Tainted, June 4 - August 31, 2001

Tainted #1-3, Tainted #4, Tainted #5 and Tainted #6

Episode Descriptions:

Tainted Love DVD #4  July 17 - 31, 2001 
7/17, 7/18, 7/19, 7/20, 7/23, 7/24, 7/25, 7/26, 7/27, 7/30, 7/31, 8/1 partial episode

July 17- Jack sadly admits to an astounded Alison that he's well on the way to becoming a full-blown vampire. Gaby attempts to sink her teeth into Jamal's neck but finds herself unable to put the bite on her unwitting guest. Stunned when Livvie identifies the sketch as a picture of her mystery man, Kevin warns his daughter that Caleb is a prime suspect in a series of bizarre murders. After giving Jamal the bum's rush, Gaby faces a disapproving Caleb. Livvie assures Lucy and Kevin that the new man in her life is kind and sweet. Gaby swears to Caleb that she'll do better next time. Jack explains to Alison why he and Jamal kept her in the dark about his peculiar new lifestyle. Kevin forbids a defiant Livvie from seeing Caleb again. Jack cautions Alison that he's growing hungry and must soon feed once more. Caleb and Gaby share a snack. Lucy begins to suspect that Livvie's new love is a bloodsucking vampire. 

July 18- Livvie was still furious with Kevin for locking her up and could not believe that Victor was helping him. She refused to listen as he tried to assure her that they where only trying to protect her. She began having flashbacks about the times that she had spent with Caleb, and all of the wonderful things that he would tell her when they where together. She told Victor that Caleb would not hurt her, and she would see him again like it or not. Thinking that Alison was in danger, Jamal began to attack Jack. Alison was horrified and begged Jamal to stop. She told him that she knew about Jack and that she was only tried to comfort him. Jamal quickly apologized to Jack and told him that he had just thought the worst because he knew that Jack would be in need of blood soon. Jack told him that he would have reacted the same way. He then told them how he ran out on Livvie after seeing that he had fangs. Jamal told him that he was just in his room, and Livvie was not there. Fearing for her safety, they quickly left to find her before Caleb did. Lucy went to Kevin's office to tell him about her theory on Caleb, and could not believe it when Kevin told her that he had locked Livvie up in a hospital room to keep her safe. Lucy then began to tell him about the movie she had watched and how she had come to the conclusion that Caleb was a vampire. Kevin told her that was impossible, and her that he didn't have time for nonsense when his daughter was being stalked by a killer. After searching everywhere for Livvie, Jack, Jamal and Alison came bursting into Kevin's office hoping that he would know where she was. They where equally as shocked when Kevin told them where Livvie was. Jack told him that even with Victor and a guard, Livvie was not safe from Caleb. He knew just what to do to be invited into almost anywhere. Kevin told Jack that he was wrong, but Lucy picked up on Jack's comment about needing to be invited in. Lucy asked Jack if Caleb was a vampire and Jack told her that it was true. Alison and Jamal backed Jack's claim and told Kevin that Livvie was in real danger. This made Kevin even more angry, and when Jack told him that Livvie would be safer at the lighthouse with all of them there to protect her Kevin told them that Livvie was not leaving the hospital. Frustrated, Jack lunged at Kevin and threw him across the room. When Eve saw Ian struggling with the computer, she offered to help him open a E-mail attachment. Ian stopped her and told her that it was a background check on Michael. Shocked, Eve questioned Ian's reasons for doing this. Ian told her that he thought there was more to Michael's story, his presence in Port Charles. Eve still insisted that he was all wrong about Michael so they agreed to open the file together. After reading the report Eve was pleased that everything checked out as Michael had said. Ian still believed that Michael was still keeping something from them and decided to confront him directly to get his answers, but when he went into Michael's room, he was not there. Eve became angry thinking that Michael must have overheard their conversation and left. Eve and Ian began to argue but where interrupted by a phone call from the hospital. Eve insisted that Ian go to work before she said anything that she would regret later. A few minutes after Ian had left Eve went to answer a know at the door thinking that it was Ian coming back to apologize, but was startled to find Caleb leaning on the doorway asking to come in. Michael had gone to tell Caleb that he would not be able to harm Eve or the baby, and had even moved it with them to be sure of their safety. Caleb told Michael that he would not stand in that way of him finally having a family. Caleb went on to taunt Michael about how he was really lusting after Eve and if they worked together, he could have the baby, and Michael could have Eve. Furious to hear Caleb say this, Michael lunged at him, but after their scuffle, Michael was lying unconscious in the alley. 

July 19- As Jamal jumps in to keep the peace, Jack warns a fuming Kevin that Livvie won't be safe from Caleb in the hospital. Dollar signs dance in Chris' eyes after he learns that his brother's blood as well as Abe's sample both contain an unusual element which could explain their superhuman strength. Ian admits to Karen how he and his new bride have been quarreling about their odd houseguest. At the loft, Caleb urges a wary Eve to invite him in. Unnerved by his interest in her unborn child, Eve yanks away from Caleb, who flinches to see the family crest hanging around her neck. Gaby grows determined to prove her worth to her lord and master by feeding on Jamal at the very next opportunity. Later, a worried Emilio asks his sister why she seems to be distancing herself from the family? Karen advises Ian to lighten up about Michael and mend fences with Eve. Kevin orders Jack to stay away from his daughter. Ian heads home early to make up with his wife but is annoyed to find Michael comforting Eve. Jack forcibly removes Livvie from Victor's custody and takes her back to the lighthouse for safekeeping. 

July 20- Kevin and Lucy were relieved to find Livvie and Jack at the Lighthouse. Kevin's relief swiftly turned to dismay when Livvie revealed that she was still terribly angry with her father. Jack asked to speak with her alone to try and calm her down and Kevin reluctantly allowed him to. Jack explained to Livvie that the reason he wanted her at the Lighthouse was because he had to find a way to protect her from Caleb. Livvie didn't want to hear again that Caleb was some kind of serial killer and told Jack to drop it. Jack finally blurted out that Caleb was a vampire. Livvie initially laughed in his face until she saw that he was completely serious. Jack wanted to tell her about his condition as well, but when he saw how horrified she was, he thought better of it. Livvie didn't want to believe him and she made him leave. Livvie escaped to the tower of the Lighthouse where she looked out into the night. Jack saw her from below, but before he could call out to her, something struck him in the neck. Chris emerged from the shadows with a tranquilizer gun. He told Jack that he was determined to find a reason for Jack's sudden strength. Furious beyond belief, Jack used the last of his strength to try and strangle. He ultimately collapsed and Chris stared at him in amazement since he had used enough tranquilizer to down a wild animal. Gaby was pleased when she ran into Jamal at the hospital as she claimed to want to apologize to him in person. Jamal was less than thrilled to see her since she had been behaving so oddly. Gaby told him that she was simply trying to find out why he was so different from most men. Jamal reminded her that he was in love with another woman and therefore off limits. He told her to take care of herself and quickly left. Frustrated, Gaby had no patience when her brother Emilio approached her. He made one last attempt to break through her cool reserve, but Gaby wouldn't listen to him. He grabbed her and said she was going to see the family whether she liked it or not. Furious that he would touch her, Gaby threw him against the wall. When he recovered, Emilio told her she had turned into a stranger and called her a whore. Gaby's rage built until she couldn't control it and she sunk her teeth into a struggling Emilio's neck. After feeding, Gaby called out to Frank and pretended that she had found Emilio collapsed on the floor. Ian was angry to see Michael and Eve in an embrace, but he shook it off when Eve ran to him. She recounted her meeting with Caleb and said she was still shaken up by it. Ian suggested she splash water on her face to calm down. Alone with Michael, Ian told the priest that it was time for him to leave. He didn't blame Michael for his brother's problems, but he couldn't allow the twins to continue to put his family in danger. Michael said he understood and agreed to leave immediately. Eve was dismayed that Ian was kicking him out and she said a tearful goodbye to her friend. Michael made her promise to wear the family crest he had given her as he believed it was the only thing that would keep her safe. Ian later tossed the amulet in the trash saying that he would keep their family safe, not a necklace. Lucy researched vampires on her computer while Kevin paced as he worried about Livvie. Lucy found out that there were both good and bad vampires and she guessed that Caleb was one of the bad kind. Kevin didn't want to hear any more about vampires from her or Jack. That led Lucy to think about Jack's behavior and she realized with a sudden clarity that Jack could be a vampire as well. 

July 23- Lucy and Kevin again told the police that Jack and Livvie are missing. Livvie woke up in an unfamiliar house, in unfamiliar clothes as Caleb came to welcome her to "their home." Jack found himself in an electrified cage in Chris' lab. He tried to talk Chris into letting him go. Emilio survived but remained in bad shape. Gaby was angry and defensive. She told Alison and Jamal she and Emilio had a fight. Livvie asked what Caleb meant by their house; they don't know each other. She said she liked the house but how did she get there? Caleb told her she fainted. Livvie asked if Caleb is a vampire. Jamal and Livvie couldn't get information from Gaby. She was angry and told them no one knew what "he" may do to Livvie. Kevin insisted there had to be a reasonable explanation for everything. Lucy tried to get him to open his mind to all the possibilities. Livvie told Caleb she needed to be in PC with her family but Caleb said she wasn't happy the previous night. Chris taunted Jack until Jack nearly broke out of the electrified cage. Gaby was horrified by feeding off her brother. Lucy and Kevin looked for clues and she found empty bags of blood. Livvie asked to go home but Caleb asked her to stay a week and give him a chance. Chris thought he killed Jack but he was wrong. 

