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Deidre Hall Chat

Transcript of Soap Opera Digest chat with Deidre Hall (Marlena) - June 12, 2000

SODhost: Good morning :) We're welcoming Deidre Hall this morning live from Dallas, Texas! Let's get to it -- please welcome Deidre Hall!

Deidre Hall: Good morning ! It's great to be in Dallas, I'm looking forward to seeing some of your city and some of your shops this afternoon :)

larryg110 asks: hello Deidre are you from the Dallas Fort Worth area

Deidre Hall: No, but my "son" is -- Jensen Ackles (Eric). He was raised near here.

manolis_varnassinger asks: deidre hi you are very talented and wonderfull actress how was it was like making a guest appearance on goodmoring texas program on wdaa

Deidre Hall: It was fun. Everybody was very warm and very welcoming.

boogerbarbiedolly1 asks: Are you all going to miss Jensen when he leaves? I know I will. When is he leaving?

Deidre Hall: I will miss him terribly, yes.

punkgrl57 asks: derdre do you think that hope's father to the baby is john??? do you suspect it at all

Deidre Hall: I suspect the audience will have voted for John. Who would ever vote for Stefano to be the father of yet another child?

dhallrocks asks: What do you think of the whole idea, that the fans get to vote for the father of Hope's child?

Deidre Hall: I think it's a terrific idea. I'm curious what the audience thinks.

LisMichelle asks: Good morning Deidre! I LOVE the new curlier hair-do. How do you like it and do you think you'll be keeping the style?

Deidre Hall: I do like curlier style and I think we'll keep it for a while :)

cutes36 asks: How do you feel about the fans and the internet

Deidre Hall: I'm not a fan of the Internet. I won't let my children on it.

lucky_star070400 asks: how does it feel knowing how you influence teens such as myself...knowing how much you touch there lives?

Deidre Hall: Thank you for saying that. It's a nice thing to hear. I hope that Marlena can always be a character from which we receive guidance, good information and comfort.

zeelandhooligirl asks: What is the best book you've ever read and why?

Deidre Hall: Well I love Goodnight Moon… Oh gosh… It's hard to say. One of my favorite fiction books is Atlas Shrugged. My husband is a great writer and has written a number of books I've enjoyed. And now my 7-year-old is reading Little House on the Prairie.

canadian_hot_chic asks: do you enjoy being doc?

Deidre Hall: I do. I love playing Marlena. I always have. :)

Kristi_Days asks: Your appearance this morning was a nice surprise. What can you tell us about the Scan Diet's helping to *maintain* one's weight and nutrition?

Deidre Hall: Scan Diet does a number of things. First of all it's an extraordinary weight loss program and the support team that's in place can be your best friend online. There's even a section on the website that lets you see how you will look as you lose the weight. I don't use it for weight loss. I use it for nutrition. Thanks for asking. Go find your local GNC store :-) Try the chocolate, it's my favorite!

LisMichelle asks: Hello Deidre! I recently saw you and Drake Hogestyn at the Soap Star Specacular at Universal Studios Hollywood. Thanks so much for coming out for the event, it was the most worthwhile sunburn I've ever had. :)

Deidre Hall: Thank you for joining us :)

rorshach_85 asks: How are you digging Dallas now? Have you seen the bronze cows 300 ft from the WFAA Studio? (Ask for a tour, they are cool) -Dallas

Deidre Hall: Haven't heard a word about it, but I'll ask as soon as we're off the air

d_chantelle asks: If you could play any other character on the show, who would it be?

Deidre Hall: Craig. He's cute, and funny and mean and that's sounds like fun to me :)

marylou_07424 asks: what have the boys named the squirrels?

Deidre Hall: The first squirrel in the house they named Dennis, after Dennis the Menace. When Dennis' baby showed up, Tully named him Rennis. After that, we stopped letting him choose the squirrels' names ;)

Kristi_Days asks: Welcome to Dallas, Deidre! Hope you can enjoy the afternoon of shopping you wished for. Try the Galleria in North Dallas ;o)

Deidre Hall: Thanks to all of you that have phoned in with great suggestions. It's been such a popular idea that the film crew is going shopping with me! We're looking for boots and hats!

dhallrocks asks: Is it true that you asked for most of the summer off, so we won't see that much of you on camera?

Deidre Hall: That is true. The summer is a very important time to spend with my children and I'm very grateful that Tom Langan has been able to give me a light workload. But I'm back in the fall with a vengeance and you're going to love it!

drama_princess_81 asks: Who did YOU want to be the father of Hope's baby?? :) Deidre Hall: Bo!

