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Kirsten (Belle) and Jason (Shawn) Chat

Transcript of Yahoo! Chat with Days Jason Cook (Shawn) and Kirsten Storms (Belle) - December 15, 1999

Jason: Hi guys thanks for coming and I hope to answer all of your questions.

Kirsten: Hey everybody what's up? Happy holidays!

mollyh6_24 asks: What do the two of you think of the Mimi character? Will she keep acting like a twit forever?

Jason: First of all I don't think she's a twit. Her character's just going to keep on changing and I think she's great.

Kirsten: I agree. Mimi definitely will change.

kayleehope asks: Jason is Peter Reckell easy to work with?

Jason: Peter's actually really great to work with especially recently with all his Gina stuff going on. We can chat and then get into the scene really easily.

tiny77356 asks: Kirsten what is it like working with Dee and Drake?

Kirsten: It's a lot of fun. They're both really professional, and they're great to me.

Kirsten: They act like my second parents.

pigger2000_1999 asks: What is your favorite animal?

Kirsten: I like frogs.

Jason: I love mountain gorillas and one day I will sit with them.

hockeymom89_2000 asks: Will Belle & Shawn share a kiss under the mistletoe this year?

Kirsten: You'll just have to watch and find out.

tremor_21 asks: By bringing all of these younger characters into Days, do you think the writers are trying to appeal to the Passions audience?

Kirsten: No, I think the writers are trying to appeal to a larger audience, not take away from another soap's audience.

Jason: No. I think the whole thing with Days and a soap is that you have all these families and new lives with new generations. It's more that they're trying to keep things fresh and appeal overall.

smiley_girl_16_1999 asks: What was your audition for DAYS like?

Kirsten: For my callback I read with Bryan Dattilo.

Kirsten: Isn't that crazy?

Jason: You did? What??

Kirsten: It was an extremely dramatic scene, which isn't like him at all in real life. He's completely the class clown. He was amazing, and I think he helped me so much.

Jason: I have a question for you. What was the scene?

Kirsten: It wasn't about Belle... it was supposed to be some prostitute or something, it was really weird.

Jason: My audition was with the head lady and I wasn't reading for a prostitute. I hadn't been type cast yet. It was one of the most laid back auditions I've done. Then there was the test with...

Jason: Kirsten and it was the very last screen test.

Kirsten: I was dead by then! He was amazing.

cutebchula asks: Welcome!!!!!!!!! Kirsten and Jason. Are either of you visiting New York any time soon?

Jason: My family's back east so I'll be visiting soon.

Kirsten: I'm not planning on leaving the state any time soon.

Jason: I have family upstate, all over the place back East.

berries_and_cream69 asks: Kirsten what are your future plans aside from Days?

Kirsten: It would be nice to get out there and do some other things, but right now I'm just concentrating on my role as Belle. I plan on sticking with it for a while, so I have no actual plans.

Beth555 asks: What do you think about your characters being the modern version of Bo and Hope?

Jason: I don't - I think that we're shades of our parents like any kid, but I don't think we're trying to duplicate them. I guess we're a couple and we're going to try to do our own thing.

Kirsten: I love it how he said "I guess we're a couple..." I'm teasing!

eloquence01 asks: Are both of you still in school? if yes, what grades are you in?

Kirsten: I am

Jason: No, I'm not still in school.

Kirsten: I'm in 10th grade

Beth555 asks: For Kirsten: Has there been a lot of backlash against you in the role of Belle since she's now a teen?

Kirsten: I think that some of the fans were upset with how rapidly my character aged, but the storyline is progressing so well, and I think a lot of fans are starting to like it.

Kirsten: I think there was some concern at first.

silverdolphin84 asks: Do you get approached by fans a lot?

Jason: Not really. I get it every once in a while, but it's not like I have to worry if I go out.

Jason: The most I get every once in a while is hey there's Shawn D.

Jason: I want to be Shawn. Everybody on the show calls me that now.

silverdolphin84 asks: What has been the funniest scene for you so far?

Kirsten: The one with Farrah and the begging!

Jason: Kirsten, come on help me out here.

Kirsten: I mocked you guys the whole day! That was hilarious!

Jason: Do you think that was the funniest"?

Jason: Yes that was really funny. I had a lot of fun doing it. I had to convince Mimi it was real.

kayleehope asks: Will Shawn be the one to recognize the real Hope?

Jason: I don't understand. Well I've already had my doubts on the show, but you're just going to have to keep watching the show.

silverdolphin84 asks: Who on the show do you want to work with more?

Jason: Me of course.

Jason: My Mom. Her as Hope. No more of the Gina - this is off the record.

