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-About me

-Pointless Rambling

-E-mail me

-Chat room

-Awards for you

-The black abyss



-Pictures 2


-3D Animations

-3D Backgrounds

-Movies and music

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-Power Levels

-What is a dragonball?

-Character Races

-Attack list

-Dragonball AF

-The Radditz saga

-The Vegeta saga

-The Freiza Saga

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-DarkTrunks's DBZ Site

-Vegeta's DBZ Archives

-Zanken the Omega's DBZ Page

-Goku Girl19's DBZ Homepage

-Dragonball WorldWide

-The Dragonball Z Palace

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...*Sigh*. Well, as you can see, I haven't updated for a VERY long time, mainly due to the amount of other things, such as school, that I had to be doing, so I've decided to slow only update when I can, and don't worry, I will not shut it down. Fianlly, thank you everyone for those of you that have been coming here. ~Shadow Gogeta~


Here is a list of recent updates just incase you want a recap

1. Races section put up.

2. Races section in making process.

3. Funimation anger ranting.

4. New layout up.

Otherwise, nothing really new except some additions to character race pictures.~Shadow Gogeta~


Hey, I finally got up the character races section. I currently have have pictures for most of them, and I will get the rest up shortly. ~Shadow Gogeta~


Sorry about my spaced out updates, but it's surprisingly hard to find time to update with all the homework, and assignments I have to do, much less the minimal amount of time I have whenever I'm on a computer, because someone else always wants to go on and......enough rambling already. I have a whole section for that. Anyways, I am almost finished the "races" section, and I know I started it a while ago, but like I said, I don't have a lot of time. Oh well, see ya. ~Shadow Gogeta~


I have put up my new guestbook because my old one didn't work properly, so if you have the time, please sign it.~Shadow Gogeta~


Hey again. I have delayed the "races" section and am only starting it now because of exam studying. Now that they're over I can get updating again. ~Shadow Gogeta~


Hey, sorry about that lack of updating for 2 months, but i was on a trip and I have school and exams getting in the way so I dont have much time for updating. Other than that, I have begun creation on a new section which will be coming soon entitled "Races" which will describe the different character races in DBZ and examples of which characters are which.~Shadow Gogeta~



I was annoyed at funimation before because of their censoring, but now im pissed as of the world tournement saga. They replace the word "kill" with the word "hurt". WTF!?!? Hurt? just hearing that gave me a headache. If you want to see more of my ranting about things then go to my new pointless rambling section which will be up soon.~Shadow Gogeta~


I was sick from school today *cough cough* so I'm not feeling all that great right now but I'm updating anyway. I put up 3 new awards that sites can win, the bronze, silver, and gold. I'll be putting up the platinum award soon. I've also changed some of the pages already. Most of them are in the info section.~Shadow Gogeta~


Today is "take your kid to work day" for grade nines where I live, a day where a parent or friend takes you to there their work to show you what it's like in the workplace. In fact, I'm writing this exact message from my dad's office computer.~Shadow Gogeta~

I still haven't changed the other pages to my new layout, but I'll try to do that tonight~Shadow Gogeta~


I finally got my new layout done. I think it's a big improvement from the last one, but the pages besides this one have not been changed from their original state yet. I'll get to that soon though. Besides this, no news today. Later.~Shadow Gogeta~


Here's a little commemorative picture in celebration of halloween.

~Shadow Gogeta~