July 24TH Horrified to realize that Lucy was right about Jack's transformation into a vampire, Kevin furiously confronts Jamal. Meanwhile, at the lab, Jack bares his fangs at his frightened brother, who tries to fend him off with a hammer but only serves to further enrage his attacker. Oozing charm, Caleb coaxes Livvie to give him seven days and nights to make her the happiest woman on earth. When she invokes her boyfriend's name, however, Caleb instantly drops the charm and snarls at her to forget Jack. Jamal and Alison explain to an astounded Kevin and Lucy how their pal returned from the dead with a taste for human blood. Caleb again tries to cajole Livvie into believing that her family and friends don't deserve her love or loyalty. Chris finally manages to escape from Jack's clutches and once again locks his brother in the electrified cage. Dazzled to realize that he may have stumbled upon the secret of eternal life, Chris begins to salivate at the thought of the millions he'll make. Livvie admits to Caleb how long she's yearned to be part of a normal family. Alison and Jamal show Kevin the cave where his daughter has been meeting with the new man in her life. 

July 25- Gaby had just given an unconscious Emilio another unit of blood, apologizing to him, and telling him that it was the least that she could do for him after she had taken so much from him. Karen walked in and questioned what Gaby was doing, since she had not ordered any more blood. Gaby quickly apologized and told Karen that she must have misread his chart because she had been so worried about her brother. Karen told Gaby that she understood, and suggested that Gaby take a break while she was with Emilio. Ian and Eve came in to check on Emilio's condition and Karen told them what Gaby said had happened. Other than him only having half of his normal blood supply, everything else was checking out OK, and Karen did not know what was wrong with him. Suddenly, Emilio opened his eyes, grabbed Ian and began attacking him. Karen and Eve quickly began filling a syringe to sedate him. Eve was surprised when Karen told her to double that amount of sedative, but Karen told her to do it as Ian struggled to keep Emilio pinned to the floor. Once sedated, Karen called for help to restrain him and they went out into the hallway to figure out what had happened. Gaby came back to his room and wanted to know why they where all outside of Emilio's room. Karen told her that he had awaken agitated and that he needed to be sedated. Gaby remarked that she better stay with him in case he woke up again. Karen began to compare his behavior to that of Jack and Judge Corwin's and wondered if there was a connection. Ian suggested that they compare blood work, and Eve said that she would talk to Kevin because Judge Corwin was his patient. Karen then decided to take Gaby off of Emilio's case. Still sedated, Gaby talked to Emilio, and demanded that he wake up. He then slowly opened his eyes and she told him that she needed to know if she was adopted. He confessed to her that with so many boys, they all wanted a little sister, and that she was family; It didn't matter that she had been adopted. Gaby then knew why she had been able to feed off of Emilio, but then she wondered who her real family was. Chris continued to taunt and tease Jack as her grew weaker inside the cage. He told him that he would only give Jack enough blood to feed, and not grow stronger. Jack told him that he was signing Livvie's death sentence by keeping him locked up, and asked Chris what he was going to do about it. Chris replied that he wasn't going to do anything and then told Jack that he was leaving for a few minutes but would be back. Jack was furious with Chris and knew he had to find a way out. Chris returned, still making crewel remarks to Jack as he walked into the room but was shocked to see the door to the cage opened and all of the blood gone. Jack appeared from behind and told him that he had helped himself to dinner and was feeling much better. Terrified, Chris tried to reason with Jack, but Jack told him that it was too late for that. As Chris ducked to try to escape, Jack grabbed him by the neck. Kevin told Lucy that he had found Livvie's Jacket in Caleb's catacombs and Lucy told him that he must have her alone. She then told Kevin what she had found out about Chris taking a sudden leave of absence and visiting the blood bank before he left. Kevin told her that he was sorry that he had doubted Lucy's intuitions and wished that her could crawl into her head to figure out what to do next. Just then Lucy had a strange vision. Kevin told her to concentrate and she told his that she kept having flashbacks of Rachel at the place where she tied them up and took them to. Kevin realized that Lucy was referring to the laboratory and told Lucy that he wasn't going to question her intuition any longer, and they quickly headed for the lab. As they walked in they found Jack strangling Chris. Livvie gave Rachel a hug and told her that she couldn't believe she was really there. Rachel told her that Caleb has made it all possible, because it was what Livvie had wanted more than anything. Livvie then became sad because she was afraid that Rachel wasn't cured. Rachel told her that she was all well, and it was now there time to be together. She also told her that the family curse that had plagued her, her Aunt Grace and her Grandmother was now broken, and that Livvie would always have the balanced mind and heart that she had right now. Rachel told her that she couldn't stay now, but very soon, she would be back for good. She told Livvie to believe this with all her heart, and wait there with Caleb until she returned. After Rachel left, Livvie rushed to Caleb's arms thanking him. She told him that since he gave her the thing that she had most wanted, she would now give him what he had asked for and would stay the week with him. Caleb continued to charm Livvie and told her that now he wanted to share something else very special with her and began kissing her neck. As a nurse cared for Rachel, who was lying silently in a hospital bed staring blankly at the ceiling; she sympathetically commented that it was such a shame that Rachel hadn't even left her room since the day she had been brought in. 

July 26- Caleb coyly evades Livvie's question about how he managed to make Rachel suddenly appear before her. Lucy and Kevin are horrified to find Jack squeezing the life out of his brother with his bare hands. Outraged to learn that her adoptive family lied to her for years, Gaby begins searching for her birth parents. Lucy finally convinces Jack to let Chris go. Afterwards, Jack locks the gasping doctor in his own cage and departs with the others to hunt for Livvie. Caleb confides to his new Olivia how he lost his first love on the very eve of their wedding. Gaby snarls at Jamal and Alison when they try to warn her that her stalker is probably a serial killer. Following their rough encounter with the surly nurse, Jamal whispers to Alison that Gaby has apparently become another victim of the vampire's curse. Caleb encourages Livvie to call home and make her family understand why she's chosen to stay with him. July 27TH Hoping Gaby will lead them to Caleb, Jamal and Alison tail the nurse and are puzzled when she heads straight to the office of an adoption agency instead. At the old monastery, Jack searches for clues to Livvie's whereabouts. Meanwhile, Caleb hints to an intrigued Livvie that he's about to reveal his true self. Kevin informs Eve and Ian that Michael's twin brother is a vampire. Jack guesses Caleb's motive for pursuing Livvie after unearthing the portrait of the first Olivia. Gaby is shocked by the contents of the file on her blood relatives. Lucy warns an incredulous Eve that Caleb desires the child she's carrying. Gaby icily informs Jamal that she is his sister. Caleb shows Livvie his fangs and is pleased when she doesn't recoil in horror. While snooping through the basement of the monastery, Jack stumbles over another one of Caleb's horrifying secrets. July 30TH Brandishing a wooden stake, Jamal forces Gabi to release Alison. Afterwards, Gabi shows Jamal the file from the adoption agency which proves that the two of them share the same father. At the lighthouse, Eve fears for her unborn child's safety but Ian has great difficulty believing Lucy and Kevin's wild tale about a vampire stalking Port Charles. Jack howls in pain to see "Livvie" encased in a coffin. After looking more closely at the young woman in the casket, however, Jack realizes that the corpse resembles his girlfriend but is not Livvie. Meanwhile, a panting Livvie urges Caleb to sink his fangs into her flesh and make her truly his. Ian and Eve finally agree to take Kevin and Lucy to the old monastery to seek Michael's evil twin. Remembering the fate which befell his first Olivia, Caleb pulls back from Livvie's embrace and tells her they must wait to consummate their love. Jack finds the vampire's diary and reads how Caleb killed his intended bride. Jamal reminds Gabi what a good person she once was and could be again. Mistaking Michael for Caleb, Jack attacks the priest when he enters the cellar. July 31ST Jamal struggles to come to terms with the knowledge that Gaby is not only a vampire but is also his long-lost sister. Meanwhile, Gaby wishes Caleb would return and help her deal with the truth about her biological family. Kevin, Ian, Lucy and Eve are horrified to find Jack squeezing the life out of Michael in the basement of the monastery. Alison and Jamal discover Chris lying semi-conscious on the floor of his smoke-filled laboratory. After Jamal extinguishes the fire, Chris explains how his brother locked him in and is startled when Alison reveals that Jack is not the only bloodsucking vampire in town. With the hospital short-staffed again, Karen regretfully informs Frank that she'll have to cancel yet another date to work extra shifts. Eve finally convinces Jack that he has the wrong twin in his powerful grasp. Later, Michael admits how Caleb killed the first Olivia and is now planning to construct a new family with Eve's baby and Livvie. Gaby hands in her resignation at GH. Lucy tries to reassure a shaken Eve, who wonders how to fight the evil presence which desires her child. Jamal and Alison help Chris capture Gaby and lock her in the electrified cage. Desperate to save his daughter, Kevin offers his own blood to Jack.

