back together, he loves Lucy's logic. Lucy still running from the bunny brigade. More Tony & Bobbie therapy. Opening night at Luke's new club, BB King performs. Kevin and Lucy decide to go to Bermuda. Lucy and Kat have a fight. Mac visits Kevin in his office, he needs help dealing with a teenage Robin - she has slept with Stone. Lucy and Kevin at the Outback, she learns that Felicia has returned to PC. Kevin declares his love for Lucy again and reassures her. He then asks Lucy to move in with him! She says yes! Valentine's Day - Lucy gives Kevin a rare book and he gives her a diamond bracelet. The bracelet is drapped around the neck of a duck, who she names Sigmund. Felicia and Kevin have a great reunion where she wishes him luck with Lucy, they also discuss Frisco. In Lucy's office with Sigmund, Lucy discovers some perfume essences are missing. Kevin tries to keep her calm, while she screams at everyone. At the Outback, Lucy is beside herself, her company is suffering from a conspiracy, she thinks it is being deliberately sabotaged. To make her feel better, he takes her back to her apartment to relax. He finds Sigmund in the tub, he cleans it and tells lucy to stop placating the duck and to get in the tub. Lucy is very happy with her man, her duck, and chilled chardonay. At Luke's club, Kevin gets a phone call from the institution that Ryan is dead. Ryan is shown faking his death, and the therapist (Connie Cooper) who helps him escape. Next at Lucy's, she wants Kevin to cheer up and he says "I wasn't aware there was a 24hr cut off on grief". They go to Luke's to listen to the blues, while Connie is digging up Ryan who then kills her! Mary Mae sings at Luke's and Felicia goes into labor. All the doctors at GH help deliver baby Georgie under a table. Ryan is making his way back to PC. Bobby and Tony still in therapy. Ryan breaks into the lighthouse and borrows some of Kevin's things. Lucy visits Luke, she is worried about her company going down the tubes. He helps find out who is doing it. Kevin visits Felicia and Georgie and brings a stuffed animal for the baby. Lucy visits Kevin in his office, she is feeling that someone is out to get her. Kevin answers "that would be me". They go back to the lighthouse where they reaffirm their feelings for each other. All the while, Ryan is impersonating Kevin at GH! |
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