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Patrika (Nancy) Chats

Transcript of Yahoo! Chat with Days Patrika Darbo (Nancy) - February 4, 2000

Patrika: Hi Everybody! Welcome to our chat....

Patrika:This is Patrika

scottey70 asks: Patrika, we love the continuing character development you have created. What do you foresee for Nancy?

Patrika: Trouble. Haha.

mattes614 asks: Patrika, when will Nancy reveal that Chloe is her daughter?

Patrika: I have no idea. I am not privy to that information.

manolis_varnassinger asks: Patrika you are fantastic in the role of Nancy. It's a great show filled of romance and emotions. My question is if you have any movie appearances besides this show?

Patrika: Yes. Quite a few. I won best actress award for the film Daddies Dying, Whose Got the Will in Switzerland.

Patrika: I got critical acclaim for Leaving Normal with Meg Tilly and Christine Lahti,

Patrika: a lot of good press for In the Line of Fire.

Patrika: Kids know me from Space Invaders.

Patrika: I did Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil and MORE...

mattes614 asks: Patrika, do you get distracted working with such hunks like Kevin Spirtas, Victor Webster etc??

Patrika: Distracted no.

Patrika: I am constantly distracting them though!

cutes36 asks: Hi Patrika.. who was the biggest influence in your life growing up?

Patrika: I think it would probably be my step father, who was classified as a midget. He was known as the biggest little man in baseball. Before he passed away he was the traveling secretary assistant to the Chairman of the Board of the Houston Astros.

Patrika: He had worked for the Braves from Boston, Milwaukee to Atlanta. And he always said, if you want it, go get it. Don't let anything stop you.

spencd asks: Patrika, what's the best thing that's happened to you since you've been on Days?

Patrika: Hmmm. I don't know if there is just one good thing. I mean, the most important thing is the fact that I am a working actress and have a steady job.

Patrika: Probably the most incredible thing is doing what I am doing at this moment. Having the opportunity to meet with, or talk to the people who have kept me on the show. I find that just terrific.

webby_brat asks: Do you think you have made an impact on other plus size women to follow their dreams of going into showbusiness?

Patrika: You know I don't know. I think I have had an impact, just reading my mail...not just on women of size, but letters from people of a lot of different sizes, people that have their own insecurities or self-esteem problems.

Patrika: Some are always waiting for their hair color to grow out so they can get a new one, or to loose those last 5 pounds or until their complexion clears up.

Patrika: I think I've made an impact on people to get out there and do it because you only get one shot. Life doesn't go on hold while you wait for those things to happen.

msc5012 asks: Everyone seems to be coming out with a doll: Susan Lucci, Deidre Hall, and what about a Patrika doll?

Patrika:HA!HA! I have to tell you that Jackie, she's one of the ladies who runs our boom while we're shooting, she wanted to make a Patrika doll with my hair up in pigtails, while I was wearing the Buick, which I call my candystriper outfit. She said she'd love to make a doll of me like that.

Patrika: I have no aspirations at this point though. If somebody wants to do one they can.

doager asks: Do your personal experiences help you in character development?

Patrika: I think yes. I would have to say yes. Certain parts. We all carry little pieces of baggage, and in some cases they're steamer trunks. But, that's what makes us who we are. I think any actor draws on the things that help them find emotional places, or happy places.

phishis4me asks: Did you enjoy playing on Roseanne?

Patrika: When I did the Roseanne show it was a good experience. She was married to Tom at the time and things were going pretty good. I came in to the show at a relatively good time and played Dan's dream lover.

Patrika: She was very nice to me, as was everyone.

nbeaches13 asks: Are you enjoying your new role as a mother on the show?

Patrika: I would say yes. It is very interesting, as I said previously, because I don't know what's going to happen. I love the fact that they have given Kevin and I a storyline. I have to thank the fans for that because they wrote in and said, 'Please keep Kevin and Patrika on the show.'

Patrika: Introducing a child for us gives us the opportunity to work with a lot of different characters that we might not have been able to work with. That's very interesting. I don't have children of my own. It's kind of a learning experience for both of us, Nancy and Patrika.

cantuono asks: Do you watch the soaps, if so, which ones?

Patrika: I really don't have the time to watch them. I barely have a chance to watch our own. I have in the past watched GH only because I did it a number of years ago and knew some of the characters. And my friend got her union card by doing Y&R, so I knew some of the characters from that, but I'm not a watcher because I don't get the opportunity.

danadee asks: Will you and Kevin have an event in LA this year?

Patrika: We had planned to, however, there was a mix up in planning because Drake is having dance, and Austin is going to have an event at the same time we were going to, and then, of course, the next day is the big event.

