PC Marathon- the Actors Favorites

Soapnet aired the a selection of 24 episodes that the actors selected as their favorite episodes of PC. Throughout the marathon they included commentary by various actors like Lynn, Jon, Jay, Erin, Brian P., Kiko,  and Kelly.  I have a recordable DVD player with a hard drive so I was able to eliminate commericals from the first 8 hours - though I did leave in all the promos - there is a great one for Michael Easton going to OLTL. The first tape is a 6 hour tape and covers the first 16 episodes including the commentaries and promos but no commercials (so actually the first 8 hours of the marathon minus commericals).....then the second tape has the last four hours of the marathon - this tape does have commericals so this is 8 episodes.  Iniitially I was hoping to be able to get this all to fit on one 8 hr tape without commercials like I did for the Brenda marathon but when it became apparent it wouldn't all fit on one tape with all the commentary I decided not to delete commercials from the second tape. 

Jon's Favs:
1.) Thursday, November 23, 2000- As Rachel tried to pull Kevin under with her, he flashed back to memories of Grace and Ryan. He remembered his reunion with Ryan as well as the night that Ryan died. Kevin eventually resurfaced without Rachel. Driven by memories of Grace and her drowning, Kevin refused to let Rachel die. Livvie begged him to save her in spite of all the horrible things Rachel had done to him. Kevin remembered the first time he met Livvie as well as everything that had happened between them since then.. He found an unconscious Rachel and on the dock, Livvie prayed for them both to resurface.

2.) Fate Week 9: Monday, January 29, 2001- In the midst of the ceremony, Eve stopped the proceedings and told Kevin that she couldn't go through with it. Though she didn't tell him that she remembered being in love with Ian, she told him that it just wasn't the right time. An understanding and relieved Kevin informed the guests that the wedding was postponed. He confessed to Mac and Victor that Lucy had predicted he wouldn't be able to go through with the wedding. Concerned about the way he had treated her, he went to her house to tell her what had happened. A drunk Lucy brought Jack back to her house and the two proceeded to get even more tipsy as they drank a bottle of wine. Jack praised Lucy's intelligence and beauty and they both resolved to forget about the loves of their lives and just enjoy the moment. Under the influence of alcohol and a broken heart, Lucy let Jack kiss her and they got physical very quickly. As things heated up, a knock at the door interrupted them and they looked up to see Kevin looming over them. After leaving Eve, Ian rushed back to the hospital to check on Arianna. He was shocked when Ben came back and told Ian that there was nothing he could do to help Arianna anymore. Ian tried to get through to any decency Ben had left, but Ben was determined to take Arianna home. When he left, Ian promised Arianna that he knew of a way to take care of her once and for all. Alison counseled Livvie to forget about Jack, but Livvie said that letting go of her feelings wasn't that easy. Alison suggested that Livvie get advice from Lucy and offered to drive her to Lucy's house. Eve hurried to the hospital to tell Ian that she remembered their love. A nurse told her he was in Arianna's room and when Eve burst in, something stopped her cold.

3.) Desire Week 10: Friday, June 6, 2003- Lucy tells Ian she had no choice but to give Livvie the real antidote. Lucy believes Caleb will help them destroy Joshua once he is turned back into a vampire. Ian can't help but be drawn to Lucy. After Ian and Lucy kiss, he runs off when his fangs come out. After taking the antidote, Livvie bites Caleb and hopes she hasn't killed him. A reluctant Karen agrees to get Kevin more drugs from Frank. Karen hopes to help Kevin slowly wean himself off of the drugs. Elizabeth tries to comfort Kevin as he fights his addiction. Reese cooks a homemade meal for Jack and takes it to him at Elixir.

4.) Miracles Happen Week 4: Monday, December 24, 2001- Kevin urges Lucy to trust him, and Lucy ultimately agrees to marry Kevin at the party. Lucy's leap of faith touches the hearts of all attending, and the magical event brings all of the couples closer together. Even Alison swallows her sadness over Rafe's imminent departure from Port Charles and takes pleasure in knowing that Rafe successfully completed his mission, and Alison and Rafe anxiously await the grand finale. Serena and Livvie help Lucy prepare for the marriage ceremony, but Kevin surprises Lucy when he stalls the exchange of vows and reunites Lucy with Christina. At the same time, Chris works to uncover the identity of his mystery caller. Chris learns that the call originated from inside the building, and when he investigates further, he comes face to face with Julie.

