This tape starts off with 2 hours of wedding preparation - the quality on this part is not as good as the rest as it is an older edit that I got from someone else (who unfortunately is not currently available to copy tapes). This came from the Cari series of 1981 tapes. Then I add two original Luke and Laura wedding and reception and the first honeymoon episodes. These are very good quality originals from the SoapNet marathon. Then I add the episode from the Cari tape where Luke goes to Helena's reception (again this episode is very watchable but not as good of quality, no commercials). This is the sequence that it originally aired in. Then I add the second honeymoon episode, also an original from SoapNet. Even though it means I change tapes several times to copy this, you get the best quality possible and the episodes in sequence. The four SoapNet episodes do have commercials.

Then at the end of the tape I also include Luke & Laura's 15th wedding anniversary episode, an original with commercials. This episode was filled with flashbacks and the whole show was devoted to them as they relived their history. This is about an 8 hr tape but not sure on the exact running time.

Contains the following:
Luke & Laura - 2 hours wedding preparation – edited
Luke & Laura's Wedding Day One -The Wedding Begins Original Airdate: 11/15/81
Luke & Laura's Wedding Day Two - The Wedding & Reception Original Airdate: 11/16/81
Luke & Laura's Wedding Episode Three - The Honeymoon Original Airdate: 11/17/81
Helena's reception, not original reduced quality aired on 11/18/81
Luke & Laura's Wedding Episode Four - The Honeymoon Original Airdate: 11/19/81
Luke & Laura's Wedding Day Five - The 15th Wedding Anniversary Original Air: 11/15/96

Luke & Laura wedding Tape - Nov 10, 11, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 - 6 hrs

(This tape is the same as the L&L edit Cari tape #13 in that 1981 series)

Laura and bridesmaid dress fitting. Helena Cassidine arrives in town and sends out invites to reception at her house (day after wedding). Luke, Joe, Lee, in Mexico looking for the Laura and Scotty's divorce papers. Robert goes to see Helena. Luke's Bachelor party with the guys and Laura's Bachelorette party at the Webber's. (these first two hours are edited, not my original edit but works well with the rest of these episodes).

The Wedding Begins 11/15/81 (original episode)
Laura and Luke both woke up happy on their wedding day. Laura and Lesley had a heart to heart, and then Laura joined the girls as they prepared for the wedding. Meanwhile, Luke headed over to Ruby's, and told her that he would always need her and that he loved her. Later, as Laura prepared for the wedding, Amy gossiped about Heather and Joe. Lesley entered and gave Laura a gift that the delivery boy said must be opened immediately. Laura opened it to find a model of the Titan. Laura continued to get ready, looking for her missing earring. Slick and Robert were getting nervous of Luke's whereabouts when Luke finally appeared. Soon after, Jean-Paul arrived and inquired as to whether or not Luke and Laura would attend Helena Cassadine's reception the next day. Luke told Jean-Paul that he would be on his honeymoon the next day, and the last thing he wanted to think about is the Cassadine family. After Jean-Paul left, a delivery arrived for Luke. Luke opened the package to find a model of the Titan. The guests began arriving at the mayor's mansion for the wedding. The wedding was potluck-style, and the guests helped to set up as they arrived. Rose Kelly helped to coordinate. As the preparations were under way, Gail asked Monica if Alan would be at the wedding alone. Monica replied that they would have to wait and see. Meanwhile, Alan told Susan that it would upset his parents if he took her with him to the wedding. He then made a promise that their wedding day would come. As the wedding began, the sidewalk was lined with spectators. Jean-Paul announced on his one-way that Luke refused Madame's invitation, but that the gifts were delivered. Madame should arrive at the wedding immediately. When Slick pulled up with Luke and Scorpio, the wedding began. After Joe and Bryan escorted Lesley and Ruby down the aisle, the bridesmaids made their way down the aisle. Laura and Rick arrived, and Rick escorted Laura down the aisle. As it proceeded, Helena Cassadine slipped out a door and watched, holding Luke's stick pin and Laura's earring. As Rick and Laura reached the gazebo, he moved to Lesley. Luke offered Laura his arm, and they faced the mayor as he began the ceremony.

Wedding Day Two 11/16/81 - (original episode)
The wedding began with the mayor giving a speech about how proud and happy the community was to see this couple married. As the wedding continued, Helena Cassadine watched from the side. The couple took their vows of marriage, and then the mayor declared them legally married as they kissed. The crowd cheered. As they walked down the aisle, the couple greeted the crowd... hugs and kisses were abundant. Later, the couple shared their first dance, as everyone watched. Helena looked on, clasping their stickpin and earring, as she cursed the couple and all of their descendants. Luke and Robert later share a moment before the couple headed off for their honeymoon. Before they left, Luke threw the garter, and Rick caught it. Then, Laura threw the bouquet... and Scotty caught it. Scotty threw the bouquet back up to the balcony where Luke and Laura were standing, and he screamed that there would be no marriage. Luke jumped down the balcony, and proceeded to knock Scotty out cold. Luke grabbed Laura's hand, and they ran away ... headed for their honeymoon.

