Tempted, September 3 - November 30, 2001

Episode Breakdowns:

Tempted DVD #1 September 3-21, 2001:  (no shows 9/11-9/14, 2001) - 9/3, 9/4, 9/5, 9/6, 9/7, 9/10, 9/17, 9/18, 9/19, 9/20, 9/21 [Episode Descriptions]

Tempted DVD #2 September 24 - October 8, 2001:  9/24, 9/25, 9/26, 9/27, 9/28, 10/1, 10/2, 10/3, 10/4, 10/5, 10/8 [Episode Descriptions]

Tempted DVD #3 October 9-23, 2001:  10/9, 10/10, 10/11, 10/12, 10/15, 10/16, 10/17, 10/18, 10/19, 10/22, 10/23 [Episode Descriptions]

Tempted DVD #4  October 24 - November 7, 2001:  10/24, 10/25, 10/26, 10/29, 10/30, 10/31, 11/1, 11/2,  11/5, 11/6, 11/7 (last 5 mins glitchy) [Episode Descriptions]

Tempted DVD #5 November 8 - 22, 2001:  11/8, 11/9, (11/12 did not air due to plane crash nationally pre-empted), 11/13, 11/14, 11/15, 11/16, 11/19, 11/20, 11/21,11/22, (no show aired 11/23 day after Thanksgiving) [Episode Descriptions]

Tempted DVD #6  November 26 - 30, 2001:  11/26, 11/27, 11/28, 11/29, 11/30 [Episode Descriptions]

Episode Descriptions:

Tempted DVD #1  September 3-21, 2001
(no shows aired 9/11-9/14, 2001) 9/3, 9/4, 9/5, 9/6, 9/7, 9/10, 9/17, 9/18, 9/19, 9/20, 9/21

September 3- Eve went into labor and her water broke while in the chapel at the hospital saying goodbye to Caleb/Michael. Ian tried to the be the doctor and not the daddy but Karen quickly stepped in and said that he must be the daddy this time around. Frank and Karen walked Eve to the delivery room. Livvie heard Michael/Caleb talking to her and had the ring in her possession. Eve was distressed about going into early labor and Ian remembered that they are not married as Michael wasn't a real priest. Ian asked Kevin and Lucy to find a minister that could marry them before the baby came. Livvie didn't tell Jack about hearing Michael / Caleb's voice. Jack told her not to worry because nothing or no one would ever come between them. Livvie threw the ring Caleb gave her from the top of the hospital roof. Jamal and Alison and Jack and Livvie went to have a breakfast feast. Kevin and Lucy found a priest who married Eve and Ian very fast. Jamal asked Livvie how she is doing through all of this. Jack and Alison went to take the cappuccino machine to the shop but Alison said that a big strong man like Jack shouldn't have any trouble carrying it to the shop. Jack had flashbacks about just how strong he was when he was a vampire. Jack told Alison that he isn't that strong anymore but he was scared that he would become a vampire once again. Alison tried to reassure him that that won't happen. Jamal told Livvie that Jack loved her deeply and that nothing or no one would come between them. The neonatal specialist was stuck in traffic and couldn't get into the hospital as Eve was delivering the baby boy early. Livvie planned a romantic evening with Jack and, while turning down the bed, found the ring that she had thrown from the roof of the hospital on the pillow. 

September 4- Jack, Livvie and Jamal enjoyed Alison's breakfast and decided to focus on the bike shop. When Alison teased him about being a "big, strong man," Jack recalled his strength as a vampire and became angry. Lucy and Kevin find someone to marry Eve and Ian moments before the baby was born. As Livvie cleaned up Jack's room for a romantic night, she found Caleb's ring on the pillow. Eve delivered a perfect baby boy but he didn't cry. Eve recalled the death of her first son while Karen tried to comfort her. Livvie was affected by Caleb's ring and told Jack the truth. When she tried to show him the ring, it was gone. Gaby apologized to Jamal and Alison and told them she was going on a retreat. Alison was angry at her selfishness and said so. Eve prayed for her child's life. As Livvie and Jack made love, an angry wind whipped up. Ian asked Karen to bring Eve to the baby. Ian promised his child the world if he'd only live. Jack swore he would always take care of Livvie but she was still affected by Caleb. Ian and Eve sat by their son's side waiting for the test results. 

September 5- Eve kept a vigil over her new baby, telling Ian that she is afraid to take her eyes off him. Chris came by in to see the baby and congratulate them all. He reassured Eve that the baby will be a fighter like his mother. While he is there, the pediatrician came in and told them that the baby had sleep apnea and would need to be monitored, but he should eventually outgrow the condition and be just fine. They where all relieved to hear such good news and Chris gave them more support and encouragement as he left. Eve was still very concerned, afraid that the doctor may not have told them everything. Ian calmed her down and assured her that he was going to be fine. She then asked him if he could get a nurse so that they could hold their son. Ian was first to welcome him to the world and then he gave him to Eve who was overcome with joy as she held him for the first time. Alison apologized to Jamal again and told him that she would try very hard to overcome any bad feelings that she had for Gaby. He thanked her and told her that Gaby has had a tough couple of months also and he knew they wouldn't be an instant family, but he was going to be there for her if she needed anything. Jack came into the bike shop and told Jamal and Alison that he was afraid it would take a while for Livvie's fear to go away. He told them about her seeing Caleb's ring appear on her pillow after she had thrown it away. They tried to reassure Jack that she had been through a lot, and that it would just take some time. As they where talking, Kibble came into the shop looking for Jamal. He was exited about the possibility of vampires in Port Charles, and wanted to know more. Jamal told Kibble that he was busy working but Kibble pursued his quest. Jack then jumped in and told Kibble to leave them alone. Kibble asked Jack if he was the head bat. Jack was staring to get very upset by Kibble's questions and asked Kibble if he saw any fangs, then picked up a mirror and admired his reflection, and then left the shop in a huff. Kibble continued to talk with Jamal and Alison, asking Jamal about Jack, and if he had succeeded in "icing" the head vampire. They told him that Jack had been bitten, along with several others in town, but now that Caleb was dead they had all returned to normal just as he said they would. Kibble then warned them that vampires don't just up and die. They always leave behind a "residue" of their being. He explained to them that this "residue" could not kill anyone, but instead attacked people mentally by planting things into peoples mind. After Kibble had left the shop, Alison told Jamal that she was still very worried. The things that Jack had told them about he and Livvie, and the unrest that they both felt made her believe that Kibble was right about Caleb's spirit still being present among them. Jamal insisted that Caleb was gone and their ordeal was over. Lucy had a horrible nightmare and was very frazzled about it when she woke up. Kevin could see that something was bothering her and she wouldn't even tell him about it. He calmed her down and with some coaxing, she finally told him that she had dreamt that Livvie was pregnant with Caleb's child. Kevin was very disturbed when she told him about it. He was paged to the hospital, but as he left he asked her not to share her dream with Livvie. She stood in the dining room alone and sensed that someone else was in the room. She turned around to find Livvie standing there. She had come in through the den and heard all of her and Kevin's conversation. She too was disturbed, and told Lucy that it was really a possibility. Jack walked in as they where talking and overhear Livvie say that she may be pregnant. Jack was stunned at first, but then realized that it may not be his baby. They both panicked and Lucy tried to assure them that they where all just jumping to conclusions and to be sure Lucy would by Livvie a pregnancy test. Jack hugged Livvie and told her that they would face anything that happens together. Chris shared the good news about Ian and Eve's baby with Kevin, and mentioned that with everything that happened, it was good news. Kevin then told him that Karen and Frank had destroyed all of the research and blood samples they had taken, so they could all put it behind them. Chris was initially upset by this information and told Kevin that they had no right to do that. He calmed down and told Kevin that it was probably for the best. He then walked into his office,went over to the refrigerator, and pulled out a small vile of blood. He commented to himself that they hadn't destroyed everything. 

September 6- Excited by her recent past as a vampire, Chris offers Gabi his apology and then makes a leering pass at her. Jamal arrives to hear Gabi laying into Chris for his sick desires and Jamal eventually kicks Chris out. Jamal then helps his sister move to the convent. Both are unaware that someone seems to be following them. Livvie and Lucy are relieved when Livvie's home pregnancy test shows that she is not pregnant with Caleb's baby. Later, however, Jack admits how sickened he is by the thought of her in bed with Caleb. He finally confesses that he doesn't blame her and reassures Livvie that he loves her more than ever in spite of everything that has transpired. The two agree to move on with their relationship. They then pay a visit to Eve and her baby at the hospital. As she stares in awe at the tiny infant, Livvie is frightened when she hears Caleb's voice inside her reminding her that this should have been their baby. Lucy watches as Kevin admires Eve's baby. Seeing Lucy react, Kevin guesses that she's upset because she can't have a baby of her own. She angrily denies being reminded of her infertility and storms off. 

September 7- Kevin finds Lucy hiding in a storage closet. She tells him she's fine, but Kevin doesn't believe her. She tells Kevin she doesn't want anyone feeling sorry for her and wants him to go away. Kevin sits. Livvie hers Caleb's voice and tells Jack she has a headache and needs to leave. Jack runs into Ian outside the hospital room racing after Livvie. Livvie tells the voice in her head to stop. Ian bought everything they needed for the baby, but the diapers. He gives Eve a bracelet for the birth of their son. Eve tells Ian in all the excitement of the delivery and his shopping they forgot one thing -- A name for the baby. Jack asks Livvie who she is talking to. She tells him herself. Says the pounding in her head makes her remember everything. Jack offers to take Livvie away for a while. Livvie agrees to go. Kevin begs Lucy to talk to him but she refuses. Kevin then explains to Lucy that she is the luckiest girl in the world. She has everything included a man that loves her. He continues saying that it isn't the baby but the commitment that Ian and Eve have for each other that has upset her. She tries to deny it and wants "Doc" to tell her what he is really getting at. He says it's incredible to dedicate yourself to someone else's happiness. And that he wants her to marry him. Jack leaves to make arrangements after which Livvie has an episode. Lucy backs away from Kevin asking if he just asked her to marry him. He repeats the question and Lucy tells him no. She tells him the only reason he asked her to marry him was because he felt sorry for her. She tries to scurry out but runs into the janitor trying to put things away. He tells her she doesn't belong in the closet and Kevin covers for them both saying she is a patient of his and he is giving her therapy. He turns to Lucy and says he can't believe he turned her down. She tells him she's afraid that things will get messed up again. That and the fact that he proposed in a broom closet. He apologizes and takes his proposal back. He was trying to be spontaneous. She then yells him that it WAS a pity proposal. He tells her it wasn't, it was that she was going home without him and he wants her to go home WITH him. He tells her to forget the whole thing and attempts to leave only to find the door locked. Lucy starts to panic. Eve and Ian go through a list of names. Ian comes up with the middle name of Griffin and tells Eve she must decide the first name.. She remembers the poem that Ian told her during labor and decides on Daniel. She asks him to repeat the poem. Livvie is in the catacombs yelling out to Caleb. She wants him to show himself. Kevin tries to get the door unlocked. Lucy asks why people get married these days. She tries to sort the reasons out, children, money. They know they love each other and the issues aren't important to them. They don't need a slip of paper to prove they are married. So they agree not to get married. Lucy thinks about it a little longer and realizes that she does want to get married and accepts Kevin proposal. He is happy and agrees to getting married too. He goes to open the door but Lucy reminds him that it is locked. He tells her it was never locked. They kiss. Eve has a dream of waking and seeing Ian with the baby. He tells her to come look at the nametag for the baby to make sure it's right. When she sees it, it says Caleb. Livvie tells Caleb she will never love him of her own free will. She wants to know where the voice is coming from if he won't show himself. Looking around she sees a music box. She opens it and Caleb's ring is inside. She tells herself she's not imagining things. From the box, music, a beam of light and a gusting wind escape. Jack finishes up packing and lifts the suitcase only to find his superhuman powers have returned. Livvie yells for Caleb. 

September 10- Eve awakened from a nightmare thinking that they named the baby Caleb. Ian tries to comfort Eve and assured her that Caleb is gone now and a distance memory. Eve threatened to take Daniel home before Caleb got him away from them. Livvie told Caleb that she would never love him of her own free will. She heard strange music coming from a jewelry box and she opened it unleashing some kind of power. Jack discovered the strength he thought was gone was back. He was frightened that he was a becoming a vampire again. Jack told Alison that he thought he still might be a vampire. He also told her that Livvie was still feeling the effects of Caleb and could not get him out of her head. Ian told Eve that she and Daniel must stay in the hospital a little longer because she needed some rest. A distraught Eve told Ian that Caleb was still out there and that they should take Daniel home and never leave there again. Eve feared that Caleb will take Daniel away. Alison tried to comfort Jack and said that it was just a bad reaction from everything that he had been through but Jack had other thoughts. Livvie could still hear Caleb's voice and slammed the lid shut on the box. Ian tried to reason with Eve about Caleb. He told her that Caleb was gone. Eve told Ian that Caleb was still watching and waiting to take Daniel away. Alison tried to help Jack pick up the spilled clothes from the suitcase. Alison said that Jamal and Jack and Livvie and herself all need to take a trip together but Jack nixed the idea telling her that Livvie can't get Caleb from her head and that they needed this time together. He also told Alison that if Caleb were still alive he'd kill him all over again for what he had done to Livvie. Jack couldn't reach Livvie on her cell phone. As Livvie ran from the cave she ran into a mysterious stranger who told her that there is an evil man in the area that attacks women. She asked him if this guy had fangs. Livvie told herself that she needed to get a grip on reality. Livvie saw a snake but didn't believe it was real. Eve and Ian argued about her leaving the baby while she went back to her room to rest for a while. She reluctantly agreed to go when the nurse assured her no harm would come to Daniel. Jack worried about Livvie and told Alison that Caleb wouldn't quit tormenting Livvie. The snake bit Livvie. 

