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The Domain Of Erebos

Some people said it was crazy to mate a giant fire-breathing dragon with a Labrador Retriever. And maybe they were right. Maybe...

Welcome to my home. This is a small tribute to my Darkwing Duck fan hood. I will be adding more things along the way, so visit often. Please feel free to look around to your heart's content. Last Update: 3-14-04: I should put a notice up so that no one is left wondering or anything. I haven't really abandoned this site. If I get an urge to finish a fic here or there I might. But this site is mostly dead now. The message board is coming down and I probably won't be updating much any more. Just thought some of you would like to know. I've really gotten too busy in life to keep it up. My E-mail is at the bottom if you want to send me a note, or my AIM is Drakit81 if you want to give me a shout. The site itself will remain up as well. Thanks for all your support and feed back. Especially Ricia and Draca. It's ment a lot to me. Thanks again and may the force be with you or what ever.

5-1-04: Just when I say no more updates, an update! New fic in the fiction sector. I just can't stay dead, can I?

Fan Fiction
Original fan fiction for original people.

About Raven
More about my fan character. Huzzah.

Fan Art
Holy crap! Fan art, on this page? No good can come of this... But check it out any way!

Also known as "Things characters have said that make me laugh like a stupid little school girl!"

Find out why most fem fan characters make me want to projectile vomit!

About this website
Or "Why does this place look like crap?"

The only way yer gettin' out of here alive!

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NOTE: Darkwing Duck is a product of Disney and used with out permission. Why? Because no one loves me! No ducks, cats, wallrusus or bears where harmed during the making of this web site. Several cans of Coke and a lot of Gummie Wallyheads gave their lives valently. If you are unsatisfied with this web site, please return all unused portions for a full refund. Should you have a problem with me, my demons will be happy to take up the matter with you while you writhe in a lake of fire. Thank you.