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A Place For Your Heart

You came into my life, quite unexpectedly. You're not like another,
you're like no other. You made your way into my heart,
I knew right from the start, I was convinced you were special,
I surrender my heart. You've got something, I'm just unsure of what,
but I like it and I like it a lot.
You leave me wondering, so lost in my thoughts.
Do I even have a chance?
You hold me close as we lie in the dark, our heart's beat
to the same rhythm, our lips meet we ignite the fireworks have begun.
I feel as one, at long last I feel I belong.
Suddenly like a flash from your past, I'm gone, I'm none.
You encourage me, only to discourage, persuade me just to evade me.
You make me strong, yet leave me weak.
Sometimes you'll take time for us, just as suddenly you won't.
You escape to your space there in that place, where I have no face.
You want to take things slowly, so we move at your pace.
Lets, do this with grace, if there isn't a trace,
that we have a Place, then let us save face.
You go to your space, and I'll stay in my place.....


To The One I Love

I wish you were here,
I miss being there.
I wish that you cared
I know that we lost
but, I just think of all
that we shared.
I know life goes on
and I have to be strong
but the things that you say,
lead me to long.
Long for the yesterday
When we were one
Where we belong.

A Thought

I Loved all of our Yesterdays
Let's not let our Todays.
Destroy our Tomorrows.

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Future Dream

As days go by, we flee from our past.
Into our future with hopes and dreams, we've been cast.
To reach it at last, what we never knew from our past.
Dreams can come true, we can be happy at last, let go of the past.
Your future has come upon you at long last.
Tomorrow is your future, leave your past to the yesterdays.


When I Was In Love

by Unknown

Oh, when I was in love with you,
Then I was clean and brave,
And miles around the wonder grew
How well did I behave,

And now the fancy passes by,
And nothing will remain,
And miles around they'll say that I
Am quite myself again.



Where does one start, Where do I begin,
To explain ones feelings within,
Are you there? Do you still care?
Explain your feeling within!
I tremble, I shudder, I'm shakin' all over,
I wonder can you explain,
Where these feelings began.
I remember being a daughter and feeling
cherished. Now I'm a Mother, creating
memories to share.
Where do I turn, which way should I go.
I've lost something I wanted to share.
You were a gift of life for me, without
you, I wouldn't be. Gifts of life have no
meaning without the giver. I do my best
giving, but I feel I'm lacking my giver,
my father.
Why this linger, why this pain, does it
really hurt this bad when you really care.
Wanting, Longing, and Needing.
What do I say, how do I know.
Where these feeling belong, Where did we
go wrong. I remember when you cared, I
often flee back there to the times you
were there, when you still cared.
Can't we explore these feelings Within.
If you still care!


My Friend, Even Though We're Far Apart,
You're Still In My Heart

( dedicated to Sandi Vasquez )

I thought of taking a walk, what was I thinking in this frame of mind. I could get lost and no one would notice. I picked up the phone, thought I'd call an ole chum. What shall we chat about, the distance has ripped us apart, it tears at my heart, we've grown apart. We're happy to hear from each other, on occasion. We catch up on the events happening in each others lives. Recall pleasant memories we've shared, laugh at the wonder of them all. When one of us is down, the other is like a cure, we can make each other forget we were even down when we called.

I often wonder to myself, do you have the same thoughts of me as I do of you! I would go for a drive, just to be greeted by the smile on your face, happy to see me, that which can never be replaced. Always ready with a hug if you saw one was in need. We'd even cry ourselves into laughter, dust ourselves off and carry on.

I won't take that drive to the house of my best-friend, I know it's the distance, that keeps me away... I won't take that walk, I know you won't mind because your not close enough to reach for my hand... So I will call if only to chat for a short while--- I'll take that if it's all I can have, it keeps you in my heart. You my friend are a treasure. I miss you.

The Distance is Great. It tears at my Heart!!!


A Special Man

A Special Closeness, started anew I knew in the beginning, we would share wonderous escapades, and treasured moments to share. You treated me special, you showed me you cared.

