Erica's Wedding Tape (see below) and Erica's 2005 Wedding to Jack

Erica Kane's Wedding Tape- I also have the SoapNet Wedding Special 1 hour), and the ABC AMC Wedding tape, this is 50 minutes of wedding highlights from AMC. There is also an AMC Behind the Scenes tape, and the All About Erica tape. Any of these can be combined onto one tape or any one added to the Erica Wedding Tape.

Erica Wedding Tape - 8 episodes - 8 hrs total (some commercials cut)

  • Erica & Tom's Wedding: 9/6/78

  • Erica & Adam's First Wedding Original ABC Airdate: 3/8/84

  • Erica & Adam's Second Wedding Original ABC Airdate: 12/13/91

  • Erica & Dimitri's First Wedding - Original ABC Airdate: 6/22/93

  • Erica & Dimitri's Second Wedding - Original ABC Airdate: 12/30/94

  • Erica & Travis' First Wedding Original ABC Airdate: 2/16/88

  • Erica & Travis' Second Wedding Original ABC Airdate: 5/21/90

  • Erica & Jack: 2003

Descriptions of the episodes below:

Day One - Synopsis Erica marries Tom Cudahy Original ABC Airdate: 9/6/78-  Everyone was waiting for the wedding to get started, while Erica was with her mother at home. Mona told Erica that she couldn't marry Tom if she still loved Nick. When Mona threatened Erica that she would stop the wedding, Erica finally insisted that she didn't love Nick. Tom nervously waited, and stalled the priest until Erica arrived. Finally, the bride arrived, and the couple proceeded to have a beautiful wedding. Brooke, Donna, Chuck, Phoebe, Charles, Ellen, Wally and Devon all attended. Chuck was at the wedding with his wife Donna, but couldn't get his mind off of Tara. Phoebe confronted Chuck at the reception and advised him that he should be supporting Tara, since Charlie had recently almost drowned. Soon after, Chuck asked Frank to drive Donna home, because he had a house call to make. Later, he arrived at Tara's, and agreed to go swimming with Charlie. After Charlie headed to the lake, Chuck told Tara that he tried to stay away, but couldn't. Christina was upset after she and Jeff didn't get the house on which they had made an offer.

Erica marries Adam Chandler Original ABC Airdate: 3/8/84-  Mona was anxious to get to Erica's ceremony, because she was on to Adam's lies. Amidst Palmer and Daisy's loud banging at the front door, Adam and Erica were pronounced husband and wife. After it was official, Adam quickly took Erica and they escaped out the back door. Once they had safely exited, Ross let Palmer, Daisy and Virginia Graham enter. Virginia announced that she knew that Adam had married Erica before she could find out that she would not be playing the part of herself in the movie based on her autobiography.
     Later, when Adam and Erica were on his private jet, Adam continually changed the topic when Erica would bring up the movie. When Erica finally discovered that the jet was over the ocean and not headed for Los Angeles, Adam covered by saying that the film was postponed and they were going to have a honeymoon at their villa on St. Thomas.
     Meanwhile, Edna told Dottie that the reason Tad was dating her was because Edna was paying him. Later, when Tad denied Edna's accusations, Dottie readily believed him. Brooke and Tom were separated because Brooke felt that Tom sided with his old friend Gil, when Brooke accused Gil of attempting to rape her. Brooke decided to take Mark's advice and go see Tom, but she changed her mind when she learned that Tom had posted Gil's bail. Tom did post Gil's bail, but when Gil quickly began packing at the hotel room, Tom stepped out of the bathroom and began beating him.

