PC Weddings

This is a four hour dvd, with 3 hours of complete PC weddings and the 1 hr Unforgettable wedding special.

1) Soapnet Wedding Special - 1 hr overview of ABC soap weddings from over the years

2) Livie & Caleb's Wedding - 1 hour - need descrption

3) Ian & Eve's Wedding - 1 hour - need description

4) Lucy & Kevin's Wedding - 1 hour - description below 

Lucy & Kevin Wedding #1 Monday, 24-Dec-2001 
Kevin confesses in front of the party guests that there has been another woman, but not in the way that Lucy thinks. He asks her to trust him on this and to marry him. When she hesitates, he tells her to listen to what the universe and her heart are telling her. He reminds her that there are no accidents in life, and she realizes thins only happen the way things are supposed to be. Lucy finally accepts his proposal, to the applause of the crowd.
As Kevin accepts well wishes from Mac and Eve, Lucy gets ready with Livvie's and Serena's help, as well as a visit from Ian. A train and headpiece to match her gown magically appear in Lucy's room. A blue garter magically appears on Alison's leg, which Rafe removes to give to Lucy. Livvie lends  Lucy the pearl bracelet that Kevin gave to her. Finally, all is ready.

Downstairs, Eve is searching for the diamond bracelet that Ian gave to her. He tells her that whatever they have lost, they will get back.

Chris gets another prank phone call, which seems to be coming from the hotel. He visits the desk clerk, and threatens him until the clerk finally allows him to see the phone log. He determines the calls are coming from room 1215, and he goes to investigate.
Livvie and Serena make their way down the aisle. Kevin kisses his girls. Lucy makes her grand entrance on Victor's arm; Kevin is speechless. As Kevin and Lucy try to improvise their way though their wedding vows, Lucy tells Kevin that she feels like it took them forever to get to where they are, but that  everything that has come between them before is gone, leaving them only with their love for one another. She thanks him for the role he has played in her life, and for the new road and endless possibilities that lie ahead for them. Kevin speaks of all of the important lessons in life that he's learned from her, and tells her that life with her is the grandest adventure of all; he even looks forward to growing old because he knows that she will make it fun. He vows to make her life happier than she has ever known. As the minister is about to finalize their union, Kevin asks him to wait, something is missing. Kevin tells Lucy that not everyone is here yet, they need a flower girl. Christina approaches. Lucy is unable to believe that Christina is real, but Kevin assures her this is no illusion. Miracles surely to happen!

Meanwhile, Chris bangs on the door of room 1215, to find himself face to face with Julie.
Next time, Alison remembers that she's about to lose her friend; Chris has a tender reunion with Julie and Kevin tells Lucy that Christina is here to stay.

Port Charles  Lucy & Kevin Wedding #2 Wednesday, 26-Dec-2001
On today's episode of Port Charles, as Kevin and Lucy begin to recite their wedding vows, enter CHRISTINA! She toddles down the aisle, calls Lucy mom and Lucy scoops her into her arms. Kevin tells Lucy that the "other woman" Lucy thinks he's been with has really been Julie, who returned to Port Charles to give Christina to Lucy. Of course, Lucy is beside herself with joy and Lucy remarks that now they have 2 of their daughters up their with them (Serena and Christina), she wants them all, and Livvie steps forward. Kevin and Lucy finish the ceremony to the tears and smiles of all their friends and family. Kevin tells Lucy he will fill her in on the details later. Lucy doesn't even care..she just can't believe Christina is home, and she introduces her to Serena, Livvie, Karen and...Frank. Frank is shocked to see his biological daughter in front of him, but happy that she is where she should be, with Lucy.

Meanwhile..back at the ranch, or the Port Charles hotel, Chris reconnects with Julie. He tells her he can't believe that she is back, and that he and Julieand Christina can be a family again. He isn't going to let her go. But Julie tells him she has come to PC for one reason only, to give Christina to Lucy.

Because...she is dying (and I did NOT see this one coming!). Chris vows he can save her with all the positive results he has had in research, but she shows him her file and he is heartbroken. Chris can see all the dreams he had for a family with Julie gone. They share a few moments as Julie tells him she wanted to make sure Christina was provided for and that she hasn't much time.

RAFE IS GONE!!  Rafe says his goodbye's to Lucy and tells her to think of him when she needs help, gaze at the stars and he will hear her. Rafe takes Allison outside to say a private goodbye and Allison tearfully tells him there is so much left unsaid between them. He tells her he will miss her and is gone.

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