No shows aired 9/11-9/14 due to 9/11 

September 17- Lucy and Kevin are keeping their engagement a secret. Ian called and asked for Kevin's help. As Jack and Alison searched for Livvie in the catacombs, they found her bracelet. Gaby and Jamal had a chat in the chapel while someone looked on. Alison found the box hidden in some rocks and was nearly bitten by the snake which Jack killed and took back with them without retrieving the box. Chris told Lucy he'd never lose interest in vampires. Ian asked for Kevin's help with Eve. Livvie made it to the hospital and was delirious, babbling about Caleb. Lucy called Jack and he and Alison rushed to the hospital. Strangely, The snake was from Australia and Chris worked on an antidote from the venom. Jack tried to comfort Livvie, begging her to stay with him. Jamal sensed someone spying on him and Gaby. Livvie went into respiratory arrest and Chris fought to save her. 

September 18- Jamal caught Valerie following him. As Chris worked on reviving Livvie, she dreamed that Caleb was calling her to the cave and the music box. Eve told Lucy that Caleb was back and out to get all of them. Eve was alarmed by the mysterious mobile and tried to find out where or who it came from. Livvie dreamed of the box opening and, as the anti-venom was ready to be administered, screamed but regained consciousness. Alison was worried about Jamal. Valerie told Jamal that she'd had to give Hope, her baby, up for adoption. Ian tried to reassure Eve that Caleb couldn't have sent the mobile. Eve agreed to go to her room but confided in Lucy she was just playing along. Jack told Livvie there was no music box but she insisted. As soon as Livvie was alone, she left her room. Valerie came to PC due to a letter she'd received which she thought was from Jamal. Lucy was convinced there is something evil around them. Livvie went to see Daniel and was transfixed by the mobile but the infant was not in his crib. 

September 19- Alison is relieved to discover that the young woman in Jamal's arms is only Valerie. In the hospital nursery, Livvie tells an edgy Ian that Caleb must have snatched the baby out of his crib. Kevin arrives with news about Daniel's disappearance, sending Ian flying off in a rage. Meanwhile, Jack tries to convince Livvie that her visions of Caleb are all in her mind. At the loft, Eve thanks Lucy for helping her get her newborn safely home. Ian storms in and demands to know from Eve where she gets off making unilateral decisions about his son. Gabi overhears her brother and Valerie quietly discussing the night they spent together. A trembling Livvie begs Kevin to help her regain her sanity. Lucy finds Jack boarding up the entrance to the catacombs. He vows to make sure Livvie never has any thoughts of Caleb again. After the two leave, a strong wind sends the boards falling to the ground, opening the entrance to the cave again. 

September 20- Eve believes her fears of Caleb are keeping him alive. Ian tired of the whole fiasco tells her that Caleb has won and walks out. Kevin questions Lucy about her and Jack entombing Caleb in the catacombs. Lucy tells Kevin she was getting strange vibes while there. Livvie is afraid she is going crazy. Jack tells her they will get their lives back. It will take time. As she hugs Jack, trying to feel "safe" she stares at the candles that seem to be mysteriously "blown" out. Lucy tells Kevin she feels things are still out of balance. Some type of evil is coming. Kevin is worried she may be right and that they should take care of it. Jack tells Livvie to relax. He takes her in his arms and tries to convince her they will be fine. He falls asleep. Livvie looks at the candles that have been lit again by some strange way and eases out of Jacks embrace. Caleb's voice calls to her to come. Ian returns to have a heart to heart with his son. He explains to Daniel that his mother will always be over protective of him. Eve awakens to hear him. Eve tells Ian she is not sorry for bringing the baby home early, just for the way she did it. Ian makes her promise not to do anything without consulting him first. Lucy, with candles blazing and her book open, tries to contact the great beyond. Kevin yells at her to stop for her chant is inviting evil into their home. As she explains this is the only way for this to work she tells Kevin that she feels an evil force all around. Kevin looks up to see a shadow cross in front of the mirror and then break. Jack is "awakened" by a Livvie dressed in red trying to seduce him. Jack begs for her but she can't be found. She is playing a cat and mouse game with him. It appears that Jack is dreaming. Livvie, back in the catacombs, is looking for the box to prove her sanity. Eve and Ian make up from their fight. Ian tells Eve it's time to move on with their lives. Eve proclaims her love for Ian, but other thoughts are on her mind. As Lucy and Kevin clean up the broken mirror, Lucy tells Kevin that evil is in the house. Kevin tells her he did feel the evil but it couldn't harm them for some reason. He leaves to check on Livvie. A knock at the door startles both of them. Lucy, anxious to find out who it is, is stopped by Kevin telling her that he will answer the knock. They open the door. Livvie stops seducing Jack and tells him she's must go back to her husband, Caleb, and leaves a heart broken Jack. As Livvie opens the box, nothing appears -- no smoke, no music and no ring. Convinced she is crazy, she turns and walks out only to be called back by a transparent Caleb, telling her she isn't crazy ---he's back! 

September 21- Eve looks on as Ian is playing with baby Daniel. She apologizes once again to Ian for running out of the hospital with the baby and bringing him home without him. She realizes she took away the most important day of Ian's life, bring home his wife and son. Kevin and Lucy open the door to see Rafe. Inviting him in, Rafe tells them that he "felt" they needed his help against evil. Jack tells Livvie she can't go back to Caleb. He begs her not to leave him. Livvie thinking she is crazy can't believe Caleb is there. Caleb explains to Livvie that he's not exactly alive but he isn't exactly dead. Livvie wants to know why he is there. Caleb informs her that because she listened to the music box, and was the only one that heard the music, she is the one that brought him back. Ian carrying Daniel and all his gear tells Eve to follow him. He wants to reenact the coming home of the baby. As they enter the apartment they introduce him to all the things that will happen to him as he grows. Ian presents Eve with a bouquet and a speech of how much he loves her. Kevin asks Rafe if he senses evil in the house. Lucy explains to Rafe that it couldn't possibly be Caleb because they killed him. Rafe still feels the evil and hunts around the house for clues to where it is. He sees the broken mirror on the wall and asks what happened. Lucy explains that they conjured up the evil forces and Rafe tells her she has no clue as to what she is doing. Livvie tells Caleb she doesn't want him back. She loves Jack. Caleb laughs it off telling her that she still craves him. Everything they were together. She demands he tell her what he wants. Caleb wants revenge. Lucy asks Rafe how she is making things worse. He reminds her that she must be very afraid of what she is doing. It's not as simple as she thinks. Just to prove to her that she doesn't know what she is doing, Rafe asks her to tell him where the evil is. Show him. She hunts around the room but cannot tell him the exact area of the evil forces. Jack chases after Livvie in his dream begging her not to go back to Caleb. Livvie tells Caleb he can't hurt the people she loves. She knows he can feel love because of Michael. Caleb tells her that Michael is no more. She asks him what he is going to do. Caleb responds that he is not going to do anything. That the people she loves are going to destroy themselves. He will plant seeds of doubt in their minds and they will fall apart. And as they grow weaker he will become stronger. Livvie warns Caleb that she will tell everyone of his plan but Caleb threatens her with silence. Ian and Eve having a quiet moment are startled by a thunderstorm that is getting worse. A loud clap of thunder that sounds like it hit the house awakens the baby. Eve looks upset. Watching the storm approach, Lucy is visibly frightened by what Rafe has told them. Lucy asks him how they can get rid of the evil. He tells her to feel the evil. As they stand silent, they feel the evil presence in the room. Lucy and Kevin ask Rafe how to fight it, but Rafe, still in somewhat of a trance travels the room and ends up in front of the broken mirror. He places his hand on it and chants "You have no power here...." The mirror goes back to normal. Jack desperately searches for Livvie. He comes across a path of rose petals and follows it finding a blood soaked nightgown. Thinking that it is Livvie's he screams, fearing she is gone. Livvie tells Caleb he won't win. That she will warn all. Caleb informs Livvie that she will not remember anything that they have discussed and when he comes back she will return to him. Death will not come between them. They will have the life he wants with their child. It is just a matter of time before they are together again. Livvie screams and wakes up both her and Jack. Jack tries to comfort Livvie telling her they both just had bad nightmares. Livvie knows she has had a bad dream but can't remember anything that happened.

Tempted DVD #2  September 24 - October 8, 2001 
9/24, 9/25, 9/26, 9/27, 9/28, 10/1, 10/2, 10/3, 10/4, 10/5, 10/8

September 24 - Rafe told Lucy to focus on the light and love and she'd be safe. As Ian was investigating a noise, a cabinet fell on him and he found something which upset him. Kevin and Lucy answered Eve's call for help. Rafe inadvertently walked in on Livvie and Jack. Livvie was terribly rude to Rafe. Jack and Rafe talked downstairs as Livvie thought of Caleb. Kevin helped Ian back to the loft. Ian practically shoved Kevin and Lucy out the door and insisted they'd worked too hard for their family to let anyone take it away. A gloved hand wrote a note saying Ian is not who he says he is. 

September 25 - Valerie showed up at the bike shop. Eve and Karen talked about what had happened the previous evening. Frank offered to help Ian clean up the garage but Ian declined. Kevin found a note which said that Ian is not a good man and that the writer is worried that Eve may be in danger. Valerie's intentions showed and Jamal was uncomfortable. He told her it was only one night and there was no reason to upset Alison. Eve told Karen that, though she knew it was crazy, she still feared Caleb. Karen reassured Eve. Kevin arrived and offered to help Ian also but Ian declined again. Frank and Kevin wondered why Ian was so tense. Valerie claimed she was not coming on to Jamal who offered to drive her home more to get rid of her. Kevin told Victor about the note and they wondered if Ian could have planned the kidnapping himself. Ian had to go to the hospital and Eve was immediately frightened by strange sounds in the hall. Alison met Rafe. Frank told Kevin he was also concerned about Ian's behavior. Ian arrived at the hospital to be told he hadn't been paged and Eve got locked out with Danny still inside. 

September 26 - Livvie arrives at Eve and Ian's apartment to find Eve frantically trying to open the door. The baby can be heard crying inside. Livvie offers Eve her cell phone, which Eve uses to call 911. While they are waiting for help to arrive, they watch the baby through the patio door window. Although he has stopped crying, Eve is anxious to get inside. She pleads with Livvie to help her. Livvie covers her hand with her coat, and then breaks the glass. She reaches inside and unlocks the door. Eve comforts the baby as the firemen arrive. As Eve is explaining the situation to them, Livvie hears Caleb's voice saying Daniel should be their baby. Livvie shakes off the feeling, then tells Eve about the nightmares she has been having. She understands Eve's obsession with the thought that something is not right. Eve offers to let Livvie hold the baby. As Livvie cradles him in her arms, she swears she would protect him with her life. Later, as Livvie is leaving the apartment, she once again hears Caleb's music. Kevin confronts Ian at the hospital saying he wants to talk about the kidnapping. Ian is angry that Kevin wants to bring up something that happened so long ago. Kevin persists and begins asking detailed questions. He wants to know exactly how it all happened. Kevin also wants to know why Ian's garage is locked. Is he hiding something? Ian evades the questions then leaves. Once he is gone, Kevin calls Mac Scorpio. He asks Mac for the police report on Eve and Ian's kidnapping. At the bike shop, Rafe introduces himself to Alison as Lucy's cousin. Jack arrives and tells Alison the rest: Rafe is a vampire slayer from Transylvania. Alison is afraid that Rafe's presence means vampires still roam Port Charles though Jack assures her Rafe is "off duty". They convince Rafe to visit what is left of the monastery. He is concerned at the news that Caleb was actually living in a house of God. Rafe tells them they should concentrate on the good in their lives, not look for trouble. Still, he agrees to go to the monastery and check it out. Jack, Rafe, and Alison walk through the darkened ruins of the church. Rafe stands very still then pronounces all evil gone from the place. He can only sense sadness. Jack flashes back to a memory of a fight he had with Caleb in the church basement. He disagrees with Rafe saying he can still feel Caleb's presence. They are about to leave when something falls from the rafters as Alison screams. 

September 27 - Worried about a wedding jinx, Lucy and Kevin swear Victor to silence about their impending nuptials. Eve explains to Ian how she got locked out of the loft and then panicked because she was separated from their baby. A shaken Livvie hears Caleb whispering how he plans to continue wreaking horror on the good people of Port Charles. In the ruins of the monastery, Jack and Rafe struggle to extricate an unconscious Alison. Out of Lucy's earshot, Kevin tells his father how he had Mac make him a copy of the police report on Ian's kidnapping. Livvie tries to convince Caleb that she feels nothing for him anymore. Jack employs some superhuman strength to lift the fallen tree off of Alison. After sending Jack for help, Rafe uses his own supernatural powers to instantaneously heal Alison's injuries. Ian admits to Eve how he was once accused of murder after trying to protect a woman from her abusive husband.