Patrika: Allie Sweeny has an event, so it's kind of worked out where we haven't been able to plan our own event.

Patrika: So probably not this year.

Patrika: Though we are trying to see if we can do a little talent show at the main fan event for everyone. But right now we're just discussing it because we don't know what all the plans are.

Patrika: It's sort of up in the air, but Kevin and I will probably not have a single event this year.

Patrika: Someone had asked us if, perhaps, we had thought about having an event on the East Coast, and so we've been talking to a lady about that. We're not sure about that either.

salmon02 asks: What's the hardest part about being an actress?

Patrika: Probably memorizing your lines.

Patrika: And then doing your homework as what they mean to you, as your character.

Patrika: And finding a JOB.

SGHollow asks: Patrika...Do you have your own WebPage and do you answer your own email?

Patrika: I have my own site, which is:

Patrika: My email is

Patrika: I answer all my mail, be it email or snail mail.

Patrika: And I'm about a month and a half behind. I did 72 letters on email yesterday. That got me up to just the middle of January!

SGHollow asks: Patrika...Kevin is from the "show me state"...where are you originally from?

Patrika: I was born in Florida. My parents separated and I moved to Milwaukee with my mom and step father, when the Braves were still there.

Patrika: And then we went to Atlanta (the Braves went there).

Patrika: I came to California from Georgia.

DixieNurse35 asks: How far ahead do you get your script for a show?

Patrika: I am shooting next Thursday, and I got my script yesterday,

Patrika: which is kind of unusual. Sometimes we get a week, sometimes 3 days.

Patrika: The show I will tape on Feb. 9th will not be aired until Feb 29th

Patrika: We are 20 days ahead of you on taping. They try to stay a couple weeks ahead to accommodate Christmas and vacation.

doager asks: Are you enjoying the switch from "witch" to caring person?

Patrika: I think Nancy is probably going to still have her tirades and things like that. I like it because it has given me more dimension, it's given me many more layers to play. Instead of just the wife of the guy trying to be chief of staff.

Patrika: The writers have been so wonderful, because the fans have been so kind to us.

Patrika: Nadia, of course, who plays our daughter, Chloe, is wonderful. She's incredibly beautiful and, of course, her character is very dowdy.

Patrika: She is a wonderful singer. She's from New York, and has 5 or 6 brothers and sisters. She's just wonderful.

Patrika: Kevin and I just bonded with her terrifically.

Patrika: Kirstin is like Belle in the opposites of Nadia, because she's younger than Nadia is in real life. Just a little bundle of Joy.

Patrika: We get along great. I enjoy all my scenes with her. She is always prepared and she knows what's going on. I am very glad to have these two young ladies..

Patrika: And Farrah, who plays Mimi, is the other young lady who is just a hoot, just a darling. All the young people on the show have been wonderful. They're professional and it's amazing,

Patrika: because we don't have a lot of time. We shoot the soap opera very fast.

Patrika: The fact that they're always prepared and they work hard on their characters, it's very nice. So far I haven't seen anything bad.

Patrika: :)

angelwings_2000_32771 asks: What about your parents on the show? We know they are wealthy but who are they and will they ever show them?

Patrika: Again I don't know that. I have my own back story that I create myself. For me, as Patrika, creating for Nancy and my backstory, which is only MY homework--the writers haven't given me any information--and that is that my mother is passed away,

Patrika: and that my father has raised me. And I am a daddy's girl, and a spoiled rich girl. Patrika: I get everything I want...

Patrika: Except if I do something that might disgrace the family--i.e. getting rid of Chloe.

sugar_and_spice_16f asks: Who is your favorite actress/actor?

Patrika: Katherine Hepburn is terrific.

Patrika: Meryle Streep.

Patrika: Sometimes you think you don't like an actor but then a role comes along that blows you away.

Patrika: Katherine is the movie star...

danceswithrednecks asks: What's it like playing the leading lady for Kevin Spirtas? He's gorgeous!!!

Patrika: He is a hunk isn't he?

Patrika: Kevin and I didn't know one another but we had mutual friends. He embarrassed me immediately and we hit it right off, like we knew each other forever.

Patrika: He treats me the same way he treats the size 2.

Patrika: I'm a 20.

Patrika: We are like two little peas in a pod....he kisses GREAT.

Patrika: We have such a good time. The toughest thing is dealing with my hair and my boobs, he says!

Patrika: They enter the room before I do.

rosabellek asks: Patrika:) How do you feel about the friendship that has started between Nancy and Marlena?