The Favorite Episodes of Lynn Herring. "One Last Bite"
5.) Miracles Happen Week 4: Wednesday, December 26, 2001- Kevin explains to overjoyed Lucy that Julie came back to Port Charles to return Christina to Lucy, and the happy couple finally ties the knot. Christina further elates Lucy when she shares the contents of her locket, revealing pictures of Lucy and Julie side by side. At the same time, Ian assures Eve that she can trust him to always catch her when she falls. Alison and Rafe dance victoriously, surrounded by Port Charles' reunited couples, and Rafe shares a private moment with Alison outside on the terrace before disappearing as the clock strikes twelve. Meanwhile, Chris pleads with Julie to give their relationship another chance, and he promises to provide Julie and Christina with a rich future. Julie resists and informs Chris that she is dying, and she urges Chris to move on with his life.

6.) Thursday, October 8, 1998- Courtney tells Karen that her ex-husband, John, is seeking custody of Neil to get revenge. Karen offers to help Courtney, but Courtney swears she'll take Neil underground before she'll let her ex-husband get near him. Karen inadvertently tells Courtney that she called John when Neil was close to death, and Courtney comes unhinged. She explains that she and Neil have been running away from John and she blames Karen for tipping him off about their whereabouts. At GH, Karen tells Joe about the situation with Courtney, and Joe finds it odd that John has waited so long to seek custody. Courtney comes to the hospital to say goodbye to Joe before she takes Neil on the run again. Joe offers to help her fight for custody and talks her into staying. Karen arrives just in time to see Joe embracing Courtney. In Florida, Scott and Lucy share a dinner of canned ravioli and a few tender moments in front of the fire. After dinner, Scott plays his harmonica a bit. When he notices that Lucy is shivering, he pulls a velvet drape down from the window and wraps it around her. He puts his arms around her, and the embrace turns into a passionate kiss. They hesitate for a moment, both confessing they aren't sure of what they are about to do, but their passion overwhelms them and Scott and Lucy make love. Afterward, they talk about how weird it was to be transported emotionally back to a time when they were still together. Just after Lucy tells Scott that a part of her wishes they would never have to leave, the storm breaks and they hear a helicopter landing outside. The rescue team flies them to safety at a local hotel. Scott asks for a phone, but finds out the lines are still down. Lucy asks Scott if they are still friends and seeks his assurance that their moment of passion won't lead to their becoming lovers again. Scott agrees, but tells Lucy their liaison was better than he ever remembered. Because the hotel is expecting more evacuees, Scott and Lucy are forced to stay in the same room. On the highway, Kevin and Victor drive through the storm to find Scott and Lucy. Along the way, they encounter a local man who happens to be a big fan of General Homicide. He offers to help them find Scott and Lucy, but their search is stopped dead by fallen utility poles and lines. Worried that Lucy may be in danger or even dead, Kevin and Victor arrive at the same hotel where Scott and Lucy are staying.

7.) Surrender Week 4: Friday, January 24, 2003- Jack brings Tess home from the hospital and their love is stronger than ever. Stephen plans a special surprise for Tess. Later, Tess follows a magical butterfly to a horse drawn sleigh and finds Stephen waiting for her. Rafe tries to convince the boat captain to tell him the truth about Alison's father. Alison sees an unconscious Elizabeth. Alison accuses Joshua of killing her father. Meanwhile, Rafe finds an unmarked grave that he believes could be Malcolm's. Elizabeth attacks Joshua to protect Alison. Lucy and Ian are stuck at the cabin without any of Ian's special water. Lucy fails in her attempt to distract Ian from his cravings. Ian tells Lucy how he really feels about her and they make love.

8.) Monday, February 9, 1998- Kevin confronted Lucy and Rex just moments after they were married. Kevin begged Lucy to end her plan, but she told him to leave and not come back. Later, Lucy panicked when she realized that Rex expected to make love on their wedding night. Lucy briefly considered going ahead and sleeping with Rex, but soon came to the conclusion that she could not cross that line. Lucy then remembered having once had an allergic reaction to Marsala wine and she began to drink it by the glassful. When Rex returned, he was repulsed by the sight of Lucy covered with blotches and she successfully avoided sleeping with him. Meanwhile, Kevin went to the Recovery Room to drown his sorrows. Kevin spoke with Jake and they both wished that Rex was dead. Later, Kevin came up with a plan to trap Rex by making him believe that Danielle was still alive. Scott and Eve made it to the hospital and Eve claimed that Scott needed to be quarantined. Frank rescued Gail, Serena and Karen, who wasn't seriously injured in her car accident. Frank then took everyone to General Hospital and Gail's plan to go on the run with Serena was thwarted.