I know if I had met you just a few years ago, you would be calling me 'My Pet'. You've touched me, got into my heart.

A Special Man, my true and trusted friend, always there for me, and trying to understand me. You would let me know in your subtle way, when I was getting out of line.

If only I had of met you, just a few years back. You'd be the Man, laying next to me each night, when I reach to turn out the light.

Please Believe in Me,

Have Faith I have to heal my heart.

If I can't give you it all, I'd just tear apart.


Why It Began

We began something, that starry night, as I recall it was mid November.
It feels as though it were yesterday.
You remember how we began, as I recall you took my hand in yours you led.

Why I Wonder.
We began to explore, you took me to Paradise, miles of white sandy beaches,
the ocean as blue as could be. I stood there in awe, absorbing it all, it left me
breathless. Dream's came true, fantasy were fulfilled, that most girls can only
hope to have come true. One starry night we walked along the beach barefooted,
my hand in yours you led the way.

I've Wondered Why.
Weekend get-aways came into play, we'd get out of town destination unknown.
Flee from the rat race, leave our worries behind. We'd drive to the Mountains
a cooler and more serene place where life moved at a slower pace.
We'd climb to the peaks, you'd take my hand in yours, you led the way.

Why Do I Wonder
I recall it all, that starry night late in the fall. When we began
you took my hand in yours. You started it all.

Brother's 2 Me

( dedicated to Dwayne & Tim Meeks )

Born the eldest of three, I was a she, the big sister, the 
listener, the protector, the leader. Two and a half years later,
 the second of three, you entered the world as a he,
a little brother, I was a big sister, and as proud as a girl
of two and half could be, its a daze, but hey I've aged to 43.
Eight years later came the third of us three, he also 
came as a he . Wow, I'd become the big sister to two
little brother's. I became the watcher , took your side
no matter what it might be. Picked you up after a fall.
I'd run if you called. Remember the days we as three 
would stand proud and tall. As your big sister , I just
wanted to let you know how grateful I am to have been
blessed with brother's I know , would be there for me 
if ever I should call. To let you know if ever you need 
me all you have to do is call......


A Gift From Above

by Willie T. England

And on that day the Angels showered the earth with flowers from paradise above, and tears of joy fell from their eyes like diamonds falling from the heavens above.

The clouds in the sky are no longer turned to brass turning away my prayers, my dreams, my needs, dropping them at my feet, crumbled and broken like a child's sand castle, having been trampled and destroyed by the feet of heathen bastards.

There is a sweet taste on my tongue and my lips and the stars of a million years twinkle and glow inside me. A warm, fresh and wonderful feeling fills my soul. My days before I could only feel that I was alone.

I'll never forget the feeling I felt when you first wrapped yourself around my waiting, battered, bruised and hungry heart, like the gentle sweet singing of leaves in the wind.

The goose bumps and the tingling feeling I felt when you first spoke thru my lips, I was then and even now walking on sunshine. My heart is aglow and my spirit is risen.

I want to spend the rest of my life with you, thru the mountains, thru the valleys, thru the clear, thru the storm.

I want to hold and love you in the parasol moonlight, so please, king of kings, my higher power, bend down over me, like a willow bends down over a clear running stream and I will sing you this song I have received from up above, giving light to darkness and life to a dying heart, for the cold and the weeping rain, if it comes by your love, will be turned into sunshine again.

I love you


Spirits In The Wind

by Gary Thompson

Our souls long ago were one, yours and mine.
Our spirits divided drifting through time.

Separate was our Journey, our spirits in the wind.
Destined by fate, we would meet again.

Now reunited, we shall shed no more tears,
our spirits together for the rest of our years.

Our thoughts and our dreams were taken before.
Our lives and our love will be separate no more.

Our love grows stronger whenever we touch.
Our life together, it means so much.

Like spirits in the wind we will find our way.
Forever and ever in love we'll stay.


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Unless otherwise noted, all poems by Cheryl Lynn Meeks

Copyright ©2008 Cheryl Meeks


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