Patrika: Again, the writers come up with this. In the beginning, when Nancy was with Craig trying to get rid of Mike, Sammy was on trial.

Patrika: The only encounters I had was when she was fussing on me (Marlena).

Patrika: I think that's because she is a psychiatrist.

Patrika: All of the secrets that she has had to hold make her a good person. It will be very interesting to see what happens.

RooRooKat asks: When you first started on DAYS, who was most helpful?

Patrika: Kevin.

Patrika: He had done the show 8 months prior.

Patrika: He had just come back on.

Patrika: He knew everyone and introduced me and showed me where the sets were, how to read the call sheets.

Patrika: He showed me around and told me what was happening.

Patrika: Christie Clark was wonderful and Lisa Linde was there too.

Patrika: We were drawling everywhere. Tennessee and Georgia.

cantuono asks: Are you married in real life?

Patrika: Yes I am.

Patrika: 26 years

ukalum42 asks: Do you have a favorite scene you've done?

Patrika: I think there were two. One when I told Craig about her breast cancer scare.

Patrika: That was wonderful moment that showed Craig really loved Nancy.

Patrika: Great set up.

Patrika: Then when I first told Chloe that I was her mother.

Patrika: There were some wonderful scenes and I got a chance to run the complete emotional rollercoaster and use the tools I learned as an actor.

jbgaard asks: Do people say "bad" things about you since you are bigger? I am a larger gal, and I feel like people don't accept me for me. They look at me and totally blow me off. Do you have any advice to help me?

Patrika: First of all, stay away from those people.

Patrika: Confrontation happens have to know. In our society, the one politically incorrect thing to do that is still politically correct, is to pick on fat people. Patrika: You don't make racial comments, but nobody thinks twice about "she's too big to get through the doorway."

Patrika: You have to know who you ARE. If they blow you off, why would you want them in your life?

Patrika: We can't please everyone. Move on. There are people out there who aren't nasty. Patrika: Email me please...I talk more and come from inside.

mskrobe asks: What CD is in your CD player right now?

Patrika: In the car I have Garth Brooks, Barbra Streisand's Funny Girl, BSB,

Patrika: I know those three are there.

Patrika: George Strait is there too.

manolis_varnassinger asks: Patrika, what makes you happy and what makes you sad?

Patrika: Happy is getting along, being healthy, and having good friends.

Patrika: Sad? Abuse that happens to children or animals.

Patrika: That also makes me very angry.

outlawsXXOO asks: Do you have any pets?

Patrika: I have two dogs.

Patrika: A Cairn Toto. He's 13 years old. He is a diabetic who needs insulin 2 times a day. He has one eye, and a heart problem.

Patrika: His name is Rocky and he's as mean as Hell.

Patrika: The other dog is a Shepherd, Chow, Akita, Lab mix.

Patrika: She looks like a German shepherd but all gold. Her name is Shooter, age 10. I rescued her in Texas.

Patrika: Monday on Wheel of Fortune they asked me to play, I decided that I wanted to play for animals.

Patrika: I have a number of favorite charities.

Patrika: The German Shepherd Rescue in Burbank. A lady rescues them. She has a place a little outside of LA where she has older dogs that cannot be adopted out anymore. Patrika: She was hoping to put up fencing out there.

Patrika: I got involved because I read that someone took shears to a puppy's ears and tail.

Patrika: She rescued that dog.

Patrika: Don't mess with animals!

Patrika: The other is the Dolphin Research Center in Marathon Keys, FL

Patrika: In 1996 I was in Speed 2. I was down there and we went swimming with the dolphins.

Patrika: These are rescue dolphins. Several have been born but the center rescues them too.

Patrika: There was one from the Navy, Buck, and then they released him into the wild.

Patrika: He didn't know how to hunt. The center found him

Patrika: and rescued him. They had him for 4 years but he never recovered.

Patrika: They also have sea lions and other animals.

Patrika: They do schooling with children who are handicapped.

Patrika: I got involved. In Speed 2 there was a young deaf actress. When she was swimming with the dolphins,

Patrika: her interpreter was signing to her from the dock. The trainer was next to her giving signals to the dolphin.

Patrika: The bonding was unbelievable.

Patrika: They were almost understanding each other.

Patrika: We are the highest thing on the food chain. We need to be respectful of nature. That's what they do.

nobbycat_2000 asks: How stressful is it being an actress, especially on a popular soap opera like Days of our Lives??

Patrika: I don't get stressed. I can put it on myself if I have a lot to memorize. I do my homework though. Sometimes there is a little tension on the set.

Patrika: I think that it is the same kinda thing like for real estate.