The Favorite Episodes of Jay Pickett. "One Last Bite"
9.) Wednesday, April 29, 1998- Julie is arrested for her father's murder and Frank, Eve, Kevin, and Lucy all end up at the station.  Lucy is convinced that Eve killed Bennett, but Kevin is extremely skeptical.  Meanwhile, Joe, Karen, and Jake are at the Baldwin Lab and they are furious that Julie was arrested at her father's memorial.  Needing a DL-56 fix, Frank leaves the station. He pulls the fire alarm at the lab and sneaks in to steal some. Returning from the false fire alarm, Joe finds Frank standing in the middle of the lab.
10.) Wednesday, December 23, 1998Finally out of the hospital, Frank goes home with Karen to begin his weaning from DL-56. When he begins to show signs of withdrawal, Karen gives him a half-dose of the drug and promises to support him until he is free from the drug. When the half-dose doesn't have the desired effect, Frank becomes aggressive and angry, insisting that Karen give him more of the drug. Karen refuses and encourages him to fight the addiction one minute at a time. As a distraction, they play a game of cards, but Frank's withdrawal symptoms overwhelm him. He shouts at Karen, who still refuses to give him more of the drug, and storms out of the apartment.. Later, Frank returns and tearfully asks Karen to help him kick the drug. Scott brings flowers and goodies for Lucy, who is busily planning Serena's birthday party and Christmas from her hospital bed. When Scott tells Lucy how eager he is to see the excitement on Serena's face on Christmas morning, Lucy tries to talk to him about the significance of her fevered hallucinations about Kevin. Before she can say very much, however, Garcia arrives to tell them that Julie is missing and her driver and guard were found tied up at the side of the road. When he tells them that the guard has positively identified Greg Cooper as the man who helped Julie escape, Lucy panics. Scott promises to keep her and Serena safe from Cooper while Garcia goes off to give Kevin a call. At the lighthouse, Julie and Cooper force Kevin to pack up his computer and reference books because Greg plans to take them away so Kevin can write the "true story" of the General Homicide murders as he orchestrated them. While Eve distracts Greg, Kevin slips his modem cord into his pocket. Greg ejects the battery pack from Eve's cellular phone and trashes Kevin's study looking for his computer power cord. As they are about to leave, the phone rings and Greg threatens to kill Kevin if he answers it. They walk out of the house as the phone rings and Garcia waits on the other end of the line for someone to answer the call. As the storm around them grows more violent, Joe and Courtney realize that the hold of the ship is taking on water. When Joe bangs on the door to make noise and get someone's attention, Courtney tells him she is afraid that the crew may have abandoned ship and have left them on board to die. The crew member who sneaked them on board opens the door to the hold and tells them that the ship is sinking. Garcia and Scott go to the lighthouse to look for Kevin and find the place a wreck. As they shuffle through the mess, Scott notices that Kevin's computer is missing and Eve's prescription pad is lying on the floor. He and Garcia conclude that Cooper and Julie have already been at the lighthouse and probably have taken Eve and Kevin hostage. Scott answers the phone when Lucy calls to check on Kevin and tells her the bad news. Cooper and Julie take Kevin and Eve to the Stanton house, which Cooper has been using as his base of operations since Jasmine Island. He fits Kevin and Eve with containment anklets that will give them electrical shocks if they try to leave the property. Kevin whispers to Eve that he needs to find a working telephone jack so he can access the Internet and send e-mail for help.