Kirsten: Besides Jason, wink wink nudge nudge, Allison Sweeney. She is awesome. I love her.

passion_angel_2000 asks: How much did you guys have to rehearse for the dance scene? ( by the way I thought it was really good)

Kirsten: Ooh! Someone thought it was good! We had 3 days of rehearsal.

dblake32 asks: Kirsten, I'd like to know what you like to do in your free time?

Kirsten: Sleep when I can, I don't get to do much of that during the week. Mostly hang out with my friends and my family.

silverdolphin84 asks: Is there anything you don't like about the character you portray?

Jason: Um, in the beginning Shawn was pretty trite with his parents. Which is sort of different than I am ordinarily in my life. But as an actor you get to portray different things than you are in life, so I enjoyed it.

Jason: Even though I didn't like it.

whiteknight_121 asks: Kirsten, How did Columbine make you feel. Did you attend any rallies or anything?

Kirsten: I didn't attend any rallies. But I think stuff like that is depressing, and I'm not completely understanding why kids think they need to do that.

Kirsten: I think that's one of the things that scares me... I'd be frightened.

Jason: Might as well just come out and ask if you bought a trench coat.

DMVee66 asks: Jason, Do you have your own "official website yet?"

Jason: No. It is in the works as we speak. Most likely the address is gonna be Jason. J. Cook, cause we're working on it with Mike.

jimijames_81 asks: That was pretty cool when Jason did the Elvis song, but I want to know if Belle is going to sing to Shawn happy birthday a la Marilyn Monroe

Kirsten: That would be so much fun!

Kirsten: I have actually made a comment to the producers how I think it would be cool if Belle and Shawn had a duet.

Jason: I just think it's cool if Kirsten just sings to me period.

Kirsten: Ooookay.

AllyBeal28 asks: How come they've never made it clear on the show that Philip is Shawn's uncle?

Kirsten: That's funny!

Jason: I don't think it's like a predominant issue at this point. Plus a lot of the family ties get really confusing so I think they attempt to stay away from it in the story line.

Kirsten: Plus it would be weird that Shawn was fighting his uncle for Belle.

eloquence01 asks: Kirsten, I saw you in some show on Disney, what made you change to day time TV?

Kirsten: Ever since I was really little I wanted to do a soap opera, and of course wanted steady work.

mollyh6_24 asks: Jason, have you considered learning to play piano since your performance on the show? Are you going to jam for us again in the future?

Jason: Ok. #1 I hope I get a chance to jam in the future. That was me playing in the show. I've been playing since I was four.

smiley_girl_16_1999 asks: What is your favorite food?

Kirsten: Mashed potatoes all the way!

Jason: Anything Italian and elaborate.

dazegrl926 asks: Kirsten- I heard your favorite character is Kate. Would you like to have any scenes with her?

Jason: Oh my god. There's a spider on my wall right now.

Kirsten: I would love to have scenes with Lauren Koslow. I've been in scenes with her, but I haven't spoken with her yet.

Beth555 asks: What do you think of all of the press about Days appealing to teens?

Jason: Days is trying to appeal to as wide an audience as possible. For a while they were appealing to an older audience. This is to add a younger audience, but not all of the teens are only in teen stories. It's multifaceted.

Jason: Some of the stories have them with older story lines.


Kirsten: My mom comes with me because I am a minor, so until I'm 16 my mom has to come with me.

Jason: My parents have stopped by once.

smiley_girl_16_1999 asks: What's in store for the new year with your characters?

Kirsten: Shawn and Belle get closer

Jason: News to me.

Kirsten: You'll see more of us together in the new year.

Jason: You can tell the fans that I'm usually the last to know. I find out usually a week in advance.

Kirsten: I'm usually the one who tells.

Ejohns1138 asks: Hey Jason, I hear you were a member of a comedy group called "Severe Head Drama" what was it like, and are you ever going to perform again?

Jason: Me and a couple of my buddies put that club together. Close friends who I studied acting with.

Jason: Amazing I draw a lot of inspiration from those guys and yes we will be performing again. Looks like Moorepark college in the Spring.

Jason: Improve and sketch comedy, and I really look forward to it.

Jason: It's a great release for me as an actor, especially now that I'm doing so much drama. It's a great stretch and you don't want to get stale.

Danadaneasks: Hello there, Do you enjoy working with Frances Reid?

Jason: Yes. That woman amazes me. She acts young despite her age but she's forgotten more than we'll ever know.

Kirsten: Frances Reid is awesome!

Jason: You can bring up any issue, political or other and she'll know something about it.

jimijames_81 asks: So how do the two hottest young soap stars plan on ringing in the millennium

Jason: She reminds me of my grandmother.

Kirsten: They were talking about us? :)

Kirsten: I am actually going to stay at home.

Jason: For the new millennium I'm going to Mars.

Jason: I'm kidding.

