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Fan Fiction

Wonderful Tonight-Eric Clapton by Jess Dallow

It's late in the night She's wondering what clothes to wear
She puts on some make-up
Brushes her long long hair . . .

"Marlena Black, I'm not kidding, we have to leave in exactly ten minutes and you haven't found a dress yet, we're going to be late, they're going to announce my name for this award and I won't be there because my wife insists on being *fasionably* late," John whined as he sat on the bed he shared with his wife, clad in a tuxedo and bowtie.

"Darling, you and I both know that before any awards are given, two hours of talk about nonsense and drinking endless flutes of champagne is what goes on. Now if you want to be on time to this shindig, then go ahead, I'll just take the Mercedes by myself but if you wait for me we can have that big limo all to yourself . . . do you know what can happen in limos?" she teased, raking through dresses in her closet.

She pulled out a long black dress, low v neck, with two slits on each side of the dress.

"What about this? Good enough for the wife of 'Salem's Most Generous Man,'" she winked.

"Sexy," he smiled. "You know, Habitat for Humanity can wait, I think I'd enjoy watching you get dressed first," he teased.

"Nope, you say we have to go, so I'm gonna listen," she said shrugging her shoulders.

She sat down at her vanity and began applying makeup, as she watched John stare at her from the corner of her eyes and smiled, as she watched his blue orbs glow with admiration and love for her.

And she asked me
"Do I look alright?"
And I said
"Yes you look wonderful tonight" . . .

Marlena stepped out of the bathroom, her hair curled up in a French twist, a pair of diamond earring and a matching necklace, making her body a little more graceful. The same black dress she had retrieved from her closet moments earlier, fit perfectly on her slender body, her curves illuminated with every step she took in that dress. Her hazel eyes shimmered with light and love as she stepped up to John, wrapping her arms delicately around his neck.

"So?" she asked spinning around, as she released himself from her grip, "How do I look?"

John stared at her for a moment, his breath catching in his throat as he looked his wife over. He had been married to her for over a year and in love with her for what seemed like forever but sometimes he forgot how beautiful she actually was. Her hair was as bright as the summer sun, her eyes as shining as the evenings stars and her compassion was what made him love her the most, what made Marlena Black just who she was.

"You look . . . wonderful," John smiled, taking her in his arms.

"Absolutely wonderful." He glanced at his watch and released himself from the hug, spinning her. "And now that you look absolutely darling and we are over 30 minutes late, what do you say, we head on over to that awards shindig."

"I say, it's a date," she said smiling, as she intertwined her fingers with his own and they left the penthouse.

We go to a party
Everyone touched to see
This beautiful lady walking around with me . . .

"John, Marlena, thank you so much for everything, you always treated me like a daughter and the fact that you bought a lot for my family to have a house on . . . well that means so much to me. Thank you so much," Mimi said, hugging both of them. "I'll let you two go, I know there are a lot of people here tonight who'd love to thank you."

"It was our pleasure, sweetheart, never forget that," John smiled as he kissed her forehead, walking off with his Marlena.

He was about to ask her for a drink when Bo walked over to them, a flute of champagne in one hand.

"John, can I speak to you for a minute?" he asked as he lightly pulled on John's arm.

"Of course, I'll be right back Doc." John walked over towards the bar, his eyes never leaving his wife. "What's up Bo?"

"I just wanted to say congrats on the award, man, you sure as hell deserve it," Bo said extending his hand to John's. "And I must say, Marlena looks absoulty stunning tonight. I'm glad the two of you worked things out, I've never seen her look as radiant as she does tonight and it's because of you."

"It can't be because of me," John said simply, "because Marlena Evans Black makes me what I am."

And she asked me
"Do you feel alright?"
And I said
"Yes I feel wonderful tonight" . . .

John walked back over to Marlena, his arm wrapping around her waist as he took a sip of her champagne. She noticed the pale look on his face and she rubbed her hand gently against his cheek, kissing his lips softly.

"You look a little pale? Are you feeling all right?" Marlena asked concerned.

"Marlena, I have never felt more wonderful than I do tonight because I have you with me and I finally realized just how amazingly lucky I am. And if I look pale, it's because I have been staring at your beauty and it makes me want to faint because Marlena, you are the most wonderful, amazing, gorgeous, affectionate person I have ever known," John whispered honestly, nuzzling his nose in her hair.

"Hmm," she smiled, "what's with the sudden flattery? What have I done to deserve this?"

"You're you, simple as that," he stated, as he brought his lips to hers for a soft passionate kiss.

I feel wonderful to come
And see the love light in your eyes
And no wonder I'll be long
That you don't realize how much
I love you . . .

"And tonight's award given by Habitat goes to someone who is generous, loving, and cares what happens to others. He has donated a lot to a family in need and because of that, the Lockhart's now have a place to live. Tonight's award goes to Mr. John Black."

Applause was sounded throughout the room as John walked up on stage, receiving the plaque Habitat for Humanity rewarded him with. John leaned down to the podium, his eyes focusing on Marlena's as a bright smile shone on her angelic face.

"First of all, I would just like to say I am honored to receive this award. I can stand up here and say that I am a decent guy and that's why I did what I did . . . and yes in essence that is why, but I learned to be decent because of one person and that is my wife. She has taught me so much in life but what makes me happy is knowing that she is proud of me, to see the glimmering diamonds in her eyes, the smile that can brighten my day . . . because of her, I am who I am. I am a better person because of her love and I just want her to know how much I love her in return. So if you want to thank someone, don't thank me . . . thank the person who made me, my wife, Marlena Black," John said smiling as he watched the tears of joy fall from her eyes. "And now it's time to celebrate and thank God for what we have in life and for the others who created that life in us."

It's time to go home now
And I've got an aching head
I gave her the car key
She helped me to bed
And I have to tell her as I turned off the lights
I said . . .

"It looks like I'm driving home," Marlena laughed as she took the key from John's tuxedo pocket. "You know if only that limo had showed up earlier, we could have had more fun on the way home," she teased, as they got into the car.

"Johnny's head hurts," he said quietly, leaning his head up against the cool glass of the window in Marlena's Mercedes. "No fun tonight. Make it up to you tomorrow," he said drifting off.

Marlena opened the door to the penthouse, John half asleep as he used her arm as a crutch.

"Come on, we're letting you sleep on the couch tonight," she said, guiding him over to the couch as she pulled a blanket over him.

"I love you John, sweet dreams," she said kissing his lips as she began to walk away.

"Marlena?" he said weakly, his eyes opening momentarily.

"Yeah honey?"

"You really did look wonderful tonight," he said quietly, drifting off to sleep once more, memories of his wife flowing through him as dreams of her invaded his mind.

"Darling you are wonderful tonight". . .