Patrika: It may be a different type but not anything that most people don't deal with all the time.

dawdoos asks: What would you recommend getting your husband for Valentine's Day without a lot of money?

Patrika: I don't spend a lot of money. I write him notes. Cook a good dinner. Write him little love notes and leave them all over the place.

EasterAngel asks: What has been a childhood dream of yours?

Patrika: To be an actress. That has come true. I have that dream now. I'd like to win an Emmy and an Academy Award.

Patrika: You must keep magnifying your dreams

Patrika: I am just on one step of the ladder and going up...moving forward and being positive.

alisa_mcclain asks: How did you meet your husband?

Patrika: Doing a production of Anything Goes. I was in the chorus and he was the stage manager.

cantuono asks: What is your favorite vacation spot?

Patrika: I love Kauai.

Patrika: The garden island.

chspchbi asks: How do you think Louise Sorel's departure will affect the show?

Patrika: I really don't think it will at all. It will affect the fans. She's a very talented actress. I am sure that they will leave her role open

Patrika: The writers would never just let her go with out having something for the fans.

Patrika: She's not going into hibernation. She will go elsewhere.

Patrika: Her fans will be able to find her I am sure.

Patrika: By the way, the questions that you are asking me about the storyline I cannot answer. I don't know...if I did and I told...I'd have to kill you.

Patrika: I am only two weeks ahead of you.

jbgaard asks: Are you ever intimidated by others due to the fact you are not the "typical & average" size of other actresses? I was soooooo motivated and excited when you won the award! You are totally an inspiration to me.

Patrika: NO Absolutely NOT

Patrika: If I lost Weight today, 20 to a 2, I wouldn't be any less talented. My fat is not my talent!

Patrika: Thank you, though.

Patrika: I was blown away when I won also. I was so excited. As an overweight actress I have never been and there are not women of size who get to play glamorous, wealthy women.

Patrika: For me to be dressed in a fabulous gown and see some of the most beautiful men and woman in TV and be a part of it,

Patrika: it made me proud, not intimidated.

auntcaro99 asks: Are you excited about going on Wheel of Fortune?

Patrika: YES

Patrika: I am very competitive. I knew that I was with a fan. If we didn't do well, the fan wouldn't.

stacie469_69 asks: Are you and your character alike?

Patrika: We are alike in the fact that we stand by our husbands.

Patrika: I don't think I am as manipulative as Nancy is at times.

Patrika: I think that we are probably...I am creating Nancy so part of Patrika is woven in there

Patrika: whether the writers intended or not.

Patrika: They might write things against what I would do or say.

Patrika: It is hard for Nancy, and Patrika to lie,

Patrika: communication is important to me.


Patrika: Yes. Because I am petite,

Patrika: and because I am short.

Patrika: I have thought about it. But I have not pursued it. Maybe that's a thing for me to do in the future.

mec4332 asks: Is your hair its natural color? My wife loves that shade.

Patrika: NO, she too can go to my salon.

Patrika: My hair is not just one color. It is several colors mixed for the base. The colorist then weaves in different colors,

Patrika: all in the same color family.

Patrika: Right now I have roots!

dopey101197 asks: Will you or any of the others from Days be making any appearances in Miami, FL? Nobody ever comes down here.

Patrika: In XMAS of 98 I was there!

Patrika: Organize one and invite us!

standardmichele asks: Patrika, what is your favorite holiday??? Why???

Patrika: I love July 4th.

Patrika: I am a flag waving patriot. I love what it stands for. It is my husband's b-day and it has always been a time of celebration.

Patrika: I love that holiday.

tartanlass66 asks: Do you get to keep the gorgeous outfits you wear on Days, Patrika?

Patrika: No, they are the property of Corday,

Patrika: as are all the outfits. I can borrow them though.

julia_077 asks: Do u like "Who wants to be a millionaire?" If so, are you any good at it??

Patrika: I am very good at it. :) But I hate the time delays.

Patrika: Let's just get going here!

scottey70 asks: Have you ever been star-struck when meeting a person in your industry?

Patrika: Yes. Sidney Poitier.

Patrika: He directed me and I was totally blown away. I fell in love with him when he did Lilies in the Field.

Patrika: I have to say that when I see people such as...Susan Lucci, at the Emmys,

Patrika: I would love to meet her.

Patrika: Another is Rosie. We crashed her Emmy party.

Patrika: We went over to congratulate her. Someone dragged me over to say hello (Kevin),

Patrika: I was standing back behind a person, I was still hidden and Kevin says. Hi Rosie...this is Patrika

Patrika: She goes: OH, YOUR THE LADY ON MY SOAP!

Patrika: and you're the gorgeous HUSBAND!