Tainted Love DVD #5  August 1-15, 2001 
8/1 episode continued, 8/2, 8/3, 8/6, 8/7, 8/8, 8/9, 8/10, 8/13, 8/14, 8/15, 8/16 partial episode

August 1- Kevin tries to persuade Jack to make him a vampire too, thinking that by joining forces with him they could better defeat Caleb. Jack tells him that could not do that to him, and as they talked Lucy walked in and overheard their conversation. In horror, she pleaded with Kevin not to do it, that they would find another way to get Livvie back. Jack interrupted them and told Kevin that this is something that he needs to do alone, and that it may be the last thing that he can do for Livvie. Kevin admitted to Jack that he had misjudged his character. Lucy told Kevin that she had faith in Jack, and with that and some more good hunches, they would find Livvie. Kevin coldly told Lucy that he couldn't rely on her next hunch when his daughter was in danger. Lucy reminded him that she knew what it felt like to have a child missing. Knowing that he had hurt her, Kevin then apologized to Lucy and they agree that they need to go back to Port Charles to regroup and get a plan together. On his way out of the basement, still very angry about the situation, Kevin knocked off a picture of Olivia and it shattered to the ground. Ian confronted Michael and asks him if he had true feelings for Eve. Eve heard Ian's accusations and stopped the conversation. She then defended Michael, and blamed Caleb for all of the evil things that have been happening. Ian questioned Eve's loyalty and tells her that he thought that he knew her better. Michael knelt to pray in the sanctuary, asking for help with Caleb, and also guidance for himself. He then admitted that he had fallen in love with Eve. Eve pulled open the door just as he was confessing his love for her. She quickly shut the door and went to find Ian. Her looked at her, and then apologized. He then told her that he was just trying to keep his family safe, and that they needed to go someplace far away. They where not going to tell Michael, nor did they owe him any explanations. He paused expecting Eve to start yelling at him. Instead, Eve drew him close and told him that she would follow him anywhere, and that she trusted him with all of her heart. As Livvie slept, she smiled and called out Jack's name. She awakes to find a red rose and a love note from Caleb. After reading the note, she commented to herself that she will need to say good-bye to Jack. She walks around and then looked at a picture of the villa where she was staying which was hanging on the wall and proclaimed that this is her home now. She then sat down with paper and pen and began to write Jack a good-bye letter. As she writes she has flashbacks of the tender times that she and Jack shared, and that she knew that she truly loved Jack. At the same time Livvie is writing her letter, Jack is sitting on the steps of the Monastery pledging his love to her, and telling her that their love will bring them back together, for it is much stronger than Caleb's spell. Caleb walks into the room where Livvie is sitting and asks if she found his note. She told him that it was thoughtful of him. He then took the letter that she had written Jack and asked her if she was writing him a love letter. She replied that she guessed she was, she only remembered sitting down. Jack told Kevin and Lucy that he was going to stay at the Monastery a little while longer and began searching for more clues to Livvie whereabouts. He looked through more of Olivia's things, and then the picture that Kevin had shattered on the floor caught his eye. Under Olivia's picture, he saw another photograph that was identical to the picture of the villa that Livvie had looked at. 

August 2- In the lab where Gaby is being held, Jamal tells Chris that Gaby is his sister. Gaby tries to talk with Jamal and tells him to let her talk to him alone. Alison is sitting in her apartment looking on her computer for information on vampires when she hears a noise outside. She is visibly startled and she tries to convince herself it's garbage cans. As she tentatively heads towards the door she hears a very "sick" Jack calling for Jamal. Gaby convinces Jamal to talk alone and Chris leaves the room. Gaby continuously brings up how they are family and how she tried to fight being a vampire. She continues on about how she has changed since she learned she was adopted and his sister. She tells Jamal that she doesn't want to remember her first conversation with her brother to be like this. Alison returns to her apartment with the rest of Jack's blood supply. She tried not to get sick as he's feeding. Jack is now back together and explains to Alison of the search for Livvie and shows her the picture he found. He explains that it was behind the coffin and we see that it's a house with a French saying on it. Alison is looking at the picture as she tells Jack that Jamal is with Gaby. She also tells him that Gaby and Jamal are related and that Gaby is a vampire. Jack becomes worried and reiterates that she can't be trusted. Livvie is in Caleb's house thinking of her wedding day as Caleb walks in, they talk and end up kissing. She keeps telling him that everything is perfect but finally tells him one thing could make this better. As Caleb is leaving the room Rachel appears. Livvie is greeting her mom telling her she couldn't get married without her. She then asks Rachel if it's right for her to marry Caleb. Rachel convinces Livvie that its right and that Livvie's known it since she met him. Livvie continues on that she's not sure, that she feels as though she doesn't have a choice..that she's drawn to him. Rachel continues to talk good about Caleb saying that Jack can't give her what Caleb can. Caleb is seen behind the wall listening to the conversation and to himself says, "After tonight it won't matter who came before, once we're married there's no going back for all of time". Gaby is continuing to sweet talk Jamal into letting her out. Jamal refuses and Gaby changes gears and starts to threaten him. She says she's going to dance on his grave, but not before she breaks his heart. She happily explains that as soon as she's out she's going to see Alison. Jamal starts to become irate and tells Gaby to leave Alison alone. He then leaves the lab. Chris returns to the lab and as he is unpacking some medical supplies, Gaby loosens her shirt to become more appealing and tells Chris she wants to bargain with him. Michael is praying for the courage to walk away from Eve as Caleb enters and starts to taunt him. Michael tries to gain any information from Caleb he can and Caleb replies that he hasn't turned her yet and he not about to tell Michael where she is. Michael replies that her family was here and saw Caleb's shrine to his last bride. Caleb is upset and says "They shouldn't have touched her! They'll all die. I'll have to find a new place for her." Michael says he already gave her a proper burial. Caleb becomes enraged and reams into Michael. Michael talks about how this will happen to Livvie. Caleb tells Michael that Livvie already knows all about him and she's not afraid, she wants this. He then asks Michael to be the best man. Michael unsuccessfully tries to talk him out of it and refuses to be the best man. Caleb reveals to Michael that he's allowing Livvie to believe that her mom is with her. Michael then attempts to attach Caleb and he is overpower. A laughing Caleb lets Michael know that Livvie will never get away. Chris refuses to bargain with Gaby and she figures out that he just wants the fame and the money. She starts to tell him that Fame and Money would be even better if he were around FOREVER to enjoy them. Chris is visibly intrigued. Jamal returns to the apartment and tells Alison what happened at the lab as Jack returns and tells Jamal that Caleb has Livvie. Alison shows Jamal the picture Jack found and Jamal is able to translate the words into ....... Wedding House. They surmise that Livvie is there and that she is going to marry Caleb soon. Livvie and Rachael walk into the gathering room dressed for the wedding. As they continue talking about Caleb and the wedding, Rachel continues to talk Caleb up to Livvie. Caleb tries to convince Michael that this is all over. Michael tells him not to underestimate the other Love for Livvie. Caleb says that after the wedding night, Olivia dies and will become "reborn." 

August 3- Eve walks downstairs and asks Ian why he is packing his medical bag, he replies that he wants to make sure they have enough of everything and continues on that they are going to leave. He tells her how his father taught him how to fight everything except women and vampires so he's going to have to leave. Eve surmises that they are going to Rome Island and Ian agrees that that is the only place they can be safe. As they are bringing the rest of the bags downstairs Eve starts to wonder when and if they will ever be back, but she refuses to let anything happen to her baby and she swears she won't loose another one. As they are ready to go out the door, Eve is having a hard time leaving, she goes to retrieve her purse, and doubles over in pain as she starts to yell, "The baby, it's too soon", she goes on to swear she can't loose another one as Ian drops the bags and rushes over. He picks her up and carries her out the door. Alison is on the computer looking for the "Wedding House" as Jack is starting to go into a rage becoming irritable with Jamal and Alison because he doesn't know where Livvie is and he becomes hungry again. Alison states she isn't having any luck finding anything about the house as Jack stands next to her feeding. Alison becomes visibly disgusted by his feeding and Jamal starts to argue with Jack about the amount of blood he has been consuming. Jack states that he needs all of his strength to get Livvie back when Alison states she found something on the computer. She found that the house is in the mountains upstate. As they talk about how far that is Jack starts to turn over furniture, wrecking the place scaring Jamal and Alison. Just as Alison states that she can get the plane ready we see Jack vanishing from the room, to both Alison and Jamals astonishment. Kevin is in his office going through papers he took from the monastery trying to find Livvie as Lucy comes through the door with food. They talk for a moment about finding Livvie as Victor knocks on the door and comes in. He is upset and tells them that he went to Abe's grave to place some flowers and the coffin was dug up and the body was gone. Kevin immediately says that Abe left on his own and prepares to tell Victor everything. Victor is astonished that he didn't realize vampires were around. He goes to explain that in Europe he became suspicious that about the stories and was skeptical that they were only stories. Kevin then tells him that it's worse, Caleb has Livvie. Lucy interrupts and tells them that in order for Livvie to become Caleb's' bride, Caleb must 'turn' her. Livvie and Rachel are talking about the wedding while Rachel continues to make Livvie completely realize that Caleb is good for her. Rachel then mentions the gift Caleb left for Livvie. Livvie opens the box to see a beautiful necklace and puts it on. Rachel is putting the final touches on Livvie, straitening her veil and commenting on how beautiful the necklace is and how lucky Livvie is to have Caleb. Caleb is dressed for the wedding as he talks to an off screen character about how he is so please he could make it. We then see Abe dressed for the occasion as he states that with all the weddings he's presided over this will be the best. Rachel and Livvie make their way to the balcony and Rachel and Abe leave. Caleb is continuing to sweet talk Livvie of the benefits of the afterlife. He tells her that to be his wife she must become as he is and leave her world and enter his, cross over to the other side. He makes her look into his eyes and tells her that unless she is honestly willing, this can't happen. He asks her if she understands and she replies "I must die". Caleb continues talking with Livvie and brings up the child he has picked out for them and tells her about how wonderful Livvie's rebirth will be. Livvie begs him to turn her and he reiterates that she will have to leave the mortal life and everything in it. He continues that their child will join them soon. Livvie replies that she wants to spend eternity with him. The ceremony has already started and as Abe questions "If there is anyone who knows why they shouldn't be married, speak now or forever hold your peace" Jack breaks through the door screaming for Livvie. Jamal and Alison show up telling them about how Jack vanished and that they know where Livvie is. Alison has the plane ready to go and Kevin refuses to let anyone go with him. Lucy reminds him what she's like in situations like this and he agrees that she can come 