Jason: What a dork.

Kirsten: I'm not worried about Y2K, but everyone talks about it and it kinda freaks me out sometimes. I'm just going to stay at home, maybe have some friends over.

Jason: I'm going w/a friend on something we've invented and we're inviting Michael Jackson and Bill Clinton cause I hear they like to party.

Kirsten: Jason? if you go to Mars for New Year's Eve, why don't you stay there? :)

silverdolphin84 asks: Do you get to pick out your own clothes?

Kirsten: Yes, and it's usually a half hour long process.

Kirsten: I don't get to go shopping with them. But in the morning if it's a new day in Salem - and days can last two weeks sometimes! - they have a bunch of clothes set aside, and I try them on and pick out what I like best.

Jason: I learned from Kirsten so I sit in the same chair and get fanned and people in Togas come in and show me. I learned this all from Kirsten.

Kirsten: Oh my god!

Jason: I actually dot get to pick out my own clothes.

dthomasc_99 asks: What do you want for Christmas?

Kirsten: I asked for a new stereo system. And, Mom, I want a Marlena Doll!

Kirsten: I'd like a phone and CD and stuff like that, all electronic. I shop for my own clothes, so the only thing I don't buy for myself is electronic stuff.

Jason: Um, Well I don't know. I really haven't asked for anything. A couple of books my mom usually gets me.

Jason: A couple of tickets to Les Miz

Kirsten: I wanna go to Les Miz! I saw it on Broadway.

Jason: I really love the show. I ultimately want to be in it some day.

Kirsten: Remind me to get tickets to that show.

Jason: That's when I'll know I've arrived as an actor. What else? I don't know.

yoopersarahbelle asks: Is Belle going to find out about Phillip and his gambling problem?

Kirsten: You know what? I don't think Belle ever finds out. I know she doesn't find out about the dance thing


Kirsten: I think there's a little get-together thing on Friday.

Jason: Oh really?

Kirsten: I just found out about this yesterday

Jason: At that photo place?

Kirsten: In a rehearsal hall.

Jason: Really. Oh, well I haven't been invited.

silverdolphin84 asks: Who are your role models?

Jason: In live or in acting?

Jason: In acting one of the people I really look up to is Robin Williams because the man is incredible.

Jason: I really look up to Tom Cruse.

Jason: In real life my buddy Dillon and my mom. He keeps me straight a lot of the time.

daysfanrusasks: Do you have any hidden talents?

Kirsten: Hidden talents... I can write poetry and I can pick up things with my toes.

Jason: Oh and she can tie a cherry with her tongue.

Kirsten: Oh, yes, I did that at the anniversary party.

Jason: I can cook with the best of them.

Jason: And that's it. They're so hidden from me I don't even know.

soapsuds asks: What type of music do you enjoy? Who are your favorite artist?

Kirsten: I like country music, I like the Dixie Chicks, the backstreet boys, blink 182. I like everything.

Jason: I listen to all music. Right now K.C. and Jo Jo.

Jason: I love Bush and Smashing Pumpkins, classical, new age piano.

Jason: K.C. and Jo Jo are the best ever.

arackoff asks: Jason, will Shawn start playing soccer like you do?

Jason: I don't know. I hope he can bust it out. I kind of miss soccer. That's one of the sacrifices I made for acting.

Jason: When I was born my parents gave me a soccer ball - I'm playing with it now.

Jason: USA/Columbia game Dad took me to the third place and final game. I played captain of the team in high school. It's my other major passion in life next to acting. It always gave me a rush inside. Acting is easier to make a living.

Jason: Hopefully that will continue.

Jason: I would love to get back out in the field again.

jimijames_81 asks: Do you miss Carrie as much as I do?

Kirsten: I miss Christie Clark a lot.

Kirsten: She's a sweetie.

Jason: She was the first person on the set that I met after I got the job. Really cool. She had such a good vibe, that when I came down to the set she really encouraged me to come down and work

trevor_walraven asks: You are both wonderful actors and truly a delight to watch. On a typical day...How long do you spend working - including memorizing scripts?

Jason: Mom--no I'm just kidding. I usually spend an hour or two. I can shoot four to sixteen hours, depending on the day.

Kirsten: They can only work me 10 hours, but usually I look at my script at night and on the way in, and when I get onto set, Jason and I will run lines.

Jason: Like tomorrow we have to do that first thing.

flamegurl_69_69 asks: Are there gonna be any scenes with you with your shirt off Jason?

Kirsten: He wishes. :)

Jason: I'm sure it's inevitable.

Kirsten: He walks around with his shirt off all the time... kidding!

metsf_1 asks: Kirsten, do you play any sports?