Erica Kane's Weddings Erica marries Adam Chandler (2nd time) 12/13/91-  Erica quickly covered with Jack when the priest and Adam mentioned the wedding ceremony. Erica told Jack that the wedding was simply a modeling shoot. She invited Jack inside, and they went upstairs to talk in private. While they were upstairs, Adam anxiously wondered what they were discussing. Opal egged him on, and told him that Erica still had feelings for Jack.
     Meanwhile, Erica tried to discuss their feelings for each other, but Jack continued to press her about her situation with Adam. Jack stated that he was positive Adam wanted to win her back, but Erica assured him that she could handle Adam. After Jack left, Erica and Opal discussed the ruse of a wedding, and the fact that Erica hired an actor to pose as a priest. After the wedding, Adam presented Erica with a gift -- a trip to Seattle for Erica to spend some time with Bianca before the Christmas holiday. Erica thanked him, but cautiously. When An-Li arrived at Hayley and Will's office and asked for Brian's phone number, Hayley got upset and accused An-Li of wanting more than just Brian's number. Gloria told Dixie in front of Craig that she was upset that her two-timing ex-boyfriend had returned to Pine Valley. When Dixie offered to help, Gloria said that she didn't need it, because she was leaving town. After Dixie left for a meeting with Opal, Craig thanked Gloria for not telling Dixie the truth about him. Gloria replied that she was serious about leaving town, if his monetary offer was still available. Craig later got a check from Palmer under the charade that he planned to buy Dixie pearls with the money. When he arrived at Gloria's with ten thousand dollars, she showed him a video of the two of them, and told him that it was a Christmas present for Dixie.

Erica marries Dimitri Marick Original ABC Airdate: 6/22/93-  Erica was jubilant, as she got ready for the wedding with the help of Mona, Kendall and Bianca. The wedding began with Dimitri escorting Mona to her seat. The setting was very traditional, in a church filled with candles and flowers. Dixie & Brian, Hayley &Charlie, Derek, Opal, Edmund, Brooke, Gloria, Kendall, Bianca and Mona all attended. When the priest pronounced the couple husband and wife, they kissed, and everyone applauded. Later, at Erica and Dimitri's reception, the guests congratulated the happy couple. Trevor warned Natalie that her friend, Laurel, was skimming money from the foundation. They argued until Trevor finally left, angry. After he was gone, Natalie remembered different events with Laurel that seemed questionable. Later, Trevor received a fax with Laurel's picture, confirming his suspicions. Trevor immediately went to Jack's and questioned him. Meanwhile, Natalie met with Adam, and they finally realized that Laurel had indeed been embezzling from the foundation. Natalie told Adam that she could not believe she had doubted Trevor, and that she planned to profess her love for him in front of Erica and Dimitri's entire wedding party. Jack handed Trevor a note from Laurel, in which she confessed what she had done and admitted that Jack knew nothing about it. Trevor accused Jack of covering for her, and Jack said that he would have covered for her forever. Adam and Natalie continued on their way to the wedding. Adam repeatedly asked Natalie to slow down, saying that he wanted to get to the wedding in one piece. Just as Natalie told Adam that she did not care what happened to Laurel as long as Natalie had a chance to make things up to Trevor, they began to scream as the car flipped.

Erica marries Dimitri Marick (2nd time) Original ABC Airdate: 12/30/94-  It was New Year's Eve, and Erica explained to Bianca why she and Dimitri would not be getting married that evening (because they wanted everything to be perfect, and Dimitri was still upset about Anton). Meanwhile, Dimitri was with Edmund at the Hunting Lodge, telling him that Erica's surprise was set to go. Edmund arrived at Erica's room, and urged her that they should look for Dimitri, because he had been riding for an awfully long time. When Erica arrived at the Hunting Lodge, she found Dimitri -- in a tuxedo. He proposed again, and she claimed that he was the most romantic man she had ever known.
     Soon after, Edmund and Bianca arrived, and Bianca took Erica to put on the wedding dress that Dimitri had bought for her. Dimitri and Erica proceeded to have a beautiful, candlelit Russian Orthodox ceremony at the Hunting Lodge, with Edmund and Bianca as witnesses. Later, Dimitri carried Erica into her bedroom. Fireworks were heard outside as they wished each other a Happy New Year as husband and wife. Hayley and Alec were on the beach. Alec was thrilled with the setting, but Hayley admitted that she couldn't think of a worse place to be. She went on to tell Alec about her trials and tribulations that had occurred on that very beach, including the time she bottomed out completely, and the time that she threw Brian's engagement ring into the ocean. Alec finally convinced Hayley to stop beating herself up, and to have some fun. The couple was dancing closely at midnight, when Alec raised Hayley up in the air with the excitement of the countdown. When he let her down, they embraced in a kiss. Tad brought Dixie home from the hospital, and the Martins were there to surprise Dixie. The family celebrated New Year's together. Dixie expressed her concern to Tad about Joe and Ruth, since they recently lost their home in the tornado.