August 6- Chris told Gaby that her blood test results were back and that they were very interesting indeed. Gaby told Chris that she could give him the fame and fortune that he has always eluded him and that he so desperately wants. Eve is rushed into emergency with labor pains. Karen is told the story about a vampire being in Port Charles. Eve and Ian told Karen that his name is Caleb and that he is Michael's brother! Kevin and Lucy are en route to save Livvie from Caleb's evil plans. Jack arrived just as the minister says " Is there anyone here who objects " and, of course, Jack did! Livvie rushed to Jack. Jack told Livvie that Caleb can't kill him with her in the room and she won't leave. Lucy tried to comfort Kevin by telling him that Livvie loves him and they will be in time to save Livvie. Kevin blames himself for not protecting Livvie better. Livvie told Jack that she will be reborn into everlasting life marrying Caleb. Jack tried to warn Livvie that being a vampire wasn't all it was cracked up to be. Jack tells Livvie that Caleb made him a vampire and he has been trying to be careful with her. Livvie responded by telling Jack that he didn't trust her enough with the information about him being a vampire so she will marry Caleb who loves and understands her. Gaby tried to lure Chris by undoing her top to expose her breasts to entice Chris. She told Chris that the two of them together can make an unbeatable team. Chris looked very interested. Meanwhile Eve was sobbing on Ian's shoulder because she knew that Caleb was behind these labor pains. Karen told Ian that all the tests results are fine and that the problem is in Eve's mind which can be just as dangerous for Eve and the baby. Karen told Frank the vampire story. They concluded that that is why Gaby has been acting so strange. Caleb looked deep into Livvie's eyes and she is transformed into believing him once again. Just then Caleb and Jack came to blows and Jack is hurled against the wall knocking the wind from him. Livvie was concerned about Jack but Caleb had her back looking into his eyes and she seemed to forget all about Jack. Just then Kevin and Lucy burst in. Jack grabbed Livvie and took off. Lucy followed after Kevin orders her to do so. Kevin and Caleb came face to face. 

August 7- Kevin and Caleb argued at length about Livvie. Kevin told Caleb he would never marry his daughter, Caleb doesn't know what love is but Jack does. Kevin swears it won't happen but Caleb tells him it will. Kevin was not afraid of death but Caleb said he'd turn him and then Kevin would bring Livvie to Caleb himself. Jack tried to make Livvie remember their love to no avail. Lucy got worried about Kevin and went to help while Jack took Livvie home. Lucy arrived just as Caleb approached Kevin but, when she touched Caleb, he stopped and acted frightened. She and Kevin ran. Eve was terrified for her child although all her tests were normal. Karen tried to reassure her. Ian went to take Eve home but she wasn't in her room. She had gone to the chapel to pray for help when Michael arrived. She told him he must choose either her or his brother. Lucy and Kevin wondered why Lucy effected Caleb so strongly? She wondered if they could be related. 

August 8- Eager to get a ride, Kevin stepped out in the middle of the road to flag down huge semi. The driver gave them a ride to a restaurant so that they could make arrangements to get home. While they waited Kevin and Lucy continued to discuss the possibility of Lucy being of vampire decent. Kevin then saw someone using a laptop computer and posed as an FBI agent to have access to it. He began tracing Lucy's family tree, but was quickly frustrated by error messages and then gave up when he lost his connection. He left to phone Victor and Lucy gave it a try. She was able to reconnect and trace the CEO family back to Eastern Europe. She was then astonished when she found that her great, great, great grandmother was from Transylvania. Eve told Michael that she knew he could stop Caleb, and when he told her that he couldn't do anything this time she then told him how she had overheard his prayer confessing that he had fallen in love with her. He first denied it, telling her that he loved her as a friend. Eve told Michael that she could not get Caleb's threats out of her mind, and that he had to help her protect her baby. As she began to cry, he hesitated, but then hugged her to try to comfort her. Michael then apologized to Eve and confessed to her that her was in love with her. He looked up to see Ian standing in the doorway of the chapel. Alison and Jamal went to the lighthouse to see Livvie. A brainwashed Livvie told them how wrong they where about Caleb, that he was kind and gentle and even brought her mother to see her. Jack, Jamal and Alison could not believe it when she told them that Rachel was fully recovered, and had even given her blessing to her marriage to Caleb. Desperate to break Caleb's spell, Jack took Livvie to see Rachel at the Sanitarium. Livvie was confused by the nurse's comment about Rachel never receiving visitors, and that Estelle has even stopped coming because her condition had not improved. She entered the room to find Rachel lying in her bed in a catatonic state. As Livvie tried to talk to Rachel, she was disturbed to see her so unresponsive after "seeing" her well and looking better than ever just the day before. Jack opened his arms to comfort her, but she angrily walked past him and out of Rachel's room. Jamal went to visit Gaby taking with him some of his Mother's pictures. She let him know that she was not happy to see him. He told her that family was family and he would stand by her no matter what. He showed her a picture of him as a young boy and told her that he was sorry they didn't get to grow up together. She coldly asked him what she was supposed to do with a bunch of old pictures. He told her that it didn't matter what she did with them, but like it or not, he would be back. She ignored him and pretended not to care about the pictures, but then went over to get them as soon as Jamal had left. 

August 9- Eve and Michael are surprised when Ian fails to become upset upon hearing Michael confess his love for Eve. What Ian does do is lay into the priest for his inability to keep his brother under control. As Ian skirts the issue, Michael realizes that he wants him to end this threat to Eve and their baby by killing Caleb. Later, Eve embraces Ian and thanks him for being so understanding. Jamal discusses with Alison his earlier confrontation with Gabriele and the two argue about how to deal with his vampire sister. When she warns him that he's going to be hurt by her, Jamal accuses her of not caring anything about family. Jack, Lucy and Kevin try to convince Livvie that she is simply a substitute for Caleb's first dead love. Refusing to believe them, Livvie accuses Jack of making Rachel sick again and promises to return to Caleb the first time she can escape from her friends and family. Lucy realizes that she may be the key to stopping Caleb and agrees to go to Transylvania with Kevin. Michael faces off with his brother. 

August 10- Lucy and Kevin are off to Transylvania to find Lucy roots and the possibility of her being related to Caleb. Kevin and Lucy are still unsure of what it was that made Caleb "afraid" of Lucy but are sure they can find the answers in Transylvania. Lucy has mixed feelings as to finding out her roots. She is happy in respect that she has found out that she does have ancestors but not so sure about the fact that they maybe vampires. Lucy tells Kevin that if he wants he can leave now. Not knowing what they will find Lucy is afraid Kevin may not care for her family history. Kevin lets Lucy know that it doesn't matter what they will find, he will always care for her. Landing in Transylvania, Kevin and Lucy ask for help with their luggage. The porter asks for their claim check and gives Lucy and Kevin a long, interested look. Lucy is sidetracked after looking at the porter. They leave to wait for their luggage as the porter rushes to the phone and inform the person at the other end that "she" has arrived. The porter is told to keep an eye on them. A mysterious hand with the family crest ring hangs up. Eve and Ian are shown a sonogram showing them that the baby is all right. While waiting for Ian to get the car to go home Karen tries to convince Eve that she needs to calm down. Her mental state is what is going to harm the baby. Eve tries to tell Karen that she can't calm down as long as Caleb is alive and trying to take her baby. Karen suggests that she live with Ian and Eve to help with the baby/pregnancy. Eve tells her no she can't put anyone else's life in danger. Ian agrees until Frank comes in and states that both Karen and he will stay at the apartment with them. They will all fight Caleb. Karen is left alone for a few minutes when someone shows up to talk to her. She is startled to see who it is. Jack kisses Livvie to try and get her to come back to him. She is still under the spell of Caleb and is determined to leave. Jack begs Livvie to remember the love they once had. Livvie is beginning to give in and kisses Jack again. Livvie begs Jack to make love to her and help her to forget Caleb. Livvie wants Jack to give her everything that Caleb promised. She is convinced that being a vampire is the only way to live. Jack is fighting his feelings to make love to Livvie, but loses and becomes a vampire. Livvie is more determined than ever to get Jack to bite her. She swears that if Jack does this for her and gives her the eternal life they want together, she will forget everything and everyone that loves her. Even Caleb. Caleb, laughing at Michael's threats of death, questions Michael if he has come to beg for Eve and her baby again. Caleb tells him to turn and leave. Michael questions why Caleb is hiding in the basement of the church. Did the wedding not take place? Caleb states there was a minor setback but all will be his eventually. Michael senses something is wrong and questions Caleb as to what or who has frightened him. he has seen him this way before and knows he has been weakened. Michael tells Caleb that he knows Caleb has seen the future and that the end is near. Caleb laughs Michael off and asks him if he promised Eve he would kill him for her. Caleb reminds Michael that he can't actually get rid of him (Caleb). Michael informs Caleb that his reign of terror is over and to prepare to fight. Caleb laughs and agrees with Michael, one of them will not survive. Eve looks up to find a messy Michael standing beside her bed. Michael looks at Eve and tells her that he chose between her and his brother and he has killed Caleb. 