September 28 - Gaby feeling a little strange, begins to come on to a priest. Yelling her name she snaps out of it and apologizes while running out of the room. Jack is worried his superhuman powers have returned after freeing Alison. Livvie asks Caleb why she can see him now and not before. He tells her that her desire for him is bringing him back. When he is strong enough he will have everything he wants. Gaby visits Jamal at the bike shop telling him that she is having symptoms of being a vampire again. She wants to know if anyone else is feeling the same way. Chris is euphoric and jumping around the interns room. Karen yells at him to settle down and tell her what is the matter. He claims that his latest experiment is going to improve life. Looking at Karen strangely, Chris begins to come on to Karen as Karen stands back wondering. Alison asks Rafe if he believes that Jack's powers are returning. Rafe isn't sure. Showing concern for Alison, Rafe asks if she is all right. Alison confesses to Rafe that she does not remember getting hurt, but that she does feel wonderful... a sort of calm peaceful feeling. Rafe tells her to hold on to that feeling. Livvie tries to convince herself she is dreaming. She goes to touch Caleb but can't. Caleb tells her he is not physically there yet, but that she 'can' feel him in her mind and heart. As everyone else's love fades he will become stronger and more present. He explains to her that her love for Jack is a fading love. His love will last forever. He tells her the next time they meet she will see more of him. Livvie becomes sleepy and goes to lie down. Caleb whispering that she will have no memory of their conversation. Jack runs in to find a half naked Livvie asleep on the rocks. Karen tells Chris to back off or she'll let him have it. She tries to get out of him what is wrong but he refuses to tell her. Rafe tries to make alison get checked out but she refuses. Alison asks Rafe about himself. As he tells her his story she says to him he is holding back something. He asks her if anyone has held back anything from her, even Jamal. She defends Jamal to the end. That they are in love and there is nothing they don't know about each other. Rafe wonders. Jamal questions Gaby why she thinks she is having symptoms again. She tells him that she came on to a priest but left before she went too far. She asks Jamal if he has any clue as to why this is happening. Jamal tells her that Kevin thinks it is some sort of psychological flash back. Gaby begs Jamal not to tell anyone what happened especially Alison since she already doesn't like her. Jack wakes Livvie who falls into his arms begging him not to leave her. He asks her where her clothes are but she has no answer. Then he questions her on why she is there in the catacombs but she can't remember why she went there. Looking into his eyes she begs him to love her always. He promises but she still has her doubts. Jamal asks Gaby to stop putting down Alison. Gaby who seems a little more angry now, tries to tell Jamal that Alison is nothing more than a spoiled little rich "white" girl. Alison is not one of them. Jamal tells Gaby to stop, but Gaby asks Jamal if Alison knows everything about him, including the fact that he slept with Valerie. Just as she says this Alison walks in and asks what is going on. Livvie tells Jack she has no clue how she got into the catacombs. He asks her if she is sure. All she remembers is leaving Eve's place to go home and the next thing she knew, she was waking up in the cave. She can't figure out what it is, but that she feels as if she is in some sort of dream state but that nothing makes sense to her. Jack tells her that everything is beginning to make sense and he doesn't like it. Caleb is in the corner, making the strike mark in the air. One for him. Alison took the news about Jamal and Valerie too well. She wondered when Jamal planned to tell her and was hurt but understanding when he said he wasn't until she caught him in another lie. Eve told Ian she understood and accepted his past as Kevin dug deeper into it. Gaby confided in Frank who told her Joe had met someone else. Lucy overheard Kevin investigating Ian and demanded an explanation. Kevin suspected a pattern in Ian's behavior. Frank offered to help Gaby who realized how much like Joe he really was. Alison was convinced that Valerie wants Jamal back. She said she trusted Jamal but not Valerie and left ostensibly for a walk. Lucy asked Kevin to let his suspicions about Ian go but Kevin pictured what might have happened during the kidnapping. Alison visited Valerie and returned her gift and warned her to back off Jamal. Kevin got a phone call from a mysterious woman as Ian tore up her picture. 

October 5 - Eve talks to Daniel as he cries. She tells him that they need rest. As she tries to calm him down, she decides to take him for a drive to get both her and y out of the house before it drives them crazy. Kevin looks at a picture of Ian's ex, Ann Marie, and remembers how she told him that Ian killed her baby. He calls Eve and starts to leave a message on her answering machine, but says that when she gets the message to forget he called. Kevin breaks into Ian and Eve's apartment and looks around for something to back up Ann Marie's story. At Ian and Eve's, Kevin finds a photo of Ann Marie that says: "Dear Ian, you didn't have to kidnap me to make me fall in love with you." Kevin wonders if Ann Marie was telling the truth. Eve comes home and asks Kevin what he is doing in her house. Chris tries to wake Karen up, but finds that she has no pulse, even though she is breathing fine. Chris injects Karen with some adrenaline, and she wakes up immediately. She remembers about their struggle and asks what he shot her with. He tells her that it was a struggle and she stuck herself. When she finds out that it was Gaby's old vampire blood, and that he THINKS he screened out all the bad parts, she slaps him. Karen asks Chris what's going to happen to her. Chris asks her to help him with his research. She says that she is going to turn him in. When he tries to stop her, she throws him across the room. As Livvie sleeps in the catacombs, Caleb marvels at how Livvie tricked her father into thinking she was Ann Marie. He tells her that no one will ever suspect her. When Livvie wakes up, she calls for Caleb and tells him that she had a nightmare, but she can't remember what it was about. He tells her to go back asleep and dream about something wonderful. She dreams about the first time they made love, as he says that it is only the beginning. As Livvie wakes up, Caleb asks if her dreams were better. She says they were, but she has to go because Jack will worry. Caleb says that Jack doesn't trust her because a temporary being's love is just that temporary. She says that it's because of what he's doing to everyone. He says that as everyone gets weaker, he gets stronger, and they'll never find out it's him because everyone is so busy mistrusting each other. Jack calls the hospital that Rachel is at. He asks the nurse at the desk if her daughter Livvie is there. She tells him that Rachel hasn't had any visitors all day. Alison then shows up and asks him what's wrong, and he tells her that Livvie lied to him. Jack tells Alison about the day that Livvie was naked in the catacombs, but didn't know how she got there. Alison says that it sounds that something is wrong with her. Jack say that it fells like Caleb all over again, and he goes out to find her. Caleb tells Livvie that what they are doing is the only way that he could get his powers back. She says that it feels wrong hurting everyone, and Caleb says that guilt is the most annoying of human emotions. He says that she shouldn't feel guilty since when she leaves, she doesn't remember anything. Livvie asks Caleb when she can remember. He says that soon she will have him and the baby that they deserve. She leaves. Livvie comes home to find Jack waiting for her. As he asks her where she was, Caleb laughs at how his plan is working... 

October 8 - Karen was upset that Chris stuck her with the needle with the vampire blood. As she was running from him she ran into Alan Quartermaine. Jack asked Livvie why she didn't go to see Rachel. Jack knew that Livvie couldn't remember where she has been. Livvie said that she knew she wasn't there but was walking. Lucy was in the recovery room trying to get Rafe to come to her but she couldn't seem to summon him. Ian came into the Recovery Room and told Lucy that he was tired. Ian told Lucy that Eve was waiting for something bad to happen to Daniel. Ian also said that Caleb was gone but Lucy told him what had happened at the lighthouse with the mirror and that she thought that there was still evil lurking around Port Charles. Eve came home with Daniel and saw Kevin inside their apartment looking around for clues as to what Ian is up to. Kevin told Eve about Ann-Marie. Rafe came to the Recovery Room looking for Lucy but he knew she went to the woods. He sensed that she was in danger there. Rafe envisioned Caleb attacking Lucy. Rafe went to the woods in search of Lucy. Lucy tried to bring the evil spirit out again but it didn't materialize in front of Ian. Ian decided to leave the woods and thought Lucy had gone too but Lucy came back and knew that the evil wanted her there alone. Eve told Kevin that she knew all about Ann-Marie. Kevin gave her the picture and she reads the back that said " Ian you didn't have to kidnap me to make me fall in love with you." Alan asked Chris what made Karen faint. Karen covered for Chris and told Alan that she just didn't have enough to eat that day and never said a word about being stuck with the needle containing the vampire blood. Livvie told Jack that she couldn't bare to see Rachel in that condition with her not knowing anyone or anything and that she needed to get that vision of Rachel out of her head that Caleb put there. Jack told Livvie that they could have that family together that neither of them had while growing up. Eve threw Kevin out of the apartment but was left to ponder a big question as Ian came into the apartment with flowers. Livvie told Jack that she was tired and wanted a hot bath and to go to sleep. Lucy feared danger while in the woods and was startled by someone she knew.

Tempted DVD #3  October 9 - 23, 2001 
10/9, 10/10, 10/11, 0/12, 10/15, 10/16, 10/17, 10/18, 10/19, 10/22, 10/23

October 1 - Alison was stunned to hear Gaby ask Jamal if Alison knew that he and Valerie had been been lovers. Jamal assured Alison that his relationship with Valerie was in the past, and he hadn't told her about it because Valerie meant nothing to him. Alison forgave him for keeping the secret, and they were heading home when the wind blew the door open and knocked a CD to the ground. When Alison picked it up, she saw that it was the same CD that Jamal had told her was from a customer. However, Alison found a note attached from Valerie. Jamal apologized to Alison for lying to her, but Alison wasn't angry with him. She told him she had to take care of some business and stormed out. Alison went to the retreat and confronted a shocked Valerie. She stated that she was on to Valerie's game and declared Jamal off-limits. Frank spied a despondent Gaby at The Recovery Room and sat down to talk to her. Gaby confided that she had been thinking a lot about what she had done to Joe. She told Frank that she sometimes fantasized about getting back together with Joe. When Frank advised her to move on, Gaby realized that Joe was seeing someone new. Frank comforted her by saying that she was going to find happiness eventually. When he left, Gaby mused that he was a lot like Joe. Though Eve had readily understood his explanation about his past, Ian still worried that she feared being married to him. Eve sat in his lap and told him that she had no regrets about marrying him. When she went to take a nap, Ian took out a picture of Anne Marie, the woman he'd had an affair with. On the back, it read, "You didn't have to kidnap me to make me love you." He studied the picture, then ripped it in half, murmuring that he'd be keeping no more secrets. Lucy heard Kevin on the phone asking Victor to continue to look into Ian's past. She was stunned that he harbored such doubts about Ian. Kevin reminded her that Ian had really appeared from nowhere, and that none of them really knew him at all. Lucy declared that her instincts told her Ian was a good man, and that was all she needed to know. Kevin, however, imagined a different scenario for Eve and Ian's kidnapping that made him nervous. He imagined that Ian chloroformed Eve, planted her ring in the car, carried her out of it, and then caused the explosion. A phone call from the woman who had sent him the letter about Ian increased Kevin's suspicions. The woman warned him that Ian was a dangerous man who might kill his wife. 

October 2 - Frank and Karen discussed Chris and Gaby. Kevin tried to find out who had called him and Lucy was unable to distract him. Livvie brought Jack snacks and avoided talking about how he had found her. A street light exploded injuring Gaby. Jack insisted Livvie remember what happened but she got angry and denied she had ever been in love with Caleb. Lucy succeeded in distracting Kevin. Gaby was nearly hysterical in ER as Karen cared for her. Chris hovered close by, snuck some blood and ordered tests Karen did not ask for. Gaby declined a ride home from Frank and asked him not to visit for a while. Lucy was awakened and uneasy when she heard Kevin call out "Eve." Livvie slept as Caleb's voice promised that the "seeds of doubt" he had planted would bring about the end of every happy couple in Port Charles. 

October 3 - Eve and Ian are spending a relaxing day in the park with their baby. The conversation turns to a dream Eve had the night before of their kidnapping. Ian asks if she has been talking to Kevin, but Eve says no. When she asks Ian to explain his question, he changes the subject. Eve continues talking about the kidnapping. She brings up the point that if not for the kidnapping, they might not have gotten together. They wouldn't have had Daniel. Eve believes the kidnapping changed their lives for the better. She and Ian have a light-hearted discussion over what to tell Danny about how they got together. Eve calls their meeting a miracle. She feels someone stepped in and changed their fate. Lucy wakes Kevin by slamming their bedroom door. She asks if he had any interesting dreams the night before. He answers no, confused. She demands to know why, after a night of incredible lovemaking, he called out his ex-wife's name in his sleep. Kevin explains that Eve has been on his mind. Lucy thoughts parallel Eve's. She tells Kevin that if not for the kidnapping, he and Eve would still be together. She asks if he's sorry he lost Eve because maybe he and Eve could have had a baby. Kevin assures Lucy he is not pining for Eve. Despite Kevin's reassurance, Lucy's mind drifts to thoughts of all the strange things happening in Port Charles. She thinks that maybe all the incidents are somehow connected. Lucy leaves and goes to the park. Rafe is there. He says he came to help her. Kevin gets into his car. A voice tells him not to turn around. It is the woman who called the night before-it's the woman who wrote the mysterious note. She tells him she is afraid for Eve and that Kevin must stop Ian from hurting her. Livvie and Jack are at his apartment. Jack is excited, telling Livvie all the plans he has made for the two of them, but Livvie says she has other plans. She wants to visit her mother. Jack is concerned, he wants to go with her, but Livvie says no. She says Jack is smothering her with his plans for twenty-four hours of togetherness. She feels he is watching her, waiting for her to go crazy. Jack says he is afraid that visiting her mother will bring Livvie memories of the way Caleb tricked her into thinking her mother was well. He tells her the last thing he wants to do is suffocate her and agrees to back off. They make plans to meet later in the day, then Livvie leaves. Jack is sitting alone on his bed as the ceiling fan begins to spin. Outside in the alley, Livvie hears Caleb's music. She sees an image of him leaning against the building wall. He tells her to follow the sound of his voice. 