Erica & Travis' First Wedding Original ABC Airdate: 2/16/88-  At the hospital, Nina tries to convince Matt that she is fine. When Matt and Nina run into Cliff, they come to the conclusion that she must have the flu. Nina later admits to Matt that she still has a hard time dealing with Cliff. Nina's doctor prescribes rest, attributing her flu symptoms to stress. He tells her that he will call her when he receives the results from her tests. Meanwhile, Pilar tells Cliff that she will leave as soon as possible to return to Algorda. Cliff tells Pilar that she has become a very important part of his life, and later tells her that he and Bobby might just go to Algorda with her. Angie assures Stuart that he and Cindy belong together. Angie and Stuart try to comfort Cindy when she breaks down and cries. They are able to convince Cindy to try a support group for people with AIDS. Later, Stuart drops Cindy off at her first support group meeting. The group tries to convince Cindy not to be afraid to be affectionate with Stuart. After Stuart presents Cindy with a locket with his and Scott's pictures, Cindy lets Stuart kiss her. Before Erica and Travis begin their vows, Travis takes Erica to have a few words in private. Travis questions Erica about why she was so late for their wedding, and she admits that she almost left him at the altar. She tells Travis that she was so hurt by her father leaving her that she pushes away every man that ever comes into her life. But she comes to the conclusion that she loves Travis so much she can't push him away. Erica and Travis' wedding continues, with the couple and their guests full of smiles. At the reception, Erica toasts all of their guests and Travis toasts his beautiful wife.

Erica & Travis' Second Wedding Original ABC Airdate: 5/21/90-  At the police station, Natalie reports that her wallet is missing. She is humiliated by Trevor's teasing when she finds her wallet in her briefcase. Later, Natalie is again infuriated when Trevor pulls her over for speeding. Meanwhile, Mona, Eric and Bianca surround Erica as she prepares for her wedding. Jackson hides from Travis at the church. Skye tells Jeremy that she and Trevor are not dating, and Jeremy admits that he is happy to hear it. Barbara finds Jack trying to hide at the church and confronts him. Jack overhears Erica tell Bianca that she and Bianca's daddy are destined to be together, unlike she and Jack. As the Wedding begins, Palmer complains to Tom and Barbara about Erica's many marriages.
     Just as Eric begins to walk her down the aisle, Erica sees Jack. Travis rushes to the back of the church to confront Jack, but Erica asks to have a few moments alone with Jack. Jack insists that he has decided not to stop the wedding, fully understanding that Erica is meant to be with Travis. Alone in the dressing room, Jack admits his love for Erica and accepts her decision to marry Travis. When Erica asks Jack if they can still be friends, he tells her that he would like to see how he feels when he returns from Paris. Erica is obviously thrown by the news that Jack is going to Paris, and wishes him a bon voyage as she quickly leaves the room. Finally, the wedding begins and Travis walks Erica down the aisle himself. They proceed to have a beautiful wedding, with Erica only looking at the back of the church once. At the airport, Jack runs into Natalie as he checks in. He invites her to join him on his trip, but Natalie politely refuses.

Erica & Jack's Wedding: 2003-  A vengeful  Greenlee barges in on Jackson's wedding to Erica and halts the ceremony with the information that she is Jackson's biological daughter. After checking the blood test results, Jackson realizes Greenlee was telling the truth.

**The End**

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