August 13- Michael was devastated over killing Caleb but Ian needed proof. Ian told Michael they would all go on with their lives - with his preferably far away and Michael agreed. Lucy and Kevin wound up at a tourist trap in Transylvania. Livvie pressured Jack to turn her but he refused. Livvie pretended to understand but prepared to go to Caleb. Lucy's relatives seemed to all reside in a cemetery which she and Kevin visited as someone watched. Lucy found a headstone for an ancestor with her name and promptly fell in a hole. Kevin returned from getting something from his bag and Lucy was gone. Jack found Livvie waiting for Caleb on the balcony and calling for him to take her with him as he'd promised.. 

August 14- Kevin pulled Lucy from the hole she had fallen into. They found the same inscription on a tombstone as on the necklace Michael had given Eve - "family is all." Chris injected Gaby with a "test formula" which knocked her out. Jack tried to make Livvie understand that being like him was horrible. Kevin got a message that Caleb was dead and they prepared to go home. A shadowy figure lurks outside Lucy's door. Livvie mistook Michael for Caleb and Michael told her Caleb was dead. Livvie refused to believe them even when Eve told her about her baby. Livvie collapsed with grief. Concerned about Gaby, Alison bravely went into the cage prompting Chris to follow and attempt to revive her. He finally agreed to take her to the hospital. Lucy suddenly couldn't breathe and passed out while Kevin was delayed in the lobby by a man who claimed to have information about the Koviches. 

August 15- Chris and Frank rushed Gaby to the hospital. Karen was shocked when Chris tried to explain to her how Gaby became so ill. Fearing the worst she quickly paged Ian and Eve for help. They where equally surprised when then saw Gaby, and found out what Chris had been doing. Eve criticized Chris for putting another person's life at risk. After Gaby was stabilized, Ian, Eve, Karen and Frank approached Chris and told him that they needed to know what he had learned from his research to try to find an antidote to cure everyone that Caleb had infected. Chris told them that there was still much research that needed to be done, and suggested that they come up with a fake plague and quarantine the rooms of everyone affected to make it easier to keep their research private from the other doctors until they can come up with a cure for them. Karen was then interrupted by a phone call, and when she hung up she informed the others that Alan Quartermaine was coming up to visit, and he didn't sound happy. Jamal sat by Gaby's bedside, feeling very guilty that he had trusted Chris to care for her. When she woke up, he told her that she had almost died. Still groggy, she told him that it would have been better if they had let her die. She didn't want to continue feeding off people to survive. Jamal promised her that they would find a cure, and she would have the happy life she deserved. Alison walked in and was was surprised when Gaby apologized for being so mean to her, and was grateful to Alison for helping to save her life. Jack tried to comfort Livvie, but she refused to listen to him. After she went upstairs, Jack asked Michael for help. Michael told Jack about Caleb's struggles after Olivia's death, and how he tried hard to control his urges for a long time. He even agreed to live in confinement with Michael at the Monastery until the night he escaped and saw Livvie in the woods. He could no longer control his vampire urges. This confirmed Jack's fear that Livvie would always be in danger if he was around. Jack then asked Michael to watch over Livvie and keep her safe. He called Jamal and told him that it was time to end his life. As Livvie slept, she had a vision of Caleb. She reached out for him, but Caleb told her that they could not be together because of Michael. Livvie woke up screaming and found Michael at her bedside. Frightened, She asked him if he was going to kill her, and he replied that he was only going to kill the part of Caleb that was still with her. A stranger approached Kevin at he entered the hotel lobby and told him that he had information for him about the Kovich Family. Kevin began to argue with the man but the pulled away after getting a strange feeling that Lucy may be in danger. Barely conscious, Lucy saw an image of a man in black coming into the room. He broke a window to give her fresh air. When she woke up, Kevin was sitting by her bed. She was surprised when he told her that her didn't save her. She knew how much Kevin wanted to get back to Livvie, but was not more determined than ever to find out her family history, and why someone wanted her dead. Kevin insisted that it was dangerous for her to be there and they needed to leave. They where interrupted by the bellman's delivery of flowers and a letter for Lucy. She cautiously opened the letter which was from a man who told her that it was time that they meet. She then turned the envelope over and saw that the wax seal was that of the Morley Family crest.

Tainted Love Dvd #6  August 16 -31, 2001 
8/16 episode continued, 8/17, 8/20, 8/21, 8/22, 8/23, 8/24, 8/27, 8/28, 8/29, 8/30, 8/31

August 16- Jack begs Jamal to kill him. Jamal refuses explaining that Chris, Ian, Karen and Eve are back at the hospital trying to come up with an antidote to help Hack, Gabby, and Emilio. Jack is afraid that the antidote may not last long and that the urges will come back later and that his only hope for Livvie to be safe is for Jamal to kill him. Jamal tell him that he would never be like Caleb and that he must have faith. He will stick by him but he won't kill him. Jamal explains to Jack that when he is "hungry" Jack has these feelings of desperation and he just needs to "feed". Realizing Jamal is not going to give him what he wants, he agrees to go get something to eat and heads out the door with a sidetrack up to Livvie's room to say goodbye. Karen, Ian, Eve and Chris are awaiting the arrival of an upset Alan Quartermaine. They are not sure but don't think he knows what is going on. Chris doesn't want to hear what the guy has to say and turns to leave only to come face to face with Alan. Upset, he asks, why Gabby with no none medical history is upstairs, under guard with written order that NO ONE, nurses, doctors and chief of staff are allowed in there. Only the residents. As they all hem and haw for a quick answer, Ian tells Alan that he deserves to know the truth. After explaining what is going on, Alan stands dumbfounded and can't quite decide what if any questions he has. He is shown proof of Gabby's condition and is satisfied that the residents know what they are doing. Tells them to continue with the experiment and that they never talked. He instructs a nurse outside the room that Gabby is to be moved to 8th floor lockdown and the guard is to remain. No one is to enter her room. Michael tells Livvie he is not there to hurt her. Livvie responds that Michael will never get her to hate Caleb. She refuses to listen to the man that killed him. Michael grabs her and tells her she must listen to the truth, that she doesn't know Caleb. She goes on to say that he promised her a wonderful life, at which point Michael joins in and repeats all that Caleb said to her. She looks at Michael in surprise as he continues. All that Caleb promised her, he says, was the exact same things he promised to Olivia; Caleb never really loved her and she was just there to replace the void of someone she resembled, to right the wrong of killing his love. Michael goes on, explaining that Caleb just wanted to destroy her life and urges Livvie to forget everything Caleb had said to her. Michael also insists that Livvie is better off without Caleb in her life. Michael feels he has accomplished his task and leave. After he does, Jack enters. Livvie tells Jack that she has come to her senses and wants him. Livvie hugs Jack saying she remembers their love and what it was like between them, but Jack tells her that there is no going back. After all she has said and done they must go their separate ways. Livvie cries that she needs Jack to help her forget Caleb, but Jack sticking to his guns pushes Livvie away and tells her that after all of this he no longer loves her. She tries to win him over with a kiss but he backs off and tells her no. I don't love you anymore, and leaves. Livvie can't believe he's gone, and Jack, outside Livvie's door tells her to have a nice life and that he will always love her. Lucy packs a bag filled with "vampire protection" articles and listens to Kevin lecturing her about it being a bad idea to go to some strange house in the middle of the night "in vampire country." She has no idea who sent the message; it could possibly be the person who tried to kill her. Lucy rebuts that he could have been the person who sent the flowers and note to meet. There is no way she is going to wait until morning or go home and lose her chance to find out who she is and where her family came from. If Kevin wants to go home to Livvie by all means go, but she is staying. Kevin tells her that he won't leave her there alone. Lucy heads for the door with Kevin in tow. They arrive at the house and knock only to have the door open. As they call out in the house for anyone, Kevin tries to convince her that no one is home, but Lucy feels a presence in the house. She pulls out her crystals for an answer, which reveal to her that it's time to leave. They bolt for the door only to have it slam in their faces. Screaming and banging on the door, they can't seem to budge it, Kevin tells her to relax and give him some space to try. She backs off and into a gray-haired gentleman, who greets her with "Welcome, I've been expecting you." 

August 17- Karen, Frank, Eve and Ian arrive home to celebrate the fact that they weren't fired from their jobs and that Caleb is gone. Kevin and Lucy confront the stranger asking why they were summoned to the house and why all the mystery. He tells them that they are in a safe haven and free from harm from the villagers. Kevin and Lucy turn to leave but are warned, if they go, they may not make it home. Jamal assures Alison that all is well with Jack and Livvie. Overhearing them Livvie tells both Jack has left. Livvie leaves, crying that she has nothing left to live for. Jamal not surprised Jack is gone, believes he has left to die. Jack has gone to the catacombs. Their "host" gives Lucy and Kevin a tour of the grounds and invites them to stay over. Tells them that the villagers are extremely superstitious and believe that Lucy has brought mortal danger to their town. Lucy deduces that she is related to Caleb/Michael. Kevin insists on knowing the name of their "host." He says that his name is James Richfield, retainer for the Morley family. Richfield does not flinch at the mention of Caleb's name and confirms that he knows of Caleb and his "condition." Caleb was banned from the house years ago and left the town. Kevin believes that it was just recently that Caleb left. Richfield offers to get them transportation safely out of town in the morning. Alison and Jamal, racking their brains for where Jack would have gone, remember the catacombs and head out. Jack lies dying. Livvie goes to forest and talks to Jack out loud, remembering how happy they were and how sorry she is now for throwing it all away. He was right to leave, but the pain is unbearable. She has nothing left; he has taken her heart with him. Jack, in the catacombs, tells Livvie he had to let her go and says good-bye. Livvie says good-bye. James tells Kevin and Lucy they are free to go anytime but to remember they are in "vampire country" and that the belief in vampires is real there. They announce to James that Michael has killed Caleb. With a saddened look, James states it must have been difficult for Michael to do this. In light of this information he excuses himself to make arrangements. Kevin leaves to make reservations to go home leaving Lucy. While Frank, Karen, Eve and Ian celebrate their safety, Karen gives Eve a necklace. Ian takes off the necklace Michael gave her and replaces it with the new one. Livvie, leaving the woods, hears a noise, and calls out for Jack. As she turns, she finds a weakened Caleb stumbling through the bushes. He collapses at her feet. Alison and Jamal find a dying Jack and plead with him to come back with them. He tells them to let him go. Jamal leaves to get blood and Alison begs Jack to hang on. Caleb looks to Livvie and asks was he wrong to love her. With his eyes glaring into hers, he tells her it doesn't have to end, she holds the key to what he needs. He begs her to make him strong again-to save his life. As the show concludes, the song "Tainted Love" plays and viewers are shown clips of what is taking place with everyone at that exact moment in time. Karen, Frank, Ian and Eve are celebrating as Ian and Eve hold Eve's belly, grateful that their ordeal is finally over. Lucy, left alone, is kidnapped. Alison comforts a dying Jack. Livvie gives in to Caleb and exposes her neck to him. Caleb flashes his fangs and bites into Livvie's flesh. As he does, Jack screams. 