October 4 - Lucy asks Rafe the real reason he came to Port Charles. Ian and Eve are arguing over Eve's attempt to do some housework. Ian wants her to relax and Eve wants him to stop treating her like she can't take care of the baby. Kevin drives the mysterious woman to the woods and asks her who she is. She explains to Kevin that she was once involved with Ian and that Ian is responsible for the death of her husband and for leaving her for dead. Chris believes he has discovered what makes a vampire tick and decides to experiment on himself. The mysterious woman, named Anna Marie, tells Kevin how she, her husband and Ian were in Africa at the same time. Ian was in love with her and arranged for them to be kidnapped. In an apparent escape Ian killed her husband and as Anna Marie ran from Ian, he pushed her infront of a moving car and left her for dead. Ian is furious with Eve, telling her she is getting too upset. Eve tells him to back off and leave her alone. Ian tries to calm her down. This enrages Eve and she flies off the handle throwing everything she can get her hands on. Rafe asks Lucy what is it that she feels is wrong. She tells Rafe of everyone's problems and doubts. He tells her she may be on to something, but doesn't tell her exactly what; that everything happening is not just a coincidence. Rafe tells Lucy to leave the dark side alone, When the time is right he will tell her what they need to do to rid Port Charles of the evil that lurks about. Kevin has doubts to the woman's story and asks her why she is coming forth now after so long. She tells Kevin that she has been watching Ian for years and now that he has a baby she fears for the baby's life. Kevin tells her he can't believe Ian would hurt his own son. She responds by telling Kevin that Ian killed her child too, when he killed her husband and left her for dead. She then runs out of the car. Ian tells Eve to get a grip. Chris ready's himself for the injection of vampire serum. Karen walks in. Eve tells Ian she has no idea why she is acting the way she is. They had a lovely day and when they got back to the apartment everything fell apart. Ian tells her it's ok and they kiss and make up, but Eve still wonders what is going on. Chris tells Karen that it's not what she thinks. Karen grabs Chris's notes and realizes he is working on the vampire serum.. She threatens to go to Alan Quartermaine with all the evidence. She grabs the syringe and they fight over it accidentally stabbing Karen in the shoulder with the serum. Lucy asks Rafe what he is afraid of but he won't tell her. Upset that Rafe doesn't trust her, Lucy leaves. Rafe begins to run after her but has a flash of things to come. He sees Lucy being killed by Caleb. Anna Marie calls out in the catacombs. Caleb answers and tells her she did a good job. Her next assignment will be better and more fun. She is transformed into Livvie. 

October 9 - Eve questioned Ian about the picture. Lucy found Rafe in the woods and he was annoyed with her for repeating her error. Jack told Alison to catch up with Livvie later because Livvie was tired. Jamal met them and Jack told them he was going to propose to Livvie. Livvie heard Caleb's music while showering and demanded he show himself which he did and thanked her for inviting him in. Livvie asked how he got in and he said she made it possible. She insisted she wouldn't let Caleb succeed but he said it was too late to stop him. Ian explained to Eve about Anne Marie which made her realize she didn't know him that well. Jamal had reservations about Jack proposing but Jack is determined. Alison offered Jack her grandma's yacht to propose. Livvie told Caleb she'd never stop loving Jack but Caleb said Jack would never get over them being lovers. Caleb said he needed her to give him life. Lucy and Rafe argued and Rafe told her to look in his eyes where she saw her own death. Ian wanted to reassure Eve that she knew him and that he would always love her. She told him she didn't doubt him and apologized. After Jack left, Jamal and Alison discussed their own problems. Alison told him she'd gone to see Valerie but Jamal just smiled. Lucy finally understood what Rafe was telling her and went home. Rafe promised Caleb he would be finishing what was started. Livvie kissed Caleb and who became solid and then she fainted. Caleb told her it wouldn't be long and that she had a lot to do the next day. 

October 10 - Karen comes to Chris and tells him she has turned him in to the DA's office. When he begins to freak out, she tells him it was a joke. She hasn't told anyone that he injected her with his vampire serum. When he asks what she wants, Karen says she wants to know everything about his research. She says she feels incredible. Stripping off her lab coat, she tells Chris she is ready for anything. Karen continues to undress then wraps herself in a towel. Chris is amazed. He has never seen her so uninhibited. Karen says she is feeling great and offers to let Chris examine her in his office. She leaves while visions of fame and fortune dance in Chris's head. When Chris goes to his office, he finds it in disarray. Papers are everywhere; pictures are askew on the wall. Karen is there going through his files. When confronted, Karen admits she took his serum and put it in a safe place. She says she did it because she doesn't want to share the "good stuff" with anyone else. At Eve and Ian's apartment, Ian hears the baby crying and goes to check on him. He comes back out and tells Eve she forgot to turn on the monitor. They argue. Ian is concerned about Eve's forgetfulness; Eve accuses Ian of not telling her everything about his past. She flashes to a memory of Kevin telling her about Anne Marie. Ian is summoned to the hospital by a phone call. When he leaves, Eve calls Kevin. She wants to talk. At the lighthouse, Lucy rushes in to tell Kevin she saw a vision of her own death. She says Rafe showed her what would happen if she continues to fiddle with evil. Kevin demands that Lucy stay out of the woods, and she agrees. Kevin receives a phone call from Eve. He agrees to meet Eve. Lucy is angry that Kevin is leaving when she is so rattled about seeing her fate. He promises to be right back. When he leaves, Lucy remembers the vision Rafe had shown her. She wonders why she can't see the face of her attacker when a vase falls from the mantel and crashes on the floor. At the hospital, Ian is reading a case file on Munchausen's by Proxy. It is a syndrome where a mother causes a child's illness in order to get attention for herself. A nurse comes by and hands Ian Eve's medical report. He thinks about Eve and her irrational behavior. He reads the report on Eve's first baby looking for clues into why it died. Kevin arrives at Eve and Ian's apartment. He and Eve discuss Anne Marie. Eve says she believes Ian's account. Kevin has his doubts. He thinks that if Ian caused his divorce from Eve, they have a right to know. Eve, however, believes Ian. She loves him. Lucy walks in to see Eve and Kevin in an embrace. Alison and Jack are sitting together in a restaurant. She tells him everything is set for his date with Livvie on the Barrington yacht. Livvie appears and Jack tells her she looks tired. She says she is sleeping, but her nights are filled with dreams. Jack says he has something for her that will put an end to the dreams. A surprise. Livvie is delighted to hear about a surprise. Jack won't give any details, so Livvie grills Alison for information. All Alison will say is that Livvie should wear a really great dress. Alison leaves, and a guy walks up to Livvie. He introduces himself as Kyle saying he was a classmate of hers. He asks Livvie if she would like to have dinner sometime. She tells him she is involved with someone and Kyle leaves. Jack overhears the conversation. Livvie tells him Kyle is not her type. When asked what her type is, Livvie describes Jack. When Livvie leaves, Jack shows Alison the ring he plans to give Livvie. It belonged to his mother and is the only thing he has left of her. Outside the restaurant, Livvie hears Caleb's music. She is standing quietly, listening, when Kyle approaches. She says hello to him then takes his arm while asking seductively, "Remember me?" 

October 11 - An argument ensues after Kevin explains to a disbelieving Lucy how his encounter with Anne-Marie has made him highly suspicious of Ian. As Jack spruces up for his big night, Alison encourages him to practice his proposal on her. Following an awkward start, Jack finally finds the words to make an eloquent declaration of love and brings a dazzled Alison to tears. Rafe confronts Caleb, who gets caught off guard by a small taste of the vampire slayer's accelerated powers. Lucy suggests to an angry Kevin that his rash actions could end up ruining the lives of the entire Thornhart family. Meanwhile, Eve and Ian agree to kiss and make up. Jack heads to Livvie's place with high hopes and a dozen red roses but is shocked to find her in bed with another man. Caleb dares Rafe to kill him, then chortles with glee to realize that the slayer is himself dead. 

October 12 - Caleb laughed when he realized that Rafe was an angel because Caleb had killed him in a struggle they'd had long ago. He knew all the rules that Rafe labored under as an angel including the one that didn't allow Rafe to tell anyone that Caleb was alive. He wondered exactly how Rafe planned to defeat him when Rafe's time on earth was as limited as his powers. Rafe pointed out that until Caleb's powers were fully restored, there was still a chance to defeat him. To that end, Rafe offered Caleb a chance at redemption. He said that if Caleb would come over to the good side, he would have everlasting peace. Caleb pretended to choose between peace and power, and then scoffed at Rafe's offer. He triumphantly declared that he was growing stronger by the minute, and that there was nothing Rafe could do to stop him. Alone, Rafe called out to his "boss," confessing that he didn't know how to defeat Caleb. He felt powerless and helpless, and he worried that Caleb was going to win. Eve lashed out at Ian after a fax came in for him that was a status of her psychiatric history. She was incredulous that he would actually think that her first child died because of neglect on her part. Ian tried to explain that initially he did have doubts, but ultimately he realized that he trusted Eve. She maintained that he was wrong for doubting her in the first place, and he pointed out that she had been behaving irrationally of late. Sitting in his stroller, Daniel started to cry, and Eve asked Ian to leave them alone because he was upsetting the baby. Infuriated, Ian did leave, but later remorsefully looked at a picture of Danny and Eve. Jack was stunned to find Livvie in bed with Kyle at the PC Hotel. He asked her what was going on, and she said she didn't remember. Kyle asserted that she had told him that she was finished with Jack, and had invited him to the hotel. Jack believed that Kyle had taken advantage of Livvie's confusion and seduced her. He punched Kyle and threw him into the wall, knocking him out. The hotel manager called the police, and Jack told Livvie to leave before they arrived, so she wouldn't get into any trouble. She left, and the police arrested Jack for causing a disturbance. Livvie fled to the woods and tried to remember what had happened. Caleb materialized and told her that her lack of memory was a blessing. He caressed her cheek and assured her that everything was going just as he had planned. 

October 15 - Jamal told Jack that Livvie went willingly with Kyle into that motel room to have sex with him. Jack couldn't believe what he was hearing as Jamal told him that nurses saw Livvie invite him up to that motel room. Jack was in denial. Eve packed up to leave Ian after discovering that Ian had contacted her doctor to get information on her. Eve was distraught that Ian thought she would intentionally try to harm Daniel. An angry Ian showed up at Kevin's and punches him. Kevin fell down onto the ground. Eve was telling Daniel that Ian can be the most loving man in the world even though she can't trust him. Ian asked Kevin for the information he has on the kidnapping. Ian thought that Kevin wanted Eve back and that he would do anything to get her back. Lucy overheard everything that Kevin and Ian were saying. As Eve was deciding that she would throw Ian out, the window blew open mysteriously and knocked over a picture of Daniel smashing the glass in the frame. Karen had Frank paged to the on call room. Frank entered and saw Karen there in panties and a bra looking good. She lured him into bed where they made love until she is paged to the emergency room leaving Frank breathless for more. He wanted to set up another time to continue what they were doing but she said no - she'd surprise him. Livvie told Alison that she couldn't remember inviting Kyle up to that motel room and that she is loosing huge amounts of time and doesn't know why this is happening. Alison told Livvie that Jack was going to propose to her and Livvie was visibly shaken. Jack and Livvie talked and Livvie asked Jack if he would propose to her. Jack said no, he can't do that because he is going back to being violent and he doesn't want that kind of life anymore and that she needs to figure out what is going on and get a handle on it. Jack said that he still loves her and Livvie said she was sorry. Jamal and Alison talked and work things out about Valerie and the relationship that Jamal once shared with her. Valerie took a job as a waitress at the Recovery Room. A distraught Eve showed up at Kevin's with Daniel saying that she was leaving Ian. Ian stepped forward and Eve couldn't believe that Ian was there. 

October 16 - Livvie told Caleb that Jack had left her and why. She asked if he'd done it and Caleb said no. He told her that if Jack left her after one mistake he couldn't have loved her truly. The same with the others; only his love is forever. Ian demanded to know why Eve was leaving him. She didn't want to discuss it then but Ian persisted and accused Eve and Kevin of wanting to be back together. Rafe was frustrated by no response from his boss when he suddenly was with him. Rafe angrily insisted he was done following the rules and would do what he needed. Kevin left Eve and Ian alone to talk. Lucy told him she thought Ian may be right and walks away. Livvie began to believe that Caleb's love was eternal. She said she couldn't be alone and he said she wouldn't have to. Rafe outlined his plans for his boss who told him he'd blown it by rushing and letting revenge be part of it. Rafe must let people make their own decisions and have faith in the good in people's hearts. Rafe needed only to remind them of that. Kevin found Lucy and tried to convince her he didn't want Eve back but wanted to marry her. Ian apologized for doubting Eve and asked her to believe in their love and to come home. She agreed but Kevin didn't. Eve left with Ian. Lucy told Kevin she was leaving too. Rafe's boss decided to fire him from the job but Rafe strenuously objected and was told his friends were on their own for now. Ian went to the hardware store and Eve turned around to find Anne Marie in the loft. 