Patrika: You're the one who looks like me with that husband.

Patrika: It was sweet.

merinl asks: Do you find it overwhelming being known everywhere you go?

Patrika: It is interesting having been on for almost 2 years. I have done a number of films. People have often stopped me for the films. But now, it is hard for me to go anywhere.

Patrika: Kevin, sometimes hates to travel with me. He likes to sneak through the airport. I can't sneak anywhere. I am short, round and red headed

Patrika: I stick out like a whore in church.

Patrika: They are on me like bums on a pork chop.

Patrika: I adore them so I talk to them.

Patrika: Kevin is like, 'We are going to miss the plane!'

Patrika: Sometimes I go out early in the morning to get my nails done.

Patrika: Please don't recognize me now!

Patrika: I am so appreciative of the fact that I am where I am at this moment.

Patrika: I am here because I am talented and because of the FANS'

Patrika: I am very grateful and will always be.

prettyangel_15_99 asks: Who do you look up to?? Who is your hero??

Patrika: My hero, I think, was Mrs. Glazer...pediatric AIDS.

Patrika: I can't imagine anything more devastating than to loose your children.

Patrika: Then to give back to the community and other people

Patrika: I hold her in high esteem.

Patrika: She is a hero.


Patrika: April 6th, Aries

Patrika: When is Mercury going away?

Patrika: :)

dawdoos asks: I would love to have some of the clothes you wear! They are beautiful. Makes me wish I could afford more than Wal-Mart specials.

tartanlass66 asks: Who would you most like to have a love scene with, Patrika?

Patrika: Oooo let's see.

Patrika: Golly gee. As a one man girl, it's like hard to think about this.

Patrika: Jensen though...

Patrika: He's got those lips. I'd be arrested though.

Patrika: Jail might be fun!

Patrika: I remember one time when Lisa Linde was in the chair next to me...Victor came in and all he had on were his sweat pants,

Patrika: no shirt, washing his body.

Patrika: I said...'Did it get hot in here!'

Patrika: Victor has a great body but not my type.

Patrika: I wanna bite Jensen's lips!

Patrika: I have it pretty good with Craig.

prettyangel_15_99 asks: If you could be an animal which one would you be and why??

Patrika: (sigh) I think I would just be....hmmm.....I'd have to be a Dog....loyal.

edithsitwellsmadness asks: Patrika do you ever come to Canada? (We'd love to have you)

Patrika: I would love to. I have not been asked to do any personal appearances there. I did Leaving Normal in Vancouver. It was beautiful.

Patrika: I have never been anywhere else there.

Patrika: I have a lot of fans that write me though. I would love the opportunity to meet them.

scottey70 asks: When you need a quiet moment, what do you do to relax or indulge yourself?

Patrika: I love to go for a massage.

Patrika: It's nice to have the quiet moment and get pummeled.

Patrika: Sometimes I will just sit on the sofa and read a book.

jandan108 asks: Where did you get your great sense of humor?

Patrika: I don't know. My dad was a character as was my step dad. I developed it for survival.

Patrika: It's easier to make them laugh, because of my weight.

Patrika: It has done me well.

cheyannecarson asks: Would you consider doing a radio talk show?

Patrika: Absolutely. I love to talk. That's an opportunity to have more people over to talk about different subjects.

bubblybabe1 asks: U are awesome, how do you get your strength ?

Patrika: Life is not a dress rehearsal. It would be easy to stay inside and not go out until I was accepted. But, I would die here with cob webs before that happens.

Patrika: I get my

Patrika: living life to the fullest...Hey I've got to get out of here.

Patrika: Watch me on soapcity week on Wheel of Fortune. I am awesome!

Patrika: Thank you for being with me tonight. Thank you ... I answer my own mail so write or email me.

Patrika: There are some auction items coming up for my charities too.


Patrika Darbo Chat with Yahoo! on April 8, 1999

Patrika: Hello.

Patrika: How are you. I'm in Orlando, Fl, Kevin Spirtas and I are here for the opening of the Titanic Museum.

Bombshell_Bootie asks: Patrika, I love scenes between you, Craig, and Ali. They are so comical, I always laugh so hard, especially latley with Ali acting all Wack-O in the car. What is it like to work with the lady who plays Ali in real life?

Patrika: Lisa Linde is wonderful. She's from Tennessee and I'm from Georgia , so Kevin has been working with two wacky Southern ladies.

Patrika: We try to make everything the best we can by working with each other.

Bombshell_Bootie asks: Hi patrika, congratulations on your SOD award! You really deserved it. I just love to hate you and Craig (your characters of course). Anyways, I just wanted to know if you think you will soften up on Mike since he helped you out during your crisis?

