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"Ace This" Trivia Quiz

Objective: test your Friends knowledge.
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1. Mark first appeared in which episode?

The One Where Ross and Rachel Take a Break
The One Where Rachel Quits
The One Where Chandler Can't Remember Which Sister
The One With All the Jealousy

2. In The One With the Thumb,

Phoebe’s bank gives her $1,000 and a football phone
Ross finds out that his childhood dog was sent to a farm in Vermont
Rachel makes fun of Ross’s over-pronunciation of words
All of the above

3. What has not been written on the MagnaDoodle in Chandler and Joey’s apartment?

"Get Out"
"Nice Nails Chandler"
"Evil Ross"
"Clean Bathroom"

4. In Phoebe’s song, “Love Song”, she says she’ll hold your hand as long as you have:

Ice Cream
A tan

5. Joey has never been called which of the following nicknames:

Mr. Kicky
Spackel Boy

6. Joey gets a role as a butt double in the same episode that:

Chandler finds out women often think he's gay
Rachel meets Paolo
New York has a blackout
Chandler dates a woman that's married and has a boyfriend

7. Ross went couch-shopping with:


8. What was on TV that Ross wanted to watch in TOW They’re Gonna PARTY?

An archeology special on TLC
A Meg Ryan movie
Something about bees on The Discovery Channel
Masterpiece Theatre

9. Who was Mr. Posner?

Monica’s favorite fourth-grade teacher
Phoebe’s boss for the Salvation Army collection stand
A man Ross used to work with at the museum
The head of the hiring committee at Bloomingdale’s

10. "A mistake?! What were you trying to put your penis in, her purse?" was a remark:

That Joey said to Chandler after he slept with Kathy
That Rachel retorted to Ross after she found out about the Xerox girl
That Monica made to Ross after his one-night stand with Janice
That Phoebe said to Joey after he slept with a director

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