October 17 - Alison and Jamal share a booth at the Recovery Room while discussing their need to take one night for themselves. Valerie approaches to take their order. Jamal and Alison are surprised to see her there. Valerie explains that Frank gave her a job. Jamal leaves to speak with Frank and tell him the situation with Valerie. While Jamal is gone, Valerie takes the opportunity to tell Alison that she does not like being threatened. It is only going to make her fight harder for Jamal. Alison responds to Valerie saying that she and Jamal are happy and in love. Valerie can stick around and watch while Alison rubs her relationship with Jamal in Valerie's face. From a distance, Frank and Jamal are watching Alison and Valerie who appear to be having a friendly conversation. Karen arrives and asks Frank if he would like to play doctor again. He wants to know where she is getting all the energy and remarks that she is acting like she is on some kind of drug. Karen pulls back, offended. Frank quickly explains that he did not mean that literally, he only meant that she was acting differently and he liked it. Lucy goes into the bar at the Port Charles hotel and sees Jack there. She sits at the bar next to him and orders a drink. The bartender recognizes her and Jack from six months ago when they were in the bar together. He makes a remark about the two of them "fogging up the mirrors together" and asks if they are still together. Jack and Lucy emphatically deny it. Jack reveals that he and Livvie have broken up. He feels he doesn't "know" her anymore. Lucy shares with him that she has left Doc. Lucy begins to see a connection between the couples: Eve and Ian, Jack and Livvie, and herself and Kevin. Each couple is having problems and seem to be heading towards a break. She wonders if Caleb has put a curse on them. Anne Marie visits Eve at the apartment. She wants to warn Eve saying that Eve will wind up dead if she doesn't listen. Anne Marie goes on to explain that everything she told Kevin was true. Eve doesn't want to hear it. Anne Marie says to Eve, "Ian said he wanted me not for one night, but for always." It was also something Ian had once said to Eve. Anne Marie also tells Eve that there have been other women fooled by Ian. When Ian returns from the hardware store, he asks Eve if anything happened while he was gone. Eve repeats the sentence: I wanted you not for one night, but for always. She tells Ian that when he said that to her at the cabin, that was when she fell in love with him. He replies, "Works every time." Eve asks Ian to leave. 

October 18 - Jack bumps into Ann Marie, which causes her scarf to fall. As Jack goes to pick it up, he looks up to see Livvie. He asks her if he saw the woman but Livvie tells him no. They go into the restaurant only to see that it is being robbed. The robber becomes upset when there is hardly any cash to take. Karen offers to get the robber drugs, the robber tells her to back off pointing the gun at her swearing he'll kill her. She tells him to go ahead and try, Frank knocks the gun down and takes down the robber. Police and Chris arrive to help. Chris goes to take care of Karen's wound only to find that it has healed. Livvie attempts to plant some doubt in Alison's mind about the relationship between Jamal and Val. And questions the true paternity of the baby. Alison doesn't believe that Jamal is the father but Livvie keeps baiting her. Jack tells Livvie to stop. He tries to tell Alison not to listen to what Livvie said but Alison still wonders. Outside the restaurant Livvie wonders what she has done. Lucy tries to convince Ian that there are evil forces afoot trying to bring down Port Charles and the ones they love. Ian is having a hard time believing all this. Both begin to drink a little too much. As they are sitting ont he bed, Ian gets up and spills Lucy's drink all over her. She asks for a change of clothes but only can find a very short robe. As they talk further Ian tells Lucy that he is grateful that they are friends. Sitting in his lap, she give him a hug, only to have the door open and Kevin walk in. Eve tells Kevin that she kicked out Ian because of Anne Maries accusations. Kevin begins to doubt the truthfulness of Anne Marie, explaining to Eve that the woman seems to show up at the right moment with the right thing to say. He wonders what her true motives are. He no longer believes Ian is guilty. He tells Eve they must concentrate on what they know as fact and their love for the ones they are with. He decides to go to Ian and compare notes with him, trying to find the truth. 

October 19 - Rafe visits his "boss" and tells him that the situation in Port Charles has gotten worse. Rafe tells him that if he can go back, he'll play by the rules. Rafe says that Lucy, Kevin, Eve, Ian, Jamal, Alison, Livvie, and Jack aren't just names to him anymore- they're his friends. His "boss" gives him a second chance, and warns him that the people that he is guiding have to find the power in themselves to win this battle, because good is much stronger than evil. Livvie visits Caleb in the catacombs. He asks her why she's upset? She tells him that if he leaves everyone alone, she'll go away with him. He says he can't go until everyone who challenged him is ruined. She explains that when she isn't with him, it feels as if she is sleepwalking and she is lost to the world. He tells her that she shouldn't feel lost because he is always with her. He says that everyone is against them. He summons a hot bubble bath for her, and tells her that he's impatient to be with her. Caleb tells her that he has to stop the forces that know he is coming back. At the Recovery Room, Alison asks Jack if he thinks Livvie was right about Valerie's baby belonging to Jamal. Jack says that it can't be true since Jamal wouldn't keep something that big from her. Alison goes to Jamal and asks him when he and Valerie had their one-nightstand. Jamal tells her that Val and Cedric were on again/off again. Cedric bet on a football game (1st preseason game - 49ers & Cowboys), lost, and beat on Valerie. Jamal took her home, and things happened. He tells Alison that it was only that one night, and she forgives him. Alison goes back to the bike shop, where she figures out that nine months after that football game, Valerie had her baby. Jack talks to Valerie, and she shows him the note that brought her back to PC. It was signed "A Friend". In Ian's hotel room, Lucy tells Kevin that it isn't what he thinks. Kevin informs Ian that he came to give him the benefit of the doubt, but he finds him shacked up in a hotel room with the woman he loves. As Lucy tries to explain, Ian grabs her and tells Kevin that they couldn't wait to be together. Kevin asks if he thinks it is funny. Ian sarcastically confirms that Kevin was right about kidnapping Eve to steal her away from him. He jokes that as he stopped the mayhem to watch Danny be born, he gave Kevin and Lucy some time to get to know each other better so he could steal her too. Kevin applauds Ian on his brilliant performance, but claims he believes every word of what he said. Lucy interrupts to say that it isn't remotely funny. Ian apologizes to her, but says that it's either this or kill Kevin. Kevin agrees with him, and tells him that Anne Marie said that Ian killed her husband in cold blood. Ian claims that Anne Marie is dead and the person he talked to was an impostor. Kevin tells him what she told Eve, and Ian says that they are all lies. Lucy starts to tell Ian that this proves that Caleb is behind everything. Kevin yells that a dead vampire can't be behind all of this, and accuses her of cheating on him just like she always does. She kicks him out. As he's leaving he tells her that he'll leave them alone but "not just for one night, but for always". Ian asks where he heard that, and Kevin says that Anne Marie said it's his best line, and he gives Ian the note from Anne Marie. When Kevin leaves, Ian tells Lucy that he only said that to Eve. Ian reads the note from Anne-Marie. It is signed "A Friend". When Kevin is walking home, he runs into Rafe. As Lucy leaves to go after Kevin, she hears a child's laughter. She follows the sound to find Christina! 

October 22 - Chris spotted Karen as she came off the elevator and wanted her to get some blood taken to see what was going on inside of her. Karen resisted at first even though Chris threatened to go and tell Frank that she is infected with vampire blood. Karen then relented and took the blood test. Rafe tried to tell Kevin that Caleb was still causing trouble in Port Charles but Kevin wouldn't listen to him. Ian told Frank about the problems between him and Eve and asked him to help him find information on the computer that will confirm his story but they couldn't find anything that will back him up. As she came out of a Ian's room Lucy spotted Christina and tried to chase her but a bellhop got in her way and Christina was gone. Livvie went to see Eve on the pretense of looking for a sweater and Eve asked her to look after Daniel while she had a quick shower. Livvie started to hear that music in her head and noticed that there was a message on the machine and changed it. Livvie told Eve that Jack and her split and Eve told Livvie that she and Ian have split as well. Kevin threatened to throw Rafe off the bridge and accused him of causing all the trouble in Port Charles. Rafe tried to tell Kevin that Caleb was still in control but Kevin was angry and shoved Rafe just as Lucy came running up to them on the bridge and told Kevin that she saw Christina. Kevin didn't believe her. Eve heard the message on the machine and called Scott to get a restraining order. Chris got back Karen's blood work and is alarmed that she might be mutating. Ian came to see Eve and she handed him the restraining order and asked him to leave the apartment. Rafe tried to get Lucy to go after Kevin and tell him exactly what she saw but she was angry at Rafe too and didn't listen. Rafe then asked for help from his boss above as he got an idea to use his imagination to set the people on the right track in Port Charles. 

October 23 - Rafe had an idea and explained it to his boss. The broken couples were very sad, their faith smashed. Rafe was granted permission to try. One by one he visited his friends reminding them of the love they missed. Eve dreamed she woke up in Ian's arms with a book, "Tainted Love," in her arms and an older Danny running around happily. Her and Ian's future as it was meant to be. Separated, they reaffirmed their love for each other. Lucy and Kevin shared a dream of the day before their wedding and recalled what they knew and believed. Jack dreamed of proposing to a graduating Livvie and the possibility of joy and love their future could hold. The rest will be up to each of them. Kevin found Lucy looking at the stars and gave her his jacket. They agreed that anything was possible.

Tempted DVD #4  October 24 - November 7, 2001 
10/24, 10/25, 10/26, 10/29, 10/30, 10/31, 11/1, 11/2, 11/5, 11/6, 11/7

October 24 - Thanks to a little angelic help from Rafe, lonely souls all over Port Charles take a few tentative steps towards healing their broken hearts. As they compare notes, Eve and Ian are surprised to learn that they've had the exact same sweet dream. Lucy and Kevin agree to discuss what tore them apart in hopes of finding their way back to one another. Caleb taunts Rafe about his pathetic attempt to aid the humans through their dreams. Ian begs Eve to believe that someone altered the message he left on her answering machine but she grows frightened again and hangs up on him. Lucy reminds Kevin that their troubles really began when he started listening to some cruel lies about Ian. Jack explains to Livvie why they can't be together until she gets well once more. Rafe suggests to Caleb that they both back off and let the mere mortals thresh out their problems for themselves. Ian finally persuades Eve to meet him in the park. Rejecting Rafe's challenge, Caleb sets himself upon a new course of action guaranteed to bring the most pain to the parents of Port Charles. 

October 25 - Eve meets Ian in the park with Danny. Ian explains to Eve that he intends to find out who is trying to destroy him. He tells her that he loves her and they both must fight for their love. He hands her the restraining order, she looks at him, asks how they got this far and decides to rip it up. They make up and as they turn to go, Eve discovers that Danny has been taken. Kevin tells Lucy that he has come over to her side and sees that someone or something is trying to hurt certain people in Port Charles. Lucy shows him the bulletin board with the names of the people that help destroy Caleb and that seem to be the ones being hurt. Kevin see where she is going with this and says that they need to get everyone together and find out what is going on. While out of the room, Lucy receives a phone call from Christina. Jack tells Alison that Livvie spent the night in the apartment and has asked Jack for his help. Alison tells Jack that he does still love Livvie and that he wants things to work out. Jack wants to help but doesn't know where to begin. He did tell Livvie to talk to her father, maybe he could help her in some way. He feels that everyone that helped in Calebs demise might benefit from talking with Kevin. Alison receives a phone call from a friend, whom, she tells Jack, can help her find the people that adopted Val's baby. Jack tells her to drop it and not to mess up what she has with Jamal. She agrees and goes with Jack to see Livvie. As they go into the room they discover that Livvie is gone. Jack finds a note on the bed which tells him that she, Livvie, has changed her mind and doesn't want his help. They discover the back door open and at this point a "bat" flies out of the room. Livvie awakens to find Caleb by her side. She tells him that she doesn't want him there any more that she is staying with Jack. Caleb tells her she is better off with him but if that is who she chooses than he is gone. But not before he tells her how everyone treated her, by locking her up, her mother lying to her and Jack telling her she's too psycho. As he turns to leave, she begs him to stay. He asks her why and she answers that he is the only one that was ever there for her. He kisses her and tells her that he will stay. Livvie is walking away with Danny in her arms. 

October 26 - Kevin is the voice of reason as Lucy tells him that Christina called. He tells her that she has been targeted by the evil like everyone else, but she doesn't accept it and runs out of the lighthouse to find Christina. She goes to the park, and relive the night that Julie took Christina from Frank. As she talks to Kevin, she sees a little girl run past and calls out to "Christina". Unfortunately, it isn't her. When Kevin leaves to get Lucy something to drink, Christina appears to her. Alison assures Jack that it wasn't a bat that flew out of his room. She says that it must be easier to blame Caleb than to accept that Livvie left him of her own free will. Jack says that he won't make the mistake of loving Livvie again, since it is clear that she doesn't want him. They go to the Recovery Room, where Valerie just gave Jamal a picture of her daughter, Hope. Alison tells Jack that she wishes Valerie would leave Port Charles. Jack tells her to forget what Livvie said about Jamal possibly being Hope's father. Alison imagines a future where Jamal is married to Valerie and is a real father to Hope. Later, Jamal gives Alison his wallet to buy supplies for their dinner with Jack. When she opens it, she discovers Hope's photo. She wonders why Jamal has a picture of Valerie's baby. Jack agrees to help Alison find out whether or not Jamal is Hope's father. Both unaware that Livvie is hiding him it the bushes, Eve calls the police as Ian looks for Daniel. When it's clear, Livvie takes Daniel out of the park and puts him in a hotel room, telling him that he'll "be happy here with his daddy". Ian tells Eve that he believes Ann-Marie is responsible for the kidnapping. Eve goes home in case there is a ransom call. She receives a call telling her where Daniel is. When she goes, she discovers Ian already there with the baby. As he tells her that he also received a call, a bellhop enters and hands a dumbfounded Ian the airline tickets he "requested" for him and his baby. Eve sees a packed baby bag, and accuses Ian of trying to kidnap 'her' child. 