SODhost: People were upset that Bo wasn't on the Internet poll.

Deidre Hall: It wouldn't be a poll if you had Bo on there. It also wouldn't be a soap opera!

cutes36 asks: How is Drake these Days?

Deidre Hall: Drake is well. I'll give him your best :)

LisMichelle asks: Hello Deidre~ I loved John & Marlena's wedding and honeymoon. Are there any particular bloopers that come to mind that we didn't see?

Deidre Hall: Nothing comes to mind

marylou_07424 asks: will you be on Lifetime Live and when?

Deidre Hall: I have no plans for LIfetime Live

ladiesman_4_u_ca asks: when is brady going to grow up mysteriously, like belle did?

Deidre Hall: Very soon.

manolis_varnassinger asks: deidre what do you really think is the secret of the success of the show that is so popular all these years

Deidre Hall: I think we have a multi-generational family. We always have a new young love story and we have the most loyal fans in all of daytime.

boogerbarbiedolly1 asks: What is your ultimate fantasy storyline for Marlena? -Houston

Deidre Hall: Gee, I don't have one... Wait...yes, I do.. Marlena slips into a coma and Deidre comes in everyday to work, jumps into bed, falls asleep and then goes home. Could a job get any easier?!

cltx2 asks: My wife hooked me 15+ years ago and i was just wondering who your favorite person is/was to work with on the set

Deidre Hall: I worked with my sister 20 years ago. Wayne Northrop is still a close friend and John de Lancie used to make us laugh until we cried. I miss them all.

hallee_luvs_days asks: Deidre, what do you think about all the new teen talent that has come on to the show?

Deidre Hall: I think it's a great idea. I think we have some bright, young, good-looking actors and it's good to see us moving into a new generation

LisMichelle asks: Hello Deidre~ what aspect of motherhood is more wonderful than you ever imagined it would be?

Deidre Hall: There are so many. My 7 year old still likes to be rocked at night. My favorite time is the end of the day when the phones are off and the doors are locked and we lie in bed and read books and talk about our day.

couger_22 asks: Deidre...I saw you and others on an old rerun of Family Feud. You still look the same.

Deidre Hall: LOL! Thank you

mrfred_13905 asks: is it hard playing an evil person?

Deidre Hall: It was hilarious and great fun and I wish it could have lasted longer.

magical_miss_mistoffeles asks: How do you feel about Days of Our Lives making its break into the UK?

Deidre Hall: I'm thrilled. I think we should have been in Europe long before this. Although I must say, I've enjoyed our trips to England and the lack of recognition I receive there.

Calicia_DaysJMFan asks: Whats your plans for the summer?

Deidre Hall: Enjoy my family!

skammer1000 asks: What other projects are you working on right now?

Deidre Hall: I have no new projects. I have finally learned to say "no" and I'm better at prioritizing my time. If I become overly ambitious, my next project may be learning to roller blade with my kids.

no1pogfan_83 asks: What is your favorite type of music?

Deidre Hall: All types actually. All but jazz. We actually keep the Baby Geniuses tapes in the player at home.

marylou_07424 asks: Hi Deidre, enjoying Our House on Pax! how many episodes are there?

Deidre Hall: We filmed for 2 years. So there should be plenty

roymoritz asks: Hi, what do you know about your fans in Israel

Deidre Hall: Very little. What do YOU know about them?

strongman6766 asks: What is the most obscure role you've ever played?

Deidre Hall: Nothing comes to mind...

boogerbarbiedolly1 asks: Do you have any beauty secrets?

Deidre Hall: Exercise. Stay out of the sun. And take the Scan Diet twice a day.

fgangloff asks: How was your Mothers Day?

Deidre Hall: Enchanting! Thank you for asking.

marie59_99 asks: Will the Fall bring us a true John & Marlena storyline?

Deidre Hall: The fall is full of surprises, none of which you will see coming!

hallee_luvs_days asks: Hello Deidre, is it easier to act the role of a mother, since your are a mother in real life?

Deidre Hall: It's easier to be more deeply touched by the simpler things between a parent and child.

dupa19 asks: Hi Deidre! - Do you think parents today should be concerned with all the violence on TV and in the movies?

Deidre Hall: I think that television watching is disastrous for children. I think the violence is abhorrent. And I think the number one best thing you can do for children is turn off your television set.

love2suck694u asks: did you ever think you would be on "Days" this long?

