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Pool Party at the Hampton Inn

More than 20 of us gathered around the Hampton Inn pool for a little party Friday night. It was late (after the Doug Dillard Band's show) and was getting pretty cool but that didn't stop us from having fun. There was a surprise engagement shower for Brian and Melanie, then a trivia contest conducted by Marsha and Dave, a 'greedy exchange' of gifts folks had brought and then doorprizes. It was good to visit with our old friends and get to know more of our new friends. We were also proud to have George Spence and Jim (a REAL Prince...) Clark join us.

pool99-1Some of the folks at the party.

Anabelle1 Melanie and Brian Schwump1

You are surprised, I can tell by your face you are.pool99-2

jennie1 Carolyn and Donna
Jo mg1

pool99-3Ron won an official "Mr. Schwump" toupee.

What is Trisha so excited about and why is George Spence smiling?

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