11.) Time in a Bottle Week 4: Thursday, March 29, 2001- Frank surprised Karen with a romantic date where he recreated a moment from their high school years. He took her to the bleachers where he pretended they were at a football game and he gave Karen a corsage and tiara to crown her homecoming queen. He then gave her his football ring and asked her if she would be his girl. Laughing and crying, Karen accepted and the two kissed. Arianna was devastated to learn that she wouldn't be able to say goodbye to anyone in Port Charles because no one could know she was leaving. Ian told her that Victor would come for her in the middle of the night so that Ian could honestly say she left and he had no idea where. She wanted to take the scrapbook they had made, but Ian said she could have nothing from her former life. Arianna thanked Ian for everything he had done and said a painful goodbye to him. Lucy and Kevin climbed out on Chris's terrace just in time to avoid being caught by Livvie and Chris. They watched in horror as Livvie and Chris passionately kissed. They argued about how to break the two apart and once Livvie and Chris went into the bedroom, they slipped back inside. Kevin held a match to the fire alarm while Lucy planted Livvie's diary. They peeked through the front door as Livvie and Chris tore out of the bedroom. When Chris asked Livvie to get a battery from the desk, she spotted her diary and confronted him with it. Gaby brought Eve clothes from home so she could change between shifts. The two talked about Gaby's scare with Ben and Eve assured her that they were safe from the maniac. Meanwhile, Ben lurked in the doctor's lounge, watching the women. Gaby brought Eve the couple statue and Eve cried when she saw that it was broken. She told Gaby what the statue symbolized and said she was going to try not to place too much meaning behind the break. Once she was alone, Ben came out and watched her without her knowing it.

12.) Time in a Bottle Week 12: Thursday, May 24, 2001- Livvie took tender care of Jack after his accident in the woods. Jack insisted that he was fine, but Livvie was worried that he had done more damage than he realized. Livvie offered him food, but Jack pulled her into a passionate kiss. He believed that making love to her would heal him faster than anything else. Jamal and Alison received a visit from Zach and Sam. They dropped off a racing magazine and the entry forms for the race. Alison read the magazine and was horrified by the statistics of people who had died or been seriously injured by racing. When she outlined her fears to Jamal, he assured her that nothing like that would happen to him because he knew what he was doing. Alison was stunned by his arrogance and declared that she wouldn't stand by and watch him kill himself. She packed a bag and prepared to leave, but Jamal wouldn't let her go. He promised her that this would be his only race and he wouldn't let anything tear them apart. Kevin and Lucy feared that Frank was dying when they gave him more drugs and he didn't respond. Lucy believed that love was keeping him from coming back to them. She felt that whatever he was trying to do in the past was keeping him there. At the same time that they were trying to revive him, Frank was desperately trying to disable the computer. He pulled so furiously at the wires that he collapsed to the floor. He awoke in a limbo world where he was barraged by voices and images from his life. He sank to his knees in despair when he assumed that he hadn't succeeded in saving Karen. Suddenly, he heard her voice and when he turned around, he was back in the present time and Karen was calling his name. He pulled her into his arms and told her how much he loved her. Karen was a little overwhelmed and Frank tried to cover his emotions. Karen was happy that he had arrived just in time for her to go into surgery. She was donating a part of her liver to Arianna. Frank realized that he had gotten her back just in time. Frank professed his deep love for Karen and said he could never stand to lose her. Karen kissed him and promised that he never would.

The Favorite Episodes of Kiko Ellsworth. "One Last Bite"
13.) Secrets Week 5: Tuesday, January 29, 2002- Ian angers Amy when he reveals that he spoke to her father to try and ascertain Amy's whereabouts. Amy argues with Ian, but they grow closer after Amy finally blurts that she lied to him to cover having an affair. Paige confesses to Kevin her guilt for having survived her husband in the car crash. Kevin comforts Paige, and Kevin ends up starting to paint her in a sexy outfit. Ed pressures Rafe to decide whether or not he can stomach returning to earth. Rafe does return, but Livvie prevents him from approaching Alison in the midst of trying to help Jamal. Jamal refuses all of his friends' help, and he ends up collapsing with sorrow against Valerie's lifeless body. Depressed Alison returns home to find Rafe waiting for her, and she falls into his outstretched arms.

14.) Wednesday, June 28, 2000- Lee tries to comfort Scott who is tormented by the fact that Lucy left him. Thanks to Aunt Charlene, Serena pays a visit to Lucy who tries to explain in simple terms why it's better for her and Scott to be apart. Serena reminds Lucy that she married Scotty "for better or for worse." After Serena returns to her father, both Lucy and Scott realize that their marriage is in serious trouble. With Neil safely at camp, Frank and Courtney decide to spend some quality time together in hopes of rebuilding their relationship. Allison is upset when her friends decide they have other things to do even though it's her birthday. She tricks Jamal into inviting her to his place but then sadly comments on how her parents chose a trip to Europe over spending her birthday with their daughter.