August 20- Jamal met the bookstore owner and they talked about Vampires as he was on his way to get blood for Jack. Jamal told him that the head vampire was dead and was told that, if that were true, all the other vampires would have turned back to human if they haven't killed yet. Jack screamed as Caleb bit Livvie. Livvie welcomed Caleb with open arms so that Caleb could live. She wanted him to drink a lot of her blood. Jack sensed that Livvie had been bitten by Caleb. Rafe dragged Lucy into the cemetery and she screamed for help but nobody came to help her. She found out that they are related. He told her that she is a vampire slayer while Livvie wanted more and more of Caleb. Caleb transported Livvie back to wedding the house and she was in her wedding gown. Caleb told her that would be their home. Livvie told Caleb that she thought that Michael had killed him. Caleb said that the good priest would get what he deserves. Alison tried to tell Jack that Caleb is dead and Livvie is fine. Alison knew that Jack was getting worse and struggled to cut herself while telling Jack how much Livvie loves him. Jack asked Alison to look after Livvie for him because he knew he was going to die. Alison said that Jack will be able to do that himself as she asked him to drink the blood from where she cut herself. Jamal interrupts and gave Jack the blood that he brought back with him. Lucy wanted proof that she is a vampire slayer and was told by Rafe that the powers pass down from generation to generations. Lucy heard Rafe talking without him actually talking. She knew why Caleb was afraid of her. Rafe told Lucy that James wanted her dead. James put Kevin to sleep by blowing some kind of dust in his face and giving him some kind of wine to drink. Alison struggled to keep Jack alive by willing him to live. Jack says that if he drank her blood he wouldn't be able to stop and struggled for control. Caleb and Livvie became one as he slips a wedding band on her finger and they made love. Livvie said she would be Caleb's forever. Caleb tool Livvie, in her wedding gown, out to the woods and laid her on the ground. He said that if their love was real she would find her way back to him. 

August 21- Rafe, Lucy and Kevin were locked in the same cell and Lucy filled Kevin in on her family history. James told them he planned to kill them. Eve enjoyed planning for the baby's delivery with Ian, ignorant of the danger their baby was still in. Jamal found Livvie dead but, when he brought Alison and Jack to her, she was gone. Karen told them that no progress had been made with Gaby. Ian went to the lab and Eve talked to Karen about how worried she was for Michael. James informed his captives he planned to end the Kovich line with their deaths. Jack blamed himself for Livvie's deadly path but Alison and Jamal prevail on him to keep trying. James informed Kevin that Caleb wasn't dead and that Livvie was with him. Kevin got furious and he, Rafe and Lucy planned their escape. Lucy asked to speak to James and was taken to him. Eve left a message for Michael to call her. Kevin worried about Lucy while Lucy told James she longed to become a vampire. As Livvie, reborn, searched for Caleb, Jack blamed himself for sending her to him. Livvie, waiting for Caleb, believed she was "home." 

August 22- Lucy tried to convince James how much she wanted to become a vampire. He questioned her loyalty to her family, but she told him how intrigued she was by the possibility of being immortal and all of the associated powers. She tried to play up how valuable he would be to Caleb if they were a team. She then began to ask James too many questions about Caleb and his talisman. James began to get suspicious and asked Lucy how stupid she thought he was. He then went to he desk, unlocked a drawer and pulled out a syringe and told Lucy that it's contents had been extracted from Caleb and would turn her right there. She began to get nervous and tried to stall him. As he approached her with the needle she choked and told him that she didn't want to become a vampire and totally messing up her whole plan. He put the syringe down and told her that it really contained poison, and she had obviously failed his test. James had now decided that it was time for Lucy to die. Kevin figured out that Lucy must have went to James to try to lure from him the secret of Caleb's talisman. He panic when he thought about the possibilities of loosing both Livvie and Lucy. He asked Rafe if he could communicate with her, but he told her that, unfortunately they had to be in the same room. He began screaming for the guard, and as the guard came to see what he wanted, Kevin clutched his chest and fell to the floor. A few moments later, after faking a heart attack and knocking out the guard, He and Rafe burst into the room where James had Lucy cornered. Kevin grabbed James around the neck and began choking him. Lucy stopped him only because he knew all about Caleb's talisman. Livvie sat on the ground in the catacombs and began thinking of Caleb and all that he promised her. She woke up in the villa where Caleb was standing over her. He caressed her and told her that they were one now and had a bond that could never be broken. She replied that she would do whatever he said. Jack refused to go along with Alison and Jamal to find Livvie. Alison told him that even if Livvie had been bitten, she would go to the person she loved. Jack told them that in his efforts to protect her, he had unknowingly sent her right to Caleb by telling her that he no longer loved her. Jack reasoned that the only way to save Livvie now was to cross over himself and become a full vampire. Jamal and Alison begged him not to go against all his has fought for, but he told him that he had to do this, tenderly thanking them both for some of the best times of his life. He willed himself to Caleb's villa and was sad to see Livvie there with him. Caleb prepared to fight, but Jack told him that's not what he came for; He had come to tell Caleb that he had won the fight for Livvie. Alison and Jamal stood alone in the woods fearing what would happen to Jack. Jamal tried to console Alison, but she tearfully told him that this experience had changed their lives forever. 

August 23- After Ian tells Eve to go home, Karen questions Eve as to what is bothering her. Eve explains that it is her fault for sending Michael mixed signals of her feelings and that she is worried about his welfare. He helped her in every aspect including killing his own brother. Karen tells her to call. She says her calls have gone unanswered and is worried he is beside himself with grief. She fears Michael has done something drastic. Kevin threatens James death as Lucy tries desperately to call home to let them know Caleb still lives. James knew all along, Michael didn't kill Caleb and led them on believe he was dead. He laughs at them and their threats. They demand James tell them what is keeping Caleb alive. Jack tells Caleb that he has won. Caleb knows this and wants to know what is really behind Jacks admission of defeat. Jack says that Caleb wanted him to be a vampire and that is why he is there; it is more torture never seeing Livvie again then it would be to be a vampire. Livvie doesn't care anymore why Jack has come to them she just wants him to leave. Caleb tells her Jack has a "master plan. Eve knows it took a lot out of Michael to kill his brother and there is no one to help him with his grief. Karen tries to reassure Eve that Michael being a priest wouldn't do anything foolish like killing himself. Karen tells her to give him some space; he needs to come to grips with what he did by himself. Eve leaves for the monetary looking for Michael, leaving Karen to tell Ian that she had to run an errand and wouldn't be long. An orderly tells Ian that someone is trying to get to the patients in lockup, Ian runs to help. Jack tells Caleb he has no underlying plan. He knows he can't fight Caleb and he wanted him to turn anyway. Caleb skeptical of Jack asks him why he wants to be with Livvie when she is now married to Caleb. Upset with the news, Jack just looks on in disbelief and Caleb confirms what he said. They are married in all aspects. Jack says that he figures the only way to be near Livvie, since he can't have her, is to serve Caleb. Caleb tells Jack he must be tested and his first test is to watch Caleb as he makes love to Livvie. The Garza family priest, Armando, is trying to get into the lockup when Ian arrives. Asking who he is and what he wants Father Armando would like to see them, he thinks he can help. He knows there illness is more than just physical and that the answer is in the bible. Ian tells him he is not qualified to help but the good father insists on knowing what is going on. As Ian prepares to tell him that strange forces have invaded Emilio and Gabby, Father Armando asks is it vampires and has anyone else been harmed? Ian surprised that the priest knew about vampires tells him of Father Michael and his brother. Ian tells of the necklace Michael gave them to protect Eve and the baby. Father Armando tells him that it would be odd for a priest to use such magical forces such as a "talisman", and is skeptical of Michael. Kevin tells James he is so tempted to kill him but knows he has the secret they need. Rafe says they should read his mind, which makes him nervous. If James will not tell them the secrets, Kevin lets him know he has no problem beating the truth out of Michael. James tells them that Michael will always protect Caleb. Kevin begins to destroy the house. Kevin proceeds to destroy the house looking for clues. Livvie tells Caleb she doesn't want to make love in front of Jack. That what they, she and Caleb have, is special and she doesn't want to share it with anyone, not even Jack. Caleb feels she is still trying to protect Jack. She warns Caleb that the more Jack sees their love, the more determined he will be to get her away from him. Caleb tells Jack that for Livvie to finish crossing over she needs to make her first kill. Caleb knows that if Jack makes his first kill and crosses over he will continue to get stronger and eventually take on Caleb. So as not to have this problem, he informs Jack the Livvie will make Jack her first kill. Caleb tells Livvie to kill Jack. Livvie tells herself she can do this but looks to Jack and whispers to him "go". Jack, standing firm, offers Livvie his throat as she approaches. Caleb demands that she do it now, she gets to Jack and then backs off saying she can't do it. Caleb infuriated with Livvie yells at her she must obey him, he trusted her. Livvie says she would do anything but this. She doesn't understand why, she chose Caleb to be with and that's all that matters. Caleb screams, "You swore you would never betray me, you lied." and he disappears. Livvie calls for him to come back. James in a struggle with Kevin is pulled off by Rafe and falls against the desk with the poisoned needle sticking out. He has fallen on the needle and lies dying saying I will take my secrets to the grave, they will never find out the secret to Caleb and his talisman. He dies. Eve walks in on a praying Michael and goes to see if he is all right. Michael jumps to his feet startled. Eve wonders what is wrong. Livvie is angry with Jack for coming and ruining everything. As she cries for Caleb she asks Jack why he couldn't stay away. Jack is the reason for Caleb leaving. Jack tells her he didn't leave because of him; he left because of her love for Jack. 

