NEW!  PC SSW Combination Event DVDS

I have transfered all of my event videos to dvd and have created a special PC SSW series of dvds that combines all of the events that PC actors appeared at during various SSW 2001 and 2002 events in both Orlando and Anaheim onto three dvds, so reduces the number of edits involved for all of the PC event appearences I have. I also recommend the PC Fan Club Dinners, see that listing at:

PC Combination SSW DVD #1 - PC Actors Orlando 2001 & Anaheim 2002 - 3:48
SSW Orlando 2001 (from event tape #2) -Talk Show - 40 mins - PCers with Linda Dano. Thorsten, Kiko, Erin, and Robert S. Woods (OLTL). Its obvious that Thorsten and Robert S. Woods are great friends, probably why they appeared together.
SSW  Orlando 2001 (from event tape #1) - Talk Show - 42 mins Hosted by Linda Dano. Guests: Wally, Ingo, John Ingle, Brian Presley, and Kelly Monaco.
Celebrity Motorcade, Outdoor Q&A - 31 mins Walt Wiley hosts. Ingo, Wally, John Ingle, Kelly, Brian Presley
SSW Anaheim 2002 (from event tape #9) - Soapnet Promo for upcoming SSW weekends
Saturday Q&A - Hosted by Linda Dano. Guests: Kiko, Brian Gaskill, Lynn, Erin, Thorsten, Kelly, Brian Presley
Saturday Casting Call - Hosted by Walt Wiley. Guest: Brian Presely
Sunday Q&A - Hosted by Linda Dano. Guests: Kiko, Brian Gaskill, Lynn, Erin, Thorsten, Kelly, Brian Presley.
Parade/Cast Photo Shoot, clip about Brian Gaskill's online fan club, fan shows a jacket Thorsten had cast members sign for her.

PC Combination SSW DVD #2 - PC Actors Anaheim & Orlando 2002 - 3:59
SSW Anaheim 2002 (from event tape #9) Sunday Casting Call - Hosted by Walt Wiley. Guest: Brian Presley. Erin shows up at the end and they are introduced as the future Mr. & Mrs. Brian Presley.
Entertainment Tonight 4/23/02 - clip of Brian proposing to Erin (1 min)
PC 10/01 - Clip of Jack practicing his proposal to "Livie" and uses Allison
SSW Anaheim 2002 (from event tape #10) Saturday Casting Call - Hosted by Walt Wiley. Guest: Brian Gaskill
Sunday Casting Call - Hosted by Walt Wiley. Guest: Brian Gaskill (few minutes cut to fit, Walts introduction is the same in each casting call)
8 minutes of clips shown at the begining of each talk show event
Soap Center Producer Melanie and Kary (Camerawoman) interview from SSW AMC - 1 minute
Soap Center crew interview. Advice on how to break into the business in a behind the scenes position in directing, producing, camerawork. 3 minutes
4 Soapnet recap promos for the OLTL & AMC weekend - 1 min each
Breakfast with the Stars - Stuart Damon, John Ingle, Jackie Zeman, Kelly Monaco, Thorsten Kaye, Lynn Herring. They each stop by our table and talk with us for a moment.
PC - Rafe & Ally montage
SSW Orlando 2002 (from event #15) - Saturday 10:45 am Outdoor Q&A with Walt Wiley - Motorcade arrivals. Rebecca Budig (Greenlee, AMC), Sam Page (Trey, AMC), Kiko Ellsworth (Jamal, PC), Thorsten Kaye (Ian, PC), Brian Presley (Jack, PC), Erin Hershey Presley (Allison, PC) 26 mins
Saturday 9:15 am Outdoor Q&A with Walt Wiley  - Motorcade arrivals. Brian Gaskill (Rafe, PC), Kelly Monaco (Livvie/Tess, PC), Steve Burton (Jason, GH), Robin Chistopher (Skye, GH), John Ingle (Edward, GH) 19 mins.
Sunday 2:30 pm -Talk show  hosted by Linda Dano. Guests: Kiko Ellsworth (Jamal, PC),  Brian Gaskill (Rafe, PC), Thorsten Kaye (Ian, PC), Kelly Monaco (Livvie/Tess, PC),  Brian Presley (Jack, PC), Erin Hershey Presley (Allison, PC),  Chad Brannon (Zander, GH), Coltin Scott (Nikolas, GH). Fan does a scene with Coltin. 56 mins

PC SSW DVD #3 - 4 hrs
Sunday 9:15 am Outdoor Q&A with Walt Wiley - Motorcade arrivals. Brian Gaskill (Rafe, PC), Kelly Monaco (Livvie/Tess, PC), Steve Burton (Jason, GH), Robin Chistopher (Skye, GH), John Ingle (Edward, GH) 23 mins Fan asks Steve why Jason & Liz was built up only to change direction (meaning not having them together).
GH/PC SSW Anaheim 2003 #22 - Saturday Breakfast Q&A - 1 hr - Stuart Damon, Leslie Charleson, Steve Burton, Alicia Willis, Erin Hershey & Brian Presley,      Kelly Monaco,  Kiko Ellsworth. This is started off with a 15 minute GH trivia contest so test your memory! First session is Kiko, Kelly, Steve and Alicia and that lasts about 25 minutes, then the second session is Stuart, Leslie, Brian, and Erin and that lasts about 27 minutes.
Saturday Parade
PC SSW Anaehim 2003 #23 -  2 hrs 38 minutes
Saturday Coffee Talk - 42 mins -Kiko Ellsworth, Kelly Monaco, Brian Gaskill, Erin & Brian Hershey, Eddie Mattos, Lynn Herring, Thorsten Kaye
Saturday Parade - (Lynn is cute as she takes pictures of the crowd from her parade car)
Sunday Coffee Talk - Kiko Ellsworth, Kelly Monaco,  Erin Hershey & Brian Presley, Eddie Mattos, Lynn Herring, Thorsten Kaye
Saturday Casting Call - Brian Gaskill
Saturday Casting Call - Brian Presley
Sunday Casting Call -  Eddie Matos

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