Patrika: No! Mike is a darling,

Patrika: But my husband is my everything.

Patrika: I still want Craig to be chief of staff.

Tracee3694 asks: What was your reaction when you won the award for best newcomer?

Patrika: I was just completely shocked.

Patrika: I totally thought it would be one of the other two ladies.

Patrika: I'm having such a great time in the role.

Patrika: And to be singled out is such an honor.

Patrika: It's such a warm, wonderful feeling. It's very emotional.

Patrika: to have it come from the fans... I can't tell you how important it is to me.

SoapCity_Rose asks: That dress you wore to the Digest awards was FABULOUS!! Who designed it?

Patrika: It was designed by Marcy Meyers, and her company is Christina Covington out of Colorado.

Patrika: If you like her stuff you can reach her at 1-888-ELE-GANS.

rosabellek asks: If you could play any character on DAYS for a day, who would it be and why?

Patrika: Wow... I have so much fun now... I think it would be Stefano.

Patrika: To see how powerful he really is.

applelifesaver asks: Patrika, do you think your character is more for Carrie and Mike or Carrie and Austin?

Patrika: My character is totally for Nancy and Craig.

tooney65 asks: Who is the most unpredictable co-worker at Days?

Patrika: Wow.. I don't have any scenes with him, but Bryan Datillo.

Patrika: He's really out there.

Patrika: He's really wacky about his work, always plalying around. One day he came in wearing an apron. I'm not sure if he was wearing anything underneath, but that's the fun part.

Patrika: Kevin and I have been doing cards that we send out, one Christmas we did a card with Kevin's head coming out from under my dress. But we didn't send that one out.

Patrika: We're kind of unpredictable, I guess.

Patrika: It makes our job so much easier to have fun like that.

rebeccagail_26 asks: is the cancer going to be an issue later in the soap

Patrika: That I cannot answer because I honestly don't know that it will develop into anything other than what it was a couple of weeks ago.

nkelly_1 asks: Do you get to keep the clothes you wear on the show?

Patrika: No, the clothes belong to the show.

Patrika: They do let me borrow things when I want them though.

Awluv54 asks: Do you know how much strength you have given us...the Overweight community... I see you on screen and I am so happy that you are breaking the barrier we are beautiful and talented people and I am grateful for your bravery

Patrika:T hank you. I never entered this role thinking about that.

Patrika: I was totally taken aback when they wanted me on the show.

Patrika: My primary job is to be an actress and to be thought of that way is really, very flattering.

Patrika: It's my responsibility to give back to the audience, and this is one way for me to do so.

Drummergirl_709 asks: Where was your first acting job?

Patrika: Ohh. Let's see now.

Patrika: The first professional job was... I don't remember, hold on.

Patrika: I know it must have been a sitcom, I just can't remember which one.

Patrika: I do know I did Keanu Reeves' first film, The Night Before. It was my first film, too.

BeAuTiFuL_BaBe_4_U_99 asks: Once again, do you enjoy the hair styles they choose for you?

Patrika: Some of them are a bit big, I have a lot of hair.

Patrika: I have 4 or 5 people's hair.

Patrika: Kevin is always joking about the fact that he has to work around my hair.

Patrika: Tell me what you like and don't like and they'll listen.

rosabellek asks: What do you and your husband do on your days off?

Patrika: I take my dogs for long walks. Go up to Santa Barbara.

Snaps34_13 asks: What is Mike Horton really like??

Patrika: Roark is quiet. I don't work a lot with him. He's always on top of the job. He's a professional.

Patrika: I think he's cute as a button, a devoted family man.

chatty0036 asks: Is your husband ever jealous of the sence you play with Kevin

Patrika: My husband knows I love him, so there's nothing to be jealous of.

Patrika: Of course, Kevin and I have gone off together now, so people talk.

Patrika: But marriage is based on trust. My husband has nothing to worry about.

mattdapp asks: Hi Patrika how are you doing whats it like to be famous and a star of days of our lives in America

Patrika: I never think of myself as a star.

Patrika: I think of myself as an actor that is lucky enough to be working.

Patrika: Sandra Bullock is a star.

Patrika: I'm happy to be in your homes each day, and I love the character of Nancy.

Snaps34_13 asks: What about this Bo and Hope/Gina thing?

Patrika: It's a story line that I'm not into. We only get the script that we're in.

Patrika: We never know what's going to happen. I think the writing is ingenius.

Patrika: I don't see much of Kristian until we're working.

suzylynn25 asks: How did you feel when you found out you were cast with kevin spirtas

Patrika: My agent said watch the show today and you'll see who's playing your husband.