August 24- Father Vicente prays by Gaby's bedside with Ian looking on. Gaby questions why the good father is even bothering to help her, she feels she is too far gone. Eve begs Michael to tell her what is wrong, she has been worried since he didn't answer her phone calls. Michael apologizes for making her worry, he has found a way to deal with what he has done to his brother. He has turned to God. Eve says she is the cause of everything that has happened between him and his brother. Kevin desperately tries to revive James but Lucy and Rafe tell him it's too late. Upset that he has died with all the Morley secrets they try to figure out where they could possibly be hidden. Jack tries to convince Livvie that Caleb is finally gone because of their love. Livvie insists that Caleb will return for her. Jack cannot get it into her head that everything she wants and thinks is because of Caleb. Caleb is upset because she showed a will of her own. Jack tells Livvie that Caleb only wants to posses her, have her under his control and "that" is not love. She is strong enough to fight him. Believing that she still wants Caleb, Jack continues telling her that if she really wanted Caleb she would have killed Jack when he told her to. When Livvie disobeyed Caleb's order he realized she still loved Jack, and that is why he left. Their love is real and stronger than any illusion Caleb could give her. If their love was so strong and real why did Jack leave? Jack answers because he was afraid he would hurt her. He never stopped loving her and he never will. If Caleb can give her what she needs then why did he leave her. Caleb's love is an empty love. Jack tells her to feel deep within her heart, when she is alone and there are no voices around, what does she feel. She reaches into her soul and discovers that it is Jack that she loves, she takes the wedding ring off and lets it fall to the ground, they kiss and are transported back to the lighthouse. Michael insists that Eve leave immediately. Eve asks why she can't stay, is it because of his feelings for her? Michael tells her it's because he can't have feelings for her, he's a priest and has devoted himself to God, but because of his thoughts and feelings for her he has begun to question his calling in life. Eve tells him he should never doubt, he has done wonderful things to help her and the baby. She is glad that he is in her life and that they were both wrong and misunderstood each other. She lets him know that she feels partially to blame for the tension between them. The love she has for Michael isn't the same as for Ian, she fell in love with the goodness in Michael and the person he is. Michael tells her not to blame herself, she should have been able to come to him for help without him misunderstanding her intentions and falling in love with her. Father Vicente tells Gaby to pray, although she feels lost to the dark side. He tries to let her know that it was the evil around her that did these terrible things and not her. Ian asks if she wants to get better and she nods yes. Michael thanks Eve for opening her heart to him. It means everything; no one has ever felt that way about him before. Eve tells him because he devoted his life to protect Caleb he never had the chance for that. Michael insists now that Eve leave, she afraid to leave him alone but he replies "I'm never really alone". Eve assumes he is referring to God. They promise to keep in touch and say their goodbyes. Michael feeling a presence turns to find Caleb. He thought Caleb had been destroyed, but Caleb tells him he was only weakened never destroyed and that Eve has really twisted his mind if he couldn't tell the difference. Tired of hearing Michael whine about Eve Caleb taunts him that he will never posses her. Eve may not be "in" love with Michael but she does see him and love him for the person he is. Caleb conjures up illusions and lies and then makes them fit into his own world. Caleb has never been really loved, not like the love Jack has for Livvie or Eve has for Michael. Livvie is afraid that if she gives into Jack's love again he will push her away. Jack says that pushing each other away is what endangered them in the first place. Loving each other will save them and destroy Caleb. Kevin is destroying the house while Lucy is waiting for some sign to tell her where the secrets are hidden. Rafe announces that he has found a key around James neck. They try to remember what happened before James dies. Realizing James became protective when Kevin was at the bookcase, they figure the answer is somewhere in the bookcase. Kevin goes back and starts throwing things around and pushes against some books. The bookcase flies open and a door appears. After making love, Livvie and Jack talk about what has happened. They realize that their love is real and together they can fight Caleb. Livvie is sure that Caleb will come back and that she won't be able to fight her feelings for him.. If she trusts in their love they will beat him. After leaving Gaby with a crucifix and prayer Ian begins to question Father Vicente about Michael. When Father Vicente asks the name of the priest that helped him, Ian tells him Michael Morley. Father Vicente is surprised and says Michael came to him and asked to be a priest but didn't want to go the conventional way(take the time). Ian says he had him checked out but Father Vicente is sure he just got the answers that Michael planted. Kevin, Rafe and Lucy find a hidden room behind the bookcase. In it is a book enclosed in glass. Rafe opens it with the key and they find they are looking at the Morley Family Tree. They begin to look up Caleb and Michael. Kevin has found Caleb's name but not Michaels, anywhere. He suddenly realizes that Caleb and Michael are one. Michael taunts Caleb saying that he will never have Livvie because she loves Jack. But Caleb yells that she 'will' be back. Michael laughs which infuriates Caleb and he grabs Michael by the throat. Caleb tells Michael it must be hard knowing he will never have Eve, that the only way he will ever have her is to become like him. Michael tells him that knowing Eve sees the good in him is enough. Caleb backs off. They are arguing when Eve walks back in and overhears the yelling. She walks into the room where they are arguing only to have Michael yell at her to leave immediately, Caleb is there. Worried and frightened, she looks around and asks, "Where is he?" Michael, turning around, says "Right here, Eve. How could you miss me?" Michael has become Caleb. 

August 27- Anxious to return home and warn the others about "Michael," Lucy and Kevin prepare to depart for Port Charles. Jack and Livvie arrive at the bike shop arm in arm and warmly greet a surprised Alison and Jamal. Alarmed to learn that Michael is no more a priest than he is, Ian rushes off to find his pregnant wife. Meanwhile, at the old monastery, a grinning Caleb corners Eve and reminds the terrified woman that her child belongs to him. Lucy encourages her young cousin to come to America with her but Rafe hesitantly explains that he cannot leave Transylvania. As they say their goodbyes, Rafe presents Lucy with a special crossbow outfitted with a silver stake designed to eliminate the Morley vampires once and for all. As Eve frantically prays for help, Michael momentarily re-emerges and releases his grip, then begs his frightened friend to run. Livvie and Jack's normal appetites begin to return, making them hopeful that their vampire tendencies are fading at last. A shivering Eve watches in horror as Caleb and Michael fall into a violent quarrel. Kevin tells Lucy why he believes "Michael" is a separate personality which has acted as Caleb's talisman all along. Ian arrives at the burning monastery and manages to pull Eve to safety but Caleb vows to pursue his unborn child to the ends of the earth. 

August 28- Despite hours of research and experimentation in his lab, Chris is stymied in his efforts to find the key which will restore Jack, Gabi and Emilio to their fully human form. As Kevin and Lucy return to Port Charles, Livvie tells her father how she was bitten by Caleb and now fears he's coming back for her. While the others brainstorm about the best way to destroy the vampire, Eve volunteers to act as bait to draw Caleb out. Though Ian vehemently objects, Kevin reminds Eve's worried husband that this may be the only chance they have to end their long nightmare. Meanwhile, Chris apologetically informs Jack and Livvie they'll have to quarantined separately until Caleb is vanquished. Lucy explains to an incredulous Ian how she learned that she is a bonafide vampire slayer. Up in the psych ward, Jamal asks Gabi to lure Caleb to the hospital by sending the message that Eve has gone into labor. Kevin privately thanks Lucy for stepping up to the plate to save his daughter. 

