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Idiot of the Month - July 2000

Mandy's Choice for Male Idiot of the Month

My choice for male Idiot of the Month this month is – who else – Austin Reed. First of all, he is just an idiot all of the time, but this month he has been extra stupid. Sami is practically seeing Brandon behind his back, but Austin believes every stupid story that Sami tells him. Sami is out at the strip club with Brandon, comes home with tons of makeup (I think one time she came home and Will pulled out some black skanky bra) and Austin just believes all the lies she says. Yeah Austin, Sami was at the makeup counter and they just did that to her. Yeah Austin, Sami is going to some seminar, but she can’t tell you any more details than that. Yeah Austin, you are an idiot. Oh, and another thing, how the heck does he not know how to use his cappuccino machine? I am sure it came with directions. Oh yeah, I forgot – Austin doesn’t know how to read. Also, another reason that Austin is the idiot for this month is because he is trying really hard to help Nicole out of her skanky hole that she has dug herself in. Sorry Saint Austin, but sometimes people don’t feel like talking about their problems. Maybe she thinks that she barely knows you and doesn’t feel comfortable telling you about her sordid past. Did that ever cross your mind? I think she has told you more than 5 different times that your services aren’t needed. Get a clue.

Mandy's Choice for Female Idiot of the Month

My choice for female Idiot of the Month is Greta. She doesn’t realize that Eric is pining away after Nicole while they are together, and she keeps forgiving him. I thought one time she was going to stick with her instincts and stay away, but then Eric comes over and starts humping her leg and all is forgotten. She also almost gave into having sex with him. Hello? Didn’t this guy just crap all over you a few days ago? Wasn’t it only 5 minutes ago that you told yourself that you were through with him? So he comes over and gives you puppy dog eyes and you forgive him? And ALMOST lose your virginity to him? All I can say is that at least she didn’t go through with it. Oh wait, I just remembered something else…didn’t Eric have that porno of Nicole that Greta almost saw? DUUUHHHHHHHHHH…….don’t you think she would have realized that? Nicole is half naked on the cover. She even knows who Nicole is – even if she only caught a glimpse of it, she would have realized what she saw. Greta is such an idiot. So maybe because both of my picks are Idiot of the Month, then maybe these two idiots should just hook up and have some hot, sticky monkey lovin’.

Melissa's Choice for Male Idiot of the Month

My choice male idiot of the month would have to be Lucas. First of all he married Nicole, which was his first downfall a year ago. Then he actually believes that his marriage is happy one. She couldn’t be any meaner to him, but he still gives her almost anything she wants. Then every time he questions Nicole about her whereabouts she jumps on his back then he is the one who ends up apologizing. Lucas needs to get a back bone and throw Nicole out into the streets where she belongs. Then there is the Sami issue. Wouldn’t it have been a better idea to just have told the police from the beginning that you shot Franco in self-defense? Instead, you put Sami on death row for the murder and she is almost killed. That will look really good to the courts when Sami and Brandon find out the truth. The only way he will be able to keep custody of Will is to leave the country, and if he can’t help himself, take his whore of a wife with him.

Melissa's Choice for Female Idiot of the Month

My choice for female idiot of the month would have to be the other Roberts, Nicole. Her husband has given her everything possible and she still treats him bad. She married him and now she should have to pay the price. I can’t wait to see her broke and on the streets where she belongs. Maybe she can go running to her sex machine Rex when she has no one left. Another reason for her stupidity is Eric. Even though she gets him in bed this week, does she really think she stands a chance with him? If she is such the sex goddess then why did it take her so long to swoon Eric. And not only that she had to tell him another lie to get him to sleep with her. Now if you tell someone that you are dying and then they found out you lied about it, would you stay with that person? I don’t think so. Nicole would have been a lot better off if she would have stuck to her porn films and never had showed her face in Salem.

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