15.) Friday, July 21, 2000- After a chat with Jennifer, a friend back in Arizona, Livvie decides to look up Grace in the Department of Records. There, she finds information about her own mother instead. When Eve makes fun of Rachel's mention of how special today is, Rachel reveals that today is the anniversary of the death of Grace. Caught off guard at first, Eve tells Rachel to get past it and get on with her life. Confronting Jamal at his place, Cedric points out where he was shot during the holiday and hints that Alison was very lucky that she wasn't shot.

The Favorite Episodes of Brian Presley. "One Last Bite"
16.) Tainted Love Week 3: Friday, June 22, 2001- Gaby and Joe went back to her apartment to celebrate his HIV-negative status. They were finally able to make love and Joe wanted it to be a special and tender evening. Gaby, however, was overeager and practically attacked Joe with passion. As they made love, she raked her fingers across his back and drew blood. Afterwards, Joe marveled at her sudden energy and Gaby said she felt superhuman. Turning to serious matters, Joe told her that the people in Bounce Corners were sending them tickets to fly to the Appalachians in the next week. Gaby coolly told Joe that she had no intention of leaving Port Charles. Lucy basked in the afterglow of holding a successful Nurses Ball in spite of the tragedy that had ensued. She had pizzas delivered to the ER for the nurses and doctors and as she grabbed a piece off the gurney, her dress snagged and she was left in her underwear. Kevin laughed and said it wouldn't be tradition if she didn't end up half-naked. Too happy to care, Lucy fixed her dress and took a short nap while Kevin consoled an accident victim. He woke her with a kiss and Lucy told him that she had dreamt of a happy moment with the two of them and Serena. She remarked that she had never believed she would be happy again after losing Christina, but she realized now that her happiness had returned and her life was complete. Alison, Livvie, and Jamal headed back to the bike shop after the Nurses Ball. While Livvie checked on Jack, Alison reminded Jamal that it was a special night for them. He hedged and came up with several silly reasons that the night was special and Alison finally blurted out that it was their one year anniversary. Jamal took out a velvet box and told Alison that he hadn't forgotten. She was delighted with his gift of a lovely pair of earrings. As they professed their love and kissed, a frantic Livvie came out and said that Jack wasn't in his room and it didn't look like he had been there. Jamal commanded Livvie to wait for Jack at the shop while he and Alison went out to search. Alison checked the hospital and ran into a suspicious Lucy. She tried to downplay her concern for Jack, but Lucy wasn't fooled. When Alison left, Lucy showed Kevin the bullet that she had found. They agreed that the bullet had hit something, but they didn't think Jack would be alive if it had hit him. Unable to sit still and wait for Jack's return, Livvie left the shop to look for him. Instead of Jack, she found Caleb who wouldn't let her leave him. Mesmerized, Livvie tried to tell him that she loved Jack, but she couldn't seem to walk away from Caleb. He led her to mysterious catacombs where he had an underground room decorated with luxurious pillows and candles. He welcomed her to her new home. Meanwhile, a debilitated Jack roamed the streets unsure of what was happening to him. He collapsed in an alley and Sam and her gang of men came upon him. They were determined to make him pay for killing Zach. Jack tried to tell them that he hadn't done the murder, but no one believed him. Sam's goons started beating him up and at first, Jack was powerless to defend himself. A sudden change came over him and he defeated them all with incredible strength and speed. Jamal found him in the midst of the fight and Jack wasn't able to control himself. He hurled Jamal against the wall with brutal force. Alison came running up and Jamal took her away saying that Jack was too dangerous for them to be around. Confused and hurting, Jack huddled in a corner by the dumpster.