October 29 - Chris shows Karen the startling results of her latest blood work. Lucy has another sighting of Christina and races after the child with a baffled Kevin in hot pursuit. Eve accuses Ian of hiring someone to kidnap Danny and then distracting her in the park to give his goon a golden opportunity to steal their son. Describing for Chris how strong her libido has become, Karen begins kissing the unnerved chief resident. When Lucy is once again unable to locate Christina, Kevin suggests that she's fallen prey to another hallucination. Hurt and angry, Lucy orders the shrink to leave her alone. Though Ian reminds his wife how someone has been spreading lies about him, Eve furiously declares that she's through putting up with all his deceit. Later, Eve shows up at the lighthouse with the baby in tow and tearfully complains to Kevin about Ian's treachery. Ian explains to a sympathetic Lucy how he's been framed for his own son's abduction. Chris begins to entertain erotic fantasies about Karen. Ian offers to help Lucy search for her daughter. Eve decides to file for divorce. 

October 30 - Determined to prove that Jamal is Hope's father, Alison enlists Jack in her scheme to obtain a DNA sample from Valerie's daughter. Frank eagerly looks forward to a romantic getaway with Karen. Rafe is frustrated to realize that the humans in his midst are even further apart from one another than they were two weeks ago. Out of Frank's earshot, Karen gives Chris the green light to conduct further tests on her vampire-tainted blood. Alison entreats Hope's adoptive parents to give her a lock of the child's hair. Livvie encounters Rafe in the park and shakily confides how she's been losing track of time in recent days. Hope's dad explains to Jack and a relieved Alison why Jamal could not have fathered Valerie's premature baby. Caleb informs Rafe that Livvie's soul is already spoken for now that she's completely under his control. Fearful of losing their daughter, Hope's parents secretly agree to keep lying about the baby being premature. Rafe's "boss" abruptly pulls his errant angel out of commission after the heavenly messenger breaks one of the rules. 

October 31 - Rafe is furious with his boss for being pulled away before he could help Livvie. His boss reminds him that he is not allowed to interfere in that way. Rafe goes on to vent his frustration that the night of dreams didn't seem to help. The boss tries to assure Rafe that at least he gave them hope. He was able to remind them of their love for each other. He goes on to say that neither Rafe nor the others have failed...yet. He shows Rafe a vision of what would have happened if Rafe had been allowed to tell Livvie the truth. After hearing the terrible things she had done, Livvie would have thrown herself off of the bridge in the park. Rafe finally understands the hands-off policy his boss has been trying to get across to him and decides to play by the rules. Caleb sits alone in his cave imagining Livvie in his arms professing her love for him while thanking him for giving her another chance. He sees Eve arriving with Daniel, telling Caleb she is bringing him what is rightfully his. She hands Daniel over while apologizing for choosing Michael over Caleb. Eve disappears and Caleb is left alone with Livvie and the baby. He fantasizes what it will be like once he has everything he wants. Livvie is babysitting Daniel at the Lighthouse while Eve is at the courthouse. She flashes to a memory of holding Daniel in the park. It doesn't make sense to her since she never, consciously anyway, took Danny to the park. She grabs the baby and his things and rushes out the door. Ian, Eve, Kevin and Lucy are at the courthouse. Ian tells Eve she will not keep Danny away from him. Kevin pulls Lucy aside asking why she is there. Lucy explains she is there to testify for Ian. Kevin admits he is there to testify for Eve. Lucy argues that Ian was set up. She does not believe he played any role in Daniel's kidnapping. Kevin counters that the only reason Lucy feels empathy for Ian is because of the ordeal she went through with Christina. Once again, Ian tries to explain to Eve that he played no role in Danny's kidnapping. He begs her to believe him saying they need to work together to figure out what is really going on. Ian pleads with her to call of the hearing, but Eve is unmoved. Inside the courtroom, it is a he says, she says contest. Eve tells the judge her side, while Ian defends himself. The judge wants to meet Anne Marie and hear her side, but is told Anne Marie is dead though there is no proof of her existence or death. After hearing both sides, the judge finds it difficult to decide who is telling the truth. He turns to Lucy, asking her opinion. Lucy calls Eve's behavior irrational and cites numerous incidents backing up this accusation. Eve becomes angry, finally shouting, "It was because a vampire was after my son!" Despite the judge's shocked expression at Eve's outlandish statement, Ian backs up her story. The judge is horrified at what he has heard. He decides that neither Eve nor Ian should have custody. Daniel is made a temporary ward of the state. 

November 1 - While working Val is served with court papers telling her that she no longer will have any visitation with her daughter. Devastated by the news, Jamal goes to comfort her. Alison feels it is her fault because of her visit and begs Jack to help her make things right. Jack and Alison talk with the adoptive parents of Val's baby but get nowhere and are told to get out and never to return again. Jack feels they were rushed out of the house and there is more than meets the eye with the couple. Jamal calls his friend but is told that there is no way to help Val. Ian and Eve plead with the judge to let them keep their son. The judge feeling there is too much violence and hatred in the household orders Ian and Eve to give up their son into protective services, and them to undergo psychiatric evaluation. Ian, Eve, Kevin and Lucy are all blaming one another for the situation. Livvie shows up with Daniel. The social worker takes Daniel away from Eve, beside herself, she turns to Kevin for comfort not Ian. Eve begs Kevin to help her get her son back. Kevin tells her he will do all he can to help. Lucy confesses to Livvie that she has seen Christina. Livvie tells her this is great and asks how she feels. Lucy tells her that Kevin tried to make her see that she is not seeing Christina just a figment from stress. Livvie offers to stay with Lucy to help her talk through what it going on. As Lucy sits waiting for Livvie to show up, Ian knocks at the door asking for help. Lucy offers him a place to stay for the night. Packing to stay at Lucy's, Livvie finds a red shirt and has a flash back making her realize that she is the one helping Caleb. 

November 2 - Livvie remembers all of the things that she did to help Caleb. She remembers how she called Lucy pretending to be Christina, how she locked Eve out of the apartment, how she changed Ian's message, and how she pretended to be Anne-Marie. Livvie goes to the catacombs to confront Caleb, who wonders how she remembered. She swears that she will kill him for messing with her mind. At the lighthouse, Eve breaks down and accuses Kevin of being responsible for everything. She says that she never should have listened to him, and he should have stayed out of it. She claims that he was the one to plant the doubts in her mind about her husband. Kevin defends himself by saying that the information about Ian fell in his lap and he couldn't just let him hurt her. Eve apoligizes and asks what she did to deserve this. Kevin assures her that she is not being punished for something she has done, and offers to prepare her for her psychiatric evaluation. Lucy tells Ian that she doesn't believe anything that Kevin said about him.. Ian wonders if he should just take Danny out of the country. Lucy asks what he would do about Eve. He says that he can't get through to her anyway. Lucy makes him see how irrational his plan is. He thanks her with a romantic kiss. Rafe remembers the battle with Caleb in which he died. He almost had Caleb beaten when Rafe was called out to by Caleb's victim. Caleb then took Rafe's stake and plunged it through his back. Rafe now realizes that evil won because he got distracted and he won't make that mistake again. 

November 5 - Karen's energy level was too high for Frank to keep up with as they came back from a long run as an eager Chris watched. Valerie talked with Jamal about Hope as they looked through the baby book that Valerie made before she gave her up for adoption. Alison and Jack talked about what Alison did that made it now impossible for Valerie to see Hope. Livvie confronted Caleb with the evidence of what he made her do to her friends and family in Port Charles. Caleb told Livvie that she still loves him and that was why she made him come back to life again. Chris watched as Frank and Karen make love. Karen asked Frank to get married. A stunned Frank said yes! Valerie asked Jamal to go with her to the Hartmans' to get them to change their minds about her being able to still be part of Hope's life but Jamal declined saying that going there will make thing worse. Jack and Alison talked about the same thing outside but Jack thought that the Hartmans were lying and he wanted Alison to run a DNA test to find out if Jamal could possibly be Hope's father. Alison looked at Hope's baby book and took a lock of hair to run the DNA test. Livvie told Caleb that he didn't know what love really was. Livvie couldn't believe that she helped Caleb and vowed to tell the people of Port Charles the truth. Frank got a phone call from Joe. Livvie told Caleb that he shouldn't have put her in that position. Caleb told Livvie that she still loves him but Livvie says no he made her sick. Caleb stopped Livvie from leaving. Karen heard a noise outside and saw Chris spying on them and she ordered him to leave. Karen also told Chris that she and Frank are getting married and she went back into the house. Chris vowed that there would be no marriage between them. Jack ran into Kyle and he told Jack that he was not going to press charges against him. Kyle said that Livvie played both of them for fools. 

November 6 - Caleb let Livvie go even though she swore to tell the truth. He told her to tell them and see what happened. Livvie woke up on the sofa and called for Kevin. Lucy came to the door, dressed strangely for the costume party and asked what was wrong. Livvie told her Caleb was back and they headed for the party. Livvie told the entire party about Caleb but only Rafe believed her. Livvie admitted her part in the plot and they all turned on her for betraying them. Rafe tried to help but to no avail. Kevin thought Livvie was crazy and she found herself strapped to a bed with everyone hating her. Rafe came to help her get out of PC but she ran straight into Jack who told her she belonged in the room. Suddenly, Caleb was there and Livvie believed it had all been a dream but Caleb told her no, it was a glimpse into her future. Only he would always love her - it was her choice. 

November 7 - Rafe stops by the lighthouse to see Lucy. They discuss her relationship with Kevin. Lucy admits she is rethinking her destiny. Maybe her future isn't with Doc. Rafe asks if she thinks her destiny is with Ian Thornhart. He tells he saw her kissing Ian. Lucy is shocked. She demands to know where Rafe's powers come from. Trying to explain, Rafe slips and admits he can't tell her. It is against the rules. Lucy persists, but Rafe will only say she is better off not knowing. He tells her she needs to be still and listen to her heart. When Lucy does this, she realizes what she really wants is Kevin. Frank and Karen are having a wonderful time at the cabin celebrating their engagement. Frank notices that Karen has not slept at all in the four days they've been there. She claims it is because she likes to watch him sleep. They are cuddling on the couch, happy and in love when Karen decides she would like to get a picture. While getting the camera, Karen's purse falls to the floor, dumping its contents. Frank picks up a packet of white powder then tastes it. The powder is cocaine. Frank looks at her suspiciously, but Karen swears she is not back on drugs. She claims Chris planted the drugs. Frank is skeptical, so Karen confesses the whole story about how she was accidentally injected with vampire blood. Alison takes a break while working at the Recovery Room. She makes a phone call to ask when the DNA results she requested will be ready. When an envelope is finally delivered to her, she takes it outside to read the results. Before she can open the letter, Rafe appears. Kevin and Mac Scorpio get together at the Recovery Room. Kevin asks Mac if there is any news on Christina. They discuss Kevin's situation with Lucy. Mac asks where Kevin's head is these days, with Lucy or with Eve? Kevin doesn't understand how Lucy can defend Ian, then blame their problems on a faceless, evil presence. At the courthouse, Eve and Ian await a visit from the court appointed counselor. They begin to argue, blaming each other for losing custody of Danny. They are still arguing when the counselor enters. counselor chastises them for their behavior. Eve begins the meeting by accusing Ian of trying to take Danny out of the country. Another argument is about to ensue when Ian turns the tables and tells the counselor how much he loves Eve, and what a good mother she is to their son. Eve is surprised at Ian's sudden change of attitude. When the counselor leaves to take a phone call, Ian tells Eve she should play along. Pretend they are working things out is the only way they will get Danny back. Eve makes an attempt to play nice, and for a moment, it seems they make a connection. The counselor is unconvinced. She brings up the vampire element. Ian explains that Eve was having bad dreams about vampires, while Eve claims she is getting professional help. The counselor says she will make her recommendation to the judge. When she leaves, Ian begs Eve to give him just a half-hour of her time. Eve agrees and they go to the Recovery Room. At the restaurant, Eve and Ian are discussing their meeting with the counselor when Ian is paged. While Eve waits, Kevin comes in carrying Danny. He places the baby into her arms telling her that Mac pulled strings to have him appointed Danny's temporary guardian. An ecstatic Eve holds her baby thanking Kevin while a stunned Ian and Lucy look on. 