Patrika: I leaped across the room to the phone and asked them if they really knew who I was???

Patrika: It's just not heard of for someone like me traditionally to be with such a gorgeous man.

Patrika: What surprised me was that we are all so conditioned to believe only the pretty people do this and the others do that.

Patrika: We have to get rid of that!

Patrika: It's unnecessary discrimination.

Patrika: We're born the way we are. The cruelty is really too bad. We should all be a little more tolerant in this world.

Patrika: I'm not waving a flag, it's just what I believe.


Patrika: Well, I would be a liar if I said I didn't feel insecure sometimes, but most ot the time, it's not a problem.

Patrika: As an actress, I know that I'm talented or I wouldn't be working.

Patrika: In the moment that everyone is tolerant, then everyone accepts what every one else is.

Patrika: Krista Allen-Morrit sent me flowers on the day of the awards and she was so gracious, so kind, and she's the most beautiful woman. She said Patrika, you are a beautiful person inside and out and don't let anybody ever tell you otherwise.

shmartsy1 asks: What have you learned from working with and watching other actresses that have spent many years on Days?

Patrika: Daytime TV is shot very fast. But I also need to learn to slow down. That's what I've learned, that I can slow down. It has to do with a three camera shoot.

Patrika: Sometimes when working with other actors, you have to take a pause occaisionally in order for things to work out. I've also learned to use the monitors, which show you what you're doing while you working.

Patrika: I have learned a lot of great technical stuff and it really helps.

Patrika: It pays to watch the other actors when they're working.

D_IN_DALLAS32 asks: what do you do to prepare for you scenes?

Patrika: Because we get new scripts so fast, what I try to do is read over it a few hundred times.

Patrika: I am the kind of actor that likes to get to know the story and then it makes it easier to work with the material.

Patrika: I learn the lines verbatim, and then we dive into the work.

Patrika: I try to get to the set early and we run the lines with the other actors.

Crimson_Cowl asks: Patrika, you're awesome! You stand out as my fave DAYS character! I know about Nancy, but what about you? What kind of music do you like? What are some of your favorite TV shows? Congrats on the award :)

Patrika: I like country music, I like musical comedy stuff from theatre.

Patrika: Big band is a blast.

Patrika: ER is a great show, NYPD Blue, The Practice.

Patrika: And I love Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Patrika: I think it has the most wonderful writing. They hit some great points with teenagers.

Patrika: They're very clever.

shmartsy1 asks: Did you ever watch Days before you joined the show? Were you familiar with any of the supercouples? If so what is it like now to watch it from a new perspective?

Patrika: I really never watched any particular soap.

Patrika: I did know Deidre Hall, and Bo and Hope were familiar terms to anyone.

Patrika: It was interesting to meet Deidre, Peter, and Kristian.

crafter204 asks: if you weren't an actress, what would you be doing?

Patrika: I'd be dead.

Patrika: I think that is a hard question. If I wasn't acting, I don't know what I'd do.

Patrika: If you're miserable doing what you're doing, stop it! Go do what you really want to do.

Patrika: Life is too short to not do what you want to do.

TyroneusD asks: I saw you in "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil," how was working with Clint Eastwood?

Patrika: It was terrific. First of all, he's an icon.

Patrika: He's been through every medium.

Patrika: Actor, director.

Patrika: He's incredible.

Patrika: Garden of Good and Evil was funny because he always had such a laid-back way of working, but everyone worked really hard.

Patrika: He's always well prepared. He knows what he wants.

Patrika: He also know's how to tell you what he wants.

TyroneusD asks: Do you feel like daytime's answer to Cameron Manheim from "The Practice?"

Patrika: Wow, that is such a compliment. Ultimately it's a wonderful thing. We can say that we have a large woman in daytime and a large woman in nighttime.

Patrika: She's got a book coming out that I'm going to get.

Patrika: I'd love to work with her.

Patrika: She seems like a wonderful woman.

BeAuTiFuL_BaBe_4_U_99 asks: Why did Franco leave? Was it just because they needed him to die?

Patrika: Again, I'm not sure. I'm pretty sure they needed it to happen to have the story go forward.

Patrika: I'm still in the dark too.

Patrika: I never know what's going to happen.

CherryLynn13 asks: who has been your favorite actress/actor to work with throughout your career?

Patrika: Beau Bridges.

Patrika: He was the first major star I worked with.

Patrika: I had done a play, Daddy's Dyin', Who's Got the Will. I did it for two years in LA for no money.

Patrika: It was so popular, we were asked to go to Europe.

