In the Joker's lair, he is screaming at Harley. "HARLEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!". "Yeah, Mistah J, what is it?". She says very politely. "What's this?!" he screams at her. She glances at the "Gotham Times" paper that is in Joker's hand. The front story is "Harley Quinn...going bonkers with Batman". Joker smacks Harley across the face. "What is this?! You, hanging around with the Bat?!" Ferther into the article, Joker sees a capition, written in tiny print is the words "Batman and Harley - Two Love Birds That World Never Thought They'd See!". Joker's temper blew as he ran at Harley. Seeing the Joker's anger, Harley runs toward the door, opening it and running outside. Before the door shouts, Joker screams, "Don't ever call ME puddin' again! Better yet, don't ever come BACK again!!!!". As he screams those very words and shouts the door, tears start dripping from Harley's eyes. She wants to know who is responcible for this. Wondering greatly who could have done this, she wonders to Toxic Acres, the first hideout of Harley when she was with Poison Ivy. Wanting to see Ivy, nothing was left there but the old pictures left on the refrigerator when they were known as the "Queens of Crime."

Not knowing where to turn, Harley walks around Gotham, unseen. She thinks to herself, "Maybe I should go to Arkham and free one of my old friends ta help me. Maybe Two-Face... errr...Puppet-Face...errr...Lizard Man. But I miss Mistah J." Depresed because she is not with her lover and babies, Harley walks to Arkham, remembering the times when she was Doctor Quinzel. This is too much for her to handle. She thinks that she can't take it anymore. "If I have to suffer, everyone in Gotham will suffer with me!" Back at the Joker's base, Joker starts thinking that maybe it was all plained out, and that it wasn't Harley's fault. "Come to think about, why would Harley do that?" he thinks to himself as he ponders over his next plan to get Batman. "I can't think of a way to get Harley back. Any idea's Moe, Cur, Lar?" "No Mr. Joker. We ain't got no ideas." Moe said in a trembling voice, scared that Joker would be mad that they had no answers. On the streets, Harley decides not to sneak one of the Arkham inmates out because she has her own plan, a trick up her sleeve. Harley is going to take captive Mayor Hill, and steal the Atomic Bomb that Joker stole those couple years ago, since it was never used. She wants to finish one of Joker's plans, only this time, he WON'T interfere. Harley rushes to the Mayors office, unseen, and captures Mayor Hill (not an easy task.) The headline is all over the "Gotham Times" and Joker sees that Harley is taking one of HIS plans. That drives him crazy but he does not want to interfere because he knows how Harley can get. But he doesn't really care so he goes out to find Harley. Joker finds Harley and Harley's mind snaps. She decides to not only blow up the Mayor and the rest of Gotham, and to blow up herself and Joker withit! At this time Batman shows up. As much as he hates this, he knows there is only one way to stop Harley...The Joker. Batman knows he will never convince Joker seeing that this was perfect, atomic bomb to blow up Gotham, plane to fly away before Gotham has blown up, it's perfect! But Batman, knows, he MUST ask Joker because Joker...IS...the only hope. "Joker, you must listen to me..." Batman starts. "What is it Bats? Don't try anything crazy 'cause someone might get hurt? make me laugh! Hahahaha!" Joker screams as he thinks that he scanned Batman's mind. "Actully, you ARE the only hope for Gotham..." "What?" Joker says in a questioning way. "You mean I can help Gotham? And people say I'm crazy?!" Joker says laughingly. "You ARE the only way. Harley won't listen to anyone else but YOU! You should know this, you've only lived with her for..." "Kay Bats. I get the picture. Okay, okay, I'll do it. The only reason it that I won't have to go to Arkham and this will be a fresh start for me...hahahaha." "Harley, baby, pumpkin-pie...where are you?" askes Joker in a loving voices. "Don't even think about it clown! This is the last time you will make me think you love me!" "It's useless, Batman! What were you thinking!" Joker yells to Batman as he is trembling. "Wait a sec. Hey Baby, this is a great plan!" he says to Harley as she is about to fly away. "You really think so, puddin'? Whoops." Harley said as she backs off. "Baby, you can call me puddin' anytime!" Joker says. "Wreally! Ala!" Harley yells as she runs to the Joker's arms. "Sure baby, anytime!"