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Video Games
Video Games

Since Harley's creation in 1992 for Batman: The Animated Series, she has appeared in quite a few Batman related video games. Check out the various video games Harley's played a part in. Also, check out the animation of each game in the various pieces of eye candy!

Adventures of Batman and Robin
Adventures of Batman and Robin on Sega Sega Genesis

One of the games that Harley made a cameo appearance in, she controls a giant robot. You must beat three layers of the robot, then it explodes and Harley ejects from her seat and she tosses bombs in your direction.

Adventures of Batman and Robin
Adventures of Batman and Robin on Super Nintendo Super Nintendo

Harley even has a lesser appearance in this game, which has the same title as the Sega one though it's a bit different. Although Harley is only in the game taunting Batman, she has better animation than the Sega version of the game.

Picture created by Zelu!

Adventures of Batman and Robin
Sega CD

Another game that I have yet to play, I've heard a lot of good comments about this game. I've seen various pictures, but none with Harley. From what I've heard, Batman goes up against Joker and Harley in a carnival!

Got a picture of Harley? Send me one!

Batman: Chaos in Gotham
Chaos in Gotham on Gameboy Color Gameboy Color

In her first appearance on a hand-held game, Harley is again controlled by the computer. This time, she protects the Joker by trying to destroy Batman in a opera-type theatre with the comedy and tragedy masks. She jumps around on a pogo stick, so I've been told.

By the way, correct me if I'm wrong, because I haven't actually played this game yet. I've just seen a picture.

Batman: Gotham City Racer

A game where Harley is a playable character! This, of course, is a car game. The one player action consists of you playing as Batman in the Batmobile, going on missions against Arkham and Blackgate escapees. You can play against Harley, who has a car which is painted black and red, with diamonds on the top. In two player mode, you can play as Harley's car!

Correct me again if I'm wrong, because I haven't played this yet, either... Got a picture of her car? Email me!

Batman: Vengeance
Batman: Vengeance on Playstation 2 Playstation 2, Gamecube X-box

The most recent game that Harley appeared in. Featured Arleen Sorkin's voice and 3D graphics to go along with it. Harley played a big role in the story, as well. Get more information here.