Tempted DVD #5  November 8 - 22, 2001
11/8, 11/9, (11/12 did not air due to plane crash nationally pre-empted), 11/13, 11/14, 11/15, 11/16, 11/19, 11/20, 11/21,11/22, (no show aired 11/23 day after Thanksgiving)

November 8 - Ian and Lucy appear to be upset over the announcement of Kevin being Daniel's guardian. Ian wants to visit but Kevin tells him only supervised visits will be allowed. Lucy questions Kevin's loyalty to her. Asking why he would help Eve get her child back but not help her with Christina. Kevin tells her that she is just seeing things and that Christina is gone. Lucy walks out seeing that Kevin is committed to Eve and not to her. Eve asks Kevin to take her "home" to the lighthouse. An apologetic Lucy shows up at Kevin's door only to watch a cozy scene unfold with Eve and Kevin. Devastated by what she has seen Lucy walks away. Eve thanks Kevin for getting Daniel back for her but tells him that she worries about Ian being alone. Kevin tells Eve that he has hired someone to watch Ian. Alison confesses to Rafe that she had a DNA test done to prove that Hope is Jamal's daughter. Not seeing the results yet, Rafe asks Alison why. He tells her to feel within herself how she is going to respond when she knows the true answer. Thinking out loud she realizes that if she doesn't open the envelope, no one will be hurt. As she goes to tear up the envelope with the results, Jamal shows up asking why she went to the Hartmans and asked for a DNA test. Seeing the envelope in her hand, he grabs it away and opens it to find that he is indeed Hope's father. Livvie tells Caleb that she has decided that he is the one for her. As she professes her undying love for him and contempt for the others Caleb looks at her and tells her that he does not believe one word of what she is saying. Livvie tries to convince him that she is telling the truth and that she is willing to do anything that he asks. Caleb informs her that she must perform the task that he requested of her before. She must kill Jack. Lucy comes home to find Ian at her doorstep. She invites him in for a talk. He hands her a large box which happens to be filled with the invitations to her and Kevin's Christmas wedding. Upset that her world is falling apart, she turns to Ian who gives her a hug. Not sure of themselves, Ian backs away only to hear Lucy tell him that he doesn't have to leave. At this, he steps closer and they kiss.

November 9 - Caleb tells Livvie to kill Jack by poisoning him. He gives her the poison. He says that for her sake, she better not be faking. She promises she isn't. She calls Jack and sets up a meeting at the Recovery Room. Jamal asks Alison how long she was going to keep the paternity news from him? Rafe chimes in to say that Alison just got the envelope, but Jamal tells him to stay out of it. He tells her that to have the test run, she would have had to have suspicions. She admits that she has wondered for weeks if he was Hope's father. He tells her that she had no right to go behind his back. She apologizes to Jamal. He says that he thought the secrets were over. She tells him they are, but he says that he needs some time. After Jamal leaves, Alison tells Rafe that she doesn't blame Jamal, she really screwed up this time. She goes back to work. Livvie meets with Jack. She distracts him and puts the poison in his drink. Rafe sees and causes Alison to knock the drink out of Jack's hand. As Alison leaves to find Jamal (and Livvie goes to Caleb), Jack and Rafe clean up the mess. Jack notices that the drink is eating through the napkins like acid. Livvie returns to Caleb and says that she put the poison in Jack's drink, but Alison knocked the drink out of his hand. Caleb tells her that she did not do what he sent her to do. On his way back to the bike shop, Jamal runs into Valerie. He tells her to tell him the truth about why she came back to Port Charles. She tells him again about her anonymous note, but he doesn't buy it. After they talk, she admits that she is in love with him. As he is about to tell Valerie that he is Hope's father, Alison come in and interrupts. Jamal asks Valerie to give him and Ally a moment. When Val leaves, Alison asks Jamal not to tell Valerie about Hope. Mac stops by the lighthouse and asks how Lucy feels about the Eve/Daniel arrangement. Kevin says that Lucy knows that he loves her, and she'll come around. Kevin's hired PI takes photos of Lucy and Ian making love.

November 12 - Due to news coveraage of the crash of American Airlines flight 587, Port Charles was not shown. The episode scheduled for today will air in its entirety tomorrow.

November 13 - A frightened Livvie returns to Caleb and finally confesses that she was unable to kill Jack as he ordered. Surprisingly, Caleb remains calm but then announces he's changed her target and orders her to work her wiles to break up Alison and Jamal. Though Jack is upset by Rafe's intrusion, he's grateful when he discovers that his spilled drink was laced with a deadly poison. Later, Jack confronts Livvie on the bridge about the death threat. Hoping to convince Frank that she's not back on drugs, Karen pushes Frank to confront Chris abut the vampire serum. Frank does so but Chris denies injecting Karen with anything. Frank hears Gabrielle talking about the after effects of being a vampire and compares her feelings to those of Karen's. He begins to suspect that Karen was telling him the truth. He tries to find Karen and let her know but can't find her, unaware that Chris has taken her away with the idea of doing more testing and also to appease his attraction to her. Caleb overhears Chris talking about his experiment with Karen and the vampire blood and considers a solution to Livvie's refusal to kill as ordered.

November 14 - Ian is at the bar talking with Victor when Lucy comes in. He tells her he is planning to visit Danny at the lighthouse. Lucy doesn't think it is a good idea, but she doesn't stop him. After Ian leaves, Lucy overhears a social worker talking on the phone. The social worker is telling someone she is planning a surprise visit to check on Daniel's living conditions. Lucy frantically asks Victor to distract the social worker so she will have time to run to Kevin's house to warn him. Kevin and Eve are caring for baby Danny at the lighthouse when Ian arrives. He feels he should also have access to his son. Eve reluctantly agrees. Lucy comes running in with a warning. A few moments later there is a knock at the door. Lucy hurriedly ushers Eve and Ian into the closet. The social worker enters. Kevin introduces Lucy as his fiancé. Lucy cradles the baby saying how quiet and good he is while Kevin tries to show the social worker to the door. Unfortunately, the social worker will not be deterred. She insists on staying and observing. Lucy and Kevin pretend to be a normal, happy couple until Danny begins to cry. Inside the closet, Eve is anxious to go out and comfort her son, but Ian holds her back. Lucy attempts to calm the baby, but she doesn't have a clue how to go about it. As Kevin extols Lucy's virtues as a mother, Danny continues to wail. Finally, as the social worker is about to jot down her observations, Lucy succeeds and Danny falls asleep. The social worker leaves, and Ian and Eve rush from the closet to check on their son's well being. Eve is concerned that the visit did not go well, and that Danny may be put into another home. Ian believes he has a plan. Jamal is working on a bike when Alison comes in. He still can't believe how she snuck around behind his back. An exasperated Jamal claims he wishes he had never found out the truth about Hope because now he is stuck in a difficult situation. If he gets involved with Hope, he will ruin the life she has with her adoptive parents. However, if he doesn't show an interest in her, he is no better than his own father who walked out on his family when Jamal was young. Alison tries to explain to Jamal that no matter what he does, he is nothing like his father. Jack comes in and asks Jamal not to place all the blame on Alison. He takes responsibility for his own role in the situation. Jamal feels betrayed. He can't understand why the two people in the world who mean the most to him would go behind his back. Jack finds Livvie at the bridge in the park. He accuses her of trying to kill him. They argue: Jack blaming, Livvie denying. Finally, Livvie decides that they are better off apart. Jack leaves and Rafe appears. He tries to reason with Livvie, telling her that Caleb is using her. He lets Livvie know he saw her poisoning Jack's drink. Livvie doesn't try to find excuses, she claims it was her own choice to kill Jack. She says she'll do anything to prove herself worthy of Caleb's love. Rafe pleads with her to change sides and fight Caleb. When Livvie refuses, Rafe asks what she will do when Caleb asks her to hurt her father. Rafe leaves, and Livvie, talking to herself, admits she already has plans for Kevin.

November 15 - Karen and Chris are chatting about Karen's feelings after spending time in the catacombs. She doesn't like what is happening to her and is angry with Chris. Frank walks in and Karen tells Chris she needs to speak with him. Frank admits to Karen that he talked with Gabriela and realizes that Karen is having the same symptoms as Gaby did when she was bitten. Karen stops him, telling him that it isn't the serum but that she is back on drugs. Upset by the news Frank tells her he will stand by her and help. Karen responds by telling him to back off, that she must do this on her own. Karen breaks off their engagement and says she will be taking a leave of absence and going into rehab. Frank lets her know that he will be waiting for her. Chris returns only to have Karen lay into him about everything that is going wrong in her life. He offers her a place to stay while she is gone from work. Chris, feeling a presence in the room, turns to exclaim "It can't be you, you're dead". Eve and Ian anxiously await the court appointed counselor and agreed that they should put up a good front so that they can get Danny back. When the counselor arrives they try to be friendly and play nice. She can see that the tension is still thick in the air. She tells them both that they need to be together for at least a week before the court can consider putting Danny back into the house. After she leaves, Ian and Eve agree that they must do what they can to bring back Danny. They will live together in the apartment but apart. Ian moves back in but both are extremely hateful towards each other. Lucy comes over to talk with Kevin. Livvie leaves the room only to listen in on the staircase. Lucy asks Kevin why he won't help her with Christina. He tells her that the situation is different and that Christina is gone. She must face up to that. Lucy wonders if they stand a chance for a future together. Kevin tells her he won't give her up without a fight, that their love should be able to help them through this time of difficulty. Lucy proclaims her love for Doc and Doc tells her that he will help her in any way he can with Christina. Livvie "talks" to Caleb asking for help in keeping Lucy and Kevin apart. Lucy at home talks to herself and Christina. As she goes to lock the door, she realizes the porch light is still on and opens the door to find Christina at her front step. The P.I. that Kevin hired shows up with pictures of Ian and Lucy locked in a lover's embrace. Kevin cannot believe his eyes.

November 16 - Chris is shocked to see that Caleb is alive. He wants Chris to give him the vampire serum and begins to immediately kiss up to the vamp. When Chris says that it and his notes were destroyed, Caleb offers his blood. Chris, seeing that Caleb really wants this, tries negotiating. Caleb makes a deal with Chris---he makes the serum and his life is spared. Lucy brings Christina to the couch. She takes a picture of her to prove she is real. When she leaves the room, Christina turns into Livvie. Livvie goes outside and comes back in. When Lucy tries to show her Christina, Livvie feigns disbelief. Lucy is upset when the picture she took shows nothing. Livvie leaves, but Lucy follows and is shocked to see her and Caleb! Kevin gets drunk because he found out about Lucy and Ian. He goes to see Eve. Ian, who has decided to tell Eve about his and Lucy's night together, enters just as Kevin kisses her.

November 19 - Ian walked in on Eve and Kevin kissing. Ian and Kevin exchanged words. Jack and Rafe talked about Livvie. Jack suspected that Caleb put up Livvie to drugging his drink but Jack was unsure if Caleb could rule from the grave. Lucy saw Caleb with Livvie. Livvie said that Caleb wasn't with her as Caleb mysteriously disappeared. Eve told Kevin that no harm had been done. Kevin was angry at Ian for sleeping with Lucy but didn't tell Eve. Eve thanked Ian for not getting angry at Kevin who was drunk. Eve told Ian that the kiss meant nothing. Jack told Rafe that Livvie was hearing Caleb's music box in her head and seeing his ring everywhere even after Caleb was supposedly dead. Jack also told Rafe that he once found Livvie half dressed asleep in the catacombs. Jack and Rafe decided to go to the catacombs to check things out. Livvie maintained to Lucy that Caleb wasn't there and that he is dead. Lucy has finally put things together that Caleb is the one turning everyone against each other. Ian tried to tell Eve that he slept with Lucy but couldn't when she said that neither of them would ever be unfaithful. Ian couldn't tell her the truth them. Lucy arrived at Kevin's. Lucy tried to tell Kevin the truth about Caleb but Kevin was angry. Livvie meanwhile found the pictures of Lucy and Ian making love. Lucy showed Kevin the picture she tried to take of Christina but that picture only shows a shadow and she was convinced that it was Caleb. Livvie told Kevin that Lucy was over reacting and that she didn't see Caleb at all. Kevin was really mad at Lucy for talking about Caleb in front of Livvie. Rafe lets it slip that he is dead but Jack didn't pick up on his words. Jack found the music box and opened it up and the music started playing and then a bolt of light came out and he passed out. Rafe closed the music box really fast. Caleb had a vision of the people in in Port Charles who meant him harm and he then summoned a higher power with all the strength that he had as someone comes back. Lucy left knowing that Kevin was angry with her. Kevin decided that no one else needed to see those pictures of Lucy and Ian making love so he threw them in the fire but secretly Livvie had kept one picture to show to someone.

November 20 - As Chris tried to duplicate his notes on the serum, Karen came in. She wanted to tell Frank the truth but Chris said not to. Alison was delivering muffins to the hospital staff when Rafe brought Jack in. James and Caleb talked, James gave him the music box and told Caleb that Livvie may be the source of his problem. Livvie appeared demanding to know who James was. James said Livvie was humanizing Caleb not the other way around. Chris told Karen he was recreating his research to free her but she had been rundown and wondered if she was returning to normal anyway. There was nothing physically wrong with Jack and Alison and Rafe try to wake him up. Karen's blood work is back to normal. Rafe found his Boss posing as a janitor and was praised. Livvie gave Caleb the picture but James still was worried and pointed out that Livvie didn't want to feed. He told them that the alternative Caleb sought would weaken the bloodline. Gaby arranged for Frank to visit Karen at rehab. James gave Caleb the "Morley cape" to help bring him back with just a night's rest. Caleb slept with James watching over him.