Meanwhile, Noah was with Stacy at the hospital. Stacy commented on how nice it was for Noah to give up Bobbie's brother's wedding to operate. Noah replied that he still hoped to make it to the reception.

Episode Three - The Honeymoon -11/17/81 (original episode)
The town was abuzz about Scotty appearing at the wedding. At the Baldwin's, Scotty told Gail and Lee that he broke into the town hall and stole the divorce papers. Lee then confessed to Scotty that he had burned the papers that were sent in the mail. Lee continued, telling Scotty that he gave up alcohol, and that he's dry now. Scotty told Gail and Lee that he was there to seek revenge, but Lee replied that there would be no revenge, or Scotty would have to contend with him.

Meanwhile, Luke and Laura were at the farm, beginning their honeymoon. They laughed as they read the many, many notes that the Whittaker’s had left for them. Later, Buford Honeycutt arrived and told the couple that he would return in the morning to help with the chores. He left, saying that he would expect a big breakfast to be ready when the chores were done. Luke carried Laura up to bed, and Laura told Luke that she remembers the only time that they made love in that room. The next morning, Luke and Laura woke up-- after only an hour of sleep. Luke assured Laura that he would go do the chores, and soon would be back in bed with Laura.

Joe was determined to prove that Heather did not kill Diana. He talked to Rose, telling her that Ramsey said that the D.A. would go for a charge against Heather of assault with the intent to kill, and that bail would be set at $100,000.

Older scenes inserted here:
Robert & Scotty square off. The Titan arrives, Heather's trial. Bobbie invites Scotty for a drink. Tiff & Robert smooching. Luke goes to see Helena as she insisted as a condition for her donation to GH. Helena's party and she presents check. Robert has Webbers and Tiff to yacht for cocktails. Tiff has an idea to turn the yacht into a caberet. (Here the Helena's appearance episode airs - so I drop in the scenes from this episode as it occurs in between the two honeymoon episodes - Luke leaves Beecher's Corners to return to PC to attend. This is Elizabeth Taylor's appearance). This is in edited form, no commercials, but is not my original edit so not quite as good of quality as the SoapNet wedding and honeymoon episodes.

Episode Four - The Honeymoon 11/19/81 - (original episode)
Luke and Laura experienced many mishaps on their first day of chores, and were exhausted by Buford. Between making breakfast, sorting eggs, canning pumpkin and churning butter, they had little time left for romance. At the end of the day, Laura was a nervous wreck, and burst into tears when the dog was caught eating Laura's butter. Laura confessed to Luke that she was still worried about Scotty... then, the phone rang. Rick called to tell the newlyweds that Scotty promised Lee and Gail that he would not contest the divorce. Later, when the couple finally flopped onto the bed, exhausted, Luke remembered his many fights with Scotty.

Joe continued his investigation into Diana's murder. He questioned Krimpton, the prowler, and accused him of killing Diana in a panic. Krimpton denied the accusation, and said he was two blocks away by the time Diana hit the floor. Joe was convinced that Krimpton was lying. Scotty met Lee and Gail at the Floating Rib. Lee was thrilled with Scotty's new appearance -- Scotty had shaved and cut his hair. Scotty told his parents that he had a change of heart, and that he would try to keep peace with Luke. He assured them that as soon as the divorce papers arrived with his things from Mexico, he would turn them over to Lee. Later, Scotty was in his hotel room, holding the divorce decree, which he then hid under his dresser. Scotty decides to return to work at Lee's firm and says he will let go of Laura.

Luke & Laura's Wedding Day Five - The 15th Wedding Anniversary Original Airdate: 11/15/96
This entire episode celebrated Luke and Laura's fifteenth wedding anniversary. Laura received a package in the mail at the beginning of the day, and opened it to find a jewelry box with a paper cigar band in it. She thought back to Luke slipping a cigar band on her finger many years ago. The couple continued to create the charade that they were fighting, but they were actually very happily prepared to celebrate their anniversary. As Mike and Lucky expressed concern that Luke and Laura were not together, the couple kept their plans for a romantic evening secret. Finally, when Lucky gave Luke an Anniversary card, Luke assured him that it was okay, that he and Laura had plans for the evening. Lucky later agreed to watch Lulu, so that Laura could go on her date. Meanwhile, Luke had trouble getting his car to start, so he pretended to be a valet and took a customer's car, promising Mike that he would return it by midnight. The couple ran into many obstacles getting to their date, but they finally ended up together. They set up a picnic with candles and flowers, and they discussed how lucky they were to have each other and their children. As they began to dance, we saw them dancing through the years... through the aisle at Wyndham's Department Store, waltzing at their wedding, and dancing at the Triple L Diner.

**The End**

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