August 29- After checking around the hospital, Frank concluded that the only people who felt Caleb's spooky wind where the ones involved in the plan to trap him. Fearing that he would go to Livvie first, Jack broke down the door of his room and when to Livvie's room. Caleb met Gaby on the roof where she had been calling for him. Instead of going along with the plan, she told him all about the trap the others where trying to set for him. He told her that everyone would soon be sorry. He suddenly disappeared when Lucy opened to door to the roof. Lucy asked Gaby why she was alone; that they had all felt Caleb's presence. Gaby replied that she had been calling for him, but he had not come. Knowing that she was lying, Lucy and Kevin questioned her further. Gaby then told her that no plan, or no one could stop Caleb now. Jamal sadly told Gaby that she very well may have killed them all. Caleb then began to terrorize the hospital. First he appeared in the room where Livvie and Jack where. He arrogantly taunted them and then told them that no one stands in the way of his destiny, and they where all about to have the longest night of their lives. He disappeared again and reappeared behind Chris. Fully engrossed in his research, Chris blew off Caleb's first comments, thinking he was another doctor. He was terrified when he realized who it really was. Caleb asked him why he was trying so hard to reverse all of his work. He told Chris that instead of doing all of that research, he could get his information first hand. He then bared his fangs and bit him. Caleb continued his evil journey stopping next to see Eve. Ian quickly came at him but Caleb hurled him against the wall. Rushing to his side, Eve asked Caleb what he was going to do. Caleb knelt down beside her and touch and stomach. He then asked Eve why she was wearing a hospital gown. She told him that she thought she was in labor, but it was a false alarm. As Caleb spoke, Eve was able to look him straight in the eye and began calling for Michael. He told her that Michael was gone, and backed away from her, but she continued to call out seeing that Caleb was struggling to stay in control. Once he had the upper hand over Michael, he quickly disappeared. Kevin and Lucy came to warn them, but they told them that Caleb had just left. Eve told them that Michael's presence was still there, and she knew that she could get to it again. Kevin thought that they should all be together, so he sent Jamal to get Jack and Livvie and was having everyone gather in the on-call room. Lucy sensed that something was wrong and told Kevin that she would catch up. Caleb then cornered Jamal and Alison in the stairwell. He continued his callus taunts and threw Jamal down a flight of stair when he came at him. He then grabbed a terrified Alison and began kissing her. y came through the door of the stairwell and confidently ordered Caleb to let Alison go. He released Alison from his hold and tried to bully Lucy. She didn't back down, which intimidated him, so he quickly disappeared once again. Kevin walked in just as Caleb had left and Lucy triumphantly told him that what had happened, and that it was Caleb's arrogance that drove him, and she was sure that she could defeat him. She then brought her silver bow out from behind her back. Livvie confessed to Jack that she wasn't sure if she was strong enough to fight Caleb. Jack assured her that their love could overpower Caleb's evil, and to keep thinking about that whenever thoughts of Caleb entered her mind. As they where talking, Chris stumbled into the room. Jack asked him if he was OK, and Chris replied that their friend had just bitten him. At first they thought he was joking, but he took a few steps and collapsed to the floor. Kevin and Lucy walked in as Jack was trying to see if Chris was alive. Kevin asked Livvie to quickly get him help and looked up to find that Livvie had vanished. Caleb had willed her up to the rooftop. Livvie begged Caleb not to harm anyone else, but Caleb told her that just wasn''t possible. He told Livvie that she had betrayed him, and now everyone was going to pay...beginning with her. 

August 30- Alison finds drops of blood on the desk that Chris was working at and fears the worst. Jamal tells everyone that their only hope is Gaby and he is going to make her see the light. While everyone is tending to Chris, out cold on the bed, Kevin and Jack worry about Livvie. Jack tries to figure out where Caleb has taken her, the catacombs or his villa but Lucy tells them he is near by and tries to convince Kevin that Caleb does love Livvie and won't harm her. Caleb is mad at Livvie telling her she betrayed him. This upsets him greatly and makes him want to destroy everyone and everything. Livvie tells him she was confused and didn't mean to hurt him. Caleb isn't buying it and tells her everyone will pay, especially her. Alison tells Jamal she fears for their safety. What if Caleb is with Gaby. Jamal promises to protect her and takes her in to see Gaby. Gaby isn't too happy to see Jamal and tells him so. He begs her to help them take down Caleb, but she holds her ground believing that Caleb will come back to get her, that he loves her. Jamal tells Gaby he isn't going to waste his time on her if she wants to throw her life away on someone like Caleb. He warns her that he will soon be dead because they know of the talisman and what it is. Everyone is standing around trying to figure out where Caleb and Livvie are when security calls to inform Kevin that the two have been spotted on the roof. As they turn to go the door slams shut and locks. Livvie tries to explain to Caleb that she still does care about him but Caleb says she lied to him the entire time they were together. He gave her everything and all she can say is that she cares for him? Livvie can't explain, she thought she loved him and wanted to spend the rest of her life with him. Caleb wonders where he went wrong, and tries to make her remember them being together. She begins to remember and then remembers her love for Jack and the pain Caleb inflicted upon Jack. She bargains with Caleb with her life, that she will go with him and be the family he wants if he lets everyone else go. Caleb doesn't want her this way, sacrificing her life for her family; he wants her heart and soul, to love him like he loves her. Jack bursts in and tells Caleb Livvie doesn't want him, nobody does. Nothing is working in the room, not the phone, the call button or the faucet. Kevin is beside himself with worry and Eve calls out to Michael to help them. Someone smells smoke and notices that the bed has burst into flames. Livvie tells Jack to leave as Caleb holds Livvie. Jack refuses and tells Caleb to let her go but Caleb refuses telling Jack that she is his wife. Jack tells him that Livvie chose him over Caleb and is pathetic that he has to hold on to a woman this way, against her will. Their love is strong enough for them to survive. Caleb yells that he is in her blood and that Livvie gave herself willingly and continues to taunt Jack of their honeymoon night. This enrages Livvie and she breaks free of Caleb's hold. This gives Jack the opportunity to go after Caleb. He grabs him telling him to shut up about everything and throws Caleb over the hospital roof. As Livvie and Jack try to leave the door to the roof opens and Caleb enters telling them no one leaves. Trying to put out the fire, they start screaming for help. Some are beginning to pass out from the smoke. Lucy is mad and starts ranting that they will not die, not like this. She will not give into Caleb and his evil, good should triumph over evil.. She demands that Caleb fight her face to face. She screams, "Open the door" and the door unlocks freeing all inside. Gaby breaks free of her restraints and plots her next move to save Caleb from impending doom. Caleb pushes Jack away telling him he can't be killed. Livvie begs to Caleb not to hurt Jack anymore. She will go with him but Jack refuses to let her go. Caleb yells that Livvie will do what he wants her to do. He should have killed Jack from the start. Jack tells Caleb nothing will stop their love. Caleb grabs Jack by the throat and starts choking him. Livvie begs one more time for Jacks life. Eve bursts in yelling, "No-Michael will not let you hurt anyone again. 

August 31- As Caleb is choking Jack, he is being bombarded by Eve begging Michael to come and Livvie telling Caleb that she will go with him. Kevin tells Caleb it's all over but Caleb informs him the fun is just beginning. Livvie is begging Caleb to stop killing Jack as Kevin holds her back telling her that Eve must get through to Michael. Eve pleads with Michael to remember when they met. Michael starts to come out. She keeps repeating that she believes in Michael, that his heart is pure. Caleb trying to fight Michael releases Jack and falls to the ground. Michael looks to Eve and tells her he would do anything for her. Gaby runs in calling for Caleb. As Eve yells for Michael and Gaby yells for Caleb, Ian runs in to get Gaby out of the way. Lucy shoots the crossbow only to hit Ian. Karen and Frank tend to Chris informing him that he was bitten by Caleb. When told that his vital signs are normal he seem disappointed that he did not become a vampire. Michael begs Eve to help him. Gaby continues to yell for Caleb. Jamal grabs Gaby and she passes out, due to a shot of some sedative that Alison stole from downstairs. Eve moves in closer to help Michael only to be grabbed by Caleb. He tells her that Michael is gone and he tries to claim Livvie and Eve's baby. Livvie bargains with Caleb to take her and let the other go, but Caleb doesn't want her that way. He wants her love, unconditionally. Eve yells for Michael to come back and help, remember the love that is there for him. Caleb is confused and lets Eve go. The voices in his head begin to take over, Michael, Eve, Livvie, Kevin himself are all bombarding his mind. Michael comes out and calls to Eve. Lucy gets ready to take another shot as Michael begs for god to help him. He asks for peace and an ending to his torment. With arms stretched out there is a strike of lightening that hits Caleb and he is taken. As they all look on in amazement, they go to each other and comfort one another only to look back to where Caleb was standing to see a pile of dust blow away in the wind. They are all thankful that it is over but feel they need closure and decide to give thanks at the chapel. Eve distraught over losing Michael says she need to pray for his lost soul. Karen arrives on the roof to check everyone out. Lucy is disappointed that she wasn't the one to get rid of Caleb. Kevin reassures her that she did a wonderful job and it wouldn't have been done without her. Jack and Livvie say they feel better and with Jamal and Alison agree that since the head vampire is gone then all the semi-vampires will return to normal. Jamal attempts to make amends with Gaby. Livvie apologizes to her father and Lucy for her part in the mess. Kevin thanks Jack for sticking to Livvie and saving her. Livvie can't believe it's over and declares her love to Jack. They start discussing their plans for the future. Frank gets the news that Caleb is dead and releases Chris from his restraints. Chris is disappointed at the news. In the chapel Eve tells Ian how upset she is that she couldn't save Michael. Father Vincente arrives with Emilio who is visibly better and gives thanks to all who have helped. Gaby apologizes to Emilio for what she did. The rest of the group, minus Jack and Livvie, arrive at the chapel and Ian asks Father Vincente to lead them in prayer. Jack and Livvie prepare to leave but Livvie wants a few minutes to collect her thoughts. Jack thinks they should go elsewhere but Livvie asks what is there to be frightened of, Caleb is gone. As Father Vincente finishes his service, everyone in the chapel look to each other and proclaim their love for one another. Lucy apologizes to Ian for shooting him. Eve goes into labor. Livvie turns to leave with Jack and is called back by Caleb's voice. He tells her their souls are bound together forever. As she listens to Caleb, she opens her hand to find the ring Caleb/Michael has been wearing.

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