Patrika: Then it was made into a movie, and Beau played opposite me.

Patrika: He does the same work when the camera is on him as when it's off.

KimKixx asks: Besides for Step By Step, what other have you been on??

Patrika: Roseanne, Sisters, practically every show you can name.

Patrika: The only show I haven't done is ER. Oh, and Chicago Hope.

Patrika: Now that I'm working so much, I don't know when I'll have the time to do extra work.

Patrika: I would love to be in ER, though. I think David Kelly is brilliant, so I'd love to work on The Practice again.

Starla05 asks: Nancy did u ever meet a famous person that u like growing up? do u get noticed walking down the street?

Patrika: Two people I met growing up. One was an old baseball player named Moe Berg. He was a spy for the US and a very interesting fellow.

Patrika: I met him through my step dad because he was in baseball.

Patrika: And Henry Aaron. Amazing.

nativeangel00 asks: Patrika,on Roseanne didn't you almost have an affair with Dan?

Patrika: Dan would have these dreams that he was having an affair. They were dreams.

pittbulls99 asks: now that baseball is back on the field.....who is your favorite baseball team?

Patrika: Gosh, I don't really watch baseball so I'd have to go with LA... the Dodgers.


Patrika: Again, I thank those people, and if it's meant to be, it will be. I try not to go coulda woulda shoulda.

Patrika: I can't dwell on that, I just have to go out there and do my work.

coolgirl88888888 asks: What time do you have to get up in the morning to go to the set of the show???

Patrika: Again, it depends on the call time. Sometimes I have to be there at 6 in the morning.

Patrika: Other times I'm there at 1 p.m.

Patrika: Sometimes we're there until 11 p.m.

AngelicDestinie asks: Who is your all time hero or role model?

Patrika: That's such a hard question, but I'd have to think it would be Elizabeth Glaser.

Patrika: She was really an amazing woman. She'd been through so much and she still moved forward with such strength.

Patrika: She started the Pediatric AIDS foundation.

PatrikaFan asks: Hello, Patrika!!! I just wanted to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Did you have a great time celebrating your birthday Tuesday???

Patrika: I had to work. But thank you very much.

Patrika: I'm going to celebrate next week.

TyroneusD asks: Do you have any pets? I bet you're a cat person.

Patrika: I'm a dog person

. Patrika: But lets put it this way, I like cats and dogs. I'm an animal person.

Patrika: I have a Cairn Terrier and his name is Rocky.

Patrika: He'll be thirteen in June. He's a diabetic, with a heart problem, one eye, takes heart medicine and doesn't think anything is wrong with him.

Patrika: Rocky lost the eye from diabetes.

Patrika: The other dog is a Shepherd/Lab/Akita/Chow. She looks like a big gold German Shepherd.

Patrika: Her name is Shooter.

Patrika: I rescued her when I did the film Daddy's Dyin'.

Patrika: She's a beautiful dog.

PetraF56 asks: What nationality is Patrika??

Patrika: Darbo is an Irish name.

Patrika: My mother didn't want Patricia, so she picked Patrika.

Bradybaby84 asks: How do you think Nancy will feel if her husband does get the Chief of Staff job?

Patrika: She'll feel satisfied and then start thinking what the next best thing for him to do.

girl_007_pez asks: i know this isnt about you acting carreer, (which is great, but)i have wanted to be a actress for so long, but im 13 and live in minnesota, any idvice on getting a job on a movie or t.v???????

Patrika: Be sure you finish school first. But specialize. I still take classes now. There are a lot of commercials shot in Minnesota, a lot of work can be had.

Patrika: First of all talk to your mom and dad, 'cause being a minor you have to have a guardian with you all the time.

Patrika: You can call the local Unions, SAG or AFTRA, or find an agent that's local.

Patrika: You really have to make sure your parents are willing to do that kind of work.

Patrika: Write to me at DAYS and I'll give you some more info.

VanSpike asks: What is your most memorable event at Days so far and who do you like best to work with?

Patrika: We were told that we were going to be jumping out a window and I told the crew to make it "big enough for my butt".

Patrika: It was really very funny.

Patrika: But jumping through the window was a blast.

Patrika: On the day that we jumped through the window, we were rehearsing and I watched someone jump out of the window, then I went up and jumped out the window.

Patrika: But they weren't ready for me to jump.

Patrika: so everyone was amazed.

Patrika: They call me "FEARLESS" out there now.

Patrika: Anyway, that was the most fun thing to do.

Patrika: Goodbye everyone. Goodnight, and thank you again for voting for me.

Patrika: Look for something exciting. We're going to Las Vegas and something exciting will happen.