Deidre Hall: I was brought on Days to bridge the characters of the two Lauras, and didn't expect to be on more than a season. I love the way it turned out.:)

im_chloe_dee asks: Hi Deidre..I just wanted to tell you that I think that you are a brilliant actress. Your movies are even better thatn the Soap! When will you do another movie?

Deidre Hall: I have learned to say no! So there's nothing coming up to look forward to, but thanks for your nice comment.

dhallrocks asks: Do you ever miss being mean? Like when Kristen was around

Deidre Hall: Do I miss being mean? Was I mean to her? Playing a mean or evil character is great freedom for an actor. So I do miss those moments.

remarkr31 asks: Hi Deidre - if the major studios did a remake of "Electra Woman & Dinagirl" would you want to be a part of it??

Deidre Hall: I don't even know how to answer the question! The best thing to come out of Electra Woman, over 20 years ago, was my deep friendship with Jane Elliot (ex-Angelica; ex-Tracy, GH). I took the job as a goof, never expecting to be answering this kind of question so far into my television career!

hallee_luvs_days asks: Deidre, how do you feel about your storyline, that fact that John is lying to Marlena?

Deidre Hall: I think the storyline has been well set-up, and John is having a very normal, human reaction. But as we know in daytime, in the end, truth can spell disaster!

Soapfan35 asks: The best scene all year was Marlena tickling John on the sofa in the Penthouse. Have you enjoyed playing married this past year?

Deidre Hall: Ah, I had forgotten that scene! :) Drake and I have worked hard to capture some of the intimacy of newlywed life. I'm glad you're enjoying it!~

dayzgal76 asks: How is Mrs. Horton feeling? She seems to be going strong, saw her rip into Craig yesterday!

Deidre Hall: Oh, she is doing well!

mskitty_90218 asks: Deidre, are you in Dallas only for the day?

Deidre Hall: Yes, we fly out late this afternoon.

dupa19 asks: What advice can you give to a teen girl looking to start a soy diet? What should she look for?

Deidre Hall: The Scan Diet provides all the soy you'll need per day. But your package comes with careful directions. Follow the directions and enjoy it! It's a great way to improve your nutrition and lose weight at the same time.

strongman6766 asks: What is the one thing you couldn't live without?

Deidre Hall: It's too easy: My family!

marie59_99 asks: Congratulations on your recognition for your work with PATH..just want to say you are a great inspiration..

Deidre Hall: Thank you. Tom Langan has gotten involved with social issues on the show and we're about to be very involved with Habitat for Humanity, even outside the show. So you'll see that coming up this fall.

LisMichelle asks: The Marlena Barbie is a MUCH MUCH truer likeness than the Electra doll. Marbie's just beautiful, what do you think about a line of clothes for her....Marbie at the office, Marbie out on the town... I think it could work. :)

Deidre Hall: Oh, I think it's a great idea! :)

barbieschultz asks: Dedrie,Do you have a fan club of you own?

Deidre Hall: Yes I do, and you can just log on to for info! (You can also get to the Scan Diet from there.)

SODhost: That's all the time Deidre Hall has with us today -- she has major shopping to do! Thanks Deidre!

Deidre Hall: Thanks for joining me this half hour! I am looking forward to hitting the shops! If I bump into you out there, say hello! And while you're out shopping, stop into your GNC store, tell them I sent you! ;) And pick up some Scan Diet and give it a try. See you, Dallas! Thanks for being such a great audience!

sharlee3 asks: Thank you and Drake for giving us long time fans special looks and actions that show affection that were not scripted.

j_lynn25_2000 asks: It's good to see a celebrity with such family values!!

sharlee3 asks: Loved the scene at the PHG when you and John were dancing in the background and Drake slid his hand from your waste downwards and you returned the hand back to your wait. See, we catch every little detail of John & Marlena!

strongman6766 asks: thank you deidre

mic_houg2 asks: BYE

fgangloff asks: Keep up the good work, Diedre

Kristi_Days asks: Thank you so much for joining us ;o) Happy shopping!

love2suck694u asks: bye deidre......see ya'

themusicman_matt asks: see you later

Lori022275 asks: WE LOVE YOU

WellWhatMoreCanISay asks: Thanks was a great chat....

LisMichelle asks: Thanks for all your time this morning, Deidre. We love you!

siouxangel_2000 asks: You're a great actress Deidra, Keep it up:)

SODhost: Thank you everyone! Have a great day