November 21 - Outside of the Recovery Room, Valerie runs into Livvie causing Livvie to drop a stack of papers she is holding. As Valerie helps Livvie pick them up, Livvie explains they are papers from the bike shop. Livvie leaves, and Valerie spies an errant paper on the ground. She picks it up and begins to read. It is the DNA results stating that Jamal is Hope's father. Valerie is shocked and surprised. Livvie watches, pleased that the plan is all coming together. Jamal comes in and Valerie pounces on him asking how long he's known about Hope's paternity. He explains to her about Alison's suspicions, and how she was the one to order the tests. He confesses to visiting Hope, then explains that he thinks it is best if he and Valerie back off. They shouldn't interfere with Hope's life with her adoptive parents. Valerie tries to convince Jamal otherwise, but in the end he agrees only to ask them for pictures. Valerie asks one more thing. She doesn't want Alison involved in the situation. At the hospital Ian tells Lucy that he and Eve are making progress. Lucy is happy for him. She wishes Ian the best and tells him to go home to his wife. Once Lucy is alone, she pulls a deck of tarot cards from her purse. The card she draws is the Grim Reaper. Lucy goes to the catacombs in search of Caleb. Inside the cave, she calls for him challenging him to appear. Instead, James is there. He applauds Lucy's bravado, then asks her, "What's the matter? You look like you've seen a ghost!"
     Eve finds the photo of Ian and Lucy together in bed just as she is on the phone with Ian. Eve drops the phone, unable to speak. There is a knock at the door. Kevin is there to pick up Danny. Immediately, he knows something is wrong. Eve tries to deny it, but Kevin sees the picture in her clenched hand. A tearful Eve breaks down and cries on Kevin's shoulder while asking, "How could they?" Kevin admits that he was the one who hired the private investigator to follow Ian. He never expected the results shown in the pictures though. Eve's heartbreak turns to anger as she remembers how Ian has hurt her over and over again. She vows he won't get away with it this time. Eve rushes to the hospital going straight to the drug cabinet. She finds a bottle of Sodium Pentothal. Truth serum. As Eve leaves the room, she runs into Ian. When he asks why she is there, Eve tells him she came to pick him up for dinner. Ian is pleased thinking how well things are going between them. Eve tells him he is in for an amazing evening. Alison finds Jack in the woods. He is shaky and barely coherent, but manages to get out the word Catacombs. After a while, he is able to say more. He tells Alison he found something terrible in the catacombs. A box. Inside was evil darker than anyone could imagine. He tells her it was like looking the devil straight in the eyes. At the lighthouse, Kevin puts Danny down to sleep, then sits in a chair watching, and thinking of Lucy. Eventually he falls asleep. Suddenly, there is the sound of wind outside the window. Kevin checks it out, but sees nothing. There is not a cloud in the sky. Going back to check on the baby, Kevin notices a Tarot card on the floor. It is the Stranger card.

November 22 - Ian prepares a beautiful evening for him and Eve, dinner, quiet music and just the two of them talking and Eve plots to get at the truth. Hiding in her purse she has a bottle of sodium pentathol and a syringe. She hopes to inject Ian and get at the truth behind his background and his "affair" with Lucy. Kevin questions Rafe as to the truth about Caleb being back. Livvie, upset that Kevin is mentioning Caleb's name, begs Kevin not to bring it up anymore. She is trying to forget him and is tired of everyone blaming him for their misery. Kevin out of the room, Raffe congratulates Livvie on her performance and Livvie promises that Caleb and she will triumph over all. Jack searches through his books to find the answer to Livvies behavior and the possibility of Caleb being back. Just as he is about to give up he remember how much he loves Livvie and vows to help her. Sitting reading he hears the mysterious music of Caleb and knows that he is back. Lucy faces off with Caleb in the catacombs. She pulls out her trusty crossbow and takes aim only to have James take it away from her and throw it away. As she runs through the woods Caleb is hot on her trail. Caleb tells her to prepare to meet her end.

November 23 - Due to the extended Thanksgiving holiday, Port Charles was not shown today. This preemption was expected and there will not be any lost or missed episodes. Programming will resume Monday where Thursday's show ended.

Tempted DVD #6  November 26 - 30, 2001  
11/26, 11/27, 11/28, 11/29, 11/30

November 26 - Frank talked to Gaby about where Karen was when they can't track her down at the rehab centre where she was suppose to be. Frank couldn't understand why she wasn't at rehab and calls Rhonda who hasn't seen her either. Chris and Karen talked about her medical info. Karen's organs were failing and failing badly and fast. Eve tried to inject Ian with truth serum. Lucy was afraid of Caleb but wanted to kill him. Livvie arrived and wouldn't help Lucy. Gaby and Frank chased down a lead about where Karen might be. Karen was really upset because she was aging way too fast. Ian surprised Eve by stopping her from injecting him with the truth serum. Eve told Ian he hadn't always been honest because he slept with Lucy. Livvie told Lucy about becoming Christina and changed into Christina right before her very eyes. Lucy wanted to kill Caleb and Lucy asked Livvie to get her the crossbow but Livvie wouldn't give it to Lucy to use on Caleb and announced that Caleb and she are husband & wife. A stunned Lucy couldn't believe what she was seeing and hearing from Livvie. Livvie pushed Lucy down to the ground. Karen was afraid that she was going to die soon. Karen was mad at Chris for injecting her with that vampire serum. Chris told Karen that he would try to fix it if they worked together. They embraced as there was a knock on the door and Chris yelled come in thinking it is a pizza delivery boy. It was Frank and Gaby and they witnessed the embrace. Ian asked Eve how she knew about Lucy. Eve said the he cheated on her with Lucy of all people. Eve was upset with Ian for it. Eve thought Ian was blaming her for him sleeping with Lucy. Ian said that they would stay together 'til they get Daniel back. Livvie asked Caleb for the privilege of killing Lucy. Lucy pleaded with Livvie not to kill her. Caleb granted Livvie's request and then Caleb vanished making it easier for her to kill Lucy. Karen told Frank that she loved Chris with all her heart thinking that it would be easier for Frank to hate her than know the truth. Karen said she was sorry to Frank for falling in love with Chris. Frank left and Gaby said that they deserve it each other. Livvie went to the cave to see Caleb and showed him Lucy's blood on the crossbow. Caleb was happy that Livvie killed for him. Rafe comes into the woods to find Lucy.

November 27 - Jamal went to see Hope with Valerie but told Alison he was going alone. Jack searched for Lucy and told Kevin that Caleb was back. Rafe buried Lucy while railing at the Gods. Livvie and Caleb were pleased with their accomplishments. Jack tried to convince Kevin that Caleb was back and that Livvie was helping him. Livvie told Caleb she'd give him everything he wanted. Soon they would have "their" child. Valerie wondered how Jamal could walk away from Hope. Alison asked Rafe for advice but he felt like a failure. He left his journal behind and Alison found it and followed Rafe to return it. Jack told Kevin Livvie tried to kill him but Kevin still wouldn't listen. Jack overheard Kevin calling to have him taken away as delusional and stormed out. Caleb couldn't make love to Livvie until after the final event. The Hartman's phone had been disconnected. Alison saw Rafe bring a bird back to life. Kevin told Livvie about Jack's visit and that he was starting to believe him because he couldn't find Lucy. Livvie told him Lucy was at the spa and would want to see him later to settle things. Jack called Caleb out. Caleb told Jack Livvie had acted of her own free will and that Lucy was dead by Livvie's hand. Caleb invited Jack to a party.

November 28 - At the park, Alison sees Rafe revive a dead bird. He explains to her that it was just a magic trick, nothing special. Alison isn't fooled. She remembers the night at the monastery when the tree branch fell on her. She realizes she was dead and that Rafe brought her back to life the same way he helped the bird. Alison is intrigued with Rafe. Though he tries to avoid her questions, Alison persists. Finally she figures out that he must be an angel. Suddenly, Alison isn't sure how to act around a heavenly being. She nervously remembers how she once kissed Rafe and is afraid she is in big trouble. Rafe assures her everything is fine then produces a pink rose for her. Alison has something for Rafe as well: his journal that she found at the Recovery Room. She asks him why he stopped writing on April 12, 1991 then realizes that must be the day he died. She also realizes that the reason he is helping them with Caleb is because Caleb is the one who killed him. Gabriela runs into Frank and is shocked to see him sporting a bad cut on his face. She insists on taking him to the hospital. Meanwhile, at the hospital Livvie approaches Ian with a message from Lucy asking Ian to meet her at a new club called Tempted. Gabriela comes in with Frank and he is promptly treated by both Ian and Eve. When they finish, Eve leaves the room with paperwork when she is intercepted by Livvie. Livvie claims to have a message for Eve from Kevin. He has an idea how to get Danny back and wants Eve to meet him at Tempted. As Gabriela and Frank leave, they are given messages supposedly from Karen asking them to meet her that night at Tempted.
     At Chris's apartment, Karen is feeling weaker every minute. She fears if it goes on, she will be dead in a few days. Chris, being optimistic, tries to tell her he is working on a treatment to reverse the effects. Karen goes off to bed. There is a knock at the door. Caleb is there wanting Chris to invite him in. Chris is hesitant, but Caleb insists, finally gaining entry. Chris assures Caleb he is working on the serum and it is almost ready. Caleb asks to see Karen. He wants to see how she is progressing. Chris swears that Karen is fine, and moving around like the Energizer Bunny. Caleb doesn't trust Chris's observations so again he asks to see Karen. Chris comes up with the excuse that Karen is out for a jog. Caleb decides to wait. As he is sitting there, Karen peeks around the corner, sees Caleb, then disappears back into the bedroom. Caleb, aware of her presence but not letting on, changes his mind and prepares to leave. At the door, he tells Chris he must bring Karen to a new club called Tempted. After Caleb leaves, Karen comes out distraught at seeing him in the apartment. Chris lies to her telling her it wasn't Caleb, Caleb is dead of course. It was just a lab tech bringing papers from the hospital. He tells Karen to rest because he will be taking her out later that evening.

November 29 - Livvie encourages Kevin to meet Lucy at "Tempted", but Kevin continues to have second thoughts and threatens to stay at home with Daniel. Livvie protests, and Kevin points out Livvie's insensitivity toward her loved ones. Livvie finally convinces Kevin to go, leaving Livvie alone with Daniel and thoughts about fulfilling her destiny. The Hartmans apparently invite Jamal and Valerie to meet them at "Tempted", and suspicious Alison does her best to prevent them from going. However, Jamal and Valerie insist upon checking it out, and Alison follows them until a mystery person intervenes.
At "Tempted", Eve and Ian come face to face, and Eve suggests that Livvie set them up to reconcile. Chris and Karen also arrive, and fears grow when Gabriela and Frank appear as well and Karen denied having arranged the meeting. Kevin finally arrives, and panic plants itself in the room when James appears before him. At the same time, captured Jack breaks free from his restraints, and he rushes over to "Tempted" to save his friends and loved ones. Unfortunately, his arrival seems futile when the door locks, trapping everyone inside, and James disappears as the show begins.

November 30 - The final episode of Port Charles: Tempted - James prepares Caleb for his big night. Caleb is nervous. James says that he as never seen such skill, determination, and courage. He also says that it has been an honor to serve him. Caleb thanks James for his service and friendship. James removes Caleb's ring, which has been keeping him on earth. James disappears as Caleb wishes him good rest. Livvie is prepared to take Danny to his new daddy. As she opens the door she remembers Kevin telling her he loves her. She closes the door and goes back in the lighthouse. Alison arrives at Tempted only to encounter Rafe. She asks him why he's there, and tells him not to lie. He tells her that everything must play out on its own. As an angel he must have faith. Alison says that since she isn't an angel, she's going in. Rafe throws her over his shoulder and takes her away. He puts her down in the park where he tells her he shouldn't have interfered with the course of events by taking her away, but he didn't want anything to happen to her. She is touched by this, but says she ha to go back. Rafe allows this but goes with her. When they get back, Tempted's doors are blocked by a metal wall. Rafe says that it has already started.
     Kevin tells everyone to listen to Jack. Jack says that Caleb has lured everyone here to exact his revenge. Gabby says impossible. Ian says that Caleb's dead. Valerie wonders who Caleb is. Kevin verifies the story by saying that James is Caleb's manservant who died in Transylvania. Eve asks Kevin where Daniel is. He says that he is fine with Livvie. Jack says that no one is safe, especially the baby, since Livvie is working with Caleb. Kevin refuses to believe it, saying Lucy would have sensed it. Jack says that Lucy knew, and Livvie murdered her in cold blood. At that moment four metal walls fall to trap them. To make matters worse, the one wall begins to move to crush them. When Kevin and Ian realize they can't stop the walls themselves, they each pick up a table and put them top to top to stop the walls. Chris, "Great, bar tables against the forces of evil. I feel better."It works and the walls stop. Caleb then reveals himself, showing off his fangs.
     Caleb says, "Evening boys and girls. Okay, by show of hands, who missed me? [Ian yells] Nice to see you too, Doctor. And you Doctor, Doctor, all you semi-doctors, friends of doctors, lovers of doctors and, well, just all the little people. I want to thank you all for coming. I know how "pressed" you all were for time. But perhaps we could just take one moment to truly appreciate the irony of actual walls closing in on you, just like they've been doing for the last months without any of you knowing. And also for my flashy entrance. Feel free to applaud." Caleb continues to say how Livvie helped him by becoming Christina and Anne-Marie. He proves it by showing video. Caleb remarks, "But nothing really compares to her greatest performance of all. A truly drop-dead... [To Kevin] in fact that's exactly what your fiancée did when she saw it. [To Ian] Or is it your fiancée? You people have me so confused." Livvie enters with Danny. Caleb says that to prove their eternal devotion, they will make love while everyone is watching. Caleb declares his love to Livvie. With a cry of anger, Livvie reveals Lucy's crossbow arrow and plunges it into Caleb's heart. A tear rolls down Caleb's cheek as Livvie proclaims that everyone is finally free.

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