This tape begins with Norma and Eve (Kevin and Mac) coming out of the Men's room at Luke's, and Mike seeing them. Lucy is onto them and is egging them on. As they are leaving, she tells them she is in the mood for serious flirting. Kevin is livid. Mac lifts his skirt to get a cab and then whistles. Lucy visits Kevin in his office and asks where he was last night. She makes him feel guiltier than ever, by asking him if he's cheating on her. Tony comes in and Kevin was never happier to see anyone. Tony and Kevin have a session. Tony is discussing his feelings towards Felicia. He discusses his fantasies about her. Luke and Lucy have a conversation. Today, it would be characterized as "Men are from Mars…Women are from Venus". She tells him all about Norma and Eve. What a great conversation! Bobbie has a session with Kevin and discusses her fantasies about Alan. Mac walks in and they change into their girl get-ups for the conference. Lucy keeps flirting with Norma. But remember Kevin doesn't know that Lucy is onto him. His expressions are priceless! Lucy takes them to the Outback for singles night where a man "hits" on Mac. What a riot! Felicia and Lucy really bond that night. They introduce Katherine Bell to Eve. She thinks that Mac has a thing for Norma. The next day Mac and Kevin are in the Outback and Mac is still upset about the guy from last night. Lucy walks in and discusses it. She tells Kevin she wants him to meet Norma. Kevin and Mac have another heart to heart and then go out for another night on the town as Norma and Eve. This time they are with Lucy at the PC Grill, where the Hardys are having a drink. Some guy discusses sexual harassment in a condescending way and Kevin(Norma) tells him off. Eve leaves and Lucy coerces Norma back to her apartment, where she kisses her and outs her. Kevin apologizes and all is forgiven. The next morning Kevin and Mac discuss their being busted. They also discuss Katherine and their joint nemesis, Damian. At the hospital Lucy teased Kevin. They go on a picnic where Felicia teases him. Lucy tells Tom Hardy. Mac brings Katherine, which makes everyone unhappy. Lucy visits Kevin in his office. She wants professional help. He's fairly alarmed and then reads something from Madame Maia, saying she will accept no $$$ from Lucy. She also says that Lucy has dark days ahead of her with Kevin. Kevin and Lucy discuss their love. Then Lucy drops the bombshell that she wants to go into business with Damian. Mac comes to the office and they discuss how to get Maia. They have a plan. Bobbie and Alan had a liaison but were discovered by their spouses. At the Outback, Lucy discovers that Katherine and Mac have done "it". She is appalled. The apparitions start appearing again at the Lighthouse. Kevin and Mac put their plan into action. Robin has a party for Stone and everyone gives something for his memory book. Kevin invites MM (Madame Maia) over to cleanse the Lighthouse. While she is there he flies all over with Mac's help. MM is shown to be the charlatan he always said she was, but Lucy feels betrayed by Kevin too. Kevin starts the process of apologizing for his "train wreck" of an idea. There is a lot of groveling for a few weeks. Kevin hates himself and loves Lucy. Lucy goes into business with Damian. And goes about life missing Kevin. She goes to tell Luke and Mike where she meets Damian. Lucy tells Mac that Katherine hasn't broken up with Damian. Kevin continues to grovel, but it doesn't work. Instead she proceeds with her business plans with Damian When Kevin goes to Lucy's office she sees a green glob as his aura. Once again she does not accept his apologies. Felicia and Lucy bond again while discussing Kevin and Mac. I think it's the first time you see them as "very best friends". Damian sees Mac and Katherine together. He is with Lucy. Mac tries to get Lucy away from him. Lucy goes to Philadelphia with Damian on business. Kevin calls her hotel room in the AM and Damian answers. Kevin hears from Robin. She needs him. She has just found out that she is HIV+. These are some powerful scenes! Kevin goes to the Outback. He is drunk and tells Felicia he only wants Mac. In walks Lucy who won't give into him. Christmas is early for Stone this year because he is dying. It's Thanksgiving 1995 and Sigmund is missing. This is another wonderful Turkey Day episode. Lucy runs all over town looking for her duck. It is a must see. Sigmund is in love. The next day, Kevin returns Siggy and his new love Billie. But Kevin and Lucy fight uyet again and Lucy goes to Buffalo with Damian. Kevin follows and kicks in the door to the hotel room and "rescues" Lucy. Kevin and Lucy are now back together. But the day of their reunion, Stone dies. We see his Memorial Service. We then see Damian at Lucy's threatening both of them. It is Serena's 2nd birthday and Scott sends another video and message. Lucy and Kevin discuss having kids - not yet - neither is ready. Luke asks Lucy to be his partner in the blue's club. What will Kevin say? |
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