17.) Thursday, October 26, 2000- Alison and Jamal paid off Jack to have dinner with Alison. They panicked when they ran into Amanda in the park. They faked a fight and Alison hurried Amanda away to meet dinner with Chandler. Alison worried when Jack was late to dinner and Amanda's suspicions that Alison was lying were raised. Eve and Ian broke into the morgue to get tissue samples from Mr. Greene. When Ian stepped out for a moment, Eve was attacked. He rushed in to rescue her and was hit himself. Eve didn't want Ian to leave her alone after the attack and told him how she had been worried for him than for herself. Lucy pushed Kevin to accept Livvie as his daughter and to work things out with her. Kevin was concerned about what the truth would do to both Livvie and Eve and was determined to give Livvie the space she needed. Just as he said that, a guy started to harass Livvie and Kevin stepped in to protect her. She intimated to Chris that maybe Kevin wasn't so bad and was surprised when Chris trashed Kevin. That afternoon, Chris signed the final papers annulling his marriage to Julie and was ready for more revenge.

18.) Tainted Love Week 8: Wednesday, July 25, 2001- Gabriela delivered an additional bag of blood to Emilio because she knew that what she had done to him would make him crave more blood. Karen walked in and asked why Gaby had gone against the orders on the chart. Gaby pretended to have made a mistake and Karen suggested that she take a break. Before she could leave, Ian and Eve came in to consult on Emilio's case at Karen's request. They made Gaby wait outside as they examined Emilio. With a sudden burst of strength, Emilio opened his eyes and lunged at Ian. They managed to subdue and sedate him, but they were all aghast at his strange condition. Karen revealed that he wasn't the first patient they'd had like Emilio and she told Ian and Eve about Judge Abe and Jack. They decided to get to the bottom of the mystery before more strange cases were brought in. After learning that Emilio had been confined to the psych ward, Gaby slipped into his room. She commanded him to wake up and asked him about their family. She was trying to determine how she was able to bite him when Caleb had said vampires couldn't feed on their blood relations. She was stunned when Emilio admitted that Gaby had been adopted by the Garzas when she was a baby. Livvie reeled when she opened her eyes to see Rachel standing in front of her. Wondering how it could be possible, she tearfully embraced her mother. Rachel claimed that not only was she fully cured, but Livvie was free of the curse of mental illness that had plagued their family. Livvie felt it was too good to be true, but Rachel insisted that all was well. She told Livvie that she couldn't stay just yet because there were things she had to take care of. She asked Livvie to wait with Caleb for her return and Livvie promised that she would. Alone with Caleb, Livvie thanked him for bringing Rachel to her. She said that Rachel being healthy again was her dream come true and learning that she wouldn't end up crazy like her biological mother and grandmother was an even greater blessing. She promised Caleb that she would stay with him for a week and pledged her eternal trust in him. Nuzzling her neck, Caleb whispered that he was going to give her and show her things that were beyond her belief. Meanwhile, in the sanitarium she had been placed in months before, the real Rachel remained in a catatonic state. Kevin found Lucy in the hospital and told her his theory that Caleb had Livvie and guessed that Jack had gone after them both. Lucy agreed that Caleb probably had taken Livvie, but she believed that Chris had Jack. Lucy was plagued by a vision of the lab that Rachel had once held her hostage in and couldn't figure out why she couldn't get the image out of her head. Determined to listen to the messages from Lucy's universe for once, Kevin dragged her to the lab. Chris gave Jack another paltry ration of blood even though Jack begged for a more substantial dosage. When Chris left to run more tests, Jack willed himself to be strong for Livvie's sake. He knew that Livvie was in danger and he had to get out so that he could save her.. Chris returned to the lab and was shocked to find the cage empty. He whirled to see a healthy and restored Jack standing behind him. Not only had Jack managed to escape the cage, but he had drank all the blood that Chris had stored. Chris tried to get away, but Jack wouldn't let him. He grabbed his brother by the throat and started to strangle him just as Lucy and Kevin burst into the lab.

The Favorite Episodes of Erin Hershey Presley. "One Last Bite"
19.) The Gift Week 2: Friday, July 18, 2003- Rafe is stunned by Alison's strange behavior when she accuses him of wanting Livvie. Rafe believes Alison is still suffering from the effects of Joshua's drug when she becomes aggressive. Caleb is confused by Livvie's uncharacteristically sweet demeanor. Caleb likes the "new" Livvie, who panics when he bares his fangs. Alison confronts Livvie in the alley. Frank tells Victor that he blames himself for Karen's death because she was running from him when she was hit by the car. Imani is upset when Jamal follows her into the church. Jamal inadvertently admits to Imani that he is a vampire.

