Buu Clothing Guide

This is worn by Fat Buu, the top is black and yellow, it covers very little of Buu making him look huge. It doesn't connect in the front, but 2 straps going over the shoulders keep it on. He wears puffy white pants with his outfit, and a black belt with the Majin symbol on it. He also wears a purple cape which ties around his neck. Yellow gloves and boots are also worn with this.
This is pretty much the same as Buu's last outfit except for a few things. One of these is the cape and "shirt" are no longer worn. The pants are less puffy but still very baggy. Buu's boots are also different, this time they are black with 2 yellow horizontal striped. Last is the gloves, which are actually no longer gloves but things that slide over Buus wrist.
Buu has this outfit on after absorbing Gohan. The pants are a little less baggy but still white and the belt is still on him. The wrist coverers and boots also haven't changed. The new top uniform he's wearing has a baggy inner blue part that shows just a little bit of Buu's chest, the shoulders just go past Buu's but the loosely fall over the top of his arms. The outer red/orange part has a huge v in the front showing much of the blue clothe, all of the back is covered though.