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Dance of the Zeppo

Updated: 03.17.00.Fri
Note Added: 04.24.00.Mon

"I want to dance with you."-Xander

Dance of the Zeppo

Welcome to Dance of the Zeppo, my Buffy/Xander 'shipper site. This site was started to support the coupling of Buffy and Xander on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, since there are only a few out there, and we need to spread the message that Buffy and Xander belong together. Don't think they should be together? That's okay, still have fun looking around. You may change your mind, or at least realize that it's not so bad.

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Read about it here


Destination Description
About Dance of the ZeppoAbout the site, and why I'm supporting Buffy and Xander.
Reasons WhyReasons why these two are meant to be, also a little bit about why they should not be with other people on the show.
BX MomentsMoments in episodes of BtVS that express their feelings for one another, or just make all B/Xers happy.
BX Pics'Cause they look so darn cute together, Buffy/Xander images that show all that cuteness.
List O' LinksOther B/X sites that I like and also some Sarah Michelle Gellar and Nicholas Brendon Links.
BX QuotesStuff they've said to each other or about each other that's sweet or just pretty cool.
BX SoundsWell, I dunno if the title says it all, but if you're not satisfied with the "BX Quotes" section, this part has sound waves of their more memorable quotes.
Coming SoonStuff I'm working on that you'll see here shortly.
Mail MeFeel free to e-mail me with comments, suggestions, help of any kind... Flames are accepted, but only for the site. No flaming the B/X relationship please.
GuestbookSign my guestbook, please. Well, you don't have to, but it'll make me happy.

people have visited my site since August 15th, 1999.


Site Updates


Happy St. Patricks Day!

Well, sorry I haven't updated in forever. I'd loved to say that today's update is huge, but it's not; it's tiny. I'm planning a huge update soon, but I'm not sure when it will be. I just thought I'd update today, just so you guys would know I haven't forgotten about the site. Hopefully, the big update will be in early April, but I'm not sure. I'm working on it.
Anyway, like I said, I only have a small update. I added 5 images. They're pretty cool. Two are dance pictures, and one is a funky-red room pic, and I love those. A lot of them took me forever to scan and crop, so you better look at them! =)

Note Added on April 24th, 2000

I am in the process of moving all my stuff to Geocities. (This site actually started at Geocities, and now I'm moving back. Go figure) It's not taking too long, so an update will probably be in early May. I'm ready to update, I just have to move everything. Oh, and the guestbook may not be working. I'm moving that to the new site too.


Some images are borrowed from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The Slayer and Her White Knight, Made Ya Look! and the image headers and buttons and stuff were made using