20.) Secrets Week 6: Monday, February 4, 2002- Alison assures Rafe that Jamal didn't hit her and that she accidentally fell while trying to keep Jamal from leaving. Jamal tells Alison to stop fighting for what's over and to let him go, and heartbroken Alison lashes out at Jamal for punishing her about Valerie's death before asking him to go. Against Eve's wishes, Ian induces a high-risk coma in order to save Kevin from brain swelling, and Eve fears that Kevin may never come out of it. Livvie questions why Paige didn't appear worried when Kevin didn't return to paint her portrait, and Paige has a "revelation" that she came back into Kevin's life to take him home, with her. All the while, Lucy prays that the family's love and memories will save Kevin, but Kevin goes into seizures and he sees Paige beckoning to him in a tunnel of white light. Amy denies she has ever been in Philadelphia despite the album picture Chris shows her, and later Chris catches Amy breaking into his locker to retrieve the book.

21.) Tempted Week 12: Wednesday, November 28, 2001- Livvie lures Ian and Eve into accepting invites to a new club, "Tempted", causing further deception between the already estranged couple. Frank and Gabriela also receive invitations to the event, and Caleb insists upon Chris and Karen's attendance as well. In addition, Caleb orders Chris to bring the finished serum to the club, and Chris fears for his life. Weakened Karen spies Caleb conversing with Chris, but Chris convinces Karen that she has begun to hallucinate, and Chris slyly suggests an evening out on the town in order to fulfill Caleb's wishes. Gabriela accompanies devastated Frank to the hospital after a fight, and secretly torn Ian and Eve work together to tend to Frank's wounds.. Ian and Eve learn that Frank and Karen have broken up, and Ian shares Lucy's theory about returned evil with Frank. At the same time, Rafe avoids Alison's questions, but Alison figures out that Rafe must be an angel. Alison also realizes that Caleb murdered Rafe, and Rafe frightens Alison with hints of looming evil. Meanwhile, Caleb reminds Livvie that one last hurdle remains before they can make love.
The Favorite Episodes of Kelly Monaco. "One Last Bite"
22.) Monday, October 30, 2000- Kevin yelled at Eve to leave him and Livvie alone so he could tell her the truth. Livvie broke down in tears when Kevin told her that not only was she his daughter, but Grace's as well. Truly beyond all rationality, Livvie ran away from Kevin. She went to see Rachel and Estelle and Rachel told her that Kevin was lying. Not knowing who to believe, Livvie ran away from Rachel as well. Alone by the river, Livvie tearfully collapsed. Rachel sent for Dr. Boardman to take care of Estelle who was near hysteria. Estelle feared that people were coming who would hurt her. Lucy stopped by to see Ian and asked him about his feelings for Eve. Ian assured her that there was nothing she needed to worry about from his end. He also suggested that maybe she had her own feelings to deal with. Lucy admitted that she had feelings for Kevin, but only as a friend.

23.) Naked Eyes Week 2: Friday October 11, 2002- Jack and Tess continue to grow closer as he teaches her more words. As Alison is about to enter her bath, Livvie realizes she left her ring in the bathroom. Livvie creates a distraction in order to sneak back inside and retrieve her ring. Livvie accidentally falls into the bathtub full of poisoned water and begins to gasp for air. Meanwhile, Jack is about to kiss Tess when she suddenly starts gasping for air just like Livvie. Jamal tells Ricky that he sent the tape of the song Ricky and Marissa wrote to The Stephen Clay Experience. Ricky is disappointed when Marissa sets him up with her friend Candy. Marissa begins to feel slightly jealous when Ricky charms Candy. A mysterious man is infatuated with Ricky and Marissa's song. Rafe encounters a stranger named Elizabeth. Rafe ends up taking Elizabeth home with him. Alison is stunned to see Elizabeth and Rafe is shocked to learn Elizabeth is Alison's mother.

24.) The Gift Week 13: Friday, October 3, 2003- (Series Finale)As Alison and Rafe prepare for their wedding, Caleb and Livvie arrive at the bed and breakfast. Rafe surprises Alison by arranging for their family and friends to be at their wedding. Rafe and Alison are married, as are Caleb and Livvie. Caleb comes clean with Livvie regarding the wish she made on his ring, which leads to a startling realization. Jamal finds a distraught Imani in the woods as night begins to fall and he discovers her secret as the full moon shines in the sky.

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