Kirsten: No. I used to dance, but my schedule is too busy now

. Kirsten: That's the closest to a sport I've gotten. I used to play soccer a long time ago cause my mom was the coach, but that's it.

lilmissdays asks: Who is the most friendly cast member?

Jason: Kirsten Storms.

Kirsten: Jason Cook.


Jason: Cisco from Drew Hill.

Kirsten: I think I got the Youngstown.

hippie_chick_81 asks: Jason will you marry me?

Kirsten: No, he's marrying me... that was a joke...

Jason: I'm blushing. Hold on.

Jason: Well, my mommy would have to approve first.

dthomasc_99 asks: What is your favorite movie? TV show?

Kirsten: "Felicity" and "Friends"

Jason: Everybody loves Raymond and Who's line is it anyway. I love that Raymond guy. He cracks me up.

lulu_dolittle asks: Do y'all have any bad habits? Like biting your nails, smoking ect...

Kirsten: Bad habits... I bite my fingernails, and I'm constantly telling people to hold on or wait.

Jason: My bad habits? I lick my lips a lot. It looks stupid.

Jason: I'm really bad at getting back to people. Especially recently I've been so overwhelmed.

lhs_gbball_2000 asks: Do you ever find it difficult to stay in character after you miss a line

Kirsten: No. usually after I miss a line or something, Jason and I will laugh it off, or I'll laugh, and we'll redo it. It's not that big of a deal.

Jason: No. probably because of my improve background. Lots of times they'll probably keep it cause it works out ok.

Beth555 asks: What do you think of the new actor playing Phillip?

Kirsten: His names' Jay Johnson, and he's a nice guy and I think he's doing a great job. He's really holding his own.

Jason: But I know about as much as the fans.

Jason: I've only run into him twice on the set and he seems like a cool guy.

brat_girl22_69 asks: On the 1st day on the set, were you star struck? Or just nervous for being surrounded by people you've looked up to by watching the soap yourself?

Kirsten: I was definitely nervous, because it was Deidre. Every time I would see the show and I would see Deidre and Drake, they'd have these amazing scenes. Deidre *is* the lady of "Days of Our Lives"!

Jason: No my mom is the lady of our lives. Hope. Kristian Alfonso.

Kirsten: No, it's my mommy, Shawn!

Kirsten: I thought, my first day I am working with Deidre Hall.

Jason: No, I really don't get nervous.

Jason: Not really. Sometimes I'll sit back and be waiting. I look at the great ones, ones my sister's been looking up to, but you can't let yourself get starstruck. You've got to focus.

rachaelanderson asks: Kirsten is Brady ever coming back from"baseball" camp?

Kirsten: Everyone asks me this because they think I'm actually his sister, but I have no idea. I keep hearing on and off things.

babypie_us asks: I was just wondering if Kirsten had any advice for a young teenage mother like myself who happens to be married(my sons name is Austin from the show)!

Kirsten: I don't have really any advice, I've never been put in a situation like that.

mickey_nicky_naka asks: Would you ever trade this lifestyle in just to go back and be a regular old kid again?

Jason: I am a regular old kid.

Jason: My job is an actor the same as some other person's job is a sales manager.

Kirsten: I was thinking about that one day. People act like acting is a big thing, but in another world it could be that teaching makes you famous and acting would be nothing. It's just a job.

Jason: I think the reason why it has such an effect is because what we do deals w/human emotion.

Jason: It's like the human thing where you can learn from each other and touch others.

Jason: I think it's about touching people like I've had teachers that touched me. So I think that's where the respect comes in.

felicity8007 asks: Jason and Kirsten, I have a dream of becoming an actress someday, do you have any advice for me and all the others that want to succeed?

Jason: First of all you have to be passionate about it. Anything you're passionate about I believe you can achieve. Set your goals and never give up.

Jason: These are tough questions.

Kirsten: I think the main thing about wanting to get into the acting business is you can't let anyone tell you their opinion. Obviously you have to listen to the professionals and be careful of who you deal with.

Kirsten: There are people out there who will try to take advantage of your dreams. But if it's something you want to do, you have to try really hard.

Kirsten: It took me 10 years to have a regular part on the show, and I plan to stay here. I'm happy with my life now. If you really want to do it, you should try hard.

Jason: Three years ago I was hardly known. I had been in a high school play but I made the decision not to go to UCLA or back east to school but in my heart I knew I had to at least give this a shot.

Jason: So I made that decision for myself and gave it 110 % even when everyone was rejecting me.

Jason: 99% of the time people say no. You have to stick it out through all of that.

Kirsten: Goodbye! Merry Christmas! Keep watching as Belle and Shawn get closer. I'll see everyone in Salem!

Jason: Thanks for coming. It's been fun. I hope we get more opportunities to do this. Have a great holiday and very Happy New Year and I'll wave from Mars.
