Yamcha's Clothing Guide

Yamcha wears this throughout much of Dragonball. It contains a black shirt piece then ends at the shoulders and mid thigh. The groin area is wear it splits, making it more maneuverable (not like a skirt) a white belt is tied to his waist like a shoelace. In the middle of his shirt is a symbol, with a orange ring around it. This symbol stands for Music. He wears a very large bandana around his neck, its colored orange. His pants are also colored orange and he wears boots that go pretty high up his leg. The boots are colored black, white, and have tiny blue striped on the bends. A piece of white rope holds it securely to his foot.
Yamcha wears this Uniform through pretty much the rest of the series. Its very similar to what Goku wore as a child. The main thing is orange, and has a v neck. It ends at the shoulder and has a symbol in the front which shows he was trained by Master Roshi. He uses a black belt which ties to his waist. His shoes are blue and white, and securely fit to his foot without strings. He's